I just wanna go to Disney I’ll literally WONT DO ANYTHING FOR A YEAR TO GO TO DISNEY FOR JUST A DAY even known I’ve been there abunch it’s just a great happy feeling :)
A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep In dreams you will lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing The dream that you wish will come true A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep In dreams you will lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing The dream that you wish will come true
My son just turned 1yr old on Friday & I have put him to bed since day 1 to all the Disney Collections. This one is my new favorite. Thank you for such Beautiful, Relaxing & Soothing music.
Disney composers are the best. I don't care how old you are- you have to appreciate their talent and melodies. This is what inspires my channel most. Instrumental soundtracks are my favorite. Lyrics are nice but there is something calming about just music.
I cried 😞 I will always be a Disney child. There will always be a special place in my heart for disney. I will never get tired watching all the disney movies. ❤
I love this and I always cry because I just feel like when I hear Disney music or watching a Disney movie or go to Disney I always feel that I can be free and forget about anything and just be me and be happy I feel that Disney will always be one of my favorite things in the world thank you ❤️😭❤️😍❤️
I absolutely adore Disney. This is truly a masterpiece. I looked down the comments and saw a bunch of different languages and i think it’s beautiful how this orchestral piece calls to people of different backgrounds. You don’t have to understand the same language to enjoy this music and i think that’s beautiful. I would even say that this music is as relaxing as an ASMR video. Absolutely stunning thank you so much for this video.
it's nice to know that in this moment from all over the world many strangers are listening to this beautiful music. someone Is crying, others smiling, someone Is studying or falling asleep, someone else is hoping that tomorrow will be a better day. even if i will never meet you i wish you a happy life. however you too are part of my happiness when in the evening or in the morning we will find ourselves here listening to the same beautiful music. I apologize for the grammatical errore. In the end thanks to kno piano music for all of this❤
i cannot wait to play these to my future baby and sing along like I do every time I listen to this more than anything these classics remind me that anything is possible ... and that's what I want to preach to my future little one lol the thought of it excites me ... this is weird but okay
To the person reading this comment. May you be in good health and positive spirit. Absolutely love Disneya .This is truly a masterpiece. So soothing, calming. The best Disney songs, from childhoom.... I'm listening in Fresno, CA.
Flashback to my big boy's childhood.. Disney movies and song become his everyday a must. And now..he soon will graduate his senior high school soon.. How I missed all his childhood moments 😊
1. 00:00 Beauty and the Beast (Beauty And The Beast) 2. 02:55 A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes (Cinderella) 3. 06:50 Someday (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame) 4. 11:35 Cruella De Vil (One Hundred And One Dalmatians) 5. 16:20 Colors of the Wind (Pocahontas) 6. 20:45 When You Wish Upon a Star (Pinocchio)
Totally Random it makes it easier to go to the time they want to play it because it's in blue which means if u press that time the video will got their without u trying hard to drag it to the time u want
mi bebe de 5 meses se acaba de dormir con esta sinfonía cuantos bellos recuerdos ojala la vida se tornara en ese sentimiento q emana de nosotros estamos perdiendo la niñez ya los niños no disfrutan este tipo de musica enseñemosle a nuestros niños la inocencia de ser niños wow Dios bendiga la musica los amo cuando tenga la oportunidad digale al q esta al lado suyo te amo el dia de mañana no esta destinado para nadie upsssss me inspire Dios los bendiga.
I think these instrumental disney classics can be helpful for creating routines at home. My Mother did this, but with different music. For instance, she would plau calming instrumental music during our evening bath time and then she would help us get ready for bed, read a short book, say prayers with us and then sh'd put on a nice calming cassette tape featuring string cquartets or the pan flute. It lasted for about 20 minutes, but it was such a calming ritual.
some people don’t appreciate this part of the song and it makes me sad to think someday this will be gone. Everything will be electronics. We need to cherish this and keep the simplicity and magic alive. As a french horn player I always hear this and not the lyrics and it makes me think of a time where people went outside and talked to each other instead of texting. It makes me happy for once.
I cry hearing When You Wish Upon A Star and Beauty And The Beast. I don't know how, they make me feel like I'm a princess literally in a Disney Castle. It's the most peaceful music ever.
Whoever didn't like this is crazy!💗 This brings me back too childhood!😣I miss when everything seemed great ...... Now I have FAKE friends , my mother left me😞😣 but I'm over that now have a good day if u read this its so soothing 👋💗
I'm singing most of these songs to my baby in the womb hopefully she will be a Broadway star whose performance will magically delight hearts of millions. I love colors of the wind. And who doesn't love the magic of Pinocchio's classic song?
oh the furst one made me cry....i really wanna go back oh please just please let me go back as a child i wanna watch disney movies and shows all day it was always so magical ah gosh disney is my happy place the old disney songs like these r truy just, i cant explain how beautiful these are. how can someone make these i just cant express the joy i have hearing these
I imagine in my room in winter, in the middle of the afternoon watching many classic disney movies with my cuddly toys, and with the chocolate and after the movie I am happy and I leave you one more time, every lesson of Disney that was my childhood and is still now and I would always love to live in some fairy tale of those movies 💖❤ I love disney is my dream I go to a park disney I love its magic And do not tell me corny or kiddy😂 because that's what I love ❤❤ Disney makes me forget what the real world is today!
