  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024


  • @lolwhat3743
    @lolwhat3743 4 роки тому +5


  • @ditoradhya1646
    @ditoradhya1646 4 роки тому +10

    the meaning of tolerance

  • @TheJavanis2045
    @TheJavanis2045 3 роки тому +3

    Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar

  • @withreed7224
    @withreed7224 4 роки тому +2

    The prayer nearby Church of annunciation, is it?

  • @habibbokerbinsumaith1307
    @habibbokerbinsumaith1307 4 роки тому +8

    ♥️♥️🇮🇩♥️🇵🇸 love falestine

  • @NoName-zq4gq
    @NoName-zq4gq 5 років тому +19

    I'm from indonesia. I love you palestina

    • @zeizzouhaizzchannel7285
      @zeizzouhaizzchannel7285 3 роки тому

      Itu di Israel om bukan di Palestina

    • @nizamazhar4000
      @nizamazhar4000 3 роки тому

      Me too

    • @ana-fr8nq
      @ana-fr8nq 3 роки тому

      @@zeizzouhaizzchannel7285 lu Itu Hina PALESTINA

    • @zeizzouhaizzchannel7285
      @zeizzouhaizzchannel7285 3 роки тому

      @@ana-fr8nq ga nyambung Cok ini kan judul nya di Israel bukan Palestina kalo di Palestina baru lah buka suara🤣

    • @ana-fr8nq
      @ana-fr8nq 3 роки тому

      @George Walker William halah

  • @firechanel5757
    @firechanel5757 5 років тому +2


  • @ikmal-nx6ye
    @ikmal-nx6ye 3 роки тому +1

    I like Muslim Israel I not hate Israel country

  • @ikmal-nx6ye
    @ikmal-nx6ye 3 роки тому

    How many Muslim in Israel

  • @mkelvinriskiramadhan7508
    @mkelvinriskiramadhan7508 Місяць тому +1


  • @budgetmicro5387
    @budgetmicro5387 4 роки тому +2

    Hopefully one day Muslim majority countries will indeed allow this kind of tolerance in their countries

    • @nab1610
      @nab1610 2 роки тому

      Already allowing in Dubai

    • @robertsmith8629
      @robertsmith8629 Рік тому

      Wth come to Indonesia, Malaysia, uae, Qatar, Turkey and many more 😂 meanwhile you banned hijab in France, kill people in afganistan, commited genocide in Iraq by USA, illegal ocupation of Palestine land and many more 😂

  • @AsgharKhan-vy9gd
    @AsgharKhan-vy9gd 5 років тому +2

    I love insan.....

