Ten years later, I just recently discovered Bashar and Daryl Anka. This interview is excellent coming from interviewer, guest responses, and viewer ability to expand, even if only via tidbits... but there is so much information here. Great questions. Daryl's responses have so much clarity, flow easily, and are consistent with what he teaches today, ten years later. Timelines may have shifted since then because the collective has shifted, but if I didn't look at when this video was released, I would have thought it was a 2024 video. That is amazing!
This is awesome. Some of the stuff Bashar has taught me over the last year has been applied well and literally my life has turned upside down - in the best way! I cannot explain how incredible the change has been. I do not take him literally, as he said, it's a permission slip, and man it has worked in ways I never thought. We really do have control of our reality. Peace everyone x
@@Slokiler123😂 bro can say however much or little as he likes, no need to "back it up" you lot just want an easy step by step guide someone to tell you specifically what to do, but no 2 people are on the same path so what worked for him may not work for you
Great interviewer and I continue to be inspired by Darryl's seamless ability to explain the information Bashar gives so methodically in a style of simple yet expanding clarity. Thank you.
This interview is really good! Thanks to all who contributed. And a special thanks to Bashar for sharing your wisdom and shining it upon our planet. I am forever grateful for your inspiration. It has helped me help a lot of people. Love & gratitude from my heart.
Many ppl talk and talk and it brings nothing into theirs or others around them, life. Whether it's Darryl's imagination, or truly messages coming through from some Higher Consciousness- I'm Forever grateful. I've learned so much - without paying a penny. While wasted, truly, lots of $$ taking classes or seminars of different kinds. Darryl- my deepest gratitude! 🌺 I am doing my best to pay it forward. Thank you ❤️ Perhaps I had to come to a foreign country to learn English so I can listen to you...
I never tire of listening to Darryl/Bashar. There is always that positive and unconditionally loving energy and clarity of expression. I am always made aware of how many "faulty" beliefs I have had and still have as a result of what "religion" and "scientific thought at the time" offered me. Thank you for always giving me information by which I allow myself to expand, grow and ascend in consciousness. BRIAN
Only 2 minutes in and just wanted to say, love your intro Rick, totally right on! I thought that was an excellent 1-minute encapsulation of a wise, open-minded view towards the spiritual path (which of course can't be encapsulated in a minute, but you get the idea). Ok, back to the interview, this is definitely going to be awesome...
Darryl and Bashar are great! Thanks rick for this interview. It amazing to have the openness to invite wisdom through different ways , and our heart determines what resonates with us and what does not. I guess Truth in its core is so deeply resonating that if one is tuned into their own self without any resistance or static its easy to discern . I resonate with Bashar and couple of other channelers who bring to us the knowledge of infinite creative possibilities within 'ALL THAT IS' ,some of the knowledge is perhaps ahead of our time period ,and it is left to us to see if this resonates with in ourself or entertain the possibility and focus on actualizing that as an experience. personally i feel truth in its core is nothing but infinite possibilities. thats why it feels so liberating & unlimited. thats why truth and freedom are not separate from one another.. i have greatly benifitted from Devaji , Gangaji , Ramana maharshi and many other nondual teachers to actually surrender and tune into the truth of our true nature and thats foundational , what beings like Bashar share furthers the deepening of the conscious remembering and observing , mastering many levels of creative expression. Embodying the knowing of the STILLNESS. traditional NONDUAL teachings hold a very important role at this stage to 'stop' humanity from further losing themselves in unconsciousness and allowing them to surrender and be still, to allow the unfolding of wisdom from their true self to take place. for that first the recognition of WHO ONE IS is important. traditional nondual teachings help one in that area effectively. Knowing who we are is not limited to a seperate self , frees our focus and widens the area of possibilities when it comes exploring our creative expressions. It helps one to surrender , trust and be a 'channel' for deeper intelligence to do its work through us.That provides a clarity with which further explorations of how things work in creation is made relatively easy. this is a great combination of various mediums providing the neccessary wisdom depending on the level and state of consciousness of the receiver. Rick, Also try Eloheim Channel. this is their page. they are awesome when it comes physically grounding , evolving and embodying the divine truth here and now via our bodies. www.eloheim.com. All of these are complimentary to one another , they dont contradict . they may appear paradoxical but they are in harmony and allways flow towards self discovery .
Great video! I have learned a lot from Bashar over the past 2 years and definitely recommend him to anybody on a spiritual path or really anybody who is open to listen. Nice to see Gabriel watched this! Love watching him as well and I was curious if he ever listened to Bashar.
Years ago, when I was in my 20s, a group of friends and myself were tripping on LSD. We were all walking back to my apartment when we happened upon a mutual friend who had just left my doorstep. When he approached us, particularly me...he looked like he saw a ghost. I instinctively embraced him and said, "It's ok brother. Whatever you're going through, it's ok." He said, "I just saw you walking back and forth in your apartment. I was knocking and knocking but you were ignoring me...and here you are, walking up the street!". Mind you, he was as sober as a jaybird at this moment. We reminisce over this event many years later. No one was in my apartment. He swore it was me he saw. I believe him.
+Rich King I've experienced a few inexplicable events. It's true, our culture equates these experiences with spooky Halloween stuff. Then there are those accounts of living yogis who seemingly teleport themselves. Overlapping points of multiple dimensions. Wild stuff!
Well dude...then go to channeling Eric with Jmie butler medium on Yt ...this will give you information in a pleasant entertaining way about spirits and hanging around here...
Does anyone notice how at points in the interview Darryl starts talking in voice inflection and intonation as Bashar? This to me shows me that he is integrating more into being a conscious channel. I myself went through this process where I used to do deep trance channeling and now I have integrated more so that I Am more of a conscious channel and do not require the bells as whistles of breathing and such to get into such a state as he shares here in parts of the interview about that. Great interview and alot of what he shares I too have channeled and shared over the last 30 plus years as well :) and in addition to what he shares is alot of what I have and do experience as a channel too :)
Hey, thanks a lot for this! I'm a new subscriber! I love Darryl.and Bashar. I'm so glad I stumbled upon them a few years ago; it's been an amazing adventure for me! Love your interview style. God bless!
It's very satisfying to hear this. When I was in my sophomore year of high school, our biology teacher (Mrs. Longbrake--can you believe that name?) had us look through a micropscope, and when I saw the tiny creatures on the slide, I became overwhelmed with a sense of oneness with them. I suddenly realized that although we experience reality as though were totallly separate individuals, we are also parts of one whole reality that is in some sense ultimately indivisible..Darryl Anka's assertions confirm that feeling I had, which has remained a vade mecum for me throughout my life.
@@twiddajones Diolch i chi am ba bynnag reswm a ddywedodd hyn yn mynd i benderfynu ein bod yn cytuno barn gwerthusiad o'r fideo hwn am y difrod y mae wedi achosi rhai sy'n cael ei ddadwneud wrth i ni siarad yma ac nid wyf yn mynd i fyw mewn ofn...
