Well muslim countries are complicated, West is the one supplying Israel PM with blanket immunity, they could easily apply a large amount of pressure to get Israel to agree to 2 state solution/ Hamas disarmament & potential demilitarised Lebanon with joint Peacekeeping force from all Muslim countries. Western governments have caused the majority of refugees/immigrantion from their illegal wars, Regime changes etc
Fortunately for the UK, they are getting more than their fair share of doctors and academics arriving on their shores on a daily basis when the boats come from France. It would be greedy of them to take any more especially when these specialists are needed elsewhere. As Jess says that there are a lot of ill orphans in Gaza, so why are we talking about taking their doctors away when they are needed in Gaza to look after those sick orphans?
@@john73353 Its Palestinians themselves that reject a two state solution. It doesn't matter how much you pressure Israel if Palestinians and Hamas doesn't want it.
They tried to take over Jordan as soon as they arrived in that country. Today Jordan and Lebanon keep Palestinians in camps they are not able to leave but no one brings that up because they want you to think Israel is bad but no one in that part of the world likes Palestinians it seems.
There is no such a thing as a Muslim country 😂 the same there is no Christian country.. Egypt isn't a Muslim country, Jordan isn't a Muslim country..the same with Lebanon Humus is a branch of the Muslim brotherhood who have a very dark history of destroying countries. And that what they did in Lebanon and nearly did in Jordan
I had a male muslim doctor tell me his mother gave birth in a village alone with no pain medication so I didn't need any for the cysts on my ovaries. KEEP YOUR DOCTOR'S!!!
In 1slam I think its haram to take medicine that alters the mind, and I think abortion is forbidden in their ideology Say you are to undergo surgery, they will not give you pain medication if they are hardcore zealous believers of their ideology because, according to their religious text, they are supposed to have faith solely in their god, and that’s it, verse 27:62 in the Q book. Like if they were in Afghanistan, the doctor definitely ain’t giving them anything lol and while giving labor, they are to pray, keep praying certain verses until the baby exits 7th century medieval people indeed
I never would thought I’d vote for Reform, but as the Islam problem rapidly increases (or rather, exposes itself), so too does my willingness to vote for a party who will take an open stand against Islam!
@@annar574 in the *englaza. Mr roundy-uppy to not be wacist,cause it's incomprehensible to call englaza england in englaza. You've been islamified and can't even see it yet
@@annar574 You've been overrun. Londfrica Birmingistan Lester Looton Bradfordistan oldham and if course infamous Rochdale,which has just sent the first pro-sharia MP, George Galloway to wasteminster. It's too late. The cenotaph needed 24hr police guard before remembrance Sunday,so it wouldn't be draped in hamas flags and vandalized like Churchill statue was by BLM,which had to be boarded up this time. Englaza
I’m Kuwaiti that witnessed the war at the age of 5 and was a child refugee. I remember what some Palestinians did, including one putting a gun to my father’s head at a checkpoint. My cousin’s husband was married before and he had to leave one night to get some groceries. He came back home to a bashed in door and a ransom note and location. His new bride was gang r*ped by 5 Palestinians and asked for money in exchange for her release. She went through such trauma to the point where she asked for a divorce. The Palestinian exodus from Kuwait was never condemned by the UN or the rest of the world. Some Kuwaitis took matters into their own hands even to some innocent Palestinians. Despite what happened, Kuwait and Kuwaitis sympathise with Palestinians and want a 2 state solution, but will be ever take Palestinians back? I don’t think so and I really hope not. The majority of Palestinians and Jordanian Palestinians still sympathise with Saddam Hussain and still refer to him as the Sword of the Arabs. The majority have a habit of biting the hand that extends to them for help.
The problem is Islam is a geopolitical religious ideology that makes the culture conform to it, instead of those that follow Islam conforming to local culture. As soon as a society has enough muslims within it, the law of the land becomes sharia.
It's all about control. They 'make friends' with archbishop JW who conducted conversion for some to Christianity. Now they're progressing into local politics.next national.So.. .Church and Government.🤨
@@marekohampton8477 Food for thought Here is a perspective by Dr. Peter Hammond. Dr. Hammonds doctorate is in Theology. He was born in Capetown in 1960, grew up in Rhodesia and converted to Christianity in 1977. Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat: Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components. Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges. When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.. Here’s how it works: As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in: United States - Muslim 0.6% Australia - Muslim 1.5% Canada - Muslim 1.9% China - Muslim 1.8% Italy - Muslim 1.5% Norway - Muslim 1.8% At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in: Denmark - Muslim 2% Germany - Muslim 3.7% United Kingdom - Muslim 2.7% Spain - Muslim 4% Thailand - Muslim 4.6% From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamicstandards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims.They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves - along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in: France - Muslim 8% Philippines - Muslims 5% Sweden - Muslim 5%Switzerland - Muslim 4.3% The Netherlands - Muslim 5.5% Trinidad & Tobago - Muslim 5.8% At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world. When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in: Guyana - Muslim 10% India - Muslim 13.4% Israel - Muslim 16% Kenya - Muslim 10% Russia - Muslim 15% After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in: Ethiopia - Muslim 32.8% At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in: Bosnia - Muslim 40% Chad - Muslim 53.1% Lebanon - Muslim 59.7% From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in: Albania - Muslim 70% Malaysia - Muslim 60.4% Qatar - Muslim 77.5% Sudan - Muslim 70% After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in: Bangladesh - Muslim 83% Egypt - Muslim 90% Gaza - Muslim 98.7% Indonesia - Muslim 86.1% Iran - Muslim 98% Iraq - Muslim 97% Jordan - Muslim 92% Morocco - Muslim 98.7% Pakistan - Muslim 97% Palestine - Muslim 99% Syria - Muslim 90% Tajikistan - Muslim 90% Turkey - Muslim 99.8% United Arab Emirates - Muslim 96% 100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ - the Islamic House of Peace.. Here there’s supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in: Afghanistan - Muslim 100% Saudi Arabia - Muslim 100% Somalia - Muslim 100% Yemen - Muslim 100% Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.’Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; the tribe against the world, and all of us against the infidel. - Leon Uris, ‘The Haj’ It is important to understand that in some countries, with well under 100% Muslim populations, such as France, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law.The national police do not even enter these ghettos. There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities.. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrasses. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death. Therefore, in some areas of certain nations, Muslim Imams and extremists exercise more power than the national average would indicate. Today’s 1.5 billion Muslims make up 22% of the world’s population. But their birth rates dwarf the birth rates of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and all other believers. Muslims will exceed 50% of the world’s population by the end of this century. Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat Please forward this important information to any who care about the Future of our Country. Quite an eye opener
Indeed so. Can it be coincidence that, wherever these people go, violence and chaos ensues? I wonder if her description of Lebanon's experience will ring any alarm bells here.
