@@lukamacek6550 yeah i just listen hard, try to listen out for each individual instrument and then recreate the pattern, notes all that stuff, i also try to use sounds that are really similar to the ones in the original song
Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin') Bro just jumped out the ride With a mask on face like he dodgin' COVID (bap) Jumped off the porch and went my own way No way, I don't owe no olders (no way) Free all the guys and rest in peace To all of the fallen soldiers The world full up of impactive distractions So we all lose focus (haha) I think out loud, what comes out my mouth I can't control it "Live Yours" on the chain, I'm so lit Soon come out with the custom clothin' Fuck sake, you must be jokin'? CIDs outside of the cut patrollin' How did they know bout the ins and outs? Somebody must have told them Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked (tucked) Where we grow up, it's so corrupt (so corrupt) Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin') Cee don't do no field, I trap Say, "Yo" to the local cat (yo) See me me on the road all black My foot on the gas and I won't fall back Bro been in jail and he won't go back I fucked bare hoes and it ain't all that I'm missin' their call and I won't phone back It's time that I find me a wife More time I don't have no type But I wouldn't mind me a Liyah Mai (okay, okay) Treat her right I try (alright, alright) Finer things in life I'd buy (okay, okay) Wanna wine and dine? That's fine If we go uptown gotta hold that (whoosh, whoosh) Wanna fly Dubai tonight? Lastminute.com, I'll book that flight Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Ma mère s'appelle Cherline J'écris un texte et jesus le peaufine La chanson sera divine Car ma mère est divine She live in paradis Ma maman est béni Depuis des décennies Maman mon amour pour toi ne sera jamais finit Maman t la plus forte tu sais peindre prêcher coacher danser et même chanter Depuis tout petit tu m'enseigne la bonne conduite Pour éviter la chute et viser le vrai but Quand tu prie pour moi jen suis reconnaissant Oui merci c touchant Je suis désolé si defois je fait des bêtises Merci de lutter contre l'injustice Quand t'évangélise malgré les personne qui ne sont pas très agréables tu garde ton calme tes armes sont tes argument donc tu les calme Tu as toujours pris soin de nous malgré les difficultés Tu t toujours sacrifier pour moi et chelsea Meme hébergé tu nous chérissait Ma maman jte jure t la best we C-H-E-R-L-I-N-E la plus belle la plus intelligente Dans ta vie ten a vécu des chose j'écris le texte et je le pose Sur ce texte tkt mm pas chuis appliqué 1pliké dans ce projets Toi et les autre mere nn c pas la mm chose Toi tu sais nous faire vivre la vie en rose Attends jfait une pause C pour la bonne cause Maman aujourd'hui c 41 anw La chuis bien dans les temw Attenw 2spi prend un peu d'élanw attendw bienw Ça arrive très rapidemenw T la tu me conduis Suite a la prochaine série Tes tableau sont trop beau t culte sont costaud Refrain Joyeux anniversaire cla fête de ma mère La ta un an de plus qu'hier J'espère que t'en ai fière Sache que pour nous t super Tu deviens pas vieille juste meilleur que la veille Le flow est carré c mm mélodieux tt ça c pour toi 12ans que chuis avec toi J'espère que tu est fier de moi Si jfait ça c pour toi Tkt mm pas On sera tjr la si ta besoin de nous Mm si parfois on se dispute on nos lien se dénoue Refrain Joyeux anniversaire cla fête de ma mère La ta un an de plus qu'hier J'espère que t'en ai fière Sache que pour nous t super Tu deviens pas vieille juste meilleur que la veille Le flow est carré c mm mélodieux tt ça c pour toi Merci maman Maman desfois je me dit que j'aurais pu avoir plein dautre mère mais c toi que dieu a choisit pour moi 1 ans de plus tkt ton coeur n'est pas vieux Avec toi on est chaque jour un peu mieux Desfois je regarde les cieux et je dit merci à dieu Jesus soit loué T toujours doué
Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Armi passa la roba gli ho sparato in testa Non puoi aiutarli mentre penso a fare soldi su soldi per la fam aspiro l’odore dell’ fumo Casco Momo ,Ho le Jordan vedi nuove ai piedi Fra si smuovono senti il Suono della Pula voglio sparire Armiamoci obbiettivo evadere sale il panico sto pensando a vincere e non morire sto in fissa Bu ,Casco Momo non perdono guardami negl’occhi dicevano fai qualcosa o prima o poi il fondo lo tocchi CaSco Momo Heaters deficiente giudica sale la rabbia dal nulla non ho mai avuto nulla rinuncio a una vita banale dopolavoro vado al funerale La tipa , arriverà il momento , da ragazzino morivo di fame tutti ti vogliono calpestare nuovo anno ho una Beretta ,Si spezza il legame ì fra si perdono mi hanno