Thanks for uploading the video. Speaks for itself. Daryll is a honest person. The information he provides is convincing as far as his role and perception is involved
I would love to see him interview Bashar as well, but sadly Darryl doesn't do skype calls while channeling. But I hope he makes the trip so he can maybe do it in person.
This video is so good! Bashar is full of amazing messages and has channeled for over 30 years! I have some of his earlier, unreleased work on my channel. Thanks for making this video, I just subbed! ✨
For me, the key is having faith in Positive Expectancy of my Efforts. I'll paraphrase Mike Dooley thusly, "you can sit on the couch all day thinking positively, but success will never show up. It's only when we show up in the arena of opportunity and work towards our dreams do we meet with success." I do this every day, it works, and my life gets better all the time.
I really enjoyed this interview and getting to know Darryl and Bashar and the message of the channel. Thanks for the share. I agree with one comment that it's similar to Seth material and Jane Roberts.
I had to laugh. I was listening to this interview and paused it to get some chocolate, that I decided to share with my wife. Why the laugh (and a good eyeroll!)? The pieces of my DARK CHOCOLATE bar came out of the package in TRIANGLES! 😂😅😂 Thanks for both the synchronicity and laugh, Bashar!!
Amazing to see how many like minds come together to share the thoughts. what speaks to you as an individual is a unique experience. The energy of Bashar and the messages that the energy brings forth of consciousness speaks to me with an inspiring intellect. good stuff Bashar. thank you .
If our awareness sits in the middle of the circle of experience like a light illuminating all frames, then we are within our center casting awareness on all time simultaneously able to be and know all in this moment.
I've had many vivid experiences with parallel realities. Here's one that I think adds to the discussion at about 1 hour 43min. into the video. A while ago, I picked up a newspaper because the story on the cover compelled me. I distinctly felt the rest of the paper didn't apply to me, but oddly, I was curious about what might be inside so I opened the paper and flipped through. Found a story about a village in India that had been wiped out by a landslide. Usually, when I read a news story I get a sense of the energy of the people involved and insights into how the event came about. This time, I felt absolutely nothing. I finished reading the article, then took a minute to ask my higher self a few questions about the event and the answer I got was that the village never existed in my reality. I literally live on a version of Earth where that village never existed. I asked my higher self if the people of that village are alive and well in other villages in my reality and the answer I got was that a small number of them have alternate selves living in my reality, in other villages, yes. Most of the people of that village never, ever lived in my reality though (or at least not in the reality that I was in that day). That is to say the newspaper was documenting something that happened in a reality other than mine. I'm sure it happens all the time but for some reason, there is sharp contrast between the realities I choose to live in and those that include the village. When I looked at the photo that accompanied the article, I felt deeply uncomfortable. It showed a woman searching the rubble for signs of her family and her eyes drew me into her reality every time I looked at them, which felt wretched in ways I cannot adequately describe. It wasn't just a sense of the trauma she'd been through, it was more the discomfort of being pulled into a reality so vastly different than the one I prefer. I have no way to explore that world in any greater detail, so I don't know why that world is so different than mine, but apparently it is.
What I love about this dialogue is that Daryl sounds more authoritative and therefore like Bashar than he ever has before. I enjoy seeing people grow up. Now if he could just find better people (who don't need smooth jazz intros to Bashar videos) to accompany his "growth".
Very good interviewer. When Bashar says that he is Darryl in the future, I get the impression that Bashar has every intention of merging with Darryl's personality, to indeed become him "in the future". Obviously these beings have the power to implant false memories into our minds, such as a memory of making a contract with them to do something for them before our incarnation. I cannot imagine any benevolent entity requiring or enforcing such a thing, and I would be wary of doing anything we wouldn't ordinarily do because of such a "memory". Regardless, I like this Bashar. His "Following your Bliss" concept is soooo right on. Has Bashar ever explained how he is able to communicate telepathically with Darryl? Is that how he always communicates, or does he have a native tongue?
Thank you - thank you - thank you! IN-credible interview, one of the best for people out there to get introduced to Darryl's work of channeling Bashar, next to one posted by Waking Universe. I just love how clear, wise, to the point, humoristic, sharp and above all - how unconditionally loving Bashar's messages are, every time, without exception ~ This interview in particular made me notice how intensly alligned Darryl himself has become with all of this knowledge :) I am infinitely gratefull for one day having discovered/manifested these magical reflections of loving wisdom into my life and for all it has ment to me - and still does - on my path in daily life :) Shivai! ☆ :・:*。・~ △ (((
The aspect of this type of spirituality that fascinates me most is how this meshes with the more non-dual type teachings that this channel interviews most. I know there is a parallel and that both are real (as real as form gets) but how they mesh together is a very interesting topic that I haven't heard much about. I would love to hear someone span both areas of focus.
I haven't watched this yet but anticipate with pleasure. The idea that 'defined self' decides or determines what is or is not real - or more accurately what is or is not resonant and relevant to your core signature vibrational being, is an idea one can explore and identify with - and thereby seem to split off or segregate from full awareness of being, so as to seem to be the 'doer' and judge of all that is in terms that then reflect back or validate the idea of a separate one. Bashar as a 'first contact' specialist, offers a permission slip for opening a reintegrative channel of receptivity and conductivity with 'Higher Self'. Considering how the segregated self-sense establishes self-protection as a defence against such 'contact', Bashar 'operates' on a number of levels across a spectrum of personality types. For myself, I have noticed that an arising appreciation of Wholeness brings the willingness to release the personality construct as self-definition. Taking such personality aka 'our self' seriously is - if you will - endarkenment - the mad idea at which the Son of God remembered NOT to laugh so as to 'en-trance' the Forgetting within which a focus of desire can be unfolded as a self amidst an experience of physical, emotional and mental tangibility. I am surely not alone in the capacity of discerning the root meanings of terms used by various teaching forms within their own purpose - rather than exercising 'comparative spirituality' (sic). To accord 'truth' to anything external is to mistake the mirror for the Idea Reflected. But that does not mean that props cant be useful. Indeed everything is in a sense a prop - serving the use that you - or in my case I - have chosen to use it for. The power of illusion is not the illusion of power. I appreciate waking as the first from the release of the second. I'll write again after listening. But all true listening is the discernment of the heart. A merely 'external' event has never occurred.
id say regardless if he is 'channeling' or not, he is going into a state that's not just 'daryls brain'. his answers to people are way to quick, witty, and accurate for a normal conscious person. He even said, psychologists have spoken to bashar and walk away satisfied; that statement alone is huge. these people that went to school for 6 years learning the brain and emotions walk away from a man sitting in a chair perfectly stating what needs to be said.
Bashar's teachings have changed my whole outlook on life. I am really grateful for all the video clips of him on utube. I find it ironic that Darryl thanked the interviewer at the end for getting the message out. Is his organisation not taking the clips down from utube, trying to force people to pay large amounts of money for the Bashar material which many of us cannot afford? I guess his minions are following their highest excitement in removing the free videos.