So funny thing... The doctors in Gaza were shit to begin with. No wonder why for the really serious cases they used to send them to Israel for treatment. Even Hamas leaders understand that. Take Yahya Sinwar, had cancer. Israel saved his life, in returned he butchered 1400 Israeli people. Ismail Haniyeh's niece was also treated in Israel.
I don't think you're paying attention, didn't you hear? They are all doctors and highly educated academics (although I don't know if that means much in the current year), so they have a surplus.
Is that the British value of hating foreigners, being thick and racist, despising law (especially international law) and never taking responsibility for anything?
I was visiting London in December. I ended up having to go to one of the emergency rooms. A few days before I read a story about a little Jewish boy who was made to sit on the floor for his treatment and was treated terribly when they saw his head covering. I wear a Star of David. The emergency room was 95% Muslim filled. When I was brought back I saw only Muslim care staff. One doctor gave me a death stare when I asked him a question. He wouldn’t answer me. I was very worried. I was seen by an Islamic female doctor. She was great. Thank G-d. I seriously felt like it was a toss of the dice.
Right?Its so weird to see leftists from Western,European are so different and naive.Most leftists in muslim majority country are against islam.But in the countries I mentioned above are opposite.
Bad joke. They do often persecute the local Jews in their new country - forcing them to migrate to Israel - not because they are sionists, but because its only Israeli police whom do gives them efficient protection against hateful antisemites...
There is a reason why no Muslim countries take this lot in…..they ain’t stupid…..but sadly we are. This country will turn out like Bosnia which is a very sad indictment of the country today.
Jordan massacred 25000 Palestinian refugees and expelled the rest in 1970 because of there barbarism ...NO NO NO Arab nation wants them but in the West we are supposed to ?
we all know enslaved races.. but it seems we forgot the enslaving races (historically the largest one was the arabs, then africans.. with quite literally a hill of d6cks from all the castration)
Isnt it lovely? its like Sisyphus, Europe keeps having the same leason taught to them yet they never learn... but unlike Sisyphus, this is a slow march to destruction and not just an endless loop
@@mrror8933 will they send their border'farce' and RNLI charity boats to meet thousands of infantry halfway across the channel too? to ensure their safe arrival like their frenemies the Tories do?
I was there in the eighties serving with the Foreign Legion 2eme REI. As a skinny niave 18yo. what an eye opener to the Muslim world. Beirut was once called the Garden of Eden of the Middle East, the PLO destroyed it & became hell with uncountable private Islamic militias & jut war and murder. It was once a Christian country
@@mrsentencename7334 We have been bending ever since Blairs opened the door to mass immigration. Now you can not criticise a certain religion which soon will have political parties base on sectarian lines. Already in Europe it I happening, Belguim has the ISLAM party which advocates sharia law in their manifesto.
It is so refreshing to hear someone articulate the truth on this issue. The reason the West is shrinking and failing in the face of the obvious threat of radical Islam is that liberal Westerners simply cannot comprehend that not everyone shares our values of tolerance and never-ending dialogue. We keep trying to reason with an enemy that views compromise as weakness and laughs at our endless negotiations, while using the time this affords them to continue to imbed their radical agenda in our culture.
Amazing analysis. Thanks for this. As a British Jew, I am pretty terrified for the future of British Jewry. And while Israel is a safe haven, I don't want Israel to shrink into isolation because of global Islamic extremism. Scary times.
@@anthonycody4396you are correct. I am concerned for everyone. Antisemetic hate crimes have increased by 600% since last October so I think people of the Jewish faith bare the brunt initially, but ultimately it will negatively effect everyone.
The West will never understand this. They PROGRAMMED their people, just like N. Korea to stay in power, continue to abuse them to get money and aid from THE WEST. They have been doing it decades. They taught mothers that martyrdom is the HIGHEST HONOR of their culture. Can you imagine.
Lebanon , a Peaceful , mostly Christian , wealthy Nation , the Capital , Beirut , was once called the '' Paris of the Middle East '' , welcomed in muslim Palestinian refugees , and within a very short time Civil War broke out . Look at Lebanon , and then say '' NO '' to any muslim refugees , whether from Palestine or elsewhere .
“mostly Christian” Just not true-they made up just under half the population in the mid-twentieth century and still do. Remember: Palestinians in Lebanon are not Lebanese citizens, and are therefore not counted in statistics nor can they vote or hold office.
The Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson has a youtube video on this. Those with an IQ of 83 (perilously close to your 85) are are pretty much unable to do any job usefully, so carpenter would be beyond them. This comes from studies by the US army who wanted recruits from the lower strata to actively encourage social mobility, but they found they couldn't do a thing with those with an IQ below 83. Peterson allows refers to another study that found those with an IQ below 90 couldn't read well enough to understand and follow instructions.
As another Israeli, I agree with you. It's depressing for me to see what's happening in the West, and a lot of people in Western countries still don't understand how dangerous the situation is (it will definitely get worse if Western countries decide to take them in).
In 2023,My daughter and I were verbally abused by Muslims in Berlin. We are both blonde, tall and obviously Northern Europeans. We were staying in an area the police had abandoned.
My son asked a Muslim class mate if would be safe for him (a white young man from southern Malmö) to visit his friend in Rosengård (Muslim eastern part of town). The answer was laconic: "No".
Having learned of the Palestinian refugees and how the thanked the Lebanese Christian the should not be allowed into the U.K. there are good reasons why other Arab countries want nothing to do with them and the U.K. citizens should fully understand what they are letting themselves in for.
