congratulations peeps. I have just read lots of comments from the UFO community calling me an 'unwashed, disheveled, clown.... well spoilt it for everyone...the comments are paused.
@danybloke1 I'd like to see Simons explanation for that too. If it is a vacuum., u could push it to its destination. Or did they need to strap it to stop it floating off which is the signature of a balloon?
@SimonHollandfilms I would go as far as to say other means of getting a lightweight drone moved would be far less conspicuous than using a helicopter. If I saw a team pushing or rolling along a lightweight egg. I'd think nothing of it apart from it's a balloon. No effort was made to cover it so the helicopter brings attention to it. They would use a helicopter as it was deemed needed due to weight etc. I'm in 2 minds. I know prosaic explanations are going to come but would a trained pilot misread the volume and weight so badly. I think the biggest let down was Ross not asking who strapped it and does Jake still speak to those on the ground.
Not sure if the video is the same event as what Barber is describing but he said they flew the egg twenty miles to where they had access with ground vehicles. Egg was 20 feet long. Guessing these drones are able to adjust their altitude/ 6:48 buoyancy by pumping air (ballast) into/out of some internal chamber. If it ran out of electrical power to run air pumps they would want it to default to heavier than air so it would come back down to earth. 20’ feet egg shape of even light weight probably pretty difficult to hand carry 20 miles & they would want to complete movement of any kind under the cover of darkness.
If fravor saw an aerogel drone then how did it mimic his movements as he decended and how did it end up at his cap point a few secs later?also these have been reported since the 50s when they where described as butane cylinders
Exactly. This sounds like the same story about the 'balloon and box kite' cover story for the Roswell incident. An aerogel balloon can't perform inertialess instant acceleration and instant 90° would have all the sparkling performance of the original Zeppelin. wasn't daytime footage was night vision footage.....and Ross stated after the main interview that the footage wasn't actually Jake Barber's came from another source
Yea that is what confused me I only saw night vision video . I'm not dissing the prof but I imagine Jake would have seen sorts of crafts he would have had to pick up and if it was an egg balloon he would have known that
@@FragranceView I think he meant that the other ranking officers in the uap recovery teams told him that picking these objects up hadn’t only occurred with him… might have been the only time jake had picked something like this up but not the first time for uap recovery teams
If this Arrow gel stuff is so light in the craft is built to be like how come it's hanging from a 150 ft cable underneath that helicopter and not just flinging around everywhere
@@billcarpenter6057so you are suggesting this is vacuum on demand? Does the thing have pumps in it? Does all this stuff on this egg fit inside, like the “thrusters”?
Just because it has a vacuum in it doesn't explain how it accelerates and maneuvers. I have never heard of a balloon that can make an f-15 look like a brick and take right angle turns at hypersoniv speeds.
With all due respect - just coming in and saying "its an aerogel balloon" with absolutely no evidence is just a Mick West level of debunking. The object is clearly at least reasonably heavy whatever it is. I agree that nothing in the video itself demonstrates that the object in anomalous, other than its unusual shape. However like Mick West, you completely ignore the testimony of the witness.
@@SimonHollandfilms Most people do NOT typically grasp the actual weight of a mass of dry air by volume (a bit of meteorology training helps) - it is significant. Nor is pumping it in needed to initially add weight, rather the reverse. To descend initially just open the valves as a default, and the vacuum sucks. If there is a requirement to add a lot more weight you then would need valves and pumps to create and maintain compression, but this multiplies the mass and energy requirements of the base vehicle and you have to go for larger constructions with adequate buoyancy. This is rather like controlling a space submarine.
Prof Simon has made multiple videos about this technology, with explanations of how it works and why it's suited to shapes like a tic tac and, yes, an egg.
@@HighField-qr6bl Totally agree. Also he disregards David Fravors actual account of the object moving around in a way that is aerodynamically impossible with our current understanding of physics.
That was the actual new and a bit "crazy" thing. Grown hardened Delta force men contacting a ship with their mind. Many have already done this, independently. The people who critisize this, are always, without exception, people who cant shut down their inner dialogue at will, for even as little as 30 seconds, let alone for hours. They are totally, utterly clueless.
Thank you for mentioning the David Fravor case, so i could snap back to my senses and remember you really have no idea. Just doing your best to de-bunk..which i dont think it helpful at this point. The phenomenon is clearly real to anyone paying attention.. Fravor recounts the tic tac seemingly interacting with white wash in the water, coming up mirroring his movements then disappearing at unimaginable speed. The craft then showed up at his cap point.
Thank your for putting it better than I could. I used to really like this channel and don’t mind debunkers, they are out there. But Simon takes his single sources and thinks it’s gold. There is a lot more at play than a simple “egg” video. I thought this was his analysis, not second hand intel from his “sources”
Yeah, the whole egg theme for Orkans was pretty weird and random. But then, so was Robin Williams. His ship was an egg just big enough for him an a small bag, messengers were small eggs, and Jonathan Winters hatched from an egg for some reason ...
I absolutely saw one of these eggs flying over my house last week in Phoenix Arizona. I was in my backyard and thought it was a balloon but it was completely white, silent, and it changed directions (not in the same manner as a balloon flying in the wind). Very interesting
It's definitely not the aerogel balloon. Jake said there were psionics flying/engaging UAPs. He also showed a video of his team's psionic doing that with an egg craft. The clip where the egg was intercepted by an unfriendly. He also discussed retrieving saucer shaped craft.
Where is all that video of those incredible things? He said alot but didn't provide much proof for what he said, it was mostly '"trust me bro, my team and I summoned the uap and then it fell out of the sky".
Egg being an UAP or not. We need a separate video and thoughts into his telepathic experience while transporting one of the crafts and how psychics and remote viewing are actually a real deal if Jake was right.
If the egg is light then the probable reason for rolling would surely be the substantial weight of the 150m steel line (at least 1/2 kg per metre) = 75 kg + heavy duty canvas sheet at least 100-200 kg + all the heavy steel fittings to secure and attatch all of this. Must be at least 200-400 kg which would definitely make a balloon type structure to roll with all of that wrapped around it upon landing with the weight of the harness, less likely to roll if the egg was heavy in my basic thoughts. Just an idea though. Great site by the way.🚀🚁🛎
Let’s do some numbers. Egg was the size of an SUV. So if the egg is say 5 m long and 4 m diameter, then that would have a volume around 40 m^3. Air at sea level has a mass of about 1 kg / m3. So that means that the maximum buoyancy at sea level is 40 kg. Take away the weight of the aluminium lattice or whatever is the vacuum supporting structure, and observational equipment. If it still has any buoyancy, consider the aerodynamic drag as it floats up. The ascent velocity from its buoyancy would be no more than 30 mph if it had no mass to the shell or internal structure. And it wouldn’t get much faster as it ascends (it does not expand like a weather balloon). Removing the vacuum and letting it fall would result in similar terminal velocity (remember the structure is supposed to be very light). Now that hardly fits the description from Fravor of the object descending from 80,000 ft in a few seconds, and rising up from sea level after foaming up the ocean, to his altitude. And shooting of at extreme speed (that would require relatively a massive conventional propulsion system). So your bringing of the Fravor incident into this implying it was one of these so called aerogel drones is ridiculous in the extreme. This is not credible debunking. You’re ignoring the evidence of witnesses. You’re saying with some sort of confidence that it’s all explained but without providing any evidence or details supporting your claims. Anyone want the calcs for buoyany and terminal velocities I can provide.
