My God! This young monk is so profound.listening to just one talk, you get the knowlege& pleasure of reading a hundred books! Each talk is a great intellectual treat .sometimes I am so absorbed that I feel only swami vivekananda is speaking! God bless the noble soul& protect him to elevate more people in their spiritual journey by his inspiring talks!May the Blessings of the guru parampara protect his BMI to continue this sacred service to transform more & more lives to the ones of his kind !
Agree with the opinion of the above commentator. and pray God to give him long healthy life, propagating the message of Upanishad as it is essential in these days . Maagrudha.kashya....... essential for getting peace.
Sure, seeing God in everyone is good but in reality is good in everyone as well? It's now our responsibility to reveal 3 all The Truth of the implied as well ad the explicit
If u say that u honour the GOD in me than why are Muslims killing Hindus don't they believe in GOD I feel so sorry for them cause the law of KARMA must take effect how come they are so heartless Hindus are passive that's why they used as lambs to be slaughter we think this is end all and be all of everything I hope God gives them a realization
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, and any other religion will send you straight to hell. Only through Jesus Christ you can reach the Father, God.
I studied gita, upanishads.. But some things were uncleared to me... But his explanation made me realized.. Such a high personality he is.. God make me realized the topics in the form of him ❤️
100% I read Gita for years and didn’t see what everyone saw in it honestly, untill I heard swami explain it and it blew my mind I now see why people reverie it so much
Dear Swami, may you be blessed with good health and a long life! I love your talks they help me find such peace and joy.! You are blessed with such an ability to deliver a message in such a clear way so that it may be understood. I listen to you every day and I hope you will keep uploading these talks on youtube as they are like a cool drink of water on a very hot day.. Thank you so much!
I don't know how to express my bewilderment at the very sweet simple yet powerful elucidation of such complex issues of higher spirituality of Vedanta.Swami Sarvapriyananda is not just an ordinary monk. He is a great philosopher with excellent oratorial skill and great knowledge of Science .A highly read person of different religions & religious texts.PRANAM TO SWAMIJI.
Swamiji's talks are always making me think and realize where my thoughts about life need to be changed for bettering my life and that of those in my life.
Swamiji is so eloquent and knowledgeable and puts the most difficult subject with such clarity, I feel we are blessed to have him in this life. He not just makes it the most interesting subject to kisten but makes our choices so clear in path of spirituality. After listening to him there remains no but and ifs any more. Thank you swamiji.
He doesn't have a clue. 8 Billion living people on this planet are all God. That is the cause of pain and suffering. You could have been born as anyone alive on this planet. Therefore every living being is a reflection of you and your actions.
Hi Swamiji, I listen to your videos dialy while i do my surya namaskar and sudarshan kriya.Your videos are very helpful for me to keep me at peace.Thanks to you.Also thanks to internet and thanks to you tube as i can listen to any guru's speech by sitting at home only.
not just only is he a true friend... he is truly none apart from Brahman (God), and also you are none apart from Brahman/God, and so therefore he is none apart from you and vice versa
Thank you Swamajee. I understand what you explain and I want to see God in all .But while living in this world . Working seeing to family etc I try but when someone throws in a punch I still retaliate .Having this knowledge I don't want to retaliate but it happens How Do I stop
Swamiji,the story of princess of kashi is nice one;clears many points.with the grace of Bhagvan,all this wisdom should be ground reality of my life.. pl.bless me for the same.
46:14 it blew me away. Literally a blow of wind in my stomach. Made me realize it's all illusion.. That example is mind blowing. Like it gave me feeling like actual understanding of what it is. I actually imagined all while u were telling. All is just a dream u are bound to suffer ...Real you is after death...which is Soul. Just like what u were dreaming was illusion and u realised it until u woke up from dream. Wow, I'll listen to this everyday. Everyday. Thanks. I think shiva and krishna helped me....The doubts and thoughts in my head constantly running ....I cried about the confusion of birth , death, re-birth and upon that developing attachments with people was the hardest. This all doubts got cleared. Nothing is real. Wow shiva 😢❤️ any way where I can attend ur satsangs?? Right Now as per conditions any online satsangs?? I want to be in touch. Please. Thank you...Om namah shivay 🙏
Swami savapriananda's talk has removed my doubts , fears and skeptism about who I am and breathe newness on my paths. Discovering Vedanta Teachings innerly I found clarity regarding human birth. Thank you for sharing truth and wisdom to all.
Thank you very much Rev Swamiji, my humble pranaams. Only teachings and Life of the holy Trio and apostles of Sri Ramakrishna are light to this and future of humanity 🙏
It struck me the Swami Vivekananda lived this upanishad in its true sense. Seeing divinity in everything and living so that he is alive even today ( living a hundred years in our hearts even if a short physical life) a blessing to humanity. Thank you Maharaj, for explaining so well. Perhaps this upanishad requires a lecture series to enable us understand the later verses in detail too, in the advaitic sense 🙏
Among all of your precious talks swami this may be your finest. Succinct, to the point, and explained perfectly... With a basic knowledge of Indian theology/philosophy, this talk puts the keys in the locks...