No one speaks about the christians in Gaza, who were pushed out of there over the decades, by the people of Gaza. This alone should tell you what they think about non-muslims there.
@@edwinblake so: 1. not a genocide 2. most of them indeed oppose Israel 3. nevertheless they were fleeing Gaza long ago, even before the first escalations in the first Intifada in the late 80s. It's quite easy to check the numbers of Christians in Gaza and see how they constantly dropped including in times of peace, regardless of the conflict with Israel. The numbers were already dropping when Egypt controlled Gaza... just check the numbers
@@edwinblake There's no "genocide". If they oppose Israel it's just because their Arab identity trumps everything else, but the reason very few of them actually live in the West Bank or Gaza anymore is because of Muslim persecution, nothing to do with Israel (and perhaps, just long-established Christian antisemitism, which has never really gone away amongst Middle Eastern Christians). Interestingly, the only Arabs who are largely pro-Israel are the nearly 2 million, both Muslim and Christian, who live in Israel and are citizens there.
No more people from Islamic counties. MP's need to wake up, what sort of country are our grand kids going to have to live in. Madness if we import more.
Wanna know something funny? In Bulgarian, Nasrallah sounds the same as “to shit oneself” (feminine form). For the life of me, I cannot say his name without laughing 😂
And there we have it…. A right-winger who genuinely believes he is intelligent 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪. The right-wing attracts the thick and inadequate. That is not an opinion, that is just counting.
@@Drmerlin604 It's amazing that people genuinely think that political ideology has anything to do with intelligence. You are entitled to your views, others are entitled to theirs. Your experiences and rationale are not universal, and others have vastly different experiences, whereas you seem to think that politics is right and wrong. Politics is not a team sport, and it's why a lot of people don't like the two party system, because it makes it a game to be won. You need to learn respect for others.
@@mesolithicman164 nobody drools over the brown shirts more than the libs lol. from agreeing with slightly modified Mein Kampf quotes, to simping for Palestine that was historically ruled by Germany in the 30s
_"All of the Gazans that we resettled into Birmingham, Yardley, were actually doctors"_ So, Jess Phillips is basically saying we're stripping Gaza of their doctors at a time when they're most needed ? Weird thing to brag about. Sorta' like saying about a famine stricken country "we took all their farmers, aren't we kind".I am
75% of Palestinians support Hamas, but the Palestinians aren't responsible for Hamas' actions. Mind you, only 44% of Germans supported Hitler, and they were held fully accountable.
I would imagine that many, many of the civilians are related to Hamas never mind support them, plus the civilians were celebrating a victory on October 7th that's until Israel started the retaliation, then they started crying out for sympathy. We need to stop comparing our values to them they don't have the same values.
This video is GOLD! Finally some common sense and not bunch of lies. The funnies part was the guy describing Gazans as doctors and scholars 🤣 If they are so successful, why didn't they build anything in the last 20 years after Israel left Gaza, why the only thing they built is system of tunnels and terror bases?
I've never forgotten these wise words: Israel suffers the blows that would impact the West, were Israel not there. Very true indeed. We in the West should understand who our friends are!
"When muslims are the minority, minority rights are the most important issue. When muslims are the majority, minority rights don't exist" - Orson Scott Card
We are already fighting the Hamas/Israeli War here now. Why add more troops to the conflict on UK soil. Let them sort out their conflict by themselves without Western interference. The UK already has a migrant problem. No need to add fuel to the already burning fire. Shouldn't the Arab neighbors take their brothers and sisters in?
to the German goverment that seems to still hate jews.. it really is to them thus they shut up Marie Kaiser with a 6k fine for "hate speech against respected minorities" who happen to be nr1 on the rape statistic she released.. a statistic from the goverment that tried to hide it
Glad you pointed out Lebanon and Jordan. These young students never learnt! We mustn't blame the older generation for instilling poison into their heads, they're smart, boastfully, all intelligent therefore ought to know that you don't make the same mistake as Jordan and Lebanon.
No Muslim country has taken any. Nuff said.
Bitter Experience.
Well muslim countries are complicated, West is the one supplying Israel PM with blanket immunity, they could easily apply a large amount of pressure to get Israel to agree to 2 state solution/ Hamas disarmament & potential demilitarised Lebanon with joint Peacekeeping force from all Muslim countries.
Western governments have caused the majority of refugees/immigrantion from their illegal wars, Regime changes etc
There was never a “Palestinian” leader since 1920 that wanted to coexist, 2 states is a western pipe dream.
Fortunately for the UK, they are getting more than their fair share of doctors and academics arriving on their shores on a daily basis when the boats come from France. It would be greedy of them to take any more especially when these specialists are needed elsewhere.
As Jess says that there are a lot of ill orphans in Gaza, so why are we talking about taking their doctors away when they are needed in Gaza to look after those sick orphans?
@@john73353 Its Palestinians themselves that reject a two state solution. It doesn't matter how much you pressure Israel if Palestinians and Hamas doesn't want it.
Their fellow Muslims don't want them. There's a reason for that.
You think so? I think they're intentionally refusing them cause they know that they'll then have an excuse to come here and spread the evil.
@@Cupcake12347it's a Win win from a political perspective.
There's a popular saying in Arabic "After Saturday comes Sunday "
They tried to take over Jordan as soon as they arrived in that country. Today Jordan and Lebanon keep Palestinians in camps they are not able to leave but no one brings that up because they want you to think Israel is bad but no one in that part of the world likes Palestinians it seems.
The Palestinians are not just Muslim !
The fact that Muslim countries don’t even trust each other just shows you how peaceful Islam is
At best, Arab nations view the Palestinians as a burden. At worst, they view them as nothing but trouble-makers.
That may be so but who trusts the Israelis?
There is no such a thing as a Muslim country 😂 the same there is no Christian country.. Egypt isn't a Muslim country, Jordan isn't a Muslim country..the same with Lebanon
Humus is a branch of the Muslim brotherhood who have a very dark history of destroying countries. And that what they did in Lebanon and nearly did in Jordan
This is all propaganda! Here’s a radical idea, how about you advocate for them to stay in their own homes! They don’t want to leave!