  • @indonesiacinta155
    @indonesiacinta155 5 років тому +4


  • @theacuser717
    @theacuser717 3 роки тому

    "Those who accepted humilliations,snatches,expose your other cheek to be slapped,mockings,ridicules in my name. You are my friends. Those who prefer keeping your posessions,wealth.
    Be notified; its decided, your earth life for eternity (never will see God), let them known because they just dont believe that is easier for a camel go through a needle eye than,
    a rich man entering Heaven. Wealth on earth is enemy to entrance admission: The door is very narrow and their possesions wont fit through.
    They dont understand, their arrogance makes them believe a false preference. My Mother who is the most perfect creature, like there never was or will be, obeyed the Law strictly.
    Who do you think you are?, Do you believe to be superior to her? Holy Mary, so you can be an exception?.
    "My death on the cross was gruesome, but i accepted it for love, so you could be saved. However, you must wish to be saved, must believe, must read my Holy Word. If you igonre
    it, how are you going to find the path?. No one loves more than who gives his life for his friends!. I asked your frienship by delivering to crucification and, even that
    doesnt seem to convince you.
    "My mother is my biggest gift to you for the end of times, if my crucifixion hasnt touched your hearts, perhaps tears of the most perfect creature of love and sweetness would.
    Perhaps, i thought, tears of a mother convince you to abandon that route, wich is nothing else than a cliff to hell. But, a son that doesnt stop upon a loving mother's plea, wont
    stop at anything. If you dont seek her love, or disregard it, like youve been doing until now. My father's holy wrath will be unavoidable, he who keeps giving you extension
    after extension of mercy, justifying and loving you with passion.
    "My dear children, cant you see there no more time?, it ran out entirely. The eternal patience of the Father had to be chopped up, so the saved ones remain as such. They have
    infested every corner with filth and malice (Satanic Elite wich are the true rules this world) . Can you imagine this generation of children who grew up in front of a TV and
    videogames?, theyre just empty shells, ready to be filled up by Satan at the least opportunity; Your disbelief have emptied your children"
    -Virgin Mary
    "And believe it or not, nothing remains empty. Those who dont want to be filled up by my Holy Spirit, will be by Satan's evil. You have seen already what your children are capable
    of (shootings). Tell me whos gonna stop them?, by what strenght?, what truth?. If you dont know my holy word, if you dont pray, whos gonna stop them?. Yearning the past you will
    in a very short time. Do not reject my mother, doing so would be same as rejecting your own salvation. Youre sheltered by her in this life"
    "My little ones hear me, my Holy Mother awaits you with the greatest love there is, Her beautiful arms received my bloodless body descending from the cross, seek refuge in her
    Immaculate Heart, so when your time comes, my Holy Mother will drive away the demons, whom will try to drag you down in those last moments. Why would you think i am unfair, since i
    am the Perfect Justice?. Those who crucified me, intend to sit around my table along with my friends, them who instead of going to parties, guarded themselves accompanying me,
    despite doing it poorly, gave me their love, time,thoughts, and kneel down before my Holy Cross. Meanwhile you eat, drink, and laugh at them. Do you believe to be fair if i granted
    you the same fate as my sheep?. Dont fool yourselves, surprise will be terrible with bone crunching and teeth grinding. Ill tell you this now, so you can still repent and fix
    your ways. Since i am the infinite mercy for those who do regret their bad doing and return to my loving arms. But, you have to do it right now because ive said it; theres no
    time. Eternity opens up and the time of men wich, is the time of gentiles comes to an end. Just as with my beloved Israel. invoke my Mother, invoke my father Saint Joseph.
    "Dont be afraid,i am very tender hearted and understand the human condition, remember i was a man too, i was head of the Sacred Family wich i eagerly protected, Ill do it the same
    way with those families entrusted to me. Consecrate your families to my parental care, My beloved Son has granted me the tittle of mankind's step father. May be the Holy Mary's
    arms on wich you take your last breath, theres no greater beauty or joy than the tenderness of her maternal care, dying on her arms will be like lull to sleep, by a soft song of love.
    -Saint Joseph
    "First you have my Divine Mercy, but ill remind you with sorrow; it doesnt oppose my Justice, eases up and completes it only. In other words my children; if youre evil, live in evil,
    die in evil, What destiny you think its obtained?, who will claim your souls?, he who you served, youll go with him.......... Serve me, serve the Heavens so it can claim your souls
    instead when the time comes, youre free to decide, choose wisely. Once the judgement passed, its irreversible.
    In my Mercy and Love climax, ive granted you the Sacrament of redemption, so no matter how evil youve been, you can still find salvation. My blood calls upon the Father who loves me.
    Ive given you my Cross (service and persecution if necessary), so you can be saved by it too. Ive given you my Holy Mother, who is restless pilgrim on Earth, and bursts an abundant
    spring from her Immaculate Heart, one and a thousand ways to be saved, yet you dont take any.
    Conversely, you blame the Heavens for your loss, having so much time in life to repent and search for me, who hugs you with infinite love, yet dont attempt it, waiting at the last
    instance to do so, not expecting the devil's ambush, he will make use of all tricks and temptations to make you fall, claiming your souls as his, because youve been his all your life
    you imitate him, the very same reflection. And not that of your Lord, Christ Redeemer, and the devil will claim you as his.
    Rejecting Me, my Law, My Loving Father, my Holy Spirit, rejecting my Mother, my Saints who can plead for you, my Angels, through your whole lives. And even so, want to ask my
    forgiveness at the final moment, Ill tell you this as my dear children; Wasnt the other crucified man blaspheming until the end, despite having the Son of God at his very side?.
    I warn you; making your way to the end blind, die blind as well. Just like the bad theft who had me by his side, he who rejected me until the end".

    • @andanandan6061
      @andanandan6061 2 роки тому

      *Rejecting my Law*
      What was law Jesus brought and are present Christians still practicing the law ? If not mistaken Paul the founding father of christianity told to abolish the Law long ago.

