my personal experience with placebo on osu as a 'top' player

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • yapper video, definitely more personal as i talk about my thoughts on the game and how I've felt these past few years of playing the game. I don't really hope for an answer because I don't think I'll ever get one. If you watch the whole video I love you, but there's a lot of fluff (hard to organize though) so I understand if you don't. I don't know how much longer I can keep playing this game competitively anymore.
  • Ігри


  • @Decaten
    @Decaten  4 дні тому +42

    I want to say first off: sorry for the excessive use of 'like', I've always talked like that and don't really notice it LOLOL. Secondly, I appreciate all the comments of relatability and advice, it means much more than you might think. While I do think placebo plays a big part in my issue, I would also just like to hold the developers accountable to making sure that the game we all play and love is always working in its best favor for everyone. Thank you for sharing all of your stories, we'll get through it together!

    • @Decaten
      @Decaten  4 дні тому +5

      answering questions on here just for future comments:
      Q: do you have your old setup? A: No, gave my pc away for a close friend's birthday
      Q: have you adjusted your chair/table setup? A: Yes, I'm actually very comfortable in terms of the physical realm (chair, desk, etc.) It's mainly just the physical-> digital that's so jarring for me.
      Q: Why don't you try playing lazer? A: A LOT of major tournaments are still on stable unfortunately, so while I've considered switching to lazer, it's not super good for me because the practice environment would be different.
      Q: Have you tried playing on a different setup? A: Yes, I've played on LAN and I was generally comfortable setup-wise.

    • @salunlistedvideos
      @salunlistedvideos 4 дні тому +2

      pookie bear why are you so freaky 🥺 you are my freakidol 👉👈 the true #1 osu player

    • @babalitr
      @babalitr 4 дні тому +4

      also a suggestion: try doing blind tests with someone. they change or dont change settings and have you play maps without telling you what they did to see if it is placebo

    • @Nuans0
      @Nuans0 3 дні тому

      ⁠@@babalitri was thinking the same thing, it would definitely be useful in confirming wether or not the issue is really placebo or not

  • @hammoru
    @hammoru 4 дні тому +63

    I have been dealing with this sorta feeling forever too, the best thing to do is not think about it, but always feels weird after some days of not thinking about it. Dunno it's just some weird cycle for me. 100% a mindset thing I feel

    • @Taxuma_
      @Taxuma_ 4 дні тому +5

      i agree with this and it's what has helped me, if you stress about something too much then it may end up feeling worse and more "off"
      the feeling of it going back to the way it was before it's likely to be burnout (if you're playing for multiple days in a row) even if it doesn't necessarily feel like it, you need find a balance of not playing and playing, which is one of the frustrating things with osu! is that you basically HAVE to take regular breaks because playing in a burnt out state can do more harm than good to your overall skill and consistency (and ofc what that looks like depends on the person)

    • @vepply
      @vepply 3 дні тому +1

      i usually start feeling like this when i hit a skill wall

  • @honmi
    @honmi 4 дні тому +102

    love these kinds of videos thank you for sharing your thoughts. stay strong out there

    • @petergriffin8086
      @petergriffin8086 4 дні тому +2

    • @JiangGrindset
      @JiangGrindset 4 дні тому +24

      bro highkey we just need more people uploading osu shit cuz like im sick and tired of the same osu drama slop/top player score glaze over and over we need more unique content like this in the community!!! (if no one else then maybe i will do it one day when i am able to find my footing and have valuable info to share)

    • @hallooww
      @hallooww 4 дні тому

      @@JiangGrindsetso real

    • @aJanzu
      @aJanzu 4 дні тому +4

      this reminds me of your old stuff, miss all your podcasts and stuff you showed with top players mentality’s and how they go about the game, always appreciate your work.

  • @ononeg
    @ononeg 4 дні тому +39

    wow you're the only other person i know of who can tell the difference between optimal and unlimited. my friends never understand and some of them can't even tell the difference between windowed and fullscreen, they call me crazy and it's mind boggling to me. i guess some people are just more sensitive to these small changes than others. i agree that it's harder to acc on optimal, it probably has something to do with frametime since optimal is 1.6ms? and yeah, the cursor just feels more "responsive" on unlimited fps for me with tablet, which for you it feels more slippery. i don't know if you feel this as well, but when streaming/recording there is a similar difference in feel when i play compared to no recording and no shadowplay, like optimal vs unlimited

    • @sutheman86
      @sutheman86 4 дні тому +3

      I don't know if gamemode matters but as a ctb player I can instantly recognize the difference of frame limiter. The latency is a big deal.

    • @ononeg
      @ononeg 4 дні тому +5

      @@sutheman86 Yep, for sure. It's the biggest reason I don't play lazer. ppy and others insist 1000fps 1.0ms cap is enough and that humans shouldn't be able to tell the difference. news flash, we can, but obviously they're not gonna listen to us

    • @kaimuu
      @kaimuu 4 дні тому +9

      @@ononeg the thing is that the actual visual latency difference is 0.5-0.8ms between 960fps on optimal and 4000fps on unlimited which is not something you will ever be able to tell. It's mostly system dependent and lazer has some issues outside of the raw latency that affect your perception of it but especially in stable the difference you feel is almost certainly placebo much like what decaten describes. You do feel a difference but that difference doesn't come from any real world values. Either way for input latency if you play tablet that would be your inherent limiter since most are 133hz and some go up to 200hz. The ingame frametime counter is weird and inconsistent so I wouldn't place my full trust in it and only use it as a ballpark value.

