Everything About The End Times (With Don Stewart and Greg Laurie)

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Why should we believe in the last days? "Because of many predictions and signs that we're seeing fulfilled today," says Don Stewart. God is orchestrating events for His coming return. Believing in Jesus Christ today calls for an urgent plea before it's too late.


  • @elsietunge1490
    @elsietunge1490 4 роки тому +6

    Who else is watching this in 2020. Watching from Papua New Guinea during this time if Coronavirus epidemic.

  • @mikeinocencio9516
    @mikeinocencio9516 5 років тому +104

    Regardless of when Jesus returns, those of you that love the LORD and have a relationship with him need more today then ever to get and stay even closer to him. Nothing in this world truly matters, u can't take it when u go and materialistic things can be replaced. We are getting close

    • @ectasy66
      @ectasy66 4 роки тому +3

      So true 🙏🏽💖

    • @puffymuffin9064
      @puffymuffin9064 4 роки тому +4

      Very true we leave it all behind

    • @kymuddy
      @kymuddy 4 роки тому +4

      I am a joint heir with him. He said many times we are brothers. He told Mary. Go tell my brothers I assend to my Father and your father to my God and your God. You also left out his blessed name. There is only one name given to men by which you must be saved. His name was Yahushua. The Father sent that name from heaven you know God's direct name is Yah as in halalouyah which means praise ye Yah. The name revealed to Moses was Yahuwah. The name of his son Yahushua means Yahu saves yes it is the Father that saves. His son was the offering, the lamb of God. Today many preachers have hid his name from the church they teach that this false God called jesus saves. The name Jesus is barley 350 years old do you think a name some man made up can really save. Do you really think names get translated what about Bengerman Netanyahu's Hebrew name Netanyahu's name is the same in every country of the world. Names do not translate. The fathers name has been removed from the Bible and replaced with Lord this was done 6800 times that should freak you out like it did me especially when I found that Lord in Hebrew was Baal. Yes Baal is the Hebrew word for Lord don't ever let that blasphemous name ever come come out of your mouth for Yahuwah again. When you see Lord in scripture say Yahuwah.

    • @lindaashby7406
      @lindaashby7406 4 роки тому +2

      Thank you for your time your teaching and guidance! May God bless you

    • @livewireOrourke
      @livewireOrourke 4 роки тому +1

      We'll said!!

  • @mimilou55
    @mimilou55 5 років тому +155

    This was 4 1/2 yrs ago... a lot has happened since then! We’re getting closer every day to be with our
    Lord Jesus. Stay strong in Him & on His Promises & His Words. We’re never alone because He lives. 🙏🏼

    • @Natasha-kg1zw
      @Natasha-kg1zw 5 років тому +5

      Amen! Well said!!!

    • @samipearl9177
      @samipearl9177 4 роки тому +7

      I highly recommend tuning into Olive Tree Ministries with Jan Markell😀 Don Steward is a guest speaker in this circle from time to time. Nothing but truth teaching.🌹

    • @calebdean
      @calebdean 4 роки тому +1

      Miriam Carnes AMEN!!!!

    • @debradodd2535
      @debradodd2535 4 роки тому

      J OneLife Amen!! And they act just satan!!!!😳

    • @gittin_funky
      @gittin_funky 4 роки тому +2

      It does just show nobody can predict the timeline. Five years on we look even closer but back in 2015 people thought it imminent

  • @normayvonnemartinez3518
    @normayvonnemartinez3518 5 років тому +120

    God give us grace and ears to hear and eyes to see

    • @samipearl9177
      @samipearl9177 4 роки тому +5

      Looking soo forward to going home💝 in meantime I always remember Jesus instructs us to occupy til he comes. Our blessed Hope😊🌷

    • @michaelgonzales4899
      @michaelgonzales4899 4 роки тому +3

      Amen Norma Yvonne Martinez Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

  • @angelamesich2700
    @angelamesich2700 4 роки тому +93

    Cannot wait for our Lord and Savior to come!!

    • @markford2227
      @markford2227 4 роки тому +5

      I can't wait for the LORD JESUS CHRIST to come back either Angela!

    • @angelamesich2700
      @angelamesich2700 4 роки тому +3

      @@fairwarning4267 what? I didn't say anything about pre-trib rapture. I just said I can't wait for our Lord and Savior to come!

    • @joscrivani3690
      @joscrivani3690 4 роки тому

      @@fairwarning4267 in a twinkling of an eye,,,,,, rapture word didn't exist when Our King roamed on this rock !!! Reread yours ! Rapture word first used around 18 47 I believe it was ?! Close

    • @lionbear7706
      @lionbear7706 4 роки тому


    • @lionbear7706
      @lionbear7706 4 роки тому

      @@fairwarning4267 maybe you should too!

  • @likcre2688
    @likcre2688 4 роки тому +98

    Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments". Even demons believe and tremble, but we must keep the commandments of God because that's what true worship is all about.

    • @dosia1boby794
      @dosia1boby794 4 роки тому +2

      the first one is most important

    • @plumbmaster7022
      @plumbmaster7022 4 роки тому +3

      which ones? there are a lot more than 10

    • @plumbmaster7022
      @plumbmaster7022 4 роки тому +2

      Bobby Allen , I don't think the bible ever says that.

    • @rubytuby6369
      @rubytuby6369 4 роки тому +3

      1John3:23And this is His commandment: that we should believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and we should love one another just as He commanded us. 24Whoever keeps His commandments remains in God, and God in him. And by this we know that He remains in us: by the Spirit He has given us.…

    • @rubytuby6369
      @rubytuby6369 4 роки тому

      Lincoln & Welland Regiment 1John3:23And this is His commandment: that we should believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and we should love one another just as He commanded us. 24Whoever keeps His commandments remains in God, and God in him.

  • @millardtibbs8870
    @millardtibbs8870 4 роки тому +5

    Because of Jesus we have our being, goodness, mercy peace and good health be with you Amen.

  • @sandramiller8701
    @sandramiller8701 5 років тому +64

    I believe our days are numbered here a Jesus Christ is coming back to get his bride.

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo 4 роки тому

      Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, modern Dispensational Theology falls apart, and the pretrib removal of the Church falls with it.

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo 4 роки тому

      @@fairwarning4267 Dispensational Theology must keep the Church and Israel separated to make their Two Peoples of God doctrine work. Within the original "classic" version of the doctrine, they have to get the Church off the planet so that God can go back and deal with Israel again under the Old Covenant system. My wife and I attended a Dispensational church body for several years. During that whole time we never heard a Sunday School lesson, or a sermon on the New Covenant. Some of those promoting the system also allow those who reject Christ to speak from their pulpits, and from their television programs. They are ignoring 1 John 2:22-23.

