Montserrat Caballé - Vienna 2011

  • Опубліковано 25 чер 2011
  • From the first half of the concert 22nd June 2011 in Vienna. Live she was awesome and on splendid vocal form, for her age.
    You really felt you were in the presence of greatness!!!


  • @OperaFree
    @OperaFree 12 років тому

    On entend là des choses tout à fait étonnantes en dépit de dificultés vocales évidentes et compréhensibles à 78 ans... mais quelle noblesse d'expression, quelle classe, quel sens musical formidable...

  • @arpasat
    @arpasat 13 років тому

    É UM PRESENTE DE DEUS, sempre estou a procura de novos video de suas apresentações que espanto quando estamos em 2011,e ainda podemos ve-la e ouvi-la tão bem.Seria um presente poder ouvi-la e assisti-la ao vivo um dia.

  • @emf1918
    @emf1918  12 років тому +2

    @margrant I had not ignored your comment!! I welcome different opinions. I have to say though that no one in the packed house in Vienna were expecting to hear the voice that was...however it was a wonderful evening, heard live the voice was in better shape than the recording displays and it was her personality and sense of fun that was most special. She loves to sing and whilst people are willing to listen then she should go on, not everyone will like it but an awful lot of people do!

  • @emf1918
    @emf1918  12 років тому

    @OperaFree Elle était incroyable. entendre chanter en direct est une expérience que je n'oublierai jamais. merci pour le commentaire

  • @emf1918
    @emf1918  13 років тому

    @arpasat Fico feliz que você gostou. Ela foi maravilhosa ao vivo

  • @margrant
    @margrant 12 років тому

    thank you for have not posted my critic. Anyway she was a great singer, but now she should avoid to loose her dignity in this way.

  • @will1074
    @will1074 12 років тому

    @margrant purtroppo hai ragione...dovrebbe limitarsi a cantare sotto la doccia o presenziare agli eventi senza cantare...ormai non ha più nulla della cantante che era...

  • @margrant
    @margrant 12 років тому

    Il pezzo non mi sembra richieda una grande voce...che purtroppo non c'e' piu'.La nota finale e' semplicemente terribile.Ma non e' meglio tacere con un po' di dignita' e farci ricordare la bella voce di un tempo che irritarci esibendo queste rovine?