Pocahontas was one of those VHS I didn't own , not much of a favorite movie either. But when I hear colors of the wind I always get chills I don't know why
Hermosa melodia muy relajante para mi y esos bellos recuerson esos momentos donde desiamos q bonito q romantico o cuando solo veiamos las peliculas quedavamos muy pero muy perdidos en ella lastima q casi ya no se muestre mucho esto , esto si es musica..😊💜
Hey everything will be fine. close your eyes. take a deep breath. universe loves you. It's putting hand on your head. cry if you want to. but don't stop. if its not now, it will be ❤
Back then, disney is all about music, with its classic and beautiful music. But at least i am glad Beauty and The Beast live action still following the classic pattern.
Definitivamente esta música me transporta el mejor sitio que he visitado y espero volver muchas veces más. Me trae recuerdos de personas que ya no estan físcamente presentes, pero a quienes evoco con felicidad por los momentos compartidos. No me da tristeza, me da nostalgia. Lástima que tengamos que pagar tanto para ir a un lugar mágico en el que todo parece perfecto. Quizá por eso mismo, cuesta tanto.
Mí nena de 4 años se durmió en la primer cancion bella y bestia y yo aún así sigo escuchando con lágrimas en los ojos gracias Disney que bella niñes tuve
Le puse este video a mi bebé mientras lo estoy lactando, me hizo recordar mi infancia y ha sido hermoso revivir y compartir estos momentos... Me sacó la lagrimita de nostalgia y felicidad.
Thanks for sharing. Cinderella made me cry. Can't live without Disney ! Especially the movies the real Walt Disney made. Snow White will always be my first and biggest love.
😍soy fan De disney,y perfecto mix de música clásica,como para un salón de fiesta .😍 me hubiera gustado así para mi fiesta de xv años pero... No tuve vestido ni salón 💔. Pero... excelente mix 😍. Lo descargare en mi reproductor de música. 💜🔮🙈
I love all these songs they bring back so many memories of Disney. A Dream is a wish your heart makes I can relate to that. Love them all. Walt was a great man. Who knew how to make family movies.
This tells that everything of Disney is for every age. I love Disney with all my heart. And I will always. 💜💖💞 I almost get emotional by listening to this. Even tho I'm now 9. I grew up with Frozen, Pinocchio and more Disney stuff that will always be a important part of my life.
¡un bello dia para ti... que mágico album de bellas melodias de los clasicos de disney como en un bello cuento de adas llegan los bellos recuerdos de lo vivido con estas maravillosas estampas musicales ... . un abrazo mil y mil gracias por revivir lindos momentos de lo vivido..!!!!!!!!!
Im 23 years old but disney classics always captures me 😍 making me forget that im in adulthood period woaaa ... How i wish i could be one of these Princesses 😍🌸
9Kuula Jeesus tervendab pimedalt sündinu 1 Edasi minnes nägi Jeesus ühte sündimisest saadik pimedat inimest. 2 Ja ta jüngrid küsisid temalt: „Rabi, kes on teinud pattu, kas tema ise või ta vanemad, et ta on sündinud pimedana?” 3 Jeesus vastas: „Ei ole pattu teinud tema ise ega ta vanemad, vaid temas peavad saama avalikuks Jumala teod. 4 Me peame tegema selle tegusid, kes minu on saatnud, niikaua kui on päev. Tuleb öö, mil ükski ei saa midagi teha. 5 Kuni mina olen maailmas, olen ma maailma valgus.” 6 Nende sõnade järel ta sülitas maha ja tegi süljest muda ning võidis mudaga tema silmi 7 ja ütles talle: „Mine pese end Siiloahi tiigis!” „Siiloah” on tõlkes „Läkitatu”. Siis pime läks ja pesi ning tuli tagasi nägijana. 8 Siis ütlesid naabrid ja need, kes teda seni olid kerjusena näinud: „Eks see ole sama mees, kes istus ja kerjas?” 9 Ühed ütlesid: „Jah, ta on seesama,” ja teised: „Ei, ta on vaid tema sarnane.” Tema ise ütles: „Mina olen seesama.” 10 Siis nad küsisid: „Kuidas sinu silmad avanesid?” 11 Tema vastas: „Inimene, keda nimetatakse Jeesuseks, tegi muda ja võidis mu silmi ja ütles mulle: „Mine Siiloahi tiigi äärde ja pese end!” Kui ma siis läksin ja pesin, saingi nägijaks.” 12 Ja nad küsisid temalt: „Kus ta on?” Ta ütles: „Ma ei tea.” 13 Nad viisid tema, endise pimeda, variseride juurde, 14 sest see päev, mil Jeesus tegi muda ja avas ta silmad, oli hingamispäev. 15 Ja variserid küsisid temalt nüüd omakorda, kuidas ta on saanud nägijaks. Aga tema ütles neile: „Ta pani muda mu silmadele ja ma pesin end ning näen nüüd.” 16 Siis ütlesid mõned variseridest: „See inimene ei ole Jumala juurest, sest ta ei pea hingamispäeva.” Teised ütlesid: „Kuidas saab patune inimene teha niisuguseid tunnustähti?” Ja nende vahel oli lahkmeel. 