The Psychedelic So Potent It Obliterates Reality

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 4,4 тис.

  • @VICE-TV
    @VICE-TV  2 місяці тому +1052

    Have you ever done salvia?

    • @mastaboog749
      @mastaboog749 2 місяці тому +163

      I did some 120x about 18-19 years ago, I was totally ripped from reality. I remember giggling like crazy with a wicked body high and then drooling all over myself like a mad man and then BOOM I went flying. Weirdest sensation in my body, I felt like I was laying down on the ground on my stomach but my arm was going through the ground, I also felt outside of my body off to the right. Very weird to explain. Also couldn't see anything but weird fractals and lights for what seemed like forever. Eventually I could hear my friends freaking out, and then saying " I think he's coming back" eventually my drooling mouth sensation came back and I could slowly talk again. Eventually I saw one of my friends head in front of me, just his dead floating through streams of light and color. Wasn't long until I came back after that, but that body high was so intense it still haunts me to this day.

    • @stickynorth
      @stickynorth 2 місяці тому +90

      Nope. I'm Canadian. We have cannabis.

    • @ChiefGyk3D
      @ChiefGyk3D 2 місяці тому +7

      Years ago in high school it was interesting did it once. I laughed my ass off and it was fun but I ran into a door and was burning up. Weirdest feeling ever I had and interesting. Had some fun with friends haven’t done it since.

    • @RoboCop-zn8bt
      @RoboCop-zn8bt 2 місяці тому +70

      We tried it in the Marines. It's was a nightmare, I wasn't human anymore. I was just a thought process until I eventually fell back into my body.

    • @h7opolo
      @h7opolo 2 місяці тому +2

      was just talking about it the other day

  • @calt6034
    @calt6034 2 місяці тому +3750

    I've known of salvia for over 25 years, tried growing it and extracting it myself. It wasn't potent enough, but one day while I was in my local head shop, I came across an 80x extract.
    I bought it and took it home. I promptly smoked some, alone, and split into 5 different timelines. I lived each life fully, and eventually came back to this one.
    When I was 'fully' back, I started to explain the trip to my best friend, Dan. This guy has grown up with me, helped me with my first mortgage, we even had a joint wedding to sisters that were were dating. Like, the ultimate bff.
    The pipe dropped from my hand when I realized that Dan didn't exist, or my wife and her sister.
    Salvia is a heartbreaker. Use with caution.

    • @3mountains307
      @3mountains307 2 місяці тому +324

      What you might have been experiencing was the truth that only life exists. Individuals are products of mind, and are not r e a l . Everything really is GOD. Very tough pill to swallow in a culture that preaches and stresses individuality.

    • @catharsisradio5551
      @catharsisradio5551 2 місяці тому +63

      You really felt like you lived years and years ?

    • @calt6034
      @calt6034 2 місяці тому

      ​@@catharsisradio5551I didn't 'feel' anything. I lived it. Actually, really and truly lived it. I got colds, had a divorce, lived in a giant world tree, watched my brother be born, hunted, ate, screwed and slept. 5 distinct lives, all in very different worlds, but all with the essence of 'me' running through them.
      To give you an idea of where I stand on salvia, I've had a little under 400 full blown DMT trips.
      I've had 3 salvia trips, and that's all I'm going to do.

    • @calt6034
      @calt6034 2 місяці тому +149

      ​@@3mountains307Expanding on that a bit, because I think the same way. I have a feeling that I get to live everyone's life, in all the various dimensions. Which is god. I get to be you, or have been you at some point. Maybe I'm you right now. It's hard to say, time being what it is.

    • @r1konTheAutomator
      @r1konTheAutomator 2 місяці тому +58

      That's exactly like that ghetto boys track "my mind playing tricks on me" the verse about Halloween lol 😂

  • @ZackWilliams_TheProducer
    @ZackWilliams_TheProducer 2 місяці тому +3093

    I smoked salvia a few times as a teenager. The craziest experience I had was being transported to this factory where a bunch of ladies that kinda looked like nurses were working a conveyor belt that was literally producing universes. When they saw me there they started freaking out and said I wasn't supposed to be there. I couldn't possibly explain what a conveyor belt spitting out universes looks like, but that's exactly what I saw. I remember when I came back trying to write down the experience as accurately as I could, I genuinely felt like I witnessed something very very real. It left me feeling pretty freaked out for a while.

    • @HeavyProfessor
      @HeavyProfessor 2 місяці тому +215

      I was in that factory before. Universes popping off the conveyer belt. My legs stretched down that conveyer belt for infinity. Very uncomfortable but hilarious at the same time.

    • @bzd-ts7bm
      @bzd-ts7bm 2 місяці тому +77

      ive never done it but i find out comment interesting, a few years ago i had a dream i was in an alternate reality with my grandad still alive. everything was the same as this reality. i tried taking a picture to keep but something kept blocking the image, not long after it was like some entities were after me, im not sure whether they were saying your not supposed to be here or that was the incentive i received though some form of communication that doesn't exist in our reality. this was one of the most profound dreams ive had. your comment gives me vibes of of a s similar experience with mine been of clearly less intensity. really interesting

    • @averyhuelsbeck3116
      @averyhuelsbeck3116 2 місяці тому +36

      ​@@bzd-ts7bm I have dreams where I am somewhere profound, and the "authorities" are after me all the time. Even sometimes, they get me and kill me and I wake up back in the same place with small details changed and experience a hostile, stressful death again. And again and again, dozens of times. The people killing me look at me with twisted demonic faces saying "you'll never escape" and stuff like that. I wake up sweating, achey and exhausted

    • @discospiders
      @discospiders 2 місяці тому +51

      Your consciousness went to another dimension.

    • @ZackWilliams_TheProducer
      @ZackWilliams_TheProducer 2 місяці тому +36

      @@discospiders I think so too, I can’t see another explanation. It’s too real, too vivid, too bizarre, something I couldn’t possibly conjure up with my imagination. The only remotely comparable thing that exists in our “normal” reality are dreams (and I’ve had some pretty fucking crazy dreams) but it’s not the same as a dream, it’s very different.

  • @MindyM.Christiansen
    @MindyM.Christiansen 2 місяці тому +1967

    Shrooms made me realize that staying in the present moment is the key to happiness. No dwelling and no predicting.

    • @Benpugh78
      @Benpugh78 2 місяці тому +91

      Psychedelics dissolved 10years of my depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts in 10 minutes for me.
      When I opened my eyes I came back as a different me.
      All trauma has been dissolved before my very eyes.
      I understood what love and understanding truly meant and 9 months on, I've never experienced any of the depression and anxiety that plagued my existence beforehand.
      I saw every path that everyone had ever taken and why.
      It is the most profound experience of my life. Just my experience.

    • @steveso93
      @steveso93 2 місяці тому +18

      Mushrooms played a pivotal role in my journey to conquer addiction, and I've never experienced a greater sense of self-control. I'm proud to say I've been clean for one year.

    • @RostislavLavrov
      @RostislavLavrov 2 місяці тому +1

      Where do you fetch from?

    • @steveso93
      @steveso93 2 місяці тому +1

      1 N S T A

    • @steveso93
      @steveso93 2 місяці тому +2


  • @drdoom246
    @drdoom246 19 днів тому +176

    I tried Salvia back in the day, but I mistakenly thought it was weed. It was a rainy summer afternoon and I went out to my sister's boyfriends car to grab his pipe. I saw some green in the bowl and took a few hits. As I was sitting in the passenger seat, I immediately started hearing a strange humming noise, accompanied by the sound of chimes. I thought "Wow, this is some strong stuff." Then my upper body involuntarily shivered and I hit the stick shift with my hand by accident.
    All the sudden, the car started slowly rolling forward towards my house! As the car crept closer and closer to the house, I panicked and jumped out the vehicle, got in front of the car and started pushing against the front bumper with all my strength. The dirt driveway was wet from rain and I was getting mud all over my shoes and legs, but I continued to push against the car to prevent it from rolling into the house. After a minute or so, I was exhausted and covered in sweat and mud, but my efforts seemed to be paying off as the car was starting to slow.
    Then I heard my sisters boyfriend yell from the porch "Dude, what are you doing to my car?" I told him I was pushing on the front bumper to prevent the car from rolling into the house. He's like "Dude, that car ain't moving, I have the e-brake on". Sure enough, the car hadn't moved at all and I imagined the whole thing. I was totally exhausted and covered in mud and sweat, pushing against the front bumper of a car that wasn't even moving. That's the last time I ever tried Salvia 😂

  • @DZNTZ
    @DZNTZ 2 місяці тому +576

    Listen - I’ve done TONS of acid, shrooms, mescaline etc. When I bought some salvia the smoke shop lady was like “be careful” and I just chuckled and told her I think I had it. I took one hit and before I had exhaled I didn’t know what I was. I had the most insane out of body experience, I zoomed out out out until I became a speck of colored dust in a vast mandala. I was scared shitless that the transition was permanent. When it passed I was literally dripping sweat and felt like I’d had a stroke. I spent the rest of the day in bed recovering and shaken. That was my first and last salvia trip.

    • @twasbrillig33
      @twasbrillig33 Місяць тому +21

      I've had a mushroom trip where I thought I was in a permanent psychedelic hell so I can relate, will still do mushrooms however.

    • @oldhickory4686
      @oldhickory4686 Місяць тому +31

      And the guy says, "It's spiritual."
      It's spiritual alright, it's called opening yourself up to the demonic.

    • @ArchieBl3h
      @ArchieBl3h Місяць тому +20

      dear listener: pay attention to this wording,"I didn’t know WHAT I was." Salvia does a factory reset on your consciousness. It turns you into a single pixel on an 8k screen. You have to rebuild the image dot by dot over a period of 10 minutes. But there's 33 million pixels on an 8k screen, so it feels like a lifetime. He just described approximately 10 seconds of a 10 minute trip, and skipped over the tribulations of the remaining 9 minutes and 50 seconds. 10/10 would smoke my brain off again.
      Also salvia has this weird property where if you smoke a little, nothing happens. You have to hit a threshold, and then it's BOOM to the moon. There is no in between. either you get nothing, or you get interdimensional travel.

    • @LSD-33166
      @LSD-33166 Місяць тому +5

      @@ArchieBl3h Thats with smokin DMT also. I tried it once. DMT did nothin to me, except slight shaky visuals, i must have not got the right dose.
      Salvia sounds...out of this world. It's odd how some have good and bad experiences. You gotta watch out for the contaminated stuff, Ci@ deliberately poisoned the LSD supply in the 60's. There's all kinds of shady stuff going on, and these are powerful substances.

    • @beatshaver533
      @beatshaver533 Місяць тому

      ever tryed
      5 meo dmt?

  • @Trollioli
    @Trollioli 2 місяці тому +411

    I did salvia way back when it was legal. Got some 20x from a local head shop and made a water bong. The most interesting trip I had was becoming a level 20 silk wizard. Yeah you heard me, a silk wizard, green silk to be exact. I was able to shoot streams of green silk out of my hands to cover everything around me. How did I know I was level 20 and not level 15 or whatever? I just knew, I was epic level.

    • @IndependantMind168
      @IndependantMind168 2 місяці тому +11


    • @IndependantMind168
      @IndependantMind168 2 місяці тому +12

      Silk wizard 😭

    • @alfprysen4513
      @alfprysen4513 2 місяці тому

      bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @Meursault_1111
      @Meursault_1111 2 місяці тому

      Having had experience, I actually see where that would make perfect sense!

    • @rkgaustin
      @rkgaustin 2 місяці тому

      I've seen that movie...

  • @robert.boulos
    @robert.boulos 2 місяці тому +2395

    Saw a podcast where someone took a huge hit of Salvia, and said he felt like he was living underwater for 3 months, with a wife and family, and then suddenly he loses everything and he's back doing the podcast again. They asked if he was feeling ok and he said he was not lol.

    • @Mayor_Juana
      @Mayor_Juana 2 місяці тому +240

      Ari Shaffir!!!

    • @barajasjalisco
      @barajasjalisco 2 місяці тому +40

      Damn I had a dream exactly like that without doing the salvia 😮

    • @wulfrache
      @wulfrache 2 місяці тому

      Ari on Rogan lol. He is an idiot

    • @SuperCooper1987
      @SuperCooper1987 2 місяці тому +311

      On a video where I saw them talking about Ari's sea wife there was a comment about someone who did salvia and lived a life as a teaspoon.
      In darkness in the drawer seeing faces occasionally then not being picked.
      Then some days being picked and being almost drowned stirring tea then put in a dishwasher and drowned again then put back in the darkness. Sounded terrifying.