Dear Prof Simon, even if this aerogel is a thing, it seems not to hold water for the objects in th eNimitz encounter , that over more than a week was detected by radar to shoot down from 80000feet to see level in less than a second. Neither does it offer an explanation for the Tic-Tac moving horizontally immensely quick from the observation point of Mr Fravor, to the confidential summon point for aircraft of the military drill
That was strange, becuase there is a clear very bright very directional light over the scene, just like you would expect it during daytime. To me it looked like a green colored daytime footage.
I would like to differ here. The rope and 20-foot object have considerable weight, and the object is described as a metal seamless object. This is not a balloon.
The "egg" also had some weight in it otherwise the line would not have been so straight and it was placed on the ground if it was very light it would have bounced I belive did roll but it could be a internal balance issue with weight distribution internally
Ross Coulthart should've asked Jacob Barber what the weight of the object was. Surely any helicopter pilot would need to know the potential weight of any cargo they're to pick up? Even if the pilot wasn't explicitly told, he should've been able to quickly ascertain this the moment it was off the ground
@Prof Simon - Ross didn’t stuff up, you did. Jake’s observation would have occurred while approaching and manoeuvring over the egg. When directly over he’d have lost sight and been guided by a crew chief. Heavy lift helos have a hatch in the floor to observe the load as it is attached, flown and detached. The footage would have been from that hatch by a crew chief/loadmaster. It was clearly night vision footage and not on the day as you claim. I have doubts that a rotary wing platform would ever be used to lift an object that isn’t sufficiently weighted to keep the line taught and reduce pendulum effects. How heavy would a lighter than air egg be? Jake isn’t telling everything. He also described another kind of craft they recovered on numerous occasions. Why would “they” need top secret cleared non-attributable covert cover story set-up contractors and aircraft to lift a LTA craft? There are Air Force, Marine and Army Special Operations aviation units, highly capable, discreet and cleared to do, though perhaps secret, ultimately vanilla lidt jobs like tha
Have you heard about the egg-shaped UFO sightings, like the famous Socorro Incident? Could there be a connection to Jake Barber's experience? What are your thoughts on this?
I believe there is a thing to this aerogel drone stuff, but I'm pretty sure the tictacs from the navy footage are not aerogel drones because those were moving way too fast. I do think the small spheres could very likely be using that tech because the footage of those is usually stationary or moving fairly slow. Thanks for another great video and putting in the effort to bring us these types of details. I've speculated for a very long time that some and likely the majority of sightings are man made because I've seen them have a sort of a mechanical evolution that seems to follow alongside our materials technology. An idea for a video or possibly series that I dont have the skills or patience to make myself is The Evolution of the UFO that shows how early sightings were of wobbly moving ships with rivots and view ports to rock solid, turn on a dime, super fast ships, smooth and seamless just like our current stealth tech. Thanks again
Also with regards the egg, the egg is lowered onto grass. If your doing this as part of a transport operation you lower the cargo onto a shipping pallet or onto a flatbed for transit.
Hmmmm. Thanks Prof. Your Lot et Garonne neighbor here. Was really looking forward to watching the NN prog this morning and was a little disappointed. Like you I felt the footage/Barber confusion was an error. The following psyonics story really stood on the veracity of the former sightings so was ultimately a stretch for me. I am more confused than ever. I feel Ross, whilst completely committed to telling the truth behind this issue, is beginning to over reach. This is not compelling evidence to my mind. Oh dear. Back to waiting for full Disclosure which will probably never come. 😢
@ Hi. Yup, questionable to my mind. A self confessed fraud back in the day. The relatively new (to me in any case) association between UAP and psyonics gives Uri the opportunity to come back to the fold. Not sure I would trust him as far as I could throw him tbh. And I am not suggesting that there may not be a connection. As I said, I do hope Ross is not getting a bit carried away.
Great points! However, the thing that stuck out the most was the emotional distress he claims to have experience. Yes, I get it, anyone can make up a story but it was very interesting. Wondering if you have a take on claims of psionics? Great video as always 🖖
I appreciate your videos. I have watched many of them and find them really awesome to watch. However, I disagree with this theory because this object, if you watch very closely has no seams or rivets over 20 feet wide we know other objects like the Tic Tac UAP are white and cylinder I appreciate all your work and this video and I get all the skepticism and I think we need more data and answers for extraordinary claims like this, but I don’t think it was aerogel.
I’m not doubting anything you’re saying; but the measured and observed horizontal accelerations of these objects is certainly more than electric impellers. Balloons, no matter how sophisticated, are limited in mobility.
Usually love your videos but I don’t buy any of that. That Egg was much heavier than your explanation suggests. There would be no need for a helicopter for an aerogel drone. I also don’t think the aerogel explanation accounts for the sheer speed of not only Fravors experience but also countless others. I also doubt a material as light as aerogel could withstand the forces of the speed and direction changes that some of these witnesses account, they would surely fragment and break apart. I find Jake’s story far more believable than your suggestion, sorry dude.
It seems these aerogel drones are using a new form of propulsion. If they use a vacuum motor to pressurise to rise then vent to rapidly fall it would make sense but would it explain other encounters where the move faster/erratically. Maybe they have upgraded the design and there are many versions :) also thanks to josh bertrand for sharing his findings with us all
The Mork and Mindy Egg was based on a famous ufo case. The egg shape ufo goes back into historical cases going back hundreds of year but with more famous modern cases.
Hmm, not sure about the aerogel idea for the same reasons listed below, I don't believe it would hang from or even require a heli to transport it. It does remind me of the police officer Lonnie Zamoro incident in which he described coming across an egg shaped craft in New Mexico in 1964?
Is there a single photograph that shows a real aerogel drone? That we can see they exist and what they look like.. I can’t find anything online.. are they so heavy that they hang from a helicopter and roll over when they touch the ground? It looked under tension and heavy.. presumably they would be very light?
@@SimonHollandfilms there’s no evidence that the Calvine object is aerogel though? It’s just a photo people think is a ufo.. no additional data to it? It could be an actual ufo or other type of craft? What points to it being aerogel?
@@SimonHollandfilmshave you seen James Fox documentary « The Program », there is a very interesting part about the Calvine U.F.O, and the testimony of a co-worker.
Jacob Barber's story takes place sometime after Sep 2001. Los Alamos only announced lemon- to soccer-ball sized aerogel balloons in December 2021. In 2021, they highlighted significant challenges with scaling the prototypes. Larger surface areas (like egg shapes) experience exponential increases in external atmospheric pressure. The materials must have a strength-to-weight ratio that prevents the balloon from collapsing, but also need to be lightweight enough for it to float. When a vacuum balloon's size increases, the volume and buoyancy grows cubically, but the material's weight and required strength grow at least quadratically. To produce a seamless, 20-foot long, defect-free aerogel balloon with consistent properties is extremely difficult. As you scale up, there are also issues of cracking and brittleness. The egg shape adds additional structural stresses. Such a balloon would require advanced manufacturing processes and breakthroughs in material science and structural engineering. Aside from that, senior members of the UAP Task Force (Aug 2020 - Jul 2022) allegedly confirmed to him in recent years that the object was NHI. It seems unlikely that, given the time period when the Task Force existed, they would be unaware of these objects being balloons.