Well said
They wanted Hamas let that sink in
Islam will send us back to the middle age
Na just the medieval period.
Just like the billionaires are doing today all over the world
No, you’re wrong, the Stone Age didn’t have Islam, Islam was created in the 7th Century!
Enjoy having islamist
Don't make the west another Lebenon. Men of the west take your countries back by force.
NO, if the Arab countries don’t want them there’s a good reason why.
It is the mother of all bad ideas.
Ask Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, etc.
I had a male muslim doctor tell me his mother gave birth in a village alone with no pain medication so I didn't need any for the cysts on my ovaries. KEEP YOUR DOCTOR'S!!!
Good ol' englaza NHS
In 1slam I think its haram to take medicine that alters the mind, and I think abortion is forbidden in their ideology
Say you are to undergo surgery, they will not give you pain medication if they are hardcore zealous believers of their ideology because, according to their religious text, they are supposed to have faith solely in their god, and that’s it, verse 27:62 in the Q book. Like if they were in Afghanistan, the doctor definitely ain’t giving them anything lol
and while giving labor, they are to pray, keep praying certain verses until the baby exits
7th century medieval people indeed
Why would u go to a Muslim dr knowing their beliefs?
It's just barbarians Allah is so merciful and paradise is death ☠️
Very peaceful
“Habibi, u donT Ned medakashin - Allah is grate. Suffering is good.”
HOW ISLAMISTS OVERRAN MY COUNTRY LEBANON - BRIGITTE GABRIEL .........Everyone should watch this cautionary tale.
Its so sad but , it's definitely coming to the Europe and the US
Is that on youtube?
@@Plato76... yes
@@FiveLiver I watched it terrifying horror movie 6 minutes long. Everyone should watch it
Yes I watched it. And I can assure you that the UK and France are following Lebanon's footsteps
I never would thought I’d vote for Reform, but as the Islam problem rapidly increases (or rather, exposes itself), so too does my willingness to vote for a party who will take an open stand against Islam!
What do you think they’re actually going to do against Islam?
British Muslims are actually very radical.
@@niriop Crusaders
@@aviToledano1998 What? Retake Jerusalem?
The Egyptians won't take them , the Jordanians had to throw them out , and they destroyed Lebanon. I don't think they will make the best of guest's
They also got expelled from Kuwait after the first Gulf War, because they had supported Saddam's invasion.
Ask the people of Rochdale lol
Don't forget 🇨🇾
No, never, not a single one! Period!!!
period? this is not America
A doctor held an israeli hostage in his home for 8 months. Not sure we need this type of "doctor " in the UK
@@annar574 in the *englaza. Mr roundy-uppy to not be wacist,cause it's incomprehensible to call englaza england in englaza. You've been islamified and can't even see it yet
@davie8906 oh many of us see it. We will either fight back or leave
@@annar574 You've been overrun. Londfrica Birmingistan Lester Looton Bradfordistan oldham and if course infamous Rochdale,which has just sent the first pro-sharia MP, George Galloway to wasteminster. It's too late. The cenotaph needed 24hr police guard before remembrance Sunday,so it wouldn't be draped in hamas flags and vandalized like Churchill statue was by BLM,which had to be boarded up this time. Englaza
@@annar574 I'd recommand fighting back. If you leave, they'll just follow in a few years after they turned your old place into a 3rd world hellhole.
400,000 Kuwaiti Palestinians sided with Saddam Hussein when he invaded Kuwait. The Palestinians were kicked out. It's not just Lebanon and Jordan.
That kind of makes sense. They've always been on the losing side.
We've got 10 times that to deal with
I’m Kuwaiti that witnessed the war at the age of 5 and was a child refugee. I remember what some Palestinians did, including one putting a gun to my father’s head at a checkpoint. My cousin’s husband was married before and he had to leave one night to get some groceries. He came back home to a bashed in door and a ransom note and location. His new bride was gang r*ped by 5 Palestinians and asked for money in exchange for her release. She went through such trauma to the point where she asked for a divorce.
The Palestinian exodus from Kuwait was never condemned by the UN or the rest of the world. Some Kuwaitis took matters into their own hands even to some innocent Palestinians. Despite what happened, Kuwait and Kuwaitis sympathise with Palestinians and want a 2 state solution, but will be ever take Palestinians back? I don’t think so and I really hope not. The majority of Palestinians and Jordanian Palestinians still sympathise with Saddam Hussain and still refer to him as the Sword of the Arabs. The majority have a habit of biting the hand that extends to them for help.
...and Egypt and Tunisia. The arabs that pollute Gaza, Judea and Samaria sow corruption, violence and destruction wherever they land.
@@rewdwarf123 Professional victims who've produced nothing of value for the world.
That’s right, because you can get all that from your “own” government.
I guess you never have seen a true palastinian!
We have enough of our own
@@Silagepunk-77whats the matter buttercup are you hurt?
Even deport rest islamists who doesn't respect our country and our values
The problem is Islam is a geopolitical religious ideology that makes the culture conform to it, instead of those that follow Islam conforming to local culture. As soon as a society has enough muslims within it, the law of the land becomes sharia.
15% is the tipping point. There's no going back after that.
Welcome to the UK.
It's all about control. They 'make friends' with archbishop JW who conducted conversion for some to Christianity. Now they're progressing into local politics.next national.So.. .Church and Government.🤨
@@marekohampton8477 Food for thought
Here is a perspective by Dr. Peter Hammond. Dr. Hammonds
doctorate is in Theology. He was born in Capetown in 1960,
grew up in Rhodesia and converted to Christianity in 1977.
Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book: Slavery,
Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary
Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard
for all of the other components.
Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to
agitate for their religious privileges.
When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse
societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious
privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as
Here’s how it works:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2%
in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
United States - Muslim 0.6%
Australia - Muslim 1.5%
Canada - Muslim 1.9%
China - Muslim 1.8%
Italy - Muslim 1.5%
Norway - Muslim 1.8%
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic
minorities and disaffected groups, often with major
recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is
happening in:
Denmark - Muslim 2%
Germany - Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom - Muslim 2.7%
Spain - Muslim 4%
Thailand - Muslim 4.6%
From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.
