one correction: the GPS satellites' time dilation is mainly caused by gravitational effects, which is predicted by general relativity, not special relativity. the latter doesn't concern itself with gravity- acceleration equivalence, whereas the former does, i.e., the "warping" of space-time. at much higher attitude, the gravitational field is weaker compared to that on the surface of the earth, hence the space-time is warped to a different degree, causing the time experienced by the satellites to be different. if this time difference is not adjusted, then the location precision on earth will be off by a lot. nowadays, experiments can even measure the gravitational time dilation experienced by a clock that's barely couple of meters above the ground surface. GR is truly amazing!
yes. light has no mass, and if there is temporal information that can be produced by light, then we can observe time dilation by watching how the same light behaves in different gravitational fields. gravitational redshift is a good example of that, and it can be measured very well.
@@ttanger6688so, if we have a clock that made of light, it is still affected by gravitational field. why cant we assumed this is just a duration delta of instrumentation? in the other word, even your clock and my clock are different, the absolute time remains the same.
your "duration delta" is exactly the consequence of the warping of the temporal dimension. here is the crux of relativity: everyone's clock is absolute in their own reference frame, but no one's reference frame is more absolute than the others'.
What if photons do not travel in a line from point to point? What if, as quantum theory suggests, photons exist at every point between A and B, and what moves through the photons is a charge of some kind that momentarily illuminates a photon, then extinguishes it, in much the same way as intermittent neon lights give a sense of flow and movement but are in fact single points lighting and extinguishing?
It's more about the universe not being bound by our observations and attempts to explain it. "TIME" does not exist to the universe. It does not know what time it is or how long it's been around. We can now hypothesize that the universe is happening all at once, as far as it's concerned. This is why things like quantum entanglement exist. Things can be here and there simultaneously. That's how the universe sees it happening. It's like a video game. You have you local inventory and a bank inventory. You can't grab from your bank inventory because it's back in town. Well, the universe has a global inventory. It can grab anything, from anywhere, at any time.
Isn't space not really 'Nothing' but rather is a field that supports electromagnetic transmission? So the EM spectrum ripples through this field with the amount of energy from a particular source not only amplitude related but also directly dependent on the frequency which is what causes UV, xrays and gamma rays to be so dangerous to humans. Are there amplitude and frequency levels too high for that space field to support and what happens if that maximum level is exceeded?
I thought there was going to be some sort of ground, breaking news. Basically the theory of relativity still stands. That’s good to know. Thanks for that.👍
E=mc. Mass is stored energy and (c) is maximum acceleration. Time is the measurement of acceleration so E=t or Energy equals Time. The more energy there is, the faster Time flows. Less energy equals slower passage of Time. There are two types of acceleration or Time. Acceleration of mass in Space and acceleration of mass in Time. A rocketship accelerates mass is space. Energy from the sun accelerates plants in Time. F=ma -> Acceleration in Space E=mc -> Acceleration in Time.
Trebuie sa se inteleaga foarte clar acest termen "relativitate" relativ inseamna aproximativ sau egal si se aplica numai miscarii, legea relativitatii este o regula al legii fizice quantice, o stare de fapt fizica la propriu poate avea doua evolutii diferite in acelasi timp relativ egale, aceasta regula al legii fizice quantice se formeaza in anumite conditii, adica se creeaza conditiile artificial sa se poata forma si aplica relativitatea, de exemplu scoarta planetara are o prima evolutie prin rasucire in punct fix (axa imaginara) scoarta planetara avand si o anumita pozitie inclinata, aceasta conditie a fost creeata artificial, datorita acestei conditii aceiasi scoarta planetara are si o miscare (directie, traiectorie) in acelasi timp, adica scoarta planetara are o rasucire in punct fix si o traiectorie in acelasi timp relativ egale comform regulii relativitatii (anonimuldigalati)
Time can neither have a beginning, nor be infinite. If there had ever been a time where there was "no time", then everything woud have been frozen, without change, and would have been stuck forever in that state. If you have "change", then you do already have "time". If nothing ever changes, then nothing can jump-start "time". Infinity is something that you can progress toward, but cannot ever reach. The future can be infinite, because it is in progress. But the past represents a completed journey. The past is not "in progress". To say that the past is infinite is to say that we completed a journey through infinite time, which contradicts the definition of "infinity". What then? Perhaps the problem is in our concept of a one-way "arrow of time". Special relativity seems to suggest that the past is not "gone". If this is a static universe, where moments of time actually "coexist", then we can understand why the past can be "infinite", and are left only with the puzzle, "Why do we experience such a convincing illusion of a one-way arrow of time?" Probably because of 1) entropy and 2) consciousness. Ever-increasing entropy is perhaps more of a "statistic" than a rule of physical law. But also, ask youself what an "infinitely random universe" would look like. It might look a lot like "entropy", except that our notion of "cause and effect " might also be a misinterpretation.
A time line with a begin but without end is no less infinite then a time line with no begin and no end, or a timeline with no begin but with an end. To state that future time might be infinite but past may not, cause else "an infinite amount of time" would have already have passed, is erroneous. The point is that on an infinite time line without begin, you can not start time at "the begin" since such point does not exist. Instead we can only start our measurement of time at an arbitrary point in the past, and independent of the point we choose, the measured times is always a finite value. Yet, that value itself is unbounded (has no upper limit) since we could always have started our measurement at a point further into the past. The infinitity of time thus exist because there is no limit to where we place our measurement points, even though for every measurement, we only measure a finite value.
Wow, you folks are a lot smarter than me but I still enjoyed this discussion. It’s really fascinating to think about the universe and all of the unknowns out there. What we are able to see and perceive is limiting, for now. Hopefully that changes.
With Heavyside, physics was sent into tragic dead end. It happened when he and his associates "simplified" Maxwell's original quaternion based equations, omitting potential density which is dual to the current density, and not equal zero. When the potential density is restored to the equations, quantum theory with all its postulates is not needed at all. Mere field theory can describe all the particles, and calculate their masses, which quantum theory by the way cannot do. There is no need for strong or weak interactions, no dark energy, no quarks, no color force and other non-sensical postulates. Just pure electromagnetic interaction, and field dependent length contraction. Concerning time, it is absolute. Its dilation is an illusion caused by field dependent length contraction, which changes physical dimension of the clock. Clocks don't measure time, they are just pulse generators, and pulse interval always ALWAYS depends on clock's physical dimensions. You change physical dimension, you get different pulse interval = magic time dilation. Same goes for speed of light. It is variable like any other speed. But we will always measure c, because meter has changed due to local field conditions. c is therefore constant of measurement but not constant of nature. Who wants to know more, look for prof.Kostantin Meyl's Potential Vortex book series, and other books.
There is no arrow of time because time does not exist. It is only our construction in the absence of more knowledge. There is a four-dimensional space with one of dynamic nature. What we call expansion of space, we feel and register that expansion as time and has nothing to do with thermodynamic processes. Space cannot be static, and if it were then there would be no "time" either.
Six space directions up down right left backwards and forward times arrow time allows movies forward not in the backwards direction but forwards is already a spacer direction and one spacer direction has two directions time has only one direction so it be more precise to say half a dimension because one space dimension has two directions not one but a time dimension maybe be different than a spacer dimension
But time maybe different than a spacer dimension naybe half dimension time or we are only half in the time dimension haif way in the time dimension msybe go faster speed of light complety in time dimsion maybe but move at the speed of light time stops
dimension 1 + time dimension 2+ time and dimension 3 + time makes us able to facilitate a variation in the relation between space and time more than 3d+time. It's not because you observe a relative synchronicity (depending where you are and what speed you're going in relation to gravitational pull) that you have to apply 3d+time. Time can slip between dimensions.
Okay, very well, but in reality 'events' still only happen once in time and space, and thus an overarching universal time must exist! This was the answer I got from Lawrence Krauss a few years ago. @@ulftnightwolf
Waves Soundwave : longer wavelength - soundwave can’t travel through vacuum but it can travel through our atmosphere, allowing us to hear music Lightwave : shorter wavelength - light enters our atmosphere colliding with tiny particles of matter scattering light in all direction. Our atmosphere provides the medium for light waves to pass through our atmosphere. Light has different wavelengths, and when they collide with particles and molecules in our atmosphere, they change direction, reflecting different light based on their position in space. That’s how our eyes perceive color as it enter our eyes. If we can’t hear music in vacuum, how would we perceive color in vacuum? waves react to mediums but there’s no medium in space … light in vacuum does not have the same effect as light inside of a dark room, because there are particles in that dark room, but there is no particles in the vacuum of space so that would be an inaccurate experiment to conduct to explain how light reacts in vacuum. Would you agree? What is the color of light in vacuum if not white as we see it in a dark room?
I always had issues with time and speed of light. Time always felt to me like something we are just using to understand what is happening to us. It's a perspective not a law of physics.
