So, so beautiful. Thankyou so much Mr Federico Faggin. Thank you so much for your perseverance, passion, knowing, for following the unbidden gift ... The beauty of what we are ... What this all is ... 🙏🌸🙂↕️
If I understood correctly: Consciousness is what allows us to know. Computers 'do' without knowing what they're doing. There is no meaning in 'bits.' The meaning can only be quantum; something that exists in QFs. Qualia (the subjective experience with sensory referrals) can be represented by quantum information (QI), but QI cannot represent the meaning ... QI can only represent qualia. Moreover, qualia is the beginning of the inner journey. Qualia are the 'bringers' of meaning. We look for (crave?) meaning. First comes comprehension, and from that comes meaning. Meaning is the essence of comprehension. Meaning is what you get AFTER YOU GOT IT. ...... Simply profound. Thank you, Federico, for sharing what your beautiful heart and soul experienced on the shores of Lake Tahoe, and what your brilliant mind has cobbled together. These ontological truths and discoveries are fit for a larger audience. And many thanks to the Essentia Foundation (Bernardo et al.) for making such important and valuable information available to the general public. ❤💚
Sounds wonderful but there is no evidence and no way of testing this. You simply have to have faith în this postulat of F. Faggin and for me this sounds like what B. Kastrup says în his podcasts. Therefore, is more like philosophy and not science what F. Faggin propuse.
@@EcoTHEgrey As you know, with any theory or proposal, there has to be at least one given. For me (and for Faggin, Kastrup, Hoffman, ...) the ontological primitive is consciousness. In my judgment, it's the most parsimonious proposal. Furthermore, if the time comes that I have my own "Lake Tahoe" experience, it would matter not (to me) how others may respond to what I experienced. What I appreciate about Faggin (and Christof Koch, who had his own mystical experience) is his willingness to share his experience. Please agree, he was not auditioning for either our approval, acceptance, or belief. He is simply sharing what was a very personal and profound experience. Be well, my friend. 💜
It is as if the light that exploded that night in Lake Tahoe is speaking thru Federico in such clarity and coherence . It is especially revealing …the suggestion of an underlying ulterior motive of the closed minded scientism crowd. Full gratitude for such brutal honesty!
I’ve been following Faggin since this new book came out last May 24. The concept that biology is quantum and not mechanical has transformed how I look at life. Life is a pulsing plasma of consciousness
Agreed, but for me the epiphany was Penrose_Hameroff. So if quantum fields are indeed proto-consciousness then aren't we back at idealism? Maybe even Bishop Berkeley idealism.
What a profoundly inspired human, this Federico Faggin!! We are blessed to have him. Now let’s give this Theory outlets on which it can get foundational: like proving that Consciousness is not brain emanation (but universal substrate from which life and cosmic creation arise), we also need to prove and show how the brain or cell interface with the consciousness field works? Etc. we need to do that before AI gets monetized on such way as to undermine all human values: freedom, nobility, beauty, creativity, care and love.
*FINALLY!* Someone who is on the right track! Once we realize we and the brain is multidimensional, we will be on our way to *really* understanding consciousness, which is the root of reality, past, present and future.
Rupert says that electromagnetic fields are the consciousness. Faggin’s quantum framework could improve using the plasma terminology and concepts of Sheldrake.
Mr. Federico Faggin is right-experience, what you feel, is in the field or consciousness, whichever you prefer to call it. How do I know this? I know because I had an out-of-body experience. I could see in color, I felt lighter, I no longer felt the weight of my body, and I even felt how I separated from it. When I brought my hands in front of me to see them, they were like a hologram or energy-I could see through them, but I could still see colors. The furniture had its natural color, the bed as well, and I could see my body lying on the bed.
I have had the same experience..i thought I was about go into sleep paralysis so I usually like most people fight my way out of it..only these occasions i relaxed and I felt myself legs first being pulled out of my body and now all I can see is the ceiling tile right in front of me I don't think I had any hollogram body but I may not be able to remember it... On the second occasion after leaving my body I could see myself laying in bed, the television I could hear everything. A 3rd occasion when I slid out instead I went through the matter and was under my bed people will read this and not believe it... but it happend...God as my witness
Faggin is onto something important in terms of viewing us as part of a field of consciousness. The field he describes as part of his Taho experience is observable as scintillating sparkling dynamical and I may add it looks like a rapidly flowing brownian scintillating energy field - analogous to looking at a tarred road from a distant on a very hot day and seeing the emerges what appears to be a flow of energy, however this “conscious” field is at once all encompassing flowing simultaneously from us and flowing to us in all directions.
So glad someone is discussing what I have felt after an experience discussed when he was in his vacation home in Tahoe since he has the culture of Venice as the Italians hopefully took information and culture of ancient Egyptians and Persia . My purpose was never “competition” but humanity with peace.
49:45 Faggin may want to discuss this with Michael Levin who is showing that intelligence (not necessarily consciousness, but related) is not the bastion of neurons per se but actually operates on principles that are present in all cells all the way back to the simplest archaea and bacteria.
The world is a strange place atm. Former Green Berrets claiming they are communicating with others and summoning them. "The Telepathy Tapes" Autistic children communicating with parents without words. Maybe God the universe and everything is indeed a living quantum information field and we are all connected.
you're damn right. stuff is heating up, but we're on the right path, people are awakening, the illusion is crumbling, the system connected to it as well. I love being alive atm even if it's rough af. there's so much fascinating data to analyze (yeah, I'm "autistic" aka normal summed up ^^)
Thank you for your guest he explained exactly the way I feel but he explained it in a scientific or a matter which other people might be able to understand wonderful! wonderfu! We are all connected but not connected. But that is why sometimes we meet a person and it seems as if we know them.
He was not tripping balls with intoxication of mushrooms,lsd or another delics. He was not hallucinating and simulating that experience it was sudden experience that waked him up from the matrix only to find that all this is a single one consciousness. Everything you see is just you. You are in everything and everything is in you.