detto rispetta E ì fra non vanno a infamare abbandonare papà fa male Casco Momo nuovo fratello un morto da vedere non è bello Starà per morire e non smette di sanguinare No no no no Non fare salire la rabbia mia più Non si arrabbiano con la vita mai più Non sale la rabbia se non ti arrabbi tu No,alcuni muoiono qua giù Amici ne perdi sempre di più Non pui diventare il prossimo tu Non puoi diventare il prossimo tu (E gli ho sparato in testa non puoi più aiutarli , mentre penso a fare soldi su soldi per la fam aspiro l’odore dell’ fumo Casco Momo ,Ho le Jordan vedi nuove ai piedi Fra si smuovono senti il Suono della Pula voglio sparire Armiamoci obbiettivo evadere sale il panico sto pensando a non morire sto in fissa Bu ,Casco Momo non perdono guardami negl’occhi dicevano fai qualcosa prima o poi il fondo lo tocchi Qui la gente non ha più un lavoro Un figlio che cresce senza padre Per ogni madre che piange Vede i figli inziare a prendere cattive strade alcuni figli di papà si fanno viziare Sbirri fate silenzio mi fa male la testa Stavo fuori casa dormivo su una panca La vita ti abbraccia e poi ti uccide gente che si pesta Casco Momo mi protegge la testa Noi moriamo dentro la pula li arresta Quanta povertà in giro che tristezza nessuno salva mai questi ragazzi la stazione dove dormivo era la stessa (Armi passa la roba gli ho sparato in testa Non puoi aiutarli mentre penso a fare soldi su soldi per la fan aspiro l’odore dell’ fumo Casco Momo ,Ho le Jordan vedi nuove ai piedi Fra si smuovono senti Suono della Pula devo sparire Dobbiamo armarci obbiettivo evadere sale il panico sto pensando a non morire e sto in fissa Bu ,Casco Momo guardami negl’occhi dicevano fai qualcosa o prima o poi il fondo lo tocchi Non fare salire la rabbia mia più Non si arrabbiano con la vita mai più Non sale la rabbia se non ti arrabbi tu No,alcuni muoiono giù Amici ne perdi sempre di più Non pui diventare il prossimo tu
3 de octubre la c, por la ciclovia gente correr, para salud obtener,bonito lugar para vivir y desacansar eterno, como lapices en terno. En la cancha jugando basquet, Las horas se van como se van en el. Net, estoy sin carnet, demi a ti solo respect. Por aquí no. Pasa el tren, pero si angeles del mismo edén.
Ben met bro op een trampoline trek geen niffi bulletmachine Kleine jonge wil wat verdienen Prive transport naar kantoor diana Blauwe bandana Cripwalk kamer in als autist, waarom ruik ik vis, op toilet bril ligt veel pis, omdat ik mis.
Dherai vo underground, hallauxu aaba ma mainstream paalo dinna mugi kasailai purba dekhi siddhai paschim tero dai jaileyni akela leraija vai tailey 10 team niskinxa bikh mero mukh bata van yaha kaslai po dasdim tero dustbin jasto mukh banda gar chup laag ta dherai navuk lekhdaixu history ma chaidaina kalam, na copy, na book takera aim ready for shoot, jatani chalpal that's how we do i'm the one aru chai 2, paxadi bolneyko mukhma haathuu ko xa ya nikey, sabda ley war hani sabjana ghaitey her aba eta ya tero dai ley handaixa grind ramrai dhyan dey kada xa fanbase , kheldai bas vice city khelxu ma andreas ramrari dhyandes natra vaye thopdama lagaulas bandage nai bandage Brand ko flex haatma whisky ani ROLEX, chinenas dailai van kaa ho address ta mula ghaas khaney ma chai t-rex hallaudai bas, heri three ex ma hinney baatoma dherai xa snakes, koi xaina takkarko, babu ta vharkharko tesailey tero dai always ho best Layera NIKE ko shoes 8 number chap basla yo kura bujh ta sano biruwa tero dai rukh syangjali para xa boli nai rude vibe chaiyo bad haina good 100 ma 100 xan sab jana dude campus road dekhi, mathi waling mod kadaa xa unity, hamro brotherhood tanera green, bastabik kura gar haina yo dream deal hanxu sabdako van kati lim? i'm the dopest fuck what you think pakh ekaixin, rap hanna sikauxu ma sanga hin nachiney chin, chamkinxa tero dai raat hos ya din
J'ai volé le flow à central cee Mais les paroles ne viennent pas de london Ici mon gars c'est paris ici c'est pas compton Jfait pas de passe comme icardi La peufra j't assure que c'est dla bonne Polyvalent tu sais même pas de quelle peufra je parle Si je tire personne arrête la peufra même becker allison becane je leve en I jmanie même les jetski Tâtepa et balayette tu perd tes lunettes de ski T'es pas Mia khalifa mais a mon goût t'es trop une salope J'encaisse tout mes llets-bi après jrecupere du scalape Le baveux me protège je plaide non coupable A la base la musique c'est juste du divertissement Mais aujourd'hui le succès ça monte à la tête de vla les gens Aujourd'hui tout le monde veut faire du biff Mettre à l'abri la miff Être comme riff Dla coke ils sniff Du cannabis Des litrons de shit Faire au plus vite Pour ramener le biff A la daronne Ya des gens ils ont Avaler dla pisse Sucer des bites Se sont pris des bites Juste pour être riche Faire des gros hit Avoir des bitchs Plus payer de Heetch Aller aux États Unis Faire des tournées en Haute Garonne Ça devient choquant C'est trop étonnant Tout ce que le monde est prêt à faire pour quelques liasses ça devient choquant Ils sont tous cagoules pour pas qu'on les reconnaît Que des tocards qui font des choses lugubres tout ça pour de la monnaie Si le Décès trouve ton snap tu ne vas pas lui mettre beaucoup de remis Javai pas beaucoup d inspi donc j'ai volé le flow à central cee
Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin') Bro just jumped out the ride With a mask on face like he dodgin' COVID (bap) Jumped off the porch and went my own way No way, I don't owe no olders (no way) Free all the guys and rest in peace To all of the fallen soldiers The world full up of impactive distractions So we all lose focus (haha) I think out loud, what comes out my mouth I can't control it "Live Yours" on the chain, I'm so lit Soon come out with the custom clothin' Fuck sake, you must be jokin'? CIDs outside of the cut patrollin' How did they know bout the ins and outs? Somebody must have told them Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked (tucked) Where we grow up, it's so corrupt (so corrupt) Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin') Cee don't do no field, I trap Say, "Yo" to the local cat (yo) See me me on the road all black My foot on the gas and I won't fall back Bro been in jail and he won't go back I fucked bare hoes and it ain't all that I'm missin' their call and I won't phone back It's time that I find me a wife More time I don't have no type But I wouldn't mind me a Liyah Mai (okay, okay) Treat her right I try (alright, alright) Finer things in life I'd buy (okay, okay) Wanna wine and dine? That's fine If we go uptown gotta hold that (whoosh, whoosh) Wanna fly Dubai tonight? Lastminute.com, I'll book that flight Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin') Traduci in italiano
Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin') Bro just jumped out the ride With a mask on face like he dodgin' COVID (bap) Jumped off the porch and went my own way No way, I don't owe no olders (no way) Free all the guys and rest in peace To all of the fallen soldiers The world full up of impactive distractions So we all lose focus (haha) I think out loud, what comes out my mouth I can't control it "Live Yours" on the chain, I'm so lit Soon come out with the custom clothin' Fuck sake, you must be jokin'? CIDs outside of the cut patrollin' How did they know bout the ins and outs? Somebody must have told them Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked (tucked) Where we grow up, it's so corrupt (so corrupt) Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin') Cee don't do no field, I trap Say, "Yo" to the local cat (yo) See me on the road all black My foot on the gas and I won't fall back Bro been in jail and he won't go back I fucked bare hoes and it ain't all that I'm missin' their call and I won't phone back It's time that I find me a wife More time I don't have no type But I wouldn't mind me a Liyah Mai (okay, okay) Treat her right I try (alright, alright) Finer things in life I'd buy (okay, okay) Wanna wine and dine? That's fine If we go uptown gotta hold that (whoosh, whoosh) Wanna fly Dubai tonight? Lastminute.com, I'll book that flight Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (s
Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin') Bro just jumped out the ride With a mask on face like he dodgin' COVID (bap) Jumped off the porch and went my own way No way, I don't owe no olders (no way) Free all the guys and rest in peace To all of the fallen soldiers The world full up of impactive distractions So we all lose focus (haha) I think out loud, what comes out my mouth I can't control it "Live Yours" on the chain, I'm so lit Soon come out with the custom clothin' Fuck sake, you must be jokin'? CIDs outside of the cut patrollin' How did they know bout the ins and outs? Somebody must have told them Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked (tucked) Where we grow up, it's so corrupt (so corrupt) Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin') Cee don't do no field, I trap Say, "Yo" to the local cat (yo) See me on the road all black My foot on the gas and I won't fall back Bro been in jail and he won't go back I fucked bare hoes and it ain't all that I'm missin' their call and I won't phone back It's time that I find me a wife More time I don't have no type But I wouldn't mind me a Liyah Mai (okay, okay) Treat her right I try (alright, alright) Finer things in life I'd buy (okay, okay) Wanna wine and dine? That's fine If we go