If you have a receiver similar to this ► ua-cam.com/video/NNUEh-uaZ10/v-deo.html, plus an app on the phone (ex: GoFPV) than yes. FX798T video ► ua-cam.com/video/FKYbZw0pwt8/v-deo.html FX798T video recorded by Go FPV app: - Resolution: 640x480 - Aspect ratio: 4:3 - Frame Rate: 24 fps, - Bit Rate: 2.2 megabit/sec
Yes, just ower the camera, that will send the signal, and than use a receiver and monitor to see the signal. Here is a somewhat similar setup ► ua-cam.com/video/NNUEh-uaZ10/v-deo.html
- Try something like this plus a computer/laptop/phone ► www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=uvc+5.8g+receiver&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1 - or FPV goggles ► www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=FPV+goggles&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1
Sounds crazy, but still one of the best cams out there. Good clarity and distance!!
Could be, but it's only 25mW and the antenna can't be placed further away.
best micro kamera, AIO?
Could be...
where can I order the mother board for hidden camera
You just need a receiver and a monitor ► ua-cam.com/video/NNUEh-uaZ10/v-deo.html
Can i clip off the ends and solder them directly to my main board? Red to red, black to black
Sure, but if you accidentally reverse the power cables you'll see smoke! (tested)
I guess I am kind of randomly asking but do anybody know a good place to watch new series online?
Product price
what desdence wireless camera working..... 600feet working???????
Can you tell how can I get to know the range of any video transmitter in units like km or meters . REPLY BCOZ ONCE AGAIN I HAVE WRITTEN WITH HOPE🙄. .
is it full HD?
No! It's a 600 TV Line camera, the resolution is 728 x 492.
How much range does it have ?
hello si I would like to buy where can i buy it and it is how much cost?
I bought it from ebay, the link is in the description.
i want to buy it ... but please tell me how long distance it can transmit its signal with receiver ...please urgent reply
I can't tell exactly, but in straight line around 100 meters, when there are many obstacles than maybe 10-20 meters
Can we see the video on mobile phone with the software?
If you have a receiver similar to this ► ua-cam.com/video/NNUEh-uaZ10/v-deo.html, plus an app on the phone (ex: GoFPV) than yes.
FX798T video ► ua-cam.com/video/FKYbZw0pwt8/v-deo.html
FX798T video recorded by Go FPV app:
- Resolution: 640x480
- Aspect ratio: 4:3
- Frame Rate: 24 fps,
- Bit Rate: 2.2 megabit/sec
Hi 03470443830
Hi what is the maximum range of the cam sir?
I'm not sure, I haven't tested the maximum range yet...
Hello bhai mera Saman ya Manga Doge camera
Is those available at the Philippines??
search for this camera on ebay.com and see if they ship to that area
furulevi tnx
Can I buy this directly from eBay app...
Yes, I also bought it from ebay.
What is the range of camera connectivity
I'm not exactly sure, but in straight line at least 100m surely is...
How to can I get this.
Will I get more range if I use 5volts instead of lesser 3.7v volts ?
I'm not sure, but I think yes it will give more range... (Reverse voltage will destroy it! It already happened to me)
إعهعتmayandi mayandi
mayandi mayandi
mayandi mayandi 4rupees
One friend is necessary, एक दोस्त जरूरी होता है, 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
bhai ye camra Bluetooth se bhi connected ho sakhta he kya
No bluetooth. 5.8Ghz analog video transmission.
@@furulevi bhai plzz phon number send me your
Sir can we connect this transmitter camera 📷 with EACHINE ROTGO1 5.8 G 150CH OTG UVG Receiver
Theoretically yes because both are working at 5.8GHz. I used a similar one here ► ua-cam.com/video/NNUEh-uaZ10/v-deo.html
no se le puiede cambiar esa antena tan poco practica?
Only if you solder another one.
What is the cost of this camera from indian currency. Otherwise you tell me your country currency and cost i will convert into indian currency
In your video it sends black and white picture on laptop
In this setup yes, but in another setup the video is color ► ua-cam.com/video/hQ46_d43QWA/v-deo.html
Where did u buy
Nice video what price this product
Beli nya di mana ya
i want to purchase 05 peice, please tell me the price and whre i can get this /
I bought it from ebay, there is a link in the description
Mua ở đâu vậy
What is the link for transmitter
This camera has a built-in 5.8GHz video transmitter (antenna), a link is in the description.
Can it connect with a phone?
Yes, but it also depends on the phone ► ua-cam.com/video/yi06_GuTvSM/v-deo.html
Receiver ► ua-cam.com/video/NNUEh-uaZ10/v-deo.html
Sir cameras ke kya prices ha
How can I get this
Donde puedo comprar una camara de trebol
No hud?
