Mr shafie ayar If you are the President of the Republic of Afghanistan .. got rid of all the problems continued, my brother, you are the pride of the nation
As site administrator, I will be removing comments and blocking users who call names, wish death, and generalize without proof. Mr Ayar is allowing debate on this site and not taking part in it as he is very busy debating the "scholars". It is necessary that the rest of us also have this debate. Mr Ayar welcomes opposite sides of view, however, please control your angers and have a discussion backed by proof and reference which part of a video he has said what you claim. Rameen
آقای شفیع عیار تشکر بسیار زحمت میکشید.تمام حرفهایی را که زدید در قرآن چک کردم صحت داشت.ولی حالا یک سوال دارم . من فعلا شیعه هستم .من باید چیکار کنم سردرگم شدم،یعنی علی و حسین و امامان چی میشه،دین و مذهبم بر چه مبناست؟چطور باید نماز بخوانم؟لطفا جواب بدهید.
عقیده داشتن بر مذهب مصلی شخصی است. به نظر من قلب پاک داشتن و روش انسانی از نظر عقل سالم یک نوع عبادت برای خداوند میباشد. درینصورت قلب ات را پاک گیر و بر هرچیزی به توان عقلی که داری عبادت کن ...خدا گفته هر قدری که به علم نزدیک شویی همانقدر بر من نزدیک میشویی
پروگرامهای سادات، ابوبکر، خانم سیمین امر و ... در حقیقت مکاتب سرباز گیری القأیده میباشد.این پروگرامها زمینه جلب و جذب جوانان را به القأعده مساعد میسازد. ممنون شما.
با تأسف مردم ما هچوقت از خواندان قرآن مسلمان نه شده اند.ما همه از شنیدن قصهٔها مسلمان شده ایم. آی مردم از خدا بترسید و به قرآن رجوع کنید.thanks Shafie AYAR
Khoob shood ke khodet bodee ke goftee amini saheb!! Agar ne mah amagee ghool bodem. Khodet chee nazar metee? Quron rah koshesk nakonem ke befahmem o hadeeth parast bashem?
Part:2 check the English translation. If you are in doubt of what We have sent down to you, then ask those who have been reading the Book before you. The truth has indeed come to you from your Lord, so do not be one of those who doubt, (94)
What you're talking constantly about Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran? Can not we learn about humanity instead?! We can not build our country with Islam, Muhammad, Quran Arab Culture!! YOU still can not prove what Muhammad has done or not done 1400 years ago!! Opt for useful knowledge as science, art, economics, human knowledge, knowledge society, politics, the right knowledge ......
همین قران که جنابعالی آن رو به عنوان سند استفاده میکنید در زمان حیات پیامبر کتاب واحدی نبوده و در زمان خلیفه سوم ( عثمان ) جمع آوری شده !!! خدا میدانند چه کسانی و چه نوشتههایی را عثمان به عنوان منابع استفاده کرده بوده و همین قرآن هم پر از اشتباهات و تناقضات است !
در پاین حمید صفا گفته است که مردم افغانستان از خواندن قرآن کریم ما مسلمان نشدیم گفته خودت بلکل راست است.اما ما چطور از قرآن مسلمان شویم در صورت که قرآن مکمل به زبان عربی است.اگر غوث زلمی میخواست یک خدمت به مردم افغان کند او بیچاره را بندی کردند و گفتند که تو کافر شدی!اگر مسلمان بودن در لسان عربی است پس همه ما کسانی که عربی نمیفهمیم کافر هستیم ؟؟؟
Part 8: My dear muslim brothers in sisters and believer of othere books. Please don't lesten to Mullah or to people like shafi Ayar becaus both parties eating and drinking from the the same table and there perpose is to missleading and confussing and finally to make you slaves. Please be very care full with them they are thire to hurt you and used you for there selfish ego and benifit. Then you may asked what shall we do then and how we going to find the fact and how we know if I am in the write path? it is easy and not easy. It is very easy if you sincerely trust God and believe to him that he is your only protector and guidance and seek knowledge and direction from him when you do that sincerely work hard and give up yourself to him trust me all the puzzles will be palced in it is correct position one by one step by step. every time you open the Holly Quran God will open it up for you the words like flowers and you will be witness the flowers the perfume and .... And if not sure of what you undrestand you can cross reference with one of the Sufi Masters like Rumi like Baidel ,Hafiz,Rudaki, sanayee, atar and many otheres sufi masters. Wish you all the best.