  • @theacuser717
    @theacuser717 3 роки тому +1

    "Third fall, this fall is the hardest, the most painful and, ive said it; it was due to this terrible wicked generation, that even men themselves would never have imagined,
    maintaining your evil ways and corruption, reaching a heinous scale. Where do you intended to get following this road?, do you really think the cliff to hell falls into heaven?.
    My little ones, dont get frightened hearing my holy words, they need to be heard as a testimoy of my anger towards this wicked generation and children molesters, wich make them
    suffer even in my own Churh. Theres no other falling, you submerged generation in the mud of sin, ive said it, youre this last fall.
    "My Mother, my Blessed Mother, she understood me ever since inside her belly, to the Cross. She knows me, loves me, and nursed me, brought cloth and food, a ferfect home. Ive given her
    to you my children, so you dont become orphan, not of parents, brothers or a teacher. Your perfect guide to Heaven. You ignore her, look down. She who did so much good to my small
    self, her perfect holiness could harbor God himself in her Virgin belly, her love is so big and perfect that all of my children fit in her Heart, yet you dismiss her. No one like her can
    take you to my Sacred Heart, as nobody knows and loves me like she does. Reason why she's not only your Perfect Mother, but your perfect guide and master too. Deliver yourselves into
    the Holy Hands of my Holy Mother, alone you wont get to your destination.
    Back then, my disciples, my apostles, they went to the Mother's, looking for guidance, shelter, assistance, relief, even though having themselves. She was the necessary one. Greater help
    to you who are alone and surrounded by such evil. She welcomes, protect, guide, and loves you always; as long as you stretch out your hand to be hold by hers, holy hands. May She be
    in your growth, conversion and sanctification process, only she can deliver you to me.
    Believe it, if you dont by reading this, do it by whats a fact. A lonely, abandoned, confused creature, holding hands with Holy Mary, can reach the Heavens. Ill tell you; Without her
    you wont.
    "My children, it is necessary for you to understand and accept; This world was,is, and will be ruthless with you. Same as it was with me, your Divine Master. You my Sheep go all over the
    world thinking everybody is the same as you. Nasty surprise to confirm their hearts are hardened some, demonized others. When you feel dead thirsty, theyll give you vinegar. I want you to
    know this so your heart doesnt rot like theirs, reason why ive asked you to guard yourselves from in this, the end of times. The hearts have become as evil as the Roman soldiers who
    crucified me. Accept this truth at once.
    Take my Holy place and ponder; these same soldiers are everywhere and will treat you the same. Guard yourselves, if you are treated like your Lord, your souls could become bitter like
    vinegar and not sweet like wine. This is why i warn you; guard yourselves from this last generation wich, is the last sip given to your Lord. Dont blend with them"
    "Wicked generation, you have crucified me again, as if the first time was not enough. Its like youre saying; Lord Jesus, stay crucified, while we get satisfied from sinning, but
    dont worry we'll repent on our very death bed. Youre blatant cynical. I know even your deepest thoughts, and i know you think this way. Theres no worst impudence.
    Your souls will shout; Jesus,jesus!. I tell you now, if you didnt meet me on Earth, I wont meet you in Heaven. If i gave you the same reward i have prepared for those who did
    humilliate before me, served , joined and loved me. Wouldn't that be unfair to them?.
    You crucify me again and those who carry my cross, I dont see anything else from you besides the grotesque, mocking laughter at my name and all that has to do with me.
    "My friends like Nicodemus, whom God has given wealth, use it for charity, assist the poor, Theres so many need and, your sharing can make a difference in so many lives;
    not doing it while owning so much, will be the same as treasuring this world more than your place in Heaven. Many of you will be stripped off your belongings in this
    the end of times, so you can finally look up to the Sky.
    If you love material things more than me, they will induce you despair and, will make you even try to take your lives. If you truly love me and remain my friend, you will thank
    God for all thats been taking away, goods are no more than heavy chains.
    My friends, ive decided to release you from those chains but, youre free to decide; going back to your prisons or walking over my bloody footsteps.
    Follow me then!, walk with simplicity,modesty and lightness, since youre going after your Divine Master, Your Lord, Your Friend".

  • @wiwitaaza9967
    @wiwitaaza9967 4 роки тому +11

    Kenapa manusia begitu rakus, apa mereka pikir bumi ini milik mereka org² JHT yg tega menindas sesamanya 😭😭

    • @bangmajidcn4791
      @bangmajidcn4791 4 роки тому +7

      Ketahuilah,, sebenarnya umat islam, yahudi, kristen, hidup dalam damai selama ribuan tahun,
      Dan semua berubah saat tahun 1900an, ketika dinasty ustmaniah runtuh dan inggris jadi penguasa dunia,
      Perlu di ingat, yg jahat bukan individunya tapi aktor yg mempropagandakan yg berada dibalik layar ,

  • @mkelvinriskiramadhan7508
    @mkelvinriskiramadhan7508 3 місяці тому +1

    We stand with Palestine. Nazareth belongs to Palestine 🇵🇸❤️🇧🇷

  • @mehmetadnanfatih341
    @mehmetadnanfatih341 5 років тому +9

    Save palestine

  • @qhodellavanam4742
    @qhodellavanam4742 4 роки тому +3

    I love Palestina😍

  • @haniwahyuni4983
    @haniwahyuni4983 3 роки тому +1

    I love palestina

  • @limbukut4047
    @limbukut4047 4 роки тому

    yahudi, nasrani, muslim tapi orang palestina tetap mereka sikat tapi kalau muslim dan nasrani di israel tetap saudara mereka..