Concerning the different types of channels since you seem curious Rick. My first teacher was a "direct control" where the channel checks out more or less. These are the most rare. The other type is "Partial control" where the channel is conscious of the information coming through. These are much more common. My teacher taught that most people have some degree of partial control channeling skill. Also that most of these people channel at least a little bit during their lives. The third type of person is the Clairvoyant who doesn't really channel. These people see things psychically rather than channeling other entities. I never really got into channeling myself since I'm more of a clairvoyant.
Wow! So even Bashar is experiencing untold versions of himself? I mean how many versions of him are interacting with Darryl's versions! Please, someone turn the photocopier off LOL. Every time I see a Darryl Anka/Bashar video, a new issue/question pops into my head!
What Bashar is talking about here is similar to radio or TV programs. The TV programs are already all around you but if you do not tune your TV set to the right frequency, they will remain invisible to you but once you tune into their specific frequency, they will suddenly be visible on your TV screen. Reality is like that, you must first vibrate at the vibration of where you want to go in order to start seeing it otherwise the reality you want to manifest will remain invisible to you.
OK. I watched it. I'm already tuned in to and appreciative of Bashar so my interest wasn't so much in the content of Darryl but the way of the interview. I appreciate Rick's willingness to step out of spiritual conformity and in a sense follow his sense of resonant being regardless of what some others might judge. I feel Bashar is useful to open a more direct decision for Being Who You Really Are - and acting accordingly. This inevitably moves out from closet disguises to unashamedly do or be - because it is the movement of one's being and not as an identity strategy. I appreciated Darryl's willingness to communicate ideas and the sense of his humanity which felt an unassuming presence albeit responding along familiar - to him - lines. I appreciated Rick's interest and engagement - shall I say excitement? I often feel Rick can 'shoot the shit' or hang out in familiar ways in certain kinds of exchange - but that doesn't feel enlivening for me to be with. Darryl does well in communicating Bashar's ideas - but the vibrational quality of Bashar is so much more spontaneous and humorous and free, and this enlivens the ideas - which are fundamentally an energetic communication through the forms and not merely assemblages of construct. The understanding Bashar facilitates is a sliding scale all the way to Knowing or Self-Realisation. You are in a sense talking to your Self only Bashar observes this directly whereas we may presume and believe all kinds of scenario. But we cannot receive information that we are not ready and willing to accept, so whatever 'level' we get it is maximal with regard to our current belief system - and active as our own recognition. I bought Darryl's film 'Dearly Departed' and have no understanding as to how or why it was made in the light of Bashar's revelations. I found it shallow and sentimental. I deleted it rather than give it away. Clearly I had expectations that were not met. But even without the connection with Bashar, I would have found it almost unwatchable. It clearly wasn't made for my appreciation! On the other hand, this 2 hr interview was engaging and I am grateful to have watched it. I cant help but feel that if Darryl actually woke to the nature of what Bashar shares - not as ideas but as Consciousness - he would communicate that Consciousness in all that he is, says or does. But perhaps in a quirky sort of way, Darryl may be but the messenger for Bashar who also is but the messenger to a Stirring within of a deeper knowing that unfolds as it will, I don't need Darryl to be any different than he is. The re-integration of our essential humanity within our true Consciousness looks just like this. And like this. And this. It is all a matter of perspective, not of change of forms.
To those who already KNOW, this is wonderful confirmation. To the skeptic, a challenge to hold onto old perspectives together with a diminishing feeling of balance and harmony (goes with the territory) To the cynic, further opportunity to look at the fact that, until you experience reality for yourself, everything you experience will be based on beliefs (another word for second hand experiences). What many dont get, is such attitudes as listed , know no discrimination. If you are closed off as in the third category, you are closed to all growth, and that is a blockage that opens up a Pandoras box of problems. This is because cynicism is not healthy, so the discomfort keeps increasing until you you decide to open up.
Can you hear how some of Daryl's statements rise in pitch towards the end of the statement as though those statements had a question mark at the end? That is called Valleyspeak and originated in the San Fernando Valley in the 1950s. As somebody raised in El Lay just south of the Valley I am tickled pink by the weirdness of it all.
Thanx. Let me get this straight!! ... As long as those who keep posting about negative things online will stay in that world!? Those who stay positive will move into the new 5D earth & what does 5D Earth look like!? I can only share. Great vid!!
Listen to him long enough and you'll get a good picture. Also in the meditations for some reason it comes through, hard to explain but imagination is a funny thing.
AbbyJo Ovitsky And very similar to Ramtha, and other channelers. So, I find this interesting. Is that because these are universal truths? Or is it because they are all imitating each other?
Even on this "version of Earth", such extremes exist as Darryl was referring to regarding parallel versions. I live in Perth Western Australia, love the simple life, although have been brought up with the "western" materialistic programming, wheras just a few hours plane ride, one could be in the middle of some of the worst human conditions in history. Some of my friends, also happen to be living in a constant state of unrest, and dejection, in spite of this most beautiful environment. My point being, you dont have to believe the parallel views at a metaphysical level. You just have to open your eyes to the exact same principles at work.The rest follows.
A piece from the amazing book titled ZTINGAR: This incredible realisation has convinced Ztingar, once and for all, that rather than being a separate entity that is forever watching down from the heavens high above, the true omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent identity of what most people call God is ‘Life Force’ and the fundamental essence of God is the tri-combination of the three major universal laws, that Gang-Gang has been talking about. It’s often said that God is an invisible entity that can never be seen. Thinking about this has Ztingar contemplating the vast amount of information that is constantly being conveyed via electromagnetic waves and he now sees it as being possible proof of how an invisible state of God could actually exist. Everyone knows that certain data being relayed by way of electromagnetic waves has the potential to help bring about extraordinarily powerful effects--including an instant global awareness of something or a mass emotional reaction. It’s also common knowledge that these waves can be used to help detonate a bomb or to even enable NASA to control the movements of a robot as far away as the Moon or Mars etcetera. But none of this is possible unless the wavelengths being used are complimentary to a receiver at the other end that is switched on to detect the information being transmitted. Without such a receiver all the information being sent would simply remain invisible and never be seen or heard. In a similar way, Ztingar can now see how important it is to have our inner self switched on in order to receive a clear and precise understanding of who we truly are, and what our and all other Life is really all about. He thinks this is how chanting the words Nam-myoho-renge-kyo might work. In other words, it’s not a magic wand, but like Gang-Gang said, it allows us to reach into the core of our enlightenment and switch it on. During one of the lessons, Gang-Gang had explained that the only difference between a Buddha and a common mortal is that a Buddha has reached his or her enlightenment. Ztingar’s thoughts have done an about turn back to the ‘creation verses evolution’ controversy again. He now feels more certain than ever that they would both need to play an equal roll in Life, because he cannot conceive that our built-in ability to design, change and organise things and all the intelligence we naturally possess that allows us to realise and utilise everything, could possibly have ever come about simply by chance alone, any more than the workings of the universe could. Regarding the whereabouts of Heaven and Hell, Ztingar has chosen to believe that rather than up in space or down beneath the ground, both exist within our own life in a similar way to how Gang-Gang had explained in his lecture on the Ten Worlds. The reason he’s come to this decision is that if you are not happy within yourself, there’s no way in the world you can possibly feel truly happy with things on the outside. Contrary to that, if you are happy and contented with yourself, you’re more likely to cope much better with your surroundings, even in situations that are not so favourable.
