Alysrazor 10 HC (Buffed version) | Feral Druid Tank | Cataclysm Classic Firelands

  • Опубліковано 20 гру 2024


  • @madnesskilleryt706
    @madnesskilleryt706 Місяць тому

    Can u please make video or share your weak auras for rip rake etc

    • @wicestudio409
      @wicestudio409  Місяць тому

      Here is a link to my wa:

  • @heisenfeis
    @heisenfeis Місяць тому

    1:43 Vondt i fingrene? Har dere ikkje gaming keyboard elns med macro taster. Bruker RAZER synapse "Turbo keys" og vanlig macro som spammer bra. Har hatt det sånn i WoW siden 2011, så er nok null sjans for nokke ban grerier.

  • @destinydkl5584
    @destinydkl5584 Місяць тому

    buenas amigo disculpa q te moleste pero me pasarias el link del weakauras q usas porfavor ...

    • @wicestudio409
      @wicestudio409  Місяць тому

      Here is a link to my wa:

  • @axel_r_
    @axel_r_ 2 місяці тому

    Endelig en norsk guild som raider som er på UA-cam som dukker opp i min feed!
    Håper dere bruker Ventrilo/Teamspeak når dere snakker?

    • @wicestudio409
      @wicestudio409  2 місяці тому

      Haha, 8 out of 10 ppl in the guild(Roccos Russ) is from Norway, and the two tanks is from Sweden and Denmark, that's why most of the calls is in Norwegian. And sadly we are not using Ventrilo/Teamspeak, we are using discord as most of the wow players do nowadays :D

    • @axel_r_
      @axel_r_ 2 місяці тому +1

      @@wicestudio409 Skjønte det 😅 Ventrilo og Teamspeak var våre kanaler "back in the day" 👴🏼

  • @brendanfuller2754
    @brendanfuller2754 2 місяці тому

    Why are the tanks the two highest dps?

    • @wicestudio409
      @wicestudio409  2 місяці тому +1

      The tanks gets a buff called imprinted on them if they stand close to the Voracious Hatchlings when they spawn.
      This buff makes the Hatchlings only able to attack the tanks that gets the buff. This buff also makes the tanks with the buff do 11 times more damage on the hatchling.
      So tanks are pumpers on this fight!

    • @brendanfuller2754
      @brendanfuller2754 2 місяці тому +1

      @@wicestudio409 thank you for the info. I was genuinely concerned. I was really young when firelands came out so I wasn't raiding anything above normal mode, not sure about the mechanics.