    • @ononeg
      @ononeg 4 дні тому +2

      @@kaimuu Inherent tablet latency wouldn't explain why there are differences between framerates. and it's not only the feel of the cursor, there are definitely other things, like it being harder to acc (i've noticed, and in reference to decaten's video) and ctb movement responsiveness (comment above), both of which correlating to keypresses. latency certifier doesn't help either, it's a simple minigame which relies on how the game "looks" rather than actual gameplay with music where there are countless gameplay factors that can influence how the game "feels". easy solution that would make everyone happy is if they just implemented an unlimited fps option but with a very explicit warning for frame drops since that was the reason it was capped to begin with i think.

    • @kaimuu
      @kaimuu 4 дні тому +5

      ​@@ononeg If there is actually something that is causing this and it's not placebo then it's unlikely that it's because you can feel the difference between 1000fps and 4000fps but something else happening to cause this.
      The reason they refuse to change it is because nobody (neither themselves nor external people) has ever produced anything to suggest otherwise so until that is something to exist I doubt things will change.

  • @NoelleTGS2
    @NoelleTGS2 4 дні тому +13

    this might be a weird comment but this video is honestly really inspiring to me, I really really resonate with essentially everything you've said here and the fact you're able to overcome that and still be one of the greatest players to ever touch this game definitely gives me the motivation to persevere through it

  • @suhudude
    @suhudude 4 дні тому +12

    Its reassuring to know that even you face these kinds of problems, hope you find a way to fix it.

  • @ArgelLachica
    @ArgelLachica 3 дні тому +3

    This is too accurate to how I feel when I play osu now. I was always more consistent back in 2022

  • @PhanteonOP
    @PhanteonOP 4 дні тому +11

    This is the most relatable osu video ive ever seen

  • @mrvatei
    @mrvatei 4 дні тому +16

    Trigger warning: 6 digits opinion
    I feel both validated because I kinda felt the same for a while, to the point of actually quitting the game because my mental state was becoming that bad, and confused, because I wouldn't expect actually skilled players to experience the same thing. And those tell me that yeah it's very probably 99% a mental thing unfortunately, which means that to fix this you need to find a way to actually reset your mental state (good luck with that, especially when you're that deep into the game)
    I also feel like a super inconsistent mess, and yeah as a lower end player, it feels super frustrating since it's hard to know if I'm improving, not improving, doing something wrong, maybe learning wrong? Like you said, feeling like you have no direction, just trying things out blind but nothing works as expected. When people talk about improvement, they often focus on the fact that people struggled to get where they are, sometimes to a super high degree, but persevering made them better, even if it took a super long time. I don't have any trouble believing that, but my issue is not the time it takes to improve, but the absolute lack of direction I have. I feel like there is no way to know if what I'm doing will actually result in any improvement down the line.
    Stuff like small vs bigger area (which one is better suited to my playstyle?), tapping style (I switched to ring index in an effort to "unbind" my fingers, improve tapping and actually learn how to properly stream, not sure it did anything though), the actual physical spot where my kb/tablet is, to the point I taped my keyboard to my desk, dumb stuff like angle of the keyboard, or how I position my body, wrists, like small dumb details. Anyways I'm rambling but yeah you get the idea.
    I think the absolute worst is, again the consistency stuff, it's so random, sometimes it's just like you LOSE an ability that you had no problem with before. For example in my case, I actually lost my grip which was the most frustrating shit ever. I couldn't hold my pen anymore, would fall out of my hand, feel super uncomfortable, no amount of area tweaking would make me recover my grip. I tried other ones but nothing would work. I actually used an ELASTIC BAND to stick my finger to the pen(???) because it was so fucking bad. It's like things just randomly fall apart for no reason, then you have to change a bunch of stuff to try to fix it but nothing actually works as intended, you don't even know what actually did anything, and if it did, maybe it had a negative impact, or will have a negative impact in the future...
    That shit is mind breaking, I fully understand what you said when you mentioned you wanna quit. I actually did personally, got back into it slowly after a super long break, but I'm still chasing after my old skill now. Which is super ironic considering I thought I was so trash at the time, now I can't even get close to most of my old scores from 3 years ago lol. Drives you crazy
    I do have a normal grip now though at least (I drew an area using a pencil and used that, works for me kinda). I'm trying to prevent myself from changing any settings, still trying to figure out streams and still have negative consistency. But I don't play as much, and I main lazer now, so I can blame the game rather than myself (jk jk lmao, I main it now because it performs better for me and it's way easier to train with)
    Anyway, I don't really have an answer, but I would at least say you should probably take a break, but not so long that you accidentally quit, and when you come back try never changing any settings. You said you did for a max of 3 weeks, I'm talking months at a time without changing anything. And try focusing on other aspects of the game, learn something new, so you can blame it on not being familiar with the skillset rather than some setting you didn't turn on.
    But yeah I do believe that it IS a mindset issue, it is a mental block that you have to overcome in some way. Again, no definitive advice since I'm still struggling myself.
    Like I said I don't care that much if it takes time (although I am self conscious about my playtime sometimes), as long as I know that I'm doing the right thing and going in the right direction, not fucking my future self over by changing this setting, or training this skillset in the wrong way.
    I don't know if everything I said will resonate with you, since this is more through the lens of someone still learning a lot of the game, but I do believe we have similar consistency and mindset issues, and I do hope we will be able to overcome that overtime. Even if it feels often feels RNG, after quitting the game and coming back after a while, with hindsight, I was still kinda improving, even if it was slow and hard to notice.
    So I would say this: allow yourself to be proud of your "RNG" plays
    Good luck my dude