That is correct. Time is not real but a by-product of our survival mechanism to navigate in the universe. In reality, there has always been one moment eternally containing all possible frames of existence in all possible positions and permutations with our consciousness forever experiencing each frame one by one in an eternal 'moment" which causes the sensation and illusion of the movement of something we call "time". As a result, the "past, present, and future" all exist, but only in relation to the order of mental experience of those frames, and thus they do not annihilate but remain forever in one "moment". And so, it is possible to "travel" to a past moment, but one can never ever remember that journey from the present or future moment because the definition of the past "moment" itself precludes any other thoughts which were not originally contained in that original past moment. So i reckon all beings travel freely to any moment in "time" but they just never ever recall their journey from one time to another, with the exception of forwards in time. In some frames of reality, the first homo sapiens is still alive and well, as are the dinosaurs...etc. In summary, this "moment" is the very same "moment" as the Big Bang and so on... the only difference that causes us to think it's a specific time period is due to the positions of all the particles in the specific frame of reality/existence our consciousness happens to be participating in. And furthermore, there is no "duration" that can be applied to each mental experience/participation of each frame of reality since there is no time in reality. It is literally instaneous from beginning to end for every sentient thing, for the whole of every cosmos. Like a photon's existence - to that photon, there is zero time from Big Bang to End of Universe, yet these things exist regardless of the photon's experience.
Observation collapses the wave function representing a (quantum) state. Inevitably, therefore, it is not possible for a human observer to detect anything other than a change in the direction of the "arrow of time". This applies to any means of observation, including instrumentation. It follows, therefore, that humans will never be able to observe any phenomenon that illustrates the reversal of time.
To comprehend Gravity, you need a dream. How to get a dream? Simple. Srinivasa Ramanujan simply asked himself. He said, to himself, every night, "I need a dream to visualise mathematics." His unconscious mind did not disappoint. He dreamed solutions to several interesting problems. The point is, trust yourself. There must be an answer to the question of "...why does gravity exist?", and yet we don't know if the question 'why' really is something that is separate from the human mind. If the question "why does gravity exist?" is not separate from the human mind, then I would hazard a guess that there is an answer. No universe can exist that denies its own primary conscious beings the answers to the primary questions that they ask. No God is required, the only requirement is an open mind to your dreams. So grab your notebook and before you go to bed tonight tell yourself ..."okay, tonight I'm going to write down my dreams in as much detail as possible." I can guarantee that your unconscious mind will reveal to you the answers that you need.
@@stephenfowler4115 Relativity is built into systems like GPS which would not work without it. GPS is an example of Relativity, if it was just the perception of time dilation, then hardware would not need to adjust for it. And of course the dilation is relative to altitude above Earth..I'm not sure how perception can be understood to follow a mathematical law?
@@jabyers Perception itself is relative. It differs from one person to the next. I used to play basketball and I know from personal experience that my perception of time changed during the game. It depended on my energy and concentration level s. When I was playing really well my perception of movement made it feel as if everyone around me was moving in slow motion.
I'm a youtube astrophysicist. Gravity is just pressure because space is not unlimited there's only a certain amount like water in an aquarium. You put a drop of oil into the water and it will become a round ball that round ball of oil will eventually float up because of our gravity on earth, but in space if you had a sealed aquarium with a drop of oil in it it would theoretically stay where it is as a round ball. Add a few more drops of oil and there will be no real effect until the oil comes really close to eachother then they join to became a bigger ball of oil. This is my theory and I'm going to call it the lava lamp effect. Why does floating trash in the ocean most of all plastic tend to stay in patches? Because it takes up less space, space being the water. There will be more pressure in the center of the garbage patch in the ocean than there is on the outside and you would be able to feel this if you tried to swim in the middle, it wouldn't be much but would make it hard for you to tread water. Times this effect in space by 100 quadruple x 17 billion million kadrillion and you have atoms squishing together forming fusion like the sun. It's a simple concept that's most likely wrong but that's all I got.
The time in a frame which is in motion relative to your frame can't be said to be passing at a slower rate than yours with any more validity than it could be said that your time is passing at a faster rate than its. Same with length contraction, it's as valid to say that your frame is lengthened relative to the other. That's why you can't say that distances are contracted, like when some people say that the earth's atmosphere is contacted from a muon's point of view so it doesn't take as long for it to reach the earth. It's equally valid to say that the muon is lengthened. Would it make a difference how long a muon takes to go through the atmosphere if it was 10 times it's normal length? The front end of it might hit the earth slightly earlier than if it weren't lengthened but the center of it wouldn't and the back end would actually take longer. It would Just average out to taking the same amount of time for the whole muon. Does the atmosphere really contract? Not any more than the muon really expands and becomes oval shaped, the whole thing is just flawed logic. Moving muons decay more slowly than if they were stationary simply because they're in a higher energy state due to being accelerated, which is exactly what Encyclopedia Britannica states. It doesn't mention relativity at all in the topic of muons, go look yourself. Why would they give a fantasy explanation based on flawed logic when there's a real one?
Imagine if gravity and time just end up being byproducts of our conscious minds trying to parse through the data in the quantum field limited by the speed of light 🙃
Cosmic thread theory...kinda the same only it is thread and tension that creates the angular momentum that causes vibrations or oscillations that manifest as particles.
We are always struggling with the next new discovery. Relativity opened the doors of the atomic age, but Einstein wasn't real fond of the idea of statistical mechanics. In most cases we were not wrong, our understanding was just incomplete. (OK, bleeding patients to release foul humors was wrong.)
It is unequivocally untrue that all scientific theories receive appropriately rigorous testing for validation or debunking. The people/companies/governments with the most money/power decide what science gets funding. Dissenters to conclusions resulting from such funding risk their reputations, not because they may be wrong, but because they may cost someone profits with their scientific revelations. There is no equality in science.
@visanu222 18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา We used to 3 dimention movement , move in any direction ( forward backward etc.) When someone put TIME to be the 4th., we then think that we might be able to move time backward too. It is not , time is just the rate of change of space , not direction.
We move 107000 km per hour in milky way but in universe speed is much higher. But do we feel what speed? Are we safe? Yes. Than its possible to figure out to travel faster than light
It's long established that more than three view vantages will observe different speeds of each other... Moving to, away, and almost with... Probably explains a bit about the perplexing observations recently by the James Webb looking so far back... i.e. if I'm moving at the speed of light towards you and I throw a ball at you, is the ball moving towards you even faster?
According to current science, the absolute speed limit is the speed of light. So, no the ball cannot be moving faster than the speed of light. However, at this point in time, the "absoluteness" of the speed of light is being challenged. The Chinese sent up a satellite with an entangled particle into orbit (100 or 150 miles up), and then applied a force to it, changing ot (probably the spin). The other entangled particle appears to have changed at the exact same time, or at least, faster than the speed of light would have predicted given the distance (100 or 150 miles up). If, after eliminating any sources of potential error, this turns out to be correct, then this is the first experiment to show a speed greater than the speed of light.
GPS satellites are accelerating around the Earth, so General Relativity is also a factor used to adjust the time. You said that entropy always increases, but if I dissolve a few spoonfuls of salt in some water, and leave the solution alone, beautiful salt crystals will begin to grow, demonstrating organization and a reduction in entropy as time increases. How does that happen? Also, I didn't hear anything new about the relativistic theory of time?
"Isolated" is your solution by no means. The entropy of the universe will still increase although locally the crystals have low entropy compared before its crystallization.
Space has much less density than the objects in it even gasses. Gravity is nothing more than the difference of two different substances density. To prove this pour a few inches of clear oil into a clear glass then put a few drops of water into the oil. The oil drops almost instantly become round because of the pressure of the oil around it and when those drops of water hit the bottom they kind of settle together and you can see flat spots where they are trying to combine. Just like objects orbiting a planet, eventually they will combine because the pressure of space.
Can you imagine how pissed off the first pioneering astronauts would be to end a long journey to a star system thinking they would be the first, then upon arrival they find the whole place already settled and full of advanced humans from earth with super advanced tech they made over thousands of years ago when the astronauts left for that system? To travel for 40 years and arrive at a thousand years in Earth time rate... oh the irony.
If so plausible, I suppose they might at least be happy they got to see something more advanced when they arrived... Kinda like getting questions answered or seeing things that others from your time never would.
Space and stellar travel is easy Galaxy travel is easy Milky Way travel is easy How? Time travel back to where the universe was warm! Not time travel to the hot hot big bang But Time travel back to CMB that is warm or 70-100 F Then move 1” Go forward in time to present day. Boom! Your at the other edge of the universe. 1000s of Galixies away from where you were So No flying or moving faster than C but, move back and forth in time and you can be anywhere in the universe.
Time travel or distortion in time. Yes At a quantum level violation in time happen every day every second. Infact in the honors Pchem time jump is not only experimentally proven but is mathematically proven fact. and Quantum and is the same as every other level of existence big or small it's all the same.
He's anthropomorphizing reality He's giving an intentionality. We have no evidence that the universe or any particle is in it by themselves have motive. We've only ever observed collections of particles that form living beings able to have motive.
The twin paradox as presented here is wrong. It says that the travelling twin ages more slowly than the one on earth. But all motion is relative, there is no absolute framework. All we know is that there is relative travel between them. We do not know that one is travelling and the other isnt. There are mass effects because of the proximity of the earth to one twin of course. I am not a physicist. This wrong description of the twin paradox is repeated in many places. This stuff is tough enough to understand without it being made harder by wrong paradox descriptions.
Direction is another matter. Does gravity pull time in a direction or vice versa?! We tend to think the latter. The universe expands and gravity contracts matter into stars and planets. Time seems an imperative idea creating gravitational pull. But that doesn't explain 'direction', it's a mere a definition of our observation. Photons leave energetic fields because they are light. We have syntax problems, well, a bit more than that, our conscious cannot imagine a solution to that problem. Partly because there aren't 'more variables' and partly because of our capacity of understanding. Being subjected to 'direction of spacetime' still isn't enough for us to realise in detail what happens. Maybe we should add a variable?! 'Electrons' would be nice. Our measurement of their behaviour could shine a light on what 'direction' really holds within spacetime.
