Congrats LGE pengurusan terator rapi fast track diagnosis and round up the culprits without wasting time. Brilliant breakdown of facts and data and circumvent problematic issues. Clear as crystal. Intensive challenges ahead with good support from highranking staff hopeful nation could be saved.
"Let's call a spade, a SPADE." Truth is ugly. But when faced the truth, the whole nation can come together bergotong-royong rebuild Malaysia. Thank you YB LGE for being honest.
Malaysians have save Malaysia once on GE14. Perhaps we can gotong royong collect money for our beloved nation to save it again for the 2nd time. The public office can help save utility cost. Just like back then when rakyat throw money and jewelry on the road to Tunku Abdul Rahman. Malaysians buy Malaysian product.
bongok dh kena balun dgn media oversea baru ada akal revise blik statement... mahathir ckp hutang negara 1 trilion sama la lim guan eng ni skrg bru bg true figure
dah takkan dye nak keluar statement dulu sebelum mahathir cakap dulu? bende boleh affect social standing dengan kesejahteraan rakyat kot, kene timing la nak keluar statement, lim guan eng ape2 pun byk nye refer dkt mahathir gak, kire okay la x smpai 2 minggu dah keluar true figure, dari tunggu 10 tahun true figure pun xtahu tibe2 dah 1 trillion dah. okay la ni, sabar la, bagi mase sikit, kerajaan baru kan, positif la skit.
Kudos to LGE and PH for being transparent. The drawback of this public disclosure is naturally the nervous reaction from market players when hear bad news . This is just a temporary phenomenon. I am confident, PH will eventually regain both local and international business trusts by being committing to their election manifestos.
bila minister lagi cerdik dr reporter...bacaa laa reporter oi...ko tanye balik2 benda bodo...prepare laaa..dia buat report bertulis siap utk korg...apreciate sikit 😪
Geveninh..good job sdr LGE on to the focus of our debts...May GOD gives U the strengh to over come all this BiG Time spenders of the corrupted BN govt...another term IF given they would have SOLD the country...allahuakbar
OMG!! Malaysia reporters are sooooooooo incompetent. Such a shame! never read notes.. not updating themselves before attending PCs.. keep asking same questions. Tak kasik free media, nak sangat.. dah kasik.. tak tau gunakan sewajarnya.
The damaged is already being done..biarkan pihak berkuasa buat kerja dia org..they know apa yg rakyat mahu..skrg adalah masa utk kita semua bangun dan bekerjasama utk memulihkan keadaan. Buang sikap perkauman yg ditiupkan oleh BN selama hari ni...after all we r Malaysian..semoga yg terbaik jua buat barisan hadapan PH..agar dianugerah kekuatan mental dan fizikal oleh Nya agar ekomomi negara tercinta ni dapat dipulihkan seperti sediakala dan terus berkembang maju.
Kerajaan lama meninggalkan banyak Najis untuk kerajaan Baru menyelasaikan! Tanggungjawab Menteri Kewangan amat besar! Bukan calang-calang orang boleh pikul! Jangan lagi mengesyaki keupayaan dan latar belakang LGE!
cibe will 110% Agreed!... Well... to remove the title from "we all knows who" i think its not even necessary as it will soon be automatically stripped off! :) *giggles*
banyak cost yang dah guna tak bole tuntut balik. Macam perjudian, melancung, makan n minum, etc. semua pakai cash, sebab tu katanya cash is king. Dan sebab tu la simpan dalam rumah. cash x bole trace.
K Khalifah ...betul betul betul perah dari org 2 yg sekngkol dgnnajib...mereka mesti bnyk beratus juta duit .no satu nazri.sahidan azee keruak musa aman rampas guna undang 2 boleh bayar hutang mdb.kapal terbang mewah najib jual .borus betul jub ros ni dah tau kai buat taik hutang lagi nak mewah2menjahanam ken negara betul
We matter what race .... would be proud and happy...with what is going on......sebab lain orang makan nangka orang lain orang yang kena getah.....!!sikit hari lagi Abang LGE...boleh botak mau pikir macam mana mau kasi silisai...!!So give good support to YB LGE
Berharap Kalau kerajaan ambil pucuk kepimpinan 1MDB. Mohon segera tukar nama syarikat ini. 1MDB sangat2 memalukan seluruh rakyat malaysia. Merugikan bangsa dan negara. Re-Name as HARAPAN RAKYAT DEVELOPMENT🙂
We matter what race .... would be proud and happy...with what is going on......sebab lain orang makan nangka lain orang yang kena getah.....!!sikit hari lagi Abang LGE...boleh botak mau pikir macam mana mau kasi silisai...!!
