Mark, I love Carlos' personality I really hope he makes it but I'm afraid reality is against him with society and conservatives fighting aganist guys like him. In order to turn homelessness around will require a massive social service restructuring and conservatives are hell bent against that. When nonprofits are able to make a difference thay fail due to lack of funds so it may or may not surprise you that Solid Ground in Roseville Michigan just closed. 1 step 4ward 3 steps back.
Conservatives don't make bad choices for people. The bible says "you reap what you sow".... it also says "A man who doesn't work, doesn't eat"..... that's not insensitive, that's reality. The mentally ill homeless are the ones we need to take care of..... everyone else can go to churches for food and clothes. You don't need to raise taxes to help the homeless. There is help out there....
I wish him the best, the system sucks, when someone in his situation tries to change his life he can't
Keep strong gee u got it my name is Carlos too and I'm homeless and I stay in vine and santa monica
Keep strong Carlos!!
Have interviewed homeless people in San Bernardino, California before?
U got this gee
Each of us in his own way works for the good of others. By the grace of God (life)
SublimeSati, the Bible also says "as you do to the least of these you do unto me."
Mark, I love Carlos' personality I really hope he makes it but I'm afraid reality is against him with society and conservatives fighting aganist guys like him. In order to turn homelessness around will require a massive social service restructuring and conservatives are hell bent against that. When nonprofits are able to make a difference thay fail due to lack of funds so it may or may not surprise you that Solid Ground in Roseville Michigan just closed. 1 step 4ward 3 steps back.
Conservatives don't make bad choices for people. The bible says "you reap what you sow".... it also says "A man who doesn't work, doesn't eat"..... that's not insensitive, that's reality. The mentally ill homeless are the ones we need to take care of..... everyone else can go to churches for food and clothes. You don't need to raise taxes to help the homeless. There is help out there....