Timpul este o unitate de masura al miscarii, precum metrul care este la randul lui o unitate de masura al distantei. Miscarea in sine este timpul in stare fizica, timpul este relativ, pentru ca sunt miscari diferite, va rog nu imi mai bagati nimic de einstein, nu am nimic cu el, atunci pe timpul lui se gandea intr-un anumit mod astazi trebuie sa gandesti altfel (daca se vrea evolutie cu adevarat) anonimuldigalati
I think time does not exist at all. And consequently there is no flow of time. What we perceive as time - and motion for that matter - is just an incoming flow of information.
The twin paradox doesn’t make sense. Aging isnt based on time. We only associate it with time because of the earths orbit. So if you were going the speed of light for an earth year. You would go a great distance but still would be back one year later and aged the same as the earth year aged, no?
imagine leaving the planet to go to a star and when you get there its already colonized by people because a mission that left years after you got there decades before you because they moved faster than you 😢
Because movement through space effect the passage of time. The only way to theoretically have the reverse would be to travel at less that zero or minus movement, ofc that it not possible.
@@markgriffin1384 Yes, but which object is moving, relatively they both are. We always state the stationary observer which makes no sense. If you have object A and B in space move apart and then come back together which has experiencd the faster time? Is it dependant on the mass of the two objects? Does the smaller mass always experience the faster time when moving with a larger?
@mantis1412 time is the measurement of acceleration. The clock on the wall measures that locations acceleration through space. Move it to a higher or lower radius relative to the Earth's center of rotation only changes how much motion in space the clock is measuring. A slower clock means more space/distance. The observer is still experiencing the same amount of time. Theirbis no time dilation occurring with acceleration in space. If you want to slow down time, you need cryostasis. Boil/accelerate water from zero to 100 degrees. How long does it take on low, medium, high heat. The more force, the greater the acceleration rate, the less time it takes to reach target. Now start putting in ice cubes as your are accelerating. Time-dilation as it takes longer to reach target. Unless the observer is in cryostasis, they are experiencing the exact same amount of time.
@@stewiesaidthat So this only works for orbiting masses, those with an angular acceleration. If you fired a rocket from the south pole directly upwards and then let it come stright back down, there would be no net acceleration and both clocks would still be in sync?
@@mantis1412 clocks measure distance traveled. Firing a rocket into space and returning causes it to travel more distance. From Newton's Law of Motion, F=ma, Force equals Acceleration and Force decreases with distance, a slower running clock = greater distance traveled. A clock measures distance by the amount of force at the detector. Since both clocks are operating at the same frequency, a change in the clock's readout is a change in distance traveled in space. You can't switch frames of reference because one person is traveling a greater distance in space. To cover that greater distance in the same amount of time, they have to go faster (acceleration). Synchronized clocks can measure the difference in acceleration because the force between them is constant. The mass is constant, leaving on a difference in acceleration. Since force decreases with distance, a slower running clock (less acceleration) equals a greater distance traveled in space. The observer is only accelerated in space. Not time as is implied by the clock's readout. This leads into the Twin Paradox and time-dilation. Both observers are experiencing the same amount of time. One is just experiencing more space. This invalidates Einstein’s relativity theories where acceleration in space equates to deceleration in time (time-dilation aspect of GR) and no preferred reference frame in SR. Objects accelerated in 3D space (clocks used to measure length) are also invariably accelerated in time (change in atomic structure). The correct way to view the Twin Paradox is that both twins experienced the same amount of time in the Space frame. The Space frame being motion/acceleration of the mass in space. But different amounts in the Time frame being lifespan/radioactive decay of the mass. To resolve the Twin Paradox, you need to understand the properties of the mass. With solar sails (inorganic matter), the force (light beam) that doesn't go into acceleration of the sail in space, is absorbed by the sail and accelerates the atoms in time (radiant heat/radioactive decay). Conversely, shining a light on a plant (organic/ biological) accelerates it in time as it absorb the light's energy and converts it to matter (mass) via photosynthesis. Same force two different outcomes. When is accelerated in space and loses mass. One is accelerated in time and gains mass. Same formula, F=ma. Just need to plug in animal, mineral, or vegetable for the mass. Whether the acceleration is taking place in the Space frame or the time frame. Atoms accelerated to the speed of light in the time frame is radiant energy/radioactive decay. In the Space frame, it's distance traveled for a given unit of time with the standard unit of measure being the second which is derived from the Earth's acceleration in space. In short. Time is acceleration. It encompasses either acceleration of the mass in Space (spatial coordinates), or acceleration in Time(change in mass). What is floating about space is information. Electromagnetic waves are carrier waves broadcasting event information. Moving about in space only changes your location within the information stream. You can't go back in spatial time because causality is instantaneous. The effect(information) is what propagates throughout space. You can't go back in atomic structure time (lifespan). You can only slow down (cryostasis) or speed up. I don't know if Einstein was simple minded and didn't understand acceleration or was just trying to simply it. His biography shows he thought he was to cool for school, that he was smarter than Newton so didn't pay attention in school and learn that Force equals Acceleration. That Space and Time are separate acceleration events. That electromagnetic waves are carrier waves and acceleration in space only changes locations within the information stream. Since Einstein didn't understand that electromagnetic waves are force carriers and that force decreases with distance. He didn't understand, with his light clock example, that the clock wasn't measuring time but distance traveled in space. I honestly think that Einstein had a very low IQ and should have never been taken seriously. E=mc^2 shows that atoms are converted to energy with acceleration. Meaning mass decreases with acceleration as evidenced by the mass difference between cold and hot water. How hard is it to figure out that causality is instantaneous. That the effect is propagated through space via a carrier wave. Be it sound or light. And yet, people still believe in time-dilation, mass increasing with acceleration, faster than light travel, that photons have mass. If a photon had mass, it could continue to be accelerated. Since there is no lighter elements to accelerate (radioactive decay) a photon is massless. What it does have is an electric charge. Which is what a Higgs Boson is. What science thinks of as gravity is either an electric charge or acceleration in space. And since an electric charge is generated by motion/oscillations/acceleration, everything is ultimately the result of acceleration. As Newton figured out long ago with, F=ma. Force equals Acceleration. As in force creates mass or destroys mass or relocates it in space. Since Force is Energy, Energy = Acceleration and Acceleration = Energy with Energy/Mass conversion taking place between Absolute Zero and Absolute Acceleration - the speed of light. In the end, everything is the result of acceleration - time, gravity, atomic structures. With one frame of reference exchanging/transmitting energy/information with another FOR.
there are some miss understandings in the way special relativity fundamentals are presented. One of many is the "the time slows down" 3:30. slows relative to what? This statement implies a newtonian universal time!
The reason “time slows” when traveling faster than light is because you’ll be going faster lol time doesn’t slow down lmao you just get faster. Time doesn’t slow, it’s just that you can outrun light so you can see light as you go by like driving past a river.
“There are more theories running around the science department about gravity and time than there are seconds in a day. And that’s saying something, because there are 86,400 seconds in a day!” 😂
Please watch my four brief videos in which I present examples of scientific facts contained in the Bible; facts that the writers thousands of years ago could not have been aware of without knowledge given to them by Jesus Christ / The God of the Bible. He is the one and only Almighty God.
Movement gives indication of a 'present' by direction to a future in connection with the past to this present. (Spacetime.) Once this movement stop so does this notion of the present along with its connections. (Timelessness.*) [*And where you find purpose, you'll find time. (Newton would be proud. 😉]
It isn’t the galaxies that move that fast… nothing with mass can travel at light speed…. It is the void in which galaxies are situated ( including our own) that expand faster than the speed of light
@@Slo-ryde Yes, that's what they say, but if It's just the "void" expanding, what exactly is pushing the Galaxies?? If It's a void than theres nothing to apply force to the Galaxies to make them get further awar. If you have something floating in a vacuum chamber and you move the vacuum chamber the floating object won't move with the chamber. Ever think of that? Nah, probably not huh. Always just assume your science masters are telling you facts lol.
@@triedbythefire4777 they say it is due to “ dark energy” ( energy of the void)… which seems to be the only way to explain the speed at which they move!
@@Slo-ryde So now you are saying they are moving? Are the Galaxies moving through the void by the force of dark energy, or is dark energy expanding with the void (filling the void) and pushing the Galaxies to stay in the same position relative to the void as the void expands with dark energy? And if the latter is true, how can we know how light behaves through this strange and un-observed environment of a void expanding(which makes no sense because the definition of "void" means the absence of something so you're essentially saying that nothing is expanding which is a fundamentally stupid statement because It's synonymous with saying that there is in fact no substance that is expanding) and the presence of dark energy/matter? The notion that nothing that has mass can move the speed of light in this universe is not a proved fact by any stretch of the word. The fact that scientists are saying that as if It's a fact regardless of our extreme ignorance of the universe and of light and regardless of our extremely restricted capability of producing the energy needed to even come close to testing the theory just shows the severe arrogance of the scientific community. No one has a clue how fast objects can move through a VOID being pushed by a force as massive as dark energy!