But i wonder why the anxious reporters...never ask all this figure to najib...last time....when they get the source from DOJ before the election..u all tikus.
Harga barangan masih mahal kos sara hidup amat tinggi golongan pendapatan rendah bertambah (miskin) golongan ini harus diberikan perhatian.... .....Harapan rakyat Malaysia.....
nak minta pendapat. ada tak tabung derma kerajaan. org yg mampu blh tlg derma buat bayaran hutang. klu 1 bulan seorg derma rm10 x 1juta org = rm 10,000,000.00 blh byr hutang cepat
mi gaming good idea, seems ada orang buat donations kepada our new government. Harap someone take a lead , we Rakyat Malaysia akan support utk overcome.
Boleh saja minta DSN sama wife dia n puak puak dia byr lebih byk kalau cmpur2 lg byk gomen leh pk blk knp rakyat nk tnggung hutang yg dibuat oleh DSN?ish ..geram lak bila pk.diaorg senang lenang kita kena tnggung
I guess those reporters were supposed to do their own research before asking time wasting questions? Really like why do we need to serve the debt eventhough the company has been declared insolvent. Really reporters????
Rushazila Amir Nordin ....tu la nama nya penipu ikut perintah tok jib ckp tipu mcm bos dia.....masih nak bebas ke jib ni bila nak tangkap masuk penjara ni.......
Rushazila Amir Nordin ......kalau di arah tok jib suruh ckp macam tu dia ikut je laaa bimbg lagi bnyk benda dia beritau ...kantoi lagi la tok jib .......mesti bnyk lagi hal di sbunyikan tu
I Never know our Reporter are so dumb dumb in asking question....oooo reporter, you need to buck up, no longer BN anymore, all this new minister know they stuff, next time research 1st and ask a good question not like this....waste time only
Kerajaan bn merupakan kerajaan tersirat...40% hutang negara di senyap bin sepi, mesti ada yg tersirat...LANGSUNG TAK TELUS..SYUKUR KERNA KALAH DN TAK JDI KERAJAAN LGK...ALHMDULILLAH..
Bahahahah...najib should re-call his facebook status now.... Ingt org xleh explain ka 64% hutang negara... Ingt semua suke ckap menipu mcm dia ka ..what a joke 😂😂😂
1) asset he meant here is an asset a company need to show their credibility to loan.. Whn cnt pay loan.. Creditor take back asset strangely here there is no asset shown at first place.. 2) whn he said commitments means u got rental u paying everymonth rm100..thn u increase this buy buying a car another rm200.. Ths means u owe rm300 not rm200
Slm sejahtera semua.. bebuih sdr Lim guan jwb. Apa kata mintak tgh Hadi lak jawab..berkata benar je no belit2..Ada leh ke cam LGE tu buat??? Shabas PH. Pilihn rakyat pilihn TM
Kepada wartawan yg berpeluang interview najib/arul dan kuncu2, kami yg menyaksikan pembohongan mereka sudah tentu sgt marah.. Anda berpeluang sambil memegang mikrofon yg paling besar dan menggunakannya untuk memukul kepala mereka sekurang kurangnya hingga cacat seumur hidup. Hukuman penjara adalah terlampau ringan utk apa yg mereka telah buat!