17 Nad ütlesid nüüd taas pimedale: „Mida sina ise tema kohta ütled, et ta on avanud sinu silmad?” Aga tema ütles: „Ta on prohvet.” 18 Siis ei tahtnud juudid uskuda, et ta oli olnud pime ja saanud nägijaks, kuni nad olid kutsunud nägijakssaanu vanemad 19 ning küsinud neilt: „Kas see on teie poeg, kellest te ütlete, et ta sündis pimedana? Kuidas ta siis praegu näeb?” 20 Seepeale kostsid ta vanemad: „Me teame, et see on meie poeg ja et ta sündis pimedana, 21 aga kuidas ta nüüd näeb, seda me ei tea ega tea me ka seda, kes ta silmad avas. Küsige tema enda käest, ta on küllalt vana ja võib ise enda kohta rääkida.” 22 Ta vanemad vastasid nõnda, sest nad kartsid juute, kuna juudid olid juba kokku leppinud, et kes iganes tema Messiaks tunnistab, heidetakse kogudusest välja. 23 Seepärast ta vanemad ütlesid: „Ta on küllalt vana, küsige tema enda käest.” 24 Nad kutsusid nüüd teist korda inimese, kes oli olnud pime, ja ütlesid talle: „Anna au Jumalale! Me teame, et see inimene on patune.” 25 Seepeale vastas too: „Kas ta on patune või ei, seda mina ei tea. Tean ainult ühte: ma olin pime, praegu aga näen.” 26 Nüüd nad küsisid temalt: „Mis ta sulle tegi? Kuidas ta su silmad avas?” 27 Mees vastas neile: „Ma ju ütlesin teile, ent teie ei võtnud kuulda. Miks te tahate seda veel kord kuulda? Kas ka teie tahate hakata tema jüngriteks?” 28 Ja nad sõimasid teda ja ütlesid: „Sina oled tema jünger, meie oleme aga Moosese jüngrid. 29 Meie teame, et Jumal on rääkinud Moosesega, aga kust tema on, seda me ei tea.” 30 Mees kostis neile: „See ongi imelik, et teie ei tea, kust ta on, ja ometi on ta avanud mu silmad. 31 Me teame, et Jumal ei kuule patuseid, ent kui keegi on jumalakartlik ja teeb tema tahtmist, siis seda ta kuuleb. 32 Veel ilmaski pole kuuldud, et keegi oleks avanud pimedalt sündinu silmad. 33 Kui tema ei oleks Jumala juurest, ei suudaks ta teha midagi.” 34 Nad kostsid talle: „Kas sina, kes sa oled sündinud lausa pattudes, tahad meid õpetada?” Ja nad heitsid ta kogudusest välja. 35 Jeesus sai kuulda, et nad on ta kogudusest välja heitnud ja küsis teda kohates: „Kas sa usud Inimese Pojasse?” 36 Too kostis: „Kes see on, isand? Ütle mulle seda, et ma saaksin temasse uskuda.” 37 Jeesus ütles talle: „Sa näed ju teda, see, kes sinuga räägib, ongi tema.” 38 Aga tema lausus: „Ma usun, Issand!” ja kummardas teda. 39 Jeesus ütles: „Mina olen tulnud maailma kohtumõistmiseks, et need, kes ei näe, hakkaksid nägema, ning nägijad jääksid pimedaks.” 40 Seda kuulsid mõned variseridest, kes olid tema juures, ja ütlesid talle: „Kas meiegi oleme pimedad?” 41 Jeesus ütles neile: „Kui te oleksite pimedad, ei oleks teil pattu. Aga et te nüüd ütlete: „Meie näeme”, siis jääb teie patt teile.
I've been listening to this song since I was 7 years old, and the nostalgia is always the same! I hope to find this comment of mine in the future someday... know that you are very special, and everything will be fine! Jesus loves you so much! ❤️
1. [00:00] Beauty and the Beast (Beauty And The Beast) 2. [02:55] A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes (Cinderella) 3. [06:49] Someday (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame) 4. [11:35] Cruella De Vil (One Hundred And One Dalmatians) 5. [16:18] Colors of the Wind (Pocahontas) 6. [20:46] When You Wish Upon a Star (Pinocchio)
The person who is reading this comment, i wish you great success, health, love and happiness! Have a good day!!
Same to you!
Such comments are very sweet, I wish the same for you
You as well
@@spoopycarrots497 a dream is a wish cinderrella
“She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.” I loooove Beauty and the Beast so much! it makes me cry!
I feel like a child again! As I grew up with Disney movies it has been a nostalgic trip every time I listen to their music 🎶
I just wanna go to Disney I’ll literally WONT DO ANYTHING FOR A YEAR TO GO TO DISNEY FOR JUST A DAY even known I’ve been there abunch it’s just a great happy feeling :)
Can't stop crying while listening. Forever a Disney Fan 🥺🥰
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true
This music is so beautiful and inspiring… I miss my friend… Life is short so remember to enjoy all the beautiful things in life…🌈🌟👩❤️👨🙆🏻♀️💋🙏🏻
My son just turned 1yr old on Friday & I have put him to bed since day 1 to all the Disney Collections. This one is my new favorite. Thank you for such Beautiful, Relaxing & Soothing music.