    • @Rapturo_to_YESHUA
      @Rapturo_to_YESHUA 4 роки тому

      *JESUS is COMING SOON!* I'm fairly new to the area where I live now and, about 9 months ago, I was out riding my bike along a spot that I am not familiar with; I felt that "not home" feeling, like this is 'alien' to me. I did not like it but the thought just hit my mind *"Jesus is..."* and, as soon as I said that to myself, I looked up to my right and a big sign in someones lawn said *"COMING SOON!"* - I quickly burst into laughter at the timing of this. :) I was trying to tell myself "Well, Jesus is with me." Like, He is with me no matter where I go, but I didn't get to finish the line because the "COMING SOON" caught my eye right after I said to myself "Jesus is..."
      I spoke to my mother on the phone and told her about it. She said *"That's confirmation!"* _and it was then I just remembered that _*_I asked Jesus two days before this if it was REALLY Him_*_ that said _*_"Soon, child, soon."_*_ to my mother some months back_ (she got that word in her heart when she was wondering if it really was pre-trib rapture or not). *I wanted Him to confirm it, if He could.* Looks like that *is* the confirmation! :)
      I went back to look at the sign out of curiosity the next day, to see what type of business put it up. I was almost 100% sure it'd be some type of multi-family unit being built there in the future; maybe a store, or business of another type? I get to the sign and it says it's from a church called *Kingdom Life!* :)
      I've never seen any church called *"Kingdom Life"* in my 41 years on this planet. So the "chance" of this happening and the sign being from *Kingdom Life - COMING SOON!* ? Yeah, this is it. :)
      Another experience I had was a dream (last year), and this was used to confirm *another* word my mother received from the Lord only 1-2 hours before:
      I was walking down the street at night with about 7-8 other guys. We came to a stop on a corner of two streets, standing around waiting, for what reason I did not know, and out of no where one of the guys in the group started singing *"~~Lord... lift... us... up ... where... we... belong~~"* in this low, slow, monotone type of voice, while he was crouched on the ground and looking up toward the sky. I started laughing really hard because I thought he was joking around and doing it for 'shock value' in front of strangers. I was bent over laughing *REALLY* hard, so hard that my stomach started to hurt; I woke up immediately after this and was laughing out loud.
      I told my mother about it, to which she told me that she was sitting at her computer, only a hour before, wondering if she should get life insurance yet (she's almost 70 now), and plan for funeral, etc. in the future. Then a thought entered her mind about how Enoch was taken up without dying, and she wished that could happen to her. This involuntary voice in her mind said to her: "Well, there is the rapture?" and she said "OH YEAH! I never put those two together!" But she kind of shrugged it off eventually and went back to surfing the web.
      So I told her my dream and she told me what happened to her. We laughed and were shocked! Something like this has *never* happened to me before. I am not a big dreamer, and rarely remember my dreams! For me to have such a dream clearly hinting at the rapture, the same hour or so after my mother got a word concerning the rapture? Clear confirmation from the Lord. So that's *TWO* words from the Lord and *TWO* confirmations!
      As I always say: "Soon" is subjective. We must be careful not to mix our own "soon" up with the Lords' "soon." Some consider "soon" to be a week, others consider "soon" to be 6 months, others take it as 2-3 years, and so on. Either way, it's in our lifetime! :)

  • @rubytuby6369
    @rubytuby6369 4 роки тому +17

    1John3:23And this is His commandment: that we should believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and we should love one another just as He commanded us.

  • @RiseUpUNAFRAID4614
    @RiseUpUNAFRAID4614 2 роки тому

    2 of my favorite people Pastor Greg Laurey & @Pastor Don Stewart

  • @paul1242
    @paul1242 4 роки тому +20

    The LORD always protects his people.
    Noah and the Ark
    Lot and his family
    The plagues of Egypt
    Why would it be any different for the Tribulation?
    God is our protection and our strength.
    He always helps in times of trouble.
    So we will not be afraid even if the earth shakes,
    or the mountains fall into the sea,
    even if the oceans roar and foam,
    or the mountains shake at the raging sea. Selah
    -Psalm 46:1-3

    • @jmrs1508
      @jmrs1508 3 роки тому

      @Pond3r Thiz it's not 200 yr old nonsense, what's nonsense is the Church having to be here during the times of Jacob's Trouble, Jacob is Israel. Read 1 Thes 4: 16-18, how do you comfort one another with these word's if it refers to the tribulation. Think! The saint's under the Throne, who are they? Their the saint's that came out of the Tribulation, the one's who got saved during the Great Tribulation. The one's God gave the Anti Christ permission to make war with and overcome them, their not the Church, the Church won't be here. Read your Bible it's all there.

    • @ratkicker007
      @ratkicker007 2 роки тому

      @Pond3r Thiz if the church is on earth during tribulation what is the point of the two witnesses? The word rapture is in 1 Thessalonians 13, “caught up”. So what does this verse mean if it doesn’t mean the church will be raptured?

  • @normanclature9819
    @normanclature9819 5 років тому +31

    "..... We shall not all sleep but we will all be changed.
    Thank you so much. I've been saved since I was 7 and I'm 68. But life has thrown me something real similar to what Job got. I lost everything. I had it all. I guess I didn't stand like I thought I should have been able to when all this happened. Who am I fooling, I cursed God. It's going on for 8 years now. And it seems like God is a thousand miles away. And you got to know that the devil tries to convince that I've crossed a line and gone to far. I felt the Lord agree with you that I have not lost my salvation. I have struggled all my life though I have been a pastor and a prophetic psalmist.
    But you guys have encouraged me. I've never been as righteous as Job so I can't find solace in those scriptures.
    But I hold on to what I know.... As Kevin Prossh penned inverse:
    Though you slay me,
    I will serve you Lord.
    And I bow down and kiss the Son.

    • @stevecrump1375
      @stevecrump1375 5 років тому +4

      Hang in there Norman...Please check out utube site @2028 END This will spice things up for you...Put the fire back in your heart.

    • @bmmccoy4461
      @bmmccoy4461 4 роки тому +2

      Norman Clature -HALLELUJAH ... !!!!!!

    • @ericmoore7445
      @ericmoore7445 4 роки тому +1

      I too feel like job and have lost just about everything.and wish everyday it would all end.

    • @Alysiatyson
      @Alysiatyson 4 роки тому +5

      God give these dear souls a new heart. Put Your Spirit in them and show them You have not given up on them.

    • @melodyhensley8544
      @melodyhensley8544 4 роки тому +4

      Store your treasures up in heaven, not here on this earth. You know the script. And if the end of all things is near, what good does it to have them anyway? I see a blessing, do you?

  • @kellygatchell1388
    @kellygatchell1388 3 роки тому +3

    I want to say thank you I listen to you daily and your preaching helps me really understand gods word.

  • @carolemcdonald4131
    @carolemcdonald4131 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you Lord Jesus for All saints for all the wisdom. may the lord bless all of you .

  • @PWR2023AOC
    @PWR2023AOC 4 роки тому +7

    Amen. Wonderful teaching. Concise, accurate, lovingly delivered, with a sprinkle of humour. Love you guys. xxx

    • @Bruce_Peters
      @Bruce_Peters Рік тому

      Yeah they seem awfully laid back considering they are discussing the "soon coming" end of all things as we know it, the complete transformation of millions of people to paradise, and the destruction of billions of lost people. Kinda makes you wonder if they really do believe what they are saying.