We, Newton included, only posit a god in contexts we don't understand, and only for the reason that we don't understand it. God is nothing but an unjustified, question begging cessation of inquiry in the absence of a genuine explanation.
They say going to the moon and back yoy would travel in time by 000.5ms, So to test the pheory why not send a clock out into space exact time as its twin clock and see if the time changes by 000.5ms, seems a simple test for nasa to see if time travel is possible this way
If this guy does not say that time is in every dimension he is also wrong. How big is the dot in relation to what? How long does it take to traverse circumference of the dot. How Long Does It Take to get between two dots on the linear plane, which is very rare if at all in nature?
Why dose the light have to be relative to time. And when it is said a photon has no " concept" of time, that it is moving at the speed of light so time stops for it, seems that the light we see from far away gallies should be just left it so we are not looking at it as the past. Wait but that's only for the photon ,so if riding the photon , yes like a horse, from the other "galapsy" time would not change so would arrive here at the time we view the other galaxy so in that light time is from everywhere or let's say the cosmic radiation so the past is actually happening as the future unfolds OR light has no link to time and the reason the equations work for time dialaltion is because time and light move at the same speeds now it makes more sense. Maybe gravity is the net attraction of the atoms of an object on the net attraction of the other including the repellent force but if far away enough and the object is big enough the atoms as s whole at as 1 atom giving ride to orbit. If lead and a feather in a vacuum fall at the same 32 ft persec² it's because the same force that pulls them is the equilibrium point that allows the atoms to stay together, no cause things would fall apart when no gravity in space. Still I feel I am in to something there Brian Cox.
Time is a constant- it is not relative. Space and or speed have no bearing on time. 1 second at light speed is just that, 1 second. Its the same as if you were to travel at 1 mph, 1 second is still 1 second. Time doesnt change, only your perception of time has changed. We measure speed and space using time, if time were a variant then nothing would be accurate, only a prediction. No two things in the universe are exactly the same, there fore, eveything measured is a prediction, using a constant known as time. You do not need speed or space to have time, time is simply a prediction of such things. There is no continuum. The universe is chaos by its very design. If other wise, there can be no free will. This means there could be no life, as life creates itself as necessary. Or does it?
Explain replaying life over n over think about dajavu if it didn't happen b4 y can u see it happen even if u where nvr in that place ever and knowing u no whats gonna happen and try changing it but still ends up the same ...
At the quantum level the distinction between waves and particles seems to be fairly meaningless, so it’s not necessarily wrong to hunt for a gravity particle, it being merely one possible expression of the actual object.
Scientists want to combine the standard model with general relativity in order to figure out what happens when gravity does become relevant at small scales, for example at the beginning of the universe as well as at the center of black holes. We need a quantum theory of gravity for that and proof of a gravity particle would validate that theory.
Look im no science guy by any stretch of the imagination and what I'm about to say may just prove that but the why of gravity is mass is it not? I look at it like this. Two 100lb women sit at the ends of a couch, a certain amount of energy/force is needed to get up off the couch or to remove yourself from the mass. Now they sit back down in the same spots and now a 350lb man sits in the middle, because a much larger mass has been introduced the two outer masses find themselves now having to exert more energy to oppose the mass as to not fall into the 350lb man, also finding it takes more energy or force to leave the couch. So i guess I'm saying gravity is mass. And i don't mean gravity is equal to mass but is some deviation of it. I don't know if theirs some linear equation like if mass equals 1000 then gravity is like 10. But to me that's how i see gravity. It's like one in the same you know, to speak of one is to speak of the other.
this seems similar to the von nueman bottleneck…when computer phreaks babble on about a specific one second process being mostly wasted time and how efficiencies could allow for more work to be done in that SAME amount of time……..smh….you get my point…
Measurements are concepts of the mind. The same thing that made up time for measuring "Matters in Motion Here." • HERE - a placement of the being. Though doesn't exist as an actual existing being • MOTION - a direct force inside of the being. Though doesn't exist as a being of life. Not a living structural being. (Vortex) • MATTER - a constructed being of placement by fluctuating dissonance. (Made up by motion in placement) so technically, doesn't exist as what we mentally label, specifically. Conclusion: Nothing/All is existing Here.. All except for the knowledge made up to describe our motions made here to beLIEve in.. But science will "sell" you a Dream/Sol.. key word, sell.. P.s. we exist in a black hole known as the "Eve of Night" where we beLIEve days exist due to a blue Mirage 😂😢
I can't seem to wrap my head around the concept of time, because how can time move faster and slower lmao. I imagine like an old pyramid and then that time suddenly moves faster, does that mean that the old pyrmaid will now decay faster? Does this even make any sense?
You have to realize time is relative. That’s why einstein named it the theory of relativity. When we talk about time dilation and time slowing down or speeding up, we are comparing the time experienced to the time that someone on earth would experience. So to use your analogy with the pyramids, if I were to go very close to the center of a black hole time would slow down for me and I would age slower, while on earth, the pyramids as well as everything else would be aging at regular speed.
My understanding on this, is that the 'flow of time' is basically an illusion, from our perspective. Hence...the flow of time doesn't really change...we just see time differently as our state of motion increases, or decreases. Also, I think this means that all of "time"....including the future...has already taken place. We experience moments 'one by one'...but all moments already exist. An analogy would be a filmstrip. All moments within the movie already exist, as film frames....they are just seen one at a time.
A ball in a magnetic field air magnet = push in all the way around.the motor u got will sat In center of the out side I have dun dun it so is so.but your motor don't go all the way around so u have to put a line up pin at top and down to keep itfrom pull in to 1 side But if u take a around ball and put = magnetic pield all away around it wood Be in air.try it.
Gravity is not a cause, but an effect of other forces. Until those forces are known and quantified to enable gravity to be precisely predicted and measured on all scales, then we will be stuck in this solar system. Also, astrophysics and cosmology will always be a guessing game and rely on the latest popular idea based on mathematical jiggery pokery until the causes of gravity and the multiple forces of dark energy and hidden universe of dark matter particles
Gravity is just something that is time constant, which when you use the hypotenuse, you can find the alternate evidences that drive time forward. Time has mass therefore is of equal measure from the inputs of trajectory. Given when you get close to the sun, that's the speed of light. It's actually not that hard to understand.
The only thing this video reveals about time is yet another way to waste it - by using "imaginative" claims to capture attention and then repeating stuff that is already well-known and unfortunately has little to with Brian Cox.
So all this is based off the Big Bang theory and the James Webb just proves that the universe was here before the Big Bang so all this is wrong they have to start over 😂
Brian Cox's name is just used as CLICKBAIT. And nothing about this video is new and certainly not 'mind bending'; earned a "DO NOT RECOMMEND CHANNEL" from me.
I could listen to Brian Cox all day, I can't say the same for Neil Degrasse Tyson
Tyson would happily sit and listen to himself
Neil would not agree with this comment and proceed to spend 3 hours highlighting why 😂
Nothing new here.
sorry i hv posted at wrong place @@Felipe_Ribeir0
Thank you! A time saving comment.
Thanks; was feeling like clickbait only a couple of minutes in.
Grinning git.
one correction: the GPS satellites' time dilation is mainly caused by gravitational effects, which is predicted by general relativity, not special relativity. the latter doesn't concern itself with gravity- acceleration equivalence, whereas the former does, i.e., the "warping" of space-time. at much higher attitude, the gravitational field is weaker compared to that on the surface of the earth, hence the space-time is warped to a different degree, causing the time experienced by the satellites to be different. if this time difference is not adjusted, then the location precision on earth will be off by a lot. nowadays, experiments can even measure the gravitational time dilation experienced by a clock that's barely couple of meters above the ground surface. GR is truly amazing!
if there is a clock which works without mass, time dilation is still observable?
yes. light has no mass, and if there is temporal information that can be produced by light, then we can observe time dilation by watching how the same light behaves in different gravitational fields. gravitational redshift is a good example of that, and it can be measured very well.
@@ttanger6688so, if we have a clock that made of light, it is still affected by gravitational field. why cant we assumed this is just a duration delta of instrumentation? in the other word, even your clock and my clock are different, the absolute time remains the same.
your "duration delta" is exactly the consequence of the warping of the temporal dimension. here is the crux of relativity: everyone's clock is absolute in their own reference frame, but no one's reference frame is more absolute than the others'.
@@jayjwin1178 'absolute time', what do you mean?
What if photons do not travel in a line from point to point? What if, as quantum theory suggests, photons exist at every point between A and B, and what moves through the photons is a charge of some kind that momentarily illuminates a photon, then extinguishes it, in much the same way as intermittent neon lights give a sense of flow and movement but are in fact single points lighting and extinguishing?
@@javedmontero7890 Insightful. thanks.
It's more about the universe not being bound by our observations and attempts to explain it.
"TIME" does not exist to the universe. It does not know what time it is or how long it's been around.
We can now hypothesize that the universe is happening all at once, as far as it's concerned.
This is why things like quantum entanglement exist.
Things can be here and there simultaneously. That's how the universe sees it happening.
It's like a video game. You have you local inventory and a bank inventory. You can't grab from your bank inventory because it's back in town.
Well, the universe has a global inventory. It can grab anything, from anywhere, at any time.
Isn't space not really 'Nothing' but rather is a field that supports electromagnetic transmission? So the EM spectrum ripples through this field with the amount of energy from a particular source not only amplitude related but also directly dependent on the frequency which is what causes UV, xrays and gamma rays to be so dangerous to humans. Are there amplitude and frequency levels too high for that space field to support and what happens if that maximum level is exceeded?
