Our father is My Shepherd

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Psalm 23:1-6
    *Our Father is My Shepherd; I Shall Not Want: A Reflection on Psalm 23*
    The opening line of Psalm 23, "Our Father is my shepherd; I shall not want," sets the tone for the entire passage. By referring to the Father (Yahweh) as a shepherd, it implies that He is a caring and protective guide. Shepherds take care of their sheep, ensuring they are safe, fed, and healthy. "I shall not want" means that with the Father as our shepherd, we lack nothing essential; He provides for all our needs.
    *He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside the still waters.*
    Green pastures and still waters represent peace, abundance, and rest. The Father provides a place of tranquility and sustenance. Sheep lie down only when they are free from fear and well-fed, indicating that under Yahweh's care, we find complete peace and satisfaction.
    *He restores my soul: he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.*
    Restoring the soul suggests renewal, healing, and refreshment. When life exhausts us or we feel broken, Yahweh restores our spirit. Leading us in paths of righteousness means guiding us to live rightly and morally. He does this for His name's sake, which means it's part of His nature and character to guide us rightly, reflecting His holy name.
    *Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for the Father is with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.*
    This line acknowledges that there will be dark and difficult times in life, symbolized by the "valley of the shadow of death." Despite these challenges, there is no need to fear because the Father is with us. The rod and staff are tools used by shepherds to guide and protect the sheep. Here, they symbolize Yahweh's guidance and protection, providing comfort even in the darkest times.
    *The Father prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies: He anoints my head with oil; my cup runs over.*
    Preparing a table in the presence of enemies signifies Yahweh's provision and blessing even in the face of adversity. Anointing the head with oil is a sign of honor and being chosen, often associated with healing and blessing. "My cup runs over" indicates abundance and overflowing blessings from Yahweh.
    *Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Father forever.*
    This closing line expresses confidence in Yahweh's perpetual goodness and mercy throughout one's life. It reassures that Yahweh's love and blessings will be with us continually. Dwelling in the house of the Father forever signifies eternal fellowship with Yahweh, highlighting the everlasting relationship and security we have with Him.
    In summary, this passage reflects a deep sense of trust and confidence in Yahweh's constant care, guidance, and provision, portraying Him as a loving shepherd who looks after His people with unwavering devotion and protection.
    Sheep need a shepherd because they are naturally defenseless animals that require guidance, protection, and care. Without a shepherd, sheep are prone to getting lost, falling prey to predators, and encountering dangers such as harsh weather and rough terrain. Shepherds lead their flock to safe pastures, ensure they have food and water, protect them from harm, and tend to their health needs. In essence, a shepherd provides the necessary oversight and support to keep the sheep safe and healthy. This is why Yahweh is referred to being our shepherd.


  • @NicoleBalmain-vp7en
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