Questions are being answered before it arises.We do not know eachother but it's happening. This is what we call a teacher,a teacher who is God in disguise. Salute you O Greatest Teacher!
I cannot thank you enough for this. It has answered many things I was puzzled over. Swamiji, you have a wonderful way of explaining things. Thank you so much, the message is so profound for me. I feel changed from within. I'm finding putting this into action challenging, being a mother if four children. But I feel more strengthen because of this. Will definitely listen to this again and again. I'm Namah Shivaya 🙏🏾❤
10:30. Isha Upanishad. RXXXX covering >uncovering >discovery. Sandalwood fragrance 25:00 world is our princess of Kashi. 26:50. Samdrashti. 27:30 Real renunciation,Samsara how do I live in it? 29:40 2nd verse solution,Law of Karma. 30:30 SV vs AShankaracharya viewpoints on ISHAUP. 35:00 38:20 4th verse CS wins the race (standing still) vs mind,sense organs:IMAGINE! 40:00. 46:25. 48:05. 49:00. 55:15. 57:10 Result of not seeing God? 1:01:45. 1:02:50. 1:04:00. 1:05:10. 1:06:40. 1:09:15. 1:09:55. 1:10:35. 1:12:25
2:08 Problem of Suffering 3:24 Vivekananda on Problem of Suffering 4:27 Mosquito Story Spirituality means no fun? 6:01 Swami Vivekananda on a fun religion 6:43 Einstein Letter to Eric Goodkind 9:37 Swami Vivekananda on Problem of religion and renunciation Isho Upanishad ईशा वास्यमिदं सर्वं यत् किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् । तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्यस्विद् धनम् ॥१॥ Om īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam yat kiṁ ca jagatyāṁ jagat | tena tyaktena bhuñjitha, ma gṛdhaḥ kasyasvid dhanam ||1|| 11:40 Shankaracharya Commentary on Isho Upanishad 12:15 Sandalwood Example 14:20 Jagat Mithya explained 15:24 Gold Ornament Example 17:02 Ganesha Pawn Broker Example 18:35 Seeing God in the world. Naming children after gods. 19:17 Then what use of traditional renunciation? 20:50 Shankaracharya's Commentary (Particular Desires and wanting their fulfillment) 22:00 Princess of Kashi/ Banaaras story 25:14 Isho Upanishad मा गृधः कस्यस्विद् धनम् ॥१॥ ma gṛdhaḥ kasyasvid dhanam ||1|| 28:57 How to live in this world? 29:36 Escaping Karma and living in this world कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेच्छतं समाः । एवं त्वयि नान्यथेतोऽस्ति न कर्म लिप्यते नरे ॥२॥ kurvann eveha karmāṇi jijīviṣet śataṁ samāḥ | evaṁ tvayi nānyatheto'sti na karma lipyate nare ||2|| 30:45 Shankaracharya v. Vivekananda Disagreement on Isho Upanishad 31:15 Explanation of how Shankaracharya interpretated Isho Upanishad 32:00 YOU HAVE BEEN GRANTED THE RIGHT TO ENJOY THIS WORLD BY TWO OF THE GREATEST SPIRITUAL MASTERS! YAYYYYY!!!! BUT ON ONE CONDITION. LISTEN CAREFULY. 32:40 Shankaracharya's interpretation of Second Mantra Isho Upanishad 33:47 Krama Mukti (Sequential Path to Liberation) 35:30 Breaking down Isho Upanishad 36:22 Swami Vivekananda's interpretation of Isho Upanishad 36:58 Shankaracharya's interpretation of Isho Upanishad 38:08 Shankaracharya's interpretation of Isho Upanishad अनेजदेकं मनसो जवीयो नैनद् देवा आप्नुवन् पूर्वमर्षत् । तद् धावतोऽन्यानत्येति तिष्ठत् तस्मिन्नपो मातरिश्वा दधाति ॥४॥ anejad ekaṁ manaso javīyo nainad devā āpnuvan pūrvamarṣat | tad dhāvato'nyān-atyeti tiṣṭhat tasminn apo mātariśvā dadhāti ||4|| 41:22 तदेजति तन्नैजति तद् दूरे तद्वन्तिके । तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य तदु सर्वस्यास्य बाह्यतः ॥५॥ tad ejati tan naijati tad dūre tad vad antike | tad antarasya sarvasya tad u sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ ||5|| 42:21 Example of Electricity and Brahman 43:45 Gold Ornament Example 45:03 Shankaracharya Commentary : If you know, you know. Those who know, know. Those who don't, just don't. I found it brutal. 47:30 Ancient Vedantic Text: Brahman is real or false? Universe is real or false? 48:14 .......... तद्वन्तिके । तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य.... 48:22 Rope Snake Example 49:00 Purpose of saying world is an appearance 51:07 Views of Punjabi Sindhi Monk Who came from Pakistan during partition's living in present day Uttarakhand 52:13 What if I can't see God in everything? 54:17 Gopal's mother's story 56:06 तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य तदु सर्वस्यास्य बाह्यतः ॥५॥ tad antarasya sarvasya tad u sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ ||5|| 57:07 Why don't we see god in everything? असूर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसावृताः । तांस्ते प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥३॥ asuryā nāma te lokā andhena tamasā vṛtāḥ | tāṁs te pretyābhigacchanti ye ke cātmahano janāḥ ||3|| 58:40 Seminar on Unknown on History 1:00:35 In practical life, I don't see Brahman everywhere. Why doesn't Advaita work there? Shankaracharya in Brahma Sutra Bhaashya 1:02:50 How to pursue this atman? 1:04:04 Shri Krishna on Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 40 स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य त्रायते महतो भयात् || 40|| svalpam apyasya dharmasya trāyate mahato bhayāt 1:04:18 Story about that same Punjabi Sindhi Monk Who came from Pakistan during partition's living in present day Uttarakhand 1:05:20 Sankrit Verse on Chinta - Anxiety/ Worry/ Tension 1:06:30 यस्तु सर्वाणि भूतानि आत्मन्येवानुपश्यति । सर्वभूतेषु चात्मानं ततो न विजुगुप्सते ॥६॥ yas tu sarvāṇi bhūtani ātmany evānupaśyati | sarvabhūteṣu catmānaṁ tato na vijugupsate ||6|| 1:08:37 Psychologists on our psychology to protect ourselves 1:09:17 Criticism to Ramana Maharishi 1:10:34 यस्मिन् सर्वाणि भूतानि आत्मैवाभूद् विजानतः । तत्र को मोहः कः शोक एकत्वमनुपश्यतः ॥७॥ yasmin sarvāṇi bhūtāny ātmaivābhūd vijānataḥ | tatra ko mohaḥ kaḥ śokaḥ ekatvam anupaśyataḥ ||7|| 1:12:29 स पर्यगाच्छुकमकायमव्रणमस्नाविरं शुद्धमपापविद्धम् । कविर्मनीषी परिभूः स्वयम्भूर्याथातथ्यतोऽर्थान् व्यदधाच्छाश्वतीभ्यः समाभ्यः ॥८॥ sa paryagāc chukram, akāyam, avraṇam, asnāviram, śuddham, apāpaviddham | kavir manīṣī, paribhūḥ, svayambhūḥ, yāthātathyato'rthān vyadadhāc chāśvatībhyas samābhyaḥ ||8|| 1:13:37 Rig Veda Poetry and Story of a monk 1:15:15 Ninth Verse 1:16:10 Shankaracharya Comments on Ignorance, Rituals, Meditation 1:18:40 हिरण्मयेन पात्रेण सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम् । hiraṇmayena pātreṇa satyasyāpihitam mukham | 1:19:33 ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते । पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥ ॐ शांतिः शांतिः शांतिः ॥ om pūrṇamadaḥ, pūrṇamidam, pūrṇāt pūrṇam udacyate, pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya pūrṇam evāvaśiṣyate. om shāntih shāntih shāntihi.
What Swamiji is teaching us is absolute truth because I have listened to the interviews of many near death experiencer and few of them report the experience of being one with God .. similar to Advita philosophy they too claim that they feel one with the divinity present everywhere not limited by time and space .. yet they have no idea about Advita philosophy...
One of the best top most superb leading talks on Divinity, philosophy, GOD Brahman, Universe, Psychology and everything means everything. Please I request every and any youngster to hear this video please 🙏
The essence of all of existence is this oneness explained so beautifully by Maharajji. The culmination of lifetimes of suffering, of seeking, of fearing, sees its end in seeing this oneness. If one is able to live it fully, one attains Moksha. This talk is one of the best, if not the best delivered by Maharajji.
@Subhobrata Chakravorti can u help me with how to not get attached with people and still be with them and help them? As said in video i know it's all like a dream and feels real until u wake up and realise u are just a soul. But when I deal with people close to me ....I get attached....How not to ? Please?
thank you so much MAM for this comment...i am listening this song continuously...i dont know BENGALI searched translation now i am speechless about this song...this song filled me with kindness.... listened this song at 1am continue...n still listening in morning.. i love AMAR SHONAR BANGLA AS WELL... My name is SACHIN n i am from PUNE..
Being desired is the end of suffering as desire is the beginning of feeling suffering, the lack of comfort & bliss in the Realm of Sound & Light, & Joy
🙏Pranam Swamiji May God and Shree Ramakrishna Bhagavan bless me to be shifted to a secure place to stay where i can practice Spiritual Disciplines deeply. Right now iam stuck n trapped here. Since childhood i ve been being treacherously victimized to blackmagic and other crooked tortures by my own elder brother n his guru. i sense great danger in near future. i want to move away from here before my brother n family succeed totally in destroying my health and life. Seeking Your blessings. Jai Shree Ramakrishna 🙏🙏🙏 OM
Swamijii is a blessing in our lives. He makes spirituality functional in this modern world. What an intellect and living example of divinity and all that is good and sacred in this world. Tears of gratitude to you sir for clarifying many concepts. Wish you could grace some of us seekers with atma-gyan!
