Ernest Hemingway: Repetition

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • In this video I discuss the way Hemingway uses repetition to convey meaning.


  • @InfiniteText
    @InfiniteText 5 років тому

    I never paid attention to repetition, I'll look out for that in the future. I remember walking into American Lit class and the professor drew a giant iceberg on the board and drew a squiggly line for water, pointing to the top he said "this is an Ernest Hemingway short story" and then he pointed at the bottom and said "this is how much is implied if you read carefully" and then he made us read and discuss Hills like White Elephants. I think that was one of the most memorable I am intrigued to listen to you talk about Hemingway and women's hair

    • @BookishTexan
      @BookishTexan  5 років тому

      I'm looking up the passages I want to use tonight so I should have that video next week or so. Thanks

  • @AlexBlackReads
    @AlexBlackReads 5 років тому

    I think this is one reason I really enjoyed the writing style from The Old Man and the Sea. I don't remember how much repetition is in it, but I'm such a sucker for beautifully written repetition. It's so hard to do it well and have it not just feel lazy, but when it's done well, I find it really makes a story that much more beautiful.

    • @BookishTexan
      @BookishTexan  5 років тому

      I agree, if done correctly, repetition should be so effective that if produces an almost subconscious effect. Hemingway was capable of doing that sometimes.

  • @josmith5992
    @josmith5992 5 років тому

    I think in the right hands repetition can be very effective, as in these cases. I also think you were spot on seeing the "kitty" as a baby, it also accentuated how the husband was utterly oblivious to her needs and wants, sitting reading in his own little world. Like Andreea Brian, I'm intrigued to see your video on Hemingway and hair.

    • @BookishTexan
      @BookishTexan  5 років тому +1

      Ok that's two votes for the hair video I'm definitely doing it! (Like I need an excuse to make another Hemingway video). I agree about repetition being effective in the hands of the right author. It can also be an easy excuse for authorial laziness which I'm not sure Hemingway was entirely innocent of.

  • @ofbooksandmen7899
    @ofbooksandmen7899 5 років тому

    You're making me want to reread some Hemingway! It's been a long time. Guess that was a part of the intent :)
    Love your in-depth analysis.

  • @Amysdustybookshelf
    @Amysdustybookshelf 5 років тому +1

    I've read plenty of Hemingway, but have never paid much attention to this aspect.

  • @stuartpaynepoetry4753
    @stuartpaynepoetry4753 5 років тому

    Interesting. I like to think the cat at the end was the same one as the cat in the rain and lived out his or her life in luxury. I took the cat to represent more an idea of peace and home than necessarily just a child. And to represent a cat, of course. What sort of monster wouldn't want a cat?
    The repetition of 'kitty' becomes a little cloying but I suppose that's the point.

    • @BookishTexan
      @BookishTexan  5 років тому

      I can see that the cat represents peace and home, To me it seems like more than that though and that's why I think baby. Plus, the similarity between the word kitty and baby. But, I may be over thinking it.

  • @Austongold
    @Austongold Рік тому
