Islam Sucks...but not in the way you think...

  • Опубліковано 23 тра 2007
  • What does Islam say about men and women in the workplace? And what is the
    solution? I bet you will never guess...


  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    So sweet. thx!

  • @southerntokin
    @southerntokin 16 років тому

    I thought so!Thanks.

  • @kumaaras79
    @kumaaras79 16 років тому +1

    good one mate!

  • @bangladeshdj
    @bangladeshdj 15 років тому

    i was saying things like that to before I spoke to the priest and he told me so many untrue fibs...the man i was supposed to turn to when i needed help let me down so i had to find someone who could give me the answer to life
    And as a british muslim i feel i have made the best decision of my life!
    And you can hate all you want because what the priest tells you to save his religion by telling you lies,until you go to a mosque and tell them to help you...only then will you see.
    Peace to all!

  • @chrismason285
    @chrismason285 16 років тому

    Simply amazing

  • @Control8806
    @Control8806 17 років тому

    thank you for this video :D

  • @thequantumflux
    @thequantumflux 17 років тому

    great vid 5/5 and a sub

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    :) thanks for your comment.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Thanks so much for your comment. You clearly demonstrate the danger of Religion. THANK YOU!
    And I'm not white. I am from the middle-east, and lived in Islamic countries for 20 years.

  • @Zombiefisting
    @Zombiefisting 15 років тому

    wow, I'm converting

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Almost certainly false hope. Meanwhile, a lot of people suffer for this false hope.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    He issued this fatwa. This is well known in the Muslim world. It was all over the news.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    I don't know. I suspect that he was a moderate who was demonstrating the problem with dogmatism.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Rationality and Logic prevailed.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    You can not prove a belief is true or it stops being a belief and starts being a truth!

  • @IdleGod
    @IdleGod 17 років тому

    ROFL. If thats not a joke, that is the funniest thing I have heard in a LONG time.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    thx, a wise decision :)

  • @kryshen2
    @kryshen2 16 років тому

    a genius here on youtube once told me that Christians should remember how the religion started, and the morals then... he then told me that his greatest fear was that the last true Christian died on the cross....
    I think I agree with him

  • @malkrow21
    @malkrow21 15 років тому

    I'm an American and I know for a fact that not all Muslims are bad. I live in Saudi Arabia, and many of my friends are Muslims. my whole family is Muslim. I used to be Muslim.

  • @officermahoney1182
    @officermahoney1182 17 років тому

    Are we expected to able to read this?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    It was all over the news! I think the Imam is Egyptian. Please go to the link and see for yourself.

  • @TerrierToughGuy
    @TerrierToughGuy 13 років тому +1

    I have decided to treat Muslims like Muslims treat everyone else.

    • @schoidz5066
      @schoidz5066 5 років тому

      Muslims from Indonesia treats people nicely

    • @jqq1536
      @jqq1536 2 роки тому

      @@schoidz5066 but not in america

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Surely the fatwa is more sickening than the pictures?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    yes, check the link

  • @hotelcity
    @hotelcity 14 років тому


  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    No joke, people all over the arab world are talking about this. Check the link

  • @sgk001
    @sgk001 17 років тому

    Islam would forbid the act that this guy has proposed. You can't make a judgment on a religion based on the followers alone you must also look to it's teachings. You have to get the whole picture not just a slip of the corner.

  • @MamaLaw66
    @MamaLaw66 16 років тому

    Or perhaps we understand it all too well?

  • @bangladeshdj
    @bangladeshdj 15 років тому

    Then explain the priests! when i spoke to them even during sermons they were so evil!

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  15 років тому

    I am anti-Islam (religion), not anti-black,white,asian(race).
    Anti-religion is not racism......or am I anti myself??????

  • @vineflower
    @vineflower 16 років тому

    dude, good law ...

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    :) thx

  • @thequantumflux
    @thequantumflux 17 років тому

    I'd say so :)

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    "every single day" :D

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    Also how can it be against Islam when a hadith attributed to Aisha, wife of the Prophet's Muhammad], tells of Salem [the adopted son of Abu Hudheifa] who was breastfed by Abu-Hudheifa's wife when he was already a GROWN MAN with a beard, by the PROPHET'S ORDER.
    So if it's OK for the prophet why is it not for Muslims?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  15 років тому

    This story was headline news in the arab world. I also gave a link in the description.
    You seem surprised.... if you have ever lived in the Muslim world, like myself, this sort of religous stupidity is common place....