Darryl is an intelligent, rational person.The actual nature and mechanics of how he delivers information can be argued ad infinitum. The information itself is either useful or not useful - perhaps we can give him some credit for being brave to do it this way - and evolutionarily speaking, why wouldn't humans be able to perceive, interpret and integrate beyond mere survival purposes on the physical level? A parachute is extremely useful when it is opened at the right time.
13:45 Darryl is right, I am conscious and still tapped into an alternate reality. Lots of trauma caused damage to kundalini and some angels and so on have helped.
Really interesting interview. Thanks for sharing. I like the teaching, it sounds very convincing to me. The only question I can not find the answer to : is it OK to do "what excites you the most" if you action would hurt others...
…and yes, I am in regular (and irregular) communication with extraterrestrial and extradimensional civilizations. It is not difficult to make contact if your mind and heart are open. Mind AND heart. Heart and mind. Big clue.
Here are some examples of original questions that I've never heard anyone ask: 1) How are Earth supposed to become the 6th Hybrid planet? Does this mean humans will "have to" have sex with the hybrid beings (Human/Grey Hybrids) that are supposed to come down here within the next decade or so? Or will humans die out and be replaced by the Hybrids? 2) What is currently the lowest and highest vibration possible in the human form (that the human body can sustain)? And how will this change as we move deeper into 4th density? 3) If ET beings higher vibration "brings up all the stuff that stands in the way of a human being functioning on that higher vibration" and can thus cause "psychotic shock" in humans even on the path of truth, how come Bashar has said before that our "leaders" (i.e. politicians) have actually had face to face meetings with such ET beings? How come they did not experience psychotic shock when someone who actually wants such an experience supposedly cannot handle it? 4) What is the story behind the so called Star Child skull that was found together with the skeleton of a human female in a cave in south america? 5) The Atacama Humanoid supposedly lived several years on earth. Can you elaborate on that? What did "it" do? How did it survive? Did it interact with humans? Was there a similar being in Russia some years ago in the Ural Mountains? That's all I can think of for now. People with access to the incredible source of intelligence called Bashar really need to watch some of his vids before asking the same questions over and over...:)
Because I am in Europe. I was already seriously preparing for a 1 to 1 session by structuring contents which I could find on youtube with a view to to investigating specific themes I am manly interested in (timelines and the concept of changing pasts). The most relevant videos to that end are no longer publicly available. Furthermore, some of the questions I would have liked to ask have been answered ten years ago. (I stumbled by chance over the specific trancript). Without a structured analysis and carefully crafted questions travelling to LA doesn´t make sense. All the more if one would not be entitled to share the session publicly afterwards. If you do not exactly know what and where the material is which you would need for a thorough preparation with a view to bringing issues forward, nor what you can or cannot do afterwards with the results whatever they look like, this would be a strange approach. Many people applaud and applaud once they are confronted with Bashars concepts of the changing pasts. I do not understand this concept. And it does not make sense. In one video Bashar differentiated clearly between history (remains unchanged and unchangeable, you cannot travel back into your own history according to both, Willa and Bashar) and the past (created from the present, changes billions of times per second as you do). Bashar uses key terminology differently and it would be the right time now to analyse how he is using which of the terms in which context. His entire message seems to be highly consistent but the usage of key terminology seems to be somewhat less coherent and a bit ad hoc and changing over time.
speren berg : The concept of changing pasts as I understand it is not really that the past you "remember" to have experienced necessarily changes as in "what happened", but more that as you evolve and change into other versions of your present self, the past will be viewed from different perspectives. The more radical and drastic you change, the more it is reflected in how drastically different you will view the so called past events. I have myself experienced a lot of this, and I would think most everyone have...
1:32:29. Bashar said that in the beginning their scientists lost people when they were experimenting with their new space ships. I want to know if they ever found them. What Bashar says about "jumping" frames makes me think of the Star Treks' holodecks.
Ten years later, I just recently discovered Bashar and Daryl Anka. This interview is excellent coming from interviewer, guest responses, and viewer ability to expand, even if only via tidbits... but there is so much information here. Great questions. Daryl's responses have so much clarity, flow easily, and are consistent with what he teaches today, ten years later. Timelines may have shifted since then because the collective has shifted, but if I didn't look at when this video was released, I would have thought it was a 2024 video. That is amazing!
Time Space don't exist remember
I’m finding this ten years later as well. And I’ve been watching Daryl / Bashar’s videos for a few years.
Me too and it clarifies a lot of the things that I heard in recent newer submissions.
How wonderful🎉.
This is awesome. Some of the stuff Bashar has taught me over the last year has been applied well and literally my life has turned upside down - in the best way! I cannot explain how incredible the change has been. I do not take him literally, as he said, it's a permission slip, and man it has worked in ways I never thought. We really do have control of our reality. Peace everyone x
Can you please describe some of the changes in your life
Yes, pls describe them. Or be quiet about comments like these if you are not prepared to back it up
@@Slokiler123😂 bro can say however much or little as he likes, no need to "back it up" you lot just want an easy step by step guide someone to tell you specifically what to do, but no 2 people are on the same path so what worked for him may not work for you
Great interviewer and I continue to be inspired by Darryl's seamless ability to explain the information Bashar gives so methodically in a style of simple yet expanding clarity. Thank you.
This interview is really good! Thanks to all who contributed. And a special thanks to Bashar for sharing your wisdom and shining it upon our planet. I am forever grateful for your inspiration. It has helped me help a lot of people. Love & gratitude from my heart.
Many ppl talk and talk and it brings nothing into theirs or others around them, life. Whether it's Darryl's imagination, or truly messages coming through from some
Higher Consciousness- I'm
Forever grateful. I've learned so much - without paying a penny. While wasted, truly, lots of $$ taking classes or seminars of different kinds. Darryl- my deepest gratitude! 🌺 I am doing my best to pay it forward. Thank you ❤️
Perhaps I had to come to a foreign country to learn English so I can listen to you...
Excellent interview, really brilliant discussion.
I never tire of listening to Darryl/Bashar. There is always that positive and unconditionally loving energy and clarity of expression. I am always made aware of how many "faulty" beliefs I have had and still have as a result of what "religion" and "scientific thought at the time" offered me. Thank you for always giving me information by which I allow myself to expand, grow and ascend in consciousness. BRIAN
Only 2 minutes in and just wanted to say, love your intro Rick, totally right on! I thought that was an excellent 1-minute encapsulation of a wise, open-minded view towards the spiritual path (which of course can't be encapsulated in a minute, but you get the idea). Ok, back to the interview, this is definitely going to be awesome...
