Q&A With Nikole Hannah-Jones on The 1619 Project

  • Опубліковано 4 вер 2024


  • @jeffgreene8204
    @jeffgreene8204 Рік тому +7

    I am from Greenwood Mississippi. My grandfather, Dewey Greene Senior was on the front line with Dr. King and Greenwood.

  • @mka1967
    @mka1967 Рік тому +18

    Truth telling is a divine calling and a dangerous business. God Bless You, Nikole

    • @mosespowers8329
      @mosespowers8329 Рік тому

      It's not a dangerous business when you gnosis and become, and learn to abide in the @-one-ness of ya-shu-wah w/n. The Chi-Rho Cherokee, The principled people that become in harmony with Emma earth & Abba sky.
      The physical natural law of the decalogue of Moses is directly, intimately and intricately connected to the law of the spirit of truth and "tzaddik" righteousness of the omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent source of all animation, energy & light.

    • @markz9190
      @markz9190 Рік тому +1

      @@mosespowers8329 There's a very good reason why people groan when you enter a room.

  • @Mr2TTurner
    @Mr2TTurner Рік тому +12

    Nikole Hanna Jones keep bringing the facts of history which is liberating and exciting. You make knowledge sexy!

  • @Frequency1682
    @Frequency1682 Рік тому +3

    People like Ms. Jones offer honest insights into history that provide clarity which is always a good thing. She provides the connective tissue that paves the way to allow others to stand upright in their space.
    I for one am better for her presence.

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Рік тому

      BLM, ANTIFA & the KK TRANZ are the current paramilitary arm of DEMOCRAT KKK party

  • @djm2516
    @djm2516 Рік тому +12

    Thank you for expanding and enriching American History.

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Рік тому

      Voting rights violations
      In Arkansas, the DEMOCRAT Clinton administration was sued several times by blacks and Hispanics for violations of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and lost every case. 10 years into their grip on Arkansas the United States Supreme Court ruled
      violations of the fourteenth or fifteenth amendment justifying equitable relief have occurred in Arkansas.
      In May 1990, the district court turned to those claims, holding that "the State of Arkansas has committed a number of constitutional violations of the voting rights of black citizens." In particular, the court determined that the "State has systematically and deliberately enacted new majority-vote requirements for municipal offices, in an effort to frustrate black political success in elections traditionally requiring only a plurality to win." In 1990 ... Devotion to majority rule for local offices lay dormant as long as the plurality system produced white office-holders. But whenever black candidates used this system successfully -- and victory by a plurality has been virtually their only chance of success in at-large elections in majority-white cities - the response was swift and certain. Laws were passed in an attempt to close off this avenue of black political victory ...
      This series of laws represents a systematic and deliberate attempt to reduce black political opportunity. Such an attempt is plainly unconstitutional. It replaces a system in which blacks could and did succeed, with one in which they almost certainly cannot. The inference of racial motivation is inescapable.
      In more than one thousand legislative elections, the Arkansas delta region sent not one black to the legislature. In 1988 the federal district court forced a change to the system in Crittenden County that watered down the presence of a large number of black voters.

  • @seanohelan8241
    @seanohelan8241 Рік тому +10

    She is one of the most courageous individuals on the planet!!!!!!!!!! BRAVO Miss Hannah-Jones!!!

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Рік тому +1

      ANOTHER no facts take

    • @Smarterthanyew
      @Smarterthanyew 3 місяці тому

      ​@@jb-vb8unanother dopey boring troll

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un 3 місяці тому

      @@Smarterthanyew STILL on the 1619 NO FACTS EXPRESS ?? - -- the Nazis Were Inspired by DEMOCRAT Jim Crow
      To craft legal discrimination, the Third Reich studied the DEMOCRATS. the Nazis Were Inspired by DEMOCRAT Jim Crow
      To craft legal discrimination, the Third Reich studied the United States. In particular, Nazis admired the DEMOCRAT Jim Crow-era laws that discriminated against Black Americans and segregated them from white DECRATS, and they debated whether to introduce similar segregation in Germany.