For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamicstandards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for
Muslims.They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature
halal on their shelves - along with threats for failure to comply.
This is occurring in:
France - Muslim 8%
Philippines - Muslims 5%
Sweden - Muslim 5%Switzerland
- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands - Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago - Muslim 5.8%
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government
to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos)
under Sharia, the Islamic Law.
The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law
over the entire world.
When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to
increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their
In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non Muslim
action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats,
such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons
and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:
Guyana - Muslim 10%
India - Muslim 13.4%
Israel - Muslim 16%
Kenya - Muslim 10%
Russia - Muslim 15%
After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting,
jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:
Ethiopia - Muslim 32.8%
At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
Bosnia - Muslim 40%
Chad - Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon - Muslim 59.7%
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the
tax placed on infidels, such as in:
Albania - Muslim 70%
Malaysia - Muslim 60.4%
Qatar - Muslim 77.5%
Sudan - Muslim 70%
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some
State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these
nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim,
such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going
Bangladesh - Muslim 83%
Egypt - Muslim 90%
Gaza - Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia - Muslim 86.1%
Iran - Muslim 98%
Iraq - Muslim 97%
Jordan - Muslim 92%
Morocco - Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan - Muslim 97%
Palestine - Muslim 99%
Syria - Muslim 90%
Tajikistan - Muslim 90%
Turkey - Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates - Muslim 96%
100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ -
the Islamic House of Peace.. Here there’s supposed to be
peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the
only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:
Afghanistan - Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia - Muslim 100%
Somalia - Muslim 100%
Yemen - Muslim 100%
Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100%
states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred,
and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical
Muslims, for a variety of reasons.’Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan
against the tribe; the tribe against the world, and all of
us against the infidel. - Leon Uris, ‘The Haj’
It is important to understand that in some countries, with
well under 100% Muslim populations, such as France, the
minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which
they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia
Law.The national police do not even enter these ghettos. There are
no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious
facilities.. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate
into the community at large. The children attend madrasses.
They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel
is a crime punishable with death.
Therefore, in some areas of certain nations, Muslim Imams
and extremists exercise more power than the national average
would indicate.
Today’s 1.5 billion Muslims make up 22% of the world’s
population. But their birth rates dwarf the birth rates of
Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and all other believers. Muslims will exceed 50% of the world’s population by the end of this century.
Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book: Slavery,
Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat
Please forward this important information to any who care
about the Future of our Country.
Quite an eye opener
It really sounds like a virus
It's amazing how they can produce all these doctors and engineers in the midst of the genocide.
And remarkably, their population even increased.
@@alanjm1234 worst genocide EVER.
nope. guess you have not read history.
@@webwhisper2701 I committed a worse genocide when I stubbed my big toe on my table-leg yesterday😏
From 160,000 people to 2 Million in just 77 years.
Truly, one of the genocides of all time.
@@ItamarO93 lol 😂
No, absolutely not. Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, KSA are all nearby and should welcome their fellow Arabs with open arms.
four of them did so in the past ...and regretted it
Algeria, iraq, libya, syria.... they would all "love their brothers" back
They won’t. They’re smart and learnt from history and they’re not afraid to be called r words, unlike Westerners.
Jordan: 'No thanks we want to keep our legitimate government and royal family. We have opened our arms to you before, and you tried to disembowel us'
Iran and Qatar should take them in.
That Lebanese lady's explanation is absolutely terifying.Take not u.k.
similar story in Iran
Indeed so. Can it be coincidence that, wherever these people go, violence and chaos ensues? I wonder if her description of Lebanon's experience will ring any alarm bells here.
@@anonnemo2504 they would have to listen to it instead of sticking their fingers in their ears
@@ksmax6310 you mean when the Byzantines defeated them?
europeans need to start focusing on family they are out numbering people all that education and progression backfiring it might be too late
I am in awe of Leo Kearne's knowledge of the real history of "Palestine" - and I applaud his courage to speak up in the face of so much opposition.
I think that it is dispicable that we take trained medical staff from countries that need them rather than train our own.
So funny thing... The doctors in Gaza were shit to begin with. No wonder why for the really serious cases they used to send them to Israel for treatment. Even Hamas leaders understand that. Take Yahya Sinwar, had cancer. Israel saved his life, in returned he butchered 1400 Israeli people. Ismail Haniyeh's niece was also treated in Israel.
Oh dear. You are so ill-informed. You must try harder.
We do train our own but they can't get jobs because our government would rather employ foreigners with questionable qualifications.
Especially during a war!
I don't think you're paying attention, didn't you hear? They are all doctors and highly educated academics (although I don't know if that means much in the current year), so they have a surplus.
No the facts speak for themselves. There is no way they support British values.
Define British values. I pretty sure that I don’t share your values petal.
@Drmerlin60We don't agree with FGM , Slavery, Child Marriage, Forced Marriage, Baku bazi , or Wiping Out People of Other Faith.
Is that the British value of hating foreigners, being thick and racist, despising law (especially international law) and never taking responsibility for anything?
I was visiting London in December. I ended up having to go to one of the emergency rooms. A few days before I read a story about a little Jewish boy who was made to sit on the floor for his treatment and was treated terribly when they saw his head covering. I wear a Star of David. The emergency room was 95% Muslim filled. When I was brought back I saw only Muslim care staff. One doctor gave me a death stare when I asked him a question. He wouldn’t answer me. I was very worried. I was seen by an Islamic female doctor. She was great. Thank G-d. I seriously felt like it was a toss of the dice.
So from your experience, SOME of the muslims are OK... Possibly the females, but it happens.
@@ilysestariq Londfrica, capital shitty of englaza
@@barneydenstad2148well, the women know how bad it is for females in the Islamic culture …
If these Palestinian’s are doctors- don’t you think they’d want to help out in Gaza?🤔🤔🤔🤔
Doctors my arse. I've never heard such a load of twaddle (from the politician in the vid, not your comment!)