Carissa McDearmon I'm gonna do same thing if I'll have kids😂😂..Disney movies = happy childhood
Good luck getting him to sleep with Cruella De Villl cause that's one jazzy tune
@@Luvliixo me encanta
Disney composers are the best. I don't care how old you are- you have to appreciate their talent and melodies. This is what inspires my channel most. Instrumental soundtracks are my favorite. Lyrics are nice but there is something calming about just music.
❤ Truest words that I can relate to…
I cried 😞 I will always be a Disney child. There will always be a special place in my heart for disney. I will never get tired watching all the disney movies. ❤
Keira, I am 64 years old now. I still love Disney films and its magical music. I got hooked to Disney movies the first time i watched Cinderella.
I love this and I always cry because I just feel like when I hear Disney music or watching a Disney movie or go to Disney I always feel that I can be free and forget about anything and just be me and be happy I feel that Disney will always be one of my favorite things in the world thank you ❤️😭❤️😍❤️
Same 🥺😭
I absolutely adore Disney. This is truly a masterpiece. I looked down the comments and saw a bunch of different languages and i think it’s beautiful how this orchestral piece calls to people of different backgrounds. You don’t have to understand the same language to enjoy this music and i think that’s beautiful. I would even say that this music is as relaxing as an ASMR video. Absolutely stunning thank you so much for this video.
Who watches ASMR videos
I agree with you 😊😊 remember always watch Naruto
You got me until ASMR
@@lucy-zy5wy fjfjyrhdrghehjeqjj ejido. Xbxbzdjhjdhehfvbfndhrhfhtfnfby gnbejdkttulftnrxucrkehķ
it's nice to know that in this moment from all over the world many strangers are listening to this beautiful music. someone Is crying, others smiling, someone Is studying or falling asleep, someone else is hoping that tomorrow will be a better day. even if i will never meet you i wish you a happy life. however you too are part of my happiness when in the evening or in the morning we will find ourselves here listening to the same beautiful music. I apologize for the grammatical errore. In the end thanks to kno piano music for all of this❤
My 2 year old brother falls asleep in my room every night and falls asleep from this. 🌻❤️
Oh goodness... crying here... and oh so grateful to have such childhood memories ♥️
You have the opportunity, and your parents too. I am a mom and this feeling is amazing!!!
i cannot wait to play these to my future baby and sing along like I do every time I listen to this
more than anything these classics remind me that anything is possible ... and that's what I want to preach to my future little one
lol the thought of it excites me ... this is weird but okay
Same ❤️ I'll make their childhood full of Disney. And I'll get a grandma with Disney too lol! But Disney is for every single age.
I'm listening to this with my children while they do their school work at home. ^_^
@@joelthegamingkitty2843 uuuuuu uh uf yu uiguiguigufgfuiggguffgugfgugcffuggffuffgutfgutgfgcugffggfuigtcf6gggugguigcfguiggugfggugggtfugguiguigf7fffffffgtufgfgucgfguigcffufffff7f7fffcffufufugfuigufffuffguigcgfuigugcgccgc7fuuiguigggugggggfcgufguggggugftfgguigufguig7fcffuggcguggguiguggcffffffuffuggfgufggtgtf7fcfcggggtuigcfccgcugf7fcc7ggugggugugg7fggugtgufcuigugguigugggcugggugcguiguigccgfguiguiguigufugfcffguggggccffgfgufccggcuigcf7fgggffuguigfcfufufgfuggfuggcggcgcgugcgugcguigutggcuifutfgugggutgtcgcugcf7gfugff7guigccugggcgc7fuggggguiguitcgggcuigutguiguigcufgf7ff7fgfguigtff7fuiguiggfcggggggtguggufcff7guigguiguicfufgguggfffggfugguiguigugfguggffggufufuigufcgugguigug7ccccfcffccyfiyucucfoccyicyfigyciycucucicfcccffucyfifufiyufyucyfcffcccfcucccyfufucfffffffffffffffffffffffcccccycccycfyigyigyucyuccccyccccccccccgcccyciccyiugcccccccccfcccfccccffcfucccccccuccuccucccycccgycyccccczxxxxc🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚✨✨❤️❤️🚟🏀📜💲📽️📖💴💲🎸📢🎸📟🖲️🎸🎸📅📅📊🏹✉️📫🃏🕙🥕🥕🥕🥕🎖️🎖️🕹️🃏🕹️🎖️🎖️✨🎖️🌔
I'm listening this with my 6 year old boy.
We enjoy, dream and relax 💕🎶
It's not weird at all. It's all good because it's true!
No constant interruptions, smooth transitions, nice quality, absolutely fantastic, thanks for the upload.
We didn't send an upload. Thank you for watching.
To the person reading this comment. May you be in good health and positive spirit. Absolutely love Disneya .This is truly a masterpiece. So soothing, calming. The best Disney songs, from childhoom.... I'm listening in Fresno, CA.
Flashback to my big boy's childhood.. Disney movies and song become his everyday a must.