  • @nicholasjones5652
    @nicholasjones5652 4 роки тому +50

    Jesus coming back soon repent and give God the glory 😇.

    • @plumbmaster7022
      @plumbmaster7022 4 роки тому +2

      I remember he was coming "any day now " in 1980

    • @modestmr6
      @modestmr6 4 роки тому +3

      Plumbmaster , he still is!

    • @nicholasjones5652
      @nicholasjones5652 4 роки тому +2

      @@plumbmaster7022 the Bible said their would be scoffers like you in the last days. Thanks for making fulfilling prophecy.

    • @plumbmaster7022
      @plumbmaster7022 4 роки тому

      Nicholas Jones , were you even alive in 1980? they are really dragging the "last days" out man. I say get on with it Jesus, or fuckoff

    • @nicholasjones5652
      @nicholasjones5652 4 роки тому +7

      @@plumbmaster7022 he's is coming it's in God's time not men's. He is coming back soon and you will remember when I warned you. Most prophecies have been fulfilled already look at all the natural disasters and the lies the pope has been saying about God plus many other bad things that are going on in the world. Time is close give your soul to Jesus. God bless.

  • @Rapturo_to_YESHUA
    @Rapturo_to_YESHUA 4 роки тому +21

    *JESUS is COMING SOON!* I'm fairly new to the area where I live now and, about 7-8 months ago, I was out riding my bike along a spot that I am not familiar with; I felt that "not home" feeling, like this is 'alien' to me. I did not like it but the thought just hit my mind *"Jesus is..."* and, as soon as I said that to myself, I looked up to my right and a big sign in someones lawn said *"COMING SOON!"* - I quickly burst into laughter at the timing of this. :) I was trying to tell myself "Well, Jesus is with me." Like, He is with me no matter where I go, but I didn't get to finish the line because the "COMING SOON" caught my eye right after I said to myself "Jesus is..."
    I spoke to my mother on the phone and told her about it. She said *"That's confirmation!"* _and it was then I just remembered that _*_I asked Jesus two days before this if it was REALLY Him_*_ that said _*_"Soon, child, soon."_*_ to my mother some months back_ (she got that word in her heart when she was wondering if it really was pre-trib rapture or not). *I wanted Him to confirm it, if He could.* Looks like that *is* the confirmation! :)
    I went back to look at the sign out of curiosity the next day, to see what type of business put it up. I was almost 100% sure it'd be some type of multi-family unit being built there in the future; maybe a store, or business of another type? I get to the sign and it says it's from a church called *Kingdom Life!* :)
    I've never seen any church called *"Kingdom Life"* in my 41 years on this planet. So the "chance" of this happening and the sign being from *Kingdom Life - COMING SOON!* ? Yeah, this is it. :)
    Another experience I had was a dream (last year), and this was used to confirm *another* word my mother received from the Lord only 1-2 hours before:
    I was walking down the street at night with about 7-8 other guys. We came to a stop on a corner of two streets, standing around waiting, for what reason I did not know, and out of no where one of the guys in the group started singing *"~~Lord... lift... us... up ... where... we... belong~~"* in this low, slow, monotone type of voice, while he was crouched on the ground and looking up toward the sky. I started laughing really hard because I thought he was joking around and doing it for 'shock value' in front of strangers. I was bent over laughing *REALLY* hard, so hard that my stomach started to hurt; I woke up immediately after this and was laughing out loud.
    I told my mother about it, to which she told me that she was sitting at her computer, only a hour before, wondering if she should get life insurance yet (she's almost 70 now), and plan for funeral, etc. in the future. Then a thought entered her mind about how Enoch was taken up without dying, and she wished that could happen to her. This involuntary voice in her mind said to her: "Well, there is the rapture?" and she said "OH YEAH! I never put those two together!" But she kind of shrugged it off eventually and went back to surfing the web.
    So I told her my dream and she told me what happened to her. We laughed and were shocked! Something like this has *never* happened to me before. I am not a big dreamer, and rarely remember my dreams! For me to have such a dream clearly hinting at the rapture, the same hour or so after my mother got a word concerning the rapture? Clear confirmation from the Lord. So that's *TWO* words from the Lord and *TWO* confirmations!
    As I always say: "Soon" is subjective. We must be careful not to mix our own "soon" up with the Lords' "soon." Some consider "soon" to be a week, others consider "soon" to be 6 months, others take it as 2-3 years, and so on. Either way, it's in our lifetime! :)

    • @billthompson2860
      @billthompson2860 4 роки тому +1

      The prophets from the old Testament on through have spoken about many events. The word of God tells us about so many of them yet to come. This whole concept of any day now is the same thing they have all been saying all of my 59 years. We are to be sharing the Gospel of Jesus and leading by example. The message of Pre-Tribulation rapture does not make sense at all. Jesus could come back at any moment if He wanted to ignore what the Word says. This selfish leaving early and leaving the lost behind is just an evil plan. Matthew 24:29-31. Start there and research for yourself.

    • @Rapturo_to_YESHUA
      @Rapturo_to_YESHUA 4 роки тому +2

      @@billthompson2860 Believe what you want, I am talking about experiences I actually had with confirmations. You can choose not to believe me if you want, I ask you pray to Jesus and ask Him if I am lying or deluded. I've no problem with that. If He hasn't showed you then you're not meant to be shown is all I can say. I've never had anything like these words and confirmations happen to me, and I'm 41 years old. I've been born again since 1996. This time is way different from even 10 years ago.

    • @billthompson2860
      @billthompson2860 4 роки тому +1

      If the Word says it believe it. Your situation was real and I am not doubting that. What I am saying men want a Pre-Tribulation rapture so they create one. Question anyone and everyone who speaks for God. Read the word and research for yourself in prayer. You will understand that many things we were told and believe are NOT in the Word. Don't get upset if you come to the same conclusion I did. How can so many Theologians have it wrong. How could they all say the same thing is the bigger question. They are repeating what they were taught not read in the Spirit for themselves. I'm just a guy like you who gets confirmations just like you and Pre-Tribulation rapture is man made and bogus. Regardless of where it is exactly, it's NOT a rescue on the good ship lollypop exit stage right. We are not appointed to God's Wrath and we won't be. Seek and you really will find how much Satan has influenced Seminaries and students, Pastors, preachers, teachers and us. Look where the church was before the girl who had a dream. Read about 1830 and why and how. Let me warn you it is going to hurt.

