I did mushrooms and I saw the flower of life all over the walls , ceilings and floors. People didn't believe me so I traced it out on the wall perfectly. They believed me after that.
@@skurbanvintr0 Thats so cool. You Saw this on shrooms too? Youre are the only person to tell me you've seen it on the wall. The difference between seeing this in nature and seeing it on a painted wall, ceiling and floor all around you in your apartment is now I can argue that it's proof of intelligent design. Where as others say it's just natural. "It's observable in nature, so what?" Some say. My theory is we are the sims. We live in a simulation. Mainstream science says the atom is 99.9 % empty space. My theory is that atoms are pixels projecting 3D images in a 4D realm. Our eyes are virtual reality glasses and our bodies are avatars. Did you see the upside down ocean suspended in the sky as well? Waves flowing across the sky. You see The firmament? The entire sky was a giant flower of life. The stars were different colors and came to life. They were all moving around. Like a whole bunch of ufos or ships. If i focused staring off id see swirls like far off galaxies. I was convinced I was gazing into the heavens. I even thought I saw a few dog headed giants standing in a circle looking directly down at me. That was actually kinda scary. I know this seems insane but this was all in the same night in Victoria bc . I was on 8 hits of LSD. I even saw faces all over the bushes and trees. Like nature spirits. Like Alice in wonderland and Lord of the rings. Lifes a trip brother!
TRU MAN wow bro that’s beautiful I never really had a deep trip during the day usually happens at night riding my bike and in my room , on LSD THOE. It does look as tho we can actually see the inside of the projection when we look at 2D surfaces. It seems like smears on the wall naturally create the flower of life, or and the light and dark meeting at each point to create the flower of life image. When I realized that I then knew as well that the ancients actually see this when they 3rd eye is open. And then when u realize, you skin is the actual star dust around you and all you see is the aura around you and just darkness everywhere els 🖤✨ ahhh dope convo 😊
@@skurbanvintr0 This trip was at night. I've seen the same thing multiple times when trippin on shrooms or LSD. What I saw on the wall wasn't smears. All the walls , ceilings and floors were completely covered in transparent flowers of life side by side joined together end to end repeating itself over and over. It wasn't just one giant flower of life. Yes the ancients and natives knew/know about this. It's psychedelics that made people realise it's intelligent design and there's a creator.
@@skurbanvintr0 Try star gazing while on shrooms or LSD. Just lay your back and look up at the sky. What you'll see is absolutely incredible. I do it for spiritual reasons. Others do it just to trip and giggle and never actually look around. They can't see passed their own nose. Nice to meet another consciously aware individual on the path to enlightenment.
It takes seven points including the center of the flower of life to make the six points on each part of the entirety. Six isn't the life number, seven is for it all to be perfect.
THANK YOU for sharing this great tutorial 😊 I have been looking for many years here on YT for a clear tutorial to draw the Flower of Life and you are the best one i came across. For the first time it succeeded me to draw my Flower of Life. Next step will be painting it on canvas not using the compass 😐Lots of Blessings for You , for sharing your talent and knowledge with the whole world. Greetings from Amsterdam Holland.
THANK YOU! This helped me out temendously! I actually made it without a protractor (didn't have one), so it was much more time-consuming, but I did it and it turned out very close to perfect. :) Again, thank you! :)
Why are you drawing that straight line? It is not necessary. Drawing the third dimension, you can just start anywhere you like and keep circling and circling. Around the first circle there are six circles that fit fit exactly airtight. Like the seven days of creation. When you start drawing the fourth dimension, of course you need straight lines.
Jigøku Shøjø Thank you for your reaction. I've heared that many times that time is the fourth dimension. For me it is hard to get that concept because I see that time itself is relative to any dimension in which manifestation to matter is possible. When you start drawing the fourth dimension, the centercircle with eight circles around in which the tesseract lies, You can see that one cube (length, width and height the 3dimensions) flows over into the other. Because it has no centerpoint, unlike the third or fifth, manifestation to matter is not possible therefore time does not exist in the fourth. But this is just how I see it. I support everyone who is drawing these things. Thanks again.
the 4th dimension isn't time, 5th is. Warped space contributes to 4th dimension. Hence, "extra spatial axis" and straight lines. Flower of life is third dimensional. It is descending. You want to draw the Unity of Love, ascending.
thank you for using a dark line instead of a faint pencil that is invisible unlike so many others who got it wrong. you are a pro. thank you. edit: also you drew it with a different starting instead of circumscribing the middle circle with 6 circles and so on. now i can see thre pattern is actually formed from something more akin to a grid rather than just a circle. it seems more like a hex grid now.