And now..he soon will graduate his senior high school soon.. How I missed all his childhood moments 😊
Beautiful. This brings me peace. Incredible how come this touches the heart of so many around the world. Thank you Disney team.
Thank you, Disney for wonderful and heart-warming movies and theme music. Forever Disney!
1. 00:00 Beauty and the Beast (Beauty And The Beast)
2. 02:55 A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes (Cinderella)
3. 06:50 Someday (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
4. 11:35 Cruella De Vil (One Hundred And One Dalmatians)
5. 16:20 Colors of the Wind (Pocahontas)
6. 20:45 When You Wish Upon a Star (Pinocchio)
Hi all the Beautiful people on the Internet at 8:46 PM which I’m already tired 😂
Totally Random it makes it easier to go to the time they want to play it because it's in blue which means if u press that time the video will got their without u trying hard to drag it to the time u want
Soph's Random World it depends on where you're watching. I can't press in mine. So...
Disney was my childhood, I forking cried when I heard "When You Wish Upon a Star".
Never delete this omg it has gotten me through many assignments throughout high school and now college :)
mi bebe de 5 meses se acaba de dormir con esta sinfonía cuantos bellos recuerdos ojala la vida se tornara en ese sentimiento q emana de nosotros estamos perdiendo la niñez ya los niños no disfrutan este tipo de musica enseñemosle a nuestros niños la inocencia de ser niños wow Dios bendiga la musica los amo cuando tenga la oportunidad digale al q esta al lado suyo te amo el dia de mañana no esta destinado para nadie upsssss me inspire Dios los bendiga.
Q bn
music Alí isldkdk2929
Mi bebé de 2 meses igual!! Jaja ❤️
Que lindo :3 pero lo malo es que yo no creo en Dios
Dios es un concepto grande y calmante para medir nuestras tristezas y alegrías@@yamiladonayre790
I can’t wait to fall in love 😭. I’m 14 and am just in love with Disney and the stories. I’m crying right now.
"When You Wish Upon a Star" - always make me cry.....
I ❤️ to listen to every style of music in Disney .Hearing classical orchestra has always been my favorite genre of music 🤩
This comment section is so wholesomeness I'm literally about to cry. May everyone in this comment section find the happiness they deserve 💕
Meravigliosa musica classica, Disney resterà sempre nei nostri cuori. Ascoltare tutte le sue musiche mi fa tornare bambina ed è bellissimo
I think these instrumental disney classics can be helpful for creating routines at home. My Mother did this, but with different music. For instance, she would plau calming instrumental music during our evening bath time and then she would help us get ready for bed, read a short book, say prayers with us and then sh'd put on a nice calming cassette tape featuring string cquartets or the pan flute. It lasted for about 20 minutes, but it was such a calming ritual.
Regina, what beautiful memories! I’m sure you slept well afterwards. I had a similar bedtime routine. God bless mothers everywhere! ❤
some people don’t appreciate this part of the song and it makes me sad to think someday this will be gone. Everything will be electronics. We need to cherish this and keep the simplicity and magic alive. As a french horn player I always hear this and not the lyrics and it makes me think of a time where people went outside and talked to each other instead of texting. It makes me happy for once.
Nothing compares to the OLD DISNEY MOVIES AND MUSIC🕊🇺🇲💕
Napaka ganda ng musikong ito. Gustong gusto ko talaga sya kaya nman akin syang uulit ulitin. Nakakaginhawa ng pag iisip 🥰👍💕💖💕
I remember my childhood days. with my papa has my prince and dancing 😍😍😍😩 missing those days
Proud to hear this from Philharmonic Orchestra. Ang galing ng Pinoy!
I cry hearing When You Wish Upon A Star and Beauty And The Beast. I don't know how, they make me feel like I'm a princess literally in a Disney Castle. It's the most peaceful music ever.
Heera U. Aww that's awesome... I feel the same. I wasn't born in the era of the classics... I still love them anyway
exacly, I understand you
because all female are a princess. it comes in different color, shape and sizes. ❤
me too
these songs makes me stay calm during quarantine, bringing me hope and happiness ❤️
Me too
@@ivanohipeni6730 w too 🔥❤️euw⬛🛴⬛💛💛⬛🚧🛴🛴🛴🚧🛴🍒🛴🛴🛴🛴🚥🗿💛🇦🇮🛴🛴🛴🎎🎎🎎💺💺🍏🍏🍒🛴🚧⬛⬛⚪🛴🛴⬛🛴🚜🚜💾🥉🥉🎈🎂🍏🛴🛴🚜🚇🍒🚧🛴⬛⬛📲💾🎎⬛💛🔇🔇🛴🚧🍘🍎🛴🛴🎎🎎⛸️🎿💟💟💟💟⬛🚧🛴🛴
exactly ! 😁👍🏻❤️
Cami: Try YANNI( Reflections Of Passion) 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Maravillosa orquesta. Estas versiones de las canciones son bellas , hermosas....incluso relajantes
Creo que todos son ingleses yo buscando un comentario en español
Oui c'est vraiment merveilleux
when I watch Disney movies, the first thing I think about is how perfect the music is...