Becoz 1mdb is a scam n creditors should check before giving loans, i hope there is some legal aspect can be taken so that malaysia or new government dont ha ve to pay the debt..
whatzzz???more than 70% of GDP, debt ratio malaysia??OMG..compared with Indonesia,they just below 30% of GDP, what's happening with malaysia right now???belum lagi pay for interest...all i can say that the countr's income just pay for the debt, gali lobang tutup lobang...alaaamaaaakkkk
Looks like not much alternatives remaining to proceed with repayment schedule except from people's kitty. The interest incurred is painfully huge what more the principal itself is definitely mind blasting and unbearable. The last initiative would be the foreign reserves as preferred choice as principal maturity repayment to offset the cumulative yearly interest thereby over the next decade or more the savings over interest can be channeled back into foreign reserve provided no more similar 1MDB scam ventures.
Everything the new government doing for the people now must be apparent enough so that the foreign press can catch up to it and bring back the good news that the government is indeed recovering and not a corrupt government anymore. This is to give a good impression of our country and promote investment again, thus improving the country. Sebab tu sidang media dibuat menggunakan dwi bahasa, sebab kerajaan prihatin dengan rakyat but at the same time impression tu pun kena emphasize jugak. Please understand that this is a very important gesture towards foreign countries.
lm fhz dia guna english ada sbb., berita disebarkan ke luar negara bahawa mrk skrng invest dlm negara kita dgn keyakinan... Promote negara kita balik supaya ekonomi kita boleh naik balik.. Dll... :)...
aku berasa macam duduk di negara orang puteh pulak... apa silapnya... dalam semua perlembagaan samada parti apatah lagi negara Bahasa Malaysia diutamakan. Memalukan...
Transkrip tu dah di buat dlm 3 bahasa..dia terpaksa bercakap inggeris sebab byk pemberita dari luar negara ada situ. Esok mungkin ada dalam suratkhabar..
tak dak jugak yg nak sokong atau angkat martabat bahasa negara sendiri nuu... baguslh klu dah bg transkrip dlm 3 bahasa...semua pemberita dapat... cakap sajalah dlm Bahasa Malaysia. Berita ni berita dalam negara.
competency, accountability and transparency!
Lets Work Together Clean Up The Country And Rebuild The Nation
yes, and make sure najib with his 1mdb is dump in the bin for good.
Thank you for the transparency, please maintain such practice 👍
Terima kasih YB LIM GUAN ENG
Rakyat terhutang budi atas jasa kamu dan semua yang terlibat untuk bersihkan Malaysia🌞🌞🌞
Time to REBUILD the a Johorean today im hearing all the confidence from my collegues from Spore...its a good sign.
Before this, he cleaned up the debt in Penang made by BN, and now he need to do the same things in federal gov. Gudluck Sir !
Congrats LGE pengurusan terator rapi fast track diagnosis and round up the culprits without wasting time.
Brilliant breakdown of facts and data and circumvent problematic issues. Clear as crystal.
Intensive challenges ahead with good support from highranking staff hopeful nation could be saved.
He is right. Even an individual need to list his debt before you know how and what to pay. Great work on being transparent...
I pray the new government can solve our beloved country problems.
Neoh Guan Hup 💕yes, they can💪
"Let's call a spade, a SPADE." Truth is ugly. But when faced the truth, the whole nation can come together bergotong-royong rebuild Malaysia. Thank you YB LGE for being honest.
Malaysians have save Malaysia once on GE14. Perhaps we can gotong royong collect money for our beloved nation to save it again for the 2nd time. The public office can help save utility cost. Just like back then when rakyat throw money and jewelry on the road to Tunku Abdul Rahman. Malaysians buy Malaysian product.
Lim Guan Eng very professional
proud of u💪
ini baru lahh minister of finance yg transparent
bongok dh kena balun dgn media oversea baru ada akal revise blik statement...
mahathir ckp hutang negara 1 trilion sama la lim guan eng ni skrg bru bg true figure
dah takkan dye nak keluar statement dulu sebelum mahathir cakap dulu? bende boleh affect social standing dengan kesejahteraan rakyat kot, kene timing la nak keluar statement, lim guan eng ape2 pun byk nye refer dkt mahathir gak, kire okay la x smpai 2 minggu dah keluar true figure, dari tunggu 10 tahun true figure pun xtahu tibe2 dah 1 trillion dah. okay la ni, sabar la, bagi mase sikit, kerajaan baru kan, positif la skit.
ok la tu ...menteri nampak pandai...kene yakin and kerja kuat la .have faith.
