People like the idea of ranked aram, but in reality it will just be dodge if you dont get a good comp or lose, the higher you climb the more time spent dodgeing
At the highest levels of the ARAM MMR that's all that happens. People make specific accounts with only limited numbers of the best ARAM champs unlocked and then queue and dodge over and over again until they get the comp they want.
As someone who was in high MMR aram queues, the games were fucking miserable because comps were always boring ass 2 tanks/waveclear mage/support/carry and all of them avoided fighting like the plague
aram is definitely for that league itch of "lets skip the laning and just 5v5" without the other cringes. The only thing i wouldnt mind seeing is some aram objs to play around.
yeah all we got are the relics which aren't that impactful and some people don't play around :/ they should've made volibear an objective during his rework event. also there's the low hanging fruit of making a watcher the objective for aram which would be super cool but would have really weird lore implications
I feel like they just open up flex queue to any stack (solo, duo, trio, four stack, and five stack) and just make it so voice chat is enabled, make it the premier mode for more strategic and co-op.
I wish ARAM had a bit more forced team comp diversity. So often you end up with 10 ranged champs and the first 20 minutes of the game is just waveclearing with no turret taking any damage. And unfortunately if you see 4 of your teammates picking ranged, it's usually correct for you to do so as well unless you can pick a very tanky tank. A lone fighter into most ARAM comps will just explode instantly.
Yeah or you loose to not having a single dps character and the enemy team has strong tanks and bruisers, the amount of arams me and my friends loose to not even getting the option to pick an adc is super annoying
I just want there to be weighted percent chance that if x champ was in your last game they have a lower chance the next game because having an enemy pyke 5 games in a row or lucian/draven is exhausting and makes the game stale. The free rotation makes this happen often
ARAM needs to have all champs available for everyone so that people that camp the game mode with tailor made accounts with the perfect champs can stop destroying the game mode
You act like there's not a rotating free champion pool, and a set of champions that are always open in ARAM. ARAM accounts have little to no affect on anything. Things destroying the game mode is shit like the way Viego interacts with the game in it, or when they tried spicing things up and set up killboxes next to dead towers.
The thing why clash works where ranked teams did not, is that Clash feels like an event, since it‘s not available all the time. Usually when I want to play League, I either just queue up alone, or most of the time, I ping a couple of my friends and ask them If they are down to play right now. Most times we end up as a 2 or 3 stack. But when it is clash week, we start organizing these 3 or 6 games days ahead. And we plan around. Everybody makes sure they are free that evening. And usually these Clash games end up being the most fun and organized games we play.
the dynamic queue also influenced the language used in the game. in valorant an underperforming player is almost always called boosted if anything. in league you see a number of explanations for teammates being bad
Aram is very nice for beginners. they get to test out random characters and people are much less likely to flame you for playing badly. I know often new players are getting recommended to onetrick but I feel like Aram is a nice step before that also I think the random champions system should get some biases to at least allow you to have a playable comp. I had to play in multiple full ad comps against 2 tanks which wasn’t very fun. same goes for playing against the full poke team. one time has the high roll but the other team spends 20 minutes in a game lost in champ select.
Rotating game mode idea: true Aram, you get a random champion, random ability levels, random items (each champ could have a pool of items that can appear in your inventory just so you don’t get something completely useless for your champ)
Overwatch used to do these like "pop up" ranked modes where for like a month some random arcade mode would be ranked. It worked really well you got to play rranked 4fun modes and you got rewards for them. It was also nice because you could hit high ranks in those game modes because they were less sweaty and had less players. So their Top 500 player rank you could hit by being diamond in their Lucioball (basically rocket league) mode. Idk maybe it's because I am a ranked player but sometimes you want a 4 fun ranked experience. Which is why a lot of players smurf ( I don't really beatig up noobs gets old)
Stat anvils are a stretch but item anvils may be ok, as sometimes you feel like any completed item is enough of a power spike to put you back into the fight in a relevant manner.
They should just make league dynamic queue sub emerald so people in metal ranks can play with friends and then diamond to masters is solo/duo and challenger is solo only. Keeps the prestige of the higher ranks while the metal ranks can have fun
can I get a solo/duo norms? not many of my friends play LoL and I main jg. It's almost impossible to run into a game when the enemy jg isnt on a pre made of 3-5 instantly making my role x10 harder. And makes playing normal so much sweatier than rank.
Why does league have solo/duo? Most games just have a ranked mode that you can que as a solo or as a party of up to the player limit. Surely if there was just ranked this whole situation wouldn't even be a thing
What I think is stupid is the fact that the same pool of champs in ARAM are available to everyone. This means ARAM gets flooded with karma, ezreal, lux, ashe and every game is the same and no longer 'all random'
League is the only TEAM game where your TEAM rank “doesn’t matter” only your SOLO rank in the TEAM game Thats like saying messi is a shitty player bcs he knows his team and coordinate with them instead of having random players every match
they absolutely do need to remove duo queue from soloqueue ranked. it completely ruins the competitive integrity of ranked, however little it has anyway. keeping the ability to queue with friends in a ranked environment is fine, but having those people go against soloqueue players is just egregious.