Tnank you for music from the fairy tales.Sometimes we need this more, then something else ..🙂
Whoever didn't like this is crazy!💗 This brings me back too childhood!😣I miss when everything seemed great ......
Now I have FAKE friends , my mother left me😞😣 but I'm over that now have a good day if u read this its so soothing 👋💗
When you'll have your own kids, you'll have the greatest time of your life.. Life makes circles :)
thank you it matters that you ❤ care
The best Disney songs,as if I go back to my childhood years. So soothing & calming. Aug 8,2021
My ❤️ just melted when I heard these Disney instrumentals😩 I wanna be a princess someday 😁❤️👸🏼 Aaaawwwww 👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼
I'm singing most of these songs to my baby in the womb hopefully she will be a Broadway star whose performance will magically delight hearts of millions. I love colors of the wind. And who doesn't love the magic of Pinocchio's classic song?
Si se me pone la piel chinita con la versión de "colors of te wind" dentro de la película... está me hizo estremecer 😍😍
This is such a masterpiece. I don't cry a lot, but now I know I have feelings.
Honestly as a musician I just love hearing these. It makes me so happy lmao
It makes me want to write better
I really love this version of A dream is a wish your heart makes.
La musica più bella per un cuore sincero ed innamorato. Ci sono persone belle in questo mondo se sanno trasmettere così tanto amore
Wonderful. My girls love it. Brings me back to my childhood. When u wish upon a star is my favorite!
Hearing this music makes my imagination works deeply like a princess dancing with the one i love ..
💕💜 My childhood is really Magical indeed 😊💕💜
My brother died today and I have been sitting just listening to this music all day, it makes it feel like everything will be ok
Accept my sympathy pls❤
oh the furst one made me cry....i really wanna go back oh please just please let me go back as a child i wanna watch disney movies and shows all day
it was always so magical ah
gosh disney is my happy place
the old disney songs like these r truy just, i cant explain how beautiful these are. how can someone make these i just cant express the joy i have hearing these
I imagine in my room in winter, in the middle of the afternoon watching many classic disney movies with my cuddly toys, and with the chocolate and after the movie I am happy and I leave you one more time, every lesson of Disney that was my childhood and is still now and I would always love to live in some fairy tale of those movies 💖❤
I love disney is my dream I go to a park disney I love its magic
And do not tell me corny or kiddy😂 because that's what I love ❤❤
Disney makes me forget what the real world is today!
Pocahontas was one of those VHS I didn't own , not much of a favorite movie either. But when I hear colors of the wind I always get chills I don't know why
Hermosa melodia muy relajante para mi y esos bellos recuerson esos momentos donde desiamos q bonito q romantico o cuando solo veiamos las peliculas quedavamos muy pero muy perdidos en ella lastima q casi ya no se muestre mucho esto , esto si es musica..😊💜
Childhood Disney Classics thanking God I'm part of it... 💯💯
"You" know what's amazing? Read the first word again....❤❤❤
Hey everything will be fine. close your eyes. take a deep breath. universe loves you. It's putting hand on your head. cry if you want to. but don't stop. if its not now, it will be ❤
I listened more than 10 time. It all beautiful song that made my heart warm and recall my childhood.
This is so beautiful im literally over hear in tears listening to this wonderful music may god bless
Now this is what I call true music. I loved it.Its so beautiful!!
Back then, disney is all about music, with its classic and beautiful music. But at least i am glad Beauty and The Beast live action still following the classic pattern.
Que hermosoooo acabo de descubrir esta música y estoy durmiendo a mi bebe de 2 meses y medio me transporta a los recuerdos más hermosos 😍😍😍
Que bonito😍
Definitivamente esta música me transporta el mejor sitio que he visitado y espero volver muchas veces más. Me trae recuerdos de personas que ya no estan físcamente presentes, pero a quienes evoco con felicidad por los momentos compartidos. No me da tristeza, me da nostalgia. Lástima que tengamos que pagar tanto para ir a un lugar mágico en el que todo parece perfecto. Quizá por eso mismo, cuesta tanto.
Mí nena de 4 años se durmió en la primer cancion bella y bestia y yo aún así sigo escuchando con lágrimas en los ojos gracias Disney que bella niñes tuve
Simplemente bello. Hizo que me reencontrara conmigo misma de niña y despertó las ilusiones y anhelos de una manera divina. Gracias.
Voy a llorar , tanta nostalgia de mi niñez y todos esos sentimientos lindos cuando veía Disney de pequeñita 💕 alimentan mi corazón 💕
Le puse este video a mi bebé mientras lo estoy lactando, me hizo recordar mi infancia y ha sido hermoso revivir y compartir estos momentos... Me sacó la lagrimita de nostalgia y felicidad.
Thanks for sharing. Cinderella made me cry. Can't live without Disney ! Especially the movies the real Walt Disney made. Snow White will always be my first and biggest love.
Carole Rose p and what about the song for sleeping beauty! Timeless classic! ...i know you i danced with you once upon a dream .....
Carole Rose p me too
Carole Rose p !
seriouslyinsanediva: Mine favorite was Sleeping Beauty! I still love that artwork.
Mine's the lion king. It will always hold a special place in my heart.