    • @Jmoney86i6w
      @Jmoney86i6w 2 місяці тому +36

      @@SuperCooper1987 damn thats crazy lol

  • @Cris.Arce-ru4eq
    @Cris.Arce-ru4eq 24 дні тому +421

    I did LSD a few weeks ago for the first time I don’t know what my dose was (it was just a tiny square no bigger than my pinky). At first it was like weed because I got all giggly and was just in an amazingly mood, but afterwards it became just this euphoric feeling of peace, and listening to music would amplify it. Everything was so beautiful. For me that stuff was to be respected as a teacher of sorts

    • @Roy.Laguna2988
      @Roy.Laguna2988 24 дні тому +7

      Since I tired psychedelics for the first time, I’ve been trying to describe the experience to others so there can try it as well, but i couldn’t find the right words to describe it.

    • @JohnD.Brinich
      @JohnD.Brinich 24 дні тому +6

      Did you do it alone? Like do you really need to have a tripsitter?

    • @Carlos_Rivero3480
      @Carlos_Rivero3480 24 дні тому +3

      doctorhepburn is your guy. My first time doing psychedelics was a great experience. Therapeutic guidelines

    • @miguelscheroff5827
      @miguelscheroff5827 24 дні тому +5

      Yup it’s not advised to do alone. Everyone reacts differently and not always positive.

    • @MartinCurutchet8491
      @MartinCurutchet8491 24 дні тому +4

      How does a middle class source this? He's on Telegram??

  • @danielclute2069
    @danielclute2069 2 місяці тому +757

    I've smoked Salvia every day for the last 27 years. And I'm totally fine. I put my pants on one arm at a time, just like anyone else. My boss doesn't mind one bit as long as I get the work done. Super chill boss. He really only gets upset if I forget to put the little brown balls into his chalice. As long as we have our Salvia and Catnip, the fire-breathing eskimos leave us alone. 5/5 stars.

    • @oscarplant6371
      @oscarplant6371 2 місяці тому +64

      lol you had me for a second there dude 😂

    • @merk.9285
      @merk.9285 2 місяці тому +6

      Never heard of anyone smoking salvia every day for that long especially. I didn't know it even existed as a known psychedelic in the 90s. I thought people didn't find out about it till like 2004.

    • @SoloTravelerOffTheBeatenPath
      @SoloTravelerOffTheBeatenPath 2 місяці тому +45

      @@merk.9285 ​​⁠Bruh are you for real? It’s a joke. I thought the “I put my pants on one arm at a time” line would’ve gave it away..

    • @Cognitoman
      @Cognitoman 2 місяці тому +4


    • @vinny2555332
      @vinny2555332 2 місяці тому +6

      Tell us you're in the spectrum without telling us

  • @MLATX512
    @MLATX512 2 місяці тому +703

    Yep. Complete out-of-body experience. I was someone else for a while. I was a kid playing on a playground of a small religious school. A nun came out and rang a bell and all of us kids started running towards the typical small single-room church/schoolhouse, white clapboard siding, steeple, shuttered windows. The entire world began moving. I could feel the movement of not just myself, but of all the kids. We became a flowing mass of colors. The colors flowed at impossible angles. Other dimensions opened and closed, all very visceral and tactile, and we (I) the color mass flowed in and out of them.
    A thought occurred to me that I had really done it this time, I had really gone too far. I had a brief moment of clarity, looked at my trip sitter and asked, "Am I coming back from this?" He told me to relax and everything was going to be fine.
    Then I was looking down at a somewhat familiar image. I realized I was seeing myself, sitting on the couch with my friends in my living room, but that I was looking down from somewhere near the ceiling. Then everything was moving again and flowing. The right side of my body was flowing down into a hole. The geometry of the room as at impossible angles.
    Then it (reality) was gone again and there was only color and movement. 3 old ladies were speaking to me in my head. In all the color and movement I started to pick out details. The colors were people's clothing. I started to make out hair, skin, clothes yet sill mostly as color, like an impressionist or pointillist painting. They were all very far away and thus, from my perspective, very small. The people were all running and the colors of their clothing created a scene that looked vaguely familiar. They were running in from the left side of my vision and then kneeling, row after row. As they kneeled next to each other, the colors of their clothing continued to create an ever more detailed picture, like pixels self-organizing on a screen, slowly resolving into an image.
    Suddenly I recognized what the image was. It was my living room. They were perfectly recreating my living room as it appeared from my couch. What a strange image that they would create.
    Then it occurred to me that it was my living room and snap, I was back.
    One thing that sticks with me is the feeling of movement and moving in and out of dimensions, some of them within or upside down of other dimensions. It was like being inside out in a wave of colors and movement.

    • @MLATX512
      @MLATX512 2 місяці тому +118

      Never did it again. It wasn't terrible but it could have been if I didn't have a calm trip sitter to reassure me. It isn't an exaggeration to say you aren't here anymore. My body was there, on the couch and my eyes were open according to my buddies, but I wasn't seeing that. It was like entering a tesseract. Like going into the event horizon of a black hole and feeling the tidal forces stretch light and your own body. Staring the insanity of the universe in the face. It was way more than I was bargaining for.

    • @makosandburger8668
      @makosandburger8668 2 місяці тому +57

      That is an excellent description of your experience.

    • @w3ndigo443
      @w3ndigo443 2 місяці тому +32

      Awesome description bro, thanks for sharing

    • @kristennoelle9447
      @kristennoelle9447 2 місяці тому +26

      Sounds fkng thanks

    • @Aaron1Ayala
      @Aaron1Ayala 2 місяці тому +23

      Wow that’s a really insane experience. You did good at describing it which I bet wasn’t easy.

  • @wulfrache
    @wulfrache 2 місяці тому +1696

    I smoked Salvia one time and it caused me to fall into a psychedelic trip where I lived an entire 27year lifespan as a sarcastic prick with a family, job, kids, even a dog.

    • @handfuloflight
      @handfuloflight 2 місяці тому +328

      how do you know the life you're living right now is not a salvia trip that is going to end soon?

    • @PureFilth23
      @PureFilth23 2 місяці тому +107

      Seems like a bad thing but at least you got to live another life for free pretty much, that's a good deal. I'm too scared to try salvia for this reason, as it could end up being a bad trip that feels like a lifetime.

    • @ArchIVEDCinema
      @ArchIVEDCinema 2 місяці тому +44

      ​@@handfuloflight I'm constantly gonna be thinking this as I go through my life now

    • @UnarmedBastard
      @UnarmedBastard 2 місяці тому +1

      @@handfuloflightit literally is just "an experience" but it ain't gonna end too soon unfortunately

    • @MrsTessWren
      @MrsTessWren 2 місяці тому +5


  • @flxsemi
    @flxsemi 2 місяці тому +345

    Erik being the poster child of Salvia is quite the achievement

    • @PlaceHolderHandleOrWhaver
      @PlaceHolderHandleOrWhaver Місяць тому +36


    • @skylark4901
      @skylark4901 Місяць тому


    • @2ClutchGamers
      @2ClutchGamers 28 днів тому +19

      Bouncin on my boy to this one

    • @Davey768
      @Davey768 27 днів тому +17

      I've watched a lot of his "comment etiquette" videos, never knew he smoked Salvia 😂 thought it was just a stupid moniker

    • @Bhorvic1
      @Bhorvic1 22 дні тому +8

      @@Davey768 The Big Money Salvia name came from the fact that a shady company emailed him to represent him and thought his name was Salvia lmao

  • @Prolific_Troll
    @Prolific_Troll 2 місяці тому +721

    Who else knew it was Salvia just from the title & thumbnail alone??

  • @zaakaryvoid991
    @zaakaryvoid991 2 місяці тому +575

    I ditched school and smoked some with my homies at their house. I was told it was "like weed but funnier". Used a torch lighter out of a bong and cleared a whole bowl of 50x and held it for a bit. My friends heads started spinning like fans. All the sudden, a blimp flew into the garage and had an exhaust pipe that was emitting a gas that filled the garage so thick that i couldn't see anything but smoke. I got up and ran outside of the garage and his neighborhood was pulsing with colors. It's like 11am and I start running around his street screaming with laughter and jumping. It felt like i was jumping seriously 40 feet into the air. It was incredible. I was so pumped, just jumping and laughing like a psycho. Eventually it wore off in his front yard. I felt so confused about what happened. I sat in the garage for an hour drinking water and wondering if i fucked my brain up permanently. Everything looked off. It stayed with me for a long time. Even now, when I go outside and see a bunch of looks different than before I smoked salvia. Almost like they look more vibrant or intense than before.

    • @Stahlvanten
      @Stahlvanten 2 місяці тому +62

      Its the trees telling you to calm the f down

    • @andyelectricwiz
      @andyelectricwiz 2 місяці тому +60

      I had a similar experience. After I smoked it everything seemed off. Things appeared smaller or oversized. It was weird. It really messed up my perception of objects. I think I may have developed HPPD after. I wish I had never done Salvia. The trip was so unsettling and I felt completely disconnected from my body.

    • @MrsTessWren
      @MrsTessWren 2 місяці тому +8

      I’ve always been too intimidated to try salvia, but tried just about “everything” else.
      Certain trees moving in certain ways have a way to incite flashbacks in me as well from previous sativa, cid, shroom, mdma (and any combo of said mentioned substances).

    • @anywallsocket
      @anywallsocket 2 місяці тому +19

      @@andyelectricwizthis lack of scale happened to me back when I did shroomies, and it indeed lasted quite a while. I believe it’s a slight scrambling of what’s called the ‘default mode network’. Basically in order to properly render your reality, you get feelings like scale associated with yourself - a chair is small and a cloud is big, relative to you, no matter their distance. However this default can change and you can feel things as if they were big when indeed they are small, etc.

    • @MacintoshT.Reznor
      @MacintoshT.Reznor 2 місяці тому +7

      Made up

  • @das-9962
    @das-9962 2 місяці тому +802

    A friend of mine did it in high school, she thought she was a toothbrush in hell and if she moved she’d be stuck there forever. Afterwards everyone else politely declined

    • @dwnetwrok
      @dwnetwrok 2 місяці тому +20

      my friend thought he was an aeroplane on mdma once at a rave. he said if he stopped flying he'd die

    • @anywallsocket
      @anywallsocket 2 місяці тому +35

      @@dwnetwrok probs not mdma lol, that or he was making a metaphorical joke and it *flew over your head*

    • @dwnetwrok
      @dwnetwrok 2 місяці тому +7

      @@anywallsocket it lasted the whole 6 hour rave. He was known as that aeroplane guy

    • @ianmurdoch6247
      @ianmurdoch6247 2 місяці тому

      How long did it last

    • @ianmurdoch6247
      @ianmurdoch6247 2 місяці тому

      Ive literally heard this story before so weird. A girl I knew once told me she had the toothbrush in hell trip but not from salvia. I think ecstasy & meth or shrooms or something.

  • @boogiemanspud
    @boogiemanspud Місяць тому +133

    I say this with pure and complete honesty, Salvia saved my life. I had severe depression since I was about 12, I tried Salvia in my late 20s. I had never smoked cigs, pot, or drank other than a few drinks on new years eve. It sounded like a neat thing to try. I loved the stuff. I finally felt connected to everything and others and not like an outsider watching an ant farm. I probably smoked it 4 to 6X a week for about a year. I'm guessing 10+ grams of extract all together. If you don't know about dosage, this is a LOT. Probably hundreds of trips. They last 15-20 minutes so it wasn't like I was going around out of my mind all the time. Just one or two trips before bed on a rough day. I treated it as a special time. Depression vanished and never came back and then I didn't really have a desire to smoke Salvia again. I've been ~20 years depression free now. My brain isn't cooked either, just a normal person doing normal things in this thing we call life. Set and setting are important, it's not a party thing in any way. Such incredible strength yet a very gentle plant. Almost like a helper or something. I don't believe in the woo woo but this plant is very special. It's not some thing just to get high and laugh about. But the trips... the most intricate fractals you could ever experience, like yellow submarine X10,000, lying there catatonic for 10-15 minutes, your body ceases to exist and you are one with a fractal universe. More real than reality if that makes sense, completely INTENSE but very gentle and a gentle come down back to reality. Euphoric connection with the universe for several hours afterward.

    • @BicycleFunk
      @BicycleFunk Місяць тому +9

      Happy for you.

    • @chazzat3113
      @chazzat3113 29 днів тому +6

      That's mental, I've heard so many people say the complete opposite about salvia, that it felt like they were in hell, that they were an inanimate object or they were being tortured by demons. Why do you think that is? I'm glad it worked for you atleast

    • @KhronicD
      @KhronicD 28 днів тому +7

      @@chazzat3113 Like all psychedelics, it's all about setting, situation, and existing mental state. I'd be willing to bet money that everyone who had a "bad trip" on anything was because they already had some sort of anxiety or negative thought in their brains, even if it was subconscious. Also, in my opinion, a large part of enjoying psychedelics is being able to "let go" and just experience what's happening in your mind. A LOT of people are completely incapable of that basic "letting go" for various reasons.