@@javedmontero7890 I see. Thanks.
@@rayraycthree5784 Hmm…good question. Thanks.
I thought there was going to be some sort of ground, breaking news. Basically the theory of relativity still stands. That’s good to know. Thanks for that.👍
The theory of relativity doesn't match quantum mechanics and 1 level of q.mechs won't match the next,your thoughts?
Nope ,speed is relative,time I'm guessing also
E=mc. Mass is stored energy and (c) is maximum acceleration. Time is the measurement of acceleration so E=t or Energy equals Time. The more energy there is, the faster Time flows.
Less energy equals slower passage of Time.
There are two types of acceleration or Time.
Acceleration of mass in Space and acceleration of mass in Time.
A rocketship accelerates mass is space. Energy from the sun accelerates plants in Time.
F=ma -> Acceleration in Space
E=mc -> Acceleration in Time.
Brian Cox travel back in time? Look so young in this vid
Seriously, he doesn't age. I bet he knows more than he's saying 🙃
Trebuie sa se inteleaga foarte clar acest termen "relativitate" relativ inseamna aproximativ sau egal si se aplica numai miscarii, legea relativitatii este o regula al legii fizice quantice, o stare de fapt fizica la propriu poate avea doua evolutii diferite in acelasi timp relativ egale, aceasta regula al legii fizice quantice se formeaza in anumite conditii, adica se creeaza conditiile artificial sa se poata forma si aplica relativitatea, de exemplu scoarta planetara are o prima evolutie prin rasucire in punct fix (axa imaginara) scoarta planetara avand si o anumita pozitie inclinata, aceasta conditie a fost creeata artificial, datorita acestei conditii aceiasi scoarta planetara are si o miscare (directie, traiectorie) in acelasi timp, adica scoarta planetara are o rasucire in punct fix si o traiectorie in acelasi timp relativ egale comform regulii relativitatii (anonimuldigalati)
I wash my socks in milk.
Time can neither have a beginning, nor be infinite.
If there had ever been a time where there was "no time", then everything woud have been frozen, without change, and would have been stuck forever in that state. If you have "change", then you do already have "time". If nothing ever changes, then nothing can jump-start "time".
Infinity is something that you can progress toward, but cannot ever reach. The future can be infinite, because it is in progress. But the past represents a completed journey. The past is not "in progress". To say that the past is infinite is to say that we completed a journey through infinite time, which contradicts the definition of "infinity".
What then? Perhaps the problem is in our concept of a one-way "arrow of time". Special relativity seems to suggest that the past is not "gone". If this is a static universe, where moments of time actually "coexist", then we can understand why the past can be "infinite", and are left only with the puzzle, "Why do we experience such a convincing illusion of a one-way arrow of time?"
Probably because of 1) entropy and 2) consciousness.
Ever-increasing entropy is perhaps more of a "statistic" than a rule of physical law. But also, ask youself what an "infinitely random universe" would look like. It might look a lot like "entropy", except that our notion of "cause and effect " might also be a misinterpretation.
A time line with a begin but without end is no less infinite then a time line with no begin and no end, or a timeline with no begin but with an end. To state that future time might be infinite but past may not, cause else "an infinite amount of time" would have already have passed, is erroneous. The point is that on an infinite time line without begin, you can not start time at "the begin" since such point does not exist. Instead we can only start our measurement of time at an arbitrary point in the past, and independent of the point we choose, the measured times is always a finite value. Yet, that value itself is unbounded (has no upper limit) since we could always have started our measurement at a point further into the past. The infinitity of time thus exist because there is no limit to where we place our measurement points, even though for every measurement, we only measure a finite value.
Wow, you folks are a lot smarter than me but I still enjoyed this discussion. It’s really fascinating to think about the universe and all of the unknowns out there. What we are able to see and perceive is limiting, for now. Hopefully that changes.
Volume is all over the place in this video. Kind of annoying to constantly be adjusting the volume
Surely, if the passage of time is not constant, then by definition the speed of light can not be constant.
exactly, and the basis of calculus is also incorrect when used as a model for natural world.
Light is not affected by the passing of time.
You’re absolutely right! Light isn’t constant, it’s affected by gravity!
With Heavyside, physics was sent into tragic dead end. It happened when he and his associates "simplified" Maxwell's original quaternion based equations, omitting potential density which is dual to the current density, and not equal zero. When the potential density is restored to the equations, quantum theory with all its postulates is not needed at all. Mere field theory can describe all the particles, and calculate their masses, which quantum theory by the way cannot do. There is no need for strong or weak interactions, no dark energy, no quarks, no color force and other non-sensical postulates. Just pure electromagnetic interaction, and field dependent length contraction. Concerning time, it is absolute. Its dilation is an illusion caused by field dependent length contraction, which changes physical dimension of the clock. Clocks don't measure time, they are just pulse generators, and pulse interval always ALWAYS depends on clock's physical dimensions. You change physical dimension, you get different pulse interval = magic time dilation. Same goes for speed of light. It is variable like any other speed. But we will always measure c, because meter has changed due to local field conditions. c is therefore constant of measurement but not constant of nature. Who wants to know more, look for prof.Kostantin Meyl's Potential Vortex book series, and other books.
Does time flow or is it nihilated "after" us and created in "front" of us. As such the "amount" of time is constant.
There is no arrow of time because time does not exist. It is only our construction in the absence of more knowledge. There is a four-dimensional space with one of dynamic nature. What we call expansion of space, we feel and register that expansion as time and has nothing to do with thermodynamic processes. Space cannot be static, and if it were then there would be no "time" either.
Space is not static it expenaned static means never changing expended means. TheroDynamic process evolution over time you don't mean space is static
Six space directions up down right left backwards and forward times arrow time allows movies forward not in the backwards direction but forwards is already a spacer direction and one spacer direction has two directions time has only one direction so it be more precise to say half a dimension because one space dimension has two directions not one but a time dimension maybe be different than a spacer dimension
Two spacer dimension has four directions and Three spacer dimension has six directions. And as I said before one spacer dimension has two directions
But time maybe different than a spacer dimension naybe half dimension time or we are only half in the time dimension haif way in the time dimension msybe go faster speed of light complety in time dimsion maybe but move at the speed of light time stops
Entropy means thing tended to disorder things do not intended to become more orderly over time
Time , gravity, space are simply dimensions and we'll never know shit about them .
Nu inteleg...... Cum? Poate masa (greutatea) sa se transforme in energie si invers energia revenind la greutate (masa) anonimuldigalati
Hello Brian. I'm very fascinated
dimension 1 + time dimension 2+ time and dimension 3 + time makes us able to facilitate a variation in the relation between space and time more than 3d+time. It's not because you observe a relative synchronicity (depending where you are and what speed you're going in relation to gravitational pull) that you have to apply 3d+time. Time can slip between dimensions.
Time does not slow down, it is matter that ages at a slower rate when the speed goes up!
Okay, very well, but in reality 'events' still only happen once in time and space, and thus an overarching universal time must exist! This was the answer I got from Lawrence Krauss a few years ago. @@ulftnightwolf
Time is the fourth law of motion. All motion creates time.
Soundwave : longer wavelength - soundwave can’t travel through vacuum but it can travel through our atmosphere, allowing us to hear music
Lightwave : shorter wavelength - light enters our atmosphere colliding with tiny particles of matter scattering light in all direction. Our atmosphere provides the medium for light waves to pass through our atmosphere. Light has different wavelengths, and when they collide with particles and molecules in our atmosphere, they change direction, reflecting different light based on their position in space. That’s how our eyes perceive color as it enter our eyes.
If we can’t hear music in vacuum, how would we perceive color in vacuum? waves react to mediums but there’s no medium in space … light in vacuum does not have the same effect as light inside of a dark room, because there are particles in that dark room, but there is no particles in the vacuum of space so that would be an inaccurate experiment to conduct to explain how light reacts in vacuum. Would you agree? What is the color of light in vacuum if not white as we see it in a dark room?
I always had issues with time and speed of light. Time always felt to me like something we are just using to understand what is happening to us. It's a perspective not a law of physics.
time is basically just the rate of change in space. with no change, there is no time.
Everyone is trying to figure it out.
See time is just a perception. In reality time as we know it
Doesnt actually exist.
Now do the math for that one
That is correct. Time is not real but a by-product of our survival mechanism to navigate in the universe. In reality, there has always been one moment eternally containing all possible frames of existence in all possible positions and permutations with our consciousness forever experiencing each frame one by one in an eternal 'moment" which causes the sensation and illusion of the movement of something we call "time". As a result, the "past, present, and future" all exist, but only in relation to the order of mental experience of those frames, and thus they do not annihilate but remain forever in one "moment".
And so, it is possible to "travel" to a past moment, but one can never ever remember that journey from the present or future moment because the definition of the past "moment" itself precludes any other thoughts which were not originally contained in that original past moment. So i reckon all beings travel freely to any moment in "time" but they just never ever recall their journey from one time to another, with the exception of forwards in time. In some frames of reality, the first homo sapiens is still alive and well, as are the dinosaurs...etc.