    • @tvojan4779
      @tvojan4779 4 дні тому

      maybe trying other skillsets could help

    • @fran_kurohime
      @fran_kurohime 4 дні тому +1

      my god, i didn't think i'd find someone in such a similar state as I am

    • @IHuntWaifusAtNight
      @IHuntWaifusAtNight 4 дні тому

      I feel exactly the same bro I'm also a 6digit around 130k. The last time I improved was ages ago I'm just stuck in this skill range no matter how much I try, everything is uncomfortable

    • @spotillius
      @spotillius 3 дні тому +1

      a big rng play for me was my 208pp play on in my room, i could barely fc the map with 90% acc and i randomly got a 1x 100 play

  • @hijiri1308
    @hijiri1308 4 дні тому +7

    With the point of plays being RNG is so real to me, i can never replicate any of the plays I've set prior. A bit of a difference to your story of changing GPU and with the game feeling bad to play is also real to me, any time I change setup but in my case I change between laptops, the game just feels so weird to play everytime i change device. I am so conditioned to playing on a laptop it is unreal, i can never aim the same way i do on a laptop when im on a pc setup. The feeling of never being consistent is always with me, I will have some days where I have a nice session and i feel good about it and then there are days where i literally cannot play the game and all i feel is rage during the whole session. My mouse never feels right in my hand, my aim is always inconsistent, every play i set is just RNG. I resonate with you heavy with you being lost in this game but it's just something about the game that just keeps pulling me back and keep me playing.

    • @sutheman86
      @sutheman86 4 дні тому

      Same, even changing the operating system or client (Lazer, stable) feels completely different.

    • @fatfartingcow
      @fatfartingcow 4 дні тому

      This isn't necessarily placebo as it could be a literal difference such as a monitor size ect, that affects you in a literal sense.

  • @stereo2329
    @stereo2329 4 дні тому +17

    not settings just mental

  • @Neuronecia
    @Neuronecia 4 дні тому +3

    speaking of consistency, i had this problem of switching from mouse to another mouse. My current mouse is Lamzu Maya but I also have ZA-13C lying around my desk. The big problem with my inconsistency was whenever I felt bad using one mouse I'll just switch to another one and when the other mouse didn't work i will switch to the other one, pretty much vice versa.
    Some days I will think of, "Wow my button switches are really good today, i could stream 210 really well" And other times I couldn't stream well and I felt very frustrated with myself, my own mouse, my monitor, everything.
    It's really frustrating to everyone including us that overthink about literally anything, thank you so much for talking about this!

  • @kurokun07
    @kurokun07 3 дні тому +1

    too see a top mouse osu player is having the same issues i been having is wild. i may be a generic 6 digit that had quit osu, but i hope whatever it is you are facing decaten you will pull through with it, despite me quitting you will always be one of my inspiration of an osu top player(coming from a mouse player myself) take care

  • @kamabanana123
    @kamabanana123 4 дні тому +4

    most relatable video I've ever watched holy

    • @kamabanana123
      @kamabanana123 4 дні тому +2

      btw this is not placebo it's nocebo

  • @mortnite88
    @mortnite88 4 дні тому +7

    its hard to fix that mental, just remember fgsky back in the day man even if your settings or anything is shit instead of worrying about changing everything you can just focus on the game, and instead of attributing you playing bad to settings attribute it to a bad day. Also overthinking about your aim or fingers especially while playing will make you worse

    • @mortnite88
      @mortnite88 4 дні тому +2

      make sure you are taking care of your physical and mental health and other factors to help consistency, stress can do a lot to you

    • @daniel1RM
      @daniel1RM 4 дні тому

      @@mortnite88i dont think this strikes the point. Because he clearly has and had the skill to be better, as he said he forced himself to be but at the end of the day this being a game he cant enjoy okaying like that. Even if he (or anyone in this situation) stops blaming anything and just accepts a permanent settings config they would still need to force themselves to be better if they want to enjoy the game because who enjoys the game for being trash at it, especially if YOU KNOW you are waaaaay better than that naturally and for no reason you just cant be yourself

    • @daniel1RM
      @daniel1RM 4 дні тому +1

      @@mortnite88and when i say you cant enjoy a game if you are trash i mean relatively, ive okayed games that i die and lose many times and still have fun but if i suddenly become way worse at it for no reason and started to lose much more often then I would even be anle to enjoy that game

  • @riceblunt7859
    @riceblunt7859 2 дні тому

    Decaten... I get you... I think... it's.... it's... not just placebo and probably is something to do with the actual gameplay. This happens to me in Rocket League with my controller and... when the controller is ass... it's... asss. .... but it hits when it's locked in.... Awesome video!!!

  • @umutemir2717
    @umutemir2717 4 дні тому +8


  • @k0t1990
    @k0t1990 4 дні тому +2

    It may be health related, like sleeping too late. I had the same issue when I was staying late at night, next day you feel slugish and not only osu but other things as well, you can't easily concentrate, and this game really requires concentration. Go to the gym, eat healthy and sleep well, and you'll feel much better.

  • @vac4ncy
    @vac4ncy 7 годин тому

    banger upload from Decaten? yessir

  • @saqsto4350
    @saqsto4350 3 дні тому +1

    Holy poggers! He just said 'like' 436 times!

