‘The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC) issued guidance permitting national banks and federal savings associations(banks) to provide custody services for crypto assets.’ The growth of the cryptocurrency market in the future depends on who and how kindly the custody service will be provided. The Eulogian Foundation is building a strong global network with experts who can provide cryptocurrency custody services. If you need more information about the custody service, please contact us through our website. www.eulogianfoundation.com/
This standard was issued in 2020
‘The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC) issued guidance permitting national banks and federal savings associations(banks) to provide custody services for crypto assets.’ The growth of the cryptocurrency market in the future depends on who and how kindly the custody service will be provided. The Eulogian Foundation is building a strong global network with experts who can provide cryptocurrency custody services. If you need more information about the custody service, please contact us through our website. www.eulogianfoundation.com/