Bonchan [Sagat] vs dandanhon [Adon] - Zangitan [Gief] vs Kiryu Tsukimiya [Guy] SSF4 Arcade Edition

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @theworldisflatable
    @theworldisflatable 13 років тому

    first AE compilation from 0ShinAkuma0. very nice.

  • @Berkut888Gaming
    @Berkut888Gaming 13 років тому

    lol after watching a whole hour of street fighter im still with a lot of energy to be watching more, nice shin :)

  • @sertaliozer1
    @sertaliozer1 13 років тому

    haha, Shin i see that you have omitted the introduction part to the video. I truly believe this is better as the points are already displayed.

  • @bahaanaldo
    @bahaanaldo 13 років тому

    @0ShinAkuma0 I'm still pretty psyched you liked my suggestion. *bows deeply*

  • @bloodriotiori
    @bloodriotiori 13 років тому

    look at that look of sheer JOY on the face of the fat kid under the overpass at 1:26-1:28. Pure enjoyment!

  • @ARandomElf
    @ARandomElf 13 років тому

    When Sagat needs to clutch it, he just punches you straight in the balls while doing a backflip. Fuck yeah.

  • @XNDL44
    @XNDL44 13 років тому

    I see that Eita's Oni is still a work in progress but I cannot wait to see how he plays when he figures him out.

  • @vanny89
    @vanny89 13 років тому

    @MasterHi0b awesome.. thanks :D

  • @KratosDivine
    @KratosDivine 13 років тому

    @JsianSRK Nope, they don't, the titles and icons for those characters are already unlocked but they do have endings and rival matches. (no special dialogue in those -_-)

  • @phoenix9909
    @phoenix9909 13 років тому

    @Chaldean4life91 EX sobat kicks will probably whiff on crouching yun and yang, by reversal i meant DP, essentially all you can do is guess on dive kicks , the thing is, unlike rufus who only has one dive kick and a hard ass combo, yun and yang have three different dive kicks as well easy combos. EX flash kick will work better since it hits crouching opponents unlike EX sobat kick, good reversal but not a DP. Not too many dee jays, why? because he is not free like the twins.

  • @123eldest
    @123eldest 13 років тому

    Eita's oni just doesn't seem to be sure about what he's doing.

  • @0ShinAkuma0
    @0ShinAkuma0  13 років тому

    @sertaliozer1 yeah, but I'm still doing it for half of the matches because of habit, it's hard to stop when I've done the same thing over 2500 times, lol... slowly but surely, I'll get it out of my system. lol

  • @619kammy
    @619kammy 13 років тому

    As I was taking a shower, I started to reflect on how many people Ono trolled with AE Edition...

  • @kryptonkandor
    @kryptonkandor 13 років тому

    Bonchan and Eita in the same vid, too godlike :)

  • @InsaneDon12
    @InsaneDon12 13 років тому

    My dear god, Zangief's reach on his piledriver is so ridiculous.

  • @arla61
    @arla61 13 років тому

    Kiryu looks like the master of throw techs... Even when he's punching Sakura in the mouth, he's hitting throw techs...

  • @VillainousTwelve
    @VillainousTwelve 13 років тому

    @shisnoking thats why he's pressure game is good but if you dont know he's footsies your screwed

  • @Xzeihoranth
    @Xzeihoranth 13 років тому

    @VillainousTwelve: I'd say Evil Ryu is worse, if only because Oni at least has a modicum of creative thought put into him.

  • @KratosDivine
    @KratosDivine 13 років тому

    Holy! Nice Skills! That Sagat was good! :O

  • @h4xmode
    @h4xmode 13 років тому

    I heard that using Evil Ryu is like using Akuma. It looks like using Oni is like using Gouki.

  • @dinitis
    @dinitis 13 років тому


  • @kenniixd
    @kenniixd 13 років тому

    @theworldisflatable you missed his 1 hour long compilation..

  • @Ishmaellllllllllllll
    @Ishmaellllllllllllll 13 років тому

    The best Oni i have seen so far is Wildcat own he got his combos down really good

  • @Chaldean4life91
    @Chaldean4life91 13 років тому

    if you could deal with Vanilla Sagat then you can handle these two. and yes im talking about Yun and Yang.

  • @soulhammer
    @soulhammer 13 років тому

    At the end of that last match...Guy is about to run into a wall...

  • @Jedda678
    @Jedda678 13 років тому

    The Oni vs Yang fight reminded me so much of dragonball *-*

  • @phoenix9909
    @phoenix9909 13 років тому

    @Chaldean4life91 whoops, by the way by sobat kick i meant the anti air one, not the hold back forward one, i'm not sure the exact name of the anti air kick. honestly i'm sick or arguing so whatever you win, this quarrel is getting really stupid.

  • @QwietStorm
    @QwietStorm 13 років тому

    After seeing wildcat's Oni, everything else seems so passive.

  • @FREAKINGRobby
    @FREAKINGRobby 13 років тому

    Only on the character introduction? screen with the proper artwork. In game she looks good.

  • @Tantemify
    @Tantemify 13 років тому

    @Ammaculate44 she is a girl , why not.