uptown gotta hold that (whoosh, whoosh) Wanna fly Dubai tonight? Lastminute.com, I'll book that flight Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin') Bro just jumped out the ride With a mask on face like he dodgin' COVID (bap) Jumped off the porch and went my own way No way, I don't owe no olders (no way) Free all the guys and rest in peace To all of the fallen soldiers The world full up of impactive distractions So we all lose focus (haha) I think out loud, what comes out my mouth I can't control it "Live Yours" on the chain, I'm so lit Soon come out with the custom clothin' Fuck sake, you must be jokin'? CIDs outside of the cut patrollin' How did they know bout the ins and outs? Somebody must have told them Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked (tucked) Where we grow up, it's so corrupt (so corrupt) Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin') Cee don't do no field, I trap Say, "Yo" to the local cat (yo) See me on the road all black My foot on the gas and I won't fall back Bro been in jail and he won't go back I fucked bare hoes and it ain't all that I'm missin' their call and I won't phone back It's time that I find me a wife More time I don't have no type But I wouldn't mind me a Liyah Mai (okay, okay) Treat her right I try (alright, alright) Finer things in life I'd buy (okay, okay) Wanna wine and dine? That's fine If we go uptown gotta hold that (whoosh, whoosh) Wanna fly Dubai tonight? Lastminute.com, I'll book that flight Cee don't be on the road too tough But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs) Could've ran off the plug But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love) Lil' bro got the poker tucked Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin WhyJay no commented it It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
HERE’S A QUICK VIDEO ON HOW I PUT THIS TOGETHER! ua-cam.com/video/fVfXm4R-Iec/v-deo.html
I know I am kinda off topic but does anybody know a good place to watch newly released movies online ?
this song is so good for making workout / calisthenics videos, thank you very much
Much better than that other one on yt lol
had to make it as accurate as possible 💯
@@CALINGUITARBEATS how do you do it tho do you just make the beat yourself by listening?
@@lukamacek6550 yeah i just listen hard, try to listen out for each individual instrument and then recreate the pattern, notes all that stuff, i also try to use sounds that are really similar to the ones in the original song
@@CALINGUITARBEATS damn thats dope, keep it up bro
@@lukamacek6550 thanks bro 💯💯
Good shit bro this the best remake I’ve seen so far 💯
fam this is hard deserve a sub
I needed that
On point g
thanks bro, don’t forget to sub if you enjoyed this, every sub helps 🙏🏼
This is tough 💪🏾
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Bro just jumped out the ride
With a mask on face like he dodgin' COVID (bap)
Jumped off the porch and went my own way
No way, I don't owe no olders (no way)
Free all the guys and rest in peace
To all of the fallen soldiers
The world full up of impactive distractions
So we all lose focus (haha)
I think out loud, what comes out my mouth
I can't control it
"Live Yours" on the chain, I'm so lit
Soon come out with the custom clothin'
Fuck sake, you must be jokin'?
CIDs outside of the cut patrollin'
How did they know bout the ins and outs?
Somebody must have told them
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked (tucked)
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt (so corrupt)
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Cee don't do no field, I trap
Say, "Yo" to the local cat (yo)
See me me on the road all black
My foot on the gas and I won't fall back
Bro been in jail and he won't go back
I fucked bare hoes and it ain't all that
I'm missin' their call and I won't phone back
It's time that I find me a wife
More time I don't have no type
But I wouldn't mind me a Liyah Mai (okay, okay)
Treat her right I try (alright, alright)
Finer things in life I'd buy (okay, okay)
Wanna wine and dine? That's fine
If we go uptown gotta hold that (whoosh, whoosh)
Wanna fly Dubai tonight?
Lastminute.com, I'll book that flight
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
How long did it take to make this
Best beat to freestyle on
Thank you brother (sorry for being late)
This song is fire 🔥
Awesone bro !!
Dig it
sub for more 🔥
Best on yt!
thanks bro sub for more 💯🙏🏼
0.75 Speed song pretty lit ain't gonna cap
This is better than the other within 180k views
left a sub! i love it✅❗️
thanks bro, subbed back
Let’s go used this for my yt intro hard
💯💯thanks bro make sure to link my video in description
@@CALINGUITARBEATS can I use the whole beat for my yt vid??