He explains the difficult concepts in an easy way by adding simple examples and humour to his talks...... He is enlightening us by his lectures.. Thanks
This speech gives me confidence that ancient knowledge is still available to those who seek to pursue it. Amazing and unbelievable that still such knowledgeable and yet humble young Swamijis like this great man still live amidst us and offer to guide us. Learn, learn, learn and practice practice practice... There's soo much ignorance to be overcome, and time in this life is too short. If someone choose to reply to this, please let me know how and where should I apply to learn and practice this Vedanta...
Yes practice practice. knowledge comes from guru n scriptures. And meditation as mañana , nydidyasana , i.e applying to our lives .Example: respecting other person as he or she is without bias and judgement ! giving up selfishness! being contended! moreover being happy !
You are blessing to kali infected people. The hrishi parampara is working through you. Or else it is impossible to for someone in a mortal frame in today's time to decipher the secrets of upanishads in such an eloquent way and that too in English. Amazing ..may Bhagwan bless you with a long life
Was simply mesmerized.. how lucidity and succinctly gave the essence of the ultimate beautiful..feeling so blessed..thank you thank you thank you.
Even if you do not believe, you don’t have to, you are divine and everything is divine right here and now…..bold statement swamiji . Bows with gratitude🙏
Sir non dualistic philosophy has changed my life deeply, sufferings have reduced exponentially. I suggest you to make a official you tube channel of your and make short videos also so that this philosophy reaches to maximum & make your Instagram & Twitter also
My God! This young monk is so profound.listening to just one talk, you get the knowlege& pleasure of reading a hundred books! Each talk is a great intellectual treat .sometimes I am so absorbed that I feel only swami vivekananda is speaking! God bless the noble soul& protect him to elevate more people in their spiritual journey by his inspiring talks!May the Blessings of the guru parampara protect his BMI to continue this sacred service to transform more & more lives to the ones of his kind !
Agree with the opinion of the above commentator. and pray God to give him long healthy life, propagating the message of Upanishad as it is essential in these days . Maagrudha.kashya....... essential for getting peace.
Complement with this lecture by Swami Vivekananda
Sure, seeing God in everyone is good but in reality is good in everyone as well? It's now our responsibility to reveal 3 all The Truth of the implied as well ad the explicit
Sad part he is gravely wrong. Bad information.
Swami Sarvapriyananda, you are a blessing to my life. Thank you and Vedanta society for share this light with all of us .
He is the best
We are hearing the most learned person of our age. Overwhelmed.
Listen to sri nochur venkataraman on you tube
He has vast knowledge
Namaste ❤
"The God in me Honors the God in you."
Yup. That encapsulates it very well. Namah te.
There is no separate entity called God within 'you'. In fact, there's nothing other than God that actually exists.
If u say that u honour the GOD in me than why are Muslims killing Hindus don't they believe in GOD I feel so sorry for them cause the law of KARMA must take effect how come they are so heartless Hindus are passive that's why they used as lambs to be slaughter we think this is end all and be all of everything I hope God gives them a realization
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, and any other religion will send you straight to hell. Only through Jesus Christ you can reach the Father, God.
I studied gita, upanishads.. But some things were uncleared to me... But his explanation made me realized.. Such a high personality he is.. God make me realized the topics in the form of him ❤️
100% I read Gita for years and didn’t see what everyone saw in it honestly, untill I heard swami explain it and it blew my mind I now see why people reverie it so much
Dear Swami, may you be blessed with good health and a long life! I love your talks they help me find such peace and joy.! You are blessed with such an ability to deliver a message in such a clear way so that it may be understood. I listen to you every day and I hope you will keep uploading these talks on youtube as they are like a cool drink of water on a very hot day.. Thank you so much!
Beautifully expressed. Dhanyawad.
I don't know how to express my bewilderment at the very sweet simple yet powerful elucidation of such complex issues of higher spirituality of Vedanta.Swami Sarvapriyananda is not just an ordinary monk. He is a great philosopher with excellent oratorial skill and great knowledge of Science .A highly read person of different religions & religious texts.PRANAM TO SWAMIJI.
The ultimate truth of his talk is treat the things that around you in positive way. And the meditation is what help you to be positive.
I am also studying vedanta,this is the perfect best version of ishavasya Upanishad 😍
Swamiji, you are The Blessing to whole world 🙏🙏🙏
You are so right.. God bless you.... Ravi
Excellent talk. Shared it with my parents and my brother. All of us are initiated from RKM.
Swamiji's talks are always making me think and realize where my thoughts about life need to be changed for bettering my life and that of those in my life.
Being jiwan mukt is the ultimate to be free from sufferings of these worldly problems. These are not even problems. Pranam swami Ji 🙏🙏🙏
Have listened to this again and again. Mindblowing!!!