Since childhood, I love listening Disney musical music! I ove it❤❤❤
Puro encantamento musical!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Listening to this while studying. Its so peaceful and calming 💯
Me 2. Beautiful music for studying
Me 2 beutifull music for studying
Me 2 beautiful music to studying
@@cherileedelcarme1003 theres more songs high ho snow white and the seven dwarfs sleepy bashful happy doc dopey sneezy grumpy
@@jtm_tm_2005 this cruella devile 101 dalmations
😍soy fan De disney,y perfecto mix de música clásica,como para un salón de fiesta .😍 me hubiera gustado así para mi fiesta de xv años pero... No tuve vestido ni salón 💔. Pero... excelente mix 😍. Lo descargare en mi reproductor de música. 💜🔮🙈
Uhhh pero eso no.importa lo que importa es que te guste la musica clásica como yo😂😊
So much bien
I love all these songs they bring back so many memories of Disney. A Dream is a wish your heart makes I can relate to that. Love them all. Walt was a great man. Who knew how to make family movies.
This tells that everything of Disney is for every age. I love Disney with all my heart. And I will always. 💜💖💞
I almost get emotional by listening to this. Even tho I'm now 9. I grew up with Frozen, Pinocchio and more Disney stuff that will always be a important part of my life.
Que hermosas melodias nos hacen vivir recordar nuestra infancia ese bello sueño y fantasia que nos transporta la magia de Disney
Todas estas canciones acompañaron la recepción de mi matrimonio 😍😍😍
I loved these Disney classics like beauty and the beast Cinderella when you wish upon a star ⭐✨⭐✨⭐✨⭐✨⭐✨⭐
Q hermosooooo! Mi beba tiene 2 meses y está encantada con Disney Classic 😍 yo ni idea q existía, lp descubrí gracias a mi hermana q me pasó el Link 👧🍼
Estoy embarazada esta musica me relaja me encanta!! Disfruto bebe tambn se queda tranquilito al escucharla
Que bueno :3
Hermosos recuerdos de mi infancia, hasta el día de hoy me emociono con cada melodía.
Obrigada Disney por marcar minha infância com esses belos clássicos
¡un bello dia para ti... que mágico album de bellas melodias de los clasicos de disney como en un bello cuento de adas llegan los bellos recuerdos de lo vivido con estas maravillosas estampas musicales ... . un abrazo mil y mil gracias por revivir lindos momentos de lo vivido..!!!!!!!!!
Im 23 years old but disney classics always captures me 😍 making me forget that im in adulthood period woaaa ... How i wish i could be one of these Princesses 😍🌸
Jeesus tervendab pimedalt sündinu
1 Edasi minnes nägi Jeesus ühte sündimisest saadik pimedat inimest.
2 Ja ta jüngrid küsisid temalt: „Rabi, kes on teinud pattu, kas
tema ise või ta vanemad, et ta on sündinud pimedana?”
3 Jeesus vastas: „Ei ole pattu teinud tema ise ega ta vanemad, vaid
temas peavad saama avalikuks Jumala teod.
4 Me peame tegema selle tegusid, kes minu on saatnud, niikaua kui
on päev. Tuleb öö, mil ükski ei saa midagi teha.
5 Kuni mina olen maailmas, olen ma maailma valgus.”
6 Nende sõnade järel ta sülitas maha ja tegi süljest muda ning
võidis mudaga tema silmi
7 ja ütles talle: „Mine pese end Siiloahi tiigis!” „Siiloah” on
tõlkes „Läkitatu”. Siis pime läks ja pesi ning tuli tagasi nägijana.
8 Siis ütlesid naabrid ja need, kes teda seni olid kerjusena
näinud: „Eks see ole sama mees, kes istus ja kerjas?”
9 Ühed ütlesid: „Jah, ta on seesama,” ja teised: „Ei, ta on vaid
tema sarnane.” Tema ise ütles: „Mina olen seesama.”
10 Siis nad küsisid: „Kuidas sinu silmad avanesid?”
11 Tema vastas: „Inimene, keda nimetatakse Jeesuseks, tegi muda ja
võidis mu silmi ja ütles mulle: „Mine Siiloahi tiigi äärde ja pese
end!” Kui ma siis läksin ja pesin, saingi nägijaks.”
12 Ja nad küsisid temalt: „Kus ta on?” Ta ütles: „Ma ei tea.”
13 Nad viisid tema, endise pimeda, variseride juurde,
14 sest see päev, mil Jeesus tegi muda ja avas ta silmad, oli hingamispäev.
15 Ja variserid küsisid temalt nüüd omakorda, kuidas ta on saanud
nägijaks. Aga tema ütles neile: „Ta pani muda mu silmadele ja ma
pesin end ning näen nüüd.”
16 Siis ütlesid mõned variseridest: „See inimene ei ole Jumala
juurest, sest ta ei pea hingamispäeva.” Teised ütlesid: „Kuidas saab
patune inimene teha niisuguseid tunnustähti?” Ja nende vahel oli
17 Nad ütlesid nüüd taas pimedale: „Mida sina ise tema kohta ütled,
et ta on avanud sinu silmad?” Aga tema ütles: „Ta on prohvet.”