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un 3 місяці тому

      @@Smarterthanyew Cost of Biden’s Executive Actions The Biden Administration has already issued more than 600 executive actions that have cost taxpayers over $1 trillion.
      Student Loan Cancellation: $500 Billion
      Welfare Increase: $300 Billion
      Wealthy Student Loan Repayment Pause: $100 Billion
      Obamacare Expansion: $34 Billion
      Federal Benefits for Immigrants: $20 Billion
      Weakening work requirements for SNAP: $11 Billion
      Wage Increases for Government Contractors: $7 Billion
      Weakening work requirements for Medicaid: $3 Billion
      Student Loan Waivers and Debt Adjustments: $3 Billion BUDGET COMMITTEE

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un 3 місяці тому

      @@Smarterthanyew Key Facts:
      In fiscal year 2022, federal tax revenues reached a record-high of $4.9 trillion - $1.6 trillion or 48 percent higher than when the Trump tax cuts were passed and $884 billion higher than CBO’s projections for 2022.
      Corporate tax revenues reached a record-high of $425 billion - $128 billion or 43 percent higher than when the Trump tax cuts were passed and $72 billion higher than CBO’s projections for 2022.
      Individual tax revenues reached a record-high of $2.6 trillion - over $1 trillion or 66 percent higher than when the Trump tax cuts were passed and $642 billion higher than CBO’s projections for 2022.
      On average, revenues increased $205 billion per year over CBO’s projections.
      In the first two years after passage of the Trump tax cuts, GDP growth was a full percentage point higher than CBO’s pre-TCJA forecast.
      According to the White House Office of Management and Budget, every additional one percent of sustained GDP growth will result in $600 billion in new revenues over 5 years and $2.8 trillion over 10 years.
      Following passage of the Trump tax cuts…
      Real median household income rose by $5,000 - a bigger increase in just two years than in the prior eight years combined.
      Wages increased 4.9 percent, the fastest two-year growth in real wages in 20 years.
      The poverty rate and unemployment rate reached their lowest levels in 50 years, with all-time lows in unemployment among African American and Hispanic workers, and those without a high-school degree.
      The bottom 20 percent of earners saw their federal tax rate fall to its lowest level in 40 years.
      Americans earning under $100,000 received an average tax cut of 16 percent.
      The share of taxes paid by the top 1 percent of households increased while the tax burden paid by lower income earners decreased.

  • @Logistics2transport
    @Logistics2transport 7 місяців тому

    Thank you for your courage and unflinching commitment to the truth. It's inspiring!

  • @pebblesstone1316
    @pebblesstone1316 Рік тому +11

    Wow, I am so sorry I missed her when she came to the city I live in. She is a Phenomenal Woman .

  • @koolhandduke4087
    @koolhandduke4087 7 місяців тому

    As intelligent and courageous as Min. Farrakhan in her truth telling. Speaking truth to power is a dangerous thing esp in USA. I love and support both of them. Their voices should be heard in every nook and cranny in Amer. May God continue to bless them both.

  • @estarrich8
    @estarrich8 Рік тому +6

    Thank you so much! You are an outstanding speaker! I’m am inspired to learn more of the truth.