Part 4: Let me tell you how I take or understood this holly versus. A: if you check the gramer of this versus it is not talking about the past or futre it is purely present time it means now. and who is present now that is me and wthat God says to me he says(O Zabi If you are in doubt of what We have sent down to you, then ask those who have been reading the Book before you. The truth has indeed come to you from your Lord, so do not be one of those who doubt, (94)) Wich part of this was difficult to understand you know what is our problem not understanding the Quran because we are not excepting that this Quran is been send to us by God through our great prophet.
Do you guys realize that all of these speakers always yells and speaks in a very loud voices, it's because they're trying to show people or pretend that they know about Islam, yet beloved prophet (pbuh) was such a soft spoken person and never ever spoke in such a aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
shafie ayar qabol ke adis sakhtagi wojod darad. wale adis goftaar rasulala (saws) mebashad. khoda wand insan ra aqel wa shohor darda. wa metana bekhana wa qhabul kona adis sahe wa adis qhalat ra. wale goftaar rasulala saws,, monkeresh nestem. wa az azaab qaber gofti ke wojod nadarad. ayaaaaaaaaa khoda wand ra didi? nakhair! wale ba mawjodiat khoda wand jaljalaho ieman darim. wa azab qabra didi? nakhair, wa za morda zinda shoda khabar darie bad az beland shodan az qaber? nakhair. pas ieman dashta
Part:1 Please put your finger on each of this versus see if you find the name of our propget Mohammad PBUH on this versus. do the same if you find the word of Rasull (masenger). in this versus there is a catch. please do as I say it is very important 10:94.فَإِن كُنتَ فِي شَكٍّ مِّمَّا أَنزَلْنَا إِلَيْكَ فَاسْأَلِ الَّذِينَ يَقْرَءُونَ الْكِتَابَ مِن قَبْلِكَ ۚ لَقَدْ جَاءَكَ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّكَ فَلَا تَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْمُمْتَرِينَ ﴿٩٤﴾ Ha you didn't find the name of our prophet or the word of masenger. now check the correct translation و اگر هستی در شکّی بدانچه فرستادیم به سویت پس بپرس آنان را که میخوانند کتاب را پیش از تو همانا بیامد تو را حقّ از پروردگارت پس نباش از شکّکنندگان (۹۴)
Part : 7 You said that you know the Quran and Quran is a very ordinay book it is not difficult now tell me what is the meaning of Insaan and Bashaar and what is the diffirence between Bashaar and Insaan wich God Mentioned in his holly book Quran and why God every time mentioned the word of Inssan it comes with kind of ignorance and dout and not doing the good deed but when he mentioned the word of Bashar it comes with sort of positive and trustworthy and believer and ..... Why God siad that? O Mohammad tell that I am a Bashaar like you but did not said I am a Insaan Like you? why God said to Merry tell to the bashaar ( tell to the Bashaar Not to Insaan) that I am fasting to not speak with any Insaan( here God used the word of Inssan not Bashaar) ? If you head is still frozen go to Masnavie Manaway Mullana Balkhy Rumi he explained fully in details the meaning of tell I am a Bashaar Like you. ha ha ha.
bash. qhaiba joz khoda wand kase namefamad. wa dar quran gofta khamro wal maysaar medani chist. khaamro wal maysaar.? ayaa yak mosalman ke quran khanda bashad wa eqraar ba lesan wa tasdiq ba qalb karda bashad. wa ba iman bashad. khordan sharab gona ast. wale gonaie kabira nest. bakhchesh darad. pas amoto ke gofti khoda wand zara zara esaab mekonad. bedan ke hamin zaban ham qala ast ham bala. sare hamin zaban ham mosalman astem ham kafar. pas namedanem khoda wand az ke razi wa az ke na razi ast
What you're talking constantly about Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran? Can not we learn about humanity instead?! We can not build our country with Islam, Muhammad, Quran Arab Culture!! YOU still can not prove what Muhammad has done or not done 1400 years ago!! Opt for useful knowledge as science, art, economics, human knowledge, knowledge society, politics, the right knowledge ......
