I'm from Centurion, South Africa. I listen avidly to your sermons. You speak truth, we don't hear about the end times at all in our churches. So sad. How can they get ready to go homeif they don't get taught. Jesus said "My people die because of lack of knowledge"
In a week or a month, maybe a season or two, the age of grace will then be through. When Christ returns to the clouds in the sky, And I Can't WAIT until we Fly 🕊️
I’ll fly away is one of my favorite hymns in times of grief, It is comforting to know we will all soon be United in Heaven with our beloved Jesus Christ and other loved ones. What a wonderful story of love ❤️. Hallelujah Hallelujah. joy to the World. amen, and Amen. 🙏
Jack, I pray God increases your strength not just equal, but greater than your tasks. Additionally, thanks to the people who decided to have someone read along with you and the congregation so we who have busy hands can still join together with this big part of the family. Also, your attitude, if you will, showing constancy in closeness to God helps some of us to throw off the tendency to move toward anxiety. Being “born for such a time as this” increases my desire and strength to witness. I find I sometimes have told someone who didn’t want to know, but I am satisfied to have spoken. God Bless all who work there. Amen
My devices have had a stronghold in me. Lord in the name of Jesus, I cast my burden, my sin onto You. Lord forgive me for wasting time on social media when I could be talking to You. This middle earth battle is fought and won with all that You have provided. AMEN
I don't dispute the fact of wanting anxiously to go to heaven, I am ready!!! I do however have such a heavy heart for all who will be left behind. It makes me want to stay longer, makes me want God to linger a bit longer so Christians can evangelize more and compel more to Christ! CHRISTIANS, we are running out of time!!! OUREACH AND EVANGELIZE!!!!!! Keep the faith and preaching the Truth that IS God's Word, unapologetically!!!
I am totally with you!! I too have the heart of God for the loss. Remember that God knows how many will become sheep and then he will come not sooner not later so live every day and try to reach those around you like I do. God bless you,Maranatha!
Thank you, Pastor Jack ❤ this teaching/message has brought me such joy and excitement for what we have ahead of us, living in God's Majestic love, power, and His presence in Heaven ❤ Praise you, Lord Jesus Christ ❤️ Halleluyah !! Amen ✝️ ✡️ 🙏
Thank you pastor Jack for keeping two to the word of God and preaching the whole counsel of God I pray for the the the pastors that have fallen into the enemies deceit and are a part of this world now and no longer teach the Old testament the rapture that the Jewish people belong in Israel it's really sad and you are so refreshing and give me such hope thank you
Thank you, Pastor Jack, for your beautiful ,inspiring, and boldness teaching ❤️ ❤❤ We truly respect and love how you teach the word of God. It's been a Blessing to hear your teaching all the way from Florida. May our Father continue Blessing you and your family, so you can continue reaching more souls for the Kingdom in Heaven, in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior Amén Amén Amén
Kevin and all its realms are vibrating at higher levels and the possibilities are infinite of what we will be doing. We have to remember God created the Earth and the heavens and that’s plural heaven. I can’t wait that is truly our joy on earth, knowing that our God, our Lord and Jesus Christ create all thisfor us that we may delight in all his ways. Hallelujah.
Thank you , brother Jack and yes lets go and take list souls with us ... Leaving now .. together ..🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️🙏👈💪 . Faith , hope ,... Kingdom come thy will be done . Amen 🙏
I'm so excited! Then wanting to put certain scriptures throughout the house according to the room and besides looking at Pinterest, I will go to my God to show me in the Bible a.k.a. the best inspirer for what I'm looking for! Thankful he's breaking this verse down because I've been curious about the feathers. Thank you, Pastor Jack amen.
"Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today" Benjamin Franklin Proverbs 27:1 NKJV [1] Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth.
I listen daily. So encouraged by the word of God. My church only has about 15 minutes by the time they sing and make announcement we don’t get much Bible. Thank you for you r questions and answers.
7:10 - correct, but they are looking 'through', almost like a veil that we cannot see through...yet. Once we do, it will be unbelievable how many were all around us all the time. A cloud. 7:52 - yep, and there it is.
Satan is doing that. He works hard to pull back new believers in Christ. Know your enemy and reject him in Jesus name! Read the Bible and pray every single day it will build your faith and you will then start really growing your relationship with Jesus, and you will know and feel Him with you all the time ❤we grow closer to Him through each tribulation we go through. Iron sharpens Iron. Just Believe…..
