Several people posting about the anti-Reaganomics description of the film given by Carpenter himself in interviews. Yep, I've read and watched them. That's the most obvious surface symbolism in the movie, but for me the least interesting and most self-contradictory. Bear in mind Carpenter (who I'm a big fan of as a film maker) didn't grow up in the slums, was rich by the time he made They Live, is currently estimated to be worth £35 million and has stated bluntly in a 2017 interview for The Guardian that he doesn't care about the remakes of his movies as long as he gets money for it. Anti-capitalist you say? They Live was made with corporate money, was marketed through traditional advertizing and has several formula movie features designed to "sell" the film to mass markets. Try making an anti-establishment movie under a Communist regime. I do appreciate the gesture and intent of the film on that simple level, but the real world is too complex for the distortions of generalistic ideological thinking. My full analysis of the film will go heavily into all that stuff. This is merely a clip on a facet of the film I find a lot more interesting.
Collative Learning indeed the movie is more subtle than most people want to give it credit for. Among many other themes I like the fact that it exposes us as not wanting to see the uncomfortable aspects of our lives despite our subconscious awareness of them. And the fact that most slavers are slaves themselves...
Collative Learning I think it's an analogy for those who sell us down the river as it were. You can see people like this in a documentary online: A Very Heavy Agenda. It's one film that is a good follow-up to Eisenhower's farewell address. Also if you listen to Peter Dale Scott or Mark Crispin Miller, you will learn that there is an underworld of corruption that this film depicts well through analogy. I think this film is right on the money regarding *the power elite* as C. Wright Mills has put it.
It's nice to see a film that is compatible with the world view one has after hearing the stories that don't make it to the news. I wish there was a greater appreciation for the figurative truth this film tells. Our intelligence apparati are the figurative octopus on the globe: 'there are aren't countries anymore; no good guys or bad guys; they run the whole show.' Listen to James Bamford talk about the NSA. This is the uncovered truth that one has to dig for.
One thing to consider regarding Carpenter's stance on capitalism: making a fortune through artistic channels like filmmaking as a creator is different from the structural elements of capitalism. Sure, Carpenter may be worth 35 million pounds over a 40 year career. That's wealthy by any standard. However, when you compare Carpenter's wealth and power against, for example, hedge fund owners or major industrialists--often worth billions fo dollars--John Carpenter has comparatively little power or wealth. Certainly the John Carpenter's of the world do not purchase our politicians, steer our laws, control the cultural messages, and so forth. However, I would characterize They Live as being more of an anti-elite, anti-authoritarian film than anti-capitalist. After all, there is very little discussion about relationships to production or liberating the working class. When the film was made the focus of power was on the technocratic yuppie class, made powerful by position and wealth through the system of capitalism, which prioritizes certain social relations, classes, and behaviors as having higher status. However, capitalism is not the only game in town historically. Different periods, and different power structures, arrange themselves in many different ways to create its own system of hierarchal status. Thereby, I would say that They Live potentially critiques any authoritarian system with a class of elite technocrats that is anti-democratic in nature, despite largely being positioned against United States capitalism of the 80s. If capitalism is authoritarian, technocratic, and elite--well... They Live rails against that. If state communism is authoritarian, technocratic, and elite--the same applies. On a personal level, I would note that the enemy isn't capitalism, or communism, or socialism, but ANY authoritarian form of government, such as theocratic or monarchal, that is anti-democratic and serving the interests of an elite group over the rest of society.
I disagree as we never actually hear any of them complain about doing the same thing as the humans. I mean why listen, eat and read the same garbage that humans do? Wouldn't they get annoyed of the same goop?
@@Ghost7065 They very likely can see the actual articles without the subliminal messaging. Also imagine being an alien trapped on a planet with absolutely no reading material that wasn't tainted with subliminal messages you were aware of. The glasses strip away some illusions but also change everything to black and white - we don't ever actually "see" how the bugs think or see. They may have a more hybrid version... and among them, we see class systems. Some have watches that allow them to report behavior - but others have teleporters that whisk them away from danger. You would also buy a magazine that says "Marry and Reproduce" if say, your wife at home was getting angsty and so you buy a magazine and leave it around. They may look at these hypnotic messages and need them for different reasons - but ultimately it's shopping for leashes. If you're a dentist for instance, you might get magazines that say, "Buy" or "Stay Calm" to use on humans in your vicinity. As simple as leaving a magazine in the bathroom, a waiting room, or a lobby. Bam, instant dosing. They may also have immunities to the negative side effects of say, the additives in food - or possibly no sensation of taste at all. They may consume like insects with only utility in mind - and a system that thrives. It may be more that we're eating THEIR food, and they cover it up to make it prevalent, despite how it hurts human beings. If you compare them to insects, which is the imagery they're supposed to illicit, it simplifies their "functions". They may be capable of being social, but they may have no greater thoughts than their instinctual programming to facilitate their function. It may seem impossible for an insect to mimic human speech so effectively - but our conversations are rarely that complicated day to day. Some people run screaming from meaningful conversation - or to vapid speech. They show plenty of signs of communal intelligence and some individual thought but... it might be faked. We'll never know, because this movie gives us a tiny lens into a messed up universe, and it leaves many questions - but all of them have answers if you take a moment and think about them, and the futility of fighting against that pinhole vision we have. You'll always have to fill in the blanks in life.
At one of the chain grocery stores around here, every hour they play this message "team members, it's time for your hourly conditioning". First time I heard that, I was like "really? they aren't even pretending anymore?"
This actually feeds very well into the class analysis of the movie, the upper classes are just as enslaved as the working class, just as dependent on the system and ironically would be helpless without the lower classes they disdain.
Crazy idea: Sequel to this movie called "We Live" where humans have been forced into the reverse role of this film where they need to blend in with an alien civilization on their planet and a rebel group has found them out.
I always found it interesting how we never meet the official leader of the monsters or see where they come from. We know they come from somewhere else and are highly organized. Carries the implication that there is a greater power we aren’t show.
Hi, Rob: I think the phrase 'formaldehyde face' refers to the fact that formaldehyde is used to preserve tissues of all types, and is used to embalm dead bodies. If you've ever seen animals or organs preserved in a liquid, then you've seen formaldehyde. Roddy is referring to the idea that the ghouls look like the dead on display.