Swamiji is so eloquent and knowledgeable and puts the most difficult subject with such clarity, I feel we are blessed to have him in this life. He not just makes it the most interesting subject to kisten but makes our choices so clear in path of spirituality. After listening to him there remains no but and ifs any more. Thank you swamiji.
I share your feelings.
Really it is bliss to hear swamiji how can l express it no words namaskar pranam
He doesn't have a clue. 8 Billion living people on this planet are all God. That is the cause of pain and suffering. You could have been born as anyone alive on this planet. Therefore every living being is a reflection of you and your actions.
@@gregorypenik5070 could you kindly explain a bit more?
Hi Swamiji,
I listen to your videos dialy while i do my surya namaskar and sudarshan kriya.Your videos are very helpful for me to keep me at peace.Thanks to you.Also thanks to internet and thanks to you tube as i can listen to any guru's speech by sitting at home only.
Your teachings are such a joy to me, Swami! You are a true friend! Thank you!
Your explanations of Vedanta is so simple and erudite it becomes easy to comprehend Om Om Om
not just only is he a true friend... he is truly none apart from Brahman (God), and also you are none apart from Brahman/God, and so therefore he is none apart from you and vice versa
It was my entrance exam today I could not perform well ... But still I am calm and serene ... Thanks to swamijis precious videos..🙏🏻
Hope you do well in life🙏
Swami ji explains very well . I can hear his lectures for a long time
Last mantra in the last minute is utterly mindblowing
Thank you Swamajee. I understand what you explain and I want to see God in all .But while living in this world . Working seeing to family etc I try but when someone throws in a punch I still retaliate .Having this knowledge I don't want to retaliate but it happens How Do I stop
@@vanithagramoney5143 you got it, but not able avoid 'retaliate'..right..
When you retaliate?
Ohh, you said it already.
When someone throw in a punch..
Thrown in a punch on you , right?
I love the joy you transmit Swami!! Om Namah Shivaya 🕉🙏♾💙💜
Simply WOW!!!! 😮 this level of wisdom is unbelievable!!
Swamiji,the story of princess of kashi is nice one;clears many points.with the grace of Bhagvan,all this wisdom should be ground reality of my life.. pl.bless me for the same.
Are u an Indian? Or it's just your name🤔
@@kotresh where else do you find such enlightened ones !
@@ptgudi you never know 🤷🏻♂️
@@kotresh still searching,🤔
Go ahead find out, all inside..
46:14 it blew me away. Literally a blow of wind in my stomach. Made me realize it's all illusion.. That example is mind blowing. Like it gave me feeling like actual understanding of what it is. I actually imagined all while u were telling. All is just a dream u are bound to suffer ...Real you is after death...which is Soul. Just like what u were dreaming was illusion and u realised it until u woke up from dream. Wow, I'll listen to this everyday. Everyday. Thanks. I think shiva and krishna helped me....The doubts and thoughts in my head constantly running ....I cried about the confusion of birth , death, re-birth and upon that developing attachments with people was the hardest. This all doubts got cleared. Nothing is real. Wow shiva 😢❤️ any way where I can attend ur satsangs?? Right Now as per conditions any online satsangs?? I want to be in touch. Please. Thank you...Om namah shivay 🙏
I’m fully soaked with wisdom after hearing this speech! 😊
"The face of truth is hidden by the golden disc of the sun" - I love this one
Swami savapriananda's talk has removed my doubts , fears and skeptism about who I am and breathe newness on my paths. Discovering Vedanta Teachings innerly I found clarity regarding human birth. Thank you for sharing truth and wisdom to all.
😂😅 this is how HINDU monk fools world...
All southern Acharyas were CRYPTO-BUDDHIST
Swami vivekananda in chicago-1893
So nice to hear how Swami speaks about how there are two tracks to enlightenment.
I think it speaks volumes of his compassion, leaving no man behind ❤
These precious speeches should be shown in schools before young people's minds get obstructed. 🙏
Thank you very much Rev Swamiji, my humble pranaams. Only teachings and Life of the holy Trio and apostles of Sri Ramakrishna are light to this and future of humanity 🙏
It struck me the Swami Vivekananda lived this upanishad in its true sense. Seeing divinity in everything and living so that he is alive even today ( living a hundred years in our hearts even if a short physical life) a blessing to humanity.
Thank you Maharaj, for explaining so well. Perhaps this upanishad requires a lecture series to enable us understand the later verses in detail too, in the advaitic sense 🙏
Just wanted to say thanks for your enthusiasm swami and for serving the finest truths. 🌺
Glad to have such knowledgeable and sincere Swami in the days of the Sad-gurus!
Among all of your precious talks swami this may be your finest. Succinct, to the point, and explained perfectly... With a basic knowledge of Indian theology/philosophy, this talk puts the keys in the locks...
Questions are being answered before it arises.We do not know eachother but it's happening.