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Рік тому

      the DEMOCRAT KKK PARTY whitewashing their jim crow, dred scott & lynchings laws

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Рік тому

      1957 Civil Rights Act
      See also: Civil Rights Act of 1957
      Republican President Dwight Eisenhower called out the 101st Airborne to protect Black school children from Democrat protesters after a Democrat governor refused to implement a desegregation order written by the Republican Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
      Republican Attorney General Herbert Brownell originally proposed the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Democrat Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson had Judiciary chairman Sen. James Eastland drastically water-down the House version, removing stringent voting protection clauses. The bill passed 285-126 in the House with Republicans providing the majority of votes 167-19 and Democrats 118-107.[135] It then passed 72-18 in the Senate, with Republicans again supplying the majority of votes, 43-0 and Democrats voting 29-18. Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, who later ran for president, voted in favor of an amendment to water down the bill. Kennedy's 1957 book, Profiles in Courage, celebrated the vote of Sen. Edmund Ross to acquit Pres. Andrew Johnson, the first step in ending Republican Reconstruction reforms and paving the way for the Democrat era of Jim Crow laws and the segregation era.
      The 1957 Civil Rights Act was the first federal civil rights legislation passed by the United States Congress since the Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1875. Johnson told Sen. Richard Russell,
      "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again."

  • @CrowdPleeza
    @CrowdPleeza Рік тому +1

    Does The 1619 Project deal with the African role in the slave trade?
    The African role:

    • @thisrichbastard.809
      @thisrichbastard.809 Рік тому

      Sounds like you’re saying Africans back on the continent shared the vision and ideology of all those slave traders/owners in Virginia, Brazil, Cuba, Jamaica, Barbados, Hispaniola…so they decided to supply them with slaves. Is that what you are saying?

    • @tanl7756
      @tanl7756 Рік тому

      @@thisrichbastard.809 It was a very old business and they didn't care who they sold slaves to. But yeah, Africans DID sell them. The supply chain and all that. It still goes on, too. But HALF the wasps in the US fought and died to end it. THAT IS a first.

  • @chuckwoodruff4187
    @chuckwoodruff4187 Рік тому +4

    Whoops there it is

  • @wayneroberts5950
    @wayneroberts5950 Рік тому +2

    I would pay for a Nikole, Candace Owen's discussion on race

    • @Smarterthanyew
      @Smarterthanyew 3 місяці тому

      Candace would never show herself up like that.

  • @cenquefreeman
    @cenquefreeman Рік тому +2

    The correct term is Chattel Slavery.....

  • @JasonWalkerJamaica
    @JasonWalkerJamaica Рік тому +7

    NHJ is amazing

  • @paulkohler6816
    @paulkohler6816 Рік тому


  • @belmounlv1
    @belmounlv1 Рік тому

    Second oldest democracy is Poland 1791 Constitution

  • @bertramdavis7120
    @bertramdavis7120 Рік тому +2

    Mrs. Jones." The Woman King"