This is correct, all of this seems to have happened “on the range.” It makes no sense that a NHI craft would just happen crash “on the range.” I’m a little surprised these Newsmax people aired this story. Correct me if this did not occur on the range and I misunderstood, but if it did, end of story. Our craft…
@SimonHollandfilms, everything you say is very logical, but there are also a couple of questions: 1. What triggered professional special forces, to take such a big risk - to disclose classified information? Is it a simple misunderstanding of what he was dealing with? 2. You think a military helicopter pilot, as well as all his colleagues, special forces with whom he worked, communicated and participated in special operations at secret bases, had never heard of aerostats filled with aerogel? 3. Jacob Barber claims that he was triggered by inexplicable and strongly captivating emotions that he experienced when he approached the object that allegedly came into contact with him. Do you mean to say it was a panic attack?
There was a high amount of tension on the line when the object touched down and started to roll leading me to believe the object was heavy. Are aerogel drones heavy?
They would have to have a ballast system to go up and down. So when you evacuate whatever gas is in it, it becomes lighter than air. When there’s not a vacuum they’re heavier.
I thought the opposite. Jake described it as a big SUV in size, if it was heavy I would expect it to dig into ground. It was no pavement or bedrock, just earth. I would expect it to impress itself into ground and stay there if it was heavy, not bounce and roll around.
the probability that all recorded objects like Tic-Tac, GoFast and now The Egg are aerogel drones is likely not 100%, just sain ;) for me the most interesting part though was about emotional response he had while recovering a classic 8-gon shape UFO.
Just a thought I suspect that the craft that can outperform the best jets is probably using ion wind for propulsion along with a plasma sheath around the craft to almost fully eliminate air resistance so it'd need far less power to move at un reasonable speeds in the air, of course military engineers can design ion wind thruster that could be 1000 times more powerful and efficient using top secret power sources too
If the craft used Aerogel for buoyancy. Why did the craft roll along the ground, instead of floating upwards after the cable tension was released? Aerogel does not explain the experience that Jake had.
@@Digginjim Yes it was most probably damaged. I just imagined that the large volume of lighter than air Aerogel might still have floated without a vacuum; like a balloon?
Pure, dry air has a density of 1.293 kg m−3 at a temperature of 273 K and a pressure of 101.325 kPa. Apart from the variability of water vapor, the composition of air is essentially constant to an altitude of at least 50 km. NASA says.
If there is a cavity inside, you can pump air in and out to make it more or less boyant. If the pressurizer breaks and starts to leak, the drone would fall down unable to get up again.
Pure, dry air has a density of 1.293 kg m−3 at a temperature of 273 K and a pressure of 101.325 kPa. Apart from the variability of water vapor, the composition of air is essentially constant to an altitude of at least 50 km. NASA says.
Very interesting about the aerogel drones Simon. It may not line up perfectly with what Fravor encountered by it does with what this pilot possibly saw. At the very least it offers an alternative explanation.
I would have liked Jake Barber to have given more info on the saucer craft with "8 sections" that elicited the emotional response. Its also interesting that the patent shown in the vid was granted Jan 2024. Is there any possibility these aerogel drones could be psy-controlled?
I don’t see how a vacuum aerogel drone would make more sense than a helium aerogel drone. Containing the vacuum inside a gel or inside a gel filled container requires much more material strength and thus weight compared to a light gas filled material. The light gas would provide pressure while still only being less than a fifth of the mass of air. My bet would be that these are gas filled membranes instead. A titanium based aerogel might theoretically be able to contain a vacuum but would still weigh more than air. A graphene based gel would theoretically be possible but would be very complex to build on scale. A nickel phosphorus microlattice structure would make more sense, this could create a ‘skinned’ structure lighter than air, but there is little point in doing so if you could just fill up a membrane with helium…
@@DerBeinmann I remember reading some paper exploring different alloys for metal based ultralight foams, some titanium alloy was the clear winner for compressive strength to weight ratio. With graphene I mean a nanotube based foam, there is some interesting research on those materials. The structure itself would only be lighter than air by total volume if pulled vacuum or if the air would be replaced by a lighter than air gas.
@@billcarpenter6057 Vacuum / air ballast would not be different than a gas system if it's aerogel based. It wouldn't be possible to change the vacuum inside of the gel. A microlattice structure with an onboard vacuum pump would theoretically be able to control its own buoyancy, now that would be very interesting.
Nobody can possibly know this much from just a brief clip, yet it's being repeated as established fact. It just wins by default because it doesn't involve aliens. This applies to Calvine as well. I call this the "clown's day off fallacy".
Thanks Simon. I would point out that there have been UFO sightings of 'egg' type craft, but this is still very interesting. Also, you didn't comment on the object the made the guy sick? What do you think?
The only real takeaway is more people that worked in the military are prepared to come out now as well there is so many coming out and as they say safety in numbers.
Arf, il me semble que la qualité de cette démystification est encore plus légère que l'aérogel 🤷♂️. Dommage... néanmoins je continuerai à suivre vos vidéos, globalement, votre réflexion est pertinente. Merci 👍
A buoyant craft would still have to have a mechanism to move laterally. The TicTac and Egg stories I’m aware of also had high-dynamic lateral acceleration.
The psionics stuff goes way over the comprehension of us "normies". Comparing to the colors of a rainbow, if 90% were not able to see purple, how would you explain it to them? 90% could easily "verify" it to be nonsense or hallucinations, because the "know" and "see".
@@Beat_Seek Bit harsh it’s a percentage entertainment and just a Guy sharing his thoughts. He’s not claiming to know absolutely everything but just his thoughts after the event. I’ve not watched the interview but will probably do in time.
I have a hard time believing that myself, but I've been studying the UFO phenomenon for over 50 years and have worked with computers for 47 years and very advanced extraterrestrial AI:s onboard UFOs seem to communicate with ET's brains and also with us. More research must be put into this.
If you read the latest book by Jacque Valle about Trinty..........there was a crash in 1945 near the Trinty bomb site. The craft was egg or avocado shaped.
Not only did I find Myself LISTENING to "UFO" news before my first coffee,... I understood what I was hearing! *IT took me 11 minutes to back to the kitchen for the coffee I had neglected*❤
As usual you jump to conclusions with no proof. He was working for a classified program as a contractor for over ten years. This wasn't a one off event but he was recounting the first time it happened. He later said it recurred. He is a first hand witness and his team suffered injuries similar to electron radiation exposure. Your niether an expert or a first hand witness. If it was aerogel then why all the secrecy and injuries? Stop making everything fit your tiny agenda.
You seem to be very conceited. Or simply aggressive and rude? He said "in a large sealed container". How do you know the size or what's inside? Where can radiation come from, and why therefore secrecy and injuries, Einstein.! Stop shouting at people, you are not able to understand, to fit your atto-sized agenda. And now fo u Bonghead Ps: it's not "your".."You're neither an expert.." and also you seem to be no nice human being.
I think there’s enough evidence from the Nimitz encounter to pretty well discount your theory about aerogel balloons being the tic tac. Was it extraterrestrial, who knows. However I seriously doubt it was a sophisticated balloon.
Source of the Tic Tac was the REWS, RANGE Electronic Warfare Simulator, they use AI systems, in other words NHI, it is based on San Clemente Island in the Pacific MOA where the Nimitz encounter was.