Darryl and Bashar are great! Thanks rick for this interview. It amazing to have the openness to invite wisdom through different ways , and our heart determines what resonates with us and what does not. I guess Truth in its core is so deeply resonating that if one is tuned into their own self without any resistance or static its easy to discern . I resonate with Bashar and couple of other channelers who bring to us the knowledge of infinite creative possibilities within 'ALL THAT IS' ,some of the knowledge is perhaps ahead of our time period ,and it is left to us to see if this resonates with in ourself or entertain the possibility and focus on actualizing that as an experience. personally i feel truth in its core is nothing but infinite possibilities. thats why it feels so liberating & unlimited. thats why truth and freedom are not separate from one another.. i have greatly benifitted from Devaji , Gangaji , Ramana maharshi and many other nondual teachers to actually surrender and tune into the truth of our true nature and thats foundational , what beings like Bashar share furthers the deepening of the conscious remembering and observing , mastering many levels of creative expression. Embodying the knowing of the STILLNESS. traditional NONDUAL teachings hold a very important role at this stage to 'stop' humanity from further losing themselves in unconsciousness and allowing them to surrender and be still, to allow the unfolding of wisdom from their true self to take place. for that first the recognition of WHO ONE IS is important. traditional nondual teachings help one in that area effectively. Knowing who we are is not limited to a seperate self , frees our focus and widens the area of possibilities when it comes exploring our creative expressions. It helps one to surrender , trust and be a 'channel' for deeper intelligence to do its work through us.That provides a clarity with which further explorations of how things work in creation is made relatively easy. this is a great combination of various mediums providing the neccessary wisdom depending on the level and state of consciousness of the receiver. Rick, Also try Eloheim Channel. this is their page. they are awesome when it comes physically grounding , evolving and embodying the divine truth here and now via our bodies. www.eloheim.com. All of these are complimentary to one another , they dont contradict . they may appear paradoxical but they are in harmony and allways flow towards self discovery .
Great video! I have learned a lot from Bashar over the past 2 years and definitely recommend him to anybody on a spiritual path or really anybody who is open to listen. Nice to see Gabriel watched this! Love watching him as well and I was curious if he ever listened to Bashar.
Years ago, when I was in my 20s, a group of friends and myself were tripping on LSD. We were all walking back to my apartment when we happened upon a mutual friend who had just left my doorstep. When he approached us, particularly me...he looked like he saw a ghost. I instinctively embraced him and said, "It's ok brother. Whatever you're going through, it's ok."
He said, "I just saw you walking back and forth in your apartment. I was knocking and knocking but you were ignoring me...and here you are, walking up the street!". Mind you, he was as sober as a jaybird at this moment. We reminisce over this event many years later. No one was in my apartment. He swore it was me he saw. I believe him.
+Rich King Wow! That's very disconcerting. I hope you've found a balance since then.
+Rich King I've experienced a few inexplicable events. It's true, our culture equates these experiences with spooky Halloween stuff. Then there are those accounts of living yogis who seemingly teleport themselves. Overlapping points of multiple dimensions. Wild stuff!
Well dude...then go to channeling Eric with Jmie butler medium on Yt ...this will give you information in a pleasant entertaining way about spirits and hanging around here...
Dakini 108 I'll check that out. Thanks!
Such a GREAT interview! I love all the inteligent conversation. Darryl is a sweetheart. :)
Does anyone notice how at points in the interview Darryl starts talking in voice inflection and intonation as Bashar? This to me shows me that he is integrating more into being a conscious channel. I myself went through this process where I used to do deep trance channeling and now I have integrated more so that I Am more of a conscious channel and do not require the bells as whistles of breathing and such to get into such a state as he shares here in parts of the interview about that. Great interview and alot of what he shares I too have channeled and shared over the last 30 plus years as well :) and in addition to what he shares is alot of what I have and do experience as a channel too :)
Hey, thanks a lot for this! I'm a new subscriber! I love Darryl.and Bashar. I'm so glad I stumbled upon them a few years ago; it's been an amazing adventure for me! Love your interview style. God bless!
It's very satisfying to hear this. When I was in my sophomore year of high school, our biology teacher (Mrs. Longbrake--can you believe that name?) had us look through a micropscope, and when I saw the tiny creatures on the slide, I became overwhelmed with a sense of oneness with them. I suddenly realized that although we experience reality as though were totallly separate individuals, we are also parts of one whole reality that is in some sense ultimately indivisible..Darryl Anka's assertions confirm that feeling I had, which has remained a vade mecum for me throughout my life.
@@twiddajones Diolch i chi am ba bynnag reswm a ddywedodd hyn yn mynd i benderfynu ein bod yn cytuno barn gwerthusiad o'r fideo hwn am y difrod y mae wedi achosi rhai sy'n cael ei ddadwneud wrth i ni siarad yma ac nid wyf yn mynd i fyw mewn ofn...
darryl is really embodying the teaching. fantastic.
These are really good questions you're asking him. Thanks for the video!
absolutely love daryl n bashar ❤❤❤❤ my gratitude for his impact on my life cannot be expressed enough give channeling a go its well worth the try ! 👌
Darryl Anka is amazing and teachings from Bashar are profound; helping anyone who is seeking higher consciousness to find his/her path.
Loved this. Really enjoyed it. Thank you for 2 hours of joy x
Thanks for uploading the video. Speaks for itself. Daryll is a honest person. The information he provides is convincing as far as his role and perception is involved
By far the most interesting interview i have seen on BATGAP and i have seen allot.I hope he interviews Bashar next.
I would love to see him interview Bashar as well, but sadly Darryl doesn't do skype calls while channeling. But I hope he makes the trip so he can maybe do it in person.
This is profound! Thank you for uploading!
This video is so good! Bashar is full of amazing messages and has channeled for over 30 years! I have some of his earlier, unreleased work on my channel. Thanks for making this video, I just subbed! ✨
Great interview.. Thanks!
I like it better when Darryl teaches as himself...
For me, the key is having faith in Positive Expectancy of my Efforts. I'll paraphrase Mike Dooley thusly, "you can sit on the couch all day thinking positively, but success will never show up. It's only when we show up in the arena of opportunity and work towards our dreams do we meet with success." I do this every day, it works, and my life gets better all the time.
Darryl, sweetheart, giving us a lot of love and info that heal and support our personal destiny in all at one!❤
I really enjoyed this interview and getting to know Darryl and Bashar and the message of the channel. Thanks for the share. I agree with one comment that it's similar to Seth material and Jane Roberts.
I had to laugh. I was listening to this interview and paused it to get some chocolate, that I decided to share with my wife. Why the laugh (and a good eyeroll!)? The pieces of my DARK CHOCOLATE bar came out of the package in TRIANGLES! 😂😅😂 Thanks for both the synchronicity and laugh, Bashar!!