@@drlight6677 I live near a river and see driftwood all the time, washed up on shore. I fully expect to see "six must die" inscribed on an old, waterlogged board.
That does seem to be the catch of all consuming propaganda, even those at the top will get saturated with the messages and are just as susceptible. There's a temptation to think of those at the top as being a breed apart, but they're arguably even more vulnerable to the lies they tell those beneath them specifically because they are so certain of how brilliant and superior they are.
This is the Illuminati in a nutshell, @@barrybathwater4877. I have strong suspicions that They Live is actually about the Illuminati and those who are blood employees of the Illuminati. They've been bred and conditioned to completely believe and unquestioningly too that they are indeed superior to Humanity in every way possible, but not a single one of them have anything remotely resembling the Free Will Humanity has. They're all mind controlled in one way or another, but humans have the chance to permanently break free of the Illuminati's mind control technomancy while they themselves and their blood employees have absolutely no hope to ever buck the Luciferian Beast System they helped to build and maintain.
It's interesting to note that after Big Trouble in Little China, John Carpenter enrolled into UCLA and audited a number of courses on Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics, during which he wrote the screenplays for Prince of Darkness and They Live, which he shot back-to-back.
The beginning with the preacher definitely points that out , I'm shocked no one picked up on it seeing how they move through the dimensions and use matter warping technology
The reason why that one alien sat there lifeless while other commented on its presence was because the frequency was just then shut off, and since the aliens aren't effected by it, everything looked normal to it, while the humans are now seeing everything different.
"5:10 "Why would this ghoul want to expose itself to the same enslavement messages as the human subjects?" I always thought it was to blend in. They could see the hidden messages just fine, but had to pretend to be human, so that includes buying and reading magazines. I think they were there infiltrating in human society with one mission: to help make the invasion smoother, there to gently push humans in the desired direction by setting a 'good' example (see female ghoul's idle chatter about babies and reproducing, and the male ghoul's preoccupation with job promotions).
Also, those newspapers STILL HAD the news printed on them. They could be buying them for that. And the "friendships," as Rob called them are clearly class segregated. The women are servants holding the shopping bags for the ghoul. Among the male "friends," the ghoul is dismissively placating the human on a promotion the human will never get. As for the sex scene, well, scumbags throughout history still had sex with people they didn't consider fully human. I like Rob's work, but this anaysis seems kinda toe-headed.
The prominent Edgar Cayce book at 11:10 - the 'Sleeping Prophet', he was said to be able to see people and events without using sight, while in a trance. He claimed the ability to access information beyond the others' reach (the blind preacher in this movie seems symbolic too, as though blindness makes him less easily deceived). Nada, 'nothing' is a nobody, as are the homeless warriors who become seers, you're definitely onto something with the biblical angle. And that magazine cover near the book: 'Let TV Teach You' says it all.
In our current They Live real life FEAR thing the communists have going on mirrors this. I have not embraced the FEAR and be afraid to go anywhere or do anything. Why? I don't watch TV. The people still following the FEAR well over 2 YEARS later.....guess where they get their information on the "outside world"?
The "Zombie-Alien" concpet is very interesting. It reminds me a lot of the story in the first Half-Life game from 1998. it is revealed that the enemy force you fight in the first portion of the game is actually an enslaved race themselves, and it is revealed that you have become the "perpetrator of your own personal holocaust"
I’m not sure if it matters if they’re “enslaved”, when THEY are “above the system” (i.e. government), and THEY can summon law enforcement by talking into their little communicator watch thing. It means they’re more free to do whatever they want because they have the police/government on their side.
Lol they tell us about themselves in movies but yet we STILL haven’t come together and done anything about it. They love keeping us dumbed and separated my “racism”.
Yes, the "sleeping prophet." There is also a Golf magazine that says "Let TV teach you," along with another magazine that simply says "Money." There is also a book entitled "Two of a kind" with skull imagery reminiscent of the ghouls.
This is exceptionally clever. The director is telling us that we are already being brainwashed by the media that we are consuming. The messages prominently displayed on the books and magazines are essentially the same as the "hidden" messages underneath. There is no need to spend excess time and energy broadcasting "hidden" messages to hypnotize us because we are already hypnotized.
1984 spoiler incoming: This sort of could be like how the members of the Party and people who have government jobs are more controlled and conditioned than those who aren't
I always thought the "aliens" or "They" represented the yuppie class - the information workers - at the time...separate from the blue collar class that existed at the end of the industrial age, but still slaves to another master.
Greed and social power enslave those who have the most of it, sometimes way more than the envy that the have-nots are usually enslaved by. Could pretty much sum up the whole movie.
he Insects have a Hive Mind routine is rather slly. BNot only do mist Insects not have a ueen, but even Ant COlonies don't obey the queen. She's just thee to breed.
You hit on it...machine like zombies controlled by a hive-minded AI. AKA as peripherals connected to an hive OS. They “still quiet witness” that’s no longer still or quiet.
The faces of the They look terrified as well as terrifying. With the big, sparkly eyes, much larger than any human eye, they look wide-eyed and surprised, and while the nose is gone it is still clear this is a face, not a skull, and the permanently-bared teeth with the eyes always looks to me like they've just been surprised, and aren't sure yet if you're friend or foe, snarling at you before they really even figure out why.
Man, this movie is right on in so many respects. The aliens are stand ins for the NPC's in "real" life. This world is a dream and they are dream characters. The thing is, they out number us.
Eh! They're not NPC's since they are highly aware of themselves and rulers of the game. And the point is they DON'T outnumber us. That's why they have to hide from us.
They’re blending in. What attracts more attention, an upper class person who buys and consumes like everyone else, or an upper class person who doesn’t participate in any human behavior at all
Made me think of a line from The Social Contract: "Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they."
Another movie with a theme like this but not near as good is Society, you should check it out, but be warned it is very much a B flick. Then again I guess They Live is a B flick too.
As a kid I remember both They Live and Society coming out on vhs around the same time. For some reason I didn’t watch either of them until years later. You’re right Society is decent and has similar themes to They Live. They Live is the king of B movies tho 👍
Maybe it's kind of like how humans view dogs. Yeah they are "mans best friend", but but definitely not equal as a friend of our own species. Yet some people treat dogs better themselves or as surrogate children. And while we may be smarter and ultimately decide their fate. They have a way of getting us to talk to them different then other people and getting us to "take them out for a walk" and other things for their need rather then our own.