18 Siis ei tahtnud juudid uskuda, et ta oli olnud pime ja
saanud nägijaks, kuni nad olid kutsunud nägijakssaanu vanemad
19 ning küsinud neilt: „Kas see on teie poeg, kellest te
ütlete, et ta sündis pimedana? Kuidas ta siis praegu näeb?”
20 Seepeale kostsid ta vanemad: „Me teame, et see on meie poeg ja
et ta sündis pimedana,
21 aga kuidas ta nüüd näeb, seda me ei tea ega tea me ka seda,
kes ta silmad avas. Küsige tema enda käest, ta on küllalt vana ja
võib ise enda kohta rääkida.”
22 Ta vanemad vastasid nõnda, sest nad kartsid juute, kuna juudid
olid juba kokku leppinud, et kes iganes tema Messiaks tunnistab,
heidetakse kogudusest välja.
23 Seepärast ta vanemad ütlesid: „Ta on küllalt vana, küsige tema
enda käest.”
24 Nad kutsusid nüüd teist korda inimese, kes oli olnud pime, ja
ütlesid talle: „Anna au Jumalale! Me teame, et see
inimene on patune.”
25 Seepeale vastas too: „Kas ta on patune või ei, seda mina ei
tea. Tean ainult ühte: ma olin pime, praegu aga näen.”
26 Nüüd nad küsisid temalt: „Mis ta sulle tegi? Kuidas ta su silmad
27 Mees vastas neile: „Ma ju ütlesin teile, ent teie ei võtnud
kuulda. Miks te tahate seda veel kord kuulda? Kas ka teie tahate
hakata tema jüngriteks?”
28 Ja nad sõimasid teda ja ütlesid: „Sina oled tema jünger, meie
oleme aga Moosese jüngrid.
29 Meie teame, et Jumal on rääkinud Moosesega, aga kust tema
on, seda me ei tea.”
30 Mees kostis neile: „See ongi imelik, et teie ei tea, kust
ta on, ja ometi on ta avanud mu silmad.
31 Me teame, et Jumal ei kuule patuseid, ent kui keegi on
jumalakartlik ja teeb tema tahtmist, siis seda ta kuuleb.
32 Veel ilmaski pole kuuldud, et keegi oleks avanud pimedalt
sündinu silmad.
33 Kui tema ei oleks Jumala juurest, ei suudaks ta teha
34 Nad kostsid talle: „Kas sina, kes sa oled sündinud lausa
pattudes, tahad meid õpetada?” Ja nad heitsid ta kogudusest välja.
35 Jeesus sai kuulda, et nad on ta kogudusest välja heitnud ja
küsis teda kohates: „Kas sa usud Inimese Pojasse?”
36 Too kostis: „Kes see on, isand? Ütle mulle seda, et ma saaksin
temasse uskuda.”
37 Jeesus ütles talle: „Sa näed ju teda, see, kes sinuga räägib,
ongi tema.”
38 Aga tema lausus: „Ma usun, Issand!” ja kummardas teda.
39 Jeesus ütles: „Mina olen tulnud maailma kohtumõistmiseks, et
need, kes
ei näe, hakkaksid nägema, ning nägijad jääksid pimedaks.”
40 Seda kuulsid mõned variseridest, kes olid tema juures, ja
ütlesid talle: „Kas meiegi oleme pimedad?”
41 Jeesus ütles neile: „Kui te oleksite pimedad, ei oleks teil
pattu. Aga et te nüüd ütlete: „Meie näeme”, siis jääb teie patt teile.
Están hermosas estas canciones y más si están tocadas con instrumentos muchas gracias !!
Love "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes" & "When You Wish Upon A Star" those music makes me feel like a Princess ❤❤❤
Esos recuerdos se acomodan en el corazón... Cómo quisiera volver a ser una inocente niña
Yo tengo 9 años y mi mamá me dice disfruta!!! Y me encanta disney mi sueño es ir ahi amo disney junior
Igual yo 😭
@@gaby19870 si disfruta tu infancia y que pronto puedas ir a disney 😊
Every time I feel down, I will listen to your music. No matter how many times I listen to it, I will feel healed. Thank you~
Grew up with these lovely songs! Many memories!
I love disney movies and theme songs. Give more relaxing and hope.💖💖💖💖
Emocionante...Colors of the wind me transporta para um lugar lindo...
I've been listening to this song since I was 7 years old, and the nostalgia is always the same! I hope to find this comment of mine in the future someday... know that you are very special, and everything will be fine! Jesus loves you so much! ❤️
Kudos to Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra for playing these Disney Classics! Fabulous!!!
I feel so happy while listening this. Disney made my childhood.
I love disney songs,when i and my baby listen to this musics my baby fall asleep,it's calming and relaxing,thankyou for sharing these musics😊
Beautiful song Pocahontas 😍💛❤
I love you DISNEY..you make the world brighter
1. [00:00] Beauty and the Beast (Beauty And The Beast)
2. [02:55] A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes (Cinderella)
3. [06:49] Someday (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
4. [11:35] Cruella De Vil (One Hundred And One Dalmatians)
5. [16:18] Colors of the Wind (Pocahontas)
6. [20:46] When You Wish Upon a Star (Pinocchio)