    • @chazzat3113
      @chazzat3113 28 днів тому +1

      @KhronicD good response actually but salvia Is so powerful I know that people forget they were ever human making the letting go harder as they don't even know there a human who needs to let go. In general I've heard that most people should not do this drug unless have had many many psychedelic experiences and are fully prepared. Even though salvia interests me I don't think I'll ever do it lol

    • @rollinontwojohnny3586
      @rollinontwojohnny3586 27 днів тому +1

      OKAY, spud, we’re waiting for you to write something! I’ve checked back for day’s now and one word a day leading to nothing won’t work! RIGHT PEOPLE?

  • @methodmane
    @methodmane 2 місяці тому +278

    "a little cat jumps up on the front of the car, he doesn't know how to handle it....he sees monsters there" LOL

    • @jacodybesl4829
      @jacodybesl4829 2 місяці тому +7

      ive been scrolling reading comments and just read yours word for word as it played in the video

    • @noragilman2643
      @noragilman2643 27 днів тому +6

      as someone who has done tiny, barely breakthrough levels of salvia, this quote from a room full of pricks who have never been in altered state of consciousness catches me as one of the fucking funniest assumptions about what is happening.

    • @rezzy4898
      @rezzy4898 13 днів тому

      Same lmaooo​@@jacodybesl4829

  • @chipredacted
    @chipredacted 2 місяці тому +413

    Dude I can't believe Big Money Salvia popped up in my durg videos

    • @jordanwilliams1454
      @jordanwilliams1454 2 місяці тому +54

      currently looking for the "bounced on my boys salvia rocket" comment and i'm not seeing one.

    • @karadan100
      @karadan100 2 місяці тому

      Fake news which is turning Elon's gay frog straight.

    • @50-50_Grind
      @50-50_Grind 2 місяці тому +21

      I didn't know this was his origin story.

    • @larryf4564
      @larryf4564 2 місяці тому


    • @MrCostaClayton
      @MrCostaClayton 2 місяці тому

      @@jordanwilliams1454 was gonna comment something similar but i'll do it here so you can see at least one:
      - Damn there's Erik! Bounced on my boy's salvia rocket to this blast from the past!

  • @CC-lv3yk
    @CC-lv3yk 2 місяці тому +235

    I got some salvia from the local smoke shop when I was in high school back in '02/'03. People had been talking about it, so we decided to try it. The first time I smoked it, I was instantly overcome with a restriction in space. I was walking on an angle, my jaw was descended, and I was drooling, and space around me felt confined to an acute angle on one plain instead of having full freedom in our three dimensional reality. Fast forward to a couple of hours later to when I'm alone. I decided to try again, by myself and with a bong this time instead of a pipe. So I hit the bong, held my breath for as long as I could, and exhaled. I was laying on my bed with some EDM playing, I set my bong down, closed my eyes, and braced for the trip. It started with two orbs bouncing to the music. I watched these orbs dance around in kaleidoscope fashion for a few minutes until I started to see my entertainment unit in front of my bed that had my TV and stereo. I stared at it confused...aren't my eyes closed, I thought. The image just got clearer, and I started focusing on objects on the shelves. My eyes are shut! How is this possible... Maybe they aren't shut. I opened my eyes, THEY WERE SHUT! I shouted to no one...all of a sudden I heard my two friends I had been hanging with earlier yelling at me. Mike, Mike, wake up. Mike, you're tripping out. Now my vision goes blurry, and I see Grand and Toy at the mall we were at earlier that night. My friends come into focus and get in my face. Mike, you okay? You've been tripping out for the last couple hours, you okay? I immediately start to panic, no, I'm not! I'm at home! I was in my bed! Wtf is happening!? I looked around to see I was on the ground, so I stood up and ran for the door of Grand and Toy. I got to the door, pulled it open, went to run through, and BOOM. I was back at home, in my hallway, and the trip was done. Wildest trip I ever had.

    • @fedfed96
      @fedfed96 2 місяці тому +24

      This is so scary and creepy to me. idk if I'd be able to withstand these reality bending trips

    • @nigga9766
      @nigga9766 2 місяці тому

      Interesting tomfoolery

    • @ianmurdoch6247
      @ianmurdoch6247 2 місяці тому +6

      Hate when that happens!

    • @Teeveepicksures
      @Teeveepicksures 2 місяці тому +5

      ​@@fedfed96 start slow. one quick puff and dont hold for long. youll get a quick rush and have a short not-crazy experience.

    • @skinovtheperineum1208
      @skinovtheperineum1208 15 днів тому +1

      It's actually plane, not plain.

  • @russianbot5554
    @russianbot5554 16 днів тому +22

    I was sitting on a sofa in a garage, surrounded by friends. I hit it, looked around at everyone and as I exhaled, I went through the cushions on the sofa and was trapped in Fraggle rock type place with these strange people. A family adopted me and taught me their ways. I lived with them. I had a calendar. I marked off over a year. I had pretty much accepted this new way of life, but they gave me a task to find this missing child and if I found them, they would help me back to my reality eventually, I was able to rescue the boy from this cave, and they showed me the way back to my home as I crawled through the cushions and sat back down on the couch. I realized all my friends were still sitting there waiting on me. I started crying and was so happy that they waited for me for years. They all looked at me and said you just laid your head down. It’s been about 15 minutes.
    Have you ever grieved the loss of people that never existed? 😂

    • @Donik0420
      @Donik0420 14 днів тому +3

      Did it legit feel like a year? I keep reading these stories of people living lifetimes and it's reminding me of that one black mirror episode where some dude has to live 100000 years alone but in reality it's like 4 days.

    • @russianbot5554
      @russianbot5554 13 днів тому +3

      @@Donik0420 I had a calendar in the room the family gave me….I marked off day after day after day

    • @miragaia
      @miragaia 10 днів тому

      Wow! 😮

    • @smoothstevessptv
      @smoothstevessptv 6 днів тому

      I’ve smoked salvia but never properly. I was a dumb kid. But probably for the better. But I did have an experience in K2/spice that was a very mild version of what you described. A profound feeling of loss after smoking a bowl and hallucinating a great hang out session with a person who never existed in real life

  • @six65nine
    @six65nine 2 місяці тому +307

    I smoked it once many many years ago. When I took the hit, I was sitting on my bed, looking at a Slipknot poster, from the self-titled era. I felt a tug from behind and that tug grew into a gravitational force stronger than anything I'd ever felt. I was pulled though my bed into another dimension, full of colors and shapes I couldn't describe, the shapes grew into what looked like TV screens, showing many different realities. I was then spit out into an industrial wasteland. As I looked around, all I could see was dust and mangled steel, then humanoid shapes started to appear. As the shapes became more recognizable, I realized, I was sitting on my bed, still staring into the Slipknot poster.

    • @orcapodmedia
      @orcapodmedia 2 місяці тому +40

      Damn. You wrote that amazingly.

    • @skipnasty8057
      @skipnasty8057 2 місяці тому

      @@orcapodmedia Yes he did

    • @skipnasty8057
      @skipnasty8057 2 місяці тому

      My experience wasn't so colorful, like black and white, but crazy none-the-less

    • @profitlynch
      @profitlynch 2 місяці тому +7

      Nah seriously. But people who listen to slipknot tend to not be stupid, he wrote that eloquently

    • @krabgrass
      @krabgrass 2 місяці тому +6

      Smoked it a few years ago and I remember it feeling like going down a very tall carnival slide while seeing funny geometric shapes and laughing nonstop lol

  • @StigmaShadow
    @StigmaShadow 2 місяці тому +389

    I smoked Salvia in the woods one time and a great wind made the sky suddenly change to purple and all the leaves below me became beings with faces and mouths. I started to walk on top of them but only after they gave me permission. "You can walk on us, its fine" they said..

    • @divadoge5584
      @divadoge5584 2 місяці тому +38

      What the hell🤣🤣🤣

    • @breeda9196
      @breeda9196 2 місяці тому +8

      I read this and when it said "it's fine, you can walk on us I read it in a voice from the show adventure time as im high on weed. I forget the character but its like a child's voice that's ultra creepy. Lmao

    • @burlhorse61
      @burlhorse61 2 місяці тому +2

      that's messed up

    • @MacintoshT.Reznor
      @MacintoshT.Reznor 2 місяці тому

      @@StigmaShadow bullshit

    • @MacintoshT.Reznor
      @MacintoshT.Reznor 2 місяці тому

      @@breeda9196 👎👎👎👎👎

  • @chuckhunter77
    @chuckhunter77 2 місяці тому +682

    I did it once. I was gone. I was just simply not here. Never again.

    • @pequod4557
      @pequod4557 2 місяці тому +15

      Elaborate on that

    • @RowanLong
      @RowanLong 2 місяці тому +24

      ​@pequod4557 I've done it before. I'll never do it again. 😅 It's considered the strongest hallucinogenic but it only lasts about 10 minutes. I've done many types of hallucinogenics, and salvia was not comfortable 😕 It's not worth it. That's why nobody wants to do it a second time

    • @ManJoe-bk5ig
      @ManJoe-bk5ig 2 місяці тому +14

      I turned into a couch somehow

    • @ManJoe-bk5ig
      @ManJoe-bk5ig 2 місяці тому +4

      And the people that were deaf had voices and I could hear them talk but were getting mad at me cause I wasn't signing back I was just using my words

    • @unyieldingrage1389
      @unyieldingrage1389 2 місяці тому +10

      @@RowanLongWhat did you see? Why can’t y’all ever give details gahhhdamnn

  • @martialwoods-gy5tb
    @martialwoods-gy5tb Місяць тому +790

    My recovery journey was supported by the therapeutic benefits of mushrooms.

    • @DiegoDd-n2r
      @DiegoDd-n2r Місяць тому +4

      Research shows that psilocybin mushrooms have promising results for mental health support, particularly in reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD.

    • @jessieclark-r5e
      @jessieclark-r5e Місяць тому

      How to get em?

    • @DeborahMiller-m6r
      @DeborahMiller-m6r Місяць тому

      dr.martinshrooms has got you covered-:(

    • @PetMatheus-u9c
      @PetMatheus-u9c Місяць тому

      Can he be on Instgram?

    • @DeborahMiller-m6r
      @DeborahMiller-m6r Місяць тому

      Yes, that’s his name.

  • @thebackwardsmanthebackward6087
    @thebackwardsmanthebackward6087 2 місяці тому +127

    A little over twenty years ago, I watched one of my best friends take a huge hit from a bong. My friend had no dance experience, and is not coordinated whatsoever. After the hit, he proceeded to stand half way up and move his arms like a seasoned professional of robotic type dancing. Then he started moonwalking sideways with his arms in perfect transition and rhythmic timing. He ended up against a wall, while standing on one foot, with his two arms and other leg making the same perfect wave movements.. One of the craziest things/ best dance performances I’ve ever seen…

    • @marky2266
      @marky2266 2 місяці тому +11

      Damn, if only you had this recorded. Even just for your buddy to see himself doing the dance. Crazy

    • @RitchieBlackmore7
      @RitchieBlackmore7 2 місяці тому +3

      And you just let the bong right there? Not even a hit ?

    • @clivecarpenter2840
      @clivecarpenter2840 23 дні тому +2

      I think we all have the ability to dance like a true professional, it's our hang ups and fears that lie in our conscious mind that present us from doing so.

  • @Vapourwear
    @Vapourwear 2 місяці тому +182

    I’ve used it 3 times. It is NOT a recreational drug, but it did let me see the center of the universe once.

    • @31leoceara
      @31leoceara 2 місяці тому +9

      And how is the center of the universe?

    • @drewsellers1010
      @drewsellers1010 2 місяці тому

      I fucking loved it, used it with other psychs too

    • @gabriellperry
      @gabriellperry 2 місяці тому +4

      Is this gonna lead to a "your momma" joke?

    • @latefid
      @latefid 2 місяці тому

      I see the center of the universe every day because everyone knows the earth is flat and at the center and everything orbits around it 🤷‍♂️

    • @stevenmoore3480
      @stevenmoore3480 2 місяці тому +8

      @@gabriellperry yo momma so multidimensional...

  • @YeNanOnToastLa
    @YeNanOnToastLa 2 місяці тому +105

    "Your going to hold it in for 20 seconds..or until your vision begins to vibrate" 🤣

    • @spudnikkx1112
      @spudnikkx1112 2 місяці тому +7

      .............and when sound starts to pulsate into rhythmic patterns......hold on tight ! The next few minutes are gonna get REAL interesting !

    • @azrael5493
      @azrael5493 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@spudnikkx1112i had that when I huffed gasoline when i was like 12 years old

  • @JohnGeorge-pw2xo
    @JohnGeorge-pw2xo 13 годин тому +12

    I remember few years back after my wife died, I was left alone with 3 kids. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with bipolar. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment changed my life for better. I can proudly say i'm totally clean for 6 years and still counting. Always look to nature for solution to tough problems, Shrooms are phenomenal.

    • @gusna82266
      @gusna82266 12 годин тому +2

      I love hearing great life changing stories like this. I want to become a mycologist because honestly mushrooms are the best form of medicine (most especially the psychedelic ones) There are so many people today used magic mushrooms to ween off of SSRI medication- its amazing! Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death buddy, lets be honest here.