This is mentioned in Christian scripture with the story of Lazurus. Jesus said let the dead bury their dead. Basically, anybody enslaved and oblivious are walking dead.
No what Jesus meant was that the people in this world are simulations. We are in a virtual reality and only a few people are living and real. 99% of the population are just NPCs. (Non-Playable Characters). They can be programmed to think and act any way the controlling powers want them to.
I always liked the idea that the sunglasses made you paranoid and see what you feared the most. Are those people you are shooting aliens, or are they really humans you _think_ are aliens?
I personally think that the zombies willingly have sexual relations with humans and that the zombie part of the offspring actually are zombies as well, so that the humans are bred out of existence over time. And they would just slowly take over humanity and replace them in time
Would the aliens treat their hybrid offspring as one of them, to dominate over humans. Or, would they treat the hybrid as just one of the human chattle?
I thought that that was the clear and deliverate message of the movie, I never thought that it was a hidden interpretation. THEy are the people who dont question or dont want to question the system of control anymore, that is why they are half dead. And a lot of people got this, specially in the truth comunitty. Nice to see you geting it, good job.
Belonging to the tribe doesn’t give you power, just protection. Ensures the elites are always insulated as the lower levels will be blamed. Read Sam Francis
I don't think the aliens would bother buying newspapers, magazines, and books if they appeared as only the subliminal messages. I wonder if the aliens tried to wear the glasses would they see the subliminal messages which they can't see otherwise or do they somehow see both the normal written content and subliminal messages simultaneously?
That is possible. If a galactic empire wanted to enslave humanity through propaganda, they'd want to make sure the message is unrecognized but still received. People start to notice life isn't as it seems when the daily newspaper says *OBEY* with nothing else.
@@dgrunklesamiii4615 Belief in lunar landing and mars travel and galactic empires has been abandoned. This belief has been replaced by a belief in a dome that protects us from this kind of stuff.Any belief in the moon being a rock or mars being a rock and so on is silly cause if you can see through them how can they be a damn rock? See? It is the same crap as the belief in Hell. People were burned like antivaccers are kicked off social networks for refusing to believe in hell. So these beliefs have been abandoned. We should stick to practical ideas instead.
@@Yatukih_001 Yeah. Immortality is a gift to the good, not the bad. Bad get no immortality, and burn up. So who are the group of immortals who burn forever?
I’ve always wondered from my own perspective if the “aliens” in carpenters version, were always just hyper advanced humans from the far off distant future; and the story was almost a paradox kinda deal. Something where humanity controlled it’s own history since the start, after time travel is discovered by us; and used by the elite. It could explain some of the similarities in the facial features to humans; possibly being that time travel warps or damages the human body. Just a fun concept to think about; maybe rich people in the far off future pick a job in power in a specific time era, to keep the flow going. Or maybe people in the future just want to escape back to the 80s? Seems a lot today would love to!
Russell Ford Music Very cool theory! I by no means watch horror or science fiction regularly, but I don't recall seeing a lot of stories that involve humanity traveling back in time to rule their own kind. I could be wrong though!
Even if they weren't hostile, people would have a really hard time relating to beings with features like this because of how different they are from human anatomy.
In the original short story . The homeless "drunk" was meant to be there.... go read it eight o'clock in the morning.... even if it wasnt obvious it's a point made at the end .. they are everywhere.... they arent struggling... THEY LIVE. We die
I've always understood Reaganomics and conformity to be extremely synonymous as a master and slave relationship firmly rooted within a capitalist framework in this film, criticizing that carpenter used studio funding to produce a subversive artform is like criticizing a farmer under a king, it ignores all social context in an attempt to put all criticism on the individual not the system.
Could it be argued that the aliens are awake but can see the manufactured illusion they have imposed on humans? The aliens might not want to see the drab reality behind their synthetic dream. Instead, the aliens want to experience the world as the humans see it because that would make it more fun
The alien buying the newspaper meaning they too are enslaved is a bit of a reach. The newspapers presumably also carried the usual content, useful to get on in life. The glasses allow seeing the subtext, like some red pill in accessory form. At 7:34 you missed the aliens pictured as very whining and annoying. Explore that.
THEY might not feel or show emotions like we do, but those bastards die just like we do! =P I love this film so much. never thought about those Aliens being drones though, but they do act like it sometimes like when they're all sort of marching towards Roddy Piper in the grocery shop saying and doing the same thing in the same tone like robots. Maybe they're Alien artificial people, there just to "keep the peace". Brilliant details as always. It doesn't always say NO THOUGHT though, it's says NO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT and like your title says, maybe they're the lesser Aliens that are being manipulated into doing the dirty and repetitive work amongst the Humans.
They actually look 'twice dead' don't they? "These men are the hidden reefs in your love feasts, shamelessly feasting with you but shepherding only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried along by the wind; fruitless trees in autumn, twice dead after being uprooted."
When the guy having sex says "hey baby what's wrong" it makes me question if the whole "class system" that actually occurs in our own universe shown here by a alien having sex with his human wife/fiance (based on a sign saying marry and reproduce) and obviously not even reacting or realizing his human partner obviously is horrified and if he was aware of his alien faux image I would expect him to know exactly "what was wrong baby?" This is further emphasized when the obviously rich woman can ascertain immediately the hero recognized her facade as well as the others in the store and bank. The bank is obviously full of aliens both tellers and police protection mostly due to being the higher class and if a rich woman is shopping even in our own universe they don't shop in grocery stores amongst the normal citizens typically they would shop amongst other rich people or aliens in this case.The man/alien must not be aware due to his lower class I didn't notice one of those "transportation watches/80's IPhone watches either denoting further the same idea of the lower classes possibly being unaware of being "in control of humans" likely to aide in both producing via marriage and reproduction without the lower aliens attempting to climb out of the pit of the lowly humans and realize their own control ability. This has become apparent based on the exact dedication you put into this video and I applaud your effort and thank you fir thus and other content bringing a perspective aside from my own or even mainstream ideals! If you agree and see this comment let me know whether it makes sense and you agree or disagree or if it's rambling lol liked and been subbed along time bell also clicked ! Thanks again!