In summary, this "moment" is the very same "moment" as the Big Bang and so on... the only difference that causes us to think it's a specific time period is due to the positions of all the particles in the specific frame of reality/existence our consciousness happens to be participating in. And furthermore, there is no "duration" that can be applied to each mental experience/participation of each frame of reality since there is no time in reality. It is literally instaneous from beginning to end for every sentient thing, for the whole of every cosmos.
Like a photon's existence - to that photon, there is zero time from Big Bang to End of Universe, yet these things exist regardless of the photon's experience.
Observation collapses the wave function representing a (quantum) state. Inevitably, therefore, it is not possible for a human observer to detect anything other than a change in the direction of the "arrow of time". This applies to any means of observation, including instrumentation. It follows, therefore, that humans will never be able to observe any phenomenon that illustrates the reversal of time.
So; What is the term, "Yesterday"?
Imagine when you die there will be nothing and there will have been nothing.
To comprehend Gravity, you need a dream. How to get a dream? Simple. Srinivasa Ramanujan simply asked himself. He said, to himself, every night, "I need a dream to visualise mathematics." His unconscious mind did not disappoint. He dreamed solutions to several interesting problems. The point is, trust yourself. There must be an answer to the question of "...why does gravity exist?", and yet we don't know if the question 'why' really is something that is separate from the human mind. If the question "why does gravity exist?" is not separate from the human mind, then I would hazard a guess that there is an answer. No universe can exist that denies its own primary conscious beings the answers to the primary questions that they ask. No God is required, the only requirement is an open mind to your dreams. So grab your notebook and before you go to bed tonight tell yourself ..."okay, tonight I'm going to write down my dreams in as much detail as possible." I can guarantee that your unconscious mind will reveal to you the answers that you need.
Apparent changes in time may be due to real changes in perception rather than changes in time itself.
its time That changes. That's why Einstein became so famous because he was the only one that realised time would change
@@jabyers that's the perception can you prove it's true
@@stephenfowler4115 Relativity is built into systems like GPS which would not work without it. GPS is an example of Relativity, if it was just the perception of time dilation, then hardware would not need to adjust for it. And of course the dilation is relative to altitude above Earth..I'm not sure how perception can be understood to follow a mathematical law?
@@jabyers Perception itself is relative. It differs from one person to the next. I used to play basketball and I know from personal experience that my perception of time changed during the game. It depended on my energy and concentration level s. When I was playing really well my perception of movement made it feel as if everyone around me was moving in slow motion.
@@stephenfowler4115 Yes I do understand this perception. I'm not sure why it's relevant here though? Could you explain?
Oh! Duh. I had never considered the fact that GPS satellites have to account for Time Dilation.
Most of Brian Cox's (and most scientist's) theories are pure guesswork.
I'm a youtube astrophysicist.
Gravity is just pressure because space is not unlimited there's only a certain amount like water in an aquarium. You put a drop of oil into the water and it will become a round ball that round ball of oil will eventually float up because of our gravity on earth, but in space if you had a sealed aquarium with a drop of oil in it it would theoretically stay where it is as a round ball. Add a few more drops of oil and there will be no real effect until the oil comes really close to eachother then they join to became a bigger ball of oil.
This is my theory and I'm going to call it the lava lamp effect. Why does floating trash in the ocean most of all plastic tend to stay in patches? Because it takes up less space, space being the water. There will be more pressure in the center of the garbage patch in the ocean than there is on the outside and you would be able to feel this if you tried to swim in the middle, it wouldn't be much but would make it hard for you to tread water.
Times this effect in space by 100 quadruple x 17 billion million kadrillion and you have atoms squishing together forming fusion like the sun.
It's a simple concept that's most likely wrong but that's all I got.
The time in a frame which is in motion relative to your frame can't be said to be passing at a slower rate than yours with any more validity than it could be said that your time is passing at a faster rate than its. Same with length contraction, it's as valid to say that your frame is lengthened relative to the other. That's why you can't say that distances are contracted, like when some people say that the earth's atmosphere is contacted from a muon's point of view so it doesn't take as long for it to reach the earth. It's equally valid to say that the muon is lengthened.
Would it make a difference how long a muon takes to go through the atmosphere if it was 10 times it's normal length? The front end of it might hit the earth slightly earlier than if it weren't lengthened but the center of it wouldn't and the back end would actually take longer. It would Just average out to taking the same amount of time for the whole muon. Does the atmosphere really contract? Not any more than the muon really expands and becomes oval shaped, the whole thing is just flawed logic. Moving muons decay more slowly than if they were stationary simply because they're in a higher energy state due to being accelerated, which is exactly what Encyclopedia Britannica states. It doesn't mention relativity at all in the topic of muons, go look yourself. Why would they give a fantasy explanation based on flawed logic when there's a real one?
Imagine if gravity and time just end up being byproducts of our conscious minds trying to parse through the data in the quantum field limited by the speed of light 🙃
Can I get your dealer’s number?
I knew I should've just gone to sleep. I'm gonna be up an extra couple hours now thinking about this.
Yeah but no but yeah, computer says no.
I talked to my cat about it, then to a snail in the garden. Conscious minds indeed.
Gravity is just another expression of universe's tendency to return to its original ground state - non existence
If gravity is imagined , are the bruises I get when I fall off of my roof imagined as well? Asking for a friend.
So here was me thinking the “science was settled” on all matters
If you thought that - if anyone thought that, then they are Muppets.
Cosmic thread theory...kinda the same only it is thread and tension that creates the angular momentum that causes vibrations or oscillations that manifest as particles.
What happened before this theory?
We are always struggling with the next new discovery. Relativity opened the doors of the atomic age, but Einstein wasn't real fond of the idea of statistical mechanics. In most cases we were not wrong, our understanding was just incomplete. (OK, bleeding patients to release foul humors was wrong.)
It is unequivocally untrue that all scientific theories receive appropriately rigorous testing for validation or debunking. The people/companies/governments with the most money/power decide what science gets funding. Dissenters to conclusions resulting from such funding risk their reputations, not because they may be wrong, but because they may cost someone profits with their scientific revelations. There is no equality in science.
When everything moves, what is constant?? Human appreciation of time seems dependent on age??
We eventually die of entropy, not old age. Time is a human illusory construct
The future is already there without it,it would not be possible to move in any direction at all
Why do we call them? “laws of the universe?” They are not lost. They are assumptions, hypothesis, models, proposals. Not even close to being laws.
18 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
We used to 3 dimention movement , move in any direction ( forward backward etc.)
When someone put TIME to be the 4th., we then think that we might be able to move time backward too.
It is not , time is just the rate of change of space , not direction.
You also can not move backwards in normal three dimensions if you think about it our whole galaxy is moving there is really no backwards just one way.
We move 107000 km per hour in milky way but in universe speed is much higher. But do we feel what speed? Are we safe? Yes. Than its possible to figure out to travel faster than light
It's long established that more than three view vantages will observe different speeds of each other... Moving to, away, and almost with...
Probably explains a bit about the perplexing observations recently by the James Webb looking so far back... i.e. if I'm moving at the speed of light towards you and I throw a ball at you, is the ball moving towards you even faster?
According to current science, the absolute speed limit is the speed of light. So, no the ball cannot be moving faster than the speed of light. However, at this point in time, the "absoluteness" of the speed of light is being challenged. The Chinese sent up a satellite with an entangled particle into orbit (100 or 150 miles up), and then applied a force to it, changing ot (probably the spin). The other entangled particle appears to have changed at the exact same time, or at least, faster than the speed of light would have predicted given the distance (100 or 150 miles up). If, after eliminating any sources of potential error, this turns out to be correct, then this is the first experiment to show a speed greater than the speed of light.
GPS satellites are accelerating around the Earth, so General Relativity is also a factor used to adjust the time.
You said that entropy always increases, but if I dissolve a few spoonfuls of salt in some water, and leave the solution alone, beautiful salt crystals will begin to grow, demonstrating organization and a reduction in entropy as time increases. How does that happen?
Also, I didn't hear anything new about the relativistic theory of time?
"Isolated" is your solution by no means. The entropy of the universe will still increase although locally the crystals have low entropy compared before its crystallization.
here's the thing, the light, does in fact, travel farther from its source to the observer than the traveler
Space has much less density than the objects in it even gasses.
Gravity is nothing more than the difference of two different substances density.
To prove this pour a few inches of clear oil into a clear glass then put a few drops of water into the oil. The oil drops almost instantly become round because of the pressure of the oil around it and when those drops of water hit the bottom they kind of settle together and you can see flat spots where they are trying to combine. Just like objects orbiting a planet, eventually they will combine because the pressure of space.
Can you imagine how pissed off the first pioneering astronauts would be to end a long journey to a star system thinking they would be the first, then upon arrival they find the whole place already settled and full of advanced humans from earth with super advanced tech they made over thousands of years ago when the astronauts left for that system? To travel for 40 years and arrive at a thousand years in Earth time rate... oh the irony.
If so plausible, I suppose they might at least be happy they got to see something more advanced when they arrived... Kinda like getting questions answered or seeing things that others from your time never would.
Nothing like arriving late to the party, lol
Actually, that's the theme of an SF story from way back.
Brian Cox is a time traveler. His hair cut defies physics and is stuck in the 90s.
Space and stellar travel is easy
Galaxy travel is easy
Milky Way travel is easy
Time travel back to where the universe was warm!
Not time travel to the hot hot big bang
Time travel back to CMB that is warm or 70-100 F
Then move 1”
Go forward in time to present day.