Wowww😃 excelente video muy bien realizado Le agradezco mucho que se haya tomado el tiempo para hacerlo le mando un saludo con agradecimiento desde la Ciudad de México🌎
هذي حرام كله سحر البنوك بيستخدموا برمجياتها في البورصه لتحقيق الثراء انا تركتها لله أصحاب البنوك متنورين سحره هذي الادله انها فتنه وحرام ووراها الدجال وليست العلم الحقيقي لبناء الكون وَلَا تَمُدَّنَّ عَيْنَيْكَ إِلَىٰ مَا مَتَّعْنَا بِهِ أَزْوَاجًا مِّنْهُمْ زَهْرَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا لِنَفْتِنَهُمْ فِيهِ ۚ وَرِزْقُ رَبِّكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَىٰ (131) ففي الصحيحين من حديث أبي سعيدٍ الخدري - رضِي الله عنه - عن النبي - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - قال: ((إنَّ أخوف ما أخافُ عليكم ما يخرج الله لكم من بركات الأرض)) قيل: ما بركات الأرض؟ قال: ((زهرة الدنيا))، فقال له رجلٌ: هل يأتي الخير بالشر؟ فصمَتَ رسول الله - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - حتى ظننت أنَّه ينزل عليه، ثم جعل يمسح عن جبينه، قال: ((أين السائل؟)) قال: أنا، قال: ((لا يأتي الخير إلا بالخير، إنَّ هذا المال خضرة حلوة، وإنَّ كلَّ ما أنبت الربيع يقتل حبطًا أو يلمُّ إلا آكلة الخضر، أكلت حتى إذا امتدَّت خاصرتاها استقبلت الشمس، فاجترَّتْ وثَلَطَتْ وبالتْ، ثم عادت فأكلت، وإنَّ هذا المال خضرة حلوة، مَن أخَذَه بحقه ووضعه في حقِّه، فنعم المعونة هو، وإنْ أخَذَه بغير حقِّه كان كالذي يأكُل ولا يشبَع))[1]. حديث أبي سعيد الخدري قال: جلس رسول الله ﷺ على المنبر وجلسنا حوله فقال: إن مما أخاف عليكم من بعدي ما يُفتح عليكم من زهرة الدنيا وزينتها[1]متفق عليه. قوله ﷺ لأصحابه: عليكم بتقوى الله اخواني ومن خاف مقام ربه جنتان
The best tutorial I’ve found. Thank you
It would be helpful if you add audio steps to ur drawings so that people can follow what you’re doing easily.
I’m enjoying the music a lot 😁
I did mushrooms and I saw the flower of life all over the walls , ceilings and floors.
People didn't believe me so I traced it out on the wall perfectly.
They believed me after that.
TRU MAN same here didn’t trace it, but it def shows up on the wall ✨
@@skurbanvintr0 Thats so cool. You Saw this on shrooms too? Youre are the only person to tell me you've seen it on the wall. The difference between seeing this in nature and seeing it on a painted wall, ceiling and floor all around you in your apartment is now I can argue that it's proof of intelligent design. Where as others say it's just natural. "It's observable in nature, so what?" Some say.
My theory is we are the sims. We live in a simulation. Mainstream science says the atom is 99.9 % empty space.
My theory is that atoms are pixels projecting 3D images in a 4D realm. Our eyes are virtual reality glasses and our bodies are avatars. Did you see the upside down ocean suspended in the sky as well? Waves flowing across the sky. You see The firmament? The entire sky was a giant flower of life. The stars were different colors and came to life. They were all moving around. Like a whole bunch of ufos or ships. If i focused staring off id see swirls like far off galaxies. I was convinced I was gazing into the heavens. I even thought I saw a few dog headed giants standing in a circle looking directly down at me. That was actually kinda scary. I know this seems insane but this was all in the same night in Victoria bc . I was on 8 hits of LSD. I even saw faces all over the bushes and trees. Like nature spirits. Like Alice in wonderland and Lord of the rings. Lifes a trip brother!