In case you haven't noticed they aren't the most helpful of people. Even towards each other
And don't you think that's what they SHOULD do?
Many of them do go there and have gone there but have been deliberately targeted, losing their lives to help others
they have gone there to help and paid the ultimate price by losing their lives
God, please help secular leftists understand that not all religions are basically the same.
They won't accept regular white people espousing these beliefs (anti-woman, anti-gay, pro-violence) but they champion Muslims who do.
Right?Its so weird to see leftists from Western,European are so different and naive.Most leftists in muslim majority country are against islam.But in the countries I mentioned above are opposite.
Leftists are communists, any communists only learn when it’s too late
Unfortunately, they also believe that all cultures are equal. Spoiler alert: They are not. Post modernism wankery.
Not AT ALL the same! Lol. Nothing is like Islam. Except w0k3n3ss
They'll be disappointed when they find out we have Jews here too.
Bad joke. They do often persecute the local Jews in their new country - forcing them to migrate to Israel - not because they are sionists, but because its only Israeli police whom do gives them efficient protection against hateful antisemites...
Yes, but those Jews don't have an army to defend them.
There is a reason why no Muslim countries take this lot in…..they ain’t stupid…..but sadly we are. This country will turn out like Bosnia which is a very sad indictment of the country today.
Exactly,who will teach these mfs?
Denmark recievd about 1500 Palestineans in 1990.
Today, 33% of their children have several criminal records.
Nut said.
Don't worry the Danish will blame israel or the jews... 😂
Jordan massacred 25000 Palestinian refugees and expelled the rest in 1970 because of there barbarism ...NO NO NO Arab nation wants them but in the West we are supposed to ?
that's the same with sleeping enemy
Criminal record can mean DUI
we all know enslaved races.. but it seems we forgot the enslaving races (historically the largest one was the arabs, then africans.. with quite literally a hill of d6cks from all the castration)
Excellent. You got it 100%. We need more people like you.
'Should Palestinian refugees come to the West? ', that would be a large negative.
No way .. they hate this country
Like most of their followers already here.
they hate everything, absolutely everything...except b0mbs
Yes the Israelis hate all western countries that is why they are involved with so many NGOs who help traffic people into Europe
Starmers lot also hate this country
Who doesnt
One of the best videos i have seen on You Tube in a long time
NO... Treat them like their neighbours do....No Chance..!
In Denmark there's Palæstinenserloven.
They were about to be returned but a special law after red protests was created..... and now 42% are criminals.
Isnt it lovely? its like Sisyphus, Europe keeps having the same leason taught to them yet they never learn... but unlike Sisyphus, this is a slow march to destruction and not just an endless loop
Yes and their kids😮
And the rest are doctors and engineers 😆
actually, 2/3 or the first. 42% criminals relates ONLY to the 2nd generation 😂
@@Gad-yn4xdthe rest did not get caught
A vote for Labour is a vote for Islam.
Precisely correct
Free 🇨🇾
@@mrror8933 will they send their border'farce' and RNLI charity boats to meet thousands of infantry halfway across the channel too? to ensure their safe arrival like their frenemies the Tories do?
Fox no! Lebanon is the history that we are about to repeat!
I was there in the eighties serving with the Foreign Legion 2eme REI. As a skinny niave 18yo. what an eye opener to the Muslim world. Beirut was once called the Garden of Eden of the Middle East, the PLO destroyed it & became hell with uncountable private Islamic militias & jut war and murder. It was once a Christian country
It won’t happen to us, we will not bend
@@mrsentencename7334 Starmer's obsessed with bending
@@MartinParsons-tr6wi what do you expect from a textbook globalist
@@mrsentencename7334 We have been bending ever since Blairs opened the door to mass immigration. Now you can not criticise a certain religion which soon will have political parties base on sectarian lines. Already in Europe it I happening, Belguim has the ISLAM party which advocates sharia law in their manifesto.
The Left supported Hamas in Iran; the Hamas supported the Left with hemp neckties.
No one said they were quick learners
We saw exactly what happening when several hundreds broke the border of Israel and came to the Nova music festival...
It is so refreshing to hear someone articulate the truth on this issue. The reason the West is shrinking and failing in the face of the obvious threat of radical Islam is that liberal Westerners simply cannot comprehend that not everyone shares our values of tolerance and never-ending dialogue. We keep trying to reason with an enemy that views compromise as weakness and laughs at our endless negotiations, while using the time this affords them to continue to imbed their radical agenda in our culture.
The story she told regards Lebanon is precisely where Europe is heading.If Labour get into power we're screwed.
We were already screwed. Labour and Conservs are two sides of the same arse cheek, to borrow a phrase
When the troubles leave the Middle East (and they will), Europe will be the new epicenter. I live in Malmö, and all the signs are visible.
Listen to this woman; this can happen here.
@@kitoharveywill5766 2 cheeks of the same arse, but yes I agree.
@@richardwillford2418 i live in tel aviv,i heard whats going on in your city Malmo... be carefull
Amazing analysis. Thanks for this. As a British Jew, I am pretty terrified for the future of British Jewry. And while Israel is a safe haven, I don't want Israel to shrink into isolation because of global Islamic extremism. Scary times.
You should be concerned for us all, not just a section of society.
Thanks - I share your concern, not just for Jews in the West but for Israel too if communists and leftists mean Western countries stop supporting it
@@anthonycody4396you are correct. I am concerned for everyone. Antisemetic hate crimes have increased by 600% since last October so I think people of the Jewish faith bare the brunt initially, but ultimately it will negatively effect everyone.
All Palestinians are religious Fanatics we don't need more religious fanatics
The West will never understand this. They PROGRAMMED their people, just like N. Korea to stay in power, continue to abuse them to get money and aid from THE WEST. They have been doing it decades. They taught mothers that martyrdom is the HIGHEST HONOR of their culture. Can you imagine.
If you gave Jess Phillips a penny for her thoughts you'd get change.
and an impediment to your chest...
She’s insane!
She generally talks through her arse like the majority of the opposition bench soon to be in power.
She left school with more babies than 'O' levels.
You’re speaking facts! Thank you! You have a new subscriber!
Awesome! Thank you!