Simon won't answer the question on how this Egg goes sideways, NOT vertically faster than a Fighter Jet. I agree that Jakes testimony is shady, but so is Simons explanation of the Tic Tac. Simon will you please answer my question about the horizontal travel of Aerogel drones and how the manage to overcome the friction whilst travelling underwater.
How does that aerogel egg maneuver? I believe if they are using aerogel vacuum balloons, they are the ships that look like they are breathing. They look like they are sucking/blowing air to move.
The density of air is around 1.3 kg/m3. Assuming this object is like 3 m3 inside that would make the weight difference between vacuum and "pressurized" about 3.9 kg. The object seem to be heavier than that? You say it would be much heavier pressurized, what numbers are you thinking about?
Hey Simon, I don't think it was purely Jake's own assessment that the object they retrieved was of nonhuman origin. In the interview Ross asked Jake how he/they knew it was NHI and Jake replied that the ranking members of UAP taskforce told their team that what they were working with that night was actually NHI.
The "tic-tac" UAP was not floating - it was CLEARLY moving under its own propulsion (silent, no thermal sig) and FAST - both laterally and vertically - was NOT an "aeroloy" floating egg
Thanks for the review prof. It is really disappointing what we saw and heard last night. The teasing was so huge and so many of us were expecting far more strong evidences.... And what about the psionic chapter can u tell from you own point of view?
Hi Lilly just thought I'd try and explain this ,we have to think super advanced for a start ,an advanced entity or species with such technology, would probably be able to tune into our minds ,because think about it ,we are basically electrical signals our emotions and senses are all fed into our core , esp ,means extra sensory perception, we must understand that this could be totally possible, it's all about frequency , and tuning into the correct one, the illness may be a side effect of the radiating energy being emitted. And it may also be away to passively protect itself, when it's in a situation like being surrounded by hostile earthlings .hope that helps ,thats what I like to think anyway
I think the take away is that he mentioned 3 things- egg, 8sectioned saucer and the tough books.. am I the only one that heard the section about the second craft after the egg?
I didn't see a day time retrieval off the egg ?? I only saw the night vision video. The daytime video of the helicopter was what was shot for the show whilst Ross was in the helicopter wasn't it with no view of the egg just the longline . Did I miss something prof?
People need to stop assuming it's this or that just because it looks like something prosaic. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT ISN'T.
I only watched a couple of the 4/5 minute shorts they made of that interview. As soon as I saw the egg, I thought of aerogel drones Simon "revealed" over a year ago on this channel. Makes me wonder if "non-human intelligence" means AI designed, or AI manufactured, or AI piloted.
Here’s a silly question Simon. I think we have made infinitely more music than I can imagine since we could string together some notes, sounds. Is there any insight into how the extraterrestrials view our musical mastery, or talents. It’s all vibrational it’s it. Vibrations are prevalent in our universe I think. Silly question. May go unanswered maybe. Just thinking out of the box. I’m sorry but I had to ask. Probably has no bearing on the subject of this video. I apologise.
Simon....people have been seeing egg shaped objects for long has aero gel been around ??. Wouldn't a helicopter pilot know if there was weight to the egg??? .....Aerogel would be very hard to harness and tow under a helicopter i would've thought....your explanation doesn't seem plausible really
How would you then explain the case of Lonnie Zamora a police man claiming to have witnessed the egg over 40yrs ago? If you go with an aerogel drone of human origin. I think moving forward we need to begin trusting what we are told by the people interacting with the craft physically and stop telling them what they have seen from the comfort of our bomb shelter.
congratulations peeps. I have just read lots of comments from the UFO community calling me an 'unwashed, disheveled, clown.... well spoilt it for everyone...the comments are paused.
Simon why would they need a helicopter to carry a super light balloon? And in that video you see it is clearly heavy and rolling
@danybloke1 I'd like to see Simons explanation for that too. If it is a vacuum., u could push it to its destination. Or did they need to strap it to stop it floating off which is the signature of a balloon?
good point it does seem to have weight...when you put air inside to land
@SimonHollandfilms I would go as far as to say other means of getting a lightweight drone moved would be far less conspicuous than using a helicopter. If I saw a team pushing or rolling along a lightweight egg. I'd think nothing of it apart from it's a balloon. No effort was made to cover it so the helicopter brings attention to it. They would use a helicopter as it was deemed needed due to weight etc. I'm in 2 minds. I know prosaic explanations are going to come but would a trained pilot misread the volume and weight so badly. I think the biggest let down was Ross not asking who strapped it and does Jake still speak to those on the ground.
Jake barbar himself is a shape shifting alien. He hardly blink his eye during the interview. His face is wierd.
Not sure if the video is the same event as what Barber is describing but he said they flew the egg twenty miles to where they had access with ground vehicles. Egg was 20 feet long. Guessing these drones are able to adjust their altitude/ 6:48 buoyancy by pumping air (ballast) into/out of some internal chamber. If it ran out of electrical power to run air pumps they would want it to default to heavier than air so it would come back down to earth. 20’ feet egg shape of even light weight probably pretty difficult to hand carry 20 miles & they would want to complete movement of any kind under the cover of darkness.
If fravor saw an aerogel drone then how did it mimic his movements as he decended and how did it end up at his cap point a few secs later?also these have been reported since the 50s when they where described as butane cylinders
Exactly. This sounds like the same story about the 'balloon and box kite' cover story for the Roswell incident.
An aerogel balloon can't perform inertialess instant acceleration and instant 90° would have all the sparkling performance of the original Zeppelin.
@@betacam235can u tell me where to see a video about an tictac ufo doing 90° turns in flight (not rotating)? Never saw one
That's where Simon lost me. Aerogel drone doesn't fit the testimony of Fravor/Dietrich
@fragwagon both of them are selling bs, and looks like you bought it too 🤣 wasn't daytime footage was night vision footage.....and Ross stated after the main interview that the footage wasn't actually Jake Barber's came from another source
He also didn’t claim it was a one off thing.. he said it was not a unique experience..
Atleast someone was paying attention
Yea that is what confused me I only saw night vision video . I'm not dissing the prof but I imagine Jake would have seen sorts of crafts he would have had to pick up and if it was an egg balloon he would have known that
I think he meant that the other ranking officers in the uap recovery teams told him that picking these objects up hadn’t only occurred with him… might have been the only time jake had picked something like this up but not the first time for uap recovery teams
I'm so grateful for discovering your channel! Sound and very satisfying analysis good sir, and I thank you very much for it. All the best.
If this Arrow gel stuff is so light in the craft is built to be like how come it's hanging from a 150 ft cable underneath that helicopter and not just flinging around everywhere
Had the same thoughts...
When the vacuum is there, it would rise. Without the vacuum it could be 100s of pounds.
Me three!
@@billcarpenter6057so you are suggesting this is vacuum on demand? Does the thing have pumps in it? Does all this stuff on this egg fit inside, like the “thrusters”?
You always have a interesting take on these subjects.
I appreciate that!
Thank you for all your hard work!!!! You point of view is most appreciated!
I appreciate that!
Thank you for the report professor, I’m gonna check out that video of that interview right now
Just because it has a vacuum in it doesn't explain how it accelerates and maneuvers. I have never heard of a balloon that can make an f-15 look like a brick and take right angle turns at hypersoniv speeds.
nor have I.....those are not what I am talking about.