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    This is not my idea. This is the idea of an Imam. Read the link in the description box.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    I should have said cleric. I'll give you that.
    However he does have the authority to issue a fatwa and he did issue a fatwa. Do a search for "breast-feeding fatwa".
    "proposal contradicted principles of Islam"
    So they say....but this is open to interpretation and they cannot prove this.
    I believe he issued the fatwa to show the stupidity of dogmatism. He made his point.
    Of course muslims ignore him, but then they ignore 90% of the immoral teachings of the Q'uran so this is nothing new.

  • @geoscience
    @geoscience 14 років тому

    Surah 9:5

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Purpose? We are made to reproduce our genes, but really we must make purpose our own purpose. After we die? Let me ask you, what happens to a building after it collapses?... No more building....same thing with us.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    "a man can't have sexual relations with a women who has breastfed him"
    That's why he proposed breastfeeding(a non-sexual act) so men and women can work together. He was not mistaken. He was just showing how absurd it is to take the quran literal.

  • @Dariusdagr8
    @Dariusdagr8 17 років тому

    I cannot fucking believe that.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I know what he said is not rational, thats why I said rationality prevailed.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I don't respect books that promote slavery, suppressing women, and promoting the death of people who don't follow islam. It is immoral to respect such ideas.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    btw I lived in Saudi Arabia for 15 years. I know plenty about islam.

  • @JACKtheRIPP3R189
    @JACKtheRIPP3R189 16 років тому

    Yeah what the fuck is up? We should have flying cars by now!

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    WE are sex machines, that's what we are for. To reproduce. If we were not made to reproduce .....then guess what....we would not be here talking. We would not exist but for our sex mad ancestors :D.
    As for Hitchens, I don't care if he is a drunk, that is a non sequitur. HE is spot-on about religion.

  • @shonester
    @shonester 15 років тому

    WTF...these people are the head

  • @HeathHunter
    @HeathHunter 14 років тому

    "... because the europeans discovered a route around africa which trade was more convinient than thorugh middle..."
    This was the most stupid justification I ever read.

  • @xpressin
    @xpressin 16 років тому

    Well.. if this is the case... (which i doubt) Im pretty sure its against Islam...

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    "or something."
    You were correct on these 2 words. I'll let you figure out why you were correct on only these 2 words.

  • @kryshen2
    @kryshen2 16 років тому

    in retrospect I had intended to say god, and I also shold not have said us, as I am an atheist, so Islam worships the same gd as christians, the only difference is in the teachings, and the fundamental concept behind it is still the same, and that is equality.... it seems like one of the only good part of christianity is also the part they can't follow

  • @Luqmangill
    @Luqmangill 16 років тому

    Christianity is also originated from that Desert LAND.

  • @dechha1981
    @dechha1981 17 років тому

    Just so you know, THAT'S why. Anyone who gets so upset that their holy book is subjected to scruitiny raises further questions as to what is in the book that would cause such anger. Also, I hate to say it, but you just fell into the cliche.

  • @Kingjd87
    @Kingjd87 16 років тому

    Islam forbids unmarried people to be close to each other?? WTF is this 2nd grade??

  • @TLAGT
    @TLAGT 15 років тому

    OMG! It's called the "Breastfeeding Fatwa"! OMG OMG OMG OMG! Look it up on Wikipedia !!!!111

  • @DeletedDelusion
    @DeletedDelusion 17 років тому

    This is realy crazy.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I'm thinking of converting :D

  • @dechha1981
    @dechha1981 17 років тому

    I've actually met muslims who were black, indian, asian, and even this one turkish guy who was blonde. Therefore, I know for a fact that not all muslims are arab, and not all arabs are muslims. You're a muslim yourself, and you don't know this?

  • @CousinoMacul
    @CousinoMacul 17 років тому

    Ahlaah Akyurbohn! (literally)
    5 stars

  • @southerntokin
    @southerntokin 16 років тому

    A man walked into a blowup doll store, naturally the salesman approached him
    "Hi sir, would you like male or female? doll?"
    "Female, please."
    "Would you like Black, or White, Sir?"
    "White, Please."
    "Would you like Christian or Muslim, Sir?"
    "What has the religion got to do with it? It's an inflatable doll!"
    "Well,Sir" explained the assistant, "The Muslim one blows itself up!"

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    The Imam based his ruling on Islamic teaching. Watch again.

  • @nasrramadan
    @nasrramadan 16 років тому

    there were awoman in this age grew up achild till he became ateenage then her huspand started to be jealous and upset then she told the prophit whom tell her to put some milk in apan and let him drink it then she did make her huspand think he is like her son exactely so did he and they were ok thats the truth

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    lol Yes, being a man and a muslim is OK, but the women have it rough :)

  • @dechha1981
    @dechha1981 17 років тому

    LOL I wanna convert now.

