Yahshua’s Parables Reveal Kingdom's Mysteries

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Matthew 13:10-17
    In this passage, Yahshua, elucidates to his followers the rationale behind his use of parables when addressing large audiences. He articulates that parables serve as a means to convey profound spiritual truths in a manner that resonates with those who possess an open and receptive mindset. These individuals are able to delve into the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven and glean deeper insights from Yahshua's teachings.
    Conversely, Yahshua points out that those who are closed-minded or resistant to understanding will struggle to grasp the deeper meanings embedded within his parables. He emphasizes that the capacity to comprehend these spiritual mysteries is a gift granted to his faithful followers, distinguishing them from others whose hearts are hardened and who shun spiritual truths.
    Drawing from the book of Isaiah, Yahshua illustrates how some individuals may hear and see but remain unable to truly understand or perceive due to their inherent spiritual resistance and lack of receptivity.
    Yahshua commends his disciples for their ability to grasp and internalize the truths he imparts, highlighting their blessedness for being open and receptive to his teachings. He acknowledges the longing of previous prophets and righteous figures who yearned to witness and comprehend the profound truths that Yahshua's followers are privileged to experience firsthand.
    Ultimately, Yahshua's discourse underscores the significance of possessing an open, receptive, and spiritually attuned disposition in order to fathom the profound truths encapsulated within the kingdom of heaven's teachings.


    @MYFATHERSDAUGHTE 2 місяці тому

    Well spoken with a soothing voice ❤❤❤