why o why do i so want to go home when listening to theses tunes , i dont speak gaelic live in england born in kinlochbervie , yet my heart warms and i feel an inner glow and long for home, god bless donald
first heard him park bar glasgow must have been 1980 while a student at glasgow uni great place for highland young folk and donald made us all feel at home
Fantastic memories of Donald in the Park Bar
why o why do i so want to go home when listening to theses tunes , i dont speak gaelic live in england born in kinlochbervie , yet my heart warms and i feel an inner glow and long for home, god bless donald
first heard him park bar glasgow must have been 1980 while a student at glasgow uni great place for highland young folk and donald made us all feel at home
calum kennedy and donald macrae 2 of the best gaelic singers both from lewis
Great gaelic singer up there with the oe and only calum kennedy
Tha shin gle math
Chan eil Muirnag moran nas airde na na cruachan moine a tha e a seinn mu dheudhainn
Ach deagh mhac-meanmna aig duine sam bith a shaoil gu bheil 'beanntan' ann am Barabhas!
An roth fios aige cho donna sa bhe na fiachdlan a coimhead?
Nas fheàrr na na fiaclan deàlrach, geala a tha a' dol an-diugh!