    • @canerbakar-jv2si
      @canerbakar-jv2si 11 годин тому

      Hey mates! Can you help with the source? I suffer severe anxiety, panic and depression and I usually take prescription medicine, but they don't always help. Where can I find those psilocybin mushrooms? I'm really interested in treating my mental health without Rxs. I live in Australia don't know much about these. I'm so glad they helped you. I can't wait to get them too. Really need a reliable source 🙏

    • @DonnDenisse
      @DonnDenisse 11 годин тому +2

      Yes Predroshrooms

    • @Josh-k7e
      @Josh-k7e 10 годин тому +1

      I'm so very happy for you mate, Psilocybin is absolutely amazing, the way it shows you things, the way it teaches you things. I can not believe our world and our people shows less interest about it's helpfulness to humanity. It's love. The mushrooms heals people by showing the truth, it would be so beneficial for so many people, especially politicians and the rich who have lost their way and every other persons out there.

    • @AlexanderMales-gh8bm
      @AlexanderMales-gh8bm 8 годин тому

      Where do I reach this dude? If possible can I find him on Google

  • @Om_kera
    @Om_kera 2 місяці тому +56

    I did it once 16 years ago and time ceased to exist. It was the shortest, longest trip I’d ever gone on. It was terrifying and liberating at the same time.

  • @WeedMan-u6n
    @WeedMan-u6n 2 місяці тому +132

    My mind was a river, and we got off at every dock to explore.
    I found my friend Dennis Kevin Ness who had commuted suicide and we cried so hard together.
    Then we chose to leave him there, knowing we’d never see him again.
    then I came down and realized I had learned how to “walk away” from that trauma and leave him in the past and my memories like he would’ve wanted me too do.

    • @skidrokyo
      @skidrokyo 2 місяці тому +10

      That's heavy,I feel that.

    • @DoubleG747
      @DoubleG747 2 місяці тому +10

      That sounds fucking beautiful

    • @Sam-es2gf
      @Sam-es2gf 2 місяці тому +8

      Your mind was a literal river you still phrase it as walking away made me laugh. It's telling you to let it flow through you man. It's ok to think of and be reminded of this person, just not to hold onto it or resist it. You'll be okay

    • @therideneverends1697
      @therideneverends1697 Місяць тому +3

      you dont want to forget about it, its a part of you and always will be, when the feeling comes up, take the time to feel it all the way through, write down your thoughts afterwards. Then let it go until it comes up again, which it will. Thats normal and healthy mourning.
      whats unhealthy is not feeling the whole experience through, it can suck, its painful, but after its done youll feel better, until it happens again, and you repeat the process, dissolution and reconstruction are part of life

  • @Prolific_Troll
    @Prolific_Troll 2 місяці тому +269

    It's legit the scariest, most powerful drug I've ever done and seen others do. You completely lose your mind. You have no control over your mind and body. I've seen a grown man tough guy strip down and bark like a dog on all fours, unprompted, while we all just watched. I've seen people have conversations with posters. I myself took a hit once and came back to reality 5-7 minutes later, on a different floor of the house, covered in sweat and standing in front of a bathroom mirror with my shirt off. I remember nothing. I never found the shirt.
    It's not fun, honestly. It's scary.

    • @Tovilian
      @Tovilian 2 місяці тому +10


    • @Prolific_Troll
      @Prolific_Troll 2 місяці тому +4

      @@IplaygameS2.0252 Are you flirting with me?

    • @IplaygameS2.0252
      @IplaygameS2.0252 2 місяці тому +11

      @@Prolific_Troll No, Salvia Divinorum is NO joking matter, not to be taken lightly

    • @0Ciju0
      @0Ciju0 2 місяці тому +1

      Yeah, DMT was much less... debilitating. Although, I didn't fully "ascend"...

    • @fuckyomamafuckyosisterfuck6136
      @fuckyomamafuckyosisterfuck6136 2 місяці тому

      Then you’ve never done DMT obviously

  • @juliancordero237
    @juliancordero237 Місяць тому +23

    When I was 14 I got some gift cards for Christmas...this was back before people even knew what Salvia was and it was totally legal. My older brother who was almost 18 suggested we buy some online. We found a site that made custom concentrations, this highest available concentration ranged from 30x to 120x. Naturally we bought a few grams of the 120x. Oh buddy. I remember waiting till my parents went to bed and smoking it out on our porch. The effect was so immediate I kept inhaling and caved an entire bowl. I remember my brother leading me back to our living room. Like 2.5 turns from.the back porch. I was in a maze with shifting walls. He sat me down on our couch. My brother had thrown a sheet over our TV because the bouncing DVD bubble was moving and he didn't want me to "trip" lol. I was looking at the TV and couldn't even see the sheet. Instead clear as seeing your mother I saw an old school shiny shied mickey mouse on the screen dancing. But he wasn't a happy mickey...he was malevolent. I began feeling tire tracks dragging across my whole body. Music was playing like a crazy carnival. All of a sudden there were little people like umpa lumpas in a way I could tell they were. We were in a tire factory on an assembly line and I could tell they were being forced to work by the evil mickey. Who was actually more like a cherry but that's something I can't really explain. They pushed me along on the assembly line thinking I was a tire. My brother who witness me rolling across our living room floor grabbed me and put me back on the couch. I stared at the TV again and all of a sudden it was like the universe tore open starting as a small gap of blistering white light with eventually grew and entire vision. For a time with didn't feel like it could even be measured in time or called that. I wasn't me or any person. Hard to explain. I was purely a floating observer floating through space and light and like fractal patterns. I couldn't even tell you how long I was out there. It's like forgetting you were ever you or even a human. I kept seeing fractal patterns of what looked like a hooded frog like face/character it was bizarre but totally calm and peaceful, I mean you aren't scared if you "just are" and not really doing anything but observing. When it faded I did my best to remember and told my brother everything in detail. I've tried other phaychadelics since then but never had a full on visual and out of body experience like that since.

    • @ryan112233
      @ryan112233 Місяць тому

      Lol that just made my day man. Have you ever had a DMT experience?

  • @addicted2monster88
    @addicted2monster88 2 місяці тому +142

    Did Salvia one time years ago. Like 2009ish. Haven't touched it since, lmao. Have someone with you for sure. It doesn't last long at all in reality, but to you, it feels like an eternity

    • @MrsTessWren
      @MrsTessWren 2 місяці тому +16

      The time warp is what steers me away from ever trying. Seems very common and I’m not ready to potentially experience an eternity in hell.

    • @the.shotgun.approach
      @the.shotgun.approach 2 місяці тому +10

      @@MrsTessWren There's zero recreational value in my opinion. It wasn't pleasant. I can say I regret ever doing it.

    • @MrsTessWren
      @MrsTessWren 2 місяці тому +3

      @@the.shotgun.approachI’m so sorry you have regret. I hope you don’t have trauma. If you do suffer trauma from the experience, I suggest EMDR to help you recover. Thanks for helping others by sharing your experience.

    • @hug00l
      @hug00l 2 місяці тому +4

      Felt the same when I tried it, I felt like the trip would never end

    • @the.shotgun.approach
      @the.shotgun.approach 2 місяці тому +3

      @@MrsTessWren Thank you! My salvia experimentation was back in 2006, so I can say I recovered just fine.

  • @IrishLincoln
    @IrishLincoln 2 місяці тому +61

    Salvia pushed me deep into an Amazon-like jungle. I could smell the trees, feel the cool air, the mist and humidity. I was there.
    Then I heard voices and laughing, as I was walking around a small pathway I came upon a stream with a waterfall. Children were playing and splashing, laughing and singing. However, the water wasn't water, it was pure liquid energy. Hard to describe, but an opalescent liquid of emotion. Flowing down the stream into the jungle. Then I felt a strong ancient presence and I turned to see a lady, her skin entirely light green, her hair dark green, her eyes were bright emerald green. She knew me, and I knew her. She thanked me for respecting where I was, but told me it was time to leave. This ancient being turned me around into a void of nothingness and I open my eyes back into this world.

    • @mr-boo
      @mr-boo 2 місяці тому +1

      Sounds pretty awesome!

    • @bobhope4949
      @bobhope4949 2 місяці тому +2

      I’ve been in that jungle during a dream……. Salvia I went straight to hell

    • @leprechaun4526
      @leprechaun4526 2 місяці тому

      ​@@bobhope4949me to. Straight to hell. Mushrooms do the same thing to me.

    • @sekhmet7774
      @sekhmet7774 2 місяці тому +15

      You met the spirit of Salvia, the shamans and many other people have reported seeing the same entity.

    • @glenwise2241
      @glenwise2241 2 місяці тому +9

      Lady salvia.
      I have met her as well

  • @UdumbaraMusic
    @UdumbaraMusic 2 місяці тому +118

    I'll never get over how quick the "return" is. You could be leaping between the rocks of Stonehenge, running down rainbow road from Mariokart, swimming in a sea of hedges, watching the credits to your own life while being hit over and over by a train, living a a full life in a completely different world for weeks at a time an then... BAM. You're back, sober and completely back to normal - except for the nagging at the back of your mind where you feel that it was an ever so slightly traumatising experience...

    • @keithmanfredi
      @keithmanfredi 2 місяці тому +2


    • @colinwhitfield8627
      @colinwhitfield8627 2 місяці тому +2

      The rainbow road! INDEED.

    • @joshuaortiz2031
      @joshuaortiz2031 2 місяці тому +29

      I feel like it comes back in layers but over the span of about 12 seconds. Like layers of reality start to return and morph together. All of a sudden you remember you're a living thing, you're a human being, you remember your name, you start to recognize the settings around you. It's like a hierarchy of truths that return

    • @UdumbaraMusic
      @UdumbaraMusic 2 місяці тому +6

      @@joshuaortiz2031 That's a pretty good way of putting it.

    • @joshuaortiz2031
      @joshuaortiz2031 2 місяці тому

      @@UdumbaraMusic I went through about 500 grams of salvia extract i got in Amsterdam years ago. Had many opportunities to think about it and put it into words. The more time you spend in salvia world the easier it is to convey.

  • @Meefmelon
    @Meefmelon Місяць тому +11

    I did Salvia about 15 times. First time I went to outer space and was floating amongst the stars, except the stars looked tiny, like dust around me. I was weightless and happy, in awe, it was so beautiful you could cry....and then there was this giant skinny man with no face who looked like he was made out of space and stars. He was using his hands to wind a giant film crank that looked like a tree trunk with many rings. He explained that he was winding out time and reality and that this was his job. He seemed happy and his body seemed free and light, almost dancing as he wound reality, and the crank was creating a kind of heavenly music. Then I shot down back to earth and went under the ground into a village full of tiny gingerbread houses and little gnomes wearing red hats who lived there, their houses all surrounded this one Christmas tree in the middle and they celebrate Christmas all the time and the space was always snowing and smelled like cinnamon. There was something oddly comforting and grounding about the village after the cosmic expanse and God-like being before. After that I came back into my body and felt vivid and lucid for a few hours.
    That experience was so amazing and is why I did it about 14 more times. The other experiences were also interesting, less pleasant and sometimes even scary. A lot of them had a merry go round like element, and elements where there was multiple versions of me, who looked the same as me, but were all doing different things in parallel universes. One time I went outside of reality and was able to look back at reality, which was composed of millions of squares all in a grid like pattern forming one giant tv screen and in each square was one version of me doing something in their own reality. My square was empty and a giant great horned owl who was outside of reality too, saw me and looked at me, hooted and then pushed me back into my little square and I woke up.
    Interesting drug and I'm glad i tried it, but eventually I was getting the message that I am not supposed to go outside of reality and I reincarnated to be in reality, to experience things in my body, and that's all I have to be concerned about. Its nice to know that there is plenty beyond our own individual reality though, and that this is just a creation of higher beings.

    • @ThirtyThree33
      @ThirtyThree33 22 дні тому +2

      yooo. this is the comment! Salvia is a beautiful herb and opens up many dimensions that do in fact exist as we live now. But my friend you are on the path that I have found. So many answers to questions out there but fact is we were blessed to live in this timeline, in this body. We are meant to play with the universe and create as we exist now. The fruits of that... well who knows, but we are here now. Much love.

    • @clayday5299
      @clayday5299 13 днів тому +1

      He met the ruler of everything

  • @missdenisebee
    @missdenisebee 2 місяці тому +36

    I did salvia once, and I was DONE. It was utterly bizarre, not necessarily in a bad way, but I’m not a fan of psychedelics anyway. I was sitting on a sofa, but felt like I was facedown in a horse pasture for some reason. It really did obliterate reality. Doesn’t last very long, thankfully.