    • @dedesusanto700
      @dedesusanto700 3 роки тому

      warga israel jika di luar pasti akan kami sikat sampai habis..dunia akan memburu semua warga israel

    • @salshalanty8242
      @salshalanty8242 3 роки тому

      @@dedesusanto700 sampai detik ini, saya tidak pernah dengar orang indo jihad di palestina.. jadi ga usah buas di sosmed, sana ke palestina..nakal kok di kandang...wkwkkwkwkw

    • @MrShy-op9gd
      @MrShy-op9gd 7 місяців тому

      yahudi (majusi) , kristen (nasrani) , islam (muslim) lebih tepat nya

  • @bangkalanceria4877
    @bangkalanceria4877 4 роки тому

    Ad resep maSak israel islam.. Goe dsini blum faham resep maSak israel.. Goe g trlalu suka.. Mkanan naSi goe g tratur.. Mlmny aj aku g sbrapa mkanny... Cpet bosAn goe resep indo.. Uman dr mama g bosen.. Klau mama maSak.

  • @bangkalanceria4877
    @bangkalanceria4877 4 роки тому

    Dulu dsaat allah ad.. DkaSi air.. Sm uang... Tapi hny buat aku.. CzA goe taat k allah... Gitu..
    Tapi goe dsini.. Sedih.. Prawan goe.. Goe sprt brbuat salah.. Mkany goe takut.. nabi isa.. Aplg turun mnurunny...
    Dr allah dan nabi muhammaD..udh.. Tapi dsini.. Goe maSi d dukonen... Sm.. Orang indo..panjang ceritny.. Ad dr allah dan nabi mnjlaSkn...

  • @nab1610
    @nab1610 2 роки тому

    Not Mohammad im

  • @agusagustian775
    @agusagustian775 4 роки тому +2

    Muslim2yang bersih insyaalloh imnitas tubuh nya kuat

  • @AmanSingh-qn3mw
    @AmanSingh-qn3mw 3 роки тому +4

    Love israel ❤️

    • @dedesusanto700
      @dedesusanto700 3 роки тому +1

      semua warga israel dalam incaran..kami akan berpartisipasi ikut membantai semua warga israel demi keamanan dunia

    • @dedesusanto700
      @dedesusanto700 3 роки тому +1

      seluruh penjuru dunia menginginkan kepala israel

  • @_noonajeonv_3962
    @_noonajeonv_3962 4 роки тому +2

    Why sesama islam dia tak suport saling suport...... i love palestina💖

    • @anho3204
      @anho3204 4 роки тому

      Saling suport gimna.
      Mana mungkin mereka membatu palestina orang mereka juga yang ikut tembak orang palestina

    • @_noonajeonv_3962
      @_noonajeonv_3962 4 роки тому

      @@anho3204 ohhh

    • @yoshi-4p
      @yoshi-4p 3 роки тому

      Ini politik mbak emang sulit,di palestina jg banyak Yahudi/Kristen disana y mereka jg bela kemerdekaan Palestina sebaliknya di Israel y begitulah 😌

  • @edelweys9269
    @edelweys9269 3 роки тому

    To All people God gave their Nations ..Land of Arab for Arab...- .Israel just example from God. •••
    Semua bangsa sudah Tuhan beri masing2 dimana tanahnya, Israel hanya contoh. ..dan Israel tidak boleh terus BERKEMBANG di Mesir apalagi jadi penguasa di Mesir .. namanya MENCAPLOK .-BODO yah MESIR ? yahh gak lah makanya perbudak saja...wajar ...kalo INGIN TENANG tinggallah di rumahnya masing2 ... TERATUR- TERTIB ...

  • @bangkalanceria4877
    @bangkalanceria4877 4 роки тому

    Bny dbalik sm goe... Se izin allah.. Bnr goe dsini.. Bny dsukai.. Bnr banget.. Tapi mmbuat goe ksakitan.. Edukonen...
    Goe ninggalin kluarga goe dsini..blum bisA kasian.. Goe dkirain ankny... Tapi ktny ankny.. Tapi stau goe g ne.. Klau goe ankny.. Knp.. Ko... Bisa sprt nabi isa.. Klau aD allah dan nabi.. Sempurna.. Taat ko...
    Goe dsini maSi kcil...
    Dan aku blum ktmu ankny dsini... Mkny goe mau tau dulu.. Dr allahny... Biar jlaS...