Jahed Jon, salam. With all due respect, you are like those slow kids who sit in the front of the class room, try really hard, ask a lot of questions, but never understand the professors lectures. You keep making confused comments. Mr Ayar is arguing that the Hadiths are false and that Bibi Aisha was NOT a child bride. Also, please specify which part of the video he refrences 21-105 and how was he mistaken.
Part:3 Now you see that your translation of the Quran is not correct you my say, it is not much different no no no It is a lot differend the one extra word you add to it you changed the entire meaning and concep of the holly versus and that will misslead every one of your funs and you are account able for that when you related to our holly prophet or any other prophet by mentioning his name. Are you in dout of the Quran that Quran is for all men kind if youb are in dout then this versus for you and your kind wich they think the same as you.
آقای عیار از همان کتاب (سیرت نبی) میخواند که شما ملا هها آنرا عوض قرآن استفاده میکنید.و شما آقای اه تا که کور و کّر هستید حتی به قرآن ساختگی تان هم باور ندارید.اصل موضع درینجاست که برای شما مهّم است که از زبانی چه کسی میشنوید. اگر آنرا کدام مولانا مخوند خوب کیف میکردی. چطور؟
Part : 5 It is a famous saying in english that little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Shafi plese stop insulting our prophet Mohammad by puting him down by saying ha he was a ordinary man he was not imported as Muses and christ. If Muses cut the see with is hand stick that see was on the ground and it was reachable but our prophet cut the moon with is finger in half and the moon was not reachable in it was high in the sky. if you belive in the Quran as you saying and tell me who is higher. If Prophet Christ Heal people it was reachable but our prophet heal the entire man kind and reach where no other prophet reach there as God himself said that Mohammad and him was like Arrow and Bow .
Part : 6 all other Prophets carried out only portion of God work and God never pleased as he was pleased with our holly prophet mohammad and our prophet Mohammad completed God Deens(religion) once for all and his book (Quran) became the finall book of God and with prophet Mohammad the duty of Gibrahael ended and connection between Man and God became direct. so what do you think if you still believe that other prophet is in higher rank than prophet of islam, something must be wrong with you while you know the class of judaism and christianity is higher and you still set in low class of Islam wha, You know Mr shafi by categorise you actualy inviting people to judaism and christianity I hope I am wrong and please prove me I am wrong by making another program and admited.
درود بر عیار بزرگ استاد سپاس که از برنامه های قدیمی تان گذاشتن سپاس ❤❤❤❤
Thank you from Saudi Arabia
thanks Shafie Jani Ayar. You the best.
Thanks Ayar Saheb we love you.
آقای عیار موفقیت برایتان خواهانم.
Tashakor az zahmate neke shoma ke mara hedeyat mekona ba rahe haq.
People who are calling Aziz Sadat ustad in fact they are insulting thier own intelligences.You are doing a great job dear Shafie Ayar.Keep it up.
I am watching all the videos once again. Thank you very much
دمت گرم شفع عیار
موفقیت بیشتر در راه روشنگری ...
آقای عیار من با نظریات شما کاملا موافقم برای شما موفقیت های بیشتر میخواهم
Shafie ayar, Good job.
Marhaba Aqaye Ayar.
Eftekhere afghan.
Good work
Mr shafie ayar
If you are the President of the Republic of Afghanistan .. got rid of all the problems continued, my brother, you are the pride of the nation
خدا یارت آغای شفیع عیار
Shafie jan salam!
Shoma besyar maqul sobat mekhonen wa ba zanat.mowafaq basheen!!
Thank you so much
Ye musalmana Rasool pak wa islam ra sharmandan da jahan.,
موفق باشی بزرگوار حرف های شما کاملن درست است ولی ای کاش این مغزهای منجمد باز شود
yak jahan tashakor bradari aziz az malumathae tan
Good job
you the are amazing, you are very talented keep up, im very proud of you.
