Lunch of champions

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • #beef #pork #vegetables #egg #czech #champion
    Beef is the meat of a domestic tur. It is the third most commonly used meat in Czech kitchens (after pork and chicken). Beef reaches the table in many different ways: whole (e.g. roast beef), cut into slices (e.g. steak or beefsteak), into small pieces (e.g. goulash) or minced (meatball), annually in the Czech Republic consumes an average of 10 kg per person.
    Beef is characteristically brick red, but the content of muscle dye and the resulting color of the meat also depend on the age of the slaughtered animal - it is pale red in young animals, dark red in older animals and especially bulls - as well as on its sex, live weight, breed affiliation, physical load on a specific muscle and, of course, also on the intensity and quality of the slaughter animal's nutrition. The shade also varies depending on which part of the body the meat comes from. A more pronounced color of the meat is supported by the movement of the animal, feeding with green fodder and a high iron content in the feed ration, castration of bulls and intensive fattening, on the contrary, lead to a lighter shade of meat.
    Pork is a designation for meat originating from a domestic pig. Along with beef, it is the most commonly used meat in Czech cuisine. The village also uses pork from domestic butchers. These take place most often in the winter months.
    The pork is pale pink in color. Muscle is overgrown with fat, and therefore has a higher fat content and higher energy value compared to beef, for example. Pork is more difficult to digest. The taste depends on the age and the way the animals are fed. The meat of pigs fed a lot of milk has a lighter color. Meat from annual pieces has very fine fibers and firm white bacon. The meat of older pieces has stiff and coarse fibers, the color is dark red. Pork is more tender than beef. Less fatty and lean pork is easier to digest.
    Chicken eggs are also used as table eggs and can be part of human nutrition. Eggs have a high content of complete proteins (they contain all the amino acids necessary for humans in a ratio that is the most favorable of all common foods). Eggs also contain fats, vitamins and minerals. However, they also contain a high amount of cholesterol.
    In addition to the direct consumption of eggs as food, eggs (egg mass, white, yolk) are used as raw materials in various branches of the food industry (bakery, confectionary, production of durable bread, pasta, meat products, etc.). . The external (technological) value of table eggs is determined by the weight (size), shape, proportion of individual parts of the egg and the quality of the egg shell. The proportion of the individual parts of the egg (yolk, white and shell) is influenced by the type and breed of poultry, the size of the egg, the number of eggs laid and the individual characteristics of the laying hens. The intrinsic (nutritional) value of table eggs as a food is determined by the content of nutrients, their digestibility, taste and smell.
    Vegetables is a collective name for edible and mostly cultivated (cultivated) plants or their parts, which make up a large part of human and animal food. It is eaten raw, fried, stewed or boiled and as a separate dish, side dish or salad. They are low in calories and fat, but an important source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other beneficial substances. Some of its species are used in gastronomy as spices or in phytotherapy as medicines.
    The targeted cultivation of plants as food probably began between the 10th and 7th millennium BC, and the efforts of growers and breeders have since created hundreds of cultivars, which are often very different from the original "wild" species. That is why kitchen nomenclature often differs from scientific (botanical) nomenclature. Vegetables are not a scientifically but a practically (gastronomically) defined concept, and thus also have culturally determined boundaries. In some cultures and among vegetarians, all edible plants and their parts (roots, stems, leaves, flowers as well as fruits and seeds) are considered vegetables. In common Czech kitchen practice, cereals, legumes and most fruits and seeds, including, for example, nuts, are not counted as vegetables. The fleshy fruits of perennial plants are usually counted as fruits, but for some it is the subject of expert disputes (for example, tomatoes, melons, pumpkins, etc.), sometimes only sweet fruits are considered fruits, while for example avocados, peppers or tomatoes, although they are botanically fruits, are still considered vegetables.
    / warlocorn
    Raw materials:
    Beef front
    pork shoulder
    chicken eggs
    grated emmental
    paprika capsicum
    spring onion
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  • @warlocorn
    @warlocorn  5 місяців тому +1