Makes me wonder if there's a subtext suggesting the hero of the story is wrong for blaming the aliens when the real struggle is not alien vs human, but between classes. That could have been made more implicit if they had gone with the original idea that the hero was unknowingly an alien all along. That kind of makes me curious about where they might take this story in a remake.
The reason the comics character didn't know was because he was the first one to get use to being a human until he believed it and forgot that he was an alien
I'm going to have to reread the short story, because I don't remember Nada becoming one of the aliens before dying. I could swear the ending was just him having the heart attack at the commanded time.
The aliens own run the media, are very successful, very good with money, very involved in politics. Basically over represented in key areas. Reminds me of 🤔
its so obvious for those whove got the glasses on what the movie is about. a RACE that owns all media and money and pretends to be one of us but secretly want to control us and think of us a cattle... yeah i wonder who its about...
Also notice the giant satillites on top of buildings, street lights, houses ect, everywhere. That was how the aliens were able to cloak themselves to look like humans.
You know it's possible that the subliminal messages don't affect them, maybe they CAN read them. Just like what another commenter in this video said, and I paraphrase: "maybe they subject themselves to subliminal messaging just to blend in?"
The cover art for the movie makes me focus in on the glasses, there are lines like you would find in an 80s style TV on close inspection. A stream of electrons hitting the screen to make it glow, That’s an electromagnetic beam beaming from left to right if you look really closely that are causing the horizontal line while the vertical deflection builds the completed images within the glasses.
And it was always used in movies to knock someone out when capturing them. That ties in nicely with the awake/sleeping theme in the film and the idea of being enslaved.
Several people posting about the anti-Reaganomics description of the film given by Carpenter himself in interviews. Yep, I've read and watched them. That's the most obvious surface symbolism in the movie, but for me the least interesting and most self-contradictory. Bear in mind Carpenter (who I'm a big fan of as a film maker) didn't grow up in the slums, was rich by the time he made They Live, is currently estimated to be worth £35 million and has stated bluntly in a 2017 interview for The Guardian that he doesn't care about the remakes of his movies as long as he gets money for it. Anti-capitalist you say? They Live was made with corporate money, was marketed through traditional advertizing and has several formula movie features designed to "sell" the film to mass markets. Try making an anti-establishment movie under a Communist regime. I do appreciate the gesture and intent of the film on that simple level, but the real world is too complex for the distortions of generalistic ideological thinking. My full analysis of the film will go heavily into all that stuff. This is merely a clip on a facet of the film I find a lot more interesting.
Collative Learning indeed the movie is more subtle than most people want to give it credit for. Among many other themes I like the fact that it exposes us as not wanting to see the uncomfortable aspects of our lives despite our subconscious awareness of them. And the fact that most slavers are slaves themselves...
Oh ok, I would be happy to see what else They Live has to say.
Collative Learning
I think it's an analogy for those who sell us down the river as it were. You can see people like this in a documentary online: A Very Heavy Agenda. It's one film that is a good follow-up to Eisenhower's farewell address. Also if you listen to Peter Dale Scott or Mark Crispin Miller, you will learn that there is an underworld of corruption that this film depicts well through analogy. I think this film is right on the money regarding *the power elite* as C. Wright Mills has put it.
It's nice to see a film that is compatible with the world view one has after hearing the stories that don't make it to the news. I wish there was a greater appreciation for the figurative truth this film tells. Our intelligence apparati are the figurative octopus on the globe: 'there are aren't countries anymore; no good guys or bad guys; they run the whole show.' Listen to James Bamford talk about the NSA. This is the uncovered truth that one has to dig for.
One thing to consider regarding Carpenter's stance on capitalism: making a fortune through artistic channels like filmmaking as a creator is different from the structural elements of capitalism. Sure, Carpenter may be worth 35 million pounds over a 40 year career. That's wealthy by any standard. However, when you compare Carpenter's wealth and power against, for example, hedge fund owners or major industrialists--often worth billions fo dollars--John Carpenter has comparatively little power or wealth. Certainly the John Carpenter's of the world do not purchase our politicians, steer our laws, control the cultural messages, and so forth.
However, I would characterize They Live as being more of an anti-elite, anti-authoritarian film than anti-capitalist. After all, there is very little discussion about relationships to production or liberating the working class. When the film was made the focus of power was on the technocratic yuppie class, made powerful by position and wealth through the system of capitalism, which prioritizes certain social relations, classes, and behaviors as having higher status. However, capitalism is not the only game in town historically. Different periods, and different power structures, arrange themselves in many different ways to create its own system of hierarchal status.
Thereby, I would say that They Live potentially critiques any authoritarian system with a class of elite technocrats that is anti-democratic in nature, despite largely being positioned against United States capitalism of the 80s. If capitalism is authoritarian, technocratic, and elite--well... They Live rails against that. If state communism is authoritarian, technocratic, and elite--the same applies.
On a personal level, I would note that the enemy isn't capitalism, or communism, or socialism, but ANY authoritarian form of government, such as theocratic or monarchal, that is anti-democratic and serving the interests of an elite group over the rest of society.
“I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.” John D. Rockefeller
Rockefeller funded communist sex education propaganda. Just FYI.
That’s why men in power always have a hand in the medical field and education. We are all slaves to the elites some just don’t know that yet.
BOLD STATEMENT.beware though.. someone will end up like Kenney or lincoln.created equal by the bullets.
@@hermanman8235 not some.. many.. the time of jacobs trouble began this year.
@@genli5603 how does communist sex education differ from capitalist sex education? Just wondering.
I'd assume the "ghouls" buy newspapers etc. because that's what a human would do, and they need to fit in.
I disagree as we never actually hear any of them complain about doing the same thing as the humans. I mean why listen, eat and read the same garbage that humans do? Wouldn't they get annoyed of the same goop?
@@Ghost7065 They very likely can see the actual articles without the subliminal messaging.
Also imagine being an alien trapped on a planet with absolutely no reading material that wasn't tainted with subliminal messages you were aware of. The glasses strip away some illusions but also change everything to black and white - we don't ever actually "see" how the bugs think or see. They may have a more hybrid version... and among them, we see class systems. Some have watches that allow them to report behavior - but others have teleporters that whisk them away from danger.
You would also buy a magazine that says "Marry and Reproduce" if say, your wife at home was getting angsty and so you buy a magazine and leave it around. They may look at these hypnotic messages and need them for different reasons - but ultimately it's shopping for leashes.