Lebanon , a Peaceful , mostly Christian , wealthy Nation , the Capital , Beirut , was once called the '' Paris of the Middle East '' , welcomed in muslim Palestinian refugees , and within a very short time Civil War broke out . Look at Lebanon , and then say '' NO '' to any muslim refugees , whether from Palestine or elsewhere .
“mostly Christian”
Just not true-they made up just under half the population in the mid-twentieth century and still do.
Remember: Palestinians in Lebanon are not Lebanese citizens, and are therefore not counted in statistics nor can they vote or hold office.
Everyone's a doctor there. Although with a standard IQ of 85 amongst all the population, I think I'd rather a carpenter
The Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson has a youtube video on this. Those with an IQ of 83 (perilously close to your 85) are are pretty much unable to do any job usefully, so carpenter would be beyond them. This comes from studies by the US army who wanted recruits from the lower strata to actively encourage social mobility, but they found they couldn't do a thing with those with an IQ below 83. Peterson allows refers to another study that found those with an IQ below 90 couldn't read well enough to understand and follow instructions.
Carpenter? Well, there was this one guy...😉
Obviously the one's who are doctors have a higher IQ
@@jazura2 or just badly trained and have the Allah's will mentality?
When even the Middle East doesnt want them.
We should follow what their neighbors choose to do.
Bring in more protesters? Hell no. We should send the ones already here to there, pronto.
The last thing Britain needs is more followers of Alan's Snack Bar.
As Israeli:
“So where should they go?!”
Qatar, the one who sponsored them. And yet took 0% of them
As another Israeli, I agree with you. It's depressing for me to see what's happening in the West, and a lot of people in Western countries still don't understand how dangerous the situation is (it will definitely get worse if Western countries decide to take them in).
Send them to Qatar.
A Qatari politician was asked (by a Swedish-Yemeni journalist) why Qatar won't take refugees. He answered: "We are not naive Swedes".
Send them to China, they know how to deal with the problem.
Too easy , they thrive by bringing the problem home , they need these issue to justify their existence 😂
In 2023,My daughter and I were verbally abused by Muslims in Berlin. We are both blonde, tall and obviously Northern Europeans. We were staying in an area the police had abandoned.
An area the police had abandoned... You already said Berlin. 😂
My son asked a Muslim class mate if would be safe for him (a white young man from southern Malmö) to visit his friend in Rosengård (Muslim eastern part of town). The answer was laconic: "No".
@@reuvengershon6625 yes.
look at the lengths Egypt goes to, to keep the Gazans out.
Having learned of the Palestinian refugees and how the thanked the Lebanese Christian the should not be allowed into the U.K. there are good reasons why other Arab countries want nothing to do with them and the U.K. citizens should fully understand what they are letting themselves in for.
@@lanarkcd ewe-kay? Englaza. They seek them out in the channel to ensure their safe passage to englaza.
Every body who not share our values should leave Western countrys, we do not need hate here
As Anjem Chowdry said....
" what makes you think it's your country anymore.?"
@@spearmint47 It is, and it will be because we will not tolerate Islam and it's barbaric nature.
No one speaks about the christians in Gaza, who were pushed out of there over the decades, by the people of Gaza. This alone should tell you what they think about non-muslims there.
Actually the Christian Palestinians are also opposed to the Israeli genocide.
@@edwinblake so:
1. not a genocide
2. most of them indeed oppose Israel
3. nevertheless they were fleeing Gaza long ago, even before the first escalations in the first Intifada in the late 80s.
It's quite easy to check the numbers of Christians in Gaza and see how they constantly dropped including in times of peace, regardless of the conflict with Israel. The numbers were already dropping when Egypt controlled Gaza... just check the numbers
@@edwinblake There's no "genocide". If they oppose Israel it's just because their Arab identity trumps everything else, but the reason very few of them actually live in the West Bank or Gaza anymore is because of Muslim persecution, nothing to do with Israel (and perhaps, just long-established Christian antisemitism, which has never really gone away amongst Middle Eastern Christians). Interestingly, the only Arabs who are largely pro-Israel are the nearly 2 million, both Muslim and Christian, who live in Israel and are citizens there.
@@edwinblake Grow a backbone and admit you hate jews.
Christians seem to be always caught in the crosfire.
Brilliant! Seriously spot on factually and impeccable delivery. Hats off to you Sir!
No too many illegals and legal immigrants in UK as it is nooooooooo
Now you will get immigrants who were banned from their own Arab countries
Most peaceful people to the west enjoy
Absolutely not. The Hammies are dangerous.
I like calling them HamArse!
@@cherrob48 Thats a good one I will use that from now on.
Muslims are
How about Palestinazis
British people should listen very, very carefully to that Lebonese lady.
The Muslim countries should accept them as they did not condemn 7 th October
No more people from Islamic counties. MP's need to wake up, what sort of country are our grand kids going to have to live in. Madness if we import more.
What grandkids? Trans is removing that problem for any proposed foreign takeover.
Wanna know something funny? In Bulgarian, Nasrallah sounds the same as “to shit oneself” (feminine form). For the life of me, I cannot say his name without laughing 😂
Best line is @7:57. "But then again if left wing politicians were smart and capable of learning lessons from history, they wouldn't be left wing!"
The reason why
I'm no longer a leftie!
And there we have it…. A right-winger who genuinely believes he is intelligent 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪. The right-wing attracts the thick and inadequate. That is not an opinion, that is just counting.
@@rubenverheij4770Dementia? A head-injury?….
@@Drmerlin604 What do you mean?
@@Drmerlin604 It's amazing that people genuinely think that political ideology has anything to do with intelligence. You are entitled to your views, others are entitled to theirs. Your experiences and rationale are not universal, and others have vastly different experiences, whereas you seem to think that politics is right and wrong. Politics is not a team sport, and it's why a lot of people don't like the two party system, because it makes it a game to be won.
You need to learn respect for others.
All those doctors and engineers ready to help the UK, so strange that their neighbors don't want them
Yes, very interesting
Great info about some of the Palestinian attrocities from history, showing that noone is clean, thanks Leo
"Tens of thousands of orphans who have aunties uncle's and cousins in the UK". Is she completely insane?