  • @cheonsangbi
    @cheonsangbi 4 дні тому +4

    I don't know English well, so I didn't understand everything, but I think I'm probably going through the same thing as you.
    When I first started playing this game, and to this day, I always felt like my aim was different.
    Whenever that happens, I first check whether my sitting position is wrong or where the keyboard mouse is located.
    If I checked them properly and it still happens, then I try changing the in-game settings this time.
    Raw input, Frame limiter, etc.
    If I keep changing the in-game settings, at some point I feel fine.
    Then I play the game in that state on that day.
    When I play in that state, I feel a strange feeling that is different from usual again one day.
    Then I change the in-game settings again.
    But there are days when no matter how much I change the in-game settings, it doesn't work out.
    Then I change a lot of different settings other than in-game settings.
    Mouse Wired/Wireless, Mouse Polling Rate, Windows Graphic Settings, Disable fullscreen optimizations, High DPI Scaling override, NVIDIA Control Panel, etc.
    If I change the settings for a few hours like that, it solved someday.
    But it's only temporary and these things happen again.
    So I'm not playing this game very hard these days. I'm so tired now.
    Maybe someone else thinks it's just a placebo, but I don't think so.
    I'd like to offer a solution for people who go through the same thing as me, but that would be very difficult.
    It's going to be hard and painful, but if you just ignore it and try to have fun playing the game, it might be okay.
    I don't think there's anything more to say.
    Good luck to everyone reading this.

  • @Stwinky
    @Stwinky 4 дні тому +3

    I became obsessed with my windows cursor speed setting and how it influenced my CSing in league. I would plot average cs for different tick values and all this psycho stuff. Turned out to just be mental block and cope

  • @kerli_8012
    @kerli_8012 7 годин тому

    Honestly i understand you fully, when i upgraded from 5ms max laptop (200fps max in osu) to 0.31ms and more then a like 2k fps, i felt wrong, just game started playing different, switching skins, switches, devices, everything just felt wrong, and it's still sometime's dosent click, yea am just a 6k pp player, but maybe a comfort of playing on shitty laptop is just too stuck with me, then playing on good pc

  • @possiblypigeon
    @possiblypigeon 4 дні тому

    This is the first video I've watched from you, and I really enjoyed it. I don't even play osu anymore, but 100% feel the inconsistency things in other games (overwatch mainly) when changing settings that shouldn't make an actual impact. Keep up the good work, you're a good talker :)

  • @kapitanmw
    @kapitanmw 4 дні тому +5

    I have had issues like these before and i usually could fix them. Most of the times its just windows being shit. Forgetting to update drivers caused input delay and the game turning on vsync automatically (i couldnt turn it off) which really impacted my performance. Since you have a gtx 1660 like me changing the program settings on nvidia control panel helped a lot, you basically just open up nvidia control panel, go to "manage 3d settings", choose osu as the program and change the settings to what fits you best! also dont forget to restart your computer after changing these settings since you need to do that for them to work properly.

    • @kapitanmw
      @kapitanmw 4 дні тому +5

      also usually bloatware in the background (especially discord) are known to cause a lot of performance issues

    • @sean12444
      @sean12444 3 дні тому

      @@kapitanmw true, for a couple months before a patch was released to stable discord would cause very infrequent but noticeable lagspikes on osu, so i wouldnt doubt discord still causes performance issues even if the more major ones have been fixed

  • @felty891
    @felty891 4 дні тому +1

    i had this in valorant 2yrs ago and it got so bad i genuinly started hating the game from the bottom of my heart and literally quit the game at my peak cuz i just hated how anything/everything felt. i was changing mice constantly, changing mousepads, different monitor settings, ingame settings, optimization settings, characters, mouse grip... the list goes on and recently after getting back into it with a fresh mental reset and not caring ab the game anymore i now feel so much more in sync with the game and it finally feels right now. i got into osu cuz i left val and i started having the same issue with osu now too its horrible idk how to stop it. its a cycle, a loop

  • @FischSkelett
    @FischSkelett 4 дні тому

    I am a mouse player and had similar issues with my aim for a long time, but luckily I was able to fix it for me. I was constantly trying to find better ways to hold my mouse since I just couldn't figure out a way that felt good and made my aim consistent. But that I tried to figure that out was my problem. There is no setting and no grip that will ever feel comfortable, because these things become comfortable if you get used to them. After some time I just stopped trying to find a perfect grip and kept using an uncomfortable one... But it didn't stay uncomfortable - Over time it felt really good and now I just hold my mouse however and it works. Problems like me being unable to hit anything in the corners just disappeared. My grip actually changed a bit, but it wasn't me trying to change it. My grip just adjusted itself and I'm pretty sure that's what it means to get used to it. The fact that you perform worse sometimes and better at other times barely have anything to do with your settings. It's just the natural up and down, which is mainly affected my your mental. And your mental is mostly uncontrollable. You just gotta accept that you're performing bad sometimes. This is usually also a good time to take a small break for a few days. But after some time of playing worse I'll assure you, you will play well again. It doesn't matter how often I thought in the past that I just got worse or I am doing something wrong, it was never actually the case... I just had a bad day and soon enough I could play properly again. As far as I'm concerned, your setting have so minimal impact on you that it barely even needs to be thought about. If something in the settings changes, you just need to get used to the new settings and there should be no problem. Sorry for writing so much or rather thank you for reading this. I just have a lot to say about this, because I was dealing with this the majority of my playing carrier and I'm sure I could keep writing for ever.