If you're a dentist for instance, you might get magazines that say, "Buy" or "Stay Calm" to use on humans in your vicinity. As simple as leaving a magazine in the bathroom, a waiting room, or a lobby. Bam, instant dosing.
They may also have immunities to the negative side effects of say, the additives in food - or possibly no sensation of taste at all. They may consume like insects with only utility in mind - and a system that thrives. It may be more that we're eating THEIR food, and they cover it up to make it prevalent, despite how it hurts human beings.
If you compare them to insects, which is the imagery they're supposed to illicit, it simplifies their "functions". They may be capable of being social, but they may have no greater thoughts than their instinctual programming to facilitate their function.
It may seem impossible for an insect to mimic human speech so effectively - but our conversations are rarely that complicated day to day. Some people run screaming from meaningful conversation - or to vapid speech. They show plenty of signs of communal intelligence and some individual thought but... it might be faked.
We'll never know, because this movie gives us a tiny lens into a messed up universe, and it leaves many questions - but all of them have answers if you take a moment and think about them, and the futility of fighting against that pinhole vision we have. You'll always have to fill in the blanks in life.
@@BigMac8000 All that is what makes this film that amazing.
Like duh
@@BigMac8000 Well said
Nothing is subliminal anymore. It’s right there, boldly, in your face.
At one of the chain grocery stores around here, every hour they play this message "team members, it's time for your hourly conditioning". First time I heard that, I was like "really? they aren't even pretending anymore?"
Literally all MSM is progressive now.
Everything is framed their way.
@@RUBBER_BULLET Thanks but I’ll pass - I don’t fight for tyrants. Too old anyway 👊🏻😁
Roddy Piper was great in this film, shame he didn't go on to have more of a career outside wrestling
I agree , but he was awesome in "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" as Da' Maniac .
Hell Comes to Frogtown lol
RIP Roddy~! You were the best!
He was in the movie Body Slam as well
Hes the maniac in sunny in philly
This actually feeds very well into the class analysis of the movie, the upper classes are just as enslaved as the working class, just as dependent on the system and ironically would be helpless without the lower classes they disdain.
yup, they're a slave to they're desires and greed.
No so true with the advent of robots & AI.
@@AbrasiousProductions they are slaves to satan, quite clearly.
The owning Claes is dependent on the system, and in control of it, some of them just as delusional as some owned people
And unless they are in the top 1%, they have far more to lose in the event of a economic crash
Crazy idea: Sequel to this movie called "We Live" where humans have been forced into the reverse role of this film where they need to blend in with an alien civilization on their planet and a rebel group has found them out.
JohnFx, that's a pretty dope idea
You mean Avatar?
We live in a society
@@efxnews4776 ah yes what people won’t do for some good pussy the movie
But a good version of it.
It's a big club and you ain't in it.😂He had to make them aliens to get away with it.😅
I always found it interesting how we never meet the official leader of the monsters or see where they come from. We know they come from somewhere else and are highly organized. Carries the implication that there is a greater power we aren’t show.
I always assumed that the secret messages in the magazine and banners were subliminal messages to humans.
Yeah. Agreed.
I thought it was a revealing of the inner message behind the mass media. If you can learn to read between the lines.
@@k3D4rsi554maq between the lines ? dude it's so obvious it is the lines.
Well indeed my freind, it's how it is
Disguised in a colorful ad. You are correct sir
Fun Fact: I used to live 2 doors down from the writer of the original story that became They Live. He also created the propeller hat.
@Crimson EnKlover to propel your hat silly.
@@yuuurawizzard this is why I love UA-cam
@Crimson EnKlover To keep Brian Seltzer from asking for more candy
Hi, Rob:
I think the phrase 'formaldehyde face' refers to the fact that formaldehyde is used to preserve tissues of all types, and is used to embalm dead bodies. If you've ever seen animals or organs preserved in a liquid, then you've seen formaldehyde. Roddy is referring to the idea that the ghouls look like the dead on display.
I twice had a cigarette dipped in it and smoked it.
One of the subliminal messages in the newsstand was "Doubt Humanity" which would lead me to surmise the humans are being bred out.
Independent fact checkers say this statement is false and that white replacement is a racist conspiracy theory. 😂
They Live= Carpenter's most underappreciated Movie
There's a reason for that. A real good reason.
Kevin w yes
I saw this when i was a kid, but i didn't realized back then that this is a documentary way ahead of it's time.
The Fog is easily his most underappreciated film since people rarely bring it up when discussing his classics.
@@drlight6677 I live near a river and see driftwood all the time, washed up on shore. I fully expect to see "six must die" inscribed on an old, waterlogged board.
I always thought the aliens were inhabiting our dead bodies (similar to Dark City's premise). The 'insect' part was inhabiting a corpse body.
Maybe. It would be efficent use of flesh materials.
What movie?
@@-Secret MIB 1
Dark City. It came out a year before The Matrix.
“No thought”? As Frederick Douglass said, “To create a contented slave, it is necessary to make a thoughtless ( I.e. unthinking) one.”
Answer a fool according to his folly ,lest he becomes wise in his own eyes.
mark demell God says you are a fucking idiot for believing in him. It works!
@Jesse Mathis Revolt should be a constant state by now.
That does seem to be the catch of all consuming propaganda, even those at the top will get saturated with the messages and are just as susceptible. There's a temptation to think of those at the top as being a breed apart, but they're arguably even more vulnerable to the lies they tell those beneath them specifically because they are so certain of how brilliant and superior they are.
Yep definitely.
Nah, they would just produce content for themselves on the down-low, while pumping out propaganda and degeneracy for the go- for everyone else.
@@droopmountain6510 they are slaves to Satan. that is who runs them, and what Rob misses.
There’s blood on all of our hands.
This is the Illuminati in a nutshell, @@barrybathwater4877. I have strong suspicions that They Live is actually about the Illuminati and those who are blood employees of the Illuminati. They've been bred and conditioned to completely believe and unquestioningly too that they are indeed superior to Humanity in every way possible, but not a single one of them have anything remotely resembling the Free Will Humanity has. They're all mind controlled in one way or another, but humans have the chance to permanently break free of the Illuminati's mind control technomancy while they themselves and their blood employees have absolutely no hope to ever buck the Luciferian Beast System they helped to build and maintain.
