Super episode Cody! I had to stop everything (I was filling up the cats food & water bowls and reading work emails) to watch this one nonstop from start to end. Big thumbs up for you pronouncing "Fresnel" lens correctly, with the S silent! Lots of optics in my work, so I know all about Fresnel lenses. Usually I ace your quiz, but somehow I missed out on the other term for lighthouse keeper! I'll have to watch again I guess. I didn't see exactly what kind of plug Jigger used on his flat tire, but if you use the right type and do it correctly, they've lasted for the life of the tire whenever I've plugged holes in my car tires. Did the repair shop have to do any additional work?
Your moto adventures look so fun!
Super episode Cody! I had to stop everything (I was filling up the cats food & water bowls and reading work emails) to watch this one nonstop from start to end. Big thumbs up for you pronouncing "Fresnel" lens correctly, with the S silent! Lots of optics in my work, so I know all about Fresnel lenses. Usually I ace your quiz, but somehow I missed out on the other term for lighthouse keeper! I'll have to watch again I guess. I didn't see exactly what kind of plug Jigger used on his flat tire, but if you use the right type and do it correctly, they've lasted for the life of the tire whenever I've plugged holes in my car tires. Did the repair shop have to do any additional work?