
  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • In this video, special guest Tim Hegg discusses Galatians 3:19 and how many have misinterpreted this verse.
    #TorahResource #Galatians #TimHegg


  • @mntryjoseph1961
    @mntryjoseph1961 Рік тому +1

    The Ten Commandments existed way before Mount Sinai. The true Sabbath, resting on the seventh day, was established in the Garden of Eden. Joseph knew adultery was wrong (Genesis 39:8-9). The Ten Commandments show us where we have sinned (Romans 7:7). The Ten Commandments were not nailed to the cross, only the Mosaic laws were.

  • @williamklimek9676
    @williamklimek9676 6 років тому +3

    There is a possibility about the meaning of it, that I did not hear mentioned. Perhaps "the scholars" are limited in their grasp of things.

  • @williams.1130
    @williams.1130 4 роки тому +1

    Another opinion here. It seems to me when he says the law was added 430 years after he must be talking about the levitical priesthood. Because we know Gods law was in existence before mt sinai so the 430 years ago cant apply to Gods law except what was added being the laws of the levitical priesthood and the system of sacrifices because of transgressions. We know Abraham kept Gods commandments since it states so, Noah knew clean and unclean, Cain and Able brought God offerings and so on. So because of transgressions God brought in the priesthood to deal with those transgressions. Later transferring that priesthood to Yeshua after the order of Melchizadek. Making Yeshua our eternal high priest as we see in Hebrews.
    check this video out for a more detailed look at this

  • @mr.e1220
    @mr.e1220 5 років тому +2

    All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: ‘Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.’ Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, ‘the righteous will live by faith.’ The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, ‘The man who does these things will live by them.’ Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: ‘Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree’” (Galatians 3:10-13).... why does it say if we want to obey the Torah and we don't keep all of it perfectly that we are cursed? That means that everyone is cursed that is trying to obey the Torah. I hope that's not right

    • @MessiahMatters
      @MessiahMatters  5 років тому +9

      We agree. We have never suggested a person is justified by the Law. The entire Gospel message is that we as humans are not able to keep the Law, only Yeshua could do that. He came to die for us so that we are not condemned by the law.
      The Bible is clear that those who believe in Christ are no longer under the curse of the law, but have been freed from the bondage of sin and are free to serve God. The Bible is also clear that the way we serve God once justified is to become sanctified unto Him. This is done through keeping the Torah. Justification is by faith alone through the blood of Christ, it is a gift of God and has nothing to do with anything we ourselves do or can do. Sanctification is a dual work between the believer and the the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables us to be able to keep the Torah and become sanctified unto Christ.

    • @tghuffine6277
      @tghuffine6277 5 років тому

      You should read Gal. 3:10 part 'a' in the Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew New Testament :
      "אֲבָל הַבֹּטְחִים = But assurances
      עַל-מִצְוֹת הַתּוֹרָה = against the Torah
      יִמְצְאוּ קְלָלָה = they will be found Cursed."
      And as far as I can tell, this SGHNT agrees idea-for-idea with both the Eastern and Western Aramaic Peshittot.
      Now for some background to the Salkinson as I'd learned it years ago: There used to be on UA-cam a Series on Christian Swedish History where the first Video explained that before Mr. Salkinson and Mr. Ginsburg got their names attached to it, that it was known as the Syrian Orthodox Church Hebrew Codex. The Swedish adherents to the SOC had copies of the Original Hbrw NT since the 500s. Mr.'s S & G only worked on the middle parts of the Book of Mark which were missing. I don't know why they pulled those videos off. My guess is "Pressure" from certain Principalities and Powers. And why would they care? Because Paul was clearly *Pro Torah In The Extreme and NOT like Lamestream Churchianity would translate his letters.* But that's my own personal opinion. You should see (its in the Hbrw only, of course) what Paul's "weakness" was. (You won't like it, but ALL the Aramaic New Testaments say the same exact thing in Gal. 4:14) And the subsequent implications are that there are two Verses in Leviticus which are Mistranslated. I won't tell you where. You're going to have to look them up all by yourself.

    • @cohencyrus5337
      @cohencyrus5337 5 років тому

      but Paul says in galatians 3 that the doers of the law are justified 😀

    • @GasparCortez13
      @GasparCortez13 3 роки тому +1

      We are to obey Torah, but not as a means for salvation only. We are to keep Torah because we love what our Father has given to us. As children who had loving parents did we not want to do all they told us to do? The Torah shows us what sin is, and we are cursed because sin leads to death. Yet we have been given another chance at salvation because Yeshua died for our sins. However, the caveat is that we cannot continue in sin defined in 1 John 3:4, if we willingly sin, then we have lost that grace, it has no more effect on us (Hebrews 10:26). Most people try to conflate curse with following the law, on the contrary, the Torah is pure, undefiled, and perfect, and we should establish it (Romans 3:31). And we follow Torah, because we have faith, because we Love our Father who we want to impress, because He said it is good and brings blessings (Deut).

    • @brandonvonbo9708
      @brandonvonbo9708 3 роки тому

      @@cohencyrus5337 I think you are thinking of Romans 2:13

  • @eew8060
    @eew8060 Рік тому

    Paul is NOT talking about Torah

    • @martinsolomon5500
      @martinsolomon5500 6 місяців тому

      He is obviously not talking about anything. Because it says angels laws.
      Deuteronomy says that “I GOD have given you theses laws, if you obey them you will be blessed”

    • @eew8060
      @eew8060 6 місяців тому

      Are you a rabbi?