Great insights. If you look at it this way, thinking is an abstraction process which reduces information in our experience . Whatever model we come up with through abstraction is not going to fully explain the arising of experience. This is fairly obvious with classical physics , but there's no reason to believe a quantum model is really fundamental and complete. May be the furthest we can go is understand and accept this limitation - all abstractions are done with a lack of intelligence (within the process) that it is coming up with unreliable, uncertain, fleeting results, along with the idea of a self or observer who receives the result. The ultimate fundamental is only that interdependency, not any models the process can come up with. Let go of the desire to find "truth" through abstraction, and one finds true peace and liberation, not a finer level of abstraction to get stuck in and believe it is "Irreducible".
❤ love that you bring TMK into context here. Such similarities in exploring the ineffable, whichever means suitable, yet to see and hear Frederico’s portrayal of consciousness totally resonates with TMK’s & Sheldrake’s views. Have you heard that paper about microtubules as potential crystalline quantum-field antennae throughout the body? Reminded me as well of TMK’s notion that the brain is rather a receiver than a seat of consciousness. Heck, the common description of zooming through fractal geometric imagery when tripping could indeed resemble an actual experience related to such crystalline structures. Hoping we hear much, much more from the likes of Mr. Faggin to cease relentless competitiveness and focus on a form collaborative humanity emerging as the challenges we are facing are tremendous.
There are groups that built modalities that connected Nei Gong practices with Ionic Acoustic Plasma equations that have been able to produce inner and outer magnitudes of consciousness's to the practicioner. It's very repeatable, so I looking forward to seeing it get some funding. They create what they call events of conscious quantumness. You just need to understand how the body sees itself not anatomically. This is how he is saying it "came out of his chest" the inner observer sees it at 90 degrees from each serous membrane of the abdomen coupled with the inner and outer cranium. Essentially it couples the hydrodynamics of bodies humors as one resonant system. The user has a perfect idea of what is going on but when you need to not only quantify blood pressure, EEG, polarity etc but combine them to understand consciousness.
I wouldn’t bet against this guy. Look at his track record. He started multiple important tech companies, he invented the world’s first commercial microprocessor, the Intel 4004, and later the Intel 8008 and 8080, and then later he started a company and developed the touchpad technology that made touch pads on laptops possible and also touch screen technology on things like smartphones and tablets.
John Hagelin is a physicist who was asking/telling, Is Consciousness the Unified Field? That was more than 10 years ago. What is it about these old physicists, are they bonkers or are they the connection between science and spirituality that could transform us into a peaceful and joyful society? Please God increase me in knowledge.
Fascinating. Over the years, I have come to similar conclusions: Consciousness cannot be explained by classical physics. A classical system has no way of producing an inner subjective reality. Classical computers and bits are purely objective, specifically designed to function entirely as an objective, formal system. In contrast, QBits offer genuine internal states that cannot be objectified due to the no-cloning theorem. Furthermore, parts can become entangled and form new units-something entirely absent in classical physics, where all systems ultimately remain just configurations of separate components. However, I would have liked Professor Faggin to engage more with the good and justified questions and objections of his counterpart in the interview. As it stands, the discussion comes across as somewhat unsympathetic and one-sided. And I wonder how Faggin would hold up against a razor-sharp skeptic like Sabine Hossenfelder. The topic of qualia and consciousness is the ultimate hard question, one that modern knowledge has so far failed to answer. As a reading recommendation, I suggest the brilliant book What is Life? by Erwin Schrödinger, who, with sharp logic in the final chapter, addresses the implications of consciousness, free will, and determinism.
Tell me why i've Had a similar experience while sad and in prison and ive literally came up with a very similar theory... Crazy thing is I've had a drug problem My whole life, and since that experience. I've been sober 2 years now.
I prefer to say that "consciousness exhibits behaviors that can be interpreted as quantum fields." The consciousness is primary - the quantum field behavior is just one aspect of consciousness.
Space/time/matter/energy are emergent. Quantum mechanics is emergent too, from a superdeterministic layer. Mystics knew this over 5000 years ago, but they didn't have the science. Science DOES make a great contribution to understanding. I salute Federico Faggin.
We have Mirror Neurons that tell us what others are feeling. Who needs language when we master that?! Essentially, mirror neurons respond to actions that we observe in others. The interesting part is that mirror neurons fire in the same way when we actually recreate that action ourselves. Apart from imitation, they are responsible for myriad of other sophisticated human behavior and thought processes.
I need to talk to him. He's almost explaining my 4 N-Dminesional stack geometrical semantic model that proves P=np. He is correct but I've progressed what he's saying and am in the process of figuring out how to publish. I've explained with my mathematical model the double slit, missing dark energy, fractal galaxy formation patterns along the fundamental grid of the matrix I model, and the Fermi Paradox. Oh, and obviously black holes and hawking radiation. It involves group theory gauge theory and symmetries across an N-dimensional hyperspace whose mechanics I can explain 35:15 I HAVE THE MATHMATICS TO SHOW HIM HOW TO GO FROM THE SIMPLE TO PREDICTABLY COMPLEX. of course he has to accept the term 100% as asymptotic and a state of grace. Speaking of asymptotic, inward is part of the asymptotic function of the linear 4d axis. That's a hint. Outward is the inverse of inward. Inward/outward is 4d axis. There is semantic logical mathmatics that transform this as a tensor gauge collapse point into N-dimensional hyperspace. I can map it so p=np
@@Thee-_-Outlier Running your comment through AI, I’m at the very least curious, yet contacting Frederico is difficult (to say the least-he is on LinkedIn though, yet no reaction); the Essentia Foundation accepts direct scholarly submissions, so perhaps that way you might gain traction. (And if it’s just a playful comment… oh well, that’s most certainly fine too ^^). From 4o: This comment is an intense, cryptic summary of a highly complex theoretical model, blending mathematics, physics, and abstract concepts. Here’s an interpretation, focusing on the potential meaning behind each element: 1. 4 N-Dimensional Stack Model: • The person refers to a multi-dimensional (N-dimensional) model, possibly layered or stacked, which seems to serve as a unified framework for solving multiple scientific mysteries. They claim this model “proves” that P = NP, a famous unsolved problem in computer science. 