    • @babalitr
      @babalitr 4 дні тому +1

      big agree on this.

  • @shizaraosu
    @shizaraosu 4 дні тому +10

    someone has to count how much times he said "like"

    • @justgamingakram
      @justgamingakram 4 дні тому +19

      I got around 437, I may have missed a few/added a few accidently but I hope this helps.

  • @toomessprograms4510
    @toomessprograms4510 3 дні тому

    As the maps we're playing are becoming increasingly hard we encounter more problems and hiccups, its natural that our older selves seem to be more in control, our older self were playing easier maps after all, even so, we tend to forget the frustrations we had when we started playing simply on the count of enjoying the game more.

  • @riceblunt7859
    @riceblunt7859 2 дні тому

    Decaten... I think you are grinding hard enough

  • @Vacuum_Tube
    @Vacuum_Tube 4 дні тому +1

    The best piece of advice i can give for placebo is to accept it and stop thinking about it, the game being slightly off will only have a large effect if you fight it. How do i know this? Ive been playing osu with 100% CPU usage (rendering fractals) and this causes the approach circles to be visibly jittery and annoying. At first I thought it was almost unplayable but after a while you sort of get used to it. Its very much a mindset thing.
    Stop changing settings and stick with what you have: how are you meant to get used to something that is always changing?
    Whenever u feel stuck take a good look at the way you are and how you play, while you are playing. Not after. If you do this right you will be able to see what's up and then you can guess how to change. (I have no clue how to explain how to do this so ig just give it a go lol)
    These are all things I have come to realise about this topic, but what do i know? Im only a 6 digit after all xd

    • @Vacuum_Tube
      @Vacuum_Tube 4 дні тому

      I would also recommend doing exactly what i have just done. Think for ages one night about actual advice you would give on getting better, then actually follow your own advice (this is perhaps the best advice as it works in all situations) so basically figure it out 🤣

    • @sean12444
      @sean12444 3 дні тому

      i agree with this, i dont have issues like this very often because i try to intentionally avoid it by changing my settings as infrequently as possible, i just stick with what i have never changing too much about gameplay elements or settings, and i think it's helped me a lot
      im top 3k in mania and i leaderbaord farm/ss grind a lot, and part of what i think has made me a lot better at acc is only using one skin for mania. i hardly ever make changes to things such as the hitposition (invisible/visible judgement line that determines where in the receptor the note has to be for marvelous) or the actual textures of the notes or receptors, even though i know the circles in my skin dont perfectly line up with the receptors
      on rare occasion i do try to adjust the hitposition to make a visual offset to fix my early hits but it usually just causes less consistency so i end up reverting to my original settings
      of course a lot of those things dont apply to standard as thats a mode where you are more likely to change skins very often, but regardless i still try not to mess with settings, i just stay on unlimited, raw input, etc

  • @waserof
    @waserof 4 дні тому +3

    Hey man I know that im kinda dog ass at this game (and you know that too LOL) and inexperienced compared to you but a lot of what you said sounds very familiar to me. During covid I started actually grinding ranks and around that time (Jumped from like sub 200pp to 300pp plays in a few months iirc) I would start having issues with my mouse grip, weird feeling sens, and somewhat that experience of sluggishness. I realized at this time that I didn't have the means to fix these issues, I couldn't afford a new mouse, switching to tablet, a new pc, a new monitor, etc. So instead I just said "ok fuck it, competitive play may not work for me I shouldn't let this ruin the experience." So I logged off and just played offline playing maps I found fun or could see noticeable progress on. This lasted a couple months before I came back but I continued to just chill and look for marginal improvements. Recently though I've felt the urge to push my limits a little bit and I've noticed that having just ignored all those issues I had previously and just play for the sake of it, they've largely been mitigated I don't hypefocus on my mouse grip, I don't notice my sens feeling wrong, and I've stopped feeling like my game is sluggish even on lazer which I have always had issues with. I understand that taking a step back and playing the game just for kicks is hard when you are competitive, but its worth a shot. Games are meant to be fun and even if it takes a while for you to feel comfortable again, I know that you will be able to come back and catch up easily. Good luck man!

  • @proxas9878
    @proxas9878 4 дні тому +3

    its so hard to find a fellow mouse player.

  • @sparklingpeepee867
    @sparklingpeepee867 4 дні тому

    I've always kinda had this issue too just not to this severity. Like my skill will literally go down an insane amount if I play on any other setup than my own.

  • @eevertp
    @eevertp 4 дні тому

    Hope you find ur consistency again

  • @riceblunt7859
    @riceblunt7859 2 дні тому

    Great video!

  • @АлександрСавченко-б8в

    Chill and focus on comfort. I feel like u put way too much pressure on yourself. Hope it gets better

  • @hallooww
    @hallooww 4 дні тому +1

    why don’t you try and understand what each setting does in depth? that is the most valid way to root out placebo.
    also, i noticed you never showed your graphics driver. that alone made the biggest difference to me, turning every setting off except freesync (i use amd)
    and i noticed someone mentioning input lag corresponding to consistency which i agree with, though its only in the short term. ideally, you want the least even if it doesn’t feel consistent at first as you’re not getting more vision of cursor movement.
    you should be sticking to the same settings. it makes no sense to constantly change them

  • @flora2155
    @flora2155 4 дні тому

    Good video. Alot of people also suffer from this including me. Best bet is to just not think about it id assume

  • @spiderz7247
    @spiderz7247 4 дні тому

    I've been dealing with the same problem for literally my whole time of playing osu except its a physical problem for me like I always be changing how far up my arm is on the desk or shorter and changing mouse grip or trying to aim with my arm instead or wrist and nothing is ever truly comfortable for me it really just demotivates me so much when playing this game and my progress is just super stagnant it sucks.

