The Cruel Prince series is a lot. Not in terms of complexity or world building... Or character development. But it's bleak and frustrating. It's easy to get sucked in, but I didn't often enjoy myself when I was there. If that makes any sense. You definitely need to be in the right mood for that series.
i read 9 books in march! and 3 of them where 5 stars!! 😁
When you mentioned Spirit the movie I had flashbacks bc I was obsessed with that movie when I was younger omg 😂
i rewatched it recently and bawled my eyes out 😂
The Cruel Prince series is a lot. Not in terms of complexity or world building... Or character development. But it's bleak and frustrating. It's easy to get sucked in, but I didn't often enjoy myself when I was there. If that makes any sense. You definitely need to be in the right mood for that series.
i just finished the first book and that's EXACTLY what i felt like thank you for putting so perfectly