    • @My3Sunzs
      @My3Sunzs Рік тому +2

      The Woman Empress & SHERO.😊

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Рік тому

      a klan party supporter

  • @tanl7756
    @tanl7756 Рік тому

    I am watching the series now and I have but one BIG thing to note. MUSIC. I grew up in Newark NJ where the ONLY American American American people there were black, tho they did not call themselves that and it would have been confusing if they did since they were many colors and SO WERE WE, all ethnic, ALL immigrants from literally all over the place. WE TOO had music and it was usually DANCE music.
    I think Dee Dee Sharp predates Motown, but it was DANCE music and nobody knew or cared who or what the artist was. We weren't too big on Elvis or some of the others, our own music was liked better. It was DANCE music. All of it was AM radio, or records. Ethnic music was recordings since radio didn't play most of it. There was WNJR, WNEW and 1010WINS. SOME stations played SOME ethnic music, Italian and some others I don't remember. I think there was a polka station. DANCE. Some of the music of my people had to be done by people right there because there were NO records to buy of it: Tatar music that you might be able to hear today in Uzbekistan or Turkey, Modal music, like this piece, in Phrygian mode, for a perfect example:
    and that sounded alien to everyone, including the blacks who even thought some of it was funny. Hispanics, all kinds of Hispanic including Portuguese, thought it was flamingo and yeah I can hear similarity Some of the Slavs thought it was Gypsy. I LOVE IT. It is TATAR music. I also had these 2 favorite Uzbeki songs that I managed to record when casettes came out and one Hazare song in 7/8 rhythm and I played these to death. I also played "He is the Boy" flip side of Little Eva Locomotion to death. Record player dragged outside, music played LOUD.
    When the British wave of music came, it seeped in, we did not like it, was not dance music and well, imo it sucked. Hard rock sucked imo and that came with the Brit wave I think. Some stations played dance music and we all liked that, had no idea who the artists were, didn't care. Had to get the name if we needed to buy the record.
    THEN AM was hard to get, it wouldn't come in and I heard it was changing to FM. OK. I didn't have that. WHEN I got FM well, what was on there 90% of it sucked. And then, WKTU at first. GOD.
    WKTU THERE WAS DISCO AND GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD. It was GOD, it MADE you dance. It LITERALLY MADE you dance, or it made US dance. Some people didn't like that feeling and oh well.... I never MET a wasp until the mid 70s. They were the ones that didn't like it. Nobody cared since nobody hung out with them.
    We ethnics ALSO had hard times we all came from, HARDER times I'd say. When you say "white" I hear WASP, or Irish, a people I DO NOT like at all. Blacks in the US had long dealings with THEM. NOT WITH US OTHERS.
    Today I hear Mexican Cantina music, as usual, played outside and I can hear it. It is IDENTICAL to Polish, other Slavic, and German music. Identical. DANCE music. Beat is like Disco beat, but it is polka and also fast waltzes, what Germans call Viennese Waltzes. LOVE IT. Now in FL I hear country western or real hillbilly type music and that is DANCE music too, and different from ethnic music or what you are calling black music.
    I don't see what the big objection is to your project, it tells YOUR STORY and well, what happened happened. We others are NOT PART of your story and these days, there are a WHOLE LOT of us here. YOU need to understand, for an eg, that the E. European history of their experience with Tatars is gonna be MILES different from what I'd have to say about it - and BOTH are true. Do they learn both in their schools? I doubt that. Eg what Turks learn of the Ottoman Empire is NOT gonna be the same as what E. Europeans learn about it. MILES apart. Yet BOTH are true.
    Btw, I learned MOST of the black history you are speaking about in grammar school in the 1950s. Also, The stations I mentioned above played black artists, now that I know they WERE black artists, I remember they played it.

  • @Execprod5
    @Execprod5 Рік тому +1


  • @dlove2830
    @dlove2830 Рік тому +2

    She's very smart. The people who NEED to hear this ARE DUMB...and are often in power. So, when she uses SAT words like "constructs"...they don't understand what she's talking about. You have to take these "apples" and break it down to "applesauce".

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Рік тому

      her rhetoric whitewash attempts in serving the "segregavion now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever" DEMOCRAT KKK

  • @kenyacassell5039
    @kenyacassell5039 Рік тому +1

    She, Is, Fierce.

  • @CrowdPleeza
    @CrowdPleeza Рік тому +1

    An interesting response to Nikole's slavery and capitalism connection.
    "Instead, he(Adam Smith)focused his efforts on arguing that slavery was an economically unfeasible system, far more expensive than using free labor. Although slave labor appears to be the cheapest form of labor because it involves only the basic maintenance of the slave’s physical existence, it is, in fact, the most expensive form of production, argued Smith."
    "So capitalism and the success of the United States do not have their roots in slavery. The opposite is true: Slavery, which had existed for 5,000 years, came to an end with the emergence of capitalism about 200 years ago. The success of capitalism in the United States is not based on slavery, but on the abolition of it."
    No, US capitalism wasn't shaped largely by chattel slavery
    Rainer Zitelmann

    • @QuatMan
      @QuatMan Рік тому +2

      Except in the real world, we know that the insitution of slavery remained fully intact for 250 years, and all that free labor made a lot of money for a lot of industries and individuals, both directly and indirectly, in all areas of the country despite what Adam Smith said. And we know that home bred, multigeerational chattel slavery is not the same slavery that has been practiced everywhere for 5,000 years.😉

    • @CrowdPleeza
      @CrowdPleeza Рік тому

      If slavery is supposed to be the key ingredient to explain U.S wealth then why aren't other countries that brought in African slaves doing better economically?
      Brazil had more slaves than the U.S and it's a poor country. Why?

