Aspiratie (Aspiration)- Rumi
- Опубліковано 17 січ 2025
- I do not speak English. The translation is done with a program offered by google. Sorry for mistakes.
What to do if you recognize me?
Are neither Christian no Jew, no Mussulman;
Are neither east no west, no coast or sea;
There are no treasure Nature, no the stars of heaven;
Are neither land, no water, fire or air;
There are no sky, no mud;
Are not in India, Iraq or Kharasa;
Are not of this world, not the other;
Are not of Heaven, nor of hell;
There are no Adam or Eve, Rizvan or Eden.
My place is where there is no place
My result is without a trace;
Are neither body no soul
because I belong to my God.
I gave up to the duality and I saw
both worlds as one,
I just look at YOU
I just know YOU
I just see YOU
I just call YOU
You're the first, last, the outside and inside,
I do not know anybody but YOU, THE ONE.
The cup of love filled my soul
and the two worlds have escaped me in his hand.
Abandon the world and life, and find life world.
Clip creat EM ... www.emdobrita.b...
Muzica Chris Spheris "Juliette"
Versuri Rumi
Fragmente din prefata volumuiui Iubirea a spus ... scrisa de Simona Trandafir
Jalal al-Din Rumi a fost un teolog genial, un reprezentant al islamismului, invatat renumit , adorator al lui Dumnezeu si totodata unul dintre cei mai mari poeti mistici ai tuturor timpurilor. Rumi s-a nascut la 30 09 1207 la Balkh, zona care a devenit mai tarziu parte a Imperiului Persan, iar acum este Afganistan. A incetat din aceasta viata la 17 12 1273. Rumi inseamna din Anatolia romana
Am venit sa stralucesc a spus Rumi, iar cand citesti versurile lui uiti de limitarile pe care le ai, iar ochii invata sa priveasca doar catre in sus. Nu mai ramane nici un singur strop al inimii tale care sa nu vibreze de fericirea trezirii la realitatea celei mai profunde frumuseti, nu esti omul obisnuit al unui orizont marginit, ci scanteierea vie a celui care isi recunoaste intelepciunea.
Ca sa intelegi poezia lui Rumi trebuie sa te arunci in oceanul iubirii lui Dumnezeu. Pentru a merita iubirea, trebuie sa fii o privighetoare. Cel care-l iubeste pe adoratorul lui Dumnezeu, devine un adorator al lui Dumnezeu.
Excerpts from the preface of the book Love said ... ritten by Simona Trandafir.
Jalal al-Din Rumi was a brilliant theologian, a representative of Islam, learn famous, worshiper of God and also one of the greatest mystics poets of all times. Rumi was born on 30 09 1207 in Balkh, area which later became part of the Persian Empire, and now Afghanistan. He stopped in this life 17 12 1273. Rumi means of Roman Anatolia.
I came to shine Rumi said, and when reading his lyrics forget about the limitations that we have, and eyes learn to look only in the top. No longer remains a single ounce of your heart that does not vibrate for happiness of the awakening in reality most profound beauties, you're not a man accustomed horizon bordered, but the brilliance who recognize the wisdom. To deserve love, you must be a nightingale.
To understand the poetry of Rumi have to throw in the ocean of God's love. At that loves the worshiper of God, becomes a worshiper of God.