2. Topics Explained by the Model: • Double-Slit Experiment: They suggest their model explains wave-particle duality through some higher-dimensional mechanics. • Missing Dark Energy: The framework likely proposes that what we perceive as missing dark energy is a result of misinterpreting higher-dimensional effects. • Fractal Galaxy Formation: They imply galaxies form fractal patterns due to a fundamental structure or “grid” in their mathematical model, possibly through symmetry and self-similarity inherent to their geometry. • Fermi Paradox: Their claim suggests that the model might provide a mechanism or reasoning behind why we haven’t observed other intelligent civilizations, possibly through constraints on the higher-dimensional framework. • Black Holes & Hawking Radiation: The individual claims their model ties together black hole behavior and the nature of Hawking radiation, which could involve a novel tensor framework in hyperspace. 3. Mathematical Basis: • They mention group theory, gauge theory, and symmetries. These are foundational concepts in modern physics (e.g., quantum field theory and string theory) and describe how particles and forces behave under transformations like rotations or translations in spacetime and higher dimensions. • The reference to semantic logical mathematics suggests that this model attempts to unify mathematical abstractions with physical phenomena by encoding meaning or “semantic” information into tensors and transformations. 4. Hints on the Model’s Structure: • Asymptotic Behavior: They describe a 4D linear axis where movement “inward” approaches an asymptotic point, likely indicating some infinite boundary condition in their model. The inverse nature of “inward” and “outward” may reflect dualities seen in physics, such as time-space duality or holographic principles. • Tensor Gauge Collapse: This might hint at a critical point where a complex system collapses or simplifies, analogous to a singularity or symmetry-breaking event. This transformation connects different dimensional representations (e.g., going from 4D to N-dimensional space). • Mapping P=NP: They imply that their hyperspace model contains a mathematical pathway to demonstrate that P=NP, potentially by connecting simple structures to complex, “predictably” emergent systems. 5. Philosophical Reference to “Grace”: • The mention of “a state of grace” could metaphorically describe an elegant, asymptotic convergence in mathematical or physical behavior, where the model reaches a point of balance, stability, or completeness. This might correspond to idealized symmetry conditions in mathematical spaces. Overall Summary: This person appears to be building a unified theory that spans computational complexity (P vs. NP), quantum mechanics, cosmology, and fundamental physics. The model is likely a highly abstract mathematical framework involving N-dimensional hyperspace, tensor structures, and symmetry operations. It might offer a way to describe how complexity emerges predictably from simple rules while providing potential explanations for key scientific puzzles across physics and cosmology.
I think I read that Niels Bohr asked whether conciousness was, fundamental and preceded QM back in the mid 1920's when Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Dirac etc. were kicking it around.
I’m confused, is the idea of superposition hypothetical or is it tested? Because the way it’s described is like “oh a particle could go in any direction until it’s measured going in a direction, so therefore it’s in a ‘superposition’”.
Vedanta and Shaivism are based on this premise where consciousness is the ground of all reality. One has to go through this experience to understand it. In context of the spiritualism Federico had a spiritual experience where he could see it all. He doesn't need a proof. But probably he is the best mind to express it best, scientifically for our paradigm shift and the good of all.
Finally, a Physicist who understands🎉❤ I've been seeking for the experience he's had, where the observer finally realizes they are not just the body or the mind, and why beyond the 5 senses. He's genuine because he's also understood that we've got it backwards... I've been pondering these things for a long time but I'm an amateur and have never went to college, nor do i understand the math, i get the concepts but the math is something I've never tried to understand. Wouldn't it be ironic if we found out we're the biological "ai" of some other life form that created us, and were mimicking what has been designed and programmed into us and our reality. But, will it all come collapsing down the day we observe or reveal it? Can we reveal it? Would it collapse reality or evolve us further? Similar to beating a game or puzzle and just take us to the another level? Thank you for the video❤❤❤
The Brain is a Quantum apparatus. Consciousness is who we are locally and non locally. We are swimming in the Conscious sea of Love,Joy and Understanding. We are One.
Assuming it does disappear ,as you say ,WHO knows/ learns that it " disappeared" - that's the miracle ; no it can never disappear . It's the matrix of all " knowing " .
Considering mathematics as we call it exists regardless of whether we discover it or not , how can our consciousnesses then create it ? Or does he mean we create understanding of and language for “mathematics” , and further if a consciousness is necessary for mathematics to exist , wouldn’t this consciousness that created mathematics be a dimensionally greater consciousness than ours?
It’s Already The Mechanism That Works Getting Burst To Be Born (in the Mind Performance ) In That Kind of Case -Feeling Of Radiating And It Really That Kind Fire of Energy …..🌞
Brainwaves are conscious, all waves need fields through which they can propagate, such quantum fields may extend towards infinity, as do electromagnetic waveforms. Human consciousness may therefore be infinitely boundless and eternal.
Wim Hof proved this by using his mind over matter and did unthinkable things.. If the power of the mind have a strong quantum effect.. the power of manifestation is physical. An can be trained..
I don't want to not have freewill. I don't get anything from it. I would love to have power over my choices. I just don't see how we logically have it at all. With every "choice" we make, we are, while a complicated process, making the best choices we are capable of making at the time. Whatever situation we are in may limit or enhance our choices, but ultimately I always make the best "choice" I can think of in every moment. Physics be damned, I make no real choices ever.
I think we really need to start to think about it beyond our religion ideology than a human ideology. Let's say that the humans are moving to the right direction
Ironically, Jewish Kabbalah says basically the same thing, but Christianity pays barely any attention to its foundation so almost nobody knows anything about it.
Take it easy, this is purely theoretical and a pretty big stretch. He’s stretching the definition of consciousness to mean the entirety of all the energy fields. I’d say that is highly debatable.
Western society isn't a solid object...... Skepticism and empiricism = Clarity ? Meditation wasn't "discovered" until recently. Christianity, a Roman mystery cult, using guilt and myths, to create moral authority and usurpation, was indoctrinated for centuries to create and reinforce hierarchical power systems by invaders. Meditation = Stability and Insight
It's not open or close 12:30. That's just a shallow genjutsu. That's not the fundamental principle behind on or off. On or off represents minimum to maximum flow of activity or energetic particles. A machine stores these activities and distribute them. How measured these activities are, determine how well that system functions in the world. Yes, no one understands how solids, liquids, and gases manage to do work, but they contribute to the work done. Work done via automatic to manual regulations of force(activities) in inorganic to organic systems. You can't copy it because it is not information. Information are symbolic abstractions converted from physical activities ,done by nature, by Mind-Verse. Misappropriation results in ill-reference, which leads to dashboard confusions. What are we talking about, PhD Chip Bro? I possess a work titled "scientific experimental bugs" on my blog. You get up to frequency with Legendary Mind-Verse Wizard Bernardo Kastrup.