    • @eew8060
      @eew8060 6 місяців тому

      proof of this belief is documented by the Jewish historian Josephus in his writing Antiquities (Book 15, Ch. 5:3), when he quotes King Herod who said, “…we have learned from God the most excellent of our doctrines, and the most holy part of our law, by angels.” This apparently reflected the traditional Jewish thinking of those times.
      So this isn't something only Christians believed

  • @tghuffine6277
    @tghuffine6277 5 років тому +1

    What Apostle Paul was saying is that the Laws, as they appeared, were following the Story. Because the Torah starts as a Story and NOT as a Book of Rules. This was explained in a *OneForIsrael* video here on UA-cam, in Hbrw with Eng subtitles on the bottom.

  • @Lizaisback
    @Lizaisback 2 роки тому

    Galatians 3:19 is speaking about the status which were given through angels and not about the 10 commandments written by the finger of God. We know that the Bible uses same words with different meanings. Law in Galatians 3:19 has the meaning of the Statuts, also known as the Law of Moses.

    • @martinsolomon5500
      @martinsolomon5500 6 місяців тому

      But Deuteronomy says that “I GOD has given you ALL these laws so that you will be blessed and your offspring blessed - and you can do them”
      The angels didn’t GIVE the laws. Not ONE of them.

  • @FulfillingTorahMinistries
    @FulfillingTorahMinistries 6 років тому +1

    The Sinai Covenant was given in Exodus/Shemoth 20-24. Israel agreed to keep that covenant at least 3 [or was it 4] times. What was added to the Sinai Covenant as a result of the nation's breaking that covenant, which Israel broke by making an offering to the golden calf and calling it YHWH in Ex.32?
    The Levitical priesthood and offerings for atonement for sins! Look at Ex.20-24. There is no atonement for sins/transgressions given there. The offerings Israel was to bring were all freewill, wave or peace offerings - Atonement for sins were not mentioned until there was a sin to atone for - the golden calf.
    If you'd like, I have a 4 typewritten page study on Gal.3.19 that I would be happy to share with you. Reply right here, and I will be happy to email it or copy and paste it here.

    • @FulfillingTorahMinistries
      @FulfillingTorahMinistries 6 років тому +1

      BTW, it WAS 4 times that Israel agreed to obey and keep the covenant.

    • @dandeliontea7
      @dandeliontea7 5 років тому

      Hi mark, can you email me your study to

    • @cohencyrus5337
      @cohencyrus5337 5 років тому
      that's my email..thanks

    • @kristicormier9435
      @kristicormier9435 4 роки тому

      mark pitrone would I be able to get a copy of your work too I would greatly appreciate it!

    • @codyalexander3290
      @codyalexander3290 Рік тому

      @@FulfillingTorahMinistries can I talk to you about this? :)

  • @davomato
    @davomato Рік тому

    I, like Paul try to imitate Jesus. Jesus wore Tassels and so do I. Jesus said, that not one jot or tiddle would pass from the law until all has been fulfilled. Jesus also said that he who does not keep my commandments is a liar. Jesus said my words are not mine, but my Fathers. Jesus will say to those on the last day; I never knew you doers of iniquity or breakers of the law. Paul's writings are ambiguous. The teachings of Jesus are very clear. I follow Jesus, not Paul. Choose wisely

  • @stjett
    @stjett 4 роки тому

    1st Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. before the law. Amen to "no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith". as did Abram. What many law worshipers misunderstand. We of the promise covenant of grace in Christ know the law is not evil are wrong. But our relationship unto the law is not as that which justified us, but that which teaches us that we are in need of a savior. In the same way the brazen serpent became the point of salvation over God. Also the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after the covenant confirmed before of God in Christ, cannot disannul, the promise, the Christ covenant. 18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: very clear. This is a much needed discussion. thanks

    • @stjett
      @stjett 4 роки тому

      Nothing New Under The Sun. I think you have me mixed up. I believe grace through belief was before the law. however, the law was after Abraham. And I am not a catholic lol

    • @stjett
      @stjett 4 роки тому

      Nothing New Under The Sun Hebrews 10;16 is speaking of an inside out relationship through Jesus and the new covenant. This is against the Outside first, work of the mosaic law. You seem not to understand what I said. hope this clears it up

    • @memukanofpersiaandmedia2668
      @memukanofpersiaandmedia2668 4 роки тому +1

      @@stjett Genesis 26:5. Abraham kept Torah.

    • @stjett
      @stjett 4 роки тому

      ​@@memukanofpersiaandmedia2668Genesis 26:5 "Because that
      Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws". These are not the torah, you are conflating God's personal commands to abram as the torah. You think it is the Torah because the word law, commandments, and statutes are use, not so. Noah did the same with the ark. it was not torah. The Torah came with Moses. Abram followed God word but also old pagan custom when they did not impose on his belief in God. Example having a child through a bond slave is not Torah. You make the common mistake of thinking where a subject is mention it is active. the Torah mentions Abraham's activities before it ( the torah)was activated. So i bet you wrongly believe adam , noah, enoch followed the torah as well. gal 3:17 What I mean is this: The law that came 430 years later does not revoke the covenant previously established by God, Did abram keep the sabbath? lol

    • @memukanofpersiaandmedia2668
      @memukanofpersiaandmedia2668 4 роки тому

      @@stjett do you know what Torah really means in Hebrew ? You think it means Law, but what it actually means is, * Instruction *, a pointing of the *Way* in which you must go; to follow a narrow path.
      Sorry, really not interested in churchology, Been there done that.
      Yes, Abraham kept the Sabbath, maybe you should read. Genesis 2:1-3 where Elohim declared the 7th Day Holy. Out of all creation nothing was made holy except the 7th Day yeah Abram/Abraham kept the