  • @tronplays8651
    @tronplays8651 4 дні тому

    22:52 is so real

  • @ketnon
    @ketnon 4 дні тому

    btw, do you think your pad could be to do with it?
    you went from a hien to a zero, and i’ve personally felt that the zero feels way too slow for osu. the zero gets even slower with use as you build up the “grime” on it, and i generally found the micro movements much more inconsistent, especially on higher sensitivity.
    top kovaaks players generally use much faster pads like the raiden (aim wise i think kovaaks is the closest game i could think of to osu). i think that’s probably something worth looking into. if not, you should definitely wash your pad.

  • @MrrkSupReal
    @MrrkSupReal 4 дні тому +1

    1:20 i can already say to you i know that feeling and i just switched to lazer cause you have less delay and the game just perfoms better idk why people still use Stable

  • @nsn333
    @nsn333 4 дні тому

    This is so relatable wtf. Idk if it was me changing the height of my table or changing pc or keyboard or whatever but I keep feeling like I'm not as good as i was a few years before (peak aim or consistency wise). I also keep changing random shit to play better and sometimes it really does work for a while. I guess fuck it we ball is the only way forward. Decaten save me if u find a solution pl0x

  • @Wutever
    @Wutever 4 дні тому

    Barely into the video but i relate deeply to stuff always feeling off.
    Ive contemplated several times going BACK to playing osu on a shitty laptop despite the input lag on it because i feel way WAY more in tune on it. Since switching to my pc 4 1/2 years ago i doubt ive played more then 15 hours on laptop and its a CONSTANT thought i have.

  • @kimiezi.
    @kimiezi. 4 дні тому

    the second I came here (istg you better not)
    I was thinking the entire time, I bet honmi is here collecting information rn.

  • @babalitr
    @babalitr 4 дні тому

    im a 5 digit random, ive had a period of the game feeling "off" for months though not to your extend. one day i said i will stick with these settings this setup this sens and played for a long time and overtime i been feeling consistent again.

    • @babalitr
      @babalitr 4 дні тому +1

      i also like to think the game has to do something with it or i have a severe case of placebo. cause even after doing all this sometimes when i alt tab and alt back in my aim doesnt feel the same and i have to restart to feel the same again.

    • @fizzy_blizzy
      @fizzy_blizzy 3 дні тому


  • @volenvolen2990
    @volenvolen2990 4 дні тому

    It's sooo weird
    I feel the same shit, it makes no sense. I try to keep my settings consistent but that also doesn't help.
    It feels like I have to pray to get those once a month good days just so I can play normally.
    Understanding that it's just placebo doesn't always mean that you can stop it at will.

  • @71320osu
    @71320osu 4 дні тому

    osu felt better on my old shittier pc and now it all feels bad

  • @jank_memes
    @jank_memes 4 дні тому

    I feel this 100%, the way I kinda cope with it is just take a break and play some casual games.

  • @Stanky_Foot
    @Stanky_Foot 4 дні тому +1

    havent watched the entire thing. but have you considered potentially your seating height or arm/elbow position, also i find that if i dont have something that allows me to stabilize my body (good seat with lumbar support, i cant play optimally)

  • @itsruta
    @itsruta 3 дні тому +1

    dude my mouse hasnt felt right in almost a year since my last reset bro and i copied ur settings and i swear it fixed I SWEAR its not placebo too

  • @silkWR
    @silkWR 3 дні тому

    just use the same settings for a few months and you’ll get your consistency

  • @hangresss6280
    @hangresss6280 4 дні тому +1

    I have the same type of feeling but with tapping. Ever since i changed my chair and table, I cant alternate. I cant really learn fast jumps and i cant do maps with low bpm and i feel like my tapping technique became worse since i fingerlock randomly. Sure, I actually slowly get better, learn higher bpm but in general my tapping improve is pretty stagnant. It's just embarrasing for me to know that my tapping hand was more consistent and was better at alternating when i was 6 digit and now im like 20k. I tried like everything but usually I just have these cycles where I think I finally found the right hand positioning or optimal way to tap or like the right way I position myself, then I would feel somewhat comfortable for a few days but that "good" feeling disappears shortly after. I have struggled with that problem for like a year and I feel like i could be so much better and I could finally enjoy the game fully. I'm not even sure if it's real or its just placebo and my mindset. Maybe i should hop on my old setup and then try to fully copy everything to my new setup but its pretty hard to do. Well anyways, have u tried playing on other setups or maybe put your old gpu back in? Unlike me, you are still a top player and also a big inspiration to many people including myself. I can relate and ik this kind of problem is hard to overcome but i hope u will solve it and won't give up, as I'm not planning to give up personally. gl

  • @Revvmp
    @Revvmp 4 дні тому

    I feel the same way, all my plays feel like luck and I cannot replicate scores (even if its old). It feels like consistency does not exist and every time I hop on, I just hope its a lucky day and I am able to set something

    • @glouuuu
      @glouuuu 4 дні тому

      honestly i used to be like that until suddenly I wasn't, i remember struggling so much with my tablet grip to the point where i would change it literally mid map and it would all just feel weird, but one day i was just so tired of that i just stopped caring, i put some tape in my pen, randomly found a comfortable grip and comfortable position for my hand, comfortable area and all of a sudden i am becoming more and more consistent, i guess the consistency comes when u don't even care abt it

  • @somethingabovesky
    @somethingabovesky 4 дні тому +5

    Its called electrical input lag my friend, search it up.

