I know, I had the same question coming into this video and it doesn't even address it... from my research, it appears that the general consensus is to go with the OEM solid bearing, as the needle bearing requires frequent maintenance due to dust collecting on the open rollers (i.e.: intended for racecars that have the transmission pulled often).
I totaly agree. Brass is better then needle bearing
"Than" needle bearing. =)
Fast forward 9-years in the future is a bronze pilot bushing still preferred over the latest needle bearing bushing?
I know, I had the same question coming into this video and it doesn't even address it... from my research, it appears that the general consensus is to go with the OEM solid bearing, as the needle bearing requires frequent maintenance due to dust collecting on the open rollers (i.e.: intended for racecars that have the transmission pulled often).
The bronze bushing is the way to go. Avoid the bearing.
Better title: "Nismo bearing height comparison in cm"... this helped my decision 0%, thanks...