@@kristofferkarch9873 as long as you link my video in the description/pinned comment and credit me for it, i'm cool with it
@@CALINGUITARBEATS 100% thanks my G
Thank u
0:40 ~ 1:06
Damn your so talented
thanks bro i appreciate it 💯🙏🏼
Ma mère s'appelle Cherline
J'écris un texte et jesus le peaufine
La chanson sera divine
Car ma mère est divine
She live in paradis
Ma maman est béni
Depuis des décennies
Maman mon amour pour toi ne sera jamais finit
Maman t la plus forte tu sais peindre prêcher coacher danser et même chanter
Depuis tout petit tu m'enseigne la bonne conduite
Pour éviter la chute et viser le vrai but
Quand tu prie pour moi jen suis reconnaissant
Oui merci c touchant
Je suis désolé si defois je fait des bêtises
Merci de lutter contre l'injustice
Quand t'évangélise malgré les personne qui ne sont pas très agréables tu garde ton calme tes armes sont tes argument donc tu les calme
Tu as toujours pris soin de nous malgré les difficultés
Tu t toujours sacrifier pour moi et chelsea
Meme hébergé tu nous chérissait
Ma maman jte jure t la best we
C-H-E-R-L-I-N-E la plus belle la plus intelligente
Dans ta vie ten a vécu des chose j'écris le texte et je le pose
Sur ce texte tkt mm pas chuis appliqué
1pliké dans ce projets
Toi et les autre mere nn c pas la mm chose
Toi tu sais nous faire vivre la vie en rose
Attends jfait une pause
C pour la bonne cause
Maman aujourd'hui c 41 anw
La chuis bien dans les temw
Attenw 2spi prend un peu d'élanw attendw bienw
Ça arrive très rapidemenw
T la tu me conduis
Suite a la prochaine série
Tes tableau sont trop beau t culte sont costaud
Joyeux anniversaire cla fête de ma mère
La ta un an de plus qu'hier
J'espère que t'en ai fière
Sache que pour nous t super
Tu deviens pas vieille juste meilleur que la veille
Le flow est carré c mm mélodieux tt ça c pour toi
12ans que chuis avec toi
J'espère que tu est fier de moi
Si jfait ça c pour toi
Tkt mm pas
On sera tjr la si ta besoin de nous
Mm si parfois on se dispute on nos lien se dénoue
Joyeux anniversaire cla fête de ma mère
La ta un an de plus qu'hier
J'espère que t'en ai fière
Sache que pour nous t super
Tu deviens pas vieille juste meilleur que la veille
Le flow est carré c mm mélodieux tt ça c pour toi
Merci maman
Maman desfois je me dit que j'aurais pu avoir plein dautre mère mais c toi que dieu a choisit pour moi
1 ans de plus tkt ton coeur n'est pas vieux
Avec toi on est chaque jour un peu mieux
Desfois je regarde les cieux et je dit merci à dieu
Jesus soit loué
T toujours doué
French flow😊 🔥🇺🇸🇬🇧🇫🇷 us against the world fam
J’adore le beat les amis
Welcome to brixton in in da party with barbies n drillers, this lowkey matches the beat fam
Plzz make its my birthday seaside boy instrumental
Damn... good job,, the only thing i can critizie is the 808, its kinda off. But otherwise its littt
subscribe for more, i’d appreciate it 🔥💯
i beg u make a 1 hour one
i might do that 🤷♂️
Brooo can i use your audio for my music vidro?
sure just credit me
is this on spotify? cuz im too lazy to check rn
What time tune was this original sampled off as in the old music not cental cee
its a loop from a splice sample pack it’s called something like “motor city” cant remember the exact name
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt Fans see me on the block, go nuts I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin' Back then it was hand to hand Nowadays I don't have no involvement In the trap, I stay on my own I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open The boys in blue tryna find them clues In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
how did you get the trumpet thing
sample pack
Yeah fyt b
Where's the sample from g?
splice sample pack i think it was called something like motor city
can you please send me the link of the sound am trying to make something out of it pls
do you know which instrument play the melody?
im not sure but to me it sounds like some kind of horn instrument, a trumpet or something similar
Its a saxophone 🎷
can i make a song with this 🔥
yeah bro just make sure you credit me like link my video in description or pinned comment
It miss the trumpets but nice works
What is the sample from, some 1930s movie or something
i got it from a splice sample pack
Oh, was hoping to hear it as a standalone, never mind, it’s great in this track anyway ☺️
My guy changed the beats and still gets copyrighted 🤣
it’s cause of the sample
@@slater1115 yes I know
Dumbest question ever!