    • @hullkbigstrong2681
      @hullkbigstrong2681 4 роки тому +2

      @@billthompson2860 you got it dude you're right there will be no Rapture he tells us let the Christians will be murdered at the end because of him just like he was so how's that going to happen if we are raptured he tells us to endure to the end this Rapture is taken out of context it's not a Rapture it is the second time it happened in the twinkle of an eye but they're taking it as a rapture I'm glad you brought this up people need to study their Bible more keep up the good work

    • @Rapturo_to_YESHUA
      @Rapturo_to_YESHUA 4 роки тому +1

      @@billthompson2860 I actually did question my pre-trib rapture belief one time and asked the Lord if I was being deceived somehow? Only 1-2 days later (no coincidence) I came across verses in Revelation, compared them to what Paul said and Jesus said, and it clearly points to the Church being in heaven while the great tribulation happens down on Earth. Check out 4) , 7) and 8) in my "pre-trib post" I made there; those I found which matched up with what Paul wrote (and some of what Jesus said, concerning the resurrection, where Martha assumed there'd only be one, yet Jesus corrected her, in John 11:24-26). Point 4) in my pre-trib post above is backed by Paul claiming that *the [born again] Church is the Bride of Christ,* as we see him explain this in Ephesians 5:23-32. Notice in verse 32, Paul writes that it's a *GREAT MYSTERY* concerning Christ and the Church (being married)? That means it's a literal thing in the Spirit, not just figurative only. *So, clearly, the "wife" written about in Revelation is definitely the [born again] Church,* which is quite distinct from the "tribulation saints" who turn to Jesus only during the tribulation, *after* the Church is raptured. These "tribulation saints" (seen in Rev. 7:9-14 -- also in Rev. 6:9-11) are resurrected in Rev. 20:4 -> and again notice that John only sees them (who were beheaded during great tribulation), yet John *DOES NOT* write that he saw "all souls in Christ" standing there for the first resurrection? This is clear: there are two different groups - one sitting on thrones to judge (likely the Church -> 1 Corinthians 6:2-3), and the other group standing for the first resurrection -> those who were beheaded in the tribulation period. One must understand *dispensationalism* and learn about *rightly dividing* because not all scripture is meant for one single group. God has _dispensed_ different judgments, covenants and words upon different people throughout time, and it is no different for the Church compared to other groups.

  • @victoriaburkhart4903
    @victoriaburkhart4903 4 роки тому +6

    I love Jesus and want to go with him. At the same time, I’m somewhat afraid and start to Judge my own Salvation. It seems that many more are left behind, than taken. I recognize the horror of that, As the days of Noah! I’m in Constant prayer....

    • @scotthughes8672
      @scotthughes8672 4 роки тому +1

      Victoria have you read psalm ch 139 v 23-24. Also psalm ch 71 v 1-2. And last two. Psalm ch56 v 3-4. Roman ch 10 v 9-10. Those verses have helped me I read them as much as possible. But still working to get closer to Jesus. God bless you. And the you will be in my prayer.

  • @alienpick1
    @alienpick1 5 років тому +32

    Jesus Christ is Lord ✝️ Maranatha

  • @darylschellenberg2533
    @darylschellenberg2533 5 років тому +86

    Only a fool would boycott Israel ......sheesh....godda shake your head. We were grafted in by His mercy.

    • @lijah9249
      @lijah9249 4 роки тому

      Those Jews are not Jews over there revelations speaks of them who you call the African American is the true Hebrew

  • @davidholcombe5504
    @davidholcombe5504 5 років тому +17

    We're are see now to Jesus coming back with things going on I'm in the UK

  • @rosaliemassie5885
    @rosaliemassie5885 5 років тому +26

    Great teaching! He backs up everything with the Scriptures.

    • @florahavard456
      @florahavard456 4 роки тому +1

      Rosalie don't believe everything they are saying because we are the Hebrew Isrealite people's the Black Hebrew Isrealites Jews . Most of the Jewish coverts people's live in Isreal are not the real Hebrew Isrealites Jews the Black Hebrew Isrealites people's that are called Negroes people's are the real Hebrew Isrealites people's how the Jewish coverts people's live in Isreal Repent and turn to God can be saved also and that goes for every. nation's that a accept Jesus Christ can be saved.But the Hebrew Isrealite people's are God chosen people's.we are from the tribe of Judah and the lion .we are Jacob seeds by Blood every one else is from the promise that God made with our Forefather Abraham they are telling a lie about God gotten his chosen people's.they read Isaiah the 43 chapter and read Isaiah the 11 chapter and the 11 and 12 verses.These men needs to read the Bible both of them are false phophets and blind of the word of God . will gather his chosen Elect people's from the four corners of world where we were scattered around the world and will bring us back to the land which he gave to our four father . men's are not teaching God words right and They should be careful about what they saying. Those white Gentiles People's that live in that land or not the real Hebrew Isrealites Jews. They are imposter from Europe and Poland and the Cascade mountains and Russia and and other places. Read Revaluation chapter 3: and the 9 and 10 verses and see what Jesus Christ say what they People's are. They are white Gentiles people's.and not the real Hebrew Isrealites Jews.I hope you will learn something God bless you in your search.

    • @florahavard456
      @florahavard456 4 роки тому

      These guys don't know anything about Bible phophecy at all sorry to tell you this.They don't any knowledge of Bible phophecy at all.

    •  4 роки тому

      Well...they kinda take scripture and twist some of it to fit their comfortable and painless north american lifestyle and audience. Bit of ear tickling goin on there..
      Read Rev 7-13; and 13-7. Then tell me if the dangerous doctrine of pretrib rapture holds water.
      Dangerous you say? Will you take the mark because you havent been raptured yet? And you or your kids are getting pretty hungry..? And prison or beheading is the next option the government give you?
      1 Corinthians 15:52 says at the LAST trumpet, not 1st or 2nd..23rd..LAST.
      And NOWHERE does it speak of a second helping of second coming. Thats some kinda real horse hockey..

  • @judycampbell1053
    @judycampbell1053 4 роки тому +22

    Even though I am interested in the the rapture saying Lord come quickly; I do want people who don't know Christ to have the opportunity to.

  • @freetobememe4358
    @freetobememe4358 4 роки тому +1

    My dad gave 2mil to help Jews go back to their homeland, was over 6yrs ago. He passed but he never gave up on Israel. He gave all away and god miraculously provided for him in his last few years.

  • @jennifertinker985
    @jennifertinker985 4 роки тому +1

    Things have changed... Many Jews believes in the Messiah Jesus Christ. That is amazing.

  • @ellenwright77
    @ellenwright77 5 років тому +12

    Please, Come Now Lord Jesus and Take ME HOME TO Heaven to also be with You Forever, More ? ! Don’t Hesitate I Love You and Need You, So Also Right Now ! ! LVU, Ellen

    • @SaadAziz318
      @SaadAziz318 4 роки тому

      You should learn about Islam. If you really love Jesus . Because Jesus preached as a messenger and his true message was corrupted by evil people so you need to read Quran inorder to meet with your love Jesus .

  • @lininomartino
    @lininomartino 5 років тому +8

    I did not know who Chuck was. I thought of Chuck Missler, but then you all said Smith. So, I appreciate it, and Chuck Missler always spoke highly of Chuck Smith.

  • @chrisc6705
    @chrisc6705 5 років тому +18

    I know who Chuck Smith is. An awesome man of God and a wonderful Bible teacher! God rest his soul. Look him up. You will be blessed. Blue Letter Bible and others carry his teachings.