One of the best lines from any film ever in this. The "bubble gum" line.
William S. Burroughs,
“Is Control controlled by its need to control? Answer: yes.”
Like all narcissists are. They must feed off of controlling others for sources of neuropathic supply.
John Carpenter is a master of monsters. The ghouls in They Live make the film an instant classic.
You dont know how true this Film actually is. Its a documentary ans they Killed Roddy Piper because He tweeted Just that
It's interesting to note that after Big Trouble in Little China, John Carpenter enrolled into UCLA and audited a number of courses on Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics, during which he wrote the screenplays for Prince of Darkness and They Live, which he shot back-to-back.
Always thought they were demons. “They live” as in demons live among us.
The beginning with the preacher definitely points that out , I'm shocked no one picked up on it seeing how they move through the dimensions and use matter warping technology
The reason why that one alien sat there lifeless while other commented on its presence was because the frequency was just then shut off, and since the aliens aren't effected by it, everything looked normal to it, while the humans are now seeing everything different.
"5:10 "Why would this ghoul want to expose itself to the same enslavement messages as the human subjects?"
I always thought it was to blend in. They could see the hidden messages just fine, but had to pretend to be human, so that includes buying and reading magazines. I think they were there infiltrating in human society with one mission: to help make the invasion smoother, there to gently push humans in the desired direction by setting a 'good' example (see female ghoul's idle chatter about babies and reproducing, and the male ghoul's preoccupation with job promotions).
Also, those newspapers STILL HAD the news printed on them. They could be buying them for that. And the "friendships," as Rob called them are clearly class segregated. The women are servants holding the shopping bags for the ghoul. Among the male "friends," the ghoul is dismissively placating the human on a promotion the human will never get.
As for the sex scene, well, scumbags throughout history still had sex with people they didn't consider fully human.
I like Rob's work, but this anaysis seems kinda toe-headed.
yeah guys completely missing the whole point
@@lowercase16 yeah i thought it was very obvious but i guess he wants to read too much into it.
Keith David was also in The Thing. He's such a badass.
He's a great actor
The voice of Spawn
Goliath in Gargoyles also
The prominent Edgar Cayce book at 11:10 - the 'Sleeping Prophet', he was said to be able to see people and events without using sight, while in a trance. He claimed the ability to access information beyond the others' reach (the blind preacher in this movie seems symbolic too, as though blindness makes him less easily deceived). Nada, 'nothing' is a nobody, as are the homeless warriors who become seers, you're definitely onto something with the biblical angle. And that magazine cover near the book: 'Let TV Teach You' says it all.
In our current They Live real life FEAR thing the communists have going on mirrors this. I have not embraced the FEAR and be afraid to go anywhere or do anything. Why? I don't watch TV. The people still following the FEAR well over 2 YEARS later.....guess where they get their information on the "outside world"?
I figured they bought magazines and newspapers as props to seem more human.
Me Too. Also, maybe because being alien, they see something totally different.
The lady he says that to in the store, also comes across as saying her facelift didn't work. That's why its funny.
One of the greatest movies of all time.
Highly underrated
@@TheTillmanSneakerReview I stand by my opinion, and invite you to watch it again.
Mel Gibsons description of Jews
@Dave Dumpling Homophobe racist hypocrite .
The "Zombie-Alien" concpet is very interesting. It reminds me a lot of the story in the first Half-Life game from 1998. it is revealed that the enemy force you fight in the first portion of the game is actually an enslaved race themselves, and it is revealed that you have become the "perpetrator of your own personal holocaust"
I’m not sure if it matters if they’re “enslaved”, when THEY are “above the system” (i.e. government), and THEY can summon law enforcement by talking into their little communicator watch thing.
It means they’re more free to do whatever they want because they have the police/government on their side.
Enjoyed this.
Wanted to say that fermaldehyde (sp) is used for embalming which I believe is more to Nada's point than it just being a poison.
Lol they tell us about themselves in movies but yet we STILL haven’t come together and done anything about it. They love keeping us dumbed and separated my “racism”.
@@justicewarrior9187 yikes
@@justicewarrior9187 White People Lead Welfare Stats
African countries lead Billions in aid
@@justicewarrior9187 """aid"""
There's a copy of "Edgar Casey's: On ESP" very prominently displayed next to Rowdy Roddy at the newsstand.
Yes, the "sleeping prophet." There is also a Golf magazine that says "Let TV teach you," along with another magazine that simply says "Money." There is also a book entitled "Two of a kind" with skull imagery reminiscent of the ghouls.
This is exceptionally clever. The director is telling us that we are already being brainwashed by the media that we are consuming. The messages prominently displayed on the books and magazines are essentially the same as the "hidden" messages underneath. There is no need to spend excess time and energy broadcasting "hidden" messages to hypnotize us because we are already hypnotized.
@@Wyrmwould Edgar the sleeping bullshitter...
There is also a book on The Bermuda Triangle and one on aliens on that rack of paperbacks
Cayce, pronounced "casey".
1984 spoiler incoming:
This sort of could be like how the members of the Party and people who have government jobs are more controlled and conditioned than those who aren't
Or HR departments IRL.
I always thought the "aliens" or "They" represented the yuppie class - the information workers - at the time...separate from the blue collar class that existed at the end of the industrial age, but still slaves to another master.
Greed and social power enslave those who have the most of it, sometimes way more than the envy that the have-nots are usually enslaved by. Could pretty much sum up the whole movie.
Sort of. It’s more black and white (pun intended) than you realise, though.
the international banking clan
Trevyn Campbell I agree. I don’t think all of it is fiction...
I always felt that the aliens we see are the bureaucrats of the species. The Earth has already been conquered, and THEY are keeping the ball rolling.
Since they are insect like, maybe they're a hivemind. Maybe there is a "Queen" or "king" alien?
@@osbrax bug thinks. Even ants farm.
he Insects have a Hive Mind routine is rather slly. BNot only do mist Insects not have a ueen, but even Ant COlonies don't obey the queen. She's just thee to breed.
@Matthew Puckett All we are saying, is give bees a chance.
You hit on it...machine like zombies controlled by a hive-minded AI. AKA as peripherals connected to an hive OS. They “still quiet witness” that’s no longer still or quiet.
Put your pipe down dude.