T.kasih mentri keuwangan . SELAMATKAN NEGARAKU MALAYSIA. 👍👍👍👍👍
Kudos to LGE and PH for being transparent. The drawback of this public disclosure is naturally the nervous reaction from market players when hear bad news . This is just a temporary phenomenon. I am confident, PH will eventually regain both local and international business trusts by being committing to their election manifestos.
Semoga usaha dan niat yang baik dipermudahkan Allah SWT
m4xspeed aamiin
Ameen ya rabb 🙏
Aamiin ...
Reporters are more concerned about the fall of stock market prices than Lim guan eng and ph fight for the truth that was hidden from the public
subhan Md Talab we will have to come clean to the world then only we will be able to get back to the road towards recovery.
This is issue of country's credibility.
stock doesn't created for rise and high only, it does fall down when time it comes
Better than live in lies... Building a nation is tough challenge but I know we will succeed in doing so..
bila minister lagi cerdik dr reporter...bacaa laa reporter oi...ko tanye balik2 benda bodo...prepare laaa..dia buat report bertulis siap utk korg...apreciate sikit 😪
Geveninh..good job sdr LGE on to the focus of our debts...May GOD gives U the strengh to over come all this BiG Time spenders of the corrupted BN govt...another term IF given they would have SOLD the country...allahuakbar
OMG!! Malaysia reporters are sooooooooo incompetent. Such a shame! never read notes.. not updating themselves before attending PCs.. keep asking same questions. Tak kasik free media, nak sangat.. dah kasik.. tak tau gunakan sewajarnya.
The damaged is already being done..biarkan pihak berkuasa buat kerja dia org..they know apa yg rakyat mahu..skrg adalah masa utk kita semua bangun dan bekerjasama utk memulihkan keadaan. Buang sikap perkauman yg ditiupkan oleh BN selama hari ni...after all we r Malaysian..semoga yg terbaik jua buat barisan hadapan PH..agar dianugerah kekuatan mental dan fizikal oleh Nya agar ekomomi negara tercinta ni dapat dipulihkan seperti sediakala dan terus berkembang maju.
Noor Azeman Ahmad totally agreed 👍👍👍👍👏👏
When the minister is more skillful, the reporters became slightly lamer. :)
yeaaa right... they kind of do not know what to ask ..... I SALUTE LGE did a great job and explained crystal clear about everything....
Datuk Lim Guan Eng..Gua salute lu.. 👌 bro.. Yr English is so good no doubt bahasa msia itu penting...btw keep it up for yr good job.. EXCELLENT...
Kerajaan lama meninggalkan banyak Najis untuk kerajaan Baru menyelasaikan! Tanggungjawab Menteri Kewangan amat besar! Bukan calang-calang orang boleh pikul! Jangan lagi mengesyaki keupayaan dan latar belakang LGE!
doraemon che totally agreed, later all his hair become white 😨😨
Way to go Mr Guang Eng ! RESPECT ! Build a new nation financially and Prosperously.:)
We should give him Dato Seri title. And remove the one from you know who.
cibe will 110% Agreed!... Well... to remove the title from "we all knows who" i think its not even necessary as it will soon be automatically stripped off! :) *giggles*
Gives a bad name to other Dato Seri. He don't deserve it. The first thing to be stripped off is his clothes in jail.
Very detailed pc YB.. we r with u
A true finance minister...i'm with u sir...all the way...
Nasib baik la BN kalah....
thanks to melaka and johor mainly
We are in correct track.. well done YB
walaupun 1T hutang negara...... tapi aku terasa amat lega bila Tun lantik LGE utk membantu beliau selamatkn negaraku🇲🇾...... steady LGE👌🏻😊
Berani sokong 1MDB, berani tanggunglah hutangnya.
banyak cost yang dah guna tak bole tuntut balik. Macam perjudian, melancung, makan n minum, etc. semua pakai cash, sebab tu katanya cash is king. Dan sebab tu la simpan dalam rumah. cash x bole trace.