    • @bobhope4949
      @bobhope4949 2 місяці тому +1

      Lol yeah you always say never again but when you come across the headshop sign that says salvia ya forget and say…… sure why not!🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @johnsimth6587
    @johnsimth6587 2 місяці тому +42

    My perspective - Reality dissolves instantly and I'm a shapeless form and I'm falling. Falling forever, falling from nothing into nothing. Then I materialize in a gas station bathroom, unlike the dissolution this happens in stages. I remember realizing I existed, rather I as a person existed (not myself) and that I was stuck to the bathroom walls. The ground was right there and I couldn't peel myself off the wall, I couldn't get down and every attempt hand me falling back into the wall.
    Everyone elses perspective - Sitting on the couch they see me stand up, start walking backwards wordlessly (stepping onto the couch cushions, stepping off the back of the couch all while stiff as a board. I walked backwards into our bathroom and started trying to stand on the wall in the bathroom, never making noise.
    I was a "one time" person.

    • @hedoingitsideways
      @hedoingitsideways 2 місяці тому +1

      How long did your trip feel like it lasted?

    • @johnsimth6587
      @johnsimth6587 2 місяці тому +2

      @@hedoingitsideways Its hard to say, the bathroom bit felt like forever. Like I was imprisoned, I didn't like that. The falling was ... outside of time? I don't recall the sensation of time mattering there, only when I noticed I couldn't stand. Then time mattered again.

    • @johnsimth6587
      @johnsimth6587 2 місяці тому

      @@hedoingitsideways I've had much more enjoyable experiences with a dissasociative, variation of ketamine but now adays I can't trust anything like that.
      So I got about 20gs of PE shrooms sitting across from me waiting for a reason.

    • @hedoingitsideways
      @hedoingitsideways 2 місяці тому +1

      @@johnsimth6587 How long ago was this?

    • @johnsimth6587
      @johnsimth6587 2 місяці тому +1

      @@hedoingitsideways Hmm. Long time back now. 2005-6 or something. Can't recall.

  • @nicpete492
    @nicpete492 2 місяці тому +42

    smoked salvia a few times, only worked once when i hit it from a bong... That was back in 10th grade with my at the time girlfriend, fell backwards onto the bed and fragmented into billions of pieces , flew around through space and time for what felt like a long time but was actually only a few minutes. Felt like I was being passed around by billions of hands at once, that we're rearranging me and taking me apart a million times a second, finally the hands put me back together in the right order and I fell back through the hole and was myself again. Had really bad ego death for like an hour afterwards and had a super bad panic attack once I came back. Never did it again.

    • @justwiln
      @justwiln 2 місяці тому +3

      That's crazy I felt like I was being passed around by gingerbread men like a conveyor belt up into the universe where I saw life growing on everything

    • @ZenShooter749
      @ZenShooter749 2 місяці тому +2

      Your trip actually sounds awesome. ❤

  • @chaseeverett4091
    @chaseeverett4091 17 днів тому +2

    I was with 5 friends one day, and just myself and my lifelong best friend decided to smoke salvia. Bong rips each, clearing the bowl with x80 strength, and we had the exact same trip. Same story line, same characters and events. There was nothing nor anyone who was prompting us to think these things while we tripped, no music playing, etc. I don't know how else to say it but we consciously became "one" during the experience. How is that possible? It has changed my view of reality ever since, and I believe it was the extremely deep trip from salvia that helped us access this place. Truly incredible.

  • @kentfink9509
    @kentfink9509 2 місяці тому +125

    Gardening on Salvia did damage to the plant.

  • @MrPlito95
    @MrPlito95 2 місяці тому +166

    Is that fucking Internet Etiquette!!????

    • @KoDi82
      @KoDi82 2 місяці тому +50

      Yes it is, big money salvia

    • @LuxOmnia
      @LuxOmnia 2 місяці тому +25

      Yup, he used to do an old series of different activities on salvia. It's on his old channel letsGOtoCLASS.

    • @jackrose5077
      @jackrose5077 2 місяці тому +4

      I was shocked to see that too.

    • @decommonifyable
      @decommonifyable 2 місяці тому +3

      Yes but probably filmed a long time ago before he starting looking so sickly.

    • @50-50_Grind
      @50-50_Grind 2 місяці тому

      @@decommonifyable It's what age does to people.

  • @benourkanour
    @benourkanour 2 місяці тому +40

    I had one hit from salvia, in my experience i had family, loving woman big house, was working and had some awesome friends i was hanging out, also had dog and kid iirc, literally american dream, It felt so real that i was devastated when i came back to reality i was so sad i lost the "salvia" life, it felt like i was living there for YEARS.

    • @Matt-cw1mv
      @Matt-cw1mv Місяць тому +4

      seriously? So you would go to sleep in your salvia world, every night? Do you remember dreaming? This blows my mind so much.. how can salvia do this. I've read many trip reports of people living what feels like years, and only 5 minutes went by.. someome should do a phd on this

    • @smoothstevessptv
      @smoothstevessptv 6 днів тому

      @@Matt-cw1mvits a powerful lesson that time is entirely subjective. Time isn’t just what a clock measures. It’s so deeply metaphysical but I won’t attempt to explain why, there’s a lot of very smart scientists who can…

  • @Arlet11369
    @Arlet11369 20 днів тому +22

    How is this vid only! 4:17 min🧐😭😭😭😭

    • @daniellynch7038
      @daniellynch7038 17 днів тому +6

      That’s how long the trip lasts!

    • @IsThisDustin
      @IsThisDustin 16 днів тому +2

      Huh? It’s 15:34 mins long. Are you on Salvia?

    • @swedroot2867
      @swedroot2867 6 днів тому +2

      Because it’s vice reuploading a clip from an episode of a series that Hamilton made back in their glory days

    • @Arlet11369
      @Arlet11369 6 днів тому +1

      @@swedroot2867 ah ok copy 🫡

  • @nickbloom6861
    @nickbloom6861 2 місяці тому +187

    I immediately bounced on my boys Salvia when I saw this video drop.

  • @HitStems
    @HitStems 2 місяці тому +16

    My first time doing salvia somebody else packed the bowl for me. I took out about 2/3rds of it as there was 3 times as much in the bowl as I'd seen anyone else do. I thought it would be a light trip compared to others as I had taken so much out. I remember at first I could see these arrows of light that were going up my body and hurting me. I was speaking completely coherently but all of the words in my sentences were swapped. After that, everyone standing in front of me began forming into swathes of orange and purple. These orange and purple swathes eventually filled the entire room, and surrounded my vision entirely. I had the sensation that these colors had formed an orange and purple striped sphere around me, and that I was being transported somewhere beyond reality. After a sense of traveling for some time I looked up to see that there were things sitting in the bubble with me. I went to look at them, but noticed their apprehension to look back at me as they would only occasionally give me side eyed glances when noticing I was looking at them. I caught a few glances and only distinctly remember one, but there were at least two or three entities in the sphere with me. The entity I do remember was wearing robes that looked filthy and grey, like an old burlap sack. It had a vaguely humanoid form but was almost troll like with a face somewhat similar to Falcor from Neverending Story, only pudgier, less distinct, and gray in color. I sat on this psychedelic bubble bus for god knows how long before eventually returning back to reality. I'll never forget it, but will never do it again.

  • @AngelinaEvelyn
    @AngelinaEvelyn 2 місяці тому +213

    Ayahuasca was mind blowing for me. I found myself in a world where swirling colors created a mesmerizing kaleidoscope. Time stretched as I explored cosmic landscapes, feeling a profound connection to everything. It left me with a deep sense of peace and wonder, realizing the limitless potential of the mind.

    • @SerhatAydın-c2o
      @SerhatAydın-c2o 2 місяці тому +5

      0:03 Psychedelics have the ability to induce profound altered states of consciousness 0:03

    • @MarthaRodriguez-bn2wq
      @MarthaRodriguez-bn2wq 2 місяці тому

      I've been looking to try shrooms. Can someone direct me to a source?

    • @RyanMaerck
      @RyanMaerck 2 місяці тому +5

      0:09 dr.johnsonshroom is the person you want. He's the most knowledgeable about
      psychedelics that I know.

    • @bermen577
      @bermen577 2 місяці тому

      He's on instgram?? 0:07

    • @Daniel-cy5ur
      @Daniel-cy5ur 2 місяці тому +4

      Yes, dude is excellent 0:05

  • @ReZN-0
    @ReZN-0 2 місяці тому +3

    I've done 5x extract one time in my life as a teenager. It was the most simplest mind blowing revelation so simple that it felt like remembering something always right there in front of us. Yet it was like so much information condensing down to some simple kind of pattern like archetypes where everything seemed connected through them. Some kind of higher dimension could be felt operating in the background and i started to have the most vivid de ja vu ive ever had where i could literally remember each passing moment i was having having happened in a dream i had. The experience wore off and lasted somewhere between 3-5 min. I had no negative feelings during the experience going in with a open curious mind in fact the feeling of remembrance described in my experience was quite euphoric. In all, towards the end of the trip, I remembered that everything has already been done before and its like were just kind of playing it through.
    That was only 5x so I can't really relate to the stronger extracts but it was not reality obliterating but more like revelation (really like remembrance). Ayahuasca to me seems like its way more "reality obliterating" but then again I have not done say for example 80x.

  • @Pestsoutwest
    @Pestsoutwest 2 місяці тому +28

    my experiance:
    Very quickly reality faded and i saw beams of lights connecting every living creature in the world and light waves pulsing between everything along the lines of light. My only thought was "It all makes so much sense" and within seconds i was flung bank into reality and a feeling of such extreme loss that i never wanted to expectance it again!

    • @wek33
      @wek33 2 місяці тому +6

      i feel this. your spirit rose to see our cosmic reality of connection to the source consciousness, and then being pulled back down into this lower state feels so heavy and bleak after experiencing the light. consolation is in the knowing that it's always still there waiting for you.

  • @sigigle
    @sigigle 2 місяці тому +14

    My only 2 experiences with Salvia, 15x and 35x:
    15x: Strange but mild visual and tactile hallucinations.
    It felt like I was a floating head, detached from my body. Everything seemed 2D, like an image on a screen, with a distorted sense of up and down. The view of a fence with street lights behind it followed my vision with vivid clarity for a few seconds as I glanced away from it and looked around.
    I swung my arm up to rest it on the back of the couch and it felt like it kept swinging, bending the wrong way like a piece of spaghetti, giving me a fright.
    35x: I had to remember that I was a human.
    I was utterly convinced of - and strangely contented with - my identity and existence as the walls of my room. Only after questioning (after 10ish mins) why I had memories of being a human, did I start to remember that maybe I was one and perhaps was not, in fact, a wall.
    I then believed that the memories of the last 2 days were part of a 35x trip I had attempted but failed to do with a friend 2 days prior, when I only had enough for 2 attempts and I messed mine up.
    When my friend did the 35x, they crawled around on the grass for 5 mins, flailing their arms about as if trying to find something solid to grab onto but seemingly utterly oblivious to the world around them. They said it was like a void behind them had pulled them down into it and out of reality and that they felt they were no longer a single individual, but that their identity was like a collage of a myriad number of puzzle pieces and that who they thought they were was just one of the pieces.
    It frightened them and they didn't try it again and for me it was so weird and alarming that I didn't either.

    • @DZNTZ
      @DZNTZ Місяць тому +2

      @@sigigle your friends trip sounds just like mine - I was just a tiny piece of a huge puzzle (it was everything in existence) and I very consciously thought that this was it, I was locked into this ‘reality’, my perspectives irrevocably shifted - I had gone too far and was not coming back. As I started to come down a little, one of the blobs of color started to resolve itself into my cat! And the relief that swept through me as I started to perceive what and where I was… oh man, I was home, in my body! It left me deeply shaken. A trip indeed. Honestly, the feeling of being a speck in the void isn’t something you forget.

  • @corej25
    @corej25 2 місяці тому +64

    Highest I’ve ever been in my life. I turned into a 2D caricature of myself and went full black and white.

    • @bigthunder7002
      @bigthunder7002 2 місяці тому +1


    • @basedcase
      @basedcase 2 місяці тому

      I had a similar one to that. Maybe first or second time.

    • @bobhope4949
      @bobhope4949 2 місяці тому +2

      Lol that ain’t getting high, that’s a non consensual trip to narnia

    • @Thomas-to5dr
      @Thomas-to5dr 2 місяці тому +3

      thank you for your post, the 2D caricature thing was something that I had forgot about during my trip. Along with turning into some kind of cartoon, I remember being put into some kind of cartoon flip book where each page of the flip book was like some kind of different world or universe where my cartoon self was inside all of these different dimensions as the pages were flipping by. This was 18 years ago. The word "caricature" you used definetley made the memory more vivid. Thank you .....edit: I also remember the flip book being in all black and white, dude we had a similar trip for sure

    • @corej25
      @corej25 2 місяці тому +2

      @@Thomas-to5dr the flip book cartoon is exactly how I'd describe it too, so crazy!

  • @vincentmusanti5000
    @vincentmusanti5000 Місяць тому +5

    Did it 5 times in one weekend back in 2017 and then swore to never again, although that curiosity is starting to return…. In 7 years I haven’t gone a single day without thinking those trips. The most bizarre inexplicable feeling when it hits your lungs.

