This antenna claims a 650 mile range. That is clearly a lie. The bigger the lie the worse the antenna. I would bet that a set of rabbit ears would have worked a lot better for him
That antenna looks like one that is not going to work well. A small vertical thing is not the right shape. The claim a 650 mile range. The best large antenna is only going to give you about an 80 mile range. In general the bigger the lie the worse the product.
Thanks for the review. It looks like you will need an outside antenna I hope I'll get better results
This antenna claims a 650 mile range. That is clearly a lie. The bigger the lie the worse the antenna. I would bet that a set of rabbit ears would have worked a lot better for him
That antenna looks like one that is not going to work well.
A small vertical thing is not the right shape.
The claim a 650 mile range. The best large antenna is only going to give you about an 80 mile range. In general the bigger the lie the worse the product.