Let’s say you sell your standard bags, to buy stretched bags. You are not going to sell them without the hardware that goes with them. There was nothing wrong with the OEM ones, this was to demonstrate how to install the hardware.
Well, this video is much better! However, now I just discovered they sent me a lock that 1: doesn't work or 2: is the the lock for the right keyset. Other lock works with keys. Ugh. Garbage (Video is good) Quality control is Baaaad!
Best content my man. 💪🏽🇺🇸
Thank You!
Awesome 🔥🔥🔥
Thank You!
Where did you get the front wrap fender ??
All the parts you see on this color swap are from HogWorkz.
Thank You! 🤟🏽
What is this kit used for? Whats wrong with your stock oem ones?
Let’s say you sell your standard bags, to buy stretched bags. You are not going to sell them without the hardware that goes with them. There was nothing wrong with the OEM ones, this was to demonstrate how to install the hardware.
Well, this video is much better! However, now I just discovered they sent me a lock that 1: doesn't work or 2: is the the lock for the right keyset. Other lock works with keys. Ugh. Garbage (Video is good) Quality control is Baaaad!
Thank You! I definitely appreciate the support. Hopefully they fixed the issue.