Amazing to see how many like minds come together to share the thoughts. what speaks to you as an individual is a unique experience. The energy of Bashar and the messages that the energy brings forth of consciousness speaks to me with an inspiring intellect. good stuff Bashar. thank you .
24:25 - One of the best explanations of the ego and evil I've ever heard.
+The Gritty Ninja Didn't know guy was into this kinda stuff
CheeseMonsterHD Might Guy is what you'd call a renaissance man. He knows everything, he just acts dumb to keep a low profile.
This is excellent. Sharing with friends. Thank you. Blessings...
Wow, this is great! Darryl really nails so many things here that I absolutely resonate with... :)
If our awareness sits in the middle of the circle of experience like a light illuminating all frames, then we are within our center casting awareness on all time simultaneously able to be and know all in this moment.
i enjoy listening to Darryl more than i do Bashar.
Wonderful chat guys Thanks so much ks xx
Awesome interview - LOVE it. Thank you, Rick/Darryl!
I've had many vivid experiences with parallel realities. Here's one that I think adds to the discussion at about 1 hour 43min. into the video. A while ago, I picked up a newspaper because the story on the cover compelled me. I distinctly felt the rest of the paper didn't apply to me, but oddly, I was curious about what might be inside so I opened the paper and flipped through. Found a story about a village in India that had been wiped out by a landslide. Usually, when I read a news story I get a sense of the energy of the people involved and insights into how the event came about. This time, I felt absolutely nothing. I finished reading the article, then took a minute to ask my higher self a few questions about the event and the answer I got was that the village never existed in my reality. I literally live on a version of Earth where that village never existed. I asked my higher self if the people of that village are alive and well in other villages in my reality and the answer I got was that a small number of them have alternate selves living in my reality, in other villages, yes. Most of the people of that village never, ever lived in my reality though (or at least not in the reality that I was in that day). That is to say the newspaper was documenting something that happened in a reality other than mine. I'm sure it happens all the time but for some reason, there is sharp contrast between the realities I choose to live in and those that include the village. When I looked at the photo that accompanied the article, I felt deeply uncomfortable. It showed a woman searching the rubble for signs of her family and her eyes drew me into her reality every time I looked at them, which felt wretched in ways I cannot adequately describe. It wasn't just a sense of the trauma she'd been through, it was more the discomfort of being pulled into a reality so vastly different than the one I prefer. I have no way to explore that world in any greater detail, so I don't know why that world is so different than mine, but apparently it is.
Now if you could only go to the "version of Earth" where you decided to go off your medication.
What I love about this dialogue is that Daryl sounds more authoritative and therefore like Bashar than he ever has before. I enjoy seeing people grow up. Now if he could just find better people (who don't need smooth jazz intros to Bashar videos) to accompany his "growth".
Thank you Darryl and Bashar!
I always love to hear when Darryl is interviewed.
Very good interviewer. When Bashar says that he is Darryl in the future, I get the impression that Bashar has every intention of merging with Darryl's personality, to indeed become him "in the future". Obviously these beings have the power to implant false memories into our minds, such as a memory of making a contract with them to do something for them before our incarnation. I cannot imagine any benevolent entity requiring or enforcing such a thing, and I would be wary of doing anything we wouldn't ordinarily do because of such a "memory". Regardless, I like this Bashar. His "Following your Bliss" concept is soooo right on. Has Bashar ever explained how he is able to communicate telepathically with Darryl? Is that how he always communicates, or does he have a native tongue?
I have learned so much about life from Daryl and Bashar, so much love!!
Thank you - thank you - thank you! IN-credible interview, one of the best for people out there to get introduced to Darryl's work of channeling Bashar, next to one posted by Waking Universe. I just love how clear, wise, to the point, humoristic, sharp and above all - how unconditionally loving Bashar's messages are, every time, without exception ~ This interview in particular made me notice how intensly alligned Darryl himself has become with all of this knowledge :) I am infinitely gratefull for one day having discovered/manifested these magical reflections of loving wisdom into my life and for all it has ment to me - and still does - on my path in daily life :) Shivai!
☆ :・:*。・~ △ (((
Thank you Richard, your wife, and Darryl Anka ....SIMPLY DIVINE !!!!
The aspect of this type of spirituality that fascinates me most is how this meshes with the more non-dual type teachings that this channel interviews most. I know there is a parallel and that both are real (as real as form gets) but how they mesh together is a very interesting topic that I haven't heard much about. I would love to hear someone span both areas of focus.
I'm so happy to see Darryl. Thanks for sharing this valuable information...♥
I haven't watched this yet but anticipate with pleasure. The idea that 'defined self' decides or determines what is or is not real - or more accurately what is or is not resonant and relevant to your core signature vibrational being, is an idea one can explore and identify with - and thereby seem to split off or segregate from full awareness of being, so as to seem to be the 'doer' and judge of all that is in terms that then reflect back or validate the idea of a separate one.
Bashar as a 'first contact' specialist, offers a permission slip for opening a reintegrative channel of receptivity and conductivity with 'Higher Self'. Considering how the segregated self-sense establishes self-protection as a defence against such 'contact', Bashar 'operates' on a number of levels across a spectrum of personality types. For myself, I have noticed that an arising appreciation of Wholeness brings the willingness to release the personality construct as self-definition.
Taking such personality aka 'our self' seriously is - if you will - endarkenment - the mad idea at which the Son of God remembered NOT to laugh so as to 'en-trance' the Forgetting within which a focus of desire can be unfolded as a self amidst an experience of physical, emotional and mental tangibility.
I am surely not alone in the capacity of discerning the root meanings of terms used by various teaching forms within their own purpose - rather than exercising 'comparative spirituality' (sic). To accord 'truth' to anything external is to mistake the mirror for the Idea Reflected.
But that does not mean that props cant be useful. Indeed everything is in a sense a prop - serving the use that you - or in my case I - have chosen to use it for. The power of illusion is not the illusion of power. I appreciate waking as the first from the release of the second. I'll write again after listening. But all true listening is the discernment of the heart. A merely 'external' event has never occurred.
Thank you, great interview, the best!
id say regardless if he is 'channeling' or not, he is going into a state that's not just 'daryls brain'. his answers to people are way to quick, witty, and accurate for a normal conscious person. He even said, psychologists have spoken to bashar and walk away satisfied; that statement alone is huge. these people that went to school for 6 years learning the brain and emotions walk away from a man sitting in a chair perfectly stating what needs to be said.
Bashar's teachings have changed my whole outlook on life. I am really grateful for all the video clips of him on utube. I find it ironic that Darryl thanked the interviewer at the end for getting the message out. Is his organisation not taking the clips down from utube, trying to force people to pay large amounts of money for the Bashar material which many of us cannot afford? I guess his minions are following their highest excitement in removing the free videos.