I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of gum xD
"Time to kick gum and chew ass. But I'm all out if ass." - Dick Kickem.
"Again there's a crossover with bugs that *typically* have mandibles and no lips..."
Show me the bugs with lips, Rob! The world needs to see!!
"Formaldehyde face!!"
The faces of the They look terrified as well as terrifying. With the big, sparkly eyes, much larger than any human eye, they look wide-eyed and surprised, and while the nose is gone it is still clear this is a face, not a skull, and the permanently-bared teeth with the eyes always looks to me like they've just been surprised, and aren't sure yet if you're friend or foe, snarling at you before they really even figure out why.
Look at em, they're everywhere!
I’d think that they aren’t slaves but they enjoy the way of life they set humanity on. And most of them benefit but not all
Man, this movie is right on in so many respects. The aliens are stand ins for the NPC's in "real" life. This world is a dream and they are dream characters. The thing is, they out number us.
They're not NPC's since they are highly aware of themselves and rulers of the game.
And the point is they DON'T outnumber us. That's why they have to hide from us.
Seeing other people as NPC seems like a very disturbing symtom of dissociation.
Does npc mean someone who doesn't agree with ones cognitively fused opinion ?
@Alexander G Ty a decent and reasonable anecdotal observation thank you.... I indeed know the type you referring to.
They’re blending in. What attracts more attention, an upper class person who buys and consumes like everyone else, or an upper class person who doesn’t participate in any human behavior at all
Movies from the 80's and 90's were trying to warn us all and it seems that it's barely now that we're realizing it.
Evil-Lyn was great in this movie.
What happens when you wear the glasses and view classic forms of literature that predate the aliens' arrival.
If it's russian, it'd be: "life sucks".
You assuming literature predate the fascinators
@@NeilCWCampbell. Also assuming that certain classic literature is not a recent print.
@@JohnDoe-xu6uu very true mister doe
Btw kinda cool anonym;)
Sic semper Tyrannus
I am not a lizard or a fascinator
Maybe the aliens in this movie is undead human meat puppets with alien parasite control.
Psychopaths and narcissist are synonymous. Its all about them. Thats what these creatures are and they live among us.
Just discovered this channel and I was so excited to see a new video! Great job!
That movie is mostly like living in 2021
@2:39 Definitely NOT beer goggles.
"Worker bees can leave.
Even drones can fly away.
The Queen is their slave."
I am Jack's lack of freedom
You "People" just do not know and understand how VERY TRUE this movie REALLY is! "The BEST way to hide something is right in plain sight"!
Made me think of a line from The Social Contract: "Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they."
Another movie with a theme like this but not near as good is Society, you should check it out, but be warned it is very much a B flick. Then again I guess They Live is a B flick too.
As a kid I remember both They Live and Society coming out on vhs around the same time. For some reason I didn’t watch either of them until years later. You’re right Society is decent and has similar themes to They Live. They Live is the king of B movies tho 👍
Maybe it's kind of like how humans view dogs. Yeah they are "mans best friend", but but definitely not equal as a friend of our own species. Yet some people treat dogs better themselves or as surrogate children. And while we may be smarter and ultimately decide their fate. They have a way of getting us to talk to them different then other people and getting us to "take them out for a walk" and other things for their need rather then our own.
This is mentioned in Christian scripture with the story of Lazurus. Jesus said let the dead bury their dead. Basically, anybody enslaved and oblivious are walking dead.
No what Jesus meant was that the people in this world are simulations. We are in a virtual reality and only a few people are living and real. 99% of the population are just NPCs. (Non-Playable Characters). They can be programmed to think and act any way the controlling powers want them to.
I always liked the idea that the sunglasses made you paranoid and see what you feared the most.
Are those people you are shooting aliens, or are they really humans you _think_ are aliens?
I didn´t even know there was a comic version, thanks a lot man, great vid. :)
I personally think that the zombies willingly have sexual relations with humans and that the zombie part of the offspring actually are zombies as well, so that the humans are bred out of existence over time. And they would just slowly take over humanity and replace them in time
Would the aliens treat their hybrid offspring as one of them, to dominate over humans. Or, would they treat the hybrid as just one of the human chattle?
I thought that that was the clear and deliverate message of the movie, I never thought that it was a hidden interpretation. THEy are the people who dont question or dont want to question the system of control anymore, that is why they are half dead. And a lot of people got this, specially in the truth comunitty. Nice to see you geting it, good job.
Ok, but the working class doesn't question power either. They have no clue and don't want to know. The long fight symbolises it.
Belonging to the tribe doesn’t give you power, just protection. Ensures the elites are always insulated as the lower levels will be blamed. Read Sam Francis
5:18 Maybe he was just trying to "CONFORM" anf blend in.
@RobAger. Been watching you for years. Man I love how deep you go. So happy you’ve analysed They Live. Thank you 🙏
We need the Piper more than ever.
I figured it was aliens using human corpses to help them mimic doing human things.
I don't think the aliens would bother buying newspapers, magazines, and books if they appeared as only the subliminal messages. I wonder if the aliens tried to wear the glasses would they see the subliminal messages which they can't see otherwise or do they somehow see both the normal written content and subliminal messages simultaneously?
They would take over another world with more resources than our´s.
That is possible. If a galactic empire wanted to enslave humanity through propaganda, they'd want to make sure the message is unrecognized but still received. People start to notice life isn't as it seems when the daily newspaper says *OBEY* with nothing else.
@@dgrunklesamiii4615 Belief in lunar landing and mars travel and galactic empires has been abandoned. This belief has been replaced by a belief in a dome that protects us from this kind of stuff.Any belief in the moon being a rock or mars being a rock and so on is silly cause if you can see through them how can they be a damn rock? See? It is the same crap as the belief in Hell. People were burned like antivaccers are kicked off social networks for refusing to believe in hell. So these beliefs have been abandoned. We should stick to practical ideas instead.
@GohModley Understood. Most people failed to realize it.
Yeah. Immortality is a gift to the good, not the bad. Bad get no immortality, and burn up. So who are the group of immortals who burn forever?