Your at the other edge of the universe. 1000s of Galixies away from where you were
No flying or moving faster than C but, move back and forth in time and you can be anywhere in the universe.
Time travel or distortion in time.
At a quantum level violation in time happen every day every second.
Infact in the honors Pchem time jump is not only experimentally proven but is mathematically proven fact.
Quantum and is the same as every other level of existence big or small it's all the same.
Once we know how to control time distortion then this space travel is solved.
273.15 degrees Celsius below zero
He's anthropomorphizing reality He's giving an intentionality. We have no evidence that the universe or any particle is in it by themselves have motive. We've only ever observed collections of particles that form living beings able to have motive.
The twin paradox as presented here is wrong. It says that the travelling twin ages more slowly than the one on earth. But all motion is relative, there is no absolute framework. All we know is that there is relative travel between them. We do not know that one is travelling and the other isnt. There are mass effects because of the proximity of the earth to one twin of course. I am not a physicist. This wrong description of the twin paradox is repeated in many places. This stuff is tough enough to understand without it being made harder by wrong paradox descriptions.
Thank you
Direction is another matter. Does gravity pull time in a direction or vice versa?! We tend to think the latter. The universe expands and gravity contracts matter into stars and planets. Time seems an imperative idea creating gravitational pull. But that doesn't explain 'direction', it's a mere a definition of our observation. Photons leave energetic fields because they are light. We have syntax problems, well, a bit more than that, our conscious cannot imagine a solution to that problem. Partly because there aren't 'more variables' and partly because of our capacity of understanding. Being subjected to 'direction of spacetime' still isn't enough for us to realise in detail what happens. Maybe we should add a variable?! 'Electrons' would be nice. Our measurement of their behaviour could shine a light on what 'direction' really holds within spacetime.
Timpul este o unitate de masura al miscarii, precum metrul care este la randul lui o unitate de masura al distantei. Miscarea in sine este timpul in stare fizica, timpul este relativ, pentru ca sunt miscari diferite, va rog nu imi mai bagati nimic de einstein, nu am nimic cu el, atunci pe timpul lui se gandea intr-un anumit mod astazi trebuie sa gandesti altfel (daca se vrea evolutie cu adevarat) anonimuldigalati
I think time does not exist at all. And consequently there is no flow of time. What we perceive as time - and motion for that matter - is just an incoming flow of information.
There's no day no night at space, there is no time in space if it's not in time and place
The twin paradox doesn’t make sense. Aging isnt based on time. We only associate it with time because of the earths orbit. So if you were going the speed of light for an earth year. You would go a great distance but still would be back one year later and aged the same as the earth year aged, no?
Could the inertia of a rotating universe distributed amongst the masses in the universe create what we call gravity?
imagine leaving the planet to go to a star and when you get there its already colonized by people because a mission that left years after you got there decades before you because they moved faster than you 😢
That exact thing happens in a side quest in Starfield
All this depends on measuring the speed of light in one direction. To my knowlege that is not possible
I still can't work out why time dilation only works in one direction, you can't switch the observer around.
Because movement through space effect the passage of time. The only way to theoretically have the reverse would be to travel at less that zero or minus movement, ofc that it not possible.
@@markgriffin1384 Yes, but which object is moving, relatively they both are. We always state the stationary observer which makes no sense.
If you have object A and B in space move apart and then come back together which has experiencd the faster time? Is it dependant on the mass of the two objects? Does the smaller mass always experience the faster time when moving with a larger?
@mantis1412 time is the measurement of acceleration. The clock on the wall measures that locations acceleration through space. Move it to a higher or lower radius relative to the Earth's center of rotation only changes how much motion in space the clock is measuring. A slower clock means more space/distance.
The observer is still experiencing the same amount of time. Theirbis no time dilation occurring with acceleration in space. If you want to slow down time, you need cryostasis.
Boil/accelerate water from zero to 100 degrees. How long does it take on low, medium, high heat. The more force, the greater the acceleration rate, the less time it takes to reach target.
Now start putting in ice cubes as your are accelerating. Time-dilation as it takes longer to reach target. Unless the observer is in cryostasis, they are experiencing the exact same amount of time.
@@stewiesaidthat So this only works for orbiting masses, those with an angular acceleration. If you fired a rocket from the south pole directly upwards and then let it come stright back down, there would be no net acceleration and both clocks would still be in sync?
@@mantis1412 clocks measure distance traveled. Firing a rocket into space and returning causes it to travel more distance. From Newton's Law of Motion, F=ma, Force equals Acceleration and Force decreases with distance, a slower running clock = greater distance traveled. A clock measures distance by the amount of force at the detector. Since both clocks are operating at the same frequency, a change in the clock's readout is a change in distance traveled in space.
You can't switch frames of reference because one person is traveling a greater distance in space. To cover that greater distance in the same amount of time, they have to go faster (acceleration).
Synchronized clocks can measure the difference in acceleration because the force between them is constant. The mass is constant, leaving on a difference in acceleration. Since force decreases with distance, a slower running clock (less acceleration) equals a greater distance traveled in space.
The observer is only accelerated in space. Not time as is implied by the clock's readout.
This leads into the Twin Paradox and time-dilation. Both observers are experiencing the same amount of time. One is just experiencing more space.
This invalidates Einstein’s relativity theories where acceleration in space equates to deceleration in time (time-dilation aspect of GR) and no preferred reference frame in SR.
Objects accelerated in 3D space (clocks used to measure length) are also invariably accelerated in time (change in atomic structure).
The correct way to view the Twin Paradox is that both twins experienced the same amount of time in the Space frame. The Space frame being motion/acceleration of the mass in space. But different amounts in the Time frame being lifespan/radioactive decay of the mass.
To resolve the Twin Paradox, you need to understand the properties of the mass.
With solar sails (inorganic matter), the force (light beam) that doesn't go into acceleration of the sail in space, is absorbed by the sail and accelerates the atoms in time (radiant heat/radioactive decay).
Conversely, shining a light on a plant (organic/ biological) accelerates it in time as it absorb the light's energy and converts it to matter (mass) via photosynthesis. Same force two different outcomes. When is accelerated in space and loses mass. One is accelerated in time and gains mass. Same formula, F=ma. Just need to plug in animal, mineral, or vegetable for the mass. Whether the acceleration is taking place in the Space frame or the time frame. Atoms accelerated to the speed of light in the time frame is radiant energy/radioactive decay. In the Space frame, it's distance traveled for a given unit of time with the standard unit of measure being the second which is derived from the Earth's acceleration in space.
In short. Time is acceleration. It encompasses either acceleration of the mass in Space (spatial coordinates), or acceleration in Time(change in mass).
What is floating about space is information. Electromagnetic waves are carrier waves broadcasting event information. Moving about in space only changes your location within the information stream. You can't go back in spatial time because causality is instantaneous. The effect(information) is what propagates throughout space.
You can't go back in atomic structure time (lifespan). You can only slow down (cryostasis) or speed up.
I don't know if Einstein was simple minded and didn't understand acceleration or was just trying to simply it. His biography shows he thought he was to cool for school, that he was smarter than Newton so didn't pay attention in school and learn that Force equals Acceleration. That Space and Time are separate acceleration events.
That electromagnetic waves are carrier waves and acceleration in space only changes locations within the information stream. Since Einstein didn't understand that electromagnetic waves are force carriers and that force decreases with distance. He didn't understand, with his light clock example, that the clock wasn't measuring time but distance traveled in space. I honestly think that Einstein had a very low IQ and should have never been taken seriously. E=mc^2 shows that atoms are converted to energy with acceleration. Meaning mass decreases with acceleration as evidenced by the mass difference between cold and hot water. How hard is it to figure out that causality is instantaneous. That the effect is propagated through space via a carrier wave. Be it sound or light. And yet, people still believe in time-dilation, mass increasing with acceleration, faster than light travel, that photons have mass. If a photon had mass, it could continue to be accelerated. Since there is no lighter elements to accelerate (radioactive decay) a photon is massless. What it does have is an electric charge. Which is what a Higgs Boson is. What science thinks of as gravity is either an electric charge or acceleration in space. And since an electric charge is generated by motion/oscillations/acceleration, everything is ultimately the result of acceleration. As Newton figured out long ago with, F=ma. Force equals Acceleration. As in force creates mass or destroys mass or relocates it in space. Since Force is Energy, Energy = Acceleration and Acceleration = Energy with Energy/Mass conversion taking place between Absolute Zero and Absolute Acceleration - the speed of light.
In the end, everything is the result of acceleration - time, gravity, atomic structures. With one frame of reference exchanging/transmitting energy/information with another FOR.
Brian is looking fantastic at 55. ‼️👍🏻 (especially for a British geezer 😉)
Why only gravity can bend space time, what is the nature of spacetime?
there are some miss understandings in the way special relativity fundamentals are presented. One of many is the "the time slows down" 3:30. slows relative to what? This statement implies a newtonian universal time!
It's time dilation not dialation.😊
The reason “time slows” when traveling faster than light is because you’ll be going faster lol time doesn’t slow down lmao you just get faster. Time doesn’t slow, it’s just that you can outrun light so you can see light as you go by like driving past a river.
“There are more theories running around the science department about gravity and time than there are seconds in a day. And that’s saying something, because there are 86,400 seconds in a day!” 😂
Please watch my four brief videos in which I present examples of scientific facts contained in the Bible; facts that the writers thousands of years ago could not have been aware of without knowledge given to them by Jesus Christ / The God of the Bible. He is the one and only Almighty God.
