"Hailey Kaplan, a wealthy teenager who decides to conceal her true identity when she transfers to Western High, a public school. Tired of being known only for her family's wealth, Hailey hopes to make genuine friends and experience a normal teenage life. However, her plans are thrown into chaos when Candice Mathis, the daughter of the Kaplan family's maid, arrives at school posing as the Kaplan heiress. Candice quickly rises to the top of the social hierarchy, while Hailey finds herself at the bottom, subjected to bullying and ridicule."
Nice Glay!!❤
Luvv! 😍
Awesome vlog! 🙌🏻 New subscriber here and will support your channel. ☺️
Thank you so much!! 🫶🏻
@ You’re welcome. ☺️
I'll support you ateeee, idk if kaila paka nako
Ofc kaila kaayo and thank youuu! Laag nya ta puhon with ate pia haa 🫶🏻
Kalaagon kayko ara glai! Kita nya ta ig sinulog 🥹 -pia
Laag nya adto puhon ate hihi and chat nya ta haaa kita ta ig sinulog 🫶🏻
phone reveal po
sobrang clear and stable 😲
Thank youu! I’m using my iphone 14pro and my friends’ 15pro 😊
"Hailey Kaplan, a wealthy teenager who decides to conceal her true identity when she transfers to Western High, a public school. Tired of being known only for her family's wealth, Hailey hopes to make genuine friends and experience a normal teenage life. However, her plans are thrown into chaos when Candice Mathis, the daughter of the Kaplan family's maid, arrives at school posing as the Kaplan heiress. Candice quickly rises to the top of the social hierarchy, while Hailey finds herself at the bottom, subjected to bullying and ridicule."