    Reklamy ve videu pomáhají financovat tvorbu tohoto kanálu. Jsou nastavené jako přeskočitelné, takže po cca 5 vteřinách je můžete přeskočit. Obsah tohoto kanálu konzumujete zcela zdarma. Nemusíte platit žádné měsíční poplatky za možnost sledování. Osobně tedy přispějete na provoz tohoto kanálu pouze shlédnutím reklamy. Jestli Vám ale reklamy tak extrémně vadí a vyžadujete konzumaci obsahu kanálu pouze bez reklam, zakupte si UA-cam Premium.

  • @makaria81
    @makaria81 4 місяці тому +1

    Bylo to super žrádlo, přesně to co potřebuju po cvičení 👍

  • @rezavy_klic4214
    @rezavy_klic4214 5 місяців тому +3

    No štveš mi. Jdu pro maso a v sobotu budou karboše jak pivní tácky 😁

  • @1981Pepan
    @1981Pepan 5 місяців тому +2

    Ahoj, warlocorne!! Děkuji za tip zase na oběd, už mi docházely nápady.

    • @warlocorn
      @warlocorn  5 місяців тому

      Tohle jídlo určitě vyzkoušej. Bude Ti to chutnat i bez přílohy. A děkuji za sledování.

  • @Varenijezabava
    @Varenijezabava 4 місяці тому +1

    Mleté maso mám rád na všechny způsoby a tento recept se mi moc líbí. Letí 👍 a nech si dařit pane kolego.🙂

    • @warlocorn
      @warlocorn  4 місяці тому +1

      Díky za sledování i za palec pane kolego.

  • @marous7199
    @marous7199 4 місяці тому

    Maso na rychlo se sázeným vejcem je klasika. K tomu by to chtělo bramborovou přílohu. 👍 Jen bych více šetřil s tukem, pokud to má být pro šampióny. 😉

  • @PaHoHaska
    @PaHoHaska 5 місяців тому


  • @abrionek
    @abrionek 4 місяці тому

    Já bych k tomu přidal hranolky nebo krokety 😊

  • @mirekfojt2723
    @mirekfojt2723 5 місяців тому +1

    Diky za dalsi navod. Ahoj.

    • @warlocorn
      @warlocorn  5 місяців тому +1

      Ahoj, děkuji za sledování a zdravím za oceán.

  • @helenagrunwaldova4970
    @helenagrunwaldova4970 4 місяці тому

    To je nádhera 👍

  • @tomparsley7150
    @tomparsley7150 5 місяців тому

    to je moc pěknej sporák šéfe. Takovej masivní nerez, kvalitka co?

    • @warlocorn
      @warlocorn  5 місяців тому

      Tuhle varnou desku vyrábějí turci a mě vyhovuje. Vybral sem si ji kvůli tomu velkýmu "kombajnu".

  • @loelloel6582
    @loelloel6582 5 місяців тому +2

    Hele je to skvělý ale dej mi vědět až si otevřeš hospodu protože k tobě půjdu projíst barák 😅👌

  • @jindriskaprusova6322
    @jindriskaprusova6322 5 місяців тому +2

    Ňichňáte a neni Vam rozumět,faakt

  • @jirimajer8023
    @jirimajer8023 5 місяців тому +2


  • @viktor9447
    @viktor9447 5 місяців тому +1

    Vypadá to úžasně zítra jsi nakoupím a v sobotu taky udělám 🙂. Řekl bych že jste zapomněl na česnek protože jste neměl tabletu 😄.

    • @warlocorn
      @warlocorn  5 місяців тому

      To je fakt. Když nemám tablety, tak sem roztržitý. 👍

  • @kristaaustova9743
    @kristaaustova9743 5 місяців тому +1

    Ňam to musí být dobrota 👌