Yes as Mrs.Preeti Mallick has shared so much detailed & exclusive infos about diseases and their medicines and cure i am sure this vdo will be a huge benifit to all bird keepers lovers and new& old aviarculturist as well.
We have no any basic infrustructure in Calcutta for treatment of birds and as well as cats,dogs also All medicine we try with birds all trail &error method . Day by day all desease r going new and critical.
Yes very true Sir.I am not into Birds but being with aviculturist am getting to know that and was v surprised about it.It's the same as in Ornamental fishes where the 1st Mantra of anyone who wants to properly keep a fish and for long time is that you have to be the doctor of a fish so we have to learn disease , symtoms and cure of fish treatment.As in birds too, due to similar conditions Aviculturist and all keepimg birds must learn about prevention and cure of bird disease right from day 1 i believe.
Pls keep it up
Thank you
Excellent vdo.Excellent information on bird disease.All aviarists will be v much beniffitrd from this vdo
Yes as Mrs.Preeti Mallick has shared so much detailed & exclusive infos about diseases and their medicines and cure i am sure this vdo will be a huge benifit to all bird keepers lovers and new& old aviarculturist as well.
We have no any basic infrustructure in Calcutta for treatment of birds and as well as cats,dogs also
All medicine we try with birds all trail &error method .
Day by day all desease r going new and critical.
Yes very true Sir.I am not into Birds but being with aviculturist am getting to know that and was v surprised about it.It's the same as in Ornamental fishes where the 1st Mantra of anyone who wants to properly keep a fish and for long time is that you have to be the doctor of a fish so we have to learn disease , symtoms and cure of fish treatment.As in birds too, due to similar conditions Aviculturist and all keepimg birds must learn about prevention and cure of bird disease right from day 1 i believe.