  • @Skusioh
    @Skusioh 13 років тому

    i lol'd so hard at the 2 throws at the end X)

  • @leonardoconta1
    @leonardoconta1 13 років тому

    JoeySoAmazing8 is online!

  • @MoGaDeX
    @MoGaDeX 13 років тому

    OMG What the heck is up with that Adon costume?

  • @CLxJames
    @CLxJames 13 років тому

    @123eldest because Oni isnt a character that is as simple as the twins. You cant pick him, spend 5 mins learning one hit confirm off a dive kick and go stomp people

  • @MasterHi0b
    @MasterHi0b 13 років тому

    @vanny89 those are not points its the worldwide ranking

  • @antzenpro3
    @antzenpro3 13 років тому

    @Lawliet16 even ibuki, makoto, and zangief?

  • @jmastaflash1000
    @jmastaflash1000 13 років тому

    oni's stance is pretty cool.

  • @SirAxelicious
    @SirAxelicious 13 років тому

    waaa I want to see more wildcat oni

  • @phxbrad77
    @phxbrad77 13 років тому

    The Twins need to be nerf'd before all that power goes to their heads and we end up with evil Yun and evil Yang.

  • @antzenpro3
    @antzenpro3 13 років тому

    @Lawliet16 Zangief is actually a woman. Which is why he doesnt find it awkward when he piledrives people. How about dhalsim lol?

  • @DarkSaber22
    @DarkSaber22 13 років тому

    it's only a matter of time before we see Bs As and Grand Master ranks lol

  • @Xzeihoranth
    @Xzeihoranth 13 років тому

    @Chaldean4life91: Not that difficult to beat? Really?
    Are we talking about the same characters here?

  • @phoenix9909
    @phoenix9909 13 років тому

    @Chaldean4life91 because yun's jumping medium does not cross up, therefore on wake up yang not only has easier combos than pretty much every character but more mixups, yang can already cross up with dive kick, he does not need more tools than he already has..ok? nothing like v. sagat, thats not fucking saying much, ok he is not invinsible but he is still broken as fuck, don't even get me started on the twins' supers lol if you think twins arent you broken you have a problem sir.

  • @VillainousTwelve
    @VillainousTwelve 13 років тому

    @etherealwtf he's like the worst out of the new characters, he's shoryuken can only be fadc'd on hit (2nd hit to be exact) and he's fireball doesnt go full screen unless charged. He only has one anti-pressure option which is he's ex chop. He's air dash is punishable in many situations. However he does a lot of damage and stun, and he has great mixups. So pretty much if you arent delivering the pressure you fucked

  • @jibikao
    @jibikao 13 років тому

    Well, now we know Tiger Uppercut beats Rising Jagar..

  • @Xzeihoranth
    @Xzeihoranth 13 років тому

    @sejko: Uh, no. Just the opposite.

  • @TheNamelessOne786
    @TheNamelessOne786 13 років тому

    what do the numbers mean near the bp and pp?

  • @Chaldean4life91
    @Chaldean4life91 13 років тому

    nerfed?? there not that difficult to beat. they're no were near what Vanilla Sagat was. high health plus a 20% TU (30/40% on some characters if timed right). trade into Ultra for half your bar. TS to keep you pinned and his standing roundhouse being a nightmare.

  • @d4rksolitude
    @d4rksolitude 13 років тому

    8:10 why... just why....

  • @TLJthethird
    @TLJthethird 13 років тому

    Those idiots should have added the twins, Oni, and Evil Ryu in the first place.

  • @mandubabulam
    @mandubabulam 12 років тому

    Calculated and it's actually 72 dollars +/- for this video

  • @jmastaflash1000
    @jmastaflash1000 13 років тому

    and his ultra 2 is fucking dope

  • @phoenix9909
    @phoenix9909 13 років тому

    @noJutsu1000 wildcat has an awesome oni.

  • @phxbrad77
    @phxbrad77 13 років тому

    @vanny89 I think it is where you rank compared to everyone else in you country, but I could be wrong.

  • @theworldisflatable
    @theworldisflatable 13 років тому

    @kenniixd and here i was thinking that i was in the loop for once. (sigh)

  • @Liquid27
    @Liquid27 13 років тому

    then Guy runs into wall at the end...

  • @Rikana
    @Rikana 13 років тому

    I missed bonchan.

  • @StriderHoang
    @StriderHoang 13 років тому

    Jesus, LP SPD got crazy far range now!

  • @RESGorilla
    @RESGorilla 13 років тому

    Makoto? Sure.
    Ibuki? Why not?
    Zangief? He's more like... bro material... not so sure I'd ask him, lol.

  • @vanny89
    @vanny89 13 років тому

    can anyone tell me for what the points next to pp and pb stand for? i just cant figure it out. sometimes i got like 4k, and then 100. XD

  • @Chaldean4life91
    @Chaldean4life91 13 років тому

    is useless if blocked on the 3rd hit. and if your fast enough you can punish it on 2nd. hes only got a few useful combos and the FADC isnt that good due to damage scaling. yea hes top-tier but hes nothing like what V.Sagat was.
    "OMG jumping medium crosses up herp-derp"
    if your so intent on nerfing Yang because of his jumping Forward crossing up you have serious fighting game issues lol. almost everyone can cross-up with some move, what makes Yangs different?