    • @jcthomas3408
      @jcthomas3408 5 років тому +1

      @Dirk Hunter why don't you like Greg Laurie?

    • @TS-vg3ly
      @TS-vg3ly 4 роки тому +2

      Yes Chuck Smith has been very helpful for me.
      A very wise and humble man

  • @gatagal
    @gatagal 4 роки тому +51

    The thing that bothers me about the modern Christian ideology is that they leave crucial pieces of information out. You need to repent repent repent! You will not get into the kingdom of God without repentance. It’s not just believing in Jesus. You have to also be active in trying to strengthen your relationship/spirit/and knowledge. You cannot be a fair weather Christian and expect to be taken to paradise. God’s grace is wide, but I wouldn’t take a chance on that alone.

    • @shellygreen7347
      @shellygreen7347 4 роки тому +2


    • @albertrafol5789
      @albertrafol5789 4 роки тому +2


    • @raygsbrelcik5578
      @raygsbrelcik5578 4 роки тому +1

      Actually, "Catherine," you are CLOSER to the truth of the matter
      than you realize. The church--as a Whole--has always been Spirit-
      ually LETHARGIC concerning the Process of SEEKING GOD
      through PRAYER. Scripture is CLEAR when it CONTINUALLY
      ING." Todays Cnristian is NO DIFFERENT than the Israelites
      of the Old Testament, in that, we are EASILY DISTRACTED by
      our "Worldly Cares." and, "Turned Aside," chasing "IDOLS."
      Scripture provides CLUES all THROUGHOUT that GOD is
      calling forth a UNIQUE, and "PECULIAR" people. We can-
      NOT just "SIT ON THE FENCES," and watch life go by and
      ecpect to be REWARDED. But as I said, scripture WARNS us
      of this reality. It would take a LONG WINDED
      Dissertation to EXPLAIN; but there ARE a few verses that give
      us the IDEA. Take a look at Matt.251-13. This verse is largely
      either OVERLOOKED, or dismissed ALTOGETHER.
      The verse speaks of "10 Virgins." The word "Virgin" is a refer-
      ence to the "BORN-AGAIN church in general.
      Well, NOTICE-- HALF of them (Various Churches) failed to
      "KEEP THEIR LAMPS LIT." WHY---Why were the Lamps un-
      ABLE to Shed LIGHT?
      Because they were "OUT OF OIL." The OIL, here represents the
      "SPIRIT." or "PRESENCE" of the LORD'S Spirit WITHIN us.
      Well, OBVIOUSLY, this is referring to BELIEVERS who have be-
      come LAZY--they have become DULL in their SPIRITUAL
      Olay, so, why do you think PAUL Warned all the Churches about
      "False (Watered-down) doctrines" that were being introduced
      into the FIRST churches?
      The VERY SAME PREDICIMENT has been existent in the
      Church ALL ALONG.
      There is a certain revelation in the BOOK of REVELATION that
      is NOT understood in the Church world, and I very much
      DOUBT you, or people reading this will RECEIVE this.
      In the 12TH chapter of Revelation we see the mention of a
      "WOMAN." We ALSO see the word, "The MANCHILD." Your
      Theologians "Out there," think that the "Woman" is ISRAEL,
      But HOW could this BE Israel? First of all it says, "A Great
      Sign in Heaven..." How does this APPLY to ISRAEL?
      Answer: It does NOT! The verse goes ON to say, "...
      Clothed with the SUN, with the MOON under her feet..
      This appears to be a reference to GOD, and Jesus Christ.
      As the verse continues, we read, ""...and a CROWN of 12-
      STARS..." That "12-Stars," is a reference to the 12 Apostles.
      Remember, this a the book of REVELATIONS--we are NO
      LONGER talking about Matthew, Mark, Luke, etc. Revelat-
      ions is dealing SPECIFICALLY with ESCHATOLOGY--The
      Therefore, EVERYTHING is a PROPHETIC View of THINGS
      TO COME.
      But NOTICE, this "WOMAN" is "PREGNANT." So--when was
      Israel Pregnant. And this--OBVIOUSLY--is NOT a reference
      to Mary...THAT makes NO SENSE as you read on; it just
      does NOT FIT!
      So what is this "Woman" Pregnant with? I'm glad you ASKED:
      This is where the "MANCHILD" comes in.
      The Manchild canNOT be Christ, because THAT would make
      the Woman Mary--but like I SAID--it just does NOT fit.
      The "Woman" is the Overall Born-again church world. The
      Manchild is "birthed" OUT of her. The Woman is that Part
      of the Church that did NOT keep their "LAMPS" lit.
      The "MANCHILD" is that part of the Church that remained VIG-
      ILANT; She KEPT the "OIL" in her LAMP.
      But--like I said--MOST of you will REJECT this. But you will
      One day, and one day SOON, see these things UNFOLDING.
      Just keep PRAYING. STAY ALERT! No EXAGGERATION--we are
      in the LAST of the "LAST DAYS." GOD Bless you all!

    • @rudem.2973
      @rudem.2973 4 роки тому +1

      Also : Shall grace abound that sin abound. God forbid. Jesus Christ said," Unless a man is born again he shall not enter into the kingdom of God. By the Spirit + Holy Spirit. The Water= this is the entire study of the Holy Bible. The Living Water is the Entire Holy Bible. In our heart , in our mind and with all our spirit. Love is a verb. Its a action word. Like a devoted marriage with commitment . Jesus Christ gave His life. So we give God our life. By choice. Because of our love for God. AGAPE= UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Amen.

    • @gatagal
      @gatagal 3 роки тому +1

      @@raygsbrelcik5578 Thank you. Beautifully put.

  • @paulredinger420
    @paulredinger420 5 років тому +5

    Belief in the blood that Jesus shed for us.

  • @glperkins4053
    @glperkins4053 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for this clear and concise teaching

  • @goldielocks5252
    @goldielocks5252 4 роки тому

    Following the Ten Commandments honor God! Believing that Jesus is the living Christ in the only way out of this world. Amen come get us

  • @robertsheetz4877
    @robertsheetz4877 5 років тому +36

    What l had to learn was not to hate on Isreal.. If it wasn't for there actions.. We wouldn't have salvation.. We wouldn't have the word of God shared around the world.. God knew what was going to happen and Jesus understood that He would have to be the teacher and the sacrifice..

    • @Captain-Awesome
      @Captain-Awesome 4 роки тому +1

      Robert Sheetz I would say that he knew the beginning from the end and that this was always the plan not just God reacting to us. God is outside of time so he can see it all at the same time. He spoke and there was the sun, now that’s power but likely not even God breaking a sweat.

    • @plumbmaster7022
      @plumbmaster7022 4 роки тому

      Danny Mitchell , yet the bible and all these jokers are the best he could do for humanity?

    • @Captain-Awesome
      @Captain-Awesome 4 роки тому

      Plumbmaster We haven’t seen his best yet. At creation he said that it was “good”. In Heaven we will see his “best”.