I didnt know aram clash existed. That sounds HORRENDOUS. Purely RNG team comps in a competitive environment sounds like one of the least competitive things ive ever heard.
Aram technically isnt "real teamfighting," bc it has the same issue rift does, but its even more pathetic that people are willing to take anything less than a 5v5 just because "my cooldowns are up i go in even though its 3v5 or 4v5" its no longer real when that happens literally every game
Its interesting as a rocket league player the game used to have standard (3v3 dynamic queue) and solo standard (3v3 solo queue) and they removed solo standard because its playrate was so low everyone just played standard even when solo queuing.
@@shutupMaji I take it back. League is and will always be the most toxic game, there is nothing that can be done or could have been done to prevent this.
league isn't much more toxic than other top tier competitive games. people just like to pretend that it is. ofc, if we're talking about tac shooters, those have voice chat and that changes things a little bit. then we also have to ask the question, what does toxicity even mean for you? passive aggressive pinging? insulting in chat? soft inting or griefing games / giving up? league is the most competitive game on the planet, and it's good that way. dynamic queue was a disgusting, rancid piece of shit and we're all blessed to have left it behind us for several years now. there are surely ways to better combat toxicity though, but that would require riot to actually be interested in that in the first place. handing out definitive perma bans to people like yamato who have consistently, over the course of many years, shown such abhorrent behavior that they should never be allowed to play the game again. creators being able to literally do and say whatever they want is a big part of the problem, just sends all the wrong signals to the community.
@shutupMaji dont allow people to que together if the mmr difference is to big? Its that simple. EVERY other game does it and theres no problems. League needs to catch up.
the only thing that bugs me about ARAM is the fact it has developed such a strong meta. I find aram to incredibly frustrating to play. I swear 3 or 4 out of 5 games is against a 4-5 person squad on "ARAM accounts" (Accounts with only champions that are incredibly strong in ARAM unlocked) so their pick pool is either something they're very competent on and strong, or a free rotation champion they can just RR. ~70% of my ARAM experiences today are against 3-4 poke champions like Ziggs, Lux, Karma, Xerath, Ezreal, etc and one or two massive frontline engages like Malphite, Ornn, Zac, etc. Then it just becomes a slow crawl of melee vs ranged, but the ranged champs just turtle and poke with their huge tanks and a tower between you and them! The mode went from a fun 15-20min teamfight simulator with a fun variety of champs you dont see every day. To a fucking 45minute session of "How many skillshots can i dodge from champions that are two screens away" TLDR: ARAM feels sweaty af. It's not fun, peoples need to win has surpassed their want to enjoy the game. I also feel that Arena has suffered the same fate, once a meta of champions developed, even with the bans it's the same 20-30 top tier or 2nd best champs in the mode Swain, Yi, Garen, Zyra, Heimer, Teemo, Ezreal, etc People started taking the mode too seriously, as if getting top 4 every single game is more important than having fun. Also i have noticed all those meta abusers are usually the quickest to talk shit in all chat once they start losing, which also creates an unfun environment. Nothing more ironic than getting told you have cancer by the guy who has played Swain in arena for 7 games straight because i am playing Zilean or some shit and caused him to lose a single round. These people sucked the fun out of what was supposed to be a fairly random, casual mode, and killed it's player base.
Sona, in spite of *huge* Aram nerfs, still is one of the best champions in the game mode. Aram balancing isn't anywhere near strong enough to make up for innate strengths and weaknesses of some champions.
The only thing I wish they made for ARAM is to allow you a 30 or so champion pool that you can pick for yourself that your random picks are drawn from. I legitimately stopped unlocking characters I don’t like because I don’t want to see them in ARAM. That’s silly
honestly only thing I disagree with here is the Overwatch take. I think Overwatch was a way more fun and interesting game when it was people messing around with 6 stack Bastion and just goofing off with their friends. Competitive Overwatch drained all the fun out of the game, especially since it still doesn’t have any good party modes to replace that original relaxed fun.
Unless you are totally boosted by premades in flex, I've found that you're usually inflated by 1-2 divisions compared to solo queue. So if you're D2 in flex I'm confident you can hit D4 in solo queue. The prestige is there, if you think a master flex player won't totally smoke a platinum solo queue player then you're delusional.
One sample isn't enough to make conclusions. My own rank on flex is 2 entire ranks, soon to be 3, below my soloQ rank despite usually displaying a similar level of play (the reason being that I flex with 2 different groups with varying levels of skill, leading to complete chaos) and I've seen my fair share of Emerald soloQ players grinding all the way up to flex Masters. The absence of a unified mindset regarding flex hurts its competitivity really hard.
thats cap. flex, just due to the nature of the queue, is waaay easier than soloq, it's just a question of how many games you play. I have played with teams in the past here and there, and the amount of people who are masters in flex and low emerald dwellers in soloq is insane.