  • @sploidd
    @sploidd 4 дні тому +1

    6:24 the same thing happened to me as well. I dont know why but after messing with some color ang gamma stuff in the monitor settings i managed to make it somewhat better but its never the same

  • @puag1152
    @puag1152 4 дні тому

    ive noticed since i got my wooting i have the same feeling

  • @chrislamp
    @chrislamp 4 дні тому

    Something I realized is that I only play good during the winter. For some reason, during the summer I get really depressed and lose all motivation to play the game.

  • @pig9
    @pig9 4 дні тому

    like this video is so like crazy like i cant understand how like placebo is so crazy like holy moly

  • @skippyYeet
    @skippyYeet 4 дні тому

    thats sad to hear wish i could give some advice but i hope you figure stuff out keep up the good work tho

  • @pogman2492
    @pogman2492 4 дні тому

    Ain't no way we got the same issue, the moment my gpu started "bugging out" and crashing I was also having problems with input lag and such. It always felt "off" like I used to aim purely on instincts but it felt a bit weird sometimes and lagging behind (I play on half your sens). It seems to be a gpu related issue, my gpu is stable now and I am having 0 issues nowadays except for my skill growth being stunted.

  • @kielsor1004
    @kielsor1004 4 дні тому

    as a fellow mouse player i'm also having almost all of the same issues that you're having.

  • @mamlasdavid7598
    @mamlasdavid7598 3 дні тому

    this is so real its sad

  • @jackgoat-ej3vn
    @jackgoat-ej3vn 4 дні тому

    Could it be that the reason things feel more random now is because you've improved? As technique requirements increase, the margin for error decreases,, which means that everything has to be very precise, but humans are inherently not able to replicate things perfectly, so in the highest level these tiny variations in execution make a huge different and that's why it's more noticiable.

  • @lukah6779
    @lukah6779 4 дні тому

    I'm no expert, but something might've changed with windows 11 that messes with osu idek

  • @adim2222
    @adim2222 4 дні тому +7

    0.8 likes a second

  • @vinny999fv
    @vinny999fv 4 дні тому

    Hey, I dealt with something similar except I didn't change/download anything bad I just factory resetted my computer. After I redownloaded osu I felt something was off as well, like my sensitivity didn't feel right and I had to relearn literally EVERYTHING. My tapping and aim was off and I restarted from 3 stars to now where I can fc 5 stars again. But it took me a while to get back so its really if you're still motivated to continue grinding even after your brain just shuts off.

  • @ReSunDestin
    @ReSunDestin 4 дні тому +2

    Ever tried asking someone else to change your osu settings and you play blindly on these settings ? Just to make sure it is an actual placebo issue

  • @Loosay_osu
    @Loosay_osu 4 дні тому +1

    Im not fully aware of your situation, but i think you might just be overthinking it, play songs you enjoy, maps you enjoy, maybe play some old maps from 2008-2013 that would help with the no control over your game since they require for you to have refined fundamentals. You could also take a break for a week or two, noones forcing you to play its your decision. For the settings just pick whatever, it doesnt matter. If you play one setting combination for a month or more you will get used to it and it will be the norm. Trying out new skins might make the game a bit more fun too. Good luck and do whatever feels right because as i said its your life and you can do whatever you want to do.

  • @fenrizzirnef9325
    @fenrizzirnef9325 4 дні тому +1

    cool video but when are we making the decaten pge duo a reality

  • @ded24lol
    @ded24lol 4 дні тому

    i call it ghost latency. latency that cant be detected and for some reason only happens on mouse. i know multiple mouse players that also suffer from this

  • @battlequestosu
    @battlequestosu 4 дні тому

    osu has always felt wrong to me so I switched to lazer and it went away no idea why but I've been grinding osu a lot lately cus of it and its been a lot more fun for me lazer just feels so much smoother to play and feels very nice to play on

  • @ajeb7207
    @ajeb7207 4 дні тому

    Hey man good video, Do you have any more tips to squeeze out performance in osu? I did the disable full screen optimisation and idk it feels more snappier, Maybe its just placebo and im 6 digit but anything would help. Thankyou!

  • @caseyzx
    @caseyzx 4 дні тому

    yeah i have this too as a mouse player, it feels like i have fullscreen off input lag even when i am fullscreened and i constantly have to check because it feels so delayed.

  • @vandsr
    @vandsr 4 дні тому +6

    You said the word "like" 833 times throughout this video
    That's around 30 times every minute
    And 15 times in 30 seconds.

    • @kogamaandrers6692
      @kogamaandrers6692 4 дні тому


    • @JiangGrindset
      @JiangGrindset 4 дні тому +2

      who cares why are you nitpicking at how someone speaks it matters not as long as the message gets conveyed imo

  • @autismsings8848
    @autismsings8848 4 дні тому +1

    bro ur brain is assigning random unrelated perception to each setting because of underlying frustration at not getting the results u expect due to past results. probably that past itself is painted by a recollection bias or simply defined by a lack of putting thought into what's going on.
    this is why every coach ever coaches to focus on process and not results.