    • @QuatMan
      @QuatMan Рік тому +4

      @@CrowdPleeza The entire historical context for Brazil is different. Before the founders declared independence from Britain, the US also was not exceptional, and it was just another British colony paying taxes to the crown.
      It was only when the US became an independent nation that bred its own slaves at home and built an entire economy based on the work they did, on their value as collateral, and traded them domestically, that US began to dominate and become truly rich. The US economy was also not as heavily based on sugar production as Brazil. Sugar plantation slaves only lived 7-10 years.
      Money derived from free labor goes much further when it isnt being taxed by someone else. Independant nations with a bunch of free labor that produces and proceses crops that the entire world wants to buy, become rich.
      Brazil was merely a Portuguese colony for hundreds hundreds of years, built to extract resources and as a money maker for the Portuguese crown (just like Pre-USA before it quit paying taxes to Britain and became wealthy and dominant).

    • @CrowdPleeza
      @CrowdPleeza Рік тому

      The main question is did the antebellum southern economy fit the traditional definition of capitalism?
      Most European countries during the slave trade practiced Mercantilism. That economy was not what Adam Smith promoted. So how much did southern slave economies fit the traditional definition of capitalism as articulated by Adam Smith? Under capitalism labor is supposed to be free.

    • @QuatMan
      @QuatMan Рік тому +1

      @@CrowdPleeza No, the real question is did slavery make the independant USA rich? Yes it did. And slavery did not exist only in the south, as revisionists like to claim. Wall Street ITSELF was built by slaves and was a prominent slave trading spot. Slave insurers and factories that processed slave grown products were in the north. Banks that used slaves as collateral on loans were in the north. Slavery was practiced all over the US.
      Yes, slavery made the US filthy rich.

  • @dtybur10
    @dtybur10 Рік тому +2

    I'm sure she believes in everything she says. Congratulations, we all do. When do people who believe in whatever they choose, question their beliefs, in an honest and skeptical fashion? To ask questions of yourself and the world around you, is to enlighten yourself and gain understanding. This requires some uncomfortable feelings to be exposed. When idealism clashes with certain realities, you don't change reality to suit your beliefs. Racism is real and is certainly worthy of concern, and honest assessment. To denigrate others who don't share your ideology, doesn't mean they are deserving of your judgment. That isn't for you to do, ever. An honest dialectical discussion, means ideas are shared to gain clarity. This discussion about the 1619 Project, seem devisive and polemical. Believe all, or shut up! We do not grow, or change in meaningful ways, without our ideas, and beliefs, being refuted and clarified.

    • @QuatMan
      @QuatMan Рік тому +3

      She does an excellent job with backing up hee central thesis with verifiable history and knowable facts here, which is why many are so upset.
      The alabasters dont even fight as hard to keep cross dressers from taking their kids as they do to deny knowable history.

    • @dtybur10
      @dtybur10 Рік тому +2

      Valid points can be available on either side of a theoretical debate. Using ad hominems like alabasters, isn't logically relevant to the discussion. Name calling, and deriding others, is the reason that no one actually gains perspective, or clarity.
      We who possess ideological certainty, are devoid of humility and understanding. That applies to everyone.

    • @tanl7756
      @tanl7756 Рік тому

      As I said above: She needs to understand, for an eg, that the E. European history of their experience with Tatars is gonna be MILES different from what I'd have to say about it (I am Tatar)- and BOTH are true. Do they learn both in their schools? I doubt that. Eg what Turks learn of the Ottoman Empire is NOT gonna be the same as what E. Europeans learn about it. MILES apart. Yet BOTH are true.

    • @QuatMan
      @QuatMan Рік тому +1

      @@dtybur10 Quit whining and moving away from the point that Nikole Hannah Jones is correct.