This is what we call a teacher,a teacher who is God in disguise.
Salute you O Greatest Teacher!
Koti Koti Pranam Swamiji 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️
Divine nature is our original nature 🙏✨🌺🌺
I cannot thank you enough for this. It has answered many things I was puzzled over. Swamiji, you have a wonderful way of explaining things. Thank you so much, the message is so profound for me. I feel changed from within. I'm finding putting this into action challenging, being a mother if four children. But I feel more strengthen because of this. Will definitely listen to this again and again. I'm Namah Shivaya 🙏🏾❤
The Bliss is here right in front of me is the Shabd Brahm Naad Brahm! The eternal sound waves around! Salutations to Swamiji!
A wonderful discourse, Thank you Swamiji. So insightful.
" Thou shall not covet " - brilliant Swamiji! Namaste ❤🙏🙏🙏
Peace Purity Happiness. Great THANKS Pujya Swami Ji. Om Shanti.
10:30. Isha Upanishad. RXXXX covering >uncovering >discovery. Sandalwood fragrance
25:00 world is our princess of Kashi.
26:50. Samdrashti.
27:30 Real renunciation,Samsara how do I live in it?
29:40 2nd verse solution,Law of Karma.
30:30 SV vs AShankaracharya viewpoints on ISHAUP. 35:00
38:20 4th verse CS wins the race (standing still) vs mind,sense organs:IMAGINE! 40:00. 46:25. 48:05. 49:00. 55:15. 57:10 Result of not seeing God? 1:01:45. 1:02:50. 1:04:00. 1:05:10. 1:06:40. 1:09:15. 1:09:55. 1:10:35. 1:12:25
Thanks .... Good job
Thank you for the summary 🙏
No words to thank you Swami. Please accept my Vandana 🙏🙏🙏
2:08 Problem of Suffering
3:24 Vivekananda on Problem of Suffering
4:27 Mosquito Story Spirituality means no fun?
6:01 Swami Vivekananda on a fun religion
6:43 Einstein Letter to Eric Goodkind
9:37 Swami Vivekananda on Problem of religion and renunciation
Isho Upanishad
ईशा वास्यमिदं सर्वं यत् किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् ।
तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्यस्विद् धनम् ॥१॥
Om īśāvāsyam idaṁ sarvam yat kiṁ ca jagatyāṁ jagat |
tena tyaktena bhuñjitha, ma gṛdhaḥ kasyasvid dhanam ||1||
11:40 Shankaracharya Commentary on Isho Upanishad
12:15 Sandalwood Example
14:20 Jagat Mithya explained
15:24 Gold Ornament Example
17:02 Ganesha Pawn Broker Example
18:35 Seeing God in the world. Naming children after gods.
19:17 Then what use of traditional renunciation?
20:50 Shankaracharya's Commentary (Particular Desires and wanting their fulfillment)
22:00 Princess of Kashi/ Banaaras story
25:14 Isho Upanishad
मा गृधः कस्यस्विद् धनम् ॥१॥
ma gṛdhaḥ kasyasvid dhanam ||1||
28:57 How to live in this world?
Escaping Karma and living in this world
कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेच्छतं समाः ।
एवं त्वयि नान्यथेतोऽस्ति न कर्म लिप्यते नरे ॥२॥
kurvann eveha karmāṇi jijīviṣet śataṁ samāḥ |
evaṁ tvayi nānyatheto'sti na karma lipyate nare ||2||
30:45 Shankaracharya v. Vivekananda Disagreement on Isho Upanishad
31:15 Explanation of how Shankaracharya interpretated Isho Upanishad
32:40 Shankaracharya's interpretation of Second Mantra Isho Upanishad
33:47 Krama Mukti (Sequential Path to Liberation)
35:30 Breaking down Isho Upanishad
36:22 Swami Vivekananda's interpretation of Isho Upanishad
36:58 Shankaracharya's interpretation of Isho Upanishad
38:08 Shankaracharya's interpretation of Isho Upanishad
अनेजदेकं मनसो जवीयो नैनद् देवा आप्नुवन् पूर्वमर्षत् ।
तद् धावतोऽन्यानत्येति तिष्ठत् तस्मिन्नपो मातरिश्वा दधाति ॥४॥
anejad ekaṁ manaso javīyo nainad devā āpnuvan pūrvamarṣat |
tad dhāvato'nyān-atyeti tiṣṭhat tasminn apo mātariśvā dadhāti ||4||
तदेजति तन्नैजति तद् दूरे तद्वन्तिके ।
तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य तदु सर्वस्यास्य बाह्यतः ॥५॥
tad ejati tan naijati tad dūre tad vad antike |
tad antarasya sarvasya tad u sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ ||5||
42:21 Example of Electricity and Brahman
43:45 Gold Ornament Example
45:03 Shankaracharya Commentary : If you know, you know. Those who know, know. Those who don't, just don't.
I found it brutal.
47:30 Ancient Vedantic Text: Brahman is real or false? Universe is real or false?