Free will is necessary so that one can accept something or not. Because if you don't have free will, you have to follow something predetermined somehow. But apparently there is no free will, as you can see from our language. We have many possibilities, but at some point we run out of meaningful sentences on a Topic. And If we had free will, our language would be not limited in its expression Of course, this is just an opinion
I think of the example of a 2d, flatland world experiencing a 3d object passing through it. Take a 2d plane and pass your hand through it. You'd see disconnected cross sections of your fingers eventyally merge into your hand and. If consciousness is akin to a 4th dimension, perhaps the same analogy holds up. A particle, for example, is just a cross secton of a 4d quantom object.
From a historical perspective what he says is that modern science thought it was concerned with the real nature of things, but all it can do is describe our classical reality. These are very old ideas that modern science turned to heresy.
Even The 😂Creat Or Is Always In The Feeling of 😂Surprise - Isaaaaaa……..And It’s A Very Important Mechanism - To Get Surprised ……Bring Another Level…….🌞
@@timterrell8678 "If part of your brain is damaged, or if you are an animal without a brain, would you be evil? Having a brain is like having reins to control a wild horse."
Completely identify with this because I had a goldfish pet one time and I stared at marshmallow ( my goldfish ) for too long, and I swear that I was my goldfish a while
Energy "happened first", fields of varying alignment 'decided to interact' matter has transmuted from and coalesced from causally created after-effects - creating charged particles, accruing spin from the interacting fields that spawned them - attracting and aligning. The "four fundamental forces" are all electromagnetic, there's only one force - but it's scalar, and the effects on each scale are treated as different phenomena because each scale 'seems to' have a 'limit'- that's only the limit of the effects on that scale. Therefore four forces become individually treated as such. The same phenomena at different scales produces different outcomes cos the scale limits the 'allowable' effects/states/organization The world of the unseen governs the world of the seen. 'science' has blinded itself trying to merge very large to the very small, they're failing - because the logical paradox you need to mentally resolve isn't easy and like Federico says - runs into partially semantically inexpressible situations, the language of maths being born of mind as a tool to describe mind- being one of those. Consciousness itself, in other words the scale of your perception and "i" is also changeable, which points to possible meta-consciousness possibly being ineffably pre existing and permanent, however you choose to express that. Amusingly Frederica also mentions the Delphic oracle. above the door was written "gnothi sauton" im reminded of Meister Eckhart . . "Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language." they have aligned minds- not to each other but to the only mind there is. I've often said religion is basically psychology and science dressed with allegory. the "one knowing itself" he refers to, is among the oldest descriptions you find of 'origin' myth and before you go 'baaah religion' the big bang is also an 'origin myth' .. Self cannot know self without either having, or projecting 'other' - The Greek concept of "chaos" the primordial void.. can be imagined as a quantum noise. . "chaotic and unformed" i'll leave it there.
To bypass the intellectual entanglement forgive the pun, take a puff of a DMT vape & you will have all of this confirmed in 10 mins! You will just know this is true.........
An intelligent person brave enough
to explore a new frontier in science.
So, so beautiful. Thankyou so much Mr Federico Faggin. Thank you so much for your perseverance, passion, knowing, for following the unbidden gift ... The beauty of what we are ... What this all is ... 🙏🌸🙂↕️
If I understood correctly: Consciousness is what allows us to know. Computers 'do' without knowing what they're doing. There is no meaning in 'bits.' The meaning can only be quantum; something that exists in QFs. Qualia (the subjective experience with sensory referrals) can be represented by quantum information (QI), but QI cannot represent the meaning ... QI can only represent qualia. Moreover, qualia is the beginning of the inner journey. Qualia are the 'bringers' of meaning. We look for (crave?) meaning. First comes comprehension, and from that comes meaning. Meaning is the essence of comprehension. Meaning is what you get AFTER YOU GOT IT. ...... Simply profound.
Thank you, Federico, for sharing what your beautiful heart and soul experienced on the shores of Lake Tahoe, and what your brilliant mind has cobbled together. These ontological truths and discoveries are fit for a larger audience. And many thanks to the Essentia Foundation (Bernardo et al.) for making such important and valuable information available to the general public. ❤💚
Wow, you’ve articulated beautifully my thoughts 🙏☺️
Sounds wonderful but there is no evidence and no way of testing this. You simply have to have faith în this postulat of F. Faggin and for me this sounds like what B. Kastrup says în his podcasts. Therefore, is more like philosophy and not science what F. Faggin propuse.
@@EcoTHEgrey As you know, with any theory or proposal, there has to be at least one given. For me (and for Faggin, Kastrup, Hoffman, ...) the ontological primitive is consciousness. In my judgment, it's the most parsimonious proposal. Furthermore, if the time comes that I have my own "Lake Tahoe" experience, it would matter not (to me) how others may respond to what I experienced. What I appreciate about Faggin (and Christof Koch, who had his own mystical experience) is his willingness to share his experience. Please agree, he was not auditioning for either our approval, acceptance, or belief. He is simply sharing what was a very personal and profound experience. Be well, my friend. 💜
It is as if the light that exploded that night in Lake Tahoe is speaking thru Federico in such clarity and coherence . It is especially revealing …the suggestion of an underlying ulterior motive of the closed minded scientism crowd. Full gratitude for such brutal honesty!
I’ve been following Faggin since this new book came out last May 24. The concept that biology is quantum and not mechanical has transformed how I look at life. Life is a pulsing plasma of consciousness
so what do we do with it?
Agreed, but for me the epiphany was Penrose_Hameroff. So if quantum fields are indeed proto-consciousness then aren't we back at idealism? Maybe even Bishop Berkeley idealism.