    • @plumbmaster7022
      @plumbmaster7022 4 роки тому

      Danny Mitchell , Cmon man

    • @Lazydaisy646
      @Lazydaisy646 4 роки тому

      @@plumbmaster7022 i pray God will reveal himself to you. he loves you

  • @maureentrant5588
    @maureentrant5588 Рік тому +1

    Hello, I’m watching this on Monday, February 6, 2023. I’ve very recently starting following Pastor Greg on UA-cam. The poster below me was watching this video 41/2 years ago, and it was originally taped 8 years ago! Imagine the changes in the world , particularly in the United States in the year 2023. The fulfillment of Biblical prophecy today is AMAZING. It’s coming together at such a rapid rate, that it’s alarming yet EXCITING for true Christians. This country is going down the tubes SO MUCH now, and we have become a joke to the rest of the world… President Obama..now we have Joe Biden!! Thanks to all the leftist “WOKE “ Democrats who have become the face of the evil “progressive “ party in this country. We have become a “byword” to other nations {DEUT-28:37}. Jesus can return at any time and I pray that I am ready🙏🏻 This country is not even considered a “Superpower “ by many nations. Sad to say, California is a mess.. so corrupt

  • @moeomoton520
    @moeomoton520 4 роки тому +3

    Wow! This is an "AWESOME Message" I needed to hear today, thank you!

  • @donjuan6446
    @donjuan6446 4 роки тому

    I love watching these two they give us great knowledge of our lord and savior and gives me a good laugh while at it

  • @youcdtube
    @youcdtube 3 роки тому

    Don Stewart is new to me and my first impressions is he is a good example of being HOT for Jesus or a passion for him and his beliefs, not cold or Luke warm and spat out like what Jesus says. second he is a good example of having the courage of his convictions and not afraid to speak out properly.

  • @oneoverx6621
    @oneoverx6621 4 роки тому +3

    Time is running out and the world is now in total rebellion ... please don't doubt God

  • @davidneal9368
    @davidneal9368 4 роки тому

    We can tell we are living in the last days. Just as Jesus said. The gospel must be preached unto the whole world. Now every home in the world is recieving the message through TV, radio satellite. Which was impossible some years ago

  • @ch46f
    @ch46f 4 роки тому

    Fellow Christians my husband and I ( Azucena ) are a believer of Jesus Christ! I can't wait tor our Lord Jesus Christ to come"! ( See I Corinthians 1) AMEN!

  • @Beencouraged777
    @Beencouraged777 4 роки тому

    I have a struggle with believing that Christians who practice sin, enjoying it, etc, while the rest of us suffer, persecuted, rejected, etc. until the time of the rapture. These individuals get to go while we had to crucify our flesh. They received all kind of warning and ignored it and yet get to go.

  • @patticakesintexas
    @patticakesintexas 4 роки тому +2

    Great interview. I hope you are 100% spot on!

  • @johnherman2895
    @johnherman2895 4 роки тому

    Jesus is coming back in your life time to God almighty be the glory

  • @BobBob-eu6sz
    @BobBob-eu6sz 4 роки тому

    All children go to be with the Lord. He will not leave a 3 year old here while his judgement is on the earth. Children are innocent in his eyes

  • @corinneboltz618
    @corinneboltz618 4 роки тому

    I am looking forward to the return of my Lord and Savior!

  • @clevc112
    @clevc112 5 років тому +6

    We will not all sleep means we will not all die.

  • @annieoakslee3908
    @annieoakslee3908 4 роки тому +6

    Come Lord Jesus come

    • @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist
      @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist 4 роки тому

      even so come Lord Jesus.

    • @Alysiatyson
      @Alysiatyson 4 роки тому

      But thank You for waiting until all my loved ones are saved. Use me any way You wish to further your kingdom.

  • @ambercallahan4815
    @ambercallahan4815 4 роки тому +1

    Revelations 13: 9-10
    "If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints."
    Be ready!

  • @TheSunshinedreamer1
    @TheSunshinedreamer1 4 роки тому

    Very accurate, informative, comprehensive and exciting video-Thank you.

  • @smartdetoxnick3942
    @smartdetoxnick3942 4 роки тому

    This video was produced 5 years ago...its like reading the headlines! Birthpains upon our land and they are getting greater! Get right and believe in Christ. These days are a GIFT to get our spiritual house in order. WE MUST SPREAD THE WORD OF OUR COMING KING, not shelter in place!!!!!!

  • @henrymiranda1440
    @henrymiranda1440 3 роки тому

    We should not be concerned when the rapture will occur because everybody has their own interpretation of it. Don’t take comfort in knowing that the rapture is coming but rather be vigilant and awake. Taking comfort will catch you off guard. But if you’re vigilant, you will be ready for anything that has to happen.

  • @robertbishop5357
    @robertbishop5357 4 роки тому +5

    There will be 144000 Jewish evangelists going throughout the world preaching the message of salvation.

  • @GG-wi2ij
    @GG-wi2ij 2 роки тому +1

    This was seven years ago? Oh my gosh and look where we are now!!!

  • @carolsveiven4611
    @carolsveiven4611 5 років тому +15

    I always enjoy listening You men as you unfold the Eschatology of the end times. I am amazed at the number of people that don’t want to hear about it, or say ya ya ya people have been saying that forever. I believe it. I receive it with an open mind and heart. God wants us to know!! Thank you. Carol Sveiven ( Watchman on the wall ). I have never in the 59 years I’ve been a Christian talked to people like I do now!!

  • @wendysullivan9069
    @wendysullivan9069 3 роки тому +1

    Be nice to have another one now with all the cov 19 and technical stuff we have. The Chinese is building pritty scary stuff. Thank you for putting this on. I have a disability I understand when it is explained to me like this, I get so tuned in. Lord bless you.

  • @crystelsawhorebag
    @crystelsawhorebag 2 роки тому

    When Jesus comes back will my dog go with me to heaven

  • @ratkicker007
    @ratkicker007 2 роки тому +1

    They need to do another one of these and add all the events that happened since this

  • @prettyvacant3605
    @prettyvacant3605 3 роки тому +1

    These older sermons be hitting different in 2021

  • @alexandervanwyk7669
    @alexandervanwyk7669 4 роки тому +12

    At this stage I experienced, 4 years aft this conversation that Trump withdraws his troops. So rapture getting closer and closer, I cant wait

    • @billmers3219
      @billmers3219 4 роки тому +1

      @Randy Reneau yes I agree!!!! Hillary Clinton would have been the better choice!!!! I really wished Barack Obama could have had four more years... Now there's a man who was all red white and blue 👍💯

    • @darrellknox6435
      @darrellknox6435 4 роки тому +3

      @@billmers3219 10-4 on that!

    • @billmers3219
      @billmers3219 4 роки тому +1

      @@darrellknox6435 I think it went way over his head Darrell??

