I would like to remark that both sensory deprivation and malnourishment can cause vivid fantasies and hallucinations. Therefore, lack of stimuli, a very restrictive diet, or a combination of the two, can explain why some hermits and saints "saw" what they think they saw and "heard" what they think they heard. Don't take my word for it, you're welcome to do your own research.
I would like to remark that both sensory deprivation and malnourishment can cause vivid fantasies and hallucinations. Therefore, lack of stimuli, a very restrictive diet, or a combination of the two, can explain why some hermits and saints "saw" what they think they saw and "heard" what they think they heard. Don't take my word for it, you're welcome to do your own research.
Correlation only reveals and you should always re-search.
Fascinating content to say the least