  • @thedopest
    @thedopest 2 місяці тому +30

    couple absolutely insane experiences on salvia with my ex girlfriend. TLDR: I thought I was a movie box (DVD Case) at a store and I was crying on camera and all you hear is me saying "nobody wants to watch my movie ..nobody wants to rent me" and it put me in a month depression where I was just completely down and out. Then the other time I was seeing still frames like someone was taking a bunch of pictures so i was running around an apartment complex outside and it felt like i was glitching. crazy.

    • @ClarkPotter
      @ClarkPotter 2 місяці тому +2

      Ironically, that sounds like a great movie.

    • @MrsTessWren
      @MrsTessWren 2 місяці тому +3

      Aww🥺 I’ll watch you, bud🤗

    • @King42089
      @King42089 2 місяці тому +4

      being sent into a months long depression because you thought you were a lonely movie that no one wanted to buy is hilarious

    • @truehealthx
      @truehealthx Місяць тому

      @@King42089 loooool

  • @patricklary81
    @patricklary81 2 місяці тому +27

    I used it once and became part of the floor and the wall, where they join together. I was convicted I was no longer human, and devastated. It's an instant take you to another world type thing. For some reason when I hit it, I was focused on the place where my wall and floor meet. I had hardwood floors, and I kept seeing my floor peel apart and reconfigure itself. The individual planks would come apart and peel away like a sardine can.
    I will never use salvia ever again.

    • @sigigle
      @sigigle 2 місяці тому +5

      I had a similar experience with 35x, where I was utterly convinced of - and oddly contented with - my identity and existence as the walls of my room.
      After a while I started questioning why a wall would have the memories I had and then remembered I was a human. Bizarre.

    • @patricklary81
      @patricklary81 2 місяці тому +5

      @@sigigle it's crazy!

    • @Nkemjo
      @Nkemjo 2 місяці тому +1

      Interesting… I also was fixated on the floor/wall area more so because everything became 2D. I felt as if there should be a corner but for some reason it had just become one flat continuous surface.

    • @sigigle
      @sigigle 2 місяці тому +2

      @@Nkemjo Yeah I had the same "everything looks 2d" feeling as well.
      It felt like I was a floating head, looking down my body felt detached from me, everything looked like a 2d image on a screen and my sense of an up and a down was distorted.

    • @chrisdavidson1542
      @chrisdavidson1542 10 днів тому +2

      Very similar experience. I was leaning on a wooden desk when I smoked it and felt myself become joined to the desk through my arm, which had instantly become wooden. The "wooden" feeling travelled up my arm and all over me until I forgot who/what I was and my mind and personality were just gone. A minute or two later the feeling passed and I came back. Not the most spiritual experience, but it is crazy how fragile our sense of self is.

  • @dibari22
    @dibari22 2 місяці тому +7

    "trapped in a kaleidoscope" man, what a perfect description to part of the experience.

  • @seanahern9511
    @seanahern9511 Місяць тому +4

    3 First Timer Stories in One (1Good, 1Mid and 1BAD): First guy in my group to try it instantly became the happiest person I had ever seen as he sang the beginning to Sponge Bob, he was in his early 20's and hadn't watched it in ages. He came back quickly and said he went to Bikini Bottom and went on a roller coaster, which made sense to everyone watching him as he squealed with delight and slurred the theme song - so, naturally, we were all on board after that. For me, I'm a very grounded person and felt myself resisting the effects, but I felt myself and everything around me trying to... fold. It was a very unique feeling and hard to describe, but every two seconds or so it felt like everything just wanted to fold. I imagined I knocked over the little bubbler bong I had just smoked from and the still lit cherry boiled through the watery mess on the top of this wooden table and the ember burned its way through, with the water following into the new hole - none of this ended up being real other than I actually DID knock over the bubbler. The last friend explained a horrible trip after he came to, but what we saw was him hurriedly pacing around the apartment with balled fists, just mad-dogging everyone and staring us right in the eyes without blinking as he paced. He tried to leave the apartment like 3 times in the 5-10 minute trip and each time we wouldn't let him. Soooo... Turns out he was trapped in that weird pdf file room from that movie Running Scared (iirc)? The one where it was a room setup like a playroom set for kids but they found some sicko video tapes and cameras? Right. So he was convinced me and my girlfriend at the time were the parents/couple from that movie and we weren't letting him out. He was essentially in an extreme state of horror and fight/flight the entire time.

  • @Lenny101
    @Lenny101 2 місяці тому +101

    I was spiked with salvia in a bong, I thought it was weed. I though I was floating up to heaven while looking down on myself and my friends. It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced

    • @StevenHanover
      @StevenHanover 2 місяці тому +11

      My vision turned to smaller than two dimes. Lasted 2 minutes. Never touching that shlt again

    • @brethren111
      @brethren111 2 місяці тому +5

      My grandfather had that expiernce but he was on the operating table, he was in hospital dying and he saw himself getting operated on

    • @scherzomazeppa726
      @scherzomazeppa726 2 місяці тому +29

      If they spiked it and didn't tell you what you were doing w/Salvia then in no way were they your "friends."

    • @coreyworthington2797
      @coreyworthington2797 2 місяці тому +5

      I feel like you could have had a positive experience if you had more legit friends.

    • @Cognitoman
      @Cognitoman 2 місяці тому +2

      😂 lol that’s fucked up haha

  • @LeftToFate
    @LeftToFate 2 місяці тому +23

    the dude who falls out the window was the most wild one i have ever seen.

    • @MrsTessWren
      @MrsTessWren 2 місяці тому +7

      That’s THE video I believe my generation associates with the potential experience!

    • @Jefitus
      @Jefitus 2 місяці тому +2

      @@MrsTessWren Only video i saw back in the days about salvia usage... just out of interest i researched more of the plant. Like i always do with everything. :)

  • @Vintagej10
    @Vintagej10 24 дні тому +6

    A super common experience I have noticed ppl having with salvia is becoming an inanimate object. it is almost as if you have picked up that frequency? I became a milk crate (I had one in my place at the time) I was terrified I was doomed to be this milk crate for the rest of my existence I could feel every fiber of plastic and became rigid. but my friends said I was laughing and drooling and appearing like I was having a good time when I was miserable. lol, it's like quantum entanglement maybe, I guess. maybe you become the object, and the object becomes you. That's why you can hardly be human or feel human when taking it. We become humbled while the inanimate object becomes animate and gets all goofy and doesn't know how to control the senses. lol idk how to explain it I was dumb enough to do this several times because I found it so intriguing, but it is not a good time. But it definitely built character

      @SOULSBOYNL 23 дні тому +2

      i know the feeling that ur not ever getting out of the trip that is so terifying i remeber when i woke up 1st thing i did check if i saw things everything was normal never tripped again!

    • @Vintagej10
      @Vintagej10 23 дні тому +2

      @SOULSBOYNL lol I admit I love my psychedelics, but I have had some pretty wild and scary trips. But I'd be lying if I said those weren't callous inducing life changing trips. Wouldn't change a thing. The worst is feeling like you'll never get out of that place, and you'll be stuck for eternity

      @SOULSBOYNL 23 дні тому +1

      @@Vintagej10 deff I rem that was the hell f me and this mental battle u recognised this? U know OK this do able and then u loose it again

    • @jasonhumphry5836
      @jasonhumphry5836 20 днів тому +1

      Well said 👏 👌 👍 🙌

  • @twolip7540
    @twolip7540 2 місяці тому +17

    I did this once. I was watching Lost. I found myself in the shower, crawling in the floor of the tub thinking I was in a jungle. What felt like hours was only minutes. My partner at the time was like WTF is happening? Never touched it again.

  • @vrpunk876
    @vrpunk876 2 місяці тому +68

    Shoutout @internetcommentetiquette hahaha

    • @jelliiifiiish
      @jelliiifiiish 2 місяці тому +4

      didn't expect that cameo

    • @barnaclebill3483
      @barnaclebill3483 2 місяці тому +6

      Bounced on my boys salvia bong while I watched this video

    • @kevinduffy2210
      @kevinduffy2210 2 місяці тому

      @@barnaclebill3483hell yea brother

  • @ehhhhhhhh2233
    @ehhhhhhhh2233 2 місяці тому +12

    Gardening on Salvia was the 2nd Salvia video I ever watched, right after Salvia Man 😂. Eric is a god damn legend

  • @TheRealJohnMadden
    @TheRealJohnMadden 28 днів тому +2

    Salvia is like playing Roy from Rick & Morty. You're going to live an entire lifetime within 5 minutes and it's going to take months to cope and realize that none of that was real. Reminds me of a story I heard of someone being in a coma and when they finally woke up, they had no clue if any of the memories they had were true. They could remember an entirely different life, but there was no separation between memory, relating, and an extremely vivid dream. The human brain is so extraordinarily fascinating that I don't think we'll even scratch the surface on that amount of depth it has.

  • @liberatumplox625
    @liberatumplox625 2 місяці тому +34

    I once took a heroic dose of 40x extract.
    My friends just writhed around, made weird noises, came around a minute or two later - and remembered nothing.
    I felt it coming on as thr first tendrils tickled my throat.
    When I took my finger off the shot hole and cleared the extended bowl that I'd fabricated - it hit me like a freight train.
    I was instantly ripped from my body and sent hurtling into a void.
    I felt infinitely distant in time and space, from the body that I recalled that I still possessed.
    I felt it ravage and restructure my consciousness, and desperately sought to hold my ego together. It was like being out at sea in a category 10 storm, desperately trying not to drown or be torn apart.
    I felt like I was still connected to that body thing, as I by an impossibly strong, impossibly fine and impossibly long gossamer strand.
    All I knew of that husk, was that the weight of an elephant, was crushing the life out of its chest cavity.
    Meanwhile my astral(?) self was getting acquainted with infinity.
    2 time threads - the seconds of aching chest back in my previous reality - and forever I this void like realm.
    But it wasn't just void. There were stars, I was the stars. There were gaseous forms and planets, those things were me.
    I bore witness to the formation of the universe - but I swallowed it all whole - I leaked into it, became it - and it was utterly horrifying.
    I was tortured that way for an eternity and I longed for separation- oir something numerically distinct from me to exist.
    I remember thinking - "this is exactly hiw God would feel."
    At some point after that thought, I began following the infinite gossamer strand.
    I began speeding up exponentially and eventually hit a gelatinous membrane.
    Pushing through the membrane was difficult and excruciating, but eventually I popped out the other side as a bubble.
    It wasn't cool or funny, I was literally somehow a bubble, and had the appropriate(?) accompanying proprioception of my bubble form.
    Eventually I felt that a human form had returned, I was aware of my human body and limbs, but my eyes were still firmly closed.
    I opened my eyes (expecting normality) but all I saw was a symettrical pattern.
    Morbid panic (which was the underlying flavour of the whole trip) began to ramp up.
    "II should be normal now"
    I tried to focus, and eventually the geometric, coloured design of bilateral symmetry, began to resolve itself into the room in which I was sat.
    I could see how the pattern could be made out of the objects that were "really" occupying the room.
    I decided to stand, but couldn't- I couldn't resolve where my body ended and the cushion and floor began.
    Eventually I was able to peel myself off the cushion.
    Everywhere in the room I was aware of patterns. They disgusted me and all the fabricated objects exuded some kind of malign aura - like they wished me harm.
    A bong, a mug, a lamp-shade - everything was deeply evil - it was there to mock and entrap me.
    If I let my gaze linger too long on a pattern in the wallpaper, or the sofa - it would pull me in - I would begin to slip through a portal back into that other place.
    First the intentional pattern, then the Warp and weft of the medium, then some deeper lattice and so on - until the inexorable gravity of the regression, built the inertia to pull me through.
    I had to constantly battle to rip myself back to this reality.
    Then I tried to talk. For me a gulf of time, sat between each word (each phoneme even) an infinite lacunae in which the other realm wracked my consciousness)
    C---a---n y---o---u--- u--n---d---e---r---s---t---a---n---d m---e----e---e
    I stammered out, the response being laughter, and a chorus or resounding yeses.
    I couldn't grasp how they could understand my faltering speech. I was stood behind myself several times, each version of myself experiencing a kind of visual and temporal aliasing, caused by time being sliced differently - a bit like a bunch of cameras with different frame rates, each being plugged into computers with radically differing clock speeds.
    Gradually it wore off - but for too long, I was convinced that I was as normal as I was going to get, and that I was going to walk through life, completely imparwd by temporal distortion and that I'd just have to do my best to function normally.
    I completely recovered - but I reckon I had pretty bad ptsd from the experience for a few years subsequent to the experience.
    I also missed a dental appointment, because I was too freaked out, to go.

    • @liberatumplox625
      @liberatumplox625 2 місяці тому +5

      Sorry for the typos and appalling punctuation.
      I wrote that hastily on my phone, something that I find, very difficult to do.