@@fourshore502 Meditate with the intention of Self-realization, pure awareness.
What a profoundly inspired human, this Federico Faggin!! We are blessed to have him. Now let’s give this Theory outlets on which it can get foundational: like proving that Consciousness is not brain emanation (but universal substrate from which life and cosmic creation arise), we also need to prove and show how the brain or cell interface with the consciousness field works? Etc. we need to do that before AI gets monetized on such way as to undermine all human values: freedom, nobility, beauty, creativity, care and love.
*FINALLY!* Someone who is on the right track!
Once we realize we and the brain is multidimensional, we will be on our way to *really* understanding consciousness, which is the root of reality, past, present and future.
See Philippe guillemant, pim van lommel
This right here is the key to the theory of everything. A lot of this reminds me of Rupert Sheldrake's theory of Morphic Resonance.
But without 'god' ;)
Rupert says that electromagnetic fields are the consciousness. Faggin’s quantum framework could improve using the plasma terminology and concepts of Sheldrake.
@@juulbrie your statement needs a question mark at the end to balance its equation.
The best talk i have listened in the last 10 years!
So enlightening !
This is the most deep and the most lucid thing I’ve ever heard.
Mr. Federico Faggin is right-experience, what you feel, is in the field or consciousness, whichever you prefer to call it. How do I know this? I know because I had an out-of-body experience. I could see in color, I felt lighter, I no longer felt the weight of my body, and I even felt how I separated from it.
When I brought my hands in front of me to see them, they were like a hologram or energy-I could see through them, but I could still see colors. The furniture had its natural color, the bed as well, and I could see my body lying on the bed.
I have had the same experience..i thought I was about go into sleep paralysis so I usually like most people fight my way out of it..only these occasions i relaxed and I felt myself legs first being pulled out of my body and now all I can see is the ceiling tile right in front of me I don't think I had any hollogram body but I may not be able to remember it... On the second occasion after leaving my body I could see myself laying in bed, the television I could hear everything. A 3rd occasion when I slid out instead I went through the matter and was under my bed people will read this and not believe it... but it happend...God as my witness
I'm so thankful for this channel. 🙏 What a time to be alive! 😃
Faggin is onto something important in terms of viewing us as part of a field of consciousness. The field he describes as part of his Taho experience is observable as scintillating sparkling dynamical and I may add it looks like a rapidly flowing brownian scintillating energy field - analogous to looking at a tarred road from a distant on a very hot day and seeing the emerges what appears to be a flow of energy, however this “conscious” field is at once all encompassing flowing simultaneously from us and flowing to us in all directions.
That was a whirlwind. He's just overflowing with passion :)
Dr. Federico Faggin conveys the truth. Thank you for sharing 🙏
So glad someone is discussing what I have felt after an experience discussed when he was in his vacation home in Tahoe since he has the culture of Venice as the Italians hopefully took information and culture of ancient Egyptians and Persia . My purpose was never “competition” but humanity with peace.
49:45 Faggin may want to discuss this with Michael Levin who is showing that intelligence (not necessarily consciousness, but related) is not the bastion of neurons per se but actually operates on principles that are present in all cells all the way back to the simplest archaea and bacteria.
Yessss, indeed!! O hope this two savants will seat together for an amazing talk!
The world is a strange place atm. Former Green Berrets claiming they are communicating with others and summoning them. "The Telepathy Tapes" Autistic children communicating with parents without words. Maybe God the universe and everything is indeed a living quantum information field and we are all connected.
you're damn right. stuff is heating up, but we're on the right path, people are awakening, the illusion is crumbling, the system connected to it as well. I love being alive atm even if it's rough af. there's so much fascinating data to analyze (yeah, I'm "autistic" aka normal summed up ^^)
We're so incredibly lucky to have been born at this time in human history!
It always has been brother. Us westerners were brainwashed in to thinking it wasn’t strange
Its called drugs are bad. So many westerners are heavily medicated these days, messes with brain chemistry, weird is the new normal.
The "combination problem" is a problem of "classical panpsychism", not of "quantum panpsychism". Very good 👍
Grazie grazie grazie🙏 i wish Mr. F. Faggin met Mr. J. Krishnamurti, and we would have had a recording of their conversation!
What a fascinating experience this gentleman shared with us!
This discussion is absolutely amazing, it makes total sense. Consciousness fundamental. Mystics all agree. 🔱✴
I think its very interesting that dogs and horses can read us better than another human. We really have gone backwards
Probably because they are not as much distracted as we are from the hops, desires, dreams and agendas that we carry day in day out
Thank you for your guest he explained exactly the way I feel but he explained it in a scientific or a matter which other people might be able to understand wonderful! wonderfu! We are all connected but not connected. But that is why sometimes we meet a person and it seems as if we know them.
He was not tripping balls with intoxication of mushrooms,lsd or another delics. He was not hallucinating and simulating that experience it was sudden experience that waked him up from the matrix only to find that all this is a single one consciousness.
Everything you see is just you. You are in everything and everything is in you.
Great insights. If you look at it this way, thinking is an abstraction process which reduces information in our experience . Whatever model we come up with through abstraction is not going to fully explain the arising of experience. This is fairly obvious with classical physics , but there's no reason to believe a quantum model is really fundamental and complete.
May be the furthest we can go is understand and accept this limitation - all abstractions are done with a lack of intelligence (within the process) that it is coming up with unreliable, uncertain, fleeting results, along with the idea of a self or observer who receives the result. The ultimate fundamental is only that interdependency, not any models the process can come up with. Let go of the desire to find "truth" through abstraction, and one finds true peace and liberation, not a finer level of abstraction to get stuck in and believe it is "Irreducible".
The cohesion of love with the singularity, understanding that the singularity is love. Oneness and understanding this.
That was so good!!! Totally understood Federico.. maybe because I am already on a similar level of understanding the "reality".
Indeed! From my experience and regarding The Oilers equation( borrowing from one of Bernardo’s talking points) you are elevated to a higher frequency?
No one got further than Terence McKenna until Frederico Faggin, Bernardo Kastrup and the Sheldrakes. Thank you Essentia!