  • @Riyoe
    @Riyoe 4 дні тому +2

    problem: placebo
    solution: quit osu and find the love of your life
    ok seriously though hope everything turns out well and you fix the settings/mental soon

  • @mattishotaf
    @mattishotaf 4 дні тому

    Just a thought but is there any chance you upgraded your monitor alongside getting the new gpu? Different Panels can feel WAYYY different in game
    I’m about 14 mins in so if you answer this my bad in advance

  • @masterofkurkuma3067
    @masterofkurkuma3067 4 дні тому

    based vn enjoyer

  • @as_pe
    @as_pe 4 дні тому +3

    do you experience the same thing in mcosu? What about lazer?

    • @Kris-od3sj
      @Kris-od3sj 4 дні тому +1

      Watch the video to the end. He said lazer "feels nice, but not the same".
      It's expected, considering lazer has much more stable frametime and input polling decoupled from rendering, but because of him just being used to osu!stable, he prefers the objectively worse performance.

    • @as_pe
      @as_pe 4 дні тому

      @@Kris-od3sj Yeah but what about the details, objectively Lazer is a different game that is attempting to replicate stable so there's bound to be differences. What feels nice? What doesn't feel nice? Why does it/doesn't it feel nice? Is he affected by the placebo settings on Lazer? That's also why I brought up mcosu since it's literally the closest we have to a game that replicates the stable experience, obviously there's differneces but it's pretty close, so if he's having issues there it would be much easier to say it's a hardware issue or a mental issue.

  • @nitka4202
    @nitka4202 4 дні тому +1


  • @osteenbarnes2041
    @osteenbarnes2041 2 години тому

    Rodriguez Dorothy Smith Paul Lopez Robert

  • @Akemi727
    @Akemi727 4 дні тому

    i get you bro, relatable

  • @pyhe
    @pyhe 4 дні тому +1

  • @trinoxneon1237
    @trinoxneon1237 4 дні тому +1

    have you turn off mouse acceleration at the desktop settings?

  • @batyscaphe
    @batyscaphe 4 дні тому

    i didn't saw dota in you steam library. -100 social credit :(

  • @Peasch
    @Peasch 4 дні тому +1

    Yo its the 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 osu player

  • @21ninpo
    @21ninpo День тому

    its not just me????

    @MAXNENEMAX 4 дні тому +1

    fucking same with optimal fps, turned it on because when i play with unlimited it feels like the entire playfield is soapy. i also used to switch cursors every few maps it was like a single cursor has a time limit to be precise before becoming slippery, god damn. maybe im schizo

  • @Kuusnelonen64
    @Kuusnelonen64 4 дні тому

    Have u tryed mcosu? i swear everytime i log in to stable it feels like shit after mcosu. i feel u on this one😑

    • @Kuusnelonen64
      @Kuusnelonen64 4 дні тому

      I recomend everyone to try mcosu if u want to enjoy playing osu😅

  • @proxas9878
    @proxas9878 4 дні тому

    maybe you should try lazer, idk much about why original is better than lazer but the videos on osu!lazer ppy and pishifat talk about lazer it feels like lazer is better than original(ppy said lazer has less input delay than original)

  • @machiww1194
    @machiww1194 4 дні тому

    maybe you are used to some setting in Radeon drivers (like Radeon anti lag) and Nvidia gpu just feels different, I also felt that Nvidia and Radeon latency feels different

  • @bleh3140
    @bleh3140 4 дні тому

    damn that sucks, did you fully wipe gpu driver before switching to the 1660 something?

    • @bleh3140
      @bleh3140 4 дні тому

      I also found that using a higher polling rate feels kind of sluggish and almost restricting for me. using 125hz helps me out.

  • @Vplaytg
    @Vplaytg 4 дні тому

    I had that as well!
    Only thing that helped was to clean install windows and get new ram sticks

    • @Vplaytg
      @Vplaytg 4 дні тому

      Like i had a pc, was always playing with bad acc and no consistency. Then i played on a sh*tty laptop with way lower fps a bad tablet and 60hz monitor and all of a sudden every play was a top play. So yeah after that i figured out im not tripping and something is wrong on my pc and clean install fixed it

  • @7kenjoyer
    @7kenjoyer 4 дні тому

    damn, that's a really rough situation. I don't think changing settings all the time would help, and doing that definitely hurts your consistency. I'd stick to settings that feel best and focus on working on things that are lacking with those settings. if it's consistency/aim, then don't hesitate going back to much lower * maps and play those for a while. it helped me a ton, I couldn't even believe how well it worked for me. anyway, I hope one day your mind will find peace

  • @riceblunt7859
    @riceblunt7859 2 дні тому

    Have you ever tried to play on anyone else's setup?

  • @haiks7510
    @haiks7510 4 дні тому

    a lot of the time its just a mindset issue. i get it cause you're playing in OWC, but the average player doesn't play high skill tourneys and should not really give a shit, just have fun and play the game.

  • @KoopstaKlicca
    @KoopstaKlicca 4 дні тому +1

    Bro I'm not good at osu! but just hearing the way you speak about it and the types of things you're saying, you need to take a break and chill out. You sound burned out and mind broken. Come back and re-evaluate after enjoying life and refreshing yourself.

  • @otturswagmoney
    @otturswagmoney 4 дні тому