    • @tanl7756
      @tanl7756 Рік тому +1

      @@QuatMan She is correct on her people's role in all of it, JUST AS E. Europeans are correct in what they have to say about/against Ottoman Turks. AND vice versa. BOTH are true.

  • @John-hh5kx
    @John-hh5kx 5 місяців тому

    Tasked with being superwomen becausefathers do not raise their kids, she forgot that was the biggest reson to give credence to her statement.

  • @barbaranunes9222
    @barbaranunes9222 Рік тому

    Braiding the history👍

  • @suburbangirlcountryworld2491

    Wow! This was so good, it explains everything! I purchased two of her books and will be educating anyone who will

  • @Michael-rg1gk
    @Michael-rg1gk Рік тому

    So, what happened in 1618 in Europe?

    • @tanl7756
      @tanl7756 Рік тому

      There is some documentary out there about 1620, lol. And there is this 1-Scholar-EXPOSES-the-Factually-Sloppy-1619-Project-Episode-138-w-Peter-Wood-UA-cam I did not see that yet.

    • @tanl7756
      @tanl7756 Рік тому

      I can tell you what happened in the 1400s which resulted in the, what I call, European upstarts starting with colonization. They went looking to get to CHINA but bumped into the Americas. What happened was the Ottomans and Tamerlane wrecked the E to W trade route. Well, imo, the new upstarts made a very poor show of their upstartness. The US today is Evil Empire of Chaos and Destruction and maybe China and Russia together will fix all of that. Won't be good for anyone living IN the US, tho. No no.

  • @LeahTVdotcom
    @LeahTVdotcom Рік тому

  • @James-dz7ek
    @James-dz7ek Рік тому +11

    This woman and her project is a perfect example of how lies travel faster then truth.

    • @tanl7756
      @tanl7756 Рік тому +2

      Not lies. Just like the awful shit E. Europeans say about Ottoman Empire Turks and Tatars is not lies. It is what THEY experienced! Ask Turks or Tatars to tell our experiences. Miles apart, but both are true.

    • @James-dz7ek
      @James-dz7ek Рік тому +2

      @@tanl7756 this whole project is a rewrite of history.

    • @tanl7756
      @tanl7756 Рік тому

      @@James-dz7ek Well, looks like what I posted vanished. I went off topic sort of, more on a tangent about what's going on in the world.
      She is not REwriting. She is filling in what is normally left out of history. Imo she is generalizing as my other posts on here about music and other cultures here would show. WE OTHERS JUST do not fit into the black/white story.
      Take the pyramids. We all know the stories of Pharaohs and how they got built. But we never heard the stories of the slaves that actually built them. That was never filled in.
      I wish posts I made that ARE relevant to how OTHERS see this whole issue were not deleted. This country is no longer just blacks and WASPS/Irish. A TON of other people are here now.

    • @kstephenson3740
      @kstephenson3740 Рік тому

      And that is what America is afraid of. Truth. We can be truthful about every other country and their atrocities, but oh no, not America. Just own it!

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Рік тому

      a hamd grenade with a very bad haircut

  • @JAMES-hq9yx
    @JAMES-hq9yx Рік тому +1

    History is on a linear plan... She join the trailblazer whom came before her....There purpose is to shine light✨💫💥🌞🌟

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un Рік тому

      and yet ANOTHER ZERO FACTS diatribe

  • @thirdeyenation9849
    @thirdeyenation9849 Рік тому

    Everything she is saying is CORRECT!!!

  • @GeorgeDaniels-me7ru
    @GeorgeDaniels-me7ru Рік тому +1

    She full of it.