I always thought that the great cloud of witnesses referred to the witness of their lives on earth, their testimonies of God's life in them for others to see.
Lol.. there I grew up my mom's famous saying" Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today " Who knew it was Thomas Jefferson when they were 12 , in the 70s?? Just saying lol 🙌🏻✝️🙌🏻🐑🙌🏻👑🙌🏻 PRAISE GOD
The just have no need of repentance and are resurrected in the future new earth at the resurrected of the dead. Saints do not die and have to be kings and priests over someone!
Im looking forward to rapture. Being with my Savior eternally. I used to feel bad.for non believers.. and worked and spoke nationally about that and finding Jesus Christ. Now i know..after meeting retired missionaries from wycliff translator..they said everone has heard of jesus. There is NOT 1 COUNTRY they forgot. Every country has heard and its their own choice. When i prayed.God said give to HIm so it wouldnt be A BURDEN TO ME. If the folks that wont.listen dont.listen GOD told me i wont have to answer for that as o teied. Brought the qord..but they.chose not too. So i learned to stop carrying burdens around that i couldn't help. Im free and watching for rapt daily.
Jeremiah 51:9 Foreigners living there will say,[a] ‘We tried to heal her, but she could not be healed. Let’s leave Babylonia[b] and each go back to his own country. For judgment on her will be vast in its proportions. It will be like it is piled up to heaven, stacked up into the clouds.’[c]
Did God The Father give His FOLLOWERS a Bible filled with blank pages? Or is it a training, deployment, survival, encouragement, and loving manuel of HIS rules, expectations, and protection with our final reward of being with HIM FOREVER in HIS KINGDOM? The "sound of many waters" possibly referring to zillions of souls clapping their hands in joy and praises? A "living being" could be a description of an electronic or mechanized creation? It moves like a fleshly being but has no breath of life?
And they have shown that if you use your phone while you’re charging it, I’m gonna go to listen or type a message. Anything it comes in contact with your body while it’s being charged shoots electricity or something like that into your body a very bad thing. Turn it off at night.
It sounds like we don't need to put our products in a faraday bag it seems like we should be sleeping in a sleeping bag made like a faraday bag can just because you put your technology in in a bag don't mean that there ain't them signals coming through yet through the air HMMMM😢😢😢 the signals would still be there maranatha even so come quickly Lord Jesus❤❤❤❤
Here are a few verses: 2 Corinthians 5:8 - "We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord." Philippians 1:23 - "For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better." Luke 23:43 - Jesus said to the thief on the cross, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise."
@ thank you for sharing. My issue is when Paul says “the dead in Messiah shall rise first…” or in Rev 20:4-6 where it states the dead will not rise until after 1,000 year reign of Messiah. If they are in “heaven” already where are they rising to. The only people mentioned in heaven are the martyrs of Messiah that will come with Him to war against the Antichrist. But Never in scripture does it say will be in heaven. Messiah said it Himself in John 3:13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. The Scripture always says we will inherit the earth not take us away then bring us back. The scriptures you mentioned I believe are out of context. 2 Cor. 5 when read Paul is speaking about if one is acting in the flesh is to be absent from Messiah. Not one’s physical body. As far the other two scriptures nowhere does it say when they will be with Messiah. It just that they will be. Also this is not an argument by the way. It’s just if what Yahusha says is true then when do people believe the opposite and preach that will be in heaven and the Messiah says Himself no one has gone to heaven?
Correction on my part Messiah did say the thief on the cross will be with Him today but I just believe He meant today you are saved and not today you will actually be with me in heaven. That would contradict what He said in John 3:13
If the Ninevites were saved without Jesus, so are we. Repent & turn from sin & turn to God. Stop teaching Paul's lies from the devil himself. If Jesus didn't say, it's not Jesus. It's Paul. Read the scriptures Jesus would've read - the Torah, in Hebrew. Not Paul's commands, demands in Greek. Face the texts having been changed to fit Paul's demands & answer to the God of Israel for simply accepting such heresy & not finding out when & why Jesus became God & the devil is earth's ruler, making the Jewish people his seed. God is in control 24/7 & the Jewish nation will never be replaced by those who kill them in words & actions because they refuse to believe Jesus is the Messiah, much less that's he's God.