.......... तद्वन्तिके ।
तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य....
48:22 Rope Snake Example
49:00 Purpose of saying world is an appearance
51:07 Views of Punjabi Sindhi Monk Who came from Pakistan during partition's living in present day Uttarakhand
52:13 What if I can't see God in everything?
54:17 Gopal's mother's story
तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य तदु सर्वस्यास्य बाह्यतः ॥५॥
tad antarasya sarvasya tad u sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ ||5||
57:07 Why don't we see god in everything?
असूर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसावृताः ।
तांस्ते प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥३॥
asuryā nāma te lokā andhena tamasā vṛtāḥ |
tāṁs te pretyābhigacchanti ye ke cātmahano janāḥ ||3||
58:40 Seminar on Unknown on History
1:00:35 In practical life, I don't see Brahman everywhere. Why doesn't Advaita work there?
Shankaracharya in Brahma Sutra Bhaashya
1:02:50 How to pursue this atman?
Shri Krishna on Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 40
स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य त्रायते महतो भयात् || 40||
svalpam apyasya dharmasya trāyate mahato bhayāt
1:04:18 Story about that same Punjabi Sindhi Monk Who came from Pakistan during partition's living in present day Uttarakhand
1:05:20 Sankrit Verse on Chinta - Anxiety/ Worry/ Tension
यस्तु सर्वाणि भूतानि आत्मन्येवानुपश्यति ।
सर्वभूतेषु चात्मानं ततो न विजुगुप्सते ॥६॥
yas tu sarvāṇi bhūtani ātmany evānupaśyati |
sarvabhūteṣu catmānaṁ tato na vijugupsate ||6||
1:08:37 Psychologists on our psychology to protect ourselves
1:09:17 Criticism to Ramana Maharishi
यस्मिन् सर्वाणि भूतानि आत्मैवाभूद् विजानतः ।
तत्र को मोहः कः शोक एकत्वमनुपश्यतः ॥७॥
yasmin sarvāṇi bhūtāny ātmaivābhūd vijānataḥ |
tatra ko mohaḥ kaḥ śokaḥ ekatvam anupaśyataḥ ||7||
स पर्यगाच्छुकमकायमव्रणमस्नाविरं शुद्धमपापविद्धम् ।
कविर्मनीषी परिभूः स्वयम्भूर्याथातथ्यतोऽर्थान् व्यदधाच्छाश्वतीभ्यः समाभ्यः ॥८॥
sa paryagāc chukram, akāyam, avraṇam, asnāviram, śuddham, apāpaviddham |
kavir manīṣī, paribhūḥ, svayambhūḥ, yāthātathyato'rthān
vyadadhāc chāśvatībhyas samābhyaḥ ||8||
Rig Veda Poetry and Story of a monk
1:15:15 Ninth Verse
1:16:10 Shankaracharya Comments on Ignorance, Rituals, Meditation
हिरण्मयेन पात्रेण सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम् ।
hiraṇmayena pātreṇa satyasyāpihitam mukham |
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते ।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ शांतिः शांतिः शांतिः ॥
om pūrṇamadaḥ, pūrṇamidam, pūrṇāt pūrṇam udacyate,
pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya pūrṇam evāvaśiṣyate.
om shāntih shāntih shāntihi.
What Swamiji is teaching us is absolute truth because I have listened to the interviews of many near death experiencer and few of them report the experience of being one with God .. similar to Advita philosophy they too claim that they feel one with the divinity present everywhere not limited by time and space .. yet they have no idea about Advita philosophy...
Divine nature is our real nature 🙏🌺🙏
Maharaj Jee... My Guru Dev ordered me the same... Seeing God in everything... Now by his grace... I got to listen you.... Jai guru Dev 👍👏👏
I bow down before Swami Vivekananda and Swami Sarvapriyananda 🙏🏼🙏🏼
This is so profound. The more I listen to him, the more he inspires and unlocks the path.
One of the best top most superb leading talks on Divinity, philosophy, GOD Brahman, Universe, Psychology and everything means everything. Please I request every and any youngster to hear this video please 🙏
The essence of all of existence is this oneness explained so beautifully by Maharajji. The culmination of lifetimes of suffering, of seeking, of fearing, sees its end in seeing this oneness. If one is able to live it fully, one attains Moksha. This talk is one of the best, if not the best delivered by Maharajji.
Mahajnani swami sarbapriyananda 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
These souls are ascended masters come to lead us towards soul realization
I just love him...
@Subhobrata Chakravorti can u help me with how to not get attached with people and still be with them and help them? As said in video i know it's all like a dream and feels real until u wake up and realise u are just a soul. But when I deal with people close to me ....I get attached....How not to ? Please?
Protidino ami, hae jibonoswami darabo tomaar shonmukhae. Tagore's song, is a weapon.
thank you so much MAM for this comment...i am listening this song continuously...i dont know BENGALI searched translation now i am speechless about this song...this song filled me with kindness....
listened this song at 1am continue...n still listening in morning..