I had a silver jungler on enemy team, i know that guy was feshy when he held the wave after i killed my enemy toplaner, i cheked his account and found out he was plat in flex, weird that plat flex can play silver soloq but RIOT moment or whatever i guess
why spend time on a "normal/ranked" SR games farming for 10~15 min, while your team feed/rage and prob quit, just to have unbalanced fights late game vs a 10-0 top, mid or adc... at least on aram u can do dmg, on the enemy team while u team mates take dmg. i uninstalled LoL endless times since 2010 trying to play ranked... Even if u not the ACTUAL problem, having teams who troll for the sake of trolling, make you lose u shit. ARAM is the best place to have fun in league... the problem imo with aram is 1-- Tanks win games. Each champ select you face the decision! Play "DPS" ap or ad, have a lil bit of fun, and prob lose game, outscaled by the tanks, or be the tank, rushing the enemy with heartsteel farming simulator and brute force the win. if you a fan of "tanks" its nice but the slow gameplay is not fun and fair.... IMO a tank is not supossed to have (in some games) twice the dmg of one adc or assasin or mage. and dont you dare say the problem is the adc!! if the tank decided that the adc is not gonna play for the rest of the game, is over, you cant counter play it. take the L and the "GG EZ" from the guy who dont have the skill to outplay you with an assasin or mage but is a GOD playing tank, simple cuz is easy. i have IRL friends who play only tank and think they are the best in the game, but if i force them to play other role in aram they quit after the game cuz assasins are bad and die easily. 2-- "Champion balance buff/nerf" like i said, ive been playing since 2010, and i know, how unbalance ARAM used to be with enemy mages spam, i made kids rage quit with good old nida lee spears 100% --->0 and i learned how to avoid it, by doing it. I feel like these changes were made to keep "kids" happy about losing games... but at least i wasnt being held back by aram nerfs backthen, now we have champions who deal +5~10% more DMG and take -5~10 DMG VS champ who do the actual opposite! like kog maw VS leblanc. While tanks outscale fast AF in aram, and go where they please (insert mundo quote here)
This guy is such a centrist, almost conservative in his answers, there is barely any value to what he says. He does nothing but explain the status quo but doesn't put to light the type of values the current system encourages. It's so obvious on the point about soloQ and flex, he says "the current system makes this kind of culture", YES YOU ARE A DESIGNER, YOU CHOSE WHAT TYPE OF CULTURE YOUR SYSTEMS PROMOTE. You can make changes to make "flex" or team type of Q be taken more seriously and have more prestige and flip how it is (to talk about it while conceading his point of "one Q will be favored over another" wich I don't even fully agree with) "If you want to be good at league of legend you need to no life go solo on your own" YES, the system promoted this culture for a while and still does. You couldn't duo in master+. And August has the data himself just like we do, he knows people play a bit more in diamond than the rest per account. Than WAY more in master and more again in gm/chall. "They don't have 5 friends they can play with repeatably" I agree, but you could make it so this is the serious way to play and it's okay if you can't do it all the time. And your performance in a team rank holds more value than in a solo rank. It's legit politics / culture they have ALL THE CONTROL OVER. On his last point about "the meaning of diamond changed" YES YOU CHANGED THE CULTURE, and you can still do it in a different way or not do it lmao. Just a status quo defender so no you will not change things. "It's hard to sort good matchmaking for ranked teams" ITS A SKILL ISSUE ON YOUR END. CHANGE THE CULTURE. FIX IT. Or maybe you don't care cause it's not really your values and that's chat's actually going on. I just disagree and hate his overall tone. I used to play competitive multiplayer games before matchmaking existed. We found each other on websites. We had casual ways to play without MMR even (gathers on ESL was what I did) and then team stuff with clan wars with a ranking element. It existed, it had it's own flaws etc but it was a thing.
This guy is management at the company that creates the biggest videogame product in the world. And idk how you can say they have total control over the politics/culture. There's having an idea of what makes you successful but its not as if they can dictate those conditions.
This is not actually true. There are limits to how much control a game loop has on player behavior because the player itself has agency. They form their own cultural units through memetics (See every videogame meme account), they create their own play patterns and rituals of courtesy based on how they see the game and themselves (See the Souls games gestures before invasions and duels), they can even find a common objective and coordinate on the fly, way beyond what the game even trained them to do (See Helldivers 2). Your systems can only create culture so far, but it can't erase the already-acquired habits of your players, their personality, etc. As such, it can only affect the forward-facing experience that the player will have while interacting with your system. You can't really brainwash them to think exactly as you want them to do. Even trying to have them take the exact same interpretation of a line of events as you is difficult and requires precise craftsmanship. I do have to ask, though... why are you treating the terms "centrist" and "conservative" as despective terms? With the years the game has been active and one of the most popular online, there are a lot of intertwined systems that keep it together, and that is the "status quo" or current state of things in Latin. If you are already in a condition of such success, there are more ways to screw up things than improve them, so being cautious is a sensible thing to do.
There’s so many things wrong with what you just said lmao. Also you realize august isn’t the one making the decisions right? You are acting like he is just overviewing everything and pressing a button and things changes as he sees fit. Don’t forget it’s also kind of HIS JOB to be more centralist on most issues in league, in case you haven’t noticed you can’t balance a game for the top 1% nor bottom
His argument that ranked ARAM would make regular ARAM different is silly. So many people play normal drafts rather than solo/duo, and people in those games play so many silly or off meta picks. Idk man I think the same would be true of ARAM
Hey if you can find 9 other people who agree with you there you can make a howling abyss custom game and have your non-random-all-mid match. You can even have draft picks iirc.