@keithrichards7084 I'm learning why Christians hate the Jewish people still since finding out I'm 1/2 Jewish by DNA. I thought Christians, as I am, love the Jewish people. Didn't know there's Replacement Theology though. Since now reading the Tanach, I see why & how the church did, in fact, change Hebrew words & meaning.
@TraveleronMywayHome The passage/book of John was written over 90 yrs after the synoptic gospels. Prior to that, Jesus wasn't considered that even by his own family.
@TraveleronMywayHome In fact, if looking at the book of John 19:37, it cross references Zech 12:10 in an attempt to say it's Jesus being pierced by changing the original Hebrew in Zechariah from Me to "the one". The "Me" is God Himself. If reading prior to verse 10, Zech 12 as a whole, it's about end of days that Israel will look to God because of the trauma they go through, admit their wrongs & then have victory over their enemies - similar to Oct. 10th. The world is looking at Israel with "mourning" over what happened to them - as a whole. It's all about Israel as a whole, never about Jesus. To change such text & meaning is wrong.
I think that AI is not allowed by God to look into or know the holy things of heaven. I wouldn't believe that's what the creatures of heaven look like. AI is only earthly, and much of it is not good.
So why all the stress if you think you're flying home soon? Isn't this what your waiting for? Why repeat it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again? Aren't you sure of yourself? Is God's Word not accurate? It would do you well to maybe read it in context. Then, you wouldn't constantly be scared to death.
Are the Sign of the Woman in Labor and the Sign of the Son of Man the same sign? And did the Woman in Labor actually appear on September 23rd 2017? And are there special reasons or situations that make it ok to use the Zodiac signs to discern the times?
I'm from Centurion, South Africa. I listen avidly to your sermons. You speak truth, we don't hear about the end times at all in our churches. So sad. How can they get ready to go homeif they don't get taught. Jesus said "My people die because of lack of knowledge"
Blessings from Texas
I am also from SA and I 100% agree with you. I also listen to Paster Jack weekly to hear the truth. Love from Cullinan.
Also from South Africa ..... really enjoy listening to Ps Jack Hibbs
Pass on this KNOWLEDGE!!!! To your family and friends. Whomever will listen
Blessings from Polokwane, South Africa. Love Pastor Jack's sermons 🙌
Aloha from Maui, HI. MARANATHA LORD JESUS come. Anen🙏❤✝️🤙
Aloha from Kamuela Big Island Hawaii……Maranatha King Jesus
@@teresaschultz4808 Amen 🙏 Aloha 😊God bless you.
He SAT down at God’s right hand! Signifying that the work He came to do is truly finished!
1 Cor 6:11 Your past doesn't have to define who you are today. Hallelujah!
Shalom, Yeshua reigns
In a week or a month, maybe a season or two, the age of grace will then be through. When Christ returns to the clouds in the sky, And I Can't WAIT until we Fly 🕊️
Hallelujah to Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, His Kingdom regnsforeveore. 🙏 😊
I’ll fly away is one of my favorite hymns in times of grief, It is comforting to know we will all soon be United in Heaven with our beloved Jesus Christ and other loved ones. What a wonderful story of love ❤️. Hallelujah Hallelujah. joy to the World. amen, and Amen. 🙏
Come Lord Jesus! 🎺💯🙌❤️☁️🆙🆙🆙
Praying for America in this time of trial
If you're a wimp, become a believer. In God, the weak become strong.
Jack, I pray God increases your strength not just equal, but greater than your tasks. Additionally, thanks to the people who decided to have someone read along with you and the congregation so we who have busy hands can still join together with this big part of the family. Also, your attitude, if you will, showing constancy in closeness to God helps some of us to throw off the tendency to move toward anxiety. Being “born for such a time as this” increases my desire and strength to witness. I find I sometimes have told someone who didn’t want to know, but I am satisfied to have spoken. God Bless all who work there. Amen
My devices have had a stronghold in me. Lord in the name of Jesus, I cast my burden, my sin onto You. Lord forgive me for wasting time on social media when I could be talking to You. This middle earth battle is fought and won with all that You have provided. AMEN
I don't dispute the fact of wanting anxiously to go to heaven, I am ready!!! I do however have such a heavy heart for all who will be left behind. It makes me want to stay longer, makes me want God to linger a bit longer so Christians can evangelize more and compel more to Christ! CHRISTIANS, we are running out of time!!! OUREACH AND EVANGELIZE!!!!!! Keep the faith and preaching the Truth that IS God's Word, unapologetically!!!