TRU MAN wow bro that’s beautiful I never really had a deep trip during the day usually happens at night riding my bike and in my room , on LSD THOE. It does look as tho we can actually see the inside of the projection when we look at 2D surfaces. It seems like smears on the wall naturally create the flower of life, or and the light and dark meeting at each point to create the flower of life image. When I realized that I then knew as well that the ancients actually see this when they 3rd eye is open. And then when u realize, you skin is the actual star dust around you and all you see is the aura around you and just darkness everywhere els 🖤✨ ahhh dope convo 😊
@@skurbanvintr0 This trip was at night. I've seen the same thing multiple times when trippin on shrooms or LSD. What I saw on the wall wasn't smears. All the walls , ceilings and floors were completely covered in transparent flowers of life side by side joined together end to end repeating itself over and over. It wasn't just one giant flower of life. Yes the ancients and natives knew/know about this. It's psychedelics that made people realise it's intelligent design and there's a creator.
@@skurbanvintr0 Try star gazing while on shrooms or LSD. Just lay your back and look up at the sky. What you'll see is absolutely incredible. I do it for spiritual reasons. Others do it just to trip and giggle and never actually look around. They can't see passed their own nose. Nice to meet another consciously aware individual on the path to enlightenment.
It takes seven points including the center of the flower of life to make the six points on each part of the entirety. Six isn't the life number, seven is for it all to be perfect.
It is beatigul
Points? What points are you referring to?
Thank you because I need to do this at school
Same here
Excelente y fácil de hacer! Bien pues a practicar. Gracias por compartir.
Thank you! Could you please share the name of the soundtrack?😅
Thank you! Just beautiful ❤
THANK YOU for sharing this great tutorial 😊 I have been looking for many years here on YT for a clear tutorial to draw the Flower of Life and you are the best one i came across. For the first time it succeeded me to draw my Flower of Life. Next step will be painting it on canvas not using the compass 😐Lots of Blessings for You , for sharing your talent and knowledge with the whole world. Greetings from Amsterdam Holland.
i dont understand how this is a clear tutorial with no measurements (I am not an artist)
You make it look so easy. lol thank you for the video
Quedo Hermosa.Muchas gracias por compartir,la haré hasta que me quede perfecta como la de tu video.
Bendiciones del universo.
Lesson number one, get a really good compass. Mine is moving all over the place
WOW so nice 💕
THANK YOU! This helped me out temendously! I actually made it without a protractor (didn't have one), so it was much more time-consuming, but I did it and it turned out very close to perfect. :) Again, thank you! :)
Thank you for posting this 😁
How many circles did you draw on total??
Nice thanks so much it's so easy now for me to draw 🙂
Why are you drawing that straight line? It is not necessary. Drawing the third dimension, you can just start anywhere you like and keep circling and circling. Around the first circle there are six circles that fit fit exactly airtight. Like the seven days of creation.
When you start drawing the fourth dimension, of course you need straight lines.
the 4th dimension is time, so we're always drawing in the 4th dimension as well. unless you can stop time ;)
Jigøku Shøjø Thank you for your reaction. I've heared that many times that time is the fourth dimension. For me it is hard to get that concept because I see that time itself is relative to any dimension in which manifestation to matter is possible. When you start drawing the fourth dimension, the centercircle with eight circles around in which the tesseract lies, You can see that one cube (length, width and height the 3dimensions) flows over into the other. Because it has no centerpoint, unlike the third or fifth, manifestation to matter is not possible therefore time does not exist in the fourth. But this is just how I see it. I support everyone who is drawing these things. Thanks again.
the 4th dimension isn't time, 5th is.
Warped space contributes to 4th dimension. Hence, "extra spatial axis" and straight lines. Flower of life is third dimensional. It is descending. You want to draw the Unity of Love, ascending.
Very nice
Te quedo hermosa❤
Muito, muito muito bom! Gratidão!
the measures of the compas please
any tips for ordering a compass that can fit a pen like this?
You have to use short pen or pencil when you are doing this
How many cm is your compass set
thanks a ton
Thank you!!!
Ah sorry the music!🤯
Name of the pen being used ?
that beyond ancient symbol is a saying directly from the cosmos from nature!!
Nice bro
+Ajajja Ajjaja thanks!