@@coldfire6679 fair enough, even if a non-random ARAM without the balance changes would make the stronger champs kinda must-picks (like, every team would have a ziggs, sona and such power picks)
@@henriquepacheco7473 Yeah and I wouldn't mind, because then we'd start picking counters to those meta strong champs, etc. First URF was the best, everything was broken and that's alright because that was what made it fun. If I wanna play seriously I'll go to summoner's rift.
@@coldfire6679sounds like u wanna take aram seriously if you wanna ever play it too. It would get boring af if there was not random draft feature, just like urf. Urf was only fun because it was fresh and there was a lot of unique stuff to try, once you tried everything it was sorta stale, especially playing against absolutely broken stuff every game like AD malz that perma summons minions and proxies all towers or trynd afk splitting the whole game and you cant fight him ever cuz his ults always up and his e is on 0 cd.
i wish they add a summoners rift ranked mode with skill matchup and not this forced 50% winrate bullshit making the most time wasted possible and the worst experience possible to everyone
Imo lol is not a team game because how well you perform in the game depends mainly on how good you perform individually. If it was a team game you could put a iron player in a challenger team and that guy would be able to play on the same level as the challemger players.
"Most League Players have no friends" Yeah, I'm sure not adding comms for the Last 15 Years has done nothing to alleviate the issue. It's 2024 come on bro, even ancient videogames from 2005 have freaking comms.
Having coms doesn’t all of a sudden get you friends. Sure it helps but all of a sudden everyone isn’t going to have friends because a voice chat exists.
If solo/duo had duo removed, flex would be taken more seriosly and it would feel so much better to not have a dedicated duo with a jg to camp one lane only whether if it's losing or winning.
@@143tg It does change Flex because now you are forced to play play it for duo ranked. This means the Flex population increases and thus the quality of Flex matchmaking and with it the culture, seriousness and prestige. I actively play solo/duo only solo because I hate that duo even exists. But I play duo in Flex and Trio in Flex and full premade in Flex (and Normals if people aren't up for sweating which is great). It takes so long to find a queue as a trio in Flex because duos default to solo, which makes Flex not only worse at matchmaking, it also increases queue times so it discourages Flex further. Flex queue is perfect for duos. Yes, if you play against 5 premades you'll have a short term disadvantage. But if you take the game seriously, you can easily rise above those odds. There is only so much coordination and individual skill that a 5-stack can compensate for until the absolute highest ranks - which if you get to play it, it's great because it's really high skill league of legends which is fun. Flex isn't prestigious because a huge majority of duos don't play it and same goes for solo's. Everyone plays solo queue - the best queue to improve at your own skill in League. I enjoy all League modes (except ARAM because nobody seems to give af and that's so mindless and boring to me) but seeing duos in solo queue sucks. And waiting for a few extra minutes for a duo in Flex is very annoying.
@@SiMeGamer I mean maybe but I only see that argument working if you remove trios so you can only solo duo in flex and regular rank Q is solely just solo. Since as long as solo Q exist people will always take that over flex even if flex were to change to no trios or 5 mans
If duo is removed from solo/duo everybody plays alone. Simple a s that. The prestige and importance of the queues stay the same. People are already devaluing duo players so I can't imagine anyone giving anymore shits about flex if that was the only way to play duo.
People like the idea of ranked aram, but in reality it will just be dodge if you dont get a good comp or lose, the higher you climb the more time spent dodgeing
At the highest levels of the ARAM MMR that's all that happens. People make specific accounts with only limited numbers of the best ARAM champs unlocked and then queue and dodge over and over again until they get the comp they want.
As someone who was in high MMR aram queues, the games were fucking miserable because comps were always boring ass 2 tanks/waveclear mage/support/carry and all of them avoided fighting like the plague
The 5 friends line was so sudden I couldn't stop laughing. The entire time he was serious then suddenly this line.
aram is definitely for that league itch of "lets skip the laning and just 5v5" without the other cringes. The only thing i wouldnt mind seeing is some aram objs to play around.
yeah all we got are the relics which aren't that impactful and some people don't play around :/ they should've made volibear an objective during his rework event. also there's the low hanging fruit of making a watcher the objective for aram which would be super cool but would have really weird lore implications
The problem is 5v5 is the worst part of league. Closely followed by laning phase.
@@TheCosmicAstro- what exactly do you enjoy about league then 5v5s are so fun
@peterthepanda5191 small skirmishes(2v2 maybe 3v3) and 1v1.
5v5 is just a cluster fuck. Not even remotely fun to me
@@TheCosmicAstro- i suggest playing single player games at this point
I feel like they just open up flex queue to any stack (solo, duo, trio, four stack, and five stack) and just make it so voice chat is enabled, make it the premier mode for more strategic and co-op.
I wish ARAM had a bit more forced team comp diversity. So often you end up with 10 ranged champs and the first 20 minutes of the game is just waveclearing with no turret taking any damage.