Copy rights will strike ur a$$
@@skibo_skitz I think you have already striked ur a$$$ by someone else 🤦 that's good
@@AhoiBrause Who are you lady ??
Where you found loop?
splice - motor city
Armi passa la roba gli ho sparato in testa
Non puoi aiutarli
mentre penso a fare soldi su soldi per la fam aspiro l’odore dell’ fumo Casco Momo ,Ho le Jordan vedi nuove ai piedi
Fra si smuovono senti il
Suono della Pula voglio sparire
Armiamoci obbiettivo evadere sale il panico sto pensando a vincere e non morire sto in fissa
Bu ,Casco Momo non perdono guardami negl’occhi dicevano fai qualcosa o prima o poi il fondo lo tocchi
CaSco Momo
Heaters deficiente giudica sale la rabbia dal nulla non ho mai avuto nulla rinuncio a una vita banale dopolavoro vado al funerale
La tipa , arriverà il momento , da ragazzino morivo di fame tutti ti vogliono calpestare nuovo anno ho una Beretta ,Si spezza il legame
ì fra si perdono mi hanno detto rispetta
E ì fra non vanno a infamare abbandonare papà fa male
Casco Momo nuovo fratello
un morto da vedere non è bello
Starà per morire e non smette di sanguinare
No no no no
Non fare salire la rabbia mia più
Non si arrabbiano con la vita mai più
Non sale la rabbia se non ti arrabbi tu
No,alcuni muoiono qua giù
Amici ne perdi sempre di più
Non pui diventare il prossimo tu
Non puoi diventare il prossimo tu (E gli ho sparato in testa non puoi più aiutarli , mentre penso a fare soldi su soldi per la fam aspiro l’odore dell’ fumo Casco Momo ,Ho le Jordan vedi nuove ai piedi
Fra si smuovono senti il
Suono della Pula voglio sparire
Armiamoci obbiettivo evadere sale il panico sto pensando a non morire sto in fissa
Bu ,Casco Momo non perdono guardami negl’occhi dicevano fai qualcosa prima o poi il fondo lo tocchi
Qui la gente non ha più un lavoro
Un figlio che cresce senza padre
Per ogni madre che piange
Vede i figli inziare a prendere cattive strade alcuni figli di papà si fanno viziare
Sbirri fate silenzio mi fa male la testa
Stavo fuori casa dormivo su una panca
La vita ti abbraccia e poi ti uccide gente che si pesta
Casco Momo mi protegge la testa
Noi moriamo dentro la pula li arresta
Quanta povertà in giro che tristezza
nessuno salva mai questi ragazzi la stazione dove dormivo era la stessa (Armi passa la roba gli ho sparato in testa
Non puoi aiutarli
mentre penso a fare soldi su soldi per la fan aspiro l’odore dell’ fumo Casco Momo ,Ho le Jordan vedi nuove ai piedi
Fra si smuovono senti
Suono della Pula devo sparire
Dobbiamo armarci obbiettivo evadere sale il panico sto pensando a non morire e sto in fissa
Bu ,Casco Momo guardami negl’occhi dicevano fai qualcosa o prima o poi il fondo lo tocchi
Non fare salire la rabbia mia più
Non si arrabbiano con la vita mai più
Non sale la rabbia se non ti arrabbi tu
No,alcuni muoiono giù
Amici ne perdi sempre di più
Non pui diventare il prossimo tu
where are the 808s bro?
في التيك توك بصدر واكسب بطلنا نستورد ذا الشيت
is this copy righted?
yeah not by me though by central cee
@@CALINGUITARBEATS I'm talking about this instrumental
@@RicketyMelon yeah it has been copyright claimed
🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲 comores
Bro you are lit I'm gone tell me subscribers 🔥🔥🔥👍
thanks bro subscribe for more 💯💯
can i get the chords for guitar?
i don’t know the chords sorry, the melody used is a loop
3 de octubre la c, por la ciclovia gente correr, para salud obtener,bonito lugar para vivir y desacansar eterno, como lapices en terno.
En la cancha jugando basquet,
Las horas se van como se van en el. Net, estoy sin carnet, demi a ti solo respect. Por aquí no. Pasa el tren, pero si angeles del mismo edén.