I am totally with you!! I too have the heart of God for the loss. Remember that God knows how many will become sheep and then he will come not sooner not later so live every day and try to reach those around you like I do. God bless you,Maranatha!
Thanks from Ireland
Great sermon, pastor Jack!!❤
Thank you, Pastor Jack ❤ this teaching/message has brought me such joy and excitement for what we have ahead of us, living in God's Majestic love, power, and His presence in Heaven ❤ Praise you, Lord Jesus Christ ❤️ Halleluyah !! Amen ✝️ ✡️ 🙏
Thank you and blessings from Johannesburg South Africa
Thank you thank you thank you🙏🏻🙌
Thank you pastor Jack for keeping two to the word of God and preaching the whole counsel of God I pray for the the the pastors that have fallen into the enemies deceit and are a part of this world now and no longer teach the Old testament the rapture that the Jewish people belong in Israel it's really sad and you are so refreshing and give me such hope thank you
Yes we are all connected and part of God as believers in Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior - that’s fundamental. We are the body of Christ.
Thank you, Pastor Jack, for another wonderful sermon! God bless you and your family❤❤❤
"Absolutely loving this! It's so unique, would love to see how other channels approach this topic too!"
41:40 - My seemingly endless struggle is
Always waiting to put off procrastinating 'til later.
Almighty God bless you. Thank you Pastor Jack. Amen. Shalom 🙏🇮🇪🌹🇮🇱
Thank you, Pastor Jack, for your beautiful ,inspiring, and boldness teaching ❤️ ❤❤ We truly respect and love how you teach the word of God. It's been a Blessing to hear your teaching all the way from Florida. May our Father continue Blessing you and your family, so you can continue reaching more souls for the Kingdom in Heaven, in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior Amén Amén Amén
I do enjoyed this!!! 🙏
Love your teaching listening from Cape Coral Florida ❤❤❤❤❤
South Africa; Thank you pastor Jack for the re-assuring and up lifting of what we know.
Brother Jack, I delight in you! Thank you for this message! 🙏
The Shepherd's Chapel for teaching
Yes we do have a battle every day.Heaven is a wonderful place I long for heaven to ✡️✝️
Yes God Bless America and Peace on earth. 🙏
Peace on earth? Please read revelation.
Brother Jack we need to pray there is so much evil running rapid the Lord I pray will open their hearts to see we need to stand together in love .
Kevin and all its realms are vibrating at higher levels and the possibilities are infinite of what we will be doing. We have to remember God created the Earth and the heavens and that’s plural heaven. I can’t wait that is truly our joy on earth, knowing that our God, our Lord and Jesus Christ create all thisfor us that we may delight in all his ways. Hallelujah.
Thank you , brother Jack and yes lets go and take list souls with us ... Leaving now .. together ..🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️🙏👈💪 . Faith , hope ,... Kingdom come thy will be done . Amen 🙏
I hope we can meet the founders of this country when we get to heaven!
God thank you that you’re our Cod Father through You’re Son Jesus Christ our Lord🙏❤️🇳🇴
Im facing super s 5:01 cary cancer threats and problems w lymph nodes and breasts
Please please pray for me 😢😢 i need good news.😢😢
Hugs and prayers❤🙏🏼
may god bless you you with his comfort and peace, may you be blessed with good health in Jesus's name
Amen ❤️
Can't wait to see you and be with you forever 💓
I'm so excited! Then wanting to put certain scriptures throughout the house according to the room and besides looking at Pinterest, I will go to my God to show me in the Bible a.k.a. the best inspirer for what I'm looking for!
Thankful he's breaking this verse down because I've been curious about the feathers. Thank you, Pastor Jack amen.
"Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today"
Benjamin Franklin
Proverbs 27:1 NKJV
[1] Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth.
I listen daily. So encouraged by the word of God. My church only has about 15 minutes by the time they sing and make announcement we don’t get much Bible. Thank you for you r questions and answers.
This one was so powerful and exactly what I needed to hear. God bless you for allowing GOD to use you to further HIS kingdom, bless you❤
Absolutely awesome teaching! Thank you!
Thank you Jack I needed you this morning ❤
A M E N!!!
