Im not sure how the Japanese people view Americans, but as an American myself, i can say that the vast majority of Americans love and admire the Japanese people and their culture.
Page 797 nock = n 1 a notch on an arrow that fits on the bowstring. 2 either of the grooves at each end of a bow that hold the bowstring. ▪vb (tr) 3 to fit (an arrow) on a bowstring. [C14: rel. to Swedish nock tip]
Im not sure how the Japanese people view Americans, but as an American myself, i can say that the vast majority of Americans love and admire the Japanese people and their culture.
Today I meet this new word; nock. I never come across this word anywhere before.
Page 797
nock = n 1 a notch on an arrow that fits on the bowstring. 2 either of the grooves at each end of a bow that hold the bowstring. ▪vb (tr) 3 to fit (an arrow) on a bowstring. [C14: rel. to Swedish nock tip]
They plan next war in Asia😂
No comments for a reason. Irrelevant
What is irrelevant?
These warmongers pretend to discuss the future of Asia under security blanket. 😂😂😂