Tic Tac Balloon ???@@SimonHollandfilms
Always love to hear your take, Professor, from your unique position among the network you've cultivated over the years.
With all due respect - just coming in and saying "its an aerogel balloon" with absolutely no evidence is just a Mick West level of debunking. The object is clearly at least reasonably heavy whatever it is.
I agree that nothing in the video itself demonstrates that the object in anomalous, other than its unusual shape. However like Mick West, you completely ignore the testimony of the witness.
heavy when pressurised
Totally agree crazy thing to say
@@SimonHollandfilms Most people do NOT typically grasp the actual weight of a mass of dry air by volume (a bit of meteorology training helps) - it is significant. Nor is pumping it in needed to initially add weight, rather the reverse. To descend initially just open the valves as a default, and the vacuum sucks. If there is a requirement to add a lot more weight you then would need valves and pumps to create and maintain compression, but this multiplies the mass and energy requirements of the base vehicle and you have to go for larger constructions with adequate buoyancy. This is rather like controlling a space submarine.
Prof Simon has made multiple videos about this technology, with explanations of how it works and why it's suited to shapes like a tic tac and, yes, an egg.
@@HighField-qr6bl Totally agree. Also he disregards David Fravors actual account of the object moving around in a way that is aerodynamically impossible with our current understanding of physics.
I found it interesting hearing some people have the ability to “connect” with these craft and can remotely pilot them
And I'm Santa clause. 😂
Which validates greers claims
That was the actual new and a bit "crazy" thing. Grown hardened Delta force men contacting a ship with their mind.
Many have already done this, independently.
The people who critisize this, are always, without exception, people who cant shut down their inner dialogue at will, for even as little as 30 seconds, let alone for hours.
They are totally, utterly clueless.
Ignorance is bliss @@erikgour3475
Thank you for mentioning the David Fravor case, so i could snap back to my senses and remember you really have no idea. Just doing your best to de-bunk..which i dont think it helpful at this point. The phenomenon is clearly real to anyone paying attention..
Fravor recounts the tic tac seemingly interacting with white wash in the water, coming up mirroring his movements then disappearing at unimaginable speed. The craft then showed up at his cap point.
@jamesduffy4483-Exactly. Bravo for beating me to it!
Thank your for putting it better than I could. I used to really like this channel and don’t mind debunkers, they are out there. But Simon takes his single sources and thinks it’s gold. There is a lot more at play than a simple “egg” video. I thought this was his analysis, not second hand intel from his “sources”
Anyone who watched Mork and Mindy knew about this craft and the craft footage was much clearer in the show
Hahahaaaaaa . . . . . but true.
Yeah, the whole egg theme for Orkans was pretty weird and random. But then, so was Robin Williams.
His ship was an egg just big enough for him an a small bag, messengers were small eggs, and Jonathan Winters hatched from an egg for some reason ...
will we now get to speak to Orson , do you think?
@@hidden6ix742 I hope so. Nanoo Nanoo
I absolutely saw one of these eggs flying over my house last week in Phoenix Arizona. I was in my backyard and thought it was a balloon but it was completely white, silent, and it changed directions (not in the same manner as a balloon flying in the wind). Very interesting
How did a direction change look like?
It's definitely not the aerogel balloon. Jake said there were psionics flying/engaging UAPs. He also showed a video of his team's psionic doing that with an egg craft. The clip where the egg was intercepted by an unfriendly. He also discussed retrieving saucer shaped craft.
Sci-woo.. Coulthart/his guests is/are either a willing military psyoperative or unknowingly one. Same for all E.T. pushers.
Where is all that video of those incredible things? He said alot but didn't provide much proof for what he said, it was mostly '"trust me bro, my team and I summoned the uap and then it fell out of the sky".
Egg being an UAP or not. We need a separate video and thoughts into his telepathic experience while transporting one of the crafts and how psychics and remote viewing are actually a real deal if Jake was right.
If the egg is light then the probable reason for rolling would surely be the substantial weight of the 150m steel line (at least 1/2 kg per metre) = 75 kg + heavy duty canvas sheet at least 100-200 kg + all the heavy steel fittings to secure and attatch all of this. Must be at least 200-400 kg which would definitely make a balloon type structure to roll with all of that wrapped around it upon landing with the weight of the harness, less likely to roll if the egg was
heavy in my basic thoughts. Just an idea though. Great site by the way.🚀🚁🛎
Let’s do some numbers. Egg was the size of an SUV. So if the egg is say 5 m long and 4 m diameter, then that would have a volume around 40 m^3. Air at sea level has a mass of about 1 kg / m3. So that means that the maximum buoyancy at sea level is 40 kg. Take away the weight of the aluminium lattice or whatever is the vacuum supporting structure, and observational equipment. If it still has any buoyancy, consider the aerodynamic drag as it floats up. The ascent velocity from its buoyancy would be no more than 30 mph if it had no mass to the shell or internal structure. And it wouldn’t get much faster as it ascends (it does not expand like a weather balloon). Removing the vacuum and letting it fall would result in similar terminal velocity (remember the structure is supposed to be very light). Now that hardly fits the description from Fravor of the object descending from 80,000 ft in a few seconds, and rising up from sea level after foaming up the ocean, to his altitude. And shooting of at extreme speed (that would require relatively a massive conventional propulsion system).
So your bringing of the Fravor incident into this implying it was one of these so called aerogel drones is ridiculous in the extreme. This is not credible debunking. You’re ignoring the evidence of witnesses. You’re saying with some sort of confidence that it’s all explained but without providing any evidence or details supporting your claims. Anyone want the calcs for buoyany and terminal velocities I can provide.
Yeah what he said.
Explain the lack of propwash from the helicopter.
Also the wind speed above 50k feet can easily be 200-300mph. How do you keep a balloon stationary over a location without significant propulsion?
Dear Prof Simon, even if this aerogel is a thing, it seems not to hold water for the objects in th eNimitz encounter , that over more than a week was detected by radar to shoot down from 80000feet to see level in less than a second. Neither does it offer an explanation for the Tic-Tac moving horizontally immensely quick from the observation point of Mr Fravor, to the confidential summon point for aircraft of the military drill
p.s. the footage of the 'egg' was in night vision green
That was strange, becuase there is a clear very bright very directional light over the scene, just like you would expect it during daytime. To me it looked like a green colored daytime footage.
@@YellowKing1986 It's green because it's lightened up by a bright light from the helicopter. If you look closely you see it's nighttime.
Very powerful stuff from his experience. We might be missing the point from this in the beginning unless we truly understand emotions
I would like to differ here. The rope and 20-foot object have considerable weight, and the object is described as a metal seamless object. This is not a balloon.
The "egg" also had some weight in it otherwise the line would not have been so straight and it was placed on the ground if it was very light it would have bounced I belive did roll but it could be a internal balance issue with weight distribution internally
heavy when pressurised
Worth remembering that the egg shape has been recorded many times over the decades, and indeed going back into historic cases.
Anecdotal before yesterday. Big difference.
stop it...not all ufo are the same
What historic cases are there with egg-shaped UFOs?
@DerBeinmann Weygandt described his crash sighting as egg shaped.
@@DerBeinmann Lonnie Zamora 1964, Valensole 1965.