And unfortunately if you see 4 of your teammates picking ranged, it's usually correct for you to do so as well unless you can pick a very tanky tank. A lone fighter into most ARAM comps will just explode instantly.
Yeah or you loose to not having a single dps character and the enemy team has strong tanks and bruisers, the amount of arams me and my friends loose to not even getting the option to pick an adc is super annoying
I just want there to be weighted percent chance that if x champ was in your last game they have a lower chance the next game because having an enemy pyke 5 games in a row or lucian/draven is exhausting and makes the game stale. The free rotation makes this happen often
Your aram games and my aram games are very different
@@cokecan6169 what about the players that like the poke fest?
or even the players that play soraka and just hard counter it
ARAM needs to have all champs available for everyone so that people that camp the game mode with tailor made accounts with the perfect champs can stop destroying the game mode
u can roll any champ in aram, u just need to own the champ to grab it if ur team mate rerolls
You act like there's not a rotating free champion pool, and a set of champions that are always open in ARAM.
ARAM accounts have little to no affect on anything.
Things destroying the game mode is shit like the way Viego interacts with the game in it, or when they tried spicing things up and set up killboxes next to dead towers.
Yes except for the fact that when the free champ pool shows up in every game it feels stale having those champs in game repetitively
That's moderately annoying when people actually do it, but how common do you think that is?
The thing why clash works where ranked teams did not, is that Clash feels like an event, since it‘s not available all the time.
Usually when I want to play League, I either just queue up alone, or most of the time, I ping a couple of my friends and ask them If they are down to play right now. Most times we end up as a 2 or 3 stack.
But when it is clash week, we start organizing these 3 or 6 games days ahead. And we plan around. Everybody makes sure they are free that evening. And usually these Clash games end up being the most fun and organized games we play.
the dynamic queue also influenced the language used in the game.
in valorant an underperforming player is almost always called boosted if anything.
in league you see a number of explanations for teammates being bad
Aram is very nice for beginners.
they get to test out random characters and people are much less likely to flame you for playing badly.
I know often new players are getting recommended to onetrick but I feel like Aram is a nice step before that
also I think the random champions system should get some biases to at least allow you to have a playable comp.
I had to play in multiple full ad comps against 2 tanks which wasn’t very fun.
same goes for playing against the full poke team.
one time has the high roll but the other team spends 20 minutes in a game lost in champ select.
Rotating game mode idea: true Aram, you get a random champion, random ability levels, random items (each champ could have a pool of items that can appear in your inventory just so you don’t get something completely useless for your champ)
Overwatch used to do these like "pop up" ranked modes where for like a month some random arcade mode would be ranked. It worked really well you got to play rranked 4fun modes and you got rewards for them. It was also nice because you could hit high ranks in those game modes because they were less sweaty and had less players. So their Top 500 player rank you could hit by being diamond in their Lucioball (basically rocket league) mode.
Idk maybe it's because I am a ranked player but sometimes you want a 4 fun ranked experience. Which is why a lot of players smurf ( I don't really beatig up noobs gets old)
Melee vs ranged balance is non existent. Especially immobile melee
«Yay, finally found the 4th friend to queue with 24/7, oh shit we are all in ranks from silver to masters»🤣
I really miss ranked team queues. You could make a name, have a roster it was really nice.
Stat anvils are a stretch but item anvils may be ok, as sometimes you feel like any completed item is enough of a power spike to put you back into the fight in a relevant manner.
soloq should be for solo players only, duos and trios should be playing flex
They should just make league dynamic queue sub emerald so people in metal ranks can play with friends and then diamond to masters is solo/duo and challenger is solo only. Keeps the prestige of the higher ranks while the metal ranks can have fun
I already hate the random champ select. I wish they woukd get rid of that.
can I get a solo/duo norms? not many of my friends play LoL and I main jg. It's almost impossible to run into a game when the enemy jg isnt on a pre made of 3-5 instantly making my role x10 harder. And makes playing normal so much sweatier than rank.
just play ranked, game quality is far better; less inconsistency in skill between players, and only duos (although it really should be solo only imo)
Why does league have solo/duo? Most games just have a ranked mode that you can que as a solo or as a party of up to the player limit. Surely if there was just ranked this whole situation wouldn't even be a thing
What I think is stupid is the fact that the same pool of champs in ARAM are available to everyone. This means ARAM gets flooded with karma, ezreal, lux, ashe and every game is the same and no longer 'all random'
No, that's good actually, IT was Changed because ppl Had Aram only Account with only Poke champs.
League is the only TEAM game where your TEAM rank “doesn’t matter” only your SOLO rank in the TEAM game
Thats like saying messi is a shitty player bcs he knows his team and coordinate with them instead of having random players every match
they absolutely do need to remove duo queue from soloqueue ranked.
it completely ruins the competitive integrity of ranked, however little it has anyway.
keeping the ability to queue with friends in a ranked environment is fine, but having those people go against soloqueue players is just egregious.
none of my social group plays league, i have like 3 dudes i play league with but were all in our 30s so its rare were all on at the same time.
I didnt know aram clash existed. That sounds HORRENDOUS.
Purely RNG team comps in a competitive environment sounds like one of the least competitive things ive ever heard.