Movement gives indication of a 'present' by direction to a future in connection with the past to this present. (Spacetime.) Once this movement stop so does this notion of the present along with its connections. (Timelessness.*)
[*And where you find purpose, you'll find time. (Newton would be proud. 😉]
Fun fact: Brian likes Ketamine 🤣
Fun fact: No one gives a $_*t.
Newton was right about the “what is” part……. They still don’t know the answer of what gravity or time is!
Entire galaxies are moving many times faster than the speed of light away from us
It isn’t the galaxies that move that fast… nothing with mass can travel at light speed…. It is the void in which galaxies are situated ( including our own) that expand faster than the speed of light
@@Slo-ryde Yes, that's what they say, but if It's just the "void" expanding, what exactly is pushing the Galaxies?? If It's a void than theres nothing to apply force to the Galaxies to make them get further awar. If you have something floating in a vacuum chamber and you move the vacuum chamber the floating object won't move with the chamber. Ever think of that? Nah, probably not huh. Always just assume your science masters are telling you facts lol.
@@triedbythefire4777 they say it is due to “ dark energy” ( energy of the void)… which seems to be the only way to explain the speed at which they move!
@@Slo-ryde So now you are saying they are moving? Are the Galaxies moving through the void by the force of dark energy, or is dark energy expanding with the void (filling the void) and pushing the Galaxies to stay in the same position relative to the void as the void expands with dark energy? And if the latter is true, how can we know how light behaves through this strange and un-observed environment of a void expanding(which makes no sense because the definition of "void" means the absence of something so you're essentially saying that nothing is expanding which is a fundamentally stupid statement because It's synonymous with saying that there is in fact no substance that is expanding) and the presence of dark energy/matter?
The notion that nothing that has mass can move the speed of light in this universe is not a proved fact by any stretch of the word. The fact that scientists are saying that as if It's a fact regardless of our extreme ignorance of the universe and of light and regardless of our extremely restricted capability of producing the energy needed to even come close to testing the theory just shows the severe arrogance of the scientific community. No one has a clue how fast objects can move through a VOID being pushed by a force as massive as dark energy!
But Brian Cox is still cool 😎.
We, Newton included, only posit a god in contexts we don't understand, and only for the reason that we don't understand it. God is nothing but an unjustified, question begging cessation of inquiry in the absence of a genuine explanation.
They say going to the moon and back yoy would travel in time by 000.5ms, So to test the pheory why not send a clock out into space exact time as its twin clock and see if the time changes by 000.5ms, seems a simple test for nasa to see if time travel is possible this way
If this guy does not say that time is in every dimension he is also wrong.
How big is the dot in relation to what?
How long does it take to traverse circumference of the dot.
How Long Does It Take to get between two dots on the linear plane, which is very rare if at all in nature?
Why dose the light have to be relative to time. And when it is said a photon has no " concept" of time, that it is moving at the speed of light so time stops for it, seems that the light we see from far away gallies should be just left it so we are not looking at it as the past. Wait but that's only for the photon ,so if riding the photon , yes like a horse, from the other "galapsy" time would not change so would arrive here at the time we view the other galaxy so in that light time is from everywhere or let's say the cosmic radiation so the past is actually happening as the future unfolds OR light has no link to time and the reason the equations work for time dialaltion is because time and light move at the same speeds now it makes more sense. Maybe gravity is the net attraction of the atoms of an object on the net attraction of the other including the repellent force but if far away enough and the object is big enough the atoms as s whole at as 1 atom giving ride to orbit. If lead and a feather in a vacuum fall at the same 32 ft persec² it's because the same force that pulls them is the equilibrium point that allows the atoms to stay together, no cause things would fall apart when no gravity in space. Still I feel I am in to something there Brian Cox.
Time is a constant- it is not relative. Space and or speed have no bearing on time. 1 second at light speed is just that, 1 second. Its the same as if you were to travel at 1 mph, 1 second is still 1 second. Time doesnt change, only your perception of time has changed. We measure speed and space using time, if time were a variant then nothing would be accurate, only a prediction. No two things in the universe are exactly the same, there fore, eveything measured is a prediction, using a constant known as time. You do not need speed or space to have time, time is simply a prediction of such things. There is no continuum. The universe is chaos by its very design. If other wise, there can be no free will. This means there could be no life, as life creates itself as necessary. Or does it?
Science is asking the question backward. Why does time speed up when you slow down?
Explain replaying life over n over think about dajavu if it didn't happen b4 y can u see it happen even if u where nvr in that place ever and knowing u no whats gonna happen and try changing it but still ends up the same ...
The biggest question is, if gravity is the curvature of space-time, then why physicists are searching for a gravity particle? Does not make any sense!
Because maybe he was wrong. It's just a theory.
At the quantum level the distinction between waves and particles seems to be fairly meaningless, so it’s not necessarily wrong to hunt for a gravity particle, it being merely one possible expression of the actual object.
Scientists want to combine the standard model with general relativity in order to figure out what happens when gravity does become relevant at small scales, for example at the beginning of the universe as well as at the center of black holes. We need a quantum theory of gravity for that and proof of a gravity particle would validate that theory.
Time and distance determined by gravity determine the speed of light.
Look im no science guy by any stretch of the imagination and what I'm about to say may just prove that but the why of gravity is mass is it not? I look at it like this. Two 100lb women sit at the ends of a couch, a certain amount of energy/force is needed to get up off the couch or to remove yourself from the mass. Now they sit back down in the same spots and now a 350lb man sits in the middle, because a much larger mass has been introduced the two outer masses find themselves now having to exert more energy to oppose the mass as to not fall into the 350lb man, also finding it takes more energy or force to leave the couch. So i guess I'm saying gravity is mass. And i don't mean gravity is equal to mass but is some deviation of it. I don't know if theirs some linear equation like if mass equals 1000 then gravity is like 10. But to me that's how i see gravity. It's like one in the same you know, to speak of one is to speak of the other.
this seems similar to the von nueman bottleneck…when computer phreaks babble on about a specific one second process being mostly wasted time and how efficiencies could allow for more work to be done in that SAME amount of time……..smh….you get my point…
Measurements are concepts of the mind. The same thing that made up time for measuring "Matters in Motion Here."
• HERE - a placement of the being. Though doesn't exist as an actual existing being
• MOTION - a direct force inside of the being. Though doesn't exist as a being of life. Not a living structural being. (Vortex)
• MATTER - a constructed being of placement by fluctuating dissonance. (Made up by motion in placement) so technically, doesn't exist as what we mentally label, specifically.
Conclusion: Nothing/All is existing Here.. All except for the knowledge made up to describe our motions made here to beLIEve in..
But science will "sell" you a Dream/Sol.. key word, sell..
P.s. we exist in a black hole known as the "Eve of Night" where we beLIEve days exist due to a blue Mirage 😂😢
you're not actually trying to take credit for that are you
I can't seem to wrap my head around the concept of time, because how can time move faster and slower lmao. I imagine like an old pyramid and then that time suddenly moves faster, does that mean that the old pyrmaid will now decay faster? Does this even make any sense?
You have to realize time is relative. That’s why einstein named it the theory of relativity. When we talk about time dilation and time slowing down or speeding up, we are comparing the time experienced to the time that someone on earth would experience. So to use your analogy with the pyramids, if I were to go very close to the center of a black hole time would slow down for me and I would age slower, while on earth, the pyramids as well as everything else would be aging at regular speed.
My understanding on this, is that the 'flow of time' is basically an illusion, from our perspective. Hence...the flow of time doesn't really change...we just see time differently as our state of motion increases, or decreases. Also, I think this means that all of "time"....including the future...has already taken place. We experience moments 'one by one'...but all moments already exist. An analogy would be a filmstrip. All moments within the movie already exist, as film frames....they are just seen one at a time.
A ball in a magnetic field air magnet = push in all the way around.the motor u got will sat
In center of the out side I have dun dun it so is so.but your motor don't go all the way around so u have to put a line up pin at top and down to keep itfrom pull in to 1 side
But if u take a around ball and put = magnetic pield all away around it wood
Be in air.try it.
Gravity is not a cause, but an effect of other forces. Until those forces are known and quantified to enable gravity to be precisely predicted and measured on all scales, then we will be stuck in this solar system. Also, astrophysics and cosmology will always be a guessing game and rely on the latest popular idea based on mathematical jiggery pokery until the causes of gravity and the multiple forces of dark energy and hidden universe of dark matter particles
We still don’t have answers as to how gravity works. It just does. So you just might as well continue to blame god and move on.
Gravity is just something that is time constant, which when you use the hypotenuse, you can find the alternate evidences that drive time forward.
Time has mass therefore is of equal measure from the inputs of trajectory.
Given when you get close to the sun, that's the speed of light.
It's actually not that hard to understand.
The only thing this video reveals about time is yet another way to waste it - by using "imaginative" claims to capture attention and then repeating stuff that is already well-known and unfortunately has little to with Brian Cox.
Fox the sound track! Adjust to one level!
So all this is based off the Big Bang theory and the James Webb just proves that the universe was here before the Big Bang so all this is wrong they have to start over 😂
Brian Cox's name is just used as CLICKBAIT. And nothing about this video is new and certainly not 'mind bending'; earned a "DO NOT RECOMMEND CHANNEL" from me.