Tango de Abel Carlevaro

  • Опубліковано 13 жов 2024
    Generalmente se asocia con el Tango a su hermano Agustín Carlevaro, arquitecto, guitarrista, y extraordinario arreglador de Tangos para guitarra sola. Aunque tambien hay una faceta del gran maestro de la guitarra clasica Abel Carlevaro asociada al Tango. No hace mucho se editó un CD donde se lo escucha junto a su hermano Agustin, interpretar en duo de guitarras, el Tango "Que Noche" de Agustín Bardi.Ademas de otras grabaciones en dúo y trio, y su monumental disco dedicado al folklore con el seudonimo "Vicente Vallejo" donde interpreta en guitarra sola. Pero tengo una anecdota de primera mano que sucedio en Brasil,durante un Seminario de Violao organizado por la Universidade Palestrina, en una reunion con un pequeño grupo, fui invitado a esa cena con Abel Carlevaro. Si bien teniamos la salvedad que el maestro no solia tocar en esas reuniones, cuando canté una zamba, grande fue la sorpresa al escuchar una increible guitarra que punteaba a la par de mis rasgueos, era Carlevaro!! Y aqui viene lo del Tango: en una pausa comenté que un gran bandoneonista del folklore de proyeccion cuyo nombre me reservo, que grabo en ECM, había dicho que con "La Cumparsita" no se podía improvisar, Carlevaro murmuró "Ah no?" y la charla siguió, al ratito se escucharon los primeros compases de "La Cumparsita" y lo que siguió fue increíble, Carlevaro improvisaba de una manera notable sobre ese Tango, creaba texturas y generaba voces por todos lados,sin apartarse de esa música, lástima que los celulares todavía no estaban para grabar lo extraordinario que hizo!!Esa era la respuesta con música del gran Abel Carlevaro a los dichos de aquel bandoneonista. Este Tango es de Abel Carlevaro y se llama "Tango" figura en la biblioteca Abel Carlevaro, creada por su discípulo y colaborador, el maestro Alfredo Escande. Ensaya este Tango Antoliano Rojas
    Generally associated with Tango is his brother Agustín Carlevaro, architect, guitarist, and extraordinary arranger of Tangos for solo guitar. Although there is also a facet of the great classical guitar master Abel Carlevaro associated with Tango. Not long ago a CD was released where he can be heard, together with his brother Agustin, performing as a guitar duo, the Tango "Que Noche" by Agustín Bardi. In addition to other duo and trio recordings, and his monumental album dedicated to folklore with the pseudonym "Vicente Vallejo" where he plays solo guitar. But I have a first-hand anecdote that happened in Brazil, during a Violao Seminar organized by the Universidade Palestrina, in a meeting with a small group, I was invited to that dinner with Abel Carlevaro. Although we had the caveat that the maestro did not usually play at those meetings, when I sang a zamba, the surprise was great when I heard an incredible guitar that plucked along with my strums, it was Carlevaro!! And here comes the Tango thing: in a pause I commented that a great bandoneonist of projection folklore whose name I withhold, who recorded in ECM, had said that with "La Cumparsita" you couldn't improvise, Carlevaro murmured "Oh no?" and the talk continued, after a while the first bars of "La Cumparsita" were heard and what followed was incredible, Carlevaro improvised in a remarkable way on that Tango, creating textures and generating voices everywhere, without departing from that music, too bad that cell phones were not yet ready to record the extraordinary thing he did!! That was the response with music by the great Abel Carlevaro to the sayings of that bandoneon player. This Tango is by Abel Carlevaro and is called "Tango" and appears in the Abel Carlevaro library, created by his disciple and collaborator, maestro Alfredo Escande. Rehearse this Antoliano Rojas Tango