+How to Draw Stuff can u draw pokemons next plz
What kind of compass are you using? I'm looking to buy a good one that holds a pen. Thanks!
thank you for using a dark line instead of a faint pencil that is invisible unlike so many others who got it wrong. you are a pro. thank you.
edit: also you drew it with a different starting instead of circumscribing the middle circle with 6 circles and so on. now i can see thre pattern is actually formed from something more akin to a grid rather than just a circle. it seems more like a hex grid now.
gracias me salvaste de mi tarea v:D
A mi igual jaja
Nice vid. Whats fun is drawing it by hand without measuring tools.
waw I truly tried with you it came awesome
What’s the song
radius how much you take
What is the measurement of the circle you draw each time
Lovely! I'm looking for a compass that will hold my art Micron pens and even Sharpies. What brand are you using here? Great video. :)
What is flower of life
Estupendo. Gracias
Step one , do not use a target protractor
That was awesome
how can i draw if i dont know what to set the compass on for the circles?
It doesn't matter the size. The pattern is the same.
It doesnt matter the size you can do aby size bu,t the when you are doing the pattern it n eeds to be the same
Muito legal
I'm from pis bsl this helped me a lot
Thank you 😘☺️
Amei o vídeo, sem falar nada conseguiu passar uma boa aula da flor da vida. Inscrita!🏵
Wowww😃 excelente video muy bien realizado Le agradezco mucho que se haya tomado el tiempo para hacerlo le mando un saludo con agradecimiento desde la Ciudad de México🌎
This is sempiternal
De cuanto es la medida
Thanky very much i draw without sircul
For example, you formed so many
Circle a few centimeters in diameter with a compass
Perfeito, agora entendi!!
لم افهم ايه يا رجل الأعمال السعودي الأمير الوليد في المطبخ العربي و الغربي الكمبيوتر والإنترنت عالم الكمبيوتر و الانترنت
هذي حرام كله سحر البنوك بيستخدموا برمجياتها في البورصه لتحقيق الثراء انا تركتها لله
أصحاب البنوك متنورين سحره
هذي الادله انها فتنه وحرام ووراها الدجال وليست العلم الحقيقي لبناء الكون
وَلَا تَمُدَّنَّ عَيْنَيْكَ إِلَىٰ مَا مَتَّعْنَا بِهِ أَزْوَاجًا مِّنْهُمْ زَهْرَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا لِنَفْتِنَهُمْ فِيهِ ۚ وَرِزْقُ رَبِّكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَىٰ (131)
ففي الصحيحين من حديث أبي سعيدٍ الخدري - رضِي الله عنه - عن النبي - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - قال: ((إنَّ أخوف ما أخافُ عليكم ما يخرج الله لكم من بركات الأرض)) قيل: ما بركات الأرض؟ قال: ((زهرة الدنيا))، فقال له رجلٌ: هل يأتي الخير بالشر؟ فصمَتَ رسول الله - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - حتى ظننت أنَّه ينزل عليه، ثم جعل يمسح عن جبينه، قال: ((أين السائل؟)) قال: أنا، قال: ((لا يأتي الخير إلا بالخير، إنَّ هذا المال خضرة حلوة، وإنَّ كلَّ ما أنبت الربيع يقتل حبطًا أو يلمُّ إلا آكلة الخضر، أكلت حتى إذا امتدَّت خاصرتاها استقبلت الشمس، فاجترَّتْ وثَلَطَتْ وبالتْ، ثم عادت فأكلت، وإنَّ هذا المال خضرة حلوة، مَن أخَذَه بحقه ووضعه في حقِّه، فنعم المعونة هو، وإنْ أخَذَه بغير حقِّه كان كالذي يأكُل ولا يشبَع))[1].
حديث أبي سعيد الخدري قال: جلس رسول الله ﷺ على المنبر وجلسنا حوله فقال: إن مما أخاف عليكم من بعدي ما يُفتح عليكم من زهرة الدنيا وزينتها[1]متفق عليه.
قوله ﷺ لأصحابه:
عليكم بتقوى الله اخواني ومن خاف مقام ربه جنتان
Easier using a mathomat
I have tried but fail each time horribly
U r not clear with instruction
Pc how to become rich
One ofthe b3st video i have seen of drawing
Nice try though