  • @tanl7756
    @tanl7756 Рік тому

    OH, on your part 3 of series. FUNK? James Brown is NOT Funk.
    "I Just Wanna Be" Cameo
    "Get Down" KayGees
    "People Hold On" Earl Flint tho that has some rap and is later.
    and such IS FUNK and I played those to death!
    I never saw anything racial in these songs.
    BrownMark is FUNK, or loves it.
    Maybe it needs to be understood that ALL of us other ethnics ALSO liked civil rights because WE benefited from that too. Or at least we thought we would.
    NO NO, Disco Sucks as WE ALL saw it was not what your video says. Tho WE called rock "blowjob music" as a put down. "Can't F music" was another insult. And I called it "white boy music" even tho plenty of white boys loved disco and danced quite well. I can guarantee that their GIRLS liked dance music. It was NOT SEEN as racial at all. LIME was big in Disco, they are not black as far as I know. MOST ethnics loved the disco loved dance music. WE just ignored them. After all, they had to first BUY the disco record in order to burn it.

  • @maxwatts8736
    @maxwatts8736 Рік тому

    Hell nikole how are you doing this is max God bless your and your family

  • @fried2styles
    @fried2styles Рік тому +3

    This woman is nauseating. She knows nothing of history -- another thing she never leaned is that African slaves were enslaved by other Africans. Her understanding of slavery is narrow and amateurish.

    • @auditionvideoa7236
      @auditionvideoa7236 Рік тому +3

      So White of you.

    • @tanl7756
      @tanl7756 Рік тому +1

      @@auditionvideoa7236 Want to know what all of us OTHERS here have to say about all of this black/white stuff among ourselves? I don't think so. I will say this much. I learned ALL of this in grammar school 1950s (leave out the music part). What amazed us Tatars was that these WASP people 500 thousand of them, fought and died to set them free and they were not related to them. Hmm. THEN they let them STAY HERE. More Hmmm. You have no idea how ODD that is to a lot of us OTHERS.

    • @tanl7756
      @tanl7756 Рік тому

      I have no idea where all the other posts on your posts went, they vanished ;( too bad. She knows the history from a black American POV. Slavers never cared who they sold slaves to and it IS an ancient situation. Africans are definitely not the only people who got made into slaves, either. But that would be outside HER POV, which is American blacks specifically.

    • @auditionvideoa7236
      @auditionvideoa7236 Рік тому +1

      @@tanl7756 you are a tool.

    • @josephredmond623
      @josephredmond623 Рік тому +1

      You can't handle the truth.😂😂😂😂😂

  • @politicaleconomist6116
    @politicaleconomist6116 Рік тому

    Nikole Hanna Jones doesn't appreciate how ironic her views are. She literally wouldn't exist if the US was the type of country she describes. She is somebody who experienced rapid economic mobility, was educated on the topics she found interesting and spews hyper controversial unverified information without any resistance. She was published in the countrys premier newspaper and even demanded a promotion from one of the worlds top universities. She exists because America is what it is, yet has absolutely no gratitude about it at all

  • @pksisii5471
    @pksisii5471 Рік тому +2


  • @raymondjohn6735
    @raymondjohn6735 Рік тому


    • @babeena_gt_3645
      @babeena_gt_3645 Рік тому +4

      Unsure why you used all caps,but her mission as a black american is to make black americans aware of what schools deprive children from learning. Perhaps later on down the road she will research Argentina, but as of now it's he focus on where she is now,and where she and he family were forced to take root.

    • @tanl7756
      @tanl7756 Рік тому +2

      @@babeena_gt_3645 I learned all about slavery, literally ALL of what she is saying except the music part, in grammar school in the 1950s. I learned about Tulsa and Rosewood, John Brown, Underground Railroad - ALL of it. It was part of American History. School kinda went to hell in the decades later, in all subjects taught. Most Americans today are idiots when it comes to geography. Yet we learned that. Reading writing and arithmetic was important, very important. We had homework in 2nd grade, enough to have to put books into a briefcase.

    • @John-hh5kx
      @John-hh5kx 5 місяців тому

      De que hablas. Argentina no tiene gente africana.. ahora quieren afirmar que los negros consteuyeron Argentina? Los países más prosperos en America Latina son los más blancos.