My name is SACHIN n i am from PUNE..
Swami explains profound truths in a way I can understand. Thank you Swami.
Being desired is the end of suffering as desire is the beginning of feeling suffering, the lack of comfort & bliss in the Realm of Sound & Light, & Joy
Swami Jee discourses becoming deeper and deeper and giving feelings of pearls every where and makes awakening and realisation.
You are real God
Even Devas & Angels would love to hear you !
Astonishing eloquency.
I bow down at your lotus feet.
Swamiji ur lectures have magical effect I bow to the excelency
आप की हर एक बात ही इस ब्रह्माण्ड का सत्य है
Aum namah shivaya Swamiji 🙏
🙏Pranam Swamiji
May God and Shree Ramakrishna Bhagavan bless me to be shifted to a secure place to stay where i can practice Spiritual Disciplines deeply. Right now iam stuck n trapped here. Since childhood i ve been being treacherously victimized to blackmagic and other crooked tortures by my own elder brother n his guru. i sense great danger in near future. i want to move away from here before my brother n family succeed totally in destroying my health and life.
Seeking Your blessings.
Jai Shree Ramakrishna
excellent sir you are great
Thankyou very much Swamiji. May God (I) bless You (I)
Jai Bhagwan Shri Ramakrishna
Jai Maa Sharda
Jai Swami Vivekananda
Jai Swami Sarvapriyananda
Swamijii is a blessing in our lives. He makes spirituality functional in this modern world. What an intellect and living example of divinity and all that is good and sacred in this world. Tears of gratitude to you sir for clarifying many concepts. Wish you could grace some of us seekers with atma-gyan!
He explains the difficult concepts in an easy way by adding simple examples and humour to his talks......
He is enlightening us by his lectures..
😂😅 this is how HINDU monk fools world...
All southern Acharyas were CRYPTO-BUDDHIST
Swami vivekananda in chicago-1893
Gratitude to be able to listen to you swamiji..thank you thank you
This speech gives me confidence that ancient knowledge is still available to those who seek to pursue it. Amazing and unbelievable that still such knowledgeable and yet humble young Swamijis like this great man still live amidst us and offer to guide us. Learn, learn, learn and practice practice practice... There's soo much ignorance to be overcome, and time in this life is too short. If someone choose to reply to this, please let me know how and where should I apply to learn and practice this Vedanta...
Yes practice practice. knowledge comes from guru n scriptures. And meditation as mañana , nydidyasana , i.e applying to our lives .Example: respecting other person as he or she is without bias and judgement ! giving up selfishness! being contended! moreover being happy !
This sir has inspired me so much what a clarity and profound gift of goddesses Saraswati wish to see you and get your blessings sir
Seeing God's hand in everything good that happens to me and the other way round.
12:35 I literally just read this today and was so confused by the example haha. So glad that he explains what Shankara meant there!
hearing this lecture was like God talking about God,total bliss❤️🙏
Mahatma Gandhi spoke sbout the Shanti Mantra of Eesha Upanishad.
Sanskrit Lyrics:
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते |
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ||
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||
English Lyrics:
Om Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaat Poornamudachyate
Poornasya Poornamaadaaya Poornamevaavashishṣyate
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
You are blessing to kali infected people. The hrishi parampara is working through you. Or else it is impossible to for someone in a mortal frame in today's time to decipher the secrets of upanishads in such an eloquent way and that too in English. Amazing ..may Bhagwan bless you with a long life
I bow down to your feet swami.
You are real spiritual master Swamiji 🙏 simply wow
Was simply mesmerized.. how lucidity and succinctly gave the essence of the ultimate beautiful..feeling so blessed..thank you thank you thank you.
Swami ji. Pranam to you. May God bless you with long life so you continue to deliver your msg to the world.
Even if you do not believe, you don’t have to, you are divine and everything is divine right here and now…..bold statement swamiji . Bows with gratitude🙏
Sir non dualistic philosophy has changed my life deeply, sufferings have reduced exponentially. I suggest you to make a official you tube channel of your and make short videos also so that this philosophy reaches to maximum & make your Instagram & Twitter also
I agree with you completely except for twitter and instagram... It doesn't go well with a yogic way of life Swamiji is having... 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you swamiji
I feel calm 😌 and less desirous of material world
God bless all
Thank you so much Swmei ji, / Kareer Karuna
So much passion in his talk!
Jai Sri Ramakrishna 🌺🙏🐚
What a talk 🙏🙏🙏
Love you swami. You and I are one ☝️
Namaste Swamiji🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I love listening to swami. Gives me inspirations!
My glowing eyes are very excited about this
Thank you for your substantially deep wisdom. I'm grateful you share this at all. 🖤
Vedic way of life in this Kali Yuga
It's a eye opener for every body
Pranam Swami ji 🙏
Aum wonderful Spiritual knowledge One Only one God,
Just 30 seconds in and i already know this is going to be good! ❤
Namaste Swami ji...I listen to your lecture number of takes me to sublime world...