Without question. And all her Liberal attitudes will be affected when she's living under the Sharia Law she's inviting in.
Seems so ?
Well obviously. She also said they're all doctors and engineers. There's literally no proof for this
@@mesolithicman164 nobody drools over the brown shirts more than the libs lol. from agreeing with slightly modified Mein Kampf quotes, to simping for Palestine that was historically ruled by Germany in the 30s
Nope, Dangerous
Thanks Leo, for talking about the history that everyone seems to be ignoring. I wish you were the PM.
Thank you again Sharon! I really appreciate it
No ....... End of chat !!!! 🏴
Their neighbours won't take them, says it all
I'm with you sport, all of what you say has been, and continues to be evident and relevant.
_"All of the Gazans that we resettled into Birmingham, Yardley, were actually doctors"_
So, Jess Phillips is basically saying we're stripping Gaza of their doctors at a time when they're most needed ? Weird thing to brag about. Sorta' like saying about a famine stricken country "we took all their farmers, aren't we kind".I am
They are no medical doctors ... they are rocket scientists !
They were doctors, academics, baby boilers ....etc
Sorta like how in America all blacks who commit violence are called engineers in the nightly news
Furthermore they are all gynaecologists, so their interest in our young women is actually all OK....
She is deluded and believes her own fantasy’s
NO Chance. We need to revolt. It’s ridiculous bringing them here.
Danke to you too! I really appreciate it
Under no circumstances, we are full. Unlike Gary Lineker, I won’t be crying tonight either.
75% of Palestinians support Hamas, but the Palestinians aren't responsible for Hamas' actions. Mind you, only 44% of Germans supported Hitler, and they were held fully accountable.
I would imagine that many, many of the civilians are related to Hamas never mind support them, plus the civilians were celebrating a victory on October 7th that's until Israel started the retaliation, then they started crying out for sympathy. We need to stop comparing our values to them they don't have the same values.
This video is GOLD! Finally some common sense and not bunch of lies. The funnies part was the guy describing Gazans as doctors and scholars 🤣 If they are so successful, why didn't they build anything in the last 20 years after Israel left Gaza, why the only thing they built is system of tunnels and terror bases?
Lol left gaza 😂
Hello from Tel Aviv right on!
😂😂😂😂😂 Gazan’s are all doctors and highly educated and trained people. Yeah, that’s what Hamas has been investing in these past 20 years… education!
Have you ever heard a bigger load of old tosh?
Unemployed goat herders would be a more accurate description…… if by unemployed goat herders you mean Hamas Terrorists and supporters
I would have to be very ill to allow any of them to treat me and I'm not Jewish!
Education tunnels.
@@markelmslie6832I’ve heard they’re quite skilled using sharp tools.
Holy shit, that was awesome! Subscribed! Thank you!
אני ישראלי, ואני חייב להגיד לך שאני עם דמעות בעיניים, פעם ראשונה שאני רואה שמישהו רואה את האמת . תודה לך ,יש עוד תקווה באנושות
הוא מדהים. חפש את הסרטון שלו על האירווויזיון :)
I've been trying my best to convince these dumbass liberals to see the Truth but there's no helping them.
A lot of people are with you, but we can not say it😢,God bless you al
Most of those who are pro-Palestinian have never lived in the region or have lived in the culture
@@cc-ww6xdI can say it. What's stopping you? That's how the Nazis got in!!!!!!!!!!
How are Palestinians leaving Gaza if there is no way out of Gaza? I thought we were told it was an open prison, didn't realise it was that open.
Yeah, they just can't go into Israel...
Everything they say is a lie
There's no way we have enough here already. Let their neighbouring countries take them in.
We are a nation of sheep giving shelter to wolves
The beasts are well past the gates.
Here in Australia, the government bring them here & does little to nothing to counteract the anti-semitism they bring along with them
exactly! good luck Europe
One of the only foreign commentators that actually knows his shit when it comes to our situation and history. So refreshing.
Thank you, from Israel.
Don't pat yourself on the back too much, the enemy of my enemy and all that. .
@@mobi1etone Pat myself on the back?.. I don't need neither you or him to do that. I'm not here to get your approval, so feel free to move along.
I've never forgotten these wise words: Israel suffers the blows that would impact the West, were Israel not there. Very true indeed. We in the West should understand who our friends are!
@@steveroberts5941 There's a good goy. *pats head*
@@steveroberts5941 Baloney
Brilliant video, thank you.
Another perfect summary of the craziness of the world we’re living in.
Truth bombs 🤯
Spot on as always. Gracias.
"When muslims are the minority, minority rights are the most important issue. When muslims are the majority, minority rights don't exist" - Orson Scott Card
We are already fighting the Hamas/Israeli War here now. Why add more troops to the conflict on UK soil. Let them sort out their conflict by themselves without Western interference. The UK already has a migrant problem. No need to add fuel to the already burning fire. Shouldn't the Arab neighbors take their brothers and sisters in?
In future all you wanting more diversity with endless immigration, think of Lebanon, it will be our future
Amazing video! ❤
I've come to the conclusion that the left aren't naive at all, they are on Islam's side and know exactly what they are doing.
They are cultural Marxists that hate the West and are hellbent on destroying it.
The devil deceives and uses the ignorant equally.
Rape is not a valid way of resistence
to the German goverment that seems to still hate jews.. it really is to them
thus they shut up Marie Kaiser with a 6k fine for "hate speech against respected minorities" who happen to be nr1 on the rape statistic she released.. a statistic from the goverment that tried to hide it
Glad you pointed out Lebanon and Jordan. These young students never learnt!
We mustn't blame the older generation for instilling poison into their heads, they're smart, boastfully, all intelligent therefore ought to know that you don't make the same mistake as Jordan and Lebanon.
Like a polar bear doesn’t belong in the dessert they simply don’t belong here
I hate it when polar bears get into my dessert. They leave white hairs in the ice cream.
Well put
Thank you! I really appreciate it
Brilliant analysis debunking the lies and misinfornation.
That's all we need more pro Palestinian supporters to join the Saturday marches.