Smr chui trop beau
Put welcome to brixon lyrics over it
i might actually do that 😂
@@calcoughlin622 ua-cam.com/video/UQDnhz3l6Is/v-deo.html&ab_channel=CALINGUITARBEATS
Ben met bro op een trampoline
trek geen niffi bulletmachine
Kleine jonge wil wat verdienen
Prive transport naar kantoor diana
Blauwe bandana
Cripwalk kamer in als autist, waarom ruik ik vis, op toilet bril ligt veel pis, omdat ik mis.
your beat tag is so dead 😂😂
Dherai vo underground, hallauxu aaba ma mainstream
paalo dinna mugi kasailai purba dekhi siddhai paschim
tero dai jaileyni akela leraija vai tailey 10 team
niskinxa bikh mero mukh bata van yaha kaslai po dasdim
tero dustbin jasto mukh banda gar chup laag ta dherai navuk
lekhdaixu history ma chaidaina kalam, na copy, na book
takera aim ready for shoot, jatani chalpal that's how we do
i'm the one aru chai 2, paxadi bolneyko mukhma haathuu
ko xa ya nikey, sabda ley war hani sabjana ghaitey
her aba eta ya tero dai ley handaixa grind ramrai dhyan dey
kada xa fanbase , kheldai bas vice city khelxu ma andreas
ramrari dhyandes natra vaye thopdama lagaulas bandage nai bandage
Brand ko flex
haatma whisky ani ROLEX,
chinenas dailai van kaa ho address
ta mula ghaas khaney ma chai t-rex
hallaudai bas, heri three ex
ma hinney baatoma dherai xa snakes,
koi xaina takkarko, babu ta vharkharko
tesailey tero dai always ho best
Layera NIKE ko shoes
8 number chap basla yo kura bujh
ta sano biruwa tero dai rukh
syangjali para xa boli nai rude
vibe chaiyo bad haina good
100 ma 100 xan sab jana dude
campus road dekhi, mathi waling mod
kadaa xa unity, hamro brotherhood
tanera green, bastabik kura gar haina yo dream
deal hanxu sabdako van kati lim?
i'm the dopest fuck what you think
pakh ekaixin,
rap hanna sikauxu ma sanga hin
nachiney chin,
chamkinxa tero dai raat hos ya din
J'ai volé le flow à central cee
Mais les paroles ne viennent pas de london
Ici mon gars c'est paris ici c'est pas compton
Jfait pas de passe comme icardi
La peufra j't assure que c'est dla bonne
Polyvalent tu sais même pas de quelle peufra je parle
Si je tire personne arrête la peufra même becker allison
becane je leve en I jmanie même les jetski
Tâtepa et balayette tu perd tes lunettes de ski
T'es pas Mia khalifa mais a mon goût t'es trop une salope
J'encaisse tout mes llets-bi après jrecupere du scalape
Le baveux me protège je plaide non coupable
A la base la musique c'est juste du divertissement
Mais aujourd'hui le succès ça monte à la tête de vla les gens
Aujourd'hui tout le monde veut faire du biff
Mettre à l'abri la miff
Être comme riff
Dla coke ils sniff
Du cannabis
Des litrons de shit
Faire au plus vite
Pour ramener le biff
A la daronne
Ya des gens ils ont
Avaler dla pisse
Sucer des bites
Se sont pris des bites
Juste pour être riche
Faire des gros hit
Avoir des bitchs
Plus payer de Heetch
Aller aux États Unis
Faire des tournées en Haute Garonne
Ça devient choquant
C'est trop étonnant
Tout ce que le monde est prêt à faire pour quelques liasses ça devient choquant
Ils sont tous cagoules pour pas qu'on les reconnaît
Que des tocards qui font des choses lugubres tout ça pour de la monnaie
Si le Décès trouve ton snap tu ne vas pas lui mettre beaucoup de remis
Javai pas beaucoup d inspi donc j'ai volé le flow à central cee
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Bro just jumped out the ride
With a mask on face like he dodgin' COVID (bap)
Jumped off the porch and went my own way
No way, I don't owe no olders (no way)
Free all the guys and rest in peace
To all of the fallen soldiers
The world full up of impactive distractions
So we all lose focus (haha)
I think out loud, what comes out my mouth
I can't control it
"Live Yours" on the chain, I'm so lit
Soon come out with the custom clothin'
Fuck sake, you must be jokin'?
CIDs outside of the cut patrollin'
How did they know bout the ins and outs?
Somebody must have told them
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked (tucked)
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt (so corrupt)
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Cee don't do no field, I trap
Say, "Yo" to the local cat (yo)
See me me on the road all black
My foot on the gas and I won't fall back
Bro been in jail and he won't go back
I fucked bare hoes and it ain't all that
I'm missin' their call and I won't phone back
It's time that I find me a wife
More time I don't have no type
But I wouldn't mind me a Liyah Mai (okay, okay)
Treat her right I try (alright, alright)
Finer things in life I'd buy (okay, okay)
Wanna wine and dine? That's fine
If we go uptown gotta hold that (whoosh, whoosh)
Wanna fly Dubai tonight?
