Our Story - a poem

  • Опубліковано 4 лип 2016
  • I live my story
    And you live yours
    And if the Universe so decides
    And our stories overlap
    Even for a short little while
    So very blessed are we then
    Since our story is so much bigger
    And powerful
    And beautiful
    Than your story alone
    Or mine on its own
    I thank you much
    And I thank you dearly
    And I do hope
    And sometimes I even pray
    That you too
    Might have fond memories
    Of the tender story
    That we wrote together
    When our stories mingled
    When we were One
    And now...
    I still live my story
    And you still live yours
    And if the Universe so decide
    And our stories overlap again
    Even for a short little while
    When we are on the hereafter Plane
    So very blessed will we be then
    To have fond memories
    Of our Story
    The Story that we wrote together then
    When our stories mingled
    And when we were One...