❤ love that you bring TMK into context here. Such similarities in exploring the ineffable, whichever means suitable, yet to see and hear Frederico’s portrayal of consciousness totally resonates with TMK’s & Sheldrake’s views. Have you heard that paper about microtubules as potential crystalline quantum-field antennae throughout the body? Reminded me as well of TMK’s notion that the brain is rather a receiver than a seat of consciousness. Heck, the common description of zooming through fractal geometric imagery when tripping could indeed resemble an actual experience related to such crystalline structures. Hoping we hear much, much more from the likes of Mr. Faggin to cease relentless competitiveness and focus on a form collaborative humanity emerging as the challenges we are facing are tremendous.
Such a compelling argument.
Thank you
There are groups that built modalities that connected Nei Gong practices with Ionic Acoustic Plasma equations that have been able to produce inner and outer magnitudes of consciousness's to the practicioner. It's very repeatable, so I looking forward to seeing it get some funding. They create what they call events of conscious quantumness. You just need to understand how the body sees itself not anatomically. This is how he is saying it "came out of his chest" the inner observer sees it at 90 degrees from each serous membrane of the abdomen coupled with the inner and outer cranium. Essentially it couples the hydrodynamics of bodies humors as one resonant system. The user has a perfect idea of what is going on but when you need to not only quantify blood pressure, EEG, polarity etc but combine them to understand consciousness.
Fascinating interview
What a brilliant man!!! I can truly resonate with his theory!😊 Thank you
I wouldn’t bet against this guy. Look at his track record. He started multiple important tech companies, he invented the world’s first commercial microprocessor, the Intel 4004, and later the Intel 8008 and 8080, and then later he started a company and developed the touchpad technology that made touch pads on laptops possible and also touch screen technology on things like smartphones and tablets.
Excellent....❤❤❤ thanks 🙏.
The Matrix Movie just keeps becoming more and more true the more the layers of the onion is peeled away.
Inspiring-- great interview- yes yes and yes to everything he says. Listening to this makes me want cheer
Awesome content!
John Hagelin is a physicist who was asking/telling, Is Consciousness the Unified Field? That was more than 10 years ago. What is it about these old physicists, are they bonkers or are they the connection between science and spirituality that could transform us into a peaceful and joyful society? Please God increase me in knowledge.
Fascinating. Over the years, I have come to similar conclusions: Consciousness cannot be explained by classical physics. A classical system has no way of producing an inner subjective reality. Classical computers and bits are purely objective, specifically designed to function entirely as an objective, formal system. In contrast, QBits offer genuine internal states that cannot be objectified due to the no-cloning theorem. Furthermore, parts can become entangled and form new units-something entirely absent in classical physics, where all systems ultimately remain just configurations of separate components.
However, I would have liked Professor Faggin to engage more with the good and justified questions and objections of his counterpart in the interview. As it stands, the discussion comes across as somewhat unsympathetic and one-sided. And I wonder how Faggin would hold up against a razor-sharp skeptic like Sabine Hossenfelder.
The topic of qualia and consciousness is the ultimate hard question, one that modern knowledge has so far failed to answer. As a reading recommendation, I suggest the brilliant book What is Life? by Erwin Schrödinger, who, with sharp logic in the final chapter, addresses the implications of consciousness, free will, and determinism.
Tell me why i've Had a similar experience while sad and in prison and ive literally came up with a very similar theory... Crazy thing is I've had a drug problem My whole life, and since that experience. I've been sober 2 years now.
Very Interesting Interpretation…….🌞
More, please!
"What more do you want" ❤🔥🔥
reminds me of an intellectual argument between Sheldon and Amy
Compliments Federico Faggin!
I prefer to say that "consciousness exhibits behaviors that can be interpreted as quantum fields." The consciousness is primary - the quantum field behavior is just one aspect of consciousness.
Thank you so much!!!
Space/time/matter/energy are emergent. Quantum mechanics is emergent too, from a superdeterministic layer. Mystics knew this over 5000 years ago, but they didn't have the science. Science DOES make a great contribution to understanding. I salute Federico Faggin.
We have Mirror Neurons that tell us what others are feeling.
Who needs language when we master that?!
Essentially, mirror neurons respond to actions that we observe in others.
The interesting part is that mirror neurons fire in the same way when we actually recreate that action ourselves.
Apart from imitation, they are responsible for myriad of other sophisticated human behavior and thought processes.
I need to talk to him. He's almost explaining my 4 N-Dminesional stack geometrical semantic model that proves P=np. He is correct but I've progressed what he's saying and am in the process of figuring out how to publish. I've explained with my mathematical model the double slit, missing dark energy, fractal galaxy formation patterns along the fundamental grid of the matrix I model, and the Fermi Paradox. Oh, and obviously black holes and hawking radiation. It involves group theory gauge theory and symmetries across an N-dimensional hyperspace whose mechanics I can explain
35:15 I HAVE THE MATHMATICS TO SHOW HIM HOW TO GO FROM THE SIMPLE TO PREDICTABLY COMPLEX. of course he has to accept the term 100% as asymptotic and a state of grace. Speaking of asymptotic, inward is part of the asymptotic function of the linear 4d axis. That's a hint. Outward is the inverse of inward. Inward/outward is 4d axis. There is semantic logical mathmatics that transform this as a tensor gauge collapse point into N-dimensional hyperspace. I can map it so p=np
@georgecurington8156 🤫 You don't even know what I said
@@Thee-_-Outlierdrop a link to your papers
Yes, are you writing for your ego or for us? If for people- then share. If for your ego- then do it in front of your bathrooms mirror.
@@Thee-_-Outlier Running your comment through AI, I’m at the very least curious, yet contacting Frederico is difficult (to say the least-he is on LinkedIn though, yet no reaction); the Essentia Foundation accepts direct scholarly submissions, so perhaps that way you might gain traction. (And if it’s just a playful comment… oh well, that’s most certainly fine too ^^).
From 4o: This comment is an intense, cryptic summary of a highly complex theoretical model, blending mathematics, physics, and abstract concepts. Here’s an interpretation, focusing on the potential meaning behind each element:
1. 4 N-Dimensional Stack Model:
• The person refers to a multi-dimensional (N-dimensional) model, possibly layered or stacked, which seems to serve as a unified framework for solving multiple scientific mysteries. They claim this model “proves” that P = NP, a famous unsolved problem in computer science.