Mutaram Shafie Ayar bayet en jenayat koran ra ba qanon Amreka kate vedoe ashra bedehed ke jazaeshon bibnan. hmin jenaeat karan turoest tabiya mekunan.
Aqaye Mola Sadat khub shod ke Behab nashodi,,,,, Ba Quran tawajo bekon.
Shafie Ayar Ek Musalman khub ast.
khoob tashreh kadee shafie jan.lanat ba en mulahai e kasif
As site administrator, I will be removing comments and blocking users who call names, wish death, and generalize without proof. Mr Ayar is allowing debate on this site and not taking part in it as he is very busy debating the "scholars". It is necessary that the rest of us also have this debate. Mr Ayar welcomes opposite sides of view, however, please control your angers and have a discussion backed by proof and reference which part of a video he has said what you claim. Rameen
آقای شفیع عیار تشکر بسیار زحمت میکشید.تمام حرفهایی را که زدید در قرآن چک کردم صحت داشت.ولی حالا یک سوال دارم . من فعلا شیعه هستم .من باید چیکار کنم سردرگم شدم،یعنی علی و حسین و امامان چی میشه،دین و مذهبم بر چه مبناست؟چطور باید نماز بخوانم؟لطفا جواب بدهید.
عقیده داشتن بر مذهب مصلی شخصی است. به نظر من قلب پاک داشتن و روش انسانی از نظر عقل سالم یک نوع عبادت برای خداوند میباشد. درینصورت قلب ات را پاک گیر و بر هرچیزی به توان عقلی که داری عبادت کن ...خدا گفته هر قدری که به علم نزدیک شویی همانقدر بر من نزدیک میشویی
Hahaha Shafie jan khodet aste hamo male rast.
پروگرامهای سادات، ابوبکر، خانم سیمین امر و ... در حقیقت مکاتب سرباز گیری القأیده میباشد.این پروگرامها زمینه جلب و جذب جوانان را به القأعده مساعد میسازد. ممنون شما.
You made a mistake by translation of Al Anbiya 105.
Dear Shafie Ayar
I agree %90 with you about your words i watched almost all of your videos. One thing you never mentioned CIA
Shafie Jan, Thank you for punishing yet another Hadith believers S.O.B.
I love it because you prove them wrong by opening the book (Qur"an).
gulbedin yak aywaan as
با تأسف مردم ما هچوقت از خواندان قرآن مسلمان نه شده اند.ما همه از شنیدن قصهٔها مسلمان شده ایم. آی مردم از خدا بترسید و به قرآن رجوع کنید.thanks Shafie AYAR
aziz sadat goh mekhora ka dorogh mega .. buz del az dan dega mardom meshnawee boro khodet barnama ra bebin,,,,
Khoob shood ke khodet bodee ke goftee amini saheb!! Agar ne mah amagee ghool bodem. Khodet chee nazar metee? Quron rah koshesk nakonem ke befahmem o hadeeth parast bashem?
Part:2 check the English translation.
If you are in doubt of what We have sent down to you, then ask those who have been reading the Book before you. The truth has indeed come to you from your Lord, so do not be one of those who doubt, (94)
What you're talking constantly about Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran? Can not we learn about humanity instead?! We can not build our country with Islam, Muhammad, Quran Arab Culture!! YOU still can not prove what Muhammad has done or not done 1400 years ago!! Opt for useful knowledge as science, art, economics, human knowledge, knowledge society, politics, the right knowledge ......
2024 ❤😊
Mr Ayar = Mehdi Aukher zamaam .
Excuse me , do you believe that Mohammad SAW brought BiBi AIsha to his Nikah as a child?
سجیه جان در خلوت میگه که مه سیکس وحشی را دوست دارم باز اینجه آمده میگه شنیده نمیتانم🤣
همین قران که جنابعالی آن رو به عنوان سند استفاده میکنید در زمان حیات پیامبر کتاب واحدی نبوده و در زمان خلیفه سوم ( عثمان ) جمع آوری شده !!! خدا میدانند چه کسانی و چه نوشتههایی را عثمان به عنوان منابع استفاده کرده بوده و همین قرآن هم پر از اشتباهات و تناقضات است !
