Cheers, Frank! @beroshima1 And thanks for all the great tracks and all of the legendary releases on Acid Orange. Actually I should really make that double or triple thanks as I think you even GAVE me this LP way back when!! 🤗
Thanks, James 👍 If you enjoyed this, check out these couple of links (also in my Favourites playlist - bit of a mixed bag in there to say the least!!) Enjoy!
sorry I meant this side of the Acid Orange 12 release but they're both good - this side perhaps more in the style of the Arzach "Arena" track on this video
Sonne mieux sur le 5 que sur le 20. Le 5 c'est une longue face contrairement au 20 (jpe en parler j'ai les 2) acid orange pressage. Ms que de cartouche sur ce label, ça coûte un peu maintenant (qd je vois le 12 à 300e sur discogs, omg..)
Big luv Tessa, especially the Coffee and Walnut cake
brutal et doux acid orange que des bon souvenir cette progression excelllentttttttttttttttt MERCI SPPPPPPPPP
thanx for uploading
Cheers, Frank! @beroshima1 And thanks for all the great tracks and all of the legendary releases on Acid Orange. Actually I should really make that double or triple thanks as I think you even GAVE me this LP way back when!! 🤗
I've just subscribed to your channel on the strength of this masterpiece. Like your notes too! Totally agree about the trimming /bpm issue. 👍 👍 👍
Thanks, James 👍 If you enjoyed this, check out these couple of links (also in my Favourites playlist - bit of a mixed bag in there to say the least!!)
sorry I meant this side of the Acid Orange 12 release
but they're both good - this side perhaps more in the style of the Arzach "Arena" track on this video
Ya un morceau du 14 (le ekat sgurd) sur le 20, ms pas en entier. Le seul qui ai pas été repress d'ailleur, tant mieux, mythique ce morceau..
TroP Bien !!!
perfect tribe..^^
Sonne mieux sur le 5 que sur le 20. Le 5 c'est une longue face contrairement au 20 (jpe en parler j'ai les 2) acid orange pressage. Ms que de cartouche sur ce label, ça coûte un peu maintenant (qd je vois le 12 à 300e sur discogs, omg..)
good style for ever merci me familia 218/118
terrible se morceaux