  • @predz23
    @predz23 17 років тому

    oh wow the irony

  • @ShortbusMooner
    @ShortbusMooner 17 років тому

    LOL! That's funny! Are you serious? You know, I can believe it! ;)

  • @dechha1981
    @dechha1981 17 років тому

    "but influence alot of people jus like the bible and other religion book" This is NOT a point in the Quran's favour, and it is NOT a good thing. If anything, that's exactly the problem.
    Both the Bible and the Quran have inspired a hell of a lot of attrocities. Allot of them against eachother. The currant war is a good example of this.

  • @ClarityZone
    @ClarityZone 16 років тому

    Can you document your statement...?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    The lecturer is demonstrating how silly it is to take the quran literal.

  • @ZiggyHungga
    @ZiggyHungga 15 років тому

    Holy shit!

  • @SweetKeo
    @SweetKeo 15 років тому

    I will laugh my ass off when that happens....I am sick and tired of their bad habits even though I met some moderate muslims who are really nice, but those are 10%

  • @zamowner1
    @zamowner1 14 років тому

    you may think that...because you never pray for him.

  • @admirre2786
    @admirre2786 4 роки тому +1

    May Allah help you find the right path 🥺❤️

    • @admirre2786
      @admirre2786 3 роки тому

      •William Afton• Lolllll

    • @jqq1536
      @jqq1536 2 роки тому

      @@admirre2786 like that'll even help

  • @WhatTheFwuck
    @WhatTheFwuck 15 років тому


  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    search for " imam breastfeeding fatwa"

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    no Crazeechick, I'm not Christian. If any religion is true then I'm going to hell.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Solid argument you got there. If my video is bullshit it's because Islam is bullshit.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    I gave the link, go to the description box ;)

  • @iraz82
    @iraz82 17 років тому

    Look it up under a Google news search. I can't post a link in a comment but this is not made up.

  • @potshi
    @potshi 16 років тому

    1. George Galloway - Islamophobia part 1
    3. A History of Muslim Inventions
    4. I am Salahuddin
    5. 1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in our World
    and this videos too :
    1-The truth is Allah a moon god ? Catholic pri
    2-An Oral History of Islam in Pittsburgh (pat1/
    3-A Jew explains why Allah is the one and o
    and this video too
    4-Black PALESTINE In Israel

  • @jebi71
    @jebi71 16 років тому

    DJ Madson

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    Don't hate them. They are just trapped in a crazy religion.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  15 років тому

    Racism? Don't play that card. The maker of this video is from the middle-east and has a Muslim family....

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Thanks Contra.
    Wow.... amazing stupidity, and hypocrisy from that woman. I hope your life is not in danger.
    Good luck to you Sir. :)

  • @AbuCihan
    @AbuCihan 17 років тому

    That was funny indeed . . .

  • @HeathHunter
    @HeathHunter 15 років тому

    So just point one fake thing in there.

  • @graphicq8
    @graphicq8 17 років тому

    i'm a muslim and this fatwa is so wrong we laughed on it when we knew about it! by the way if u were in suadi arabia u should know that a "fatwa" is only an imam opinion we don't have to work on it! we only work on wt Allah(the only god) and our prophet mohammed said ok =)

  • @elysium76
    @elysium76 16 років тому

    There use to be much more anti-islamic videos, my favorite was sonja's videos. What happened?

  • @lumawkmhh
    @lumawkmhh 16 років тому

    what i can tell u is the there are Muslims extreme but not other religions?no offence

  • @kryshen2
    @kryshen2 16 років тому

    Jesus also went into a temple and flipped out on some preachers... He was an angry guy. also, you spelled Chritian and contradition wrong.... also, how can god have a messenger if he doesn't exist?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Why are you telling us all this? What's your point?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    LOL My username has nothing to do with my beliefs :D
    I'm no Jedi, I'm an anti-theist
    Keep teaching friend. :D

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    Check the link ;)

  • @xdurlife
    @xdurlife 15 років тому

    alright you see saying Islam sucks is called RACISM saying Islam is the best is also RACISM i believe that religions are equal in every way
    atheist on the other hand believe that religions blind you from the truth(no god) while others believe that god dose exist regardless of the religion

  • @exec9292
    @exec9292 14 років тому

    @AvrilAndBLGFan extremely lazy and dirty too. they never bathe either

  • @dadarocks7241
    @dadarocks7241 17 років тому

    this can't be real any reference please

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    I gave a link in the description you buffoon.

  • @Nunus182
    @Nunus182 14 років тому

    allahuakbar!!! who insult islam shall burn in hell!!!!

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  17 років тому

    You can't, but it's true :D