در پاین حمید صفا گفته است که مردم افغانستان از خواندن قرآن کریم ما مسلمان نشدیم گفته خودت بلکل راست است.اما ما چطور از قرآن مسلمان شویم در صورت که قرآن مکمل به زبان عربی است.اگر غوث زلمی میخواست یک خدمت به مردم افغان کند او بیچاره را بندی کردند و گفتند که تو کافر شدی!اگر مسلمان بودن در لسان عربی است پس همه ما کسانی که عربی نمیفهمیم کافر هستیم ؟؟؟
Khobab Sadat yak isi
Part 8: My dear muslim brothers in sisters and believer of othere books.
Please don't lesten to Mullah or to people like shafi Ayar becaus both parties eating and drinking from the the same table and there perpose is to missleading and confussing and finally to make you slaves. Please be very care full with them they are thire to hurt you and used you for there selfish ego and benifit.
Then you may asked what shall we do then and how we going to find the fact and how we know if I am in the write path?
it is easy and not easy. It is very easy if you sincerely trust God and believe to him that he is your only protector and guidance and seek knowledge and direction from him when you do that sincerely work hard and give up yourself to him trust me all the puzzles will be palced in it is correct position one by one step by step. every time you open the Holly Quran God will open it up for you the words like flowers and you will be witness the flowers the perfume and ....
And if not sure of what you undrestand you can cross reference with one of the Sufi Masters like Rumi like Baidel ,Hafiz,Rudaki, sanayee, atar and many otheres sufi masters. Wish you all the best.
Part 4: Let me tell you how I take or understood this holly versus.
A: if you check the gramer of this versus it is not talking about the past or futre it is purely present time it means now. and who is present now that is me and wthat God says to me he says(O Zabi If you are in doubt of what We have sent down to you, then ask those who have been reading the Book before you. The truth has indeed come to you from your Lord, so do not be one of those who doubt, (94))
Wich part of this was difficult to understand you know what is our problem not understanding the Quran because we are not excepting that this Quran is been send to us by God through our great prophet.
Do you guys realize that all of these speakers always yells and speaks in a very loud voices, it's because they're trying to show people or pretend that they know about Islam, yet beloved prophet (pbuh) was such a soft spoken person and never ever spoke in such a aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
shafie ayar qabol ke adis sakhtagi wojod darad. wale adis goftaar rasulala (saws) mebashad. khoda wand insan ra aqel wa shohor darda. wa metana bekhana wa qhabul kona adis sahe wa adis qhalat ra. wale goftaar rasulala saws,, monkeresh nestem. wa az azaab qaber gofti ke wojod nadarad. ayaaaaaaaaa khoda wand ra didi? nakhair! wale ba mawjodiat khoda wand jaljalaho ieman darim. wa azab qabra didi? nakhair, wa za morda zinda shoda khabar darie bad az beland shodan az qaber? nakhair. pas ieman dashta
Part:1 Please put your finger on each of this versus see if you find the name of our propget Mohammad PBUH on this versus. do the same if you find the word of Rasull (masenger). in this versus there is a catch. please do as I say it is very important
10:94.فَإِن كُنتَ فِي شَكٍّ مِّمَّا أَنزَلْنَا إِلَيْكَ فَاسْأَلِ الَّذِينَ يَقْرَءُونَ الْكِتَابَ مِن قَبْلِكَ ۚ لَقَدْ جَاءَكَ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّكَ فَلَا تَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْمُمْتَرِينَ ﴿٩٤﴾
Ha you didn't find the name of our prophet or the word of masenger.
now check the correct translation
و اگر هستی در شکّی بدانچه فرستادیم به سویت پس بپرس آنان را که میخوانند کتاب را پیش از تو همانا بیامد تو را حقّ از پروردگارت پس نباش از شکّکنندگان (۹۴)
Part : 7 You said that you know the Quran and Quran is a very ordinay book it is not difficult now tell me what is the meaning of Insaan and Bashaar and what is the diffirence between Bashaar and Insaan wich God Mentioned in his holly book Quran and why God every time mentioned the word of Inssan it comes with kind of ignorance and dout and not doing the good deed but when he mentioned the word of Bashar it comes with sort of positive and trustworthy and believer and .....