Ross Coulthart should've asked Jacob Barber what the weight of the object was. Surely any helicopter pilot would need to know the potential weight of any cargo they're to pick up? Even if the pilot wasn't explicitly told, he should've been able to quickly ascertain this the moment it was off the ground
@Prof Simon - Ross didn’t stuff up, you did. Jake’s observation would have occurred while approaching and manoeuvring over the egg. When directly over he’d have lost sight and been guided by a crew chief. Heavy lift helos have a hatch in the floor to observe the load as it is attached, flown and detached. The footage would have been from that hatch by a crew chief/loadmaster. It was clearly night vision footage and not on the day as you claim.
I have doubts that a rotary wing platform would ever be used to lift an object that isn’t sufficiently weighted to keep the line taught and reduce pendulum effects. How heavy would a lighter than air egg be?
Jake isn’t telling everything. He also described another kind of craft they recovered on numerous occasions.
Why would “they” need top secret cleared non-attributable covert cover story set-up contractors and aircraft to lift a LTA craft? There are Air Force, Marine and Army Special Operations aviation units, highly capable, discreet and cleared to do, though perhaps secret, ultimately vanilla lidt jobs like tha
Have you heard about the egg-shaped UFO sightings, like the famous Socorro Incident? Could there be a connection to Jake Barber's experience? What are your thoughts on this?
I believe there is a thing to this aerogel drone stuff, but I'm pretty sure the tictacs from the navy footage are not aerogel drones because those were moving way too fast. I do think the small spheres could very likely be using that tech because the footage of those is usually stationary or moving fairly slow. Thanks for another great video and putting in the effort to bring us these types of details. I've speculated for a very long time that some and likely the majority of sightings are man made because I've seen them have a sort of a mechanical evolution that seems to follow alongside our materials technology. An idea for a video or possibly series that I dont have the skills or patience to make myself is The Evolution of the UFO that shows how early sightings were of wobbly moving ships with rivots and view ports to rock solid, turn on a dime, super fast ships, smooth and seamless just like our current stealth tech. Thanks again
That wasnt during the day..that was night vision..there was a light source off to the left on the ground you can see by the shadows.
Agreed this was clearly shot at night.
And a very nice NV too
Yes, look at the very dark four corners in the video. It's nighttime and a light source in the helicopter.
Excellent video. Thank you very much
Also with regards the egg, the egg is lowered onto grass. If your doing this as part of a transport operation you lower the cargo onto a shipping pallet or onto a flatbed for transit.
Hmmmm. Thanks Prof. Your Lot et Garonne neighbor here. Was really looking forward to watching the NN prog this morning and was a little disappointed. Like you I felt the footage/Barber confusion was an error. The following psyonics story really stood on the veracity of the former sightings so was ultimately a stretch for me. I am more confused than ever. I feel Ross, whilst completely committed to telling the truth behind this issue, is beginning to over reach. This is not compelling evidence to my mind. Oh dear. Back to waiting for full Disclosure which will probably never come. 😢
Hi Roland....fancy a beer?
May I ask, what you think about Ross bringing up Uri Geller?
@ Hi. Yup, questionable to my mind. A self confessed fraud back in the day. The relatively new (to me in any case) association between UAP and psyonics gives Uri the opportunity to come back to the fold. Not sure I would trust him as far as I could throw him tbh. And I am not suggesting that there may not be a connection. As I said, I do hope Ross is not getting a bit carried away.
@@rolandgardner296 Yes. Thanks and have a nice evening.
Keep it up Adam savage ! Your doing great 👍 😉
Excellent analysis
Great points! However, the thing that stuck out the most was the emotional distress he claims to have experience. Yes, I get it, anyone can make up a story but it was very interesting. Wondering if you have a take on claims of psionics? Great video as always 🖖
so do i...usp are real...not this one
aerogel drone immediately came to my mind too when i watched the interview - thanks to your previous pieces!
I appreciate your videos. I have watched many of them and find them really awesome to watch. However, I disagree with this theory because this object, if you watch very closely has no seams or rivets over 20 feet wide we know other objects like the Tic Tac UAP are white and cylinder I appreciate all your work and this video and I get all the skepticism and I think we need more data and answers for extraordinary claims like this, but I don’t think it was aerogel.
thank you for citing my research, simon.
you are a star....aerogel egg?
@@SimonHollandfilms perhaps it was. *shrug*
egg shape is extraordinarily good at resisting external pressure.
I’m not doubting anything you’re saying; but the measured and observed horizontal accelerations of these objects is certainly more than electric impellers. Balloons, no matter how sophisticated, are limited in mobility.
Usually love your videos but I don’t buy any of that. That Egg was much heavier than your explanation suggests. There would be no need for a helicopter for an aerogel drone.
I also don’t think the aerogel explanation accounts for the sheer speed of not only Fravors experience but also countless others. I also doubt a material as light as aerogel could withstand the forces of the speed and direction changes that some of these witnesses account, they would surely fragment and break apart. I find Jake’s story far more believable than your suggestion, sorry dude.
heavy when pressurised
@ heavy enough to warrant a helicopter Simon? How heavy are you taking?
@MrSoap75 The heli was not necessarily chosen "because it was heavy" but for reasons of access and convenience.
@@SimonHollandfilmsfunny how often to have to write this, just because many don't get it. 😅👍🐈🐾🐾
@MrSoap75did u see the footage? What do u think how heavy this "SUV size" object was?
It seems these aerogel drones are using a new form of propulsion. If they use a vacuum motor to pressurise to rise then vent to rapidly fall it would make sense but would it explain other encounters where the move faster/erratically. Maybe they have upgraded the design and there are many versions :) also thanks to josh bertrand for sharing his findings with us all
The Mork and Mindy Egg was based on a famous ufo case. The egg shape ufo goes back into historical cases going back hundreds of year but with more famous modern cases.
There are many different chickens that lay eggs. Shape doesnt tell you much about its origin.
Hmm, not sure about the aerogel idea for the same reasons listed below, I don't believe it would hang from or even require a heli to transport it. It does remind me of the police officer Lonnie Zamoro incident in which he described coming across an egg shaped craft in New Mexico in 1964?
Is there a single photograph that shows a real aerogel drone? That we can see they exist and what they look like.. I can’t find anything online.. are they so heavy that they hang from a helicopter and roll over when they touch the ground? It looked under tension and heavy.. presumably they would be very light?
calvine? and heavy when pressurised
@@SimonHollandfilms there’s no evidence that the Calvine object is aerogel though? It’s just a photo people think is a ufo.. no additional data to it? It could be an actual ufo or other type of craft? What points to it being aerogel?
I make one and post it online. Ok? Then u can find it and believe
@@SimonHollandfilmshave you seen James Fox documentary « The Program », there is a very interesting part about the Calvine U.F.O, and the testimony of a co-worker.
There isn't because its not how aerogel works, this guy is truly mistaken about aerogel's ability.
Jacob Barber's story takes place sometime after Sep 2001. Los Alamos only announced lemon- to soccer-ball sized aerogel balloons in December 2021.
In 2021, they highlighted significant challenges with scaling the prototypes.
Larger surface areas (like egg shapes) experience exponential increases in external atmospheric pressure.
The materials must have a strength-to-weight ratio that prevents the balloon from collapsing, but also need to be lightweight enough for it to float.
When a vacuum balloon's size increases, the volume and buoyancy grows cubically, but the material's weight and required strength grow at least quadratically.
To produce a seamless, 20-foot long, defect-free aerogel balloon with consistent properties is extremely difficult.