Thank you Rick! Thank you Darryl! Thank you Bashar!
Awesome! "We become more and more conscious..." Love it!
Many of the concepts are similar to the information I have received. Great validation. Thanks for the info.
awesome, thank you both
Concerning the different types of channels since you seem curious Rick. My first teacher was a "direct control" where the channel checks out more or less. These are the most rare. The other type is "Partial control" where the channel is conscious of the information coming through. These are much more common. My teacher taught that most people have some degree of partial control channeling skill. Also that most of these people channel at least a little bit during their lives. The third type of person is the Clairvoyant who doesn't really channel. These people see things psychically rather than channeling other entities. I never really got into channeling myself since I'm more of a clairvoyant.
thank you.. 🙏❤
Wow! So even Bashar is experiencing untold versions of himself? I mean how many versions of him are interacting with Darryl's versions! Please, someone turn the photocopier off LOL. Every time I see a Darryl Anka/Bashar video, a new issue/question pops into my head!
What Bashar is talking about here is similar to radio or TV programs. The TV programs are already all around you but if you do not tune your TV set to the right frequency, they will remain invisible to you but once you tune into their specific frequency, they will suddenly be visible on your TV screen. Reality is like that, you must first vibrate at the vibration of where you want to go in order to start seeing it otherwise the reality you want to manifest will remain invisible to you.
BuddhaAtTheGasPump I'm glad you made your stand point perfectly clear before the interview.
Wonderful interview. Beautiful. Thank you ;-)
OK. I watched it. I'm already tuned in to and appreciative of Bashar so my interest wasn't so much in the content of Darryl but the way of the interview. I appreciate Rick's willingness to step out of spiritual conformity and in a sense follow his sense of resonant being regardless of what some others might judge. I feel Bashar is useful to open a more direct decision for Being Who You Really Are - and acting accordingly. This inevitably moves out from closet disguises to unashamedly do or be - because it is the movement of one's being and not as an identity strategy.
I appreciated Darryl's willingness to communicate ideas and the sense of his humanity which felt an unassuming presence albeit responding along familiar - to him - lines. I appreciated Rick's interest and engagement - shall I say excitement?
I often feel Rick can 'shoot the shit' or hang out in familiar ways in certain kinds of exchange - but that doesn't feel enlivening for me to be with.
Darryl does well in communicating Bashar's ideas - but the vibrational quality of Bashar is so much more spontaneous and humorous and free, and this enlivens the ideas - which are fundamentally an energetic communication through the forms and not merely assemblages of construct.
The understanding Bashar facilitates is a sliding scale all the way to Knowing or Self-Realisation. You are in a sense talking to your Self only Bashar observes this directly whereas we may presume and believe all kinds of scenario. But we cannot receive information that we are not ready and willing to accept, so whatever 'level' we get it is maximal with regard to our current belief system - and active as our own recognition.
I bought Darryl's film 'Dearly Departed' and have no understanding as to how or why it was made in the light of Bashar's revelations. I found it shallow and sentimental. I deleted it rather than give it away. Clearly I had expectations that were not met. But even without the connection with Bashar, I would have found it almost unwatchable.
It clearly wasn't made for my appreciation! On the other hand, this 2 hr interview was engaging and I am grateful to have watched it.
I cant help but feel that if Darryl actually woke to the nature of what Bashar shares - not as ideas but as Consciousness - he would communicate that Consciousness in all that he is, says or does. But perhaps in a quirky sort of way, Darryl may be but the messenger for Bashar who also is but the messenger to a Stirring within of a deeper knowing that unfolds as it will, I don't need Darryl to be any different than he is. The re-integration of our essential humanity within our true Consciousness looks just like this. And like this. And this. It is all a matter of perspective, not of change of forms.
thank you.
yes, stretch our boundaries and would like to experience teleporting...and break experience barriers...
Thank you for this superb interview.
To those who already KNOW, this is wonderful confirmation. To the skeptic, a challenge to hold onto old perspectives together with a diminishing feeling of balance and harmony (goes with the territory) To the cynic, further opportunity to look at the fact that, until you experience reality for yourself, everything you experience will be based on beliefs (another word for second hand experiences).
What many dont get, is such attitudes as listed , know no discrimination. If you are closed off as in the third category, you are closed to all growth, and that is a blockage that opens up a Pandoras box of problems.
This is because cynicism is not healthy, so the discomfort keeps increasing until you you decide to open up.
Thank you Darryl Anka,,,,Exellence
Great! An invitation to love!
Can you hear how some of Daryl's statements rise in pitch towards the end of the statement as though those statements had a question mark at the end? That is called Valleyspeak and originated in the San Fernando Valley in the 1950s. As somebody raised in El Lay just south of the Valley I am tickled pink by the weirdness of it all.
good interview good questions thx you blessings
Thanx. Let me get this straight!! ... As long as those who keep posting about negative things online will stay in that world!? Those who stay positive will move into the new 5D earth & what does 5D Earth look like!? I can only share. Great vid!!
Has anyone realized that he's beginning to look physically more and more like Bashar as time goes along?
That was my first thought..
How do you know what he looks like
Listen to him long enough and you'll get a good picture. Also in the meditations for some reason it comes through, hard to explain but imagination is a funny thing.
umm, bashar has never presented himself physically so your comment makes no sense.
He explains how Bashar looks several times, and the picture I get is what he seems to be turning into
Very similar to Jane Roberts, 1974
AbbyJo Ovitsky
And very similar to Ramtha, and other channelers. So, I find this interesting. Is that because these are universal truths? Or is it because they are all imitating each other?
We are the light that move through the frames of the movie.
Really fascinating!!!!!!!!!
This guy doesn't need Bashar anymore. He knows everything already.
Martha S. When you know everything you realize you know nothing.
"It's a much bigger reality than we think." Amen.
Even on this "version of Earth", such extremes exist as Darryl was referring to regarding parallel versions. I live in Perth Western Australia, love the simple life, although have been brought up with the "western" materialistic programming, wheras just a few hours plane ride, one could be in the middle of some of the worst human conditions in history.
Some of my friends, also happen to be living in a constant state of unrest, and dejection, in spite of this most beautiful environment.
My point being, you dont have to believe the parallel views at a metaphysical level. You just have to open your eyes to the exact same principles at work.The rest follows.
You cannot know your own path until you've rejected all other paths without exception.
Thanks Rick...great interview
A piece from the amazing book titled ZTINGAR:
This incredible realisation has convinced Ztingar, once and for all, that rather than being a separate entity that is forever watching down from the heavens high above, the true omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent identity of what most people call God is ‘Life Force’ and the fundamental essence of God is the tri-combination of the three major universal laws, that Gang-Gang has been talking about.
It’s often said that God is an invisible entity that can never be seen. Thinking about this has Ztingar contemplating the vast amount of information that is constantly being conveyed via electromagnetic waves and he now sees it as being possible proof of how an invisible state of God could actually exist.