K Khalifah ...betul betul betul perah dari org 2 yg sekngkol dgnnajib...mereka mesti bnyk beratus juta duit .no satu nazri.sahidan azee keruak musa aman rampas guna undang 2 boleh bayar hutang mdb.kapal terbang mewah najib jual .borus betul jub ros ni dah tau kai buat taik hutang lagi nak mewah2menjahanam ken negara betul
Sangat2 setuju
We matter what race .... would be proud and happy...with what is going on......sebab lain orang makan nangka orang lain orang yang kena getah.....!!sikit hari lagi Abang LGE...boleh botak mau pikir macam mana mau kasi silisai...!!So give good support to YB LGE
hidup LGE
Berharap Kalau kerajaan ambil pucuk kepimpinan 1MDB. Mohon segera tukar nama syarikat ini. 1MDB sangat2 memalukan seluruh rakyat malaysia. Merugikan bangsa dan negara. Re-Name as HARAPAN RAKYAT DEVELOPMENT🙂
harry rmond lepas byr hutang 1mdb akan tutup sykt tak perlu tukar nama
I think the reporters ran out of questions after Saudara Lim gave a full detailed statement, they are so used to BNs PCs, where no details are given
We matter what race .... would be proud and happy...with what is going on......sebab lain orang makan nangka lain orang yang kena getah.....!!sikit hari lagi Abang LGE...boleh botak mau pikir macam mana mau kasi silisai...!!
Ape bingai sangat reporter malaysia ni?? Dah bgi lampiran info pun masih nk tanye bende sama. Sia2 kene perli suruh baca.
How to Smith not surprising judging from previous pc
jangan level wartawan gossip dah lah
Yes the balance sheet out..should be included..its the same is aprox 1 trillion.
I wonder the China investment of 311.5 billion is in there and/or MOF is the guarantor.
But i wonder why the anxious reporters...never ask all this figure to najib...last time....when they get the source from DOJ before the election..u all tikus.
Good job LGE & MOF , work with no fear... damm to Najibul Arulkandar and BN 😠
imran abu bakar Najin Anaconda hahhaha xlayak panggil arul kanda=anaconda sbb cakap berbelit
.... terbaikk LGE !!!!!!!! .... sbb tak terperangkap dlm helah arul untuk tandatangan dokumen tersebuttt.
Harga barangan masih mahal kos sara hidup amat tinggi golongan pendapatan rendah bertambah (miskin) golongan ini harus diberikan perhatian....
.....Harapan rakyat Malaysia.....
nak minta pendapat. ada tak tabung derma kerajaan. org yg mampu blh tlg derma buat bayaran hutang. klu 1 bulan seorg derma rm10 x 1juta org = rm 10,000,000.00 blh byr hutang cepat
mi gaming good idea, seems ada orang buat donations kepada our new government. Harap someone take a lead , we Rakyat Malaysia akan support utk overcome.
NG CHEW HEONG any ideal or who should we call. we really need to help our goverment.
Boleh saja minta DSN sama wife dia n puak puak dia byr lebih byk kalau cmpur2 lg byk gomen leh pk blk knp rakyat nk tnggung hutang yg dibuat oleh DSN?ish ..geram lak bila pk.diaorg senang lenang kita kena tnggung
Dhia Dippsy pedulikan dsn tu. tak lama lg masuk sg. buloh. kita harus fikir masa depan malaysia negara kita
I tengok macam ada orang hantar chq ke bank negara dengan tulis surat mengatakan utk tolong hutang negara
Salut Yb Lim Guan Eng......hes a real Malaysian.
I guess those reporters were supposed to do their own research before asking time wasting questions? Really like why do we need to serve the debt eventhough the company has been declared insolvent. Really reporters????
Arul Kanda pembohong
This idiot still want to sue Finance Minister
Stephen Yong boleh tak dia didakwa kerana membohong pasal 1MDB ni?
Rushazila Amir Nordin yes 99% going to jail. Anyway his future is beyond redeemable. Nobody will want him to work.