As you scale up, there are also issues of cracking and brittleness. The egg shape adds additional structural stresses.
Such a balloon would require advanced manufacturing processes and breakthroughs in material science and structural engineering.
Aside from that, senior members of the UAP Task Force (Aug 2020 - Jul 2022) allegedly confirmed to him in recent years that the object was NHI. It seems unlikely that, given the time period when the Task Force existed, they would be unaware of these objects being balloons.
I was hoping you would mention the summoning of the uap with the sky watchers group. That blew me away more than anything in the whole interview.
If we picked it up off our own base and we knew exactly where it was then it was ours. Period.
This is correct, all of this seems to have happened “on the range.” It makes no sense that a NHI craft would just happen crash “on the range.” I’m a little surprised these Newsmax people aired this story. Correct me if this did not occur on the range and I misunderstood, but if it did, end of story. Our craft…
It looks like a balloon in my daughters' guinea pigs' hammock, on a chain on my grandparents' artificial turf.😂🎉❤
@SimonHollandfilms, everything you say is very logical, but there are also a couple of questions:
1. What triggered professional special forces, to take such a big risk - to disclose classified information? Is it a simple misunderstanding of what he was dealing with?
2. You think a military helicopter pilot, as well as all his colleagues, special forces with whom he worked, communicated and participated in special operations at secret bases, had never heard of aerostats filled with aerogel?
3. Jacob Barber claims that he was triggered by inexplicable and strongly captivating emotions that he experienced when he approached the object that allegedly came into contact with him. Do you mean to say it was a panic attack?
Once again, this is exactly what Chris Bledsoe has been saying. There will be a new awakening, A FEMININE energy, an overwhelming feeling of love.
@@doncozz8536 Not exactly, Chris Bledsoe said the UAPs are not aliens, but angels.
There was a high amount of tension on the line when the object touched down and started to roll leading me to believe the object was heavy. Are aerogel drones heavy?
Exactly. If this was filled with an "aerogel" as proposed then you'd expect it to be neutrally buoyant or extremely light like a balloon.
They would have to have a ballast system to go up and down. So when you evacuate whatever gas is in it, it becomes lighter than air. When there’s not a vacuum they’re heavier.
I thought the opposite. Jake described it as a big SUV in size, if it was heavy I would expect it to dig into ground. It was no pavement or bedrock, just earth. I would expect it to impress itself into ground and stay there if it was heavy, not bounce and roll around.
@@runestone1337your speaking of aerogel not of metallic aerogels.
Did you ever felt the weight of "normal" aerogel in ur hand?
@@YellowKing1986yeah somehow looked like a 40 pound SUV 🚙💨💨😬
the probability that all recorded objects like Tic-Tac, GoFast and now The Egg are aerogel drones is likely not 100%, just sain ;) for me the most interesting part though was about emotional response he had while recovering a classic 8-gon shape UFO.
Just a thought I suspect that the craft that can outperform the best jets is probably using ion wind for propulsion along with a plasma sheath around the craft to almost fully eliminate air resistance so it'd need far less power to move at un reasonable speeds in the air, of course military engineers can design ion wind thruster that could be 1000 times more powerful and efficient using top secret power sources too
If the craft used Aerogel for buoyancy.
Why did the craft roll along the ground, instead of floating upwards after the cable tension was released?
Aerogel does not explain the experience that Jake had.
Because it was damaged and had lost vacuum?
@@Digginjim Yes it was most probably damaged.
I just imagined that the large volume of lighter than air Aerogel might still have floated without a vacuum; like a balloon?
heavy when pressurised
Pure, dry air has a density of 1.293 kg m−3 at a temperature of 273 K and a pressure of 101.325 kPa. Apart from the variability of water vapor, the composition of air is essentially constant to an altitude of at least 50 km. NASA says.
Why would a helicopter need to lift a lighter than air drone
heavy when pressurised
If there is a cavity inside, you can pump air in and out to make it more or less boyant. If the pressurizer breaks and starts to leak, the drone would fall down unable to get up again.
Ease of transport , including getting to it , time frame ,etc.
Pure, dry air has a density of 1.293 kg m−3 at a temperature of 273 K and a pressure of 101.325 kPa. Apart from the variability of water vapor, the composition of air is essentially constant to an altitude of at least 50 km. NASA says.
Very interesting about the aerogel drones Simon. It may not line up perfectly with what Fravor encountered by it does with what this pilot possibly saw. At the very least it offers an alternative explanation.
Thank you sir.
Most welcome
I’m beginning to smell a rat now. Time to move on from this grift, I’ve wasted about 45 years on this lol
I would have liked Jake Barber to have given more info on the saucer craft with "8 sections" that elicited the emotional response.
Its also interesting that the patent shown in the vid was granted Jan 2024. Is there any possibility these aerogel drones could be psy-controlled?
Sounds like a very valid analysis. Thnx!!
I don’t see how a vacuum aerogel drone would make more sense than a helium aerogel drone. Containing the vacuum inside a gel or inside a gel filled container requires much more material strength and thus weight compared to a light gas filled material. The light gas would provide pressure while still only being less than a fifth of the mass of air. My bet would be that these are gas filled membranes instead. A titanium based aerogel might theoretically be able to contain a vacuum but would still weigh more than air. A graphene based gel would theoretically be possible but would be very complex to build on scale. A nickel phosphorus microlattice structure would make more sense, this could create a ‘skinned’ structure lighter than air, but there is little point in doing so if you could just fill up a membrane with helium…
Helium using tech could go up and back down only once right? A vacuum and air ballast system is more practical, if more difficult to contain.
@@billcarpenter6057yep. This concept would be an always refilled H2/He tank. 😁🥰
Very nice thoughts. But why titanium, and why exactly graphene (2D)?
And this "skinned structure" alone wouldn't be lighter than air?
@@DerBeinmann I remember reading some paper exploring different alloys for metal based ultralight foams, some titanium alloy was the clear winner for compressive strength to weight ratio. With graphene I mean a nanotube based foam, there is some interesting research on those materials. The structure itself would only be lighter than air by total volume if pulled vacuum or if the air would be replaced by a lighter than air gas.
@@billcarpenter6057 Vacuum / air ballast would not be different than a gas system if it's aerogel based. It wouldn't be possible to change the vacuum inside of the gel. A microlattice structure with an onboard vacuum pump would theoretically be able to control its own buoyancy, now that would be very interesting.
I for one welcome our EggOverlords
It's always the egg first.
@@richardede9594 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Well actually it was night vision on a monitor being filmed by a phone camera or can see the LCD display scanning lines in the picture
Nobody can possibly know this much from just a brief clip, yet it's being repeated as established fact. It just wins by default because it doesn't involve aliens. This applies to Calvine as well. I call this the "clown's day off fallacy".
Thanks Simon. I would point out that there have been UFO sightings of 'egg' type craft, but this is still very interesting. Also, you didn't comment on the object the made the guy sick? What do you think?
the injury was interesting
The only real takeaway is more people that worked in the military are prepared to come out now as well there is so many coming out and as they say safety in numbers.
Arf, il me semble que la qualité de cette démystification est encore plus légère que l'aérogel 🤷♂️.
Dommage... néanmoins je continuerai à suivre vos vidéos, globalement, votre réflexion est pertinente. Merci 👍
A buoyant craft would still have to have a mechanism to move laterally. The TicTac and Egg stories I’m aware of also had high-dynamic lateral acceleration.