  • @CynthiaHunterNightwillow
    @CynthiaHunterNightwillow 3 роки тому

    You answered a lot of questions I had. Tyvm for sharing this video. Thank you Jesus

  • @dds2839
    @dds2839 5 років тому +16

    Awesome run through of the end times! Much needed information

  • @carolynderricks3226
    @carolynderricks3226 4 роки тому +1

    It seems like we are in the end times, but we may not be! No man knoweth the hour... so why are we so focused on this? It’s not for us to know, only to keep watch!

  • @DarNelleW
    @DarNelleW 9 місяців тому

    This was so useful. Wish I'd found this when it happened.

  • @inhiscarealways8748
    @inhiscarealways8748 4 роки тому +8

    The only ones saved alive during the tribulation is the 144 thousand Jews! All else are saved will be those that were beheaded for the sake of Christ and not denying Him as Lord!

    • @rebbekahmayak6574
      @rebbekahmayak6574 4 роки тому +1

      InHisCare Always yes those 144 thousand will come to know our Lord Jesus Christ after the so called man of peace (Satan) turns on them and forces everyone to take the mark which condemns their souls to ETERNAL DAMNATION.DONT TAKE THE MARK-CHIP PEOPLE- READ THE BIBLE before its TOO LATE!!!

    • @JasonJohnSwartz
      @JasonJohnSwartz 4 роки тому +1

      This is Jehovah Witness theology. It is best to look at the totality of the scripture to answer this and not look at 1 verse to come to conclusions because the scripture should not contradict itself. Our bible is not the Quran.

    • @jamieneligan3331
      @jamieneligan3331 4 роки тому

      The Torah and the gospel and the Quran are together. The that doesn’t fit, tell us so in it’s title “ NEW TESTAMENT “.

    • @JasonJohnSwartz
      @JasonJohnSwartz 4 роки тому

      @@jamieneligan3331 In the Torah it is promised that God will make a new covenant with the house of Isreal. He will write his law on our hearts and minds. He will pour out his spirit. (Holy Spirit). The new covenant like all covenant is sprinkled with the blood of a sacrifice. The old with lambs blood and the NEW with Chrsit blood ONCE AND FOR ALL. There is no 3rd covenant. The Torah is accurate however the Jews did not recognize there king. The old testament is the new testament concealed and the new testament is the old testament revealed. The Quran refutes that Jesus was even crucified. They write on the dome of the rock that Allah has NO son. Which is true. Allah doesn't but Jehovah the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob does. The Quran which I READ is a false abomination to GOD and is so inaccurate that it gets the trinity wrong saying Father, Son and Mary.
      The Muslims claim they are part of the Scriptures yet they do not even read the old testament (Torah). They do not read the psalms, Proverbs, prophets and even the biblical themes they do steal is some flawed version.
      The king of kings is Christ Jesus the Son of God the high priest the one that was slain for our sins and risen to be seated at the right hand of GOD.
      In the Quran Allah hates the one to come who calls himself the king of kings.
      Do not even put the Unholy Quran in the same sentence.

    • @jamieneligan3331
      @jamieneligan3331 4 роки тому

      Fast Keto Prime it’s clear who is whom, may u find peace in ur heart. And there is only one king of kings and the son of Mary is his messenger mini peace and blessings be upon them and when my Messiah returns you shall know the truth🤲🏽✌🏽🥰🥰❤️

  • @roxanne2019
    @roxanne2019 3 роки тому

    God bless you. Thank you🙏💜

  • @Rayblondie
    @Rayblondie 5 років тому +9

    It's only the pre-tribulation version by the sound of it.

  • @susanvolner1566
    @susanvolner1566 4 роки тому +1

    Love it God is asome

  • @heldforeverbygod
    @heldforeverbygod 5 років тому +2

    This is comforting, but what about rather than 2 comings there is a tribulation period christians will endure when the beast will cause trial on the entire Earth, then Jesus returns with His saints and collects believers from the four winds (His return and literal salvation, if it were not for his shortening this time, even the elect might be deceived): this return is when the rapture occurs...ALL christians are removed at this time to eternal life, and then the wrath of God, a separate event, which christians have been delivered from, will fall upon the wicked who remain. Matthew 24, Daniel 11, Revelation 9 and these passages you mention all fit and are explained by this view.

  • @tylerdodd55
    @tylerdodd55 Рік тому

    These two are great together

  • @nitaahire4411
    @nitaahire4411 4 роки тому +2

    What about the 10 virgins? Only 5 went with the bridegroom , and the other 5 with lamps and little oil were left behind. But all 10 were virgins who knew the Lord. Why were they left behind?

    • @sandrabell4987
      @sandrabell4987 3 роки тому

      Exactly 🎯 they were not ready. This pastor said if you are backsliding you can be save? So averyone can be doing , living how they please far from God, and be save. 😕confuse. We have to be prepared for anyday. Living in God John 15
      We have to have a intimate relationship with Gos, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Have our life in order each day, oil in our life.

    • @ratkicker007
      @ratkicker007 2 роки тому

      The 5 who has no oil in their lamp, their lamps were empty inside. I believe the oil represents the Holy Spirit. There are Christians today who loosely belive in Christianity but do not have the Holy Spirit inside them

  • @kaycox5555
    @kaycox5555 4 роки тому

    Wonderful talk, thanks for sharing!!

    @ABQMAILMAN67 3 роки тому +2

    Can these two do this again in 2021?

  • @teamjesus7087
    @teamjesus7087 5 років тому +5

    I would have really enjoyed listening to this but my ears and stereo blew a quarter way into message. Greg my brother, Please learn how to use your microphone. I had to constantly raise and lower my volume levels because you kept leaning in and out speaking over you guest. You are too loud to enjoy today. God Bless the hearing impaired.

  • @market1517
    @market1517 5 років тому +3

    it burns me out that not much is said about Turkey

  • @jameswells9749
    @jameswells9749 4 роки тому

    I keep the Commandments by the power of his grace ,and I don’t even know I’m doing it ,that’s what most people don’t understand ,the law is not done away ,though we are not under the law we are not living the letter of the law ,we are living the love of the letter. That’s why they’re called Gods ten love commands, and it cannot be done without the active force called Grace. Jesus the Holy Spirit lives the life through us and for us ,if we are willing to yield.

  • @shelleyhartley5289
    @shelleyhartley5289 2 роки тому

    Those who have fallen from grace do NOT go to the rapture unless they return to Christ before hand.

  • @wendyp5626
    @wendyp5626 4 роки тому

    Lord, please come get us. We are living under tyrannical rule in Washington State, as we speak. Our churches are closed down indefinitely and our governor is trying to require phone technology so he can forcibly quarantine and remove us from our home. These are emergency laws on our books, and no court will help us. There is no court helping enforce our Constitutional rights. This video reminds us that we are in unprecedented times where the end of the church age seems at hand. Lord Jesus, come! Please protect the Church until You do.

