History, Development and Applications of Neutron Sources

  • Опубліковано 24 вер 2024
  • The 2015 MRS Innovation in Materials Characterization Award was presented to John M. Carpenter, Argonne National Laboratory at the 2015 MRS Spring Meeting.
    Dr. Carpenter received the award "For innovations in neutron sources that have fundamentally changed their performance and enabled opportunities for further advancement of materials that improve the quality of life."'
    His abstract for this talk is as follows:
    Carpenter discussed the discovery of the neutron and the demonstration of neutrons as waves, and described the spallation neutron production process. Cosmic-ray protons produce neutrons that are always around us. He depicted the first nuclear reactor, CP-1, and mentioned the demise of the A2R2 Project as the impetus for accelerator-based neutron sources. Additionally, he discussed spallation neutrons and early spallation neutron sources: ZING-P, ZING-P’, IPNS; Graham’s moderator data and ING data; and, for fun, alluded to the MTA.
    Further information was discussed such as history of research neutron sources, slow-neutron scattering in materials science, applications and spallation neutron sources today.