Obviously the orb was interesting but the ‘spiritual’ connection was huge …… clearly the consciousness experience was not man made ….
Unless he was drugged. LSD or something similar.
@@paulc2019 while flying an helicopter?
The psionics stuff goes way over the comprehension of us "normies". Comparing to the colors of a rainbow, if 90% were not able to see purple, how would you explain it to them? 90% could easily "verify" it to be nonsense or hallucinations, because the "know" and "see".
That was the box he lifted . Another mission. We had the same things on DOD logistics for US black operations in the 90s and strange feelings .
The fact that you made a conclusion without knowing the full story is disappointing. Cmon Simon.
i might be wrong...i like being wrong is wrong
@@Beat_Seek Bit harsh it’s a percentage entertainment and just a Guy sharing his thoughts. He’s not claiming to know absolutely everything but just his thoughts after the event. I’ve not watched the interview but will probably do in time.
What about the communication he has with an intelligence that evokes an overwhelming feeling that catalyzes his testimony?"
@@Holistichologram Simon is a grifter.
I have a hard time believing that myself, but I've been studying the UFO phenomenon for over 50 years and have worked with computers for 47 years and very advanced extraterrestrial AI:s onboard UFOs seem to communicate with ET's brains and also with us. More research must be put into this.
These things do have powerful propulsion that would be heavy. No, I think these use some kind of anti gravity propulsion.
If you read the latest book by Jacque Valle about Trinty..........there was a crash in 1945 near the Trinty bomb site. The craft was egg or avocado shaped.
Not only did I find Myself LISTENING to "UFO" news before my first coffee,...
I understood what I was hearing!
*IT took me 11 minutes to back to the kitchen for the coffee I had neglected*❤
Oh wow!
What about the octagonal disc and the associated emotional/spiritual experience? And the psychics being able to connect with the craft?
As usual you jump to conclusions with no proof. He was working for a classified program as a contractor for over ten years. This wasn't a one off event but he was recounting the first time it happened. He later said it recurred. He is a first hand witness and his team suffered injuries similar to electron radiation exposure. Your niether an expert or a first hand witness. If it was aerogel then why all the secrecy and injuries? Stop making everything fit your tiny agenda.
No he wasn’t ……he’s another grifting opportunist like Greer and all the rest of them
hold my beer
You seem to be very conceited. Or simply aggressive and rude?
He said "in a large sealed container". How do you know the size or what's inside?
Where can radiation come from, and why therefore secrecy and injuries, Einstein.!
Stop shouting at people, you are not able to understand, to fit your atto-sized agenda.
And now fo u Bonghead
Ps: it's not "your".."You're neither an expert.." and also you seem to be no nice human being.
Here's a possible sensational explanation that doesn't try to be sensationalist like Ross & Co. Good job Prof Simon 👍
I think there’s enough evidence from the Nimitz encounter to pretty well discount your theory about aerogel balloons being the tic tac. Was it extraterrestrial, who knows. However I seriously doubt it was a sophisticated balloon.
Source of the Tic Tac was the REWS, RANGE Electronic Warfare Simulator, they use AI systems, in other words NHI, it is based on San Clemente Island in the Pacific MOA where the Nimitz encounter was.
This doesn't explain the apparent controllability and fantastic acceleration of these eggy-tictac objects however... so far as I can understand.
Simon won't answer the question on how this Egg goes sideways, NOT vertically faster than a Fighter Jet. I agree that Jakes testimony is shady, but so is Simons explanation of the Tic Tac. Simon will you please answer my question about the horizontal travel of Aerogel drones and how the manage to overcome the friction whilst travelling underwater.
it does not
Thanks prof 👽🤘
How does that aerogel egg maneuver?
I believe if they are using aerogel vacuum balloons, they are the ships that look like they are breathing. They look like they are sucking/blowing air to move.
The density of air is around 1.3 kg/m3. Assuming this object is like 3 m3 inside that would make the weight difference between vacuum and "pressurized" about 3.9 kg. The object seem to be heavier than that? You say it would be much heavier pressurized, what numbers are you thinking about?
thanks not sure of the total weight
Thank you from North Carolina and Good Morning as well
Good morning!
Hey Simon, I don't think it was purely Jake's own assessment that the object they retrieved was of nonhuman origin. In the interview Ross asked Jake how he/they knew it was NHI and Jake replied that the ranking members of UAP taskforce told their team that what they were working with that night was actually NHI.
The "tic-tac" UAP was not floating - it was CLEARLY moving under its own propulsion (silent, no thermal sig) and FAST - both laterally and vertically - was NOT an "aeroloy" floating egg
Thanks for the review prof. It is really disappointing what we saw and heard last night. The teasing was so huge and so many of us were expecting far more strong evidences.... And what about the psionic chapter can u tell from you own point of view?
Thank you, professor, for briging some sanity into the Jake Barber story.
Hi Symon - What is your opinion about his emotional experiences and physical illnesses?
Hi Lilly just thought I'd try and explain this ,we have to think super advanced for a start ,an advanced entity or species with such technology, would probably be able to tune into our minds ,because think about it ,we are basically electrical signals our emotions and senses are all fed into our core , esp ,means extra sensory perception, we must understand that this could be totally possible, it's all about frequency , and tuning into the correct one, the illness may be a side effect of the radiating energy being emitted. And it may also be away to passively protect itself, when it's in a situation like being surrounded by hostile earthlings .hope that helps ,thats what I like to think anyway
I think the take away is that he mentioned 3 things- egg, 8sectioned saucer and the tough books.. am I the only one that heard the section about the second craft after the egg?
Very interesting... once again you present a lot of food for thought.
I didn't see a day time retrieval off the egg ?? I only saw the night vision video. The daytime video of the helicopter was what was shot for the show whilst Ross was in the helicopter wasn't it with no view of the egg just the longline . Did I miss something prof?
you might be correct
@SimonHollandfilms hooray maybe I'm right for once lol x
People need to stop assuming it's this or that just because it looks like something prosaic. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT ISN'T.
I only watched a couple of the 4/5 minute shorts they made of that interview. As soon as I saw the egg, I thought of aerogel drones Simon "revealed" over a year ago on this channel.
Makes me wonder if "non-human intelligence" means AI designed, or AI manufactured, or AI piloted.
Here’s a silly question Simon. I think we have made infinitely more music than I can imagine since we could string together some notes, sounds. Is there any insight into how the extraterrestrials view our musical mastery, or talents. It’s all vibrational it’s it. Vibrations are prevalent in our universe I think. Silly question. May go unanswered maybe. Just thinking out of the box. I’m sorry but I had to ask. Probably has no bearing on the subject of this video. I apologise.
Simon....people have been seeing egg shaped objects for long has aero gel been around ??. Wouldn't a helicopter pilot know if there was weight to the egg??? .....Aerogel would be very hard to harness and tow under a helicopter i would've thought....your explanation doesn't seem plausible really
usp are not the same and egg was heavy when pressurised
Thank you, sir 🙏
How would you then explain the case of Lonnie Zamora a police man claiming to have witnessed the egg over 40yrs ago?
If you go with an aerogel drone of human origin.
I think moving forward we need to begin trusting what we are told by the people interacting with the craft physically and stop telling them what they have seen from the comfort of our bomb shelter.