Aram technically isnt "real teamfighting," bc it has the same issue rift does, but its even more pathetic that people are willing to take anything less than a 5v5 just because "my cooldowns are up i go in even though its 3v5 or 4v5" its no longer real when that happens literally every game
Naw man ranked ARAM would be like the absolute antithesis of what the mode is supposed to be
Well it already is tbh. Ppl sweat so hard in Aram even Harder than in ranks sometimes.
Dynamic que sucks to be honest. If all games had both the option to play dynamic or solo q, I'd argue 90% of people would choose soloq.
Its interesting as a rocket league player the game used to have standard (3v3 dynamic queue) and solo standard (3v3 solo queue) and they removed solo standard because its playrate was so low everyone just played standard even when solo queuing.
If league launched with dynamic queue, the game wouldn't be as toxic.
Exactly, i dont know why they dont have it.
People abused dynamic queue and role swapped to lane vs lower mmr opponents unfortunately, was only fun for a short while
@@shutupMaji I take it back.
League is and will always be the most toxic game, there is nothing that can be done or could have been done to prevent this.
league isn't much more toxic than other top tier competitive games. people just like to pretend that it is. ofc, if we're talking about tac shooters, those have voice chat and that changes things a little bit.
then we also have to ask the question, what does toxicity even mean for you? passive aggressive pinging? insulting in chat? soft inting or griefing games / giving up?
league is the most competitive game on the planet, and it's good that way. dynamic queue was a disgusting, rancid piece of shit and we're all blessed to have left it behind us for several years now.
there are surely ways to better combat toxicity though, but that would require riot to actually be interested in that in the first place. handing out definitive perma bans to people like yamato who have consistently, over the course of many years, shown such abhorrent behavior that they should never be allowed to play the game again. creators being able to literally do and say whatever they want is a big part of the problem, just sends all the wrong signals to the community.
@shutupMaji dont allow people to que together if the mmr difference is to big? Its that simple. EVERY other game does it and theres no problems. League needs to catch up.
the only thing that bugs me about ARAM is the fact it has developed such a strong meta. I find aram to incredibly frustrating to play. I swear 3 or 4 out of 5 games is against a 4-5 person squad on "ARAM accounts" (Accounts with only champions that are incredibly strong in ARAM unlocked) so their pick pool is either something they're very competent on and strong, or a free rotation champion they can just RR. ~70% of my ARAM experiences today are against 3-4 poke champions like Ziggs, Lux, Karma, Xerath, Ezreal, etc and one or two massive frontline engages like Malphite, Ornn, Zac, etc. Then it just becomes a slow crawl of melee vs ranged, but the ranged champs just turtle and poke with their huge tanks and a tower between you and them! The mode went from a fun 15-20min teamfight simulator with a fun variety of champs you dont see every day. To a fucking 45minute session of "How many skillshots can i dodge from champions that are two screens away"
TLDR: ARAM feels sweaty af. It's not fun, peoples need to win has surpassed their want to enjoy the game.
I also feel that Arena has suffered the same fate, once a meta of champions developed, even with the bans it's the same 20-30 top tier or 2nd best champs in the mode Swain, Yi, Garen, Zyra, Heimer, Teemo, Ezreal, etc People started taking the mode too seriously, as if getting top 4 every single game is more important than having fun. Also i have noticed all those meta abusers are usually the quickest to talk shit in all chat once they start losing, which also creates an unfun environment. Nothing more ironic than getting told you have cancer by the guy who has played Swain in arena for 7 games straight because i am playing Zilean or some shit and caused him to lose a single round. These people sucked the fun out of what was supposed to be a fairly random, casual mode, and killed it's player base.
Does he even know that trynda has insane aram buffs and ziggs has nerfs ?
why do those champs need those buffs and nerfs? Because the champs themselves are not suited / suited for ARAM
and ziggs is stil much better than tryndamere in aram
For a reason, Trynd is absolute horseshit in the mode
Sona, in spite of *huge* Aram nerfs, still is one of the best champions in the game mode. Aram balancing isn't anywhere near strong enough to make up for innate strengths and weaknesses of some champions.
The only thing I wish they made for ARAM is to allow you a 30 or so champion pool that you can pick for yourself that your random picks are drawn from. I legitimately stopped unlocking characters I don’t like because I don’t want to see them in ARAM. That’s silly
honestly only thing I disagree with here is the Overwatch take. I think Overwatch was a way more fun and interesting game when it was people messing around with 6 stack Bastion and just goofing off with their friends. Competitive Overwatch drained all the fun out of the game, especially since it still doesn’t have any good party modes to replace that original relaxed fun.
Unless you are totally boosted by premades in flex, I've found that you're usually inflated by 1-2 divisions compared to solo queue. So if you're D2 in flex I'm confident you can hit D4 in solo queue. The prestige is there, if you think a master flex player won't totally smoke a platinum solo queue player then you're delusional.
One sample isn't enough to make conclusions. My own rank on flex is 2 entire ranks, soon to be 3, below my soloQ rank despite usually displaying a similar level of play (the reason being that I flex with 2 different groups with varying levels of skill, leading to complete chaos) and I've seen my fair share of Emerald soloQ players grinding all the way up to flex Masters.