There is an element to art that not even the artists fully realize.... I cant prove it or gaurantee it.... but I've seen it a lot in my life
I’ve always wondered from my own perspective if the “aliens” in carpenters version, were always just hyper advanced humans from the far off distant future; and the story was almost a paradox kinda deal. Something where humanity controlled it’s own history since the start, after time travel is discovered by us; and used by the elite. It could explain some of the similarities in the facial features to humans; possibly being that time travel warps or damages the human body. Just a fun concept to think about; maybe rich people in the far off future pick a job in power in a specific time era, to keep the flow going. Or maybe people in the future just want to escape back to the 80s? Seems a lot today would love to!
Russell Ford Music Very cool theory! I by no means watch horror or science fiction regularly, but I don't recall seeing a lot of stories that involve humanity traveling back in time to rule their own kind. I could be wrong though!
He isn’t wearing headphones; he is wearing sunglasses. I would imagine after the satellite is destroyed, they stopped sounding like us
Even if they weren't hostile, people would have a really hard time relating to beings with features like this because of how different they are from human anatomy.
Hence bigotry.
@@blakemcnamara9105 what do you mean could you explain please
Aliens could be buying the papers just to play the role of a guy looking normal reading the paper.
I always thought that The aliens were playing a part in the social construct of things like farm hands tending to cattle
In the original short story . The homeless "drunk" was meant to be there.... go read it eight o'clock in the morning.... even if it wasnt obvious it's a point made at the end
.. they are everywhere.... they arent struggling... THEY LIVE. We die
Rob Ager and Roddy Piper are doppelgängers
No, he's wrong. The guy buying the newspaper could just be trying to blend in. He isn't necessarily enslaved to the messages.
I've always understood Reaganomics and conformity to be extremely synonymous as a master and slave relationship firmly rooted within a capitalist framework in this film, criticizing that carpenter used studio funding to produce a subversive artform is like criticizing a farmer under a king, it ignores all social context in an attempt to put all criticism on the individual not the system.
Seen this movie so many times but only now did I notice the book edgar cayce on esp right next to pipers head at the news stand. That's no coincidence
Could it be argued that the aliens are awake but can see the manufactured illusion they have imposed on humans? The aliens might not want to see the drab reality behind their synthetic dream. Instead, the aliens want to experience the world as the humans see it because that would make it more fun
The alien buying the newspaper meaning they too are enslaved is a bit of a reach. The newspapers presumably also carried the usual content, useful to get on in life. The glasses allow seeing the subtext, like some red pill in accessory form. At 7:34 you missed the aliens pictured as very whining and annoying. Explore that.
yeah, this guy's analysis is just straight up trash.
THEY might not feel or show emotions like we do, but those bastards die just like we do! =P
I love this film so much. never thought about those Aliens being drones though, but they do act like it sometimes like when they're all sort of marching towards Roddy Piper in the grocery shop saying and doing the same thing in the same tone like robots. Maybe they're Alien artificial people, there just to "keep the peace". Brilliant details as always. It doesn't always say NO THOUGHT though, it's says NO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT and like your title says, maybe they're the lesser Aliens that are being manipulated into doing the dirty and repetitive work amongst the Humans.
They actually look 'twice dead' don't they? "These men are the hidden reefs in your love feasts, shamelessly feasting with you but shepherding only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried along by the wind; fruitless trees in autumn, twice dead after being uprooted."
When the guy having sex says "hey baby what's wrong" it makes me question if the whole "class system" that actually occurs in our own universe shown here by a alien having sex with his human wife/fiance (based on a sign saying marry and reproduce) and obviously not even reacting or realizing his human partner obviously is horrified and if he was aware of his alien faux image I would expect him to know exactly "what was wrong baby?" This is further emphasized when the obviously rich woman can ascertain immediately the hero recognized her facade as well as the others in the store and bank. The bank is obviously full of aliens both tellers and police protection mostly due to being the higher class and if a rich woman is shopping even in our own universe they don't shop in grocery stores amongst the normal citizens typically they would shop amongst other rich people or aliens in this case.The man/alien must not be aware due to his lower class I didn't notice one of those "transportation watches/80's IPhone watches either denoting further the same idea of the lower classes possibly being unaware of being "in control of humans" likely to aide in both producing via marriage and reproduction without the lower aliens attempting to climb out of the pit of the lowly humans and realize their own control ability. This has become apparent based on the exact dedication you put into this video and I applaud your effort and thank you fir thus and other content bringing a perspective aside from my own or even mainstream ideals! If you agree and see this comment let me know whether it makes sense and you agree or disagree or if it's rambling lol liked and been subbed along time bell also clicked ! Thanks again!
Makes me wonder if there's a subtext suggesting the hero of the story is wrong for blaming the aliens when the real struggle is not alien vs human, but between classes. That could have been made more implicit if they had gone with the original idea that the hero was unknowingly an alien all along. That kind of makes me curious about where they might take this story in a remake.
The reason the comics character didn't know was because he was the first one to get use to being a human until he believed it and forgot that he was an alien
30 years since it was released.Awesome movie.
I'm going to have to reread the short story, because I don't remember Nada becoming one of the aliens before dying. I could swear the ending was just him having the heart attack at the commanded time.
The aliens own run the media, are very successful, very good with money, very involved in politics. Basically over represented in key areas. Reminds me of 🤔
its so obvious for those whove got the glasses on what the movie is about.
a RACE that owns all media and money and pretends to be one of us but secretly want to control us and think of us a cattle... yeah i wonder who its about...
Also notice the giant satillites on top of buildings, street lights, houses ect, everywhere. That was how the aliens were able to cloak themselves to look like humans.
You know it's possible that the subliminal messages don't affect them, maybe they CAN read them.
Just like what another commenter in this video said, and I paraphrase: "maybe they subject themselves to subliminal messaging just to blend in?"
3:00 they went with Earth weaponry because alien weaponry would have given the game away.
The cover art for the movie makes me focus in on the glasses, there are lines like you would find in an 80s style TV on close inspection. A stream of electrons hitting the screen to make it glow, That’s an electromagnetic beam beaming from left to right if you look really closely that are causing the horizontal line while the vertical deflection builds the completed images within the glasses.
Formaldehyde is also used in embalming the dead.
And it was always used in movies to knock someone out when capturing them. That ties in nicely with the awake/sleeping theme in the film and the idea of being enslaved.
This requires a listen to the entire album "Never Sleep Again " by ODD.
Pretty sure the formaldehyde reference is relating to the chemicals use in embalming, not its toxicity to the living.