1mdb insolvent since 2016, then apa jadah nye Arul Kanda dok canang 1 malaysia ckp 1mdb ada rationalization plan??!!!!
hafiz norhashim dia penipu😤😤😤
Rushazila Amir Nordin ....tu la nama nya penipu ikut perintah tok jib ckp tipu mcm bos dia.....masih nak bebas ke jib ni bila nak tangkap masuk penjara ni.......
Sharifah Sallamah geram kan...jd CEO...boleh kata tk tau apa2 pasai kewangan 1MDB??? Mkn gaji buta!
Rushazila Amir Nordin ......kalau di arah tok jib suruh ckp macam tu dia ikut je laaa bimbg lagi bnyk benda dia beritau ...kantoi lagi la tok jib .......mesti bnyk lagi hal di sbunyikan tu
Sharifah Sallamah fishy kann
I Never know our Reporter are so dumb dumb in asking question....oooo reporter, you need to buck up, no longer BN anymore, all this new minister know they stuff, next time research 1st and ask a good question not like this....waste time only
LGE need not daily open press conference. Wasting time.
Kerajaan bn merupakan kerajaan tersirat...40% hutang negara di senyap bin sepi, mesti ada yg tersirat...LANGSUNG TAK TELUS..SYUKUR KERNA KALAH DN TAK JDI KERAJAAN LGK...ALHMDULILLAH..
LGE Steady!
Syukurlah saya undi PH. kalau tidak konform anak, cucu Dan cicit membayar hutang kerana sorang mahafiraun yg menyalah gunakan kuasa
Bukan seorang. Banyak orang. But satu orang yang start dan semua ikut duit. Follow the money/bread crumbs.
Great Job Saudara YB LGE
nk tnye brim dpt x
open debate la.. Team 1MDB (Najib & Arul Kanda) vs Kerajaan (LGE & Rafizi).. like sikit..
Bahahahah...najib should re-call his facebook status now.... Ingt org xleh explain ka 64% hutang negara... Ingt semua suke ckap menipu mcm dia ka ..what a joke 😂😂😂
itu mangkuk tak layak cakap hal duit lagi. Orang cakap dah nak mati pun tak insaf.
Rambut tetap stylo boss..👍👍
1) asset he meant here is an asset a company need to show their credibility to loan.. Whn cnt pay loan.. Creditor take back asset strangely here there is no asset shown at first place.. 2) whn he said commitments means u got rental u paying everymonth rm100..thn u increase this buy buying a car another rm200.. Ths means u owe rm300 not rm200
Respect YB LGE.
Slm sejahtera semua.. bebuih sdr Lim guan jwb. Apa kata mintak tgh Hadi lak jawab..berkata benar je no belit2..Ada leh ke cam LGE tu buat??? Shabas PH. Pilihn rakyat pilihn TM
Kepada wartawan yg berpeluang interview najib/arul dan kuncu2, kami yg menyaksikan pembohongan mereka sudah tentu sgt marah.. Anda berpeluang sambil memegang mikrofon yg paling besar dan menggunakannya untuk memukul kepala mereka sekurang kurangnya hingga cacat seumur hidup. Hukuman penjara adalah terlampau ringan utk apa yg mereka telah buat!
Reporters are not asking any questions. All in disbelief.
Napelah reporter2 ni semua tk paham n tanya soalan2 yg dah yg tk belajar pandai paham ape menteri ni terangkan
So many questions..ask LGE to join yr WA group la ..easy...
Banyaknya off the book. 400 billion
Well done LGE
Becoz 1mdb is a scam n creditors should check before giving loans, i hope there is some legal aspect can be taken so that malaysia or new government dont ha ve to pay the debt..
I suggest that reporters more profesional asking good question instead asking soalan yang mcm hmm...
arrest them for treason and confisticate their assets as well all assets of umno to pay for it
Every press conferences these correspondents never learn, seriously, stop asking the same question!
muram je...kena buat keje hati2...
Mariah Mohd Shah kepala dia besar dan pening lagi pengsan, lepas tengok account account itu
lucky Bn kalah , kalua tidak Malaysia would had been another Greece.