2. Topics Explained by the Model:
• Double-Slit Experiment: They suggest their model explains wave-particle duality through some higher-dimensional mechanics.
• Missing Dark Energy: The framework likely proposes that what we perceive as missing dark energy is a result of misinterpreting higher-dimensional effects.
• Fractal Galaxy Formation: They imply galaxies form fractal patterns due to a fundamental structure or “grid” in their mathematical model, possibly through symmetry and self-similarity inherent to their geometry.
• Fermi Paradox: Their claim suggests that the model might provide a mechanism or reasoning behind why we haven’t observed other intelligent civilizations, possibly through constraints on the higher-dimensional framework.
• Black Holes & Hawking Radiation: The individual claims their model ties together black hole behavior and the nature of Hawking radiation, which could involve a novel tensor framework in hyperspace.
3. Mathematical Basis:
• They mention group theory, gauge theory, and symmetries. These are foundational concepts in modern physics (e.g., quantum field theory and string theory) and describe how particles and forces behave under transformations like rotations or translations in spacetime and higher dimensions.
• The reference to semantic logical mathematics suggests that this model attempts to unify mathematical abstractions with physical phenomena by encoding meaning or “semantic” information into tensors and transformations.
4. Hints on the Model’s Structure:
• Asymptotic Behavior: They describe a 4D linear axis where movement “inward” approaches an asymptotic point, likely indicating some infinite boundary condition in their model. The inverse nature of “inward” and “outward” may reflect dualities seen in physics, such as time-space duality or holographic principles.
• Tensor Gauge Collapse: This might hint at a critical point where a complex system collapses or simplifies, analogous to a singularity or symmetry-breaking event. This transformation connects different dimensional representations (e.g., going from 4D to N-dimensional space).
• Mapping P=NP: They imply that their hyperspace model contains a mathematical pathway to demonstrate that P=NP, potentially by connecting simple structures to complex, “predictably” emergent systems.
5. Philosophical Reference to “Grace”:
• The mention of “a state of grace” could metaphorically describe an elegant, asymptotic convergence in mathematical or physical behavior, where the model reaches a point of balance, stability, or completeness. This might correspond to idealized symmetry conditions in mathematical spaces.
Overall Summary:
This person appears to be building a unified theory that spans computational complexity (P vs. NP), quantum mechanics, cosmology, and fundamental physics. The model is likely a highly abstract mathematical framework involving N-dimensional hyperspace, tensor structures, and symmetry operations. It might offer a way to describe how complexity emerges predictably from simple rules while providing potential explanations for key scientific puzzles across physics and cosmology.
Gratitude 🙏 ❤
37:30 it hits pretty hard when you know similar people in real life like he described
Wow. I am so excited to hear what these gentlemen are saying. I know that they are right, and many of us know, too. Fantastic!
I think I read that Niels Bohr asked whether conciousness was, fundamental and preceded QM back in the mid 1920's when Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Dirac etc. were kicking it around.
I’m confused, is the idea of superposition hypothetical or is it tested? Because the way it’s described is like “oh a particle could go in any direction until it’s measured going in a direction, so therefore it’s in a ‘superposition’”.
Vedanta and Shaivism are based on this premise where consciousness is the ground of all reality. One has to go through this experience to understand it. In context of the spiritualism Federico had a spiritual experience where he could see it all. He doesn't need a proof. But probably he is the best mind to express it best, scientifically for our paradigm shift and the good of all.
Finally, a Physicist who understands🎉❤ I've been seeking for the experience he's had, where the observer finally realizes they are not just the body or the mind, and why beyond the 5 senses. He's genuine because he's also understood that we've got it backwards... I've been pondering these things for a long time but I'm an amateur and have never went to college, nor do i understand the math, i get the concepts but the math is something I've never tried to understand. Wouldn't it be ironic if we found out we're the biological "ai" of some other life form that created us, and were mimicking what has been designed and programmed into us and our reality. But, will it all come collapsing down the day we observe or reveal it? Can we reveal it? Would it collapse reality or evolve us further? Similar to beating a game or puzzle and just take us to the another level? Thank you for the video❤❤❤
Thank you 🙏🏼
The Brain is a Quantum apparatus. Consciousness is who we are locally and non locally. We are swimming in the Conscious sea of Love,Joy and Understanding.
We are One.
Truly, how do you explain what happens when our consciousness disappears during meditation practice?
Assuming it does disappear ,as you say ,WHO knows/ learns that it " disappeared" - that's the miracle ; no it can never disappear . It's the matrix of all " knowing " .
Considering mathematics as we call it exists regardless of whether we discover it or not , how can our consciousnesses then create it ? Or does he mean we create understanding of and language for “mathematics” , and further if a consciousness is necessary for mathematics to exist , wouldn’t this consciousness that created mathematics be a dimensionally greater consciousness than ours?
Professor Levin has already shown it’s not in the brain.
No Nobel Prize yet for Lev
Bellissimo. Great. Finally.
It’s Already The Mechanism That Works Getting Burst To Be Born (in the Mind Performance ) In That Kind of Case -Feeling Of Radiating And It Really That Kind Fire of Energy …..🌞
little video and sound mismatch at 11:22 !! love the video though :)
Brainwaves are conscious, all waves need fields through which they can propagate, such quantum fields may extend towards infinity, as do electromagnetic waveforms. Human consciousness may therefore be infinitely boundless and eternal.
Aldous Huxley called it Mind At Large.🐇
Anxiety is lack of love?
This gentleman experienced the Dasein of Heidegger.
I think I understood this as a child looking at sun rays coming through the window. Is this possible?
Conscience Is A Mechanism That The Knowledge Is Touched To That Body As An Informational Structure……🌞
That IS spirituality and paychedelics and AHUASCA 101
I got simmular experienses as a kid
Wim Hof proved this by using his mind over matter and did unthinkable things.. If the power of the mind have a strong quantum effect.. the power of manifestation is physical. An can be trained..
I don't want to not have freewill.