The absence of a unified mindset regarding flex hurts its competitivity really hard.
thats cap. flex, just due to the nature of the queue, is waaay easier than soloq, it's just a question of how many games you play. I have played with teams in the past here and there, and the amount of people who are masters in flex and low emerald dwellers in soloq is insane.
I had a silver jungler on enemy team, i know that guy was feshy when he held the wave after i killed my enemy toplaner, i cheked his account and found out he was plat in flex, weird that plat flex can play silver soloq but RIOT moment or whatever i guess
from my experience people are inflated up to 800 lp in flex
Theses days If I'll say I Platinum, I'll get laughed on
It used to be better perceived last year before the introduction of Emerald, but nowadays it's the equivalent of gold, which is considered low elo
People take aram too seriously now. it isnt as enjoyable anymore😢
Bring Dominion back 😢
why spend time on a "normal/ranked" SR games farming for 10~15 min, while your team feed/rage and prob quit, just to have unbalanced fights late game vs a 10-0 top, mid or adc... at least on aram u can do dmg, on the enemy team while u team mates take dmg.
i uninstalled LoL endless times since 2010 trying to play ranked... Even if u not the ACTUAL problem, having teams who troll for the sake of trolling, make you lose u shit.
ARAM is the best place to have fun in league... the problem imo with aram is
1-- Tanks win games. Each champ select you face the decision! Play "DPS" ap or ad, have a lil bit of fun, and prob lose game, outscaled by the tanks, or be the tank, rushing the enemy with heartsteel farming simulator and brute force the win. if you a fan of "tanks" its nice but the slow gameplay is not fun and fair.... IMO a tank is not supossed to have (in some games) twice the dmg of one adc or assasin or mage. and dont you dare say the problem is the adc!! if the tank decided that the adc is not gonna play for the rest of the game, is over, you cant counter play it. take the L and the "GG EZ" from the guy who dont have the skill to outplay you with an assasin or mage but is a GOD playing tank, simple cuz is easy. i have IRL friends who play only tank and think they are the best in the game, but if i force them to play other role in aram they quit after the game cuz assasins are bad and die easily.
2-- "Champion balance buff/nerf" like i said, ive been playing since 2010, and i know, how unbalance ARAM used to be with enemy mages spam, i made kids rage quit with good old nida lee spears 100% --->0 and i learned how to avoid it, by doing it. I feel like these changes were made to keep "kids" happy about losing games... but at least i wasnt being held back by aram nerfs backthen, now we have champions who deal +5~10% more DMG and take -5~10 DMG VS champ who do the actual opposite! like kog maw VS leblanc. While tanks outscale fast AF in aram, and go where they please (insert mundo quote here)
This guy is such a centrist, almost conservative in his answers, there is barely any value to what he says.
He does nothing but explain the status quo but doesn't put to light the type of values the current system encourages. It's so obvious on the point about soloQ and flex, he says "the current system makes this kind of culture", YES YOU ARE A DESIGNER, YOU CHOSE WHAT TYPE OF CULTURE YOUR SYSTEMS PROMOTE. You can make changes to make "flex" or team type of Q be taken more seriously and have more prestige and flip how it is (to talk about it while conceading his point of "one Q will be favored over another" wich I don't even fully agree with)
"If you want to be good at league of legend you need to no life go solo on your own" YES, the system promoted this culture for a while and still does. You couldn't duo in master+. And August has the data himself just like we do, he knows people play a bit more in diamond than the rest per account. Than WAY more in master and more again in gm/chall.
"They don't have 5 friends they can play with repeatably" I agree, but you could make it so this is the serious way to play and it's okay if you can't do it all the time. And your performance in a team rank holds more value than in a solo rank. It's legit politics / culture they have ALL THE CONTROL OVER.
On his last point about "the meaning of diamond changed" YES YOU CHANGED THE CULTURE, and you can still do it in a different way or not do it lmao. Just a status quo defender so no you will not change things.
"It's hard to sort good matchmaking for ranked teams" ITS A SKILL ISSUE ON YOUR END. CHANGE THE CULTURE. FIX IT. Or maybe you don't care cause it's not really your values and that's chat's actually going on. I just disagree and hate his overall tone.
I used to play competitive multiplayer games before matchmaking existed. We found each other on websites. We had casual ways to play without MMR even (gathers on ESL was what I did) and then team stuff with clan wars with a ranking element.
It existed, it had it's own flaws etc but it was a thing.
This guy is management at the company that creates the biggest videogame product in the world. And idk how you can say they have total control over the politics/culture. There's having an idea of what makes you successful but its not as if they can dictate those conditions.
Scarecrow fallacy
This is not actually true. There are limits to how much control a game loop has on player behavior because the player itself has agency. They form their own cultural units through memetics (See every videogame meme account), they create their own play patterns and rituals of courtesy based on how they see the game and themselves (See the Souls games gestures before invasions and duels), they can even find a common objective and coordinate on the fly, way beyond what the game even trained them to do (See Helldivers 2).