  • @kelltic100
    @kelltic100 4 роки тому

    Well this was 5 years ago, and a lot has changed since then, (economy, military, jobs, etc are all up) so he may have to upgrade his book. But this gentlemen is very easy to understand and makes one of the most difficult (at least to me) book in the Bible to understand. However, only God knows what will truly happen. Yes it is wise to be watchful and aware, but I will put my faith in God only. Amazing video though.....

  • @celeste-67
    @celeste-67 4 роки тому

    America is in the bible. We are the eagle.

  • @misterx3560
    @misterx3560 4 роки тому +3

    Last days (signs of)... Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21.

  • @verlonbowden911
    @verlonbowden911 4 роки тому

    Thank you for your great work and news I enjoyed watching it all. Very good. God Bless you and your family have a blessed life.

  • @thomasredxjackson6906
    @thomasredxjackson6906 4 роки тому

    If this isn't the last of the last,God help those who are.🔥💢

  • @stacyspeed2774
    @stacyspeed2774 4 роки тому +1

    I'm left with 2 questions I am trying to solve. 1. He mentioned kids being saved because they are sanctified because of their believing parent (1 Corinthians 7:14) I wonder if that applies to husbands too? He is saved/raptured because he is sanctified through me?
    2. Also, during the millennial reign, do we that come back with him ever die or are we immortal?

  • @graftme3168
    @graftme3168 5 років тому +25

    I'm convinced of a pre-trib rapture! It's the only one that comes together in the Word...I believe. The partial rapture theory cannot be true. Either you have the Holy Spirit who is the "seal of the promise" or you don't. Every believer has the Holy Spirit equally...even though some believers don't give themselves entirely to the Spirit. You can't get more of the Holy Spirit but you can give more of yourself to Him.

    • @paulpeterson8212
      @paulpeterson8212 5 років тому +1

      Graft Me If that is true how did Elisha get a double portion of the Holy Spirit?

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 5 років тому +3

      @@paulpeterson8212 It was not a double portion of the Holy Spirit. It was a double portion of the ministry of Elijah. It is very specific that it was the spirit of Elijah and not the Holy Spirit. (Also, notice the small "s" rather than the capital "S" when referring to the Holy Spirit.)

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 5 років тому +2

      @@johnotto4931 Except that it all changed after Christs' death and resurrection. Have you read Acts? The Gospel wasn't even known until after Jesus' resurrection!

    • @timanthony7785
      @timanthony7785 4 роки тому +1

      if jesus died for us and couldnt escape tribulation and the christians that where killed in the collosium of rome. for beleiving what makes you so confident we will escape the tribulation do you not want to die for christ? other people in diffrent countries like china will and do the rapture is a nice thought but prepare your self and strap in just incase we all go threw the bumpy ride before his return

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 4 роки тому

      @@johnotto4931 It amazes me how so many people SEEK to suffer, thinking it is noble and will earn brownie points with God! It is not scriptural. Even Jesus said that if they won't receive you, flee to another place. Of course, the apostle Paul went to Rome knowing that it could be his death, but that was because he KNEW the Holy Spirit told him to go! Walking purposely towards death without the Holy Spirit saying so, is stupid and deserving of an untimely death. Following the Spirit is the key to obedience, not seeking martyrdom. I'm convinced that many have died in vain by doing so!

  • @johnpearce3714
    @johnpearce3714 5 років тому +2


  • @theresasavoy1531
    @theresasavoy1531 5 років тому +11

    They forgot the 2 witnesses appearance.

    •  4 роки тому

      They also missed the nation that flies a blue and gold dragon standard that has a 200 MILLION man army..let the blind lead the blind.
      Wonder if theyll take the mark because theyre still here. And hungry..

  • @armyman7732
    @armyman7732 4 роки тому +2

    Pastor Greg, please tell your friend about The IRGC, Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps. Please let me know what he says about this group. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen and Amen.

  • @muddyboots7753
    @muddyboots7753 5 років тому +1

    I just love the way Don speaks

  • @loreleebergeron5561
    @loreleebergeron5561 4 роки тому +1

    I believe we all sin and fall short of the glory of God but does God just look at your belief regardless of lifestyle?

  • @deloresm7494
    @deloresm7494 5 років тому +6

    I'm sick of You Tube showing so many old videos, I get half way through and then realize it. Have they censored everyone else?

  • @HarpazoReady2022
    @HarpazoReady2022 2 роки тому

    Fantastic discussion! It would be great if you two could get together now and have this same discussion! I wonder about children during the rapture as well. Maybe since children under the age of accountability will rapture, maybe the same applies if like during the flood. Those that were not in the Ark perished in the flood. That included children because if their parents didn't believe in the God of Noah, they weren't on the Ark. I have heard the comparison that Enoch represents the church being taken before the global judgement came. Noah and his family represents the remnant of Israel that that will be protected through the wrath of the 7-year Tribulation period. God Bless

  • @danielweber7769
    @danielweber7769 3 роки тому

    What about those who think they are Christians but Jesus tells them I never knew you depart from Me

  • @georgiamaguire692
    @georgiamaguire692 3 роки тому

    Good stuff

  • @namasteatthebeach
    @namasteatthebeach 4 роки тому

    4:42 = procrastination....please people DO NOT put off until tomorrow what you should DO today❣️The Lord God LOVES you and doesn't want anyone to parish❣️🙏🏻

  • @maryschmidt9170
    @maryschmidt9170 5 років тому +4

    That's right, see u all on judgement day, a

  • @dennishagans6339
    @dennishagans6339 5 років тому +2

    And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.
    Zechariah 14:16-19
    And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
    Revelation 20:7-8
    These two sets of scrpiture are talking about the millennial riegn and that those that were not killed before the millennial riegn starts will multiply in number as the sand of the sea by the end of the thousand years.
    But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
    Revelation 20:5-6
    If you are not part of the first resurrection then you are doomed, so what happens will all of those that are born during the thousand years and become in number as the sand of the sea?
    Also during that time does any of the worldly people die?

  • @abbydelafuente3973
    @abbydelafuente3973 4 роки тому +1

    Do you think it’s silly that I pray and ask God if my dog can live with me eternally in heaven? Because I do pray that to the Lord.

    • @user-hv7gg8ze6n
      @user-hv7gg8ze6n 4 роки тому

      Matthew 7:11
      If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

    • @user-hv7gg8ze6n
      @user-hv7gg8ze6n 4 роки тому


  • @forpetessake3532
    @forpetessake3532 4 роки тому +8

    Now here we are Mid Jan 2020. It ain’t pretty

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo 4 роки тому +1

      Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, modern Dispensational Theology falls apart, and the pretrib removal of the Church falls with it.

    • @harryseibert457
      @harryseibert457 4 роки тому

      @@SpotterVideo do you believe the book of revelation was written before 70ad?

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo 4 роки тому

      @@harryseibert457 No

  • @judydoumont8019
    @judydoumont8019 4 роки тому +2

    To Don Stewart - I just saw another video of yours and your hair is cut... what an awesome improvement...thank you for that ..it makes your information much easier to receive...

  • @maryanndeweerd2570
    @maryanndeweerd2570 4 роки тому

    Thankyou 🇨🇦🙏