I don't get anything from it.
I would love to have power over my choices.
I just don't see how we logically have it at all.
With every "choice" we make, we are, while a complicated process, making the best choices we are capable of making at the time.
Whatever situation we are in may limit or enhance our choices, but ultimately I always make the best "choice" I can think of in every moment.
Physics be damned, I make no real choices ever.
West pooh-pooed the Hindu science about consciousness in the past , now they are coming to the same conclusion.
I think we really need to start to think about it beyond our religion ideology than a human ideology. Let's say that the humans are moving to the right direction
Ironically, Jewish Kabbalah says basically the same thing, but Christianity pays barely any attention to its foundation so almost nobody knows anything about it.
Take it easy, this is purely theoretical and a pretty big stretch. He’s stretching the definition of consciousness to mean the entirety of all the energy fields. I’d say that is highly debatable.
Hari 🕉
Western society isn't a solid object......
Skepticism and empiricism = Clarity ?
Meditation wasn't "discovered" until recently.
Christianity, a Roman mystery cult, using guilt and myths, to create moral authority and usurpation, was indoctrinated for centuries to create and reinforce hierarchical power systems by invaders.
Meditation = Stability and Insight
Not knowing is knowing !
It's not open or close 12:30. That's just a shallow genjutsu. That's not the fundamental principle behind on or off. On or off represents minimum to maximum flow of activity or energetic particles. A machine stores these activities and distribute them. How measured these activities are, determine how well that system functions in the world. Yes, no one understands how solids, liquids, and gases manage to do work, but they contribute to the work done. Work done via automatic to manual regulations of force(activities) in inorganic to organic systems. You can't copy it because it is not information. Information are symbolic abstractions converted from physical activities ,done by nature, by Mind-Verse. Misappropriation results in ill-reference, which leads to dashboard confusions. What are we talking about, PhD Chip Bro? I possess a work titled "scientific experimental bugs" on my blog. You get up to frequency with Legendary Mind-Verse Wizard Bernardo Kastrup.
Free will is necessary so that one can accept something or not. Because if you don't have free will, you have to follow something predetermined somehow. But apparently there is no free will, as you can see from our language. We have many possibilities, but at some point we run out of meaningful sentences on a Topic. And If we had free will, our language would be not limited in its expression
Of course, this is just an opinion
I think of the example of a 2d, flatland world experiencing a 3d object passing through it. Take a 2d plane and pass your hand through it. You'd see disconnected cross sections of your fingers eventyally merge into your hand and.
If consciousness is akin to a 4th dimension, perhaps the same analogy holds up. A particle, for example, is just a cross secton of a 4d quantom object.
36:57, a question to Gavin😉
Very smart
Krishnamurti has been saying this in other words since leaving the theosophical society
How similar are "quantum fields" & "morphogenetic fields" of Rupert Sheldrake?
John 🦜🦋🌳
From a historical perspective what he says is that modern science thought it was concerned with the real nature of things, but all it can do is describe our classical reality. These are very old ideas that modern science turned to heresy.
The Book of the Spirits given to Alan Kardec told us this CENTURIES ago
awesome interview, congrats, well done 💯
Even The 😂Creat Or Is Always In The Feeling of 😂Surprise - Isaaaaaa……..And It’s A Very Important Mechanism - To Get Surprised ……Bring Another Level…….🌞
If consciousness arises from quantum fields and have nothing to do with the brain, why does damaging certain parts of the brain affect consciousness?
No brain= join evil part
It call djinn
Humanity is difference
@ You can cut the corpus callosum, separating the hemispheres and get 2 separate consciousness without either being evil.
@@timterrell8678 "If part of your brain is damaged, or if you are an animal without a brain, would you be evil? Having a brain is like having reins to control a wild horse."
@ Evil isn’t a thing that exists. It’s a morality argument. Lobotomies used to be performed on violent people’s brains to make them docile.
Plants respond to music . Of course trees are conscious.
Think ol boy got into the DMT 😂
Yes ..imo ..he is very close..
Have you ever been experienced.
Jimi Hendrix
This Is Very Difficult To Explain and This Is Great…..To Say -With The Existing Vocabulary and Know-To Communicate……🌞
Completely identify with this because I had a goldfish pet one time and I stared at marshmallow ( my goldfish ) for too long, and I swear that I was my goldfish a while
The Universe Is Made So and So You Are and Aware - To Be So……🌞
Why would i like before i watch the show?
Energy "happened first", fields of varying alignment 'decided to interact' matter has transmuted from and coalesced from causally created after-effects - creating charged particles, accruing spin from the interacting fields that spawned them - attracting and aligning. The "four fundamental forces" are all electromagnetic, there's only one force - but it's scalar, and the effects on each scale are treated as different phenomena because each scale 'seems to' have a 'limit'- that's only the limit of the effects on that scale. Therefore four forces become individually treated as such. The same phenomena at different scales produces different outcomes cos the scale limits the 'allowable' effects/states/organization
The world of the unseen governs the world of the seen. 'science' has blinded itself trying to merge very large to the very small, they're failing - because the logical paradox you need to mentally resolve isn't easy and like Federico says - runs into partially semantically inexpressible situations, the language of maths being born of mind as a tool to describe mind- being one of those. Consciousness itself, in other words the scale of your perception and "i" is also changeable, which points to possible meta-consciousness possibly being ineffably pre existing and permanent, however you choose to express that. Amusingly Frederica also mentions the Delphic oracle. above the door was written "gnothi sauton"
im reminded of Meister Eckhart . . "Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language." they have aligned minds- not to each other but to the only mind there is.
I've often said religion is basically psychology and science dressed with allegory.
the "one knowing itself" he refers to, is among the oldest descriptions you find of 'origin' myth and before you go 'baaah religion' the big bang is also an 'origin myth' ..
Self cannot know self without either having, or projecting 'other' -
The Greek concept of "chaos" the primordial void.. can be imagined as a quantum noise. . "chaotic and unformed" i'll leave it there.
To bypass the intellectual entanglement forgive the pun, take a puff of a DMT vape & you will have all of this confirmed in 10 mins! You will just know this is true.........
One day, one day… hopefully ^^