  • @AsgharKhan-vy9gd
    @AsgharKhan-vy9gd 5 років тому +1

    Wa ma klaq nal insan p.?

  • @bangkalanceria4877
    @bangkalanceria4877 4 роки тому

    Bilangin.. K turunny nabi.. Goe ksulitan dsini... Goe edukonen oreng indo.. Bny dtipu goe.. Prawan goe jug..
    Goe mnghidupkn kmbali manusiany.. Se izin allah.. Tapi kdang goe dsini g sbrapa taat k allah.. Mksdny g stiap.. Hari...y czA ad seng nukonen goe. D indo.. Goe dsini aD kluarga dprbesar.. Goe d indo..
    Mn bisA goe balik k israel.. Dsitu aj perang...
    Jng bilang2 goe aD d indo.. Tmpatny.. Ok.. Dsini bae kluarga goe.. Tapi klau kasar.. Edukonen oreng.. Biar kaSar k goe..
    Bilangin.. K turunny nabi isa...
    Aku k allah sampe g ngrti...
    Goe g bisA balik.. K israel.. Goe hny bisA ikut allah.. K allah.. Gitu.. Y aku balik ksaudi. Dsini. D indo bny nyakitin goe.. Mnghiba goe.. G mau goe...
    Knp tu.. Ko bunyi loncengny.. Klah tu yesusny... Goe menang.. Dhancur.. Sm ummatny sendiri.. Yesus...
    Dan bilang gini... K goe yesus.. Dr prkataanny.. Minta tolong.. Utuh.. HAaa... Goe g mau.. Haaaa.. Goe ttp islam.. ASeek.. Menang goe...

  • @agusahmadagus6671
    @agusahmadagus6671 5 років тому +2

    Indonesia islami

  • @salshalanty8242
    @salshalanty8242 3 роки тому +1


  • @bangkalanceria4877
    @bangkalanceria4877 4 роки тому +1

    G ap2 main ksini.. Seng islam kn.. G ap2..krja dsini.. Biar goe aD temanny.. LaH.. Goe dsini sjak kcil.. Sini.. Main. Drumah.. Goe dsini..

  • @sawsanalshbibi2359
    @sawsanalshbibi2359 3 роки тому +1

    Kenapa yesus gak mirip orang Nazareth ya?

    • @r.fillianvalentinol.s5663
      @r.fillianvalentinol.s5663 3 роки тому

      Karena dia orang bethlehem

    • @yoshi-4p
      @yoshi-4p 3 роки тому

      Dia orang Palestina bukan israel cuma mino aja ngebet yesus/yudas (yg dimiripin nabi Isa as ) itu orang israel 😂.

  • @bangkalanceria4877
    @bangkalanceria4877 4 роки тому +1

    Klah yesus. Sm goe d indo... Ok... Ttap lah klian taat k allah.. MaSi aD turunny nabi isa..

  • @amilohary293
    @amilohary293 3 роки тому +1

    I Love ISREAL😘

    • @salshalanty8242
      @salshalanty8242 3 роки тому


  • @bangkalanceria4877
    @bangkalanceria4877 4 роки тому

    Susah klian dsitu y... Mksdny sulit.. Goe g bisA balik.. K israel...

  • @bangkalanceria4877
    @bangkalanceria4877 4 роки тому

    Goe dsukai.. Oleh pangeran indo...
    Dulu blum nikahny...
    Goe blum lulus skolaH... sMK...
    G ap2 sini main dg aku... G kira dserang.. PrcyA laH wong allah tau ko... Goe g ad tmanny drumah.. Uman sm mama aKu.. G prnah kaSar skrg mama aKu.. G prnah.. Goe dsini ksurupan.. Ad yng ngirim jin.. K goe.. Ingin harta mama goe dsini...

  • @bangkalanceria4877
    @bangkalanceria4877 4 роки тому

    Knp ko israel.. Mnyerang palestina.. Ap.. CzA bilqis ap.. Agama laen.. Klau aD sprt tu perang.. Mskipun beda agama.. G tenang.. Blum selesai.. Buktiny goe.. Ne....blum k israel... Goe lolos bantu allaj dan nabi muhammad sAw...

    • @sabilulhamim8673
      @sabilulhamim8673 3 роки тому

      @Apriyansyah Harun yoi

    • @yoshi-4p
      @yoshi-4p 3 роки тому +1


  • @bangkalanceria4877
    @bangkalanceria4877 4 роки тому

    Goe mau nikah dg pangeran saudi.. Tapi goe klau suami. Istri.. Ad dsaudi bukn d indo.. D indo hny brapa haRi... G nentu..