Lastminute.com, I'll book that flight
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Traduci in italiano
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Bro just jumped out the ride
With a mask on face like he dodgin' COVID (bap)
Jumped off the porch and went my own way
No way, I don't owe no olders (no way)
Free all the guys and rest in peace
To all of the fallen soldiers
The world full up of impactive distractions
So we all lose focus (haha)
I think out loud, what comes out my mouth
I can't control it
"Live Yours" on the chain, I'm so lit
Soon come out with the custom clothin'
Fuck sake, you must be jokin'?
CIDs outside of the cut patrollin'
How did they know bout the ins and outs?
Somebody must have told them
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked (tucked)
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt (so corrupt)
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Cee don't do no field, I trap
Say, "Yo" to the local cat (yo)
See me on the road all black
My foot on the gas and I won't fall back
Bro been in jail and he won't go back
I fucked bare hoes and it ain't all that
I'm missin' their call and I won't phone back
It's time that I find me a wife
More time I don't have no type
But I wouldn't mind me a Liyah Mai (okay, okay)
Treat her right I try (alright, alright)
Finer things in life I'd buy (okay, okay)
Wanna wine and dine? That's fine
If we go uptown gotta hold that (whoosh, whoosh)
Wanna fly Dubai tonight?
Lastminute.com, I'll book that flight
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (s
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Bro just jumped out the ride
With a mask on face like he dodgin' COVID (bap)
Jumped off the porch and went my own way
No way, I don't owe no olders (no way)
Free all the guys and rest in peace
To all of the fallen soldiers
The world full up of impactive distractions
So we all lose focus (haha)
I think out loud, what comes out my mouth
I can't control it
"Live Yours" on the chain, I'm so lit
Soon come out with the custom clothin'
Fuck sake, you must be jokin'?
CIDs outside of the cut patrollin'
How did they know bout the ins and outs?
Somebody must have told them
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked (tucked)
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt (so corrupt)
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Cee don't do no field, I trap
Say, "Yo" to the local cat (yo)
See me on the road all black
My foot on the gas and I won't fall back
Bro been in jail and he won't go back
I fucked bare hoes and it ain't all that
I'm missin' their call and I won't phone back
It's time that I find me a wife
More time I don't have no type
But I wouldn't mind me a Liyah Mai (okay, okay)
Treat her right I try (alright, alright)
Finer things in life I'd buy (okay, okay)
Wanna wine and dine? That's fine
If we go uptown gotta hold that (whoosh, whoosh)
Wanna fly Dubai tonight?
Lastminute.com, I'll book that flight
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Bro just jumped out the ride
With a mask on face like he dodgin' COVID (bap)
Jumped off the porch and went my own way
No way, I don't owe no olders (no way)
Free all the guys and rest in peace
To all of the fallen soldiers
The world full up of impactive distractions
So we all lose focus (haha)
I think out loud, what comes out my mouth
I can't control it
"Live Yours" on the chain, I'm so lit
Soon come out with the custom clothin'
Fuck sake, you must be jokin'?
CIDs outside of the cut patrollin'
How did they know bout the ins and outs?
Somebody must have told them
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked (tucked)
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt (so corrupt)
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')
Cee don't do no field, I trap
Say, "Yo" to the local cat (yo)
See me on the road all black
My foot on the gas and I won't fall back
Bro been in jail and he won't go back
I fucked bare hoes and it ain't all that
I'm missin' their call and I won't phone back
It's time that I find me a wife
More time I don't have no type
But I wouldn't mind me a Liyah Mai (okay, okay)
Treat her right I try (alright, alright)
Finer things in life I'd buy (okay, okay)
Wanna wine and dine? That's fine
If we go uptown gotta hold that (whoosh, whoosh)
Wanna fly Dubai tonight?
Lastminute.com, I'll book that flight
Cee don't be on the road too tough
But I still cut through with the local thugs (thugs)
Could've ran off the plug
But I kept it real and I showed him love (showed him love)
Lil' bro got the poker tucked
Where we grow up, it's so corrupt
Fans see me on the block, go nuts
I'm not in my bag, I'm loadin' loadin'
Back then it was hand to hand
Nowadays I don't have no involvement
In the trap, I stay on my own
I'm home alone, Macaulay Culkin
WhyJay no commented it
It's complicated 'cause the case still open
The boys in blue tryna find them clues
In the station, problem solvin' (solvin')