Why God siad that? O Mohammad tell that I am a Bashaar like you but did not said I am a Insaan Like you?
why God said to Merry tell to the bashaar ( tell to the Bashaar Not to Insaan) that I am fasting to not speak with any Insaan( here God used the word of Inssan not Bashaar) ?
If you head is still frozen go to Masnavie Manaway Mullana Balkhy Rumi he explained fully in details the meaning of tell I am a Bashaar Like you. ha ha ha.
Sasghf fdfgg fdfggh
Mohamad mesle ma wa degaraan joz yak insan dega chiz nabod.
bash. qhaiba joz khoda wand kase namefamad. wa dar quran gofta khamro wal maysaar medani chist. khaamro wal maysaar.?
ayaa yak mosalman ke quran khanda bashad wa eqraar ba lesan wa tasdiq ba qalb karda bashad. wa ba iman bashad. khordan sharab gona ast. wale gonaie kabira nest. bakhchesh darad. pas amoto ke gofti khoda wand zara zara esaab mekonad. bedan ke hamin zaban ham qala ast ham bala. sare hamin zaban ham mosalman astem ham kafar. pas namedanem khoda wand az ke razi wa az ke na razi ast
What you're talking constantly about Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran? Can not we learn about humanity instead?! We can not build our country with Islam, Muhammad, Quran Arab Culture!! YOU still can not prove what Muhammad has done or not done 1400 years ago!! Opt for useful knowledge as science, art, economics, human knowledge, knowledge society, politics, the right knowledge ......
Jahed Jon, salam. With all due respect, you are like those slow kids who sit in the front of the class room, try really hard, ask a lot of questions, but never understand the professors lectures. You keep making confused comments. Mr Ayar is arguing that the Hadiths are false and that Bibi Aisha was NOT a child bride. Also, please specify which part of the video he refrences 21-105 and how was he mistaken.
Part:3 Now you see that your translation of the Quran is not correct you my say, it is not much different no no no It is a lot differend the one extra word you add to it you changed the entire meaning and concep of the holly versus and that will misslead every one of your funs and you are account able for that when you related to our holly prophet or any other prophet by mentioning his name. Are you in dout of the Quran that Quran is for all men kind if youb are in dout then this versus for you and your kind wich they think the same as you.
آقای عیار از همان کتاب (سیرت نبی) میخواند که شما ملا هها آنرا عوض قرآن استفاده میکنید.و شما آقای اه تا که کور و کّر هستید حتی به قرآن ساختگی تان هم باور ندارید.اصل موضع درینجاست که برای شما مهّم است که از زبانی چه کسی میشنوید. اگر آنرا کدام مولانا مخوند خوب کیف میکردی. چطور؟
Part : 5 It is a famous saying in english that little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Shafi plese stop insulting our prophet Mohammad by puting him down by saying ha he was a ordinary man he was not imported as Muses and christ.
If Muses cut the see with is hand stick that see was on the ground and it was reachable but our prophet cut the moon with is finger in half and the moon was not reachable in it was high in the sky. if you belive in the Quran as you saying and tell me who is higher.
If Prophet Christ Heal people it was reachable but our prophet heal the entire man kind and reach where no other prophet reach there as God himself said that Mohammad and him was like Arrow and Bow .
Part : 6 all other Prophets carried out only portion of God work and God never pleased as he was pleased with our holly prophet mohammad and our prophet Mohammad completed God Deens(religion) once for all and his book (Quran) became the finall book of God and with prophet Mohammad the duty of Gibrahael ended and connection between Man and God became direct. so what do you think
if you still believe that other prophet is in higher rank than prophet of islam, something must be wrong with you while you know the class of judaism and christianity is higher and you still set in low class of Islam wha,
You know Mr shafi by categorise you actualy inviting people to judaism and christianity I hope I am wrong and please prove me I am wrong by making another program and admited.