Everyone knows that certain data being relayed by way of electromagnetic waves has the potential to help bring about extraordinarily powerful effects--including an instant global awareness of something or a mass emotional reaction. It’s also common knowledge that these waves can be used to help detonate a bomb or to even enable NASA to control the movements of a robot as far away as the Moon or Mars etcetera. But none of this is possible unless the wavelengths being used are complimentary to a receiver at the other end that is switched on to detect the information being transmitted.
Without such a receiver all the information being sent would simply remain invisible and never be seen or heard. In a similar way, Ztingar can now see how important it is to have our inner self switched on in order to receive a clear and precise understanding of who we truly are, and what our and all other Life is really all about. He thinks this is how chanting the words Nam-myoho-renge-kyo might work. In other words, it’s not a magic wand, but like Gang-Gang said, it allows us to reach into the core of our enlightenment and switch it on.
During one of the lessons, Gang-Gang had explained that the only difference between a Buddha and a common mortal is that a Buddha has reached his or her enlightenment. Ztingar’s thoughts have done an about turn back to the ‘creation verses evolution’ controversy again. He now feels more certain than ever that they would both need to play an equal roll in Life, because he cannot conceive that our built-in ability to design, change and organise things and all the intelligence we naturally possess that allows us to realise and utilise everything, could possibly have ever come about simply by chance alone, any more than the workings of the universe could.
Regarding the whereabouts of Heaven and Hell, Ztingar has chosen to believe that rather than up in space or down beneath the ground, both exist within our own life in a similar way to how Gang-Gang had explained in his lecture on the Ten Worlds. The reason he’s come to this decision is that if you are not happy within yourself, there’s no way in the world you can possibly feel truly happy with things on the outside. Contrary to that, if you are happy and contented with yourself, you’re more likely to cope much better with your surroundings, even in situations that are not so favourable.
Darryl is an intelligent, rational person.The actual nature and mechanics of how he delivers information can be argued ad infinitum. The information itself is either useful or not useful - perhaps we can give him some credit for being brave to do it this way - and evolutionarily speaking, why wouldn't humans be able to perceive, interpret and integrate beyond mere survival purposes on the physical level? A parachute is extremely useful when it is opened at the right time.
13:45 Darryl is right, I am conscious and still tapped into an alternate reality. Lots of trauma caused damage to kundalini and some angels and so on have helped.
Really interesting interview. Thanks for sharing. I like the teaching, it sounds very convincing to me. The only question I can not find the answer to : is it OK to do "what excites you the most" if you action would hurt others...
I enjoyed this
Looking forward to the documentary.
All you say is true ,🕊️🌹🕊️
Bashar is the Real deal, much of what bashar says is very similar to others in the same field I.e Dolores cannon etc. Great interview!
…and yes, I am in regular (and irregular) communication with extraterrestrial and extradimensional civilizations. It is not difficult to make contact if your mind and heart are open. Mind AND heart. Heart and mind. Big clue.
this is so great...thank you.
When I put the video on 1.5 speed, his voice sounds like when he channels bashar...
I enjoy that pinky-panky muzak in the intro
That is an Indian Raga version of the William Tell Overture .
Btw, I love your description. lol!
Actually, it's an Indianized version of Reveille. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reveille.
+BuddhaAtTheGasPump Right! Sorry for the mix up. Great work! I just found your channel today. I will subscribe for more.
haha nice! interesting!
Why not do a follow up interview with Bashar himself? And if so, please ask him original questions that he does not answer every session...
yes, please. Original follow up questions which are structured. And then a next round of follow up questions, etc. Avoid the repetitions, thanks.
Here are some examples of original questions that I've never heard anyone ask:
1) How are Earth supposed to become the 6th Hybrid planet? Does this mean humans will "have to" have sex with the hybrid beings (Human/Grey Hybrids) that are supposed to come down here within the next decade or so? Or will humans die out and be replaced by the Hybrids?
2) What is currently the lowest and highest vibration possible in the human form (that the human body can sustain)? And how will this change as we move deeper into 4th density?
3) If ET beings higher vibration "brings up all the stuff that stands in the way of a human being functioning on that higher vibration" and can thus cause "psychotic shock" in humans even on the path of truth, how come Bashar has said before that our "leaders" (i.e. politicians) have actually had face to face meetings with such ET beings? How come they did not experience psychotic shock when someone who actually wants such an experience supposedly cannot handle it?
4) What is the story behind the so called Star Child skull that was found together with the skeleton of a human female in a cave in south america?
5) The Atacama Humanoid supposedly lived several years on earth. Can you elaborate on that? What did "it" do? How did it survive? Did it interact with humans? Was there a similar being in Russia some years ago in the Ural Mountains?
That's all I can think of for now. People with access to the incredible source of intelligence called Bashar really need to watch some of his vids before asking the same questions over and over...:)
***** : Thanks, but I would still love for Bashar to answer those questions...:)
Because I am in Europe. I was already seriously preparing for a 1 to 1 session by structuring contents which I could find on youtube with a view to to investigating specific themes I am manly interested in (timelines and the concept of changing pasts). The most relevant videos to that end are no longer publicly available. Furthermore, some of the questions I would have liked to ask have been answered ten years ago. (I stumbled by chance over the specific trancript). Without a structured analysis and carefully crafted questions travelling to LA doesn´t make sense. All the more if one would not be entitled to share the session publicly afterwards. If you do not exactly know what and where the material is which you would need for a thorough preparation with a view to bringing issues forward, nor what you can or cannot do afterwards with the results whatever they look like, this would be a strange approach. Many people applaud and applaud once they are confronted with Bashars concepts of the changing pasts. I do not understand this concept. And it does not make sense. In one video Bashar differentiated clearly between history (remains unchanged and unchangeable, you cannot travel back into your own history according to both, Willa and Bashar) and the past (created from the present, changes billions of times per second as you do). Bashar uses key terminology differently and it would be the right time now to analyse how he is using which of the terms in which context. His entire message seems to be highly consistent but the usage of key terminology seems to be somewhat less coherent and a bit ad hoc and changing over time.
speren berg : The concept of changing pasts as I understand it is not really that the past you "remember" to have experienced necessarily changes as in "what happened", but more that as you evolve and change into other versions of your present self, the past will be viewed from different perspectives.
The more radical and drastic you change, the more it is reflected in how drastically different you will view the so called past events.
I have myself experienced a lot of this, and I would think most everyone have...
I remember some videos of Bashar speaking different languages sometimes.
Great! thank you for sharing! : )
When subscriber quantity takes priority over credibility.
1:32:29. Bashar said that in the beginning their scientists lost people when they were experimenting with their new space ships. I want to know if they ever found them. What Bashar says about "jumping" frames makes me think of the Star Treks' holodecks.
i would like to know more about this upcoming documentary.
Around 1:01:56 On the right, near the flowersYou could see a shadow/ghost glide by
he got more and more Bashar like as the interview went on .....