Awesome dude. A suggestion could be do time lapse video of you creating the art pieces. Maybe anime characters ??? Also read your Bio about work and getting over your head. I use an App called Headspace it is a meditation app and has helped me a lot with anxiety and stress. There are 10 free session to try out I think it's like £5 a month for the full version. All the best.
Дякую за відео.такі довершені роботи надихають створювати щось подібне
Mooi werk ! ga door met je mooie creaties,
Brutus metal art dankjewel. zie het reactie nu pas beter laat dan nooit haha .👍
Awesome dude. A suggestion could be do time lapse video of you creating the art pieces. Maybe anime characters ??? Also read your Bio about work and getting over your head. I use an App called Headspace it is a meditation app and has helped me a lot with anxiety and stress. There are 10 free session to try out I think it's like £5 a month for the full version. All the best.