Your systems can only create culture so far, but it can't erase the already-acquired habits of your players, their personality, etc. As such, it can only affect the forward-facing experience that the player will have while interacting with your system. You can't really brainwash them to think exactly as you want them to do. Even trying to have them take the exact same interpretation of a line of events as you is difficult and requires precise craftsmanship.
I do have to ask, though... why are you treating the terms "centrist" and "conservative" as despective terms? With the years the game has been active and one of the most popular online, there are a lot of intertwined systems that keep it together, and that is the "status quo" or current state of things in Latin. If you are already in a condition of such success, there are more ways to screw up things than improve them, so being cautious is a sensible thing to do.
The dude is answering questions, and you are complaininghe is answering, how can you be this much stupid
There’s so many things wrong with what you just said lmao. Also you realize august isn’t the one making the decisions right? You are acting like he is just overviewing everything and pressing a button and things changes as he sees fit. Don’t forget it’s also kind of HIS JOB to be more centralist on most issues in league, in case you haven’t noticed you can’t balance a game for the top 1% nor bottom
His argument that ranked ARAM would make regular ARAM different is silly. So many people play normal drafts rather than solo/duo, and people in those games play so many silly or off meta picks. Idk man I think the same would be true of ARAM
Idk I see lots of sweats in norms
@@WoodsRunnerI'm sweaty in every game mode because people like to shit talk
If they want flex to be taken seriously they need to get rid of all the wintraders
If only ARAM wasn't random I'd play it.
Hey if you can find 9 other people who agree with you there you can make a howling abyss custom game and have your non-random-all-mid match. You can even have draft picks iirc.
@@henriquepacheco7473 I know, but it still has buffs and nerfs to champs and that also sucks for customs.
@@coldfire6679 fair enough, even if a non-random ARAM without the balance changes would make the stronger champs kinda must-picks (like, every team would have a ziggs, sona and such power picks)
@@henriquepacheco7473 Yeah and I wouldn't mind, because then we'd start picking counters to those meta strong champs, etc. First URF was the best, everything was broken and that's alright because that was what made it fun. If I wanna play seriously I'll go to summoner's rift.
@@coldfire6679sounds like u wanna take aram seriously if you wanna ever play it too. It would get boring af if there was not random draft feature, just like urf. Urf was only fun because it was fresh and there was a lot of unique stuff to try, once you tried everything it was sorta stale, especially playing against absolutely broken stuff every game like AD malz that perma summons minions and proxies all towers or trynd afk splitting the whole game and you cant fight him ever cuz his ults always up and his e is on 0 cd.
i wish they add a summoners rift ranked mode with skill matchup and not this forced 50% winrate bullshit making the most time wasted possible and the worst experience possible to everyone
Imo lol is not a team game because how well you perform in the game depends mainly on how good you perform individually. If it was a team game you could put a iron player in a challenger team and that guy would be able to play on the same level as the challemger players.
ARAM is already sweaty, pleaasee just give me ranked already
"Most League Players have no friends"
Yeah, I'm sure not adding comms for the Last 15 Years has done nothing to alleviate the issue.
It's 2024 come on bro, even ancient videogames from 2005 have freaking comms.
Having coms doesn’t all of a sudden get you friends. Sure it helps but all of a sudden everyone isn’t going to have friends because a voice chat exists.
@@animeanime7849 You're right, having comms in a videogame doesn't cause friend groups👍
If solo/duo had duo removed, flex would be taken more seriosly and it would feel so much better to not have a dedicated duo with a jg to camp one lane only whether if it's losing or winning.
I mean not really since changing solo/duo doesn’t change flex since you can already play in 2,3, and 5 man in flex
@@143tg It does change Flex because now you are forced to play play it for duo ranked. This means the Flex population increases and thus the quality of Flex matchmaking and with it the culture, seriousness and prestige. I actively play solo/duo only solo because I hate that duo even exists. But I play duo in Flex and Trio in Flex and full premade in Flex (and Normals if people aren't up for sweating which is great). It takes so long to find a queue as a trio in Flex because duos default to solo, which makes Flex not only worse at matchmaking, it also increases queue times so it discourages Flex further.
Flex queue is perfect for duos. Yes, if you play against 5 premades you'll have a short term disadvantage. But if you take the game seriously, you can easily rise above those odds. There is only so much coordination and individual skill that a 5-stack can compensate for until the absolute highest ranks - which if you get to play it, it's great because it's really high skill league of legends which is fun.
Flex isn't prestigious because a huge majority of duos don't play it and same goes for solo's. Everyone plays solo queue - the best queue to improve at your own skill in League. I enjoy all League modes (except ARAM because nobody seems to give af and that's so mindless and boring to me) but seeing duos in solo queue sucks. And waiting for a few extra minutes for a duo in Flex is very annoying.
@@SiMeGamer I mean maybe but I only see that argument working if you remove trios so you can only solo duo in flex and regular rank Q is solely just solo. Since as long as solo Q exist people will always take that over flex even if flex were to change to no trios or 5 mans
If duo is removed from solo/duo everybody plays alone. Simple a s that. The prestige and importance of the queues stay the same. People are already devaluing duo players so I can't imagine anyone giving anymore shits about flex if that was the only way to play duo.