Fantastic YB LIM
tanya laa pasal mara,tabung haji,kwsp pulak . situ pun najib ada cilok tuuu
banyak lagi oii. satu penjara pun tak cukup.
hazim baha ...satu satu ok yg paling teruk ni 1mdb pas ni felda pulak......dan beturut2 laaa
penjara sg buluh boleh renovated dah buat besar lagi..hehe
whatzzz???more than 70% of GDP, debt ratio malaysia??OMG..compared with Indonesia,they just below 30% of GDP, what's happening with malaysia right now???belum lagi pay for interest...all i can say that the countr's income just pay for the debt, gali lobang tutup lobang...alaaamaaaakkkk
Kenapa nak dalam bahasa manderin? English sudah. DAP memang la. Malaysia n english sudah
habis uban la kepala yb kite ni nanti selesai masalah 1mdb
Harap ada negara2 Arab yang kaya raya tolong derma sikit kat Malaysia supaya boleh bayar hutang
Arul Kanda , before you use sue Lim. Please turn your head back and see who is waiting you there, meet your pemiutang first.
Must be a lot of pemiutang.
Tonight he will have nightmare....
Painful truth to all Msian.. Punish Najib & Co!
Looks like not much alternatives remaining to proceed with repayment schedule except from people's kitty. The interest incurred is painfully huge what more the principal itself is definitely mind blasting and unbearable. The last initiative would be the foreign reserves as preferred choice as principal maturity repayment to offset the cumulative yearly interest thereby over the next decade or more the savings over interest can be channeled back into foreign reserve provided no more similar 1MDB scam ventures.
What abt 100million epf money given trump adminstration is it aldy included...sry im only SPM level rakyat.
4:13 Nombor penunggu saka
1.08 trillion utang bole buat 1000++ menara kembar Petronas (astro awani). #nak1dikgaqzonperang😆
pakai bahasa melayu aja. penduduk luar bandar banyak yg tak tau enggris.
E We tu live ada wartawan luar negara..
E We rasanya surat khabar ada... atau Malaysia kini... atau tv3 8tv nt7
Priority is to be given to Malaysian language. Not to those foreign press. LGE is humble.
Everything the new government doing for the people now must be apparent enough so that the foreign press can catch up to it and bring back the good news that the government is indeed recovering and not a corrupt government anymore. This is to give a good impression of our country and promote investment again, thus improving the country. Sebab tu sidang media dibuat menggunakan dwi bahasa, sebab kerajaan prihatin dengan rakyat but at the same time impression tu pun kena emphasize jugak. Please understand that this is a very important gesture towards foreign countries.
Aeras Ross u have good view...Well done
Cakap la bhasa malaysia...ramai masih kurang faham
lm fhz dalam 3 bahasa boss..crlah yg melayu..xpun beli paper esok...harap2 adalah
International reporters ada.. that's why kne speaking..
lm fhz
Tatau English, belajar. Sekian.
Susah nak dengar million ka atau billion. Reporter tanya pun macam man nak dengar ni.
lm fhz dia guna english ada sbb., berita disebarkan ke luar negara bahawa mrk skrng invest dlm negara kita dgn keyakinan... Promote negara kita balik supaya ekonomi kita boleh naik balik.. Dll... :)...
Arul is a snake who will be resting in jail soon..
aku berasa macam duduk di negara orang puteh pulak... apa silapnya... dalam semua perlembagaan samada parti apatah lagi negara Bahasa Malaysia diutamakan. Memalukan...
PakHang Senawang kan dia bagi stetament ke Media seluruh malaysia dn luar negara jugak PakHang.. lain kali belajar BI gok
Transkrip tu dah di buat dlm 3 bahasa..dia terpaksa bercakap inggeris sebab byk pemberita dari luar negara ada situ. Esok mungkin ada dalam suratkhabar..
X kisah apa bahasa asalnya faham
tak dak jugak yg nak sokong atau angkat martabat bahasa negara sendiri nuu... baguslh klu dah bg transkrip dlm 3 bahasa...semua pemberita dapat... cakap sajalah dlm Bahasa Malaysia. Berita ni berita dalam negara.
PakHang Senawang bukan x sokong..I pun faham bahasa Malaysia.cuba fikir la ini news utk seluruh dunia