Great sermon, Pastor Jack!! I do enjoyed ❤ Watching from 🇿🇦 Amen 🙏🙌
Amen !!!
7:10 - correct, but they are looking 'through', almost like a veil that we cannot see through...yet. Once we do, it will be unbelievable how many were all around us all the time. A cloud. 7:52 - yep, and there it is.
Feeling very discouraged. Thinking I've lost my salvation because I continue to fall into the same cycle of sin. Please pray for me. 🥺
God surround her with your spirit and let her know .....nothing can separate her from your love Christ....you are with her always...amen
I've been there, you are in my prayers 🙏 ❤
I can re late I have the same issue
Satan is doing that. He works hard to pull back new believers in Christ. Know your enemy and reject him in Jesus name! Read the Bible and pray every single day it will build your faith and you will then start really growing your relationship with Jesus, and you will know and feel Him with you all the time ❤we grow closer to Him through each tribulation we go through.
Iron sharpens Iron. Just Believe…..
Pastor Hibbs God bless you and your family as you bless all of us every day!
I always thought that the great cloud of witnesses referred to the witness of their lives on earth, their testimonies of God's life in them for others to see.
@@WildMarie4 It's a Pauline teaching. No other time in the bible is a cloud described as a mass of people.
Lol.. there I grew up my mom's famous saying" Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today "
Who knew it was Thomas Jefferson when they were 12 , in the 70s??
Just saying lol
🙌🏻✝️🙌🏻🐑🙌🏻👑🙌🏻 PRAISE GOD
Do not be counted as a murderer, do not condemn anyone s soul in your heart, rather love everyone as yourself. Read Luke 6:27-38 and John 8:44
Heavy stuff yall
The just have no need of repentance and are resurrected in the future new earth at the resurrected of the dead.
Saints do not die and have to be kings and priests over someone!
Im looking forward to rapture. Being with my Savior eternally. I used to feel bad.for non believers.. and worked and spoke nationally about that and finding Jesus Christ.
Now i know..after meeting retired missionaries from wycliff translator..they said everone has heard of jesus. There is NOT 1 COUNTRY they forgot. Every country has heard and its their own choice. When i prayed.God said give to HIm so it wouldnt be A BURDEN TO ME. If the folks that wont.listen dont.listen
GOD told me i wont have to answer for that as o teied. Brought the qord..but they.chose not too. So i learned to stop carrying burdens around that i couldn't help. Im free and watching for rapt daily.
Jeremiah 51:9 Foreigners living there will say,[a]
‘We tried to heal her, but she could not be healed.
Let’s leave Babylonia[b] and each go back to his own country.
For judgment on her will be vast in its proportions.
It will be like it is piled up to heaven, stacked up into the clouds.’[c]
James Smith on UA-cam does a really good video on the throne room with the mercy seat, etc.. I’ve listened to it several times.
Did God The Father give His FOLLOWERS a Bible filled with blank pages? Or is it a training, deployment, survival, encouragement, and loving manuel of HIS rules, expectations, and protection with our final reward of being with HIM FOREVER in HIS KINGDOM? The "sound of many waters" possibly referring to zillions of souls clapping their hands in joy and praises? A "living being" could be a description of an electronic or mechanized creation? It moves like a fleshly being but has no breath of life?
I was just told, Christians needs to keep out of politics. Hmmmm. Our KING of kings and Lord of lords: JESUS is KING
And they have shown that if you use your phone while you’re charging it, I’m gonna go to listen or type a message. Anything it comes in contact with your body while it’s being charged shoots electricity or something like that into your body a very bad thing. Turn it off at night.
Mr.Jack do you charge for the seats at your church? I am wondering and just asking.Thank you,Debra
To put it simple. Satan is an antagonizing two-faced snitch.
The creature had eyes all around. Not one eye. Cameras have eyes too. The public eye.
And the flashes like lightening = Flash Photography
That is super interesting
Theres a case for singleness.
It sounds like we don't need to put our products in a faraday bag it seems like we should be sleeping in a sleeping bag made like a faraday bag can just because you put your technology in in a bag don't mean that there ain't them signals coming through yet through the air HMMMM😢😢😢 the signals would still be there maranatha even so come quickly Lord Jesus❤❤❤❤
Som foil works to keep these electric waves from escaping a computer? So foil hats actually do work!