  • @ButtZilla
    @ButtZilla 13 років тому

    Sagat reclaims his MuThai title lol

  • @dielabtec7882
    @dielabtec7882 11 років тому

    That Yang player did so well |:)

  • @mandubabulam
    @mandubabulam 12 років тому

    this is not a small amount of views, lol. But i don't think it's worth 2g either

  • @NeonGhost0
    @NeonGhost0 13 років тому

    i swear he is saying guitar hero uppercut

  • @RESGorilla
    @RESGorilla 13 років тому

    @Ammaculate44 Hell no it's not wrong, man. I'd fuckin' marry pretty much the entire Female cast of SF if they were real.

  • @zackvenomable
    @zackvenomable 13 років тому

    Red Cyclone s gonna pubstorming again !

  • @phoenix9909
    @phoenix9909 13 років тому

    @Chaldean4life91 i'm not the only on who's crying about the twins being broken, when there are broken characters you complain not sit there and take it, so fuck it, why bother learning characters like cody, dee jay, hakan, and any character without a good reversal, because you will have an extremely difficult time surviving, so just be a pro and use ken, or fei long, it's what works right?

  • @k2wax
    @k2wax 13 років тому

    Nice Ultra Zangitan!

  • @Chaldean4life91
    @Chaldean4life91 13 років тому

    DeeJay has no good reversals???? Did i seriously just read that?? you obviously do not know the game period. never played Cody, but i have fought against good ones, and they give me a hard time during wake-up. the sand-spray allows him to get up faster and push you back. also a good Cody will hardly get knockdown. hes got good AAs and a decent library of combos and tools to deal damage. same with DeeJay.
    "when there are broken characters you complain not sit there and take it."

  • @dhatukulele
    @dhatukulele 13 років тому


  • @SuitedAces1
    @SuitedAces1 13 років тому

    @monkey1234512345 yea he mastered muay thai's best projectile attack lol

  • @mandubabulam
    @mandubabulam 11 років тому

    It's not only ads

  • @123TauruZ321
    @123TauruZ321 13 років тому

    @mynameistnb How can you make money like that?

  • @monkey1234512345
    @monkey1234512345 13 років тому

    sagat knows muay thai better

  • @VestigeOfGabriel
    @VestigeOfGabriel 13 років тому


  • @phoenix9909
    @phoenix9909 13 років тому

    @MRfrankastank horrible defender?! what are you talking about she has the best crouching fierce in the game, can't jump in on sakura, plus her standing roundhouse and crouching medium kick are good pokes.

  • @Laboratoryy
    @Laboratoryy 13 років тому

    Daigo won 10 000 $.
    He used Yun.

  • @Chaldean4life91
    @Chaldean4life91 13 років тому

    well i'll keep playing and learning every advantage i can get against the twins, and you keep crying about them being broken. i wanna see how far you get.

  • @bloodriotiori
    @bloodriotiori 13 років тому

    damn zangief...YOU SCARRYYY!@!

  • @jakewastejakewaste
    @jakewastejakewaste 13 років тому

    @Chaldean4life91 vanilla sagat wasnt that bad, he couldnt move.

  • @etherealwtf
    @etherealwtf 13 років тому

    Oni seems weak (not Eita but the character).

  • @magocybernetico
    @magocybernetico 13 років тому

    as of right now I think Wildcat has a better Oni

  • @TB_m3x1c4n
    @TB_m3x1c4n 12 років тому

    LOLOL @ Guy.

  • @Grinchcoolrancho
    @Grinchcoolrancho 13 років тому

    Eita need to use only Akuma :)

  • @mysterio952
    @mysterio952 11 років тому

    Japanese player r really awesome

  • @mynameistnb
    @mynameistnb 13 років тому

    are you a youtube partner? you have quite a lot of views and could make some cash off of your uploads.
    this one would net you... 1900 bucks.

  • @slipjim
    @slipjim 13 років тому

    damn gotta hate Zangief rush down characters have to run away -.-

  • @That_Crassler
    @That_Crassler 13 років тому

    Zangitan is godlike.

  • @MRfrankastank
    @MRfrankastank 13 років тому

    that end sakura sucked i new that she was gunna lose because sakura is a horrible defender u gotta rush and thats not wat he was doing

  • @d4rksolitude
    @d4rksolitude 13 років тому


  • @XeroForever
    @XeroForever 12 років тому

    That Sakura disappointed me. Such bad defense.

  • @Siscon92
    @Siscon92 11 років тому

    OMG Oni was such a noob

  • @GrofDrakula92
    @GrofDrakula92 12 років тому

    zangief is a bit op

  • @hardace1708
    @hardace1708 13 років тому

    tiger beats jaguar all day

  • @michaelgomezcruz3449
    @michaelgomezcruz3449 6 років тому

    The Best Game Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter V is a Shit yet