    • @MehDiInterncx
      @MehDiInterncx 2 місяці тому

      ​@@liberatumplox625i am sorry you had to go through that. You seem like a very intelligent individual, this experience either increased or decreased your potential i can only assume...thank you for experiencing this drug in order to keep others from trying it for themselves. i wish you the best, and of course am interested in how this may have affected your overall perception of reality now. even more insight is what i personally seek from you, selfishly 🤣❤️

    • @carolminardi8769
      @carolminardi8769 2 місяці тому +3

      😳 whoa man! You are a great writer and even though I’ve never tried that stuff - some really potent marijuana a few times kind of made me trip - (and even a little bit of lsd or mushrooms) but never to that extent. Just reading the other comments, it seems like everyone has experienced other dimensions, which seems to be the definition of crazy and surreal.
      But your story was truly the most ‘far out’ of all! It’s weird how we can seem to recall so much different details of the experience with such clarity when doing hallucinogenic drugs. So different from when we drink too much alcohol and have ‘black outs’, where we can barely remember what was said or done the night before. Of course, boozing it up has a totally different effect on your mind and brain I realize. But anyways, trying salvia is something I think I can forgo, thank you very much 😊
      Just be careful everyone, it sounds like it could be dangerous for certain individuals for sure. Take care of yourself my friend 👍🏻

    • @KSJune
      @KSJune 2 місяці тому +2

      Sort of similar thing happened to me on acid once. It was horrifying and scarred me for years and I’m just now getting to the other side of the ptsd it inflicted. People don’t understand the basic amount of faith we all place into things in reality until they-like you and I-have that faith torn from them. It was humbling and I like to think I’m more conscientious and caring now because of it and all the therapy, so I’ve come to find meaning in it, but still, I wouldn’t wish that nightmare on my worst enemy.

    • @michaeljames4630
      @michaeljames4630 Місяць тому +1


  • @TalesFromTheUnderside
    @TalesFromTheUnderside 2 місяці тому +7

    Should not be used recreationally or smoked, but if you get past the jarring experience from smoking you see the lesson of Salvia. It removes your sense of self/identity and as you “reboot” and slowly come back to yourself you see how everything is connected and there are no boundaries between anything. You see the world as it is, but there is no separateness, no individuality of self, objects, plants, or others perceived. The barriers of the mind are temporarily removed and you briefly glimpse through the veil and behold the web of life. Everything is connected, we are all one.
    “Humankind has not woven the web of life, we are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web we do to ourselves. All things are bound together, all things connect” - Chief Seattle

  • @modifyingmemory
    @modifyingmemory 2 місяці тому +9

    "excuse me.... I have to goto space now" truer words have never been said

  • @winkthecosmicgrandma9191
    @winkthecosmicgrandma9191 21 день тому +1

    I smoked it once in 2010 and was transported to an alternate life in Boston where I had a cool bartender job at this hipster pinball bar and a random girlfriend and friends I've never met. At that time I had never been to Boston. When I eventually visited Boston my salvia experience made it feel like I'd already lived there for years. The mind is crazy powerful the fact that a hallucination tricked my brain into feeling like I had lived in Boston for years already when I went to visit it years later still blows me away.

  • @ToddCrispies
    @ToddCrispies 2 місяці тому +33

    Did it in ‘05 when it was “new”. My friend had me take a hard rip off a bowl and hold it as long as I could. The second I exhaled I was not in control. Prisoner in my own body. I felt like I was miniaturized into like a dollhouse or something and it felt like something was pulling the back of my shirt like it wanted me to fall onto my back. I fought to regain balance for a few minutes and then finally gave up, pretending like I could beat this thing on my feet. I then made it to the couch somehow and just hated life as I waited for a return to reality. Then after 7 or so minutes I instantly snapped out of it like nothing had happened. Zero after effect like not a single thing had just taken place. I visited hell that night…..never F’ing again. That plant was created by the devil himself. I am savvy with psychedelics too and I could not cope with such devastation. Don’t ever try it. Ye have been warned.

    • @bobhope4949
      @bobhope4949 2 місяці тому +3

      But that’s what tripping is, realizing you need to let go and just listen, ain’t gona go well if ya fight it

    • @ToddCrispies
      @ToddCrispies 2 місяці тому +4

      @@bobhope4949 ok bud go give it a whirl and have fun. I’ve tripped probably between 30 and 40 times. This isn’t a “fun trip” when you are teleported to a realm of helplessness. By all means have at it if you think you are such a psychedelic pro.

    • @bobhope4949
      @bobhope4949 2 місяці тому +1

      @@ToddCrispies I’ve done it a handful of times

    • @bobhope4949
      @bobhope4949 2 місяці тому

      @@ToddCrispies Todd’s are always dicks

    • @ToddCrispies
      @ToddCrispies 2 місяці тому

      @@bobhope4949 awesome. Don’t act like most people just “aren’t getting it”. You are the weird one, not me/“us”. Why don’t you go record yourself taking a huge bong hit of Salvia and post it on UA-cam so we can all see how it’s done? I would love to see how coherent you are. Please enlighten us all with how to handle a Salvia trip with expertise.

  • @hoopdocs
    @hoopdocs 2 місяці тому +57

    I took a 4 foot bong rip of that stuff bro and everything went left. I leaned left, could only think of the word left and i was stuck for 2 minutes. It felt like a hour. Its like a nasty paralysis. I wouldn't do that sh•• for $20k

    • @interstellarbeatteller9306
      @interstellarbeatteller9306 2 місяці тому +6

      The left is like 5 dudes pinning you to the ground. Once I fought that off I tried to go downstairs to find my dad, "so I knew I'd been born"
      Luckily my friend didn't let me🤣

    • @tooooxxxx
      @tooooxxxx 2 місяці тому +1

      You really should try it again and go right to even out your life, trust me bro everything will make sense after that

    • @mc-p303king6
      @mc-p303king6 2 місяці тому


    • @D-ayytoodap-yay
      @D-ayytoodap-yay 2 місяці тому +2

      The first time I tried salvia I had the same experience but I smoked it out of a bowl. I inhaled and my whole world felt sideways for about 2 minutes. I felt crooked and out of place and couldn’t stop laughing the entire 2 minutes. It was like my perspective turned 90* and I had to brace myself against the wall to stop myself from falling over. Then about 30 minutes later I smoked salvia again out of a bong and I ripped a big hit and blasted off into space but everything was made out of water bubbles and I was a torpedo traveling through water space. Since that day I haven’t tried salvia again but I would def do it again. It reminds me of a ketamine drip, with that strength of the trip but doesn’t last nearly as long as ketamine. I had a crazy trip while on a ketamine drip and I thought I was Darth Vader flying through warp space. I remember breathing like darth vader and everything. It was wild because the drip lasted for 8 hours. I was exhausted when it stopped.

    • @gangstaboy9387
      @gangstaboy9387 2 місяці тому

      This is so fucking weird. I had the same thing but not left but right instead.
      And there's one more guy in here that had the same experience.
      What is that?
      I haven't read about salvia or anything I just tried it a few times at a friend's house around 18 years ago. It was 40x so not the 120x people talk about today but it was strong.

  • @JuanYe_West
    @JuanYe_West 2 місяці тому +5

    Smoked some dried leaves in high school and it was really just a dizzying effect for me. Then in college I smoked 20x extract out of a bong and suddenly these curtains dropped to expose a reality that has always been there all along but I had forgotten. It was a very drunk-like stupor trying to remember everything but I felt like I was there for a very long time. It wasn't until I smoked DMT that I finally understood what all these hallucinogens are giving us a peak into. I was never a hippie type or anything, but there really is something to the whole "one with everything" mantra. Its been 15 years and I've never tripped since, but I believe it was a very positive experience. I no longer have any self-esteem issues or anxieties regarding what other people think. Ego death was the best thing to ever happen to me. Empathy is the key.. treat people how you'd want to be treated!

    • @Thomas-to5dr
      @Thomas-to5dr 2 місяці тому +1

      Yeah i tripped hard on salvia when i was 19. Now 37. I agree it definetley helped me let go of what others thought about me, it probably made me a better person in the long run

  • @kennymorris6329
    @kennymorris6329 22 дні тому +1

    Tried it twice. The first time was beautiful, roses filled the entire room floor to ceiling. Second time, I was locked in a dark dungeon and I could hear my captors outside plotting to kill me. Never could do it again after that, but oh that rose filled room omg.

  • @Dirtboxhor
    @Dirtboxhor 2 місяці тому +19

    Only time I smoked it I thought i'd been shot and was dead in purgatory sitting cross legged in a circle of faceless spirits I couldn't look at or speak to. But they just sat there silently watching me. Stuff is crazy

    • @johnsimth6587
      @johnsimth6587 2 місяці тому +2

      Its so strange how it hits, my buddy started chuckling "My blood has candy sprinkles in it" and he was so happy, I fell into a formless void and ended up stuck on a wall of a gas station bathroom...

    • @LSD-33166
      @LSD-33166 Місяць тому

      FOMO...i want to see this bizarre and terrifying wonderland you speak of

  • @Jake-s1p
    @Jake-s1p 2 місяці тому +21

    I did Salvia and it was crazy! Me and my guy turned into a gear and we became one and I could feel being a flat 2-d object... very uncomfortable

  • @dan001427
    @dan001427 2 місяці тому +11

    I smoked salvia once. The kitchen broke up into pieces like a jigsaw puzzle and began to float away as if in space. It wasn't a bad experience, but it was crazy.

  • @Frietpan
    @Frietpan 20 днів тому +5

    "It's so intense that most people never take it again."

    • @Mark5mith
      @Mark5mith 20 днів тому +1

      Tried it once but didn't know it, helluva ride for its short duration. It's a no from me.

    • @Frietpan
      @Frietpan 20 днів тому +1

      @@Mark5mith i was doing some truffels and some weed and some beers and then took some salvia and it didnt do much, a day later i tried again and it hit me like a freight train.. i only saw darkness with lights flashing towards me and spooking me every time the lights flashed, it kinda was like sitting in a car and drive under the lights but super intense, i also felt a huge pressure on my body and a feeling like tape was being pulled from my face... diagonally.... at the same time the lights flashed. i remember crawling to my bed and passing out. i didnt feel right for a few weeks.
      im fond of the drugs but im gonna take a pass on the salvia.

  • @Maxislithium
    @Maxislithium 2 місяці тому +19

    Eric made it to VICE?! Are you kidding me? Why? How?
    Now we need some proper Internet Comment Etiquette.

  • @onlineamiga
    @onlineamiga 2 місяці тому +26

    Some people say that when they do a heavy salvia trip, they live an entire lifetime as another person in just a few minutes. But for them, it goes on for years. Perhaps if you're reading this now, you actually did Salvia and living that life now and at some point you will wake up to your real life.

    • @calt6034
      @calt6034 2 місяці тому +5

      That's actually always the fear. I left a comment about living several lives, and coming back to this one. I won't ever smoke it again, because it's emotionally traumatic to lose everything and everyone in your other lives. The brain is a wonderful thing, and thankfully you forget most of it within a day or two, but sometimes, a life sticks. You can't forget it. And you never forget that this life may be one of those lives.

    • @timmybus21
      @timmybus21 2 місяці тому +4


    • @shubhstiws
      @shubhstiws 2 місяці тому

      Pretty sure i wouldn’t be reading UA-cam comments 💀🥹

    • @LSD-33166
      @LSD-33166 Місяць тому +3

      I'm gon be honest. That sound awesome. Kinda like Jim morrison saying he was the lizard king because he shed his skin over and over again like a snake. The idea of shedding life after life is intriguing to me.

  • @mattmadolah
    @mattmadolah 2 місяці тому +8

    I'm a psychonaut of 20 years now, and Salvia was my gateway.
    I Loved it, but there was no wasy to abuse it. I might have had 2 trips a week in my height but I was the 'shaman friend' who had access to this stuff for years and years.
    Also the "Gardening on Salvia" was one of my first times seeing any media coverage on it, but it was around in Canada since I was 10 in 1999.

    • @the_endgame
      @the_endgame 5 днів тому +1

      I have similar experiences. I used to trip solo, smoking the strongest extract I could get on the peak of a shroom trip. I’d pack a bubbler and then put a small amount of really good weed on top and light it with a match. I would try to get at least 3 huge hits before blasting off, holding them in as much as I could. If I still had motor skills, I’d throw a little more salvia in the bubbler on the 3rd or 4th hit while the bowl was cherried. I did similar things with crystal DMT on LSD peaks.

  • @Connzoh
    @Connzoh 2 місяці тому +1

    the way it takes over is truly insane and it happens before you can even finish your exhale

  • @clownhands
    @clownhands 2 місяці тому +5

    As soon as I saw the title I: (1) thought of the legendary driving on salvia video, and (2) hoped that my sexy snack Hamilton was producing this video

  • @konkeydonged
    @konkeydonged 2 місяці тому +46

    I once smoked salvia in the shower. Highly unrecommended.

    • @kingcold2154
      @kingcold2154 2 місяці тому +10

      What the hell were you thinkin? You nuts lmao

    • @MrsTessWren
      @MrsTessWren 2 місяці тому

      What inspired you to do so?