What scripture tells us when believers die we go to heaven?
Is there any one who can answer this question please?
Here are a few verses:
2 Corinthians 5:8 - "We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord."
Philippians 1:23 - "For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better."
Luke 23:43 - Jesus said to the thief on the cross, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise."
@ thank you for sharing. My issue is when Paul says “the dead in Messiah shall rise first…” or in Rev 20:4-6 where it states the dead will not rise until after 1,000 year reign of Messiah. If they are in “heaven” already where are they rising to. The only people mentioned in heaven are the martyrs of Messiah that will come with Him to war against the Antichrist. But Never in scripture does it say will be in heaven. Messiah said it Himself in John 3:13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. The Scripture always says we will inherit the earth not take us away then bring us back. The scriptures you mentioned I believe are out of context. 2 Cor. 5 when read Paul is speaking about if one is acting in the flesh is to be absent from Messiah. Not one’s physical body. As far the other two scriptures nowhere does it say when they will be with Messiah. It just that they will be. Also this is not an argument by the way. It’s just if what Yahusha says is true then when do people believe the opposite and preach that will be in heaven and the Messiah says Himself no one has gone to heaven?
Correction on my part Messiah did say the thief on the cross will be with Him today but I just believe He meant today you are saved and not today you will actually be with me in heaven. That would contradict what He said in John 3:13
Romans 10:9 NIV
[9] If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
I challenge each and every one of you!
If you can find just 2 Witnesses in the Bible of 7 Years of Tribulation!
Without out using Daniel 9:27!
Fornication is also THOUGHTS.
Sorry Jack, I disagree with you there. Anyone, wimp or not, can come to Jesus. Ge will welcome you and give you Hus strength ❤
America 🇺🇸 will not be healed!
If the Ninevites were saved without Jesus, so are we. Repent & turn from sin & turn to God. Stop teaching Paul's lies from the devil himself. If Jesus didn't say, it's not Jesus. It's Paul. Read the scriptures Jesus would've read - the Torah, in Hebrew. Not Paul's commands, demands in Greek. Face the texts having been changed to fit Paul's demands & answer to the God of Israel for simply accepting such heresy & not finding out when & why Jesus became God & the devil is earth's ruler, making the Jewish people his seed. God is in control 24/7 & the Jewish nation will never be replaced by those who kill them in words & actions because they refuse to believe Jesus is the Messiah, much less that's he's God.
Why do you troll your lies on a Christian channels?
You reject Jesus as Messiah.
One day your knee will bow to him. Saved or not, you will bow
@keithrichards7084 I'm learning why Christians hate the Jewish people still since finding out I'm 1/2 Jewish by DNA. I thought Christians, as I am, love the Jewish people. Didn't know there's Replacement Theology though. Since now reading the Tanach, I see why & how the church did, in fact, change Hebrew words & meaning.
"I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me."
I think Jesus Christ was very plain about it.
@TraveleronMywayHome The passage/book of John was written over 90 yrs after the synoptic gospels. Prior to that, Jesus wasn't considered that even by his own family.
@TraveleronMywayHome In fact, if looking at the book of John 19:37, it cross references Zech 12:10 in an attempt to say it's Jesus being pierced by changing the original Hebrew in Zechariah from Me to "the one". The "Me" is God Himself. If reading prior to verse 10, Zech 12 as a whole, it's about end of days that Israel will look to God because of the trauma they go through, admit their wrongs & then have victory over their enemies - similar to Oct. 10th. The world is looking at Israel with "mourning" over what happened to them - as a whole. It's all about Israel as a whole, never about Jesus. To change such text & meaning is wrong.
I think that AI is not allowed by God to look into or know the holy things of heaven. I wouldn't believe that's what the creatures of heaven look like. AI is only earthly, and much of it is not good.
So why all the stress if you think you're flying home soon? Isn't this what your waiting for? Why repeat it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again? Aren't you sure of yourself? Is God's Word not accurate? It would do you well to maybe read it in context. Then, you wouldn't constantly be scared to death.
Are the Sign of the Woman in Labor and the Sign of the Son of Man the same sign? And did the Woman in Labor actually appear on September 23rd 2017? And are there special reasons or situations that make it ok to use the Zodiac signs to discern the times?
Yes we are all connected and part of God as believers in Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior - that’s fundamental. We are the body of Christ.