Is it vision good in the night?
Not really, this is not a night vision FPV camera. (Runcam Night Eagle works in 0.00001Lux)
I have 4 cameras 160 GB How can I see the last two months by phone
Are you recording those live videos onto a PC? Try to use a remote acces software to see your PC from the phone (teamviewer.com).
It is night version
How many price...l want to buy it
See on ebay, the link is in the description.
What is price
can ı use with fpv reciver?
Acchi lagi video
Can it compatible with LH-X10 Drone?
if you make modifications than yes...
Name or program please.....link??
How can we buy this product in india?
I bought it from www.ebay.com
Where to buy it The Transimita😃😃
Como copra uma câmera desta
Como aonde comprar.
ebay or banggood...
How much it
See on ebay (or another similar website), a link is in the description of this video.
Very good camera
How can I get this?
For example on ebay, the link is in the description.
Cool video! Can you share the name of the receiver?
RC832 FPV receiver
Thank you very much
multiTYRT a
multiTYRT good
how can I buy it
Try ebay, the link is in the description of this video.
How to supposed wireless support in mobile
Try to use a receiver and a smartphone ► ua-cam.com/video/NNUEh-uaZ10/v-deo.html
rate of this camera
Can i use with out wifi
This does not use Wi-Fi, it uses a 5.8GHz analog signal.
Nice job bhaeer
khem Raj Bk aaàaaàaaàaàaaàaààààààaàààààààààààààaàààaàaààààààààaàààààaàààaàààaààààààààààààààààaàààààààààaàààààààààààààààaàààà
How Mach this price in India...
I bought it from ebay ► www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=FX798T&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1
can i connect it with my mobilphone?
Yes, using a receiver like this ► ua-cam.com/video/NNUEh-uaZ10/v-deo.html
The camera has to be powered from a 1 cell LiPo battery.
laugh with us in Germany
What is its range
it depends on the obstacles, but in straight line I think around 100-200 meters...
furulevi thanks bro
Nice video where is.buy thi
Background sound is nice.Tell me please track name
I forgot to mention it in the description, and now I can't find it, but it is at leas 3 minutes long so you could search it by length.
nice video what price this product?
almost 40 $ ► www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=FX798T&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1
Can i connect this with my android mobile
Yes, just ower the camera, that will send the signal, and than use a receiver and monitor to see the signal. Here is a somewhat similar setup ► ua-cam.com/video/NNUEh-uaZ10/v-deo.html
भाई कैमरे का प्राइस कितना है
Fpv camera prise
How many price of fpv
around 30-40$ ► www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=FX798T&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1
Atendeu minhas necessidades
Voce comprou?
how to booking this project
Bhia aap gise oder karta ho uska web side to batao
almost 40$, search on ebay.com
Mobile se video karte samy TV par aonlain kaise dekhe ga
Sir please send me its reciver ki and usb capture buying link please
- Try something like this plus a computer/laptop/phone ► www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=uvc+5.8g+receiver&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1
- or FPV goggles ► www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=FPV+goggles&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1
Donde compro la mini camara trebol gracias
www.ebay.com, the link is in the description
Olá, eu posso instalá-lo em algum aplicativo de um celular Android?
mua đâu ạ
Bhai is camera ka video
Smartphone me dekh sakte
Hai kya
yes ► ua-cam.com/video/NNUEh-uaZ10/v-deo.html
Can I buy this from bangood to India
I think so... give it a try, or better start with buying a very cheap object and see if it arrives (after around 1 month).
see on www.ebay.com, around 30-40$
Maximum working distance Kaya h bro
If there are no obstacles than the range is somewhere around 100-150 meters, but with many obstacles maybe just 10-20 meters.
Price kitni hai camera ki
Kithon Manga Hai
Donde puedo comprar unos fpv goggles baratos
Try www.ebay.com or some local websites that sell used products.
Tell me about receiver
How much dat camera sir
Around 30-40$, link is in the description.
How much of this cam
how to set recieving wire
You might use a receiver like this (or FPV goggles) ► ua-cam.com/video/NNUEh-uaZ10/v-deo.html
Generator price kya hai
Ketne den me milega
Nice video bro
Sapna Rajput hello
Donde lo compraste
sebastian aybar
sebastian aybar
Sebastian festa de
aybar @ HP 0 confrontos wlad festa ninfa
بيش الكامره
bhai ye cam konsi online site par milta please reply
I'm not English myself, but try to type in English please.
ya camera ka kitna price hai
30-40$ www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=FX798T&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1
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