    • @mr-boo
      @mr-boo 2 місяці тому

      I imagine you got konkeydonged

    • @bobhope4949
      @bobhope4949 2 місяці тому

      I could imagine

    • @moonpigeon9
      @moonpigeon9 2 місяці тому

      Unrecommend implies u did recommend it once lmfao

  • @colinwhitfield8627
    @colinwhitfield8627 2 місяці тому +17

    Oh honey. I did it ONCE. I was in Brooklyn with my weed guy JT. He said 'My Boy gave me some salvia, have you ever tried it?'. I said no. Then tried it.
    BANG. I'm in freaking Africa and JT is a Lion. His Dreads are a mane. And not like a cartoon lion-king lion, like a full-ass LION. IN Africa. My apartment felt a world away.
    Like, not only was I in Africa, but I could FEEL how far away Brooklyn was. The veldt was shining a rosy brassy late day gold. Native birds and bugs are singing and buzzing and humming.
    I'm THERE.
    Absolute reality snatch.
    Once was plenty.

    • @stevenmoore3480
      @stevenmoore3480 2 місяці тому +5

      "The veldt was shining a rosy brassy late day gold"... very nice my guy, literary.

  • @beautifulcatastrophe
    @beautifulcatastrophe 19 днів тому +1

    I watched all these videos when it was avail on UA-cam 😂
    I love how that give jump and smashes the window 😂😂😂😂

  • @hepatitisatoz5666
    @hepatitisatoz5666 2 місяці тому +23

    last time i tried it i had a pet elephant that sat on my chest, i could feel the weight of it, but then i snapped back to reality and realized i was standing up and pressing myself against the wall

    • @nickr688
      @nickr688 2 місяці тому +1

      Similar experience where I unwittingly sat up and bonked my forehead on the bed frame above, then after indescribable geometry I experienced something like a car running over myself as if I were an ant, painfully, then the all encompassing pain was what anchored me back into reality, slowly refocusing back into the mild pain of pressing my dumb head into the bed frame before snapping right back to reality.

  • @Ravensdrum
    @Ravensdrum 2 місяці тому +54

    Salvia is no joke. It’s a shamanic sacrament with a spiritual element. It does NOT like to be burned and smoked. It wants to be used properly in a ceremonial setting. How do I know? Because it told me. It needs to be approached with respect.

    • @ToveriJuri
      @ToveriJuri 2 місяці тому +5

      At first, I thought you were full of yourself, but when I read that it told that actually made sense.

    • @yetanotheryoutuber4271
      @yetanotheryoutuber4271 2 місяці тому +1

      how do you take it without smoking it?

    • @Ravensdrum
      @Ravensdrum Місяць тому +7

      @@yetanotheryoutuber4271 the Mazatec natives chew the leaves during ceremony, making the transition into spiritual realms more gradual and manageable. Saliva has much to teach someone who approaches with respect and reverence

    • @matthewbacque1622
      @matthewbacque1622 Місяць тому

      Aho, bro.. aho..

    • @LSD-33166
      @LSD-33166 Місяць тому +3

      Makes sense...smoking is bad vibes man

  • @niceguy8283
    @niceguy8283 2 місяці тому +6

    I had my carpets cleaned and they were brand new looking. No stains. When I smoked salvia I could see the old stains clear as day and so could my friends. When it wore off the carpet looked clean again. Freaked me out.

    • @KhronicD
      @KhronicD 28 днів тому +1

      Weird how clearly your brain retains memories, especially visual and odor ones. YOU may forget, but often they're still there in the deepest parts of your mind waiting for something to trigger them.

  • @HerveMendell
    @HerveMendell 5 днів тому

    I did salvia once. I was guided by a friend who was a self styled shaman. I was skeptical of it all. But I gotta say it was on of the most amazing things I ever experienced. After smoking it, I really felt nothing. Then my shaman friend suggested that I needed to be be in another postion. I lay down on my back, then he placed his oustretched fingers on my fore head. Then I had the sensation of his fingers actually entering into my head. Then grabbed my mind or conciousness and actually pulled it out of my head.. Then I experianced that my entire conciousness was just located on a disc, and below that was another one, and another, all arranged in a spiral that got smaller and smaller until there was just a benign void. Then I regained normal conciousness. I wasnt freaked out or disturbed, it was all very peaceful. The main take away though is that you need a shaman type person who knows what he's doing to guide you.

  • @alicewonderland1060
    @alicewonderland1060 2 місяці тому +18

    My first time smoking it in 2006 I thought, “this legal high won’t do jack” boy was I wrong. Legal highs were only new on the scene back then

    • @janaharvey550
      @janaharvey550 2 місяці тому +1

      Exactly the thinking I had when I agreed🤦‍♀️

  • @gtgodbear6320
    @gtgodbear6320 2 місяці тому +6

    I remember my cousin bringing me a glass of shroom tea of fresh caps boiled into a tea. I misunderstood his instructions and chugged it not knowing it was supposed to last at least 8 hours of small drinks. I was tripping so hard I couldn't find my way out of a 12' by 12' bath house. All I knew was that I couldn't wait until tomorrow but I didn't know what tomorrow was. So I was stuck in a loop for 8 hours. " I can't wait until tomorrow. What's tomorrow? I don't know but all I know is I can't wait until tomorrow. But what's tomorrow? Ect..." my cousin looked through the window and was going to help me but he saw that I was completely insane and was scared. So he just let it wear off befor opening the door. Showing me the way out.

  • @iambumpy
    @iambumpy 2 місяці тому +11

    I turned into a stage. I was the stage. I was teleported to what was the end of a performance of some type by geometric muppet like creatures, and as the show was coming to an end it was my job to fold up like an accordion and close out the show as people were clapping and music was playing. I could feel myself fold and collapse in on myself like a folding book. Then suddenly I was sucked back into my human body and sat there questioning the fabric of reality for the next couple hours. That was 20x extract that I bought from a small local goth shop that sold magic stuff. Pretty sure the woman who owns it is an actual witch.

    • @Thomas-to5dr
      @Thomas-to5dr 2 місяці тому

      The folding book thing is pretty common i think. The 1 time i did it 18 years ago, I remember being put into some kind of cartoon flip book flipping through different dimensions as a 2D cartoon version of myself.

  • @KORNdog1986
    @KORNdog1986 2 місяці тому +5

    Took a massive hit of 50x when i was in my early 20's. And the moment i exhaled i was gone. sense of existing where i was at brain just went somewhere else for 5 minutes. This isnt like other drugs where you're still conscious of your surroundings and your litterally are someone else/somewhere else/something else for 5 minutes that feel like 5 lifetimes.
    My friends described me climbing up the sofa frantically for a while until i finally settled down and sat on the floor resting my back on the radiator in my friends house.
    What i saw was what others have described as "the wheel". Imagine a wheel with infinite spokes. Each spoke a different version of your consciousness/a different universe. Its enormous in scale...unfathomable. this wheel is spinning fast initially. Disorientingly fast and i was along for that ride whether i liked it or not and it felt like i had spent an eternity there. A nauseous, neverending spiral of hell. ...But then the wheel begins to slow, and where the wheel stops determines if it is *i* who returns to my body. The body leaning back againt that radiator in my friends house...or one of the infinite number of others.
    As the wheel slowed i could see and hear and feel the neighboring spokes of reality/consciousness desperately clawing at a chance to exist. Unbearable sorrow as the wheel spins too far and they lose their chance. Forever lost in the darkness of non existence...
    Did *i* ultinately win? Am i the same version of myself that took that hit of the bong? I honestly dont know. And that thought broke my brain for months. I disassociated in the worst way i ever have. Questioning if where i was was even real... but i ultimately recovered.
    But that memory. That nightmarish hallucination will stay will me forever. I wouldnt recommend this to anyone. It is potent in a way nothing else is imo. And the fact this stuff is legal is insane to me. Use with caution.

    • @dougoudvincent
      @dougoudvincent Місяць тому +1

      That's exactly what I felt. Don't do salvia

    • @sarra_tonin
      @sarra_tonin Місяць тому

      Thanks for sharing!! How was the recovery process for you? What did it take on your end to recover from your disassociation?

    • @KORNdog1986
      @KORNdog1986 Місяць тому +1

      @@sarra_tonin Time was all that was needed. The worst of it was the first month or so. I found it really hard to stay concentrated on work. I imagine my productivity dropped a fair bit but it wasn't noticed. Had the usual disinterest in a lot of things. Gaming, movies, music. Some things would even trigger the disassociation or heighten the detached sensation (don't watch shutter island after taking salvia lol)
      But it was mostly just a year of feeling a bit like I was living in a dream that got less intense as the year went on. I found listening to relaxing music would keep the panic attack symptoms at bay through a work day.
      I imagine from the outside I just kind of appeared depressed or antisocial. Which I still am 😅 but not as bad as I was immediately after taking salvia.

    • @Cemow777
      @Cemow777 Місяць тому +1

      Didnt do it myself but had a friend that had a similar vision of a wall with thousands of moments of his life as photos and he thought that once he lived the moment he would go up on the wall and a new him would take his place.

    • @sarra_tonin
      @sarra_tonin Місяць тому

      @@KORNdog1986 thanks a bunch for this. The year that you needed, were you still partaking in anything or was it a year straight of no psychoactives?
      If this is too personal, please don’t feel obligated to respond. Thanks for your time!

  • @Praisethemooon
    @Praisethemooon 2 місяці тому +14

    I did with my brother once and I became a surfboard and I was begging strange creatures to be picked but they ignored me

    • @MrsTessWren
      @MrsTessWren 2 місяці тому +6

      Becoming an object and not being chosen is a common theme I’m noticing throughout the comments. Thanks for sharing your experience😊

    • @leopardface2933
      @leopardface2933 2 місяці тому +3

      yeah what the heck is up with this theme so bizzare

  • @AgentSmith911
    @AgentSmith911 2 місяці тому +12

    3:56 ever heard of personal space?

  • @CM-tc6pp
    @CM-tc6pp 2 місяці тому +6

    Salvia was so nuts. By far the craziest 10-minute trips of my life. They were so intense. I saw mini green elves working in a factory, one time the room i was in turned into jigsaw puzzle pieces and i was trying to pull it back together with a rope. it took my friends and I a few times before we broke through and we would take turns babysitting each other through our trips. Great high school memories. We used to be able to get it at smoke shops, is it still legal?

  • @opedromagico
    @opedromagico 9 днів тому

    At first, I thought this would be about DMT. I've plenty of experience with DMT, but none with salvia. Would anyone who had taken both be so kind as to explain me difference between the two? And also to say if Salvia works well for meditation and health in general.. DMT is helping me solve what 30 doctors couldn't (MS/CIRS/MCAs), I'm curious if Salvia could be another great tool. Thanks!

  • @UncleOcto
    @UncleOcto 2 місяці тому +21

    bounced on my boy's salvia space rocket to this video

  • @lewistyler462
    @lewistyler462 2 місяці тому +7

    Becoming objects, that form part of a logo. Falling through space. The experience seems to be laughing at you. Very strange body feeling and intense sweating.

  • @sp00g37
    @sp00g37 2 місяці тому +17

    I have had hundreds of psychdelic trips from shrooms through dmt (minus mescaline, always escaped me somehow), a slew of experiences with dissociatives, and very little experience with deliriants like datura (I smoked it, making is significantly less potent than drinking a tea). Salvia is the only thing to completely freak me out. I want to take it on again in the future, but right now, it causes an instant anxiety attack.

    • @MrsTessWren
      @MrsTessWren 2 місяці тому +1

      Why do you want to take it again? What’s your plan?😊

    • @sp00g37
      @sp00g37 2 місяці тому +1

      @@MrsTessWren there was something there and I freaked out, I don't want to freak out. I want to be a little more mature in the trip

    • @scottrc5391
      @scottrc5391 2 місяці тому +2

      But unlike datura, which can KILL you if you get the dose wrong (even seeds from the same plant have different potencies), salvia probably won't (by itself at least). An salvia is only a few minutes, not a 12 hour+ delirium nightmare like datura. Even Hunter S Thompson wouldn't touch the "jimson weed" anymore after one try.

    • @oxoniumgirl
      @oxoniumgirl 2 місяці тому

      same history of psychs and anxiety here, but just want to say mescaline was the most euphoric and happy high i ever had. it's super rare to find but san predro skins can be had if you try hard enough, worth it if you want to check off that final box.

    • @sp00g37
      @sp00g37 2 місяці тому

      @@oxoniumgirl i might in the future. I had a foot of san Pedro a while ago. Boiled it down and made a tea bag for it. Put it in the freezer to keep it safe. Landlord didn't pay his bills, so when electric went out, the freezer took it. There were ants in it, so hopefully they got a trip.

  • @hikikomori_999
    @hikikomori_999 13 днів тому

    “Excuse me, I have to go to space now.”
    🤣 facts!