  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @user-xe9uy5ly3i
    @user-xe9uy5ly3i 21 день тому +8

    It doesn't matter if it was just 2 people or many people on the Earth to procreate. The Bible from God is for us to learn to TRUST Him even when these stories don't make sense to us. He gave us a beginning chapter. Just believe and keep it simple. Trust n Faith ! God Bless !!!

    • @HeydaCarreras
      @HeydaCarreras 8 днів тому

      is stupid like you say. Just walk with eyes closed. Be blind? No question anything? Be ignorant? That's not what God wants for us at ll.
      -- Absurd for God is create a planet with everything and two people: COMPLETELY STUPID IDEA.

  • @dobrinmicu92
    @dobrinmicu92 20 днів тому +3

    Trust in Yahawah and Yeshua Hamashiach with all your heart ❤️ and soul and thank Yah that He didn't erase us from the face of the earth 🌍 as He seen that Noah was obedient to Him and give Us another chance to repent and turn back to Yahawah. Praise our Creator forever and ever for eternity. Amen

  • @tedsangalang
    @tedsangalang 20 днів тому +3

    It could be after 300 years of wandering, Cain encountered a village which was descendants of Adam and Eve , people then could live for more than 900 years!

    • @corkystorky
      @corkystorky 20 днів тому

      Man, imagine in our times, meeting a 300 year old woman, and make her your wife. "Hi there! My name is Cain, I'm actually your brother, how old are you? You mean you got that old with still no husband? I'm here to offer my services and set you free"

  • @joelwallace1759
    @joelwallace1759 21 день тому +1

    Very well presented. Very well

  • @StarEssences
    @StarEssences 21 день тому +2

    Even with dogs; with too much specified inbreeding, some dog breeds have developed health issues and dog specialists have rectified this by mating with other types of breeds.
    There are some who claim to follow God and they are participants in POLYGAMY. However, my concerns about this and a minister of the Lord had answered my question about that. "God does not condone POLYGAMY, but he allows it". There are many other actions among the human race that God does not CONDONE, but they are allowed.

    • @papasteph3226
      @papasteph3226 20 днів тому

      God did condone polygamy multiple times all throughout the Bible to grow a covenant race of people. That is the lone reason He allows it. That truth is taught not only in the Bible, but in the Book of Mormon in Jacob chapter 2. His Law on marriage is one male and one female. He allows an application of the law, as needed, with one male and multiple wives enabling a fast growth of covenant population. It is only allowed for those who have zero lust and are without adulterous intents. Hence, it can't be used in our day today full of lust and adultery. He used it in the late 1800s in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to quickly grow modern day Israel and covenant people. Then ended the practice when it no longer could be lived in such an immoral nation.

  • @ManyOlives
    @ManyOlives 19 днів тому +1

    So this is just a theory, but perhaps Adam was not the "first human" but the first to be chosen for something new, thus being put into the garden to start something new with God. Just as Noah, Abraham, the Israelites, and the Christians were all chosen out of the many to start something new.

    • @dannettepeters1507
      @dannettepeters1507 15 днів тому

      Definitely an interesting, even plausible theory, but would require significant altering of the Bible. Adam is referenced as the FIRST of GOD'S Creation "made in HIS OWN IMAGE" in multiple places within the Scripture's. From the Old through to the New Testaments, Adam and Eve are the first human beings.

  • @s.raphaelcastellano2233
    @s.raphaelcastellano2233 4 дні тому

    Scripture says
    1. ADAM and EVE where the first... Didn't say that they were the FIRST.. Didn't say they were the only ones created.
    2. God don't change, Malachi 3:6, Numbers 23:19
    3. God isn't one of disorder, 1 Corinthians 14:33
    4. God will NOT profane his covenant or change the words he has spoken, He is UNCHANGEABLE. Psalm 89:34, Hebrew 6:17-18.
    Since according to John 10:35 it's impossible for scripture to be broken, the above MUST hold true! Which means he was always against such things!... However on the other hand he has always allowed the marriage of cousins...

  • @victoryred4883
    @victoryred4883 20 днів тому +1

    Probably a niece or cousin

  • @s.raphaelcastellano2233
    @s.raphaelcastellano2233 4 дні тому

    No where in scripture said that Noah's sons married their sisters... They already had wives preflood.

  • @alaskanspartan89
    @alaskanspartan89 2 дні тому

    Cain's wife is also his sister

  • @user-qt9os4nn8f
    @user-qt9os4nn8f 4 дні тому

    Incest was allowed then it was not allowed,what about the changes it meant that God changed his words?

    @YAHWEHYAHSHUA144 20 днів тому +1


  • @fatimarespress5642
    @fatimarespress5642 21 день тому +2

    Yah created Adam and put him in a garden. He had already created males and females without the garden

    • @Cold913
      @Cold913 21 день тому

      Notice that the narrator's of this channel wants us to "Gloss Over" evidence that Prehistoric animals, and Prehistoric man and woman did exist millions and billions years ago. Adam And Eve according to many DIFFERENT scientists have stated that Adam and Eve Homosapians, (Modern Day Humans) has only been on earth no more then 300 thousand years. Evidence shows from skeletal remains that other species of humans, and dinosaurs existed, am I wrong? Homosapians came into this world as few dinosaurs still existed according to scientists carbon dating etc.

  • @DigDeeper-kb4cs
    @DigDeeper-kb4cs 17 днів тому

    analyze this verses in Genesis
    1:27] So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them... DID NOT MENTION ADAM OR EVE'S NAME, MEANING THE CREATOR FIRST CREATED THE FIRST COUPLE LONG BEFORE THE CREATION OF ADAM AND EVE
    Genesis 2:7). Therefore, Adam was created from the soil, which is actually reflected in his name.. ONLY IN THIS VERSE THAT THE NAME OF ADAM APPEARED!
    CAN is his name not CAIN
    CAN means SERPENT or SNAKE
    CAN or CAIN is half human and half SERPENT!

  • @brettrose738
    @brettrose738 21 день тому +1

    In the characteristics of the antichrist spoken in Daniel, it is important to not underestimate the fact of his desires to change time and laws.
    One of the first hermeneutical references to such an infraction as to the understanding of time is often overlooked in the passages of the Tanakh. In reference to Qayn and his unacceptable offering.
    After all, it was "in the course of time" that his offering was "unseen".
    Was his understanding of time flawed?
    I encourage study in this matter as the Hebrew word used here leaves an impression that his offering was unseen (saah) is a demonstration (hence it ending with the hei letter) that if the offering was made at a point and time unqualified then it didn't count.
    This is further perceptualized in the sign of the letter tau being used as the Mark.
    A cross. Where does it come from?
    How is it associated with time?
    Qayn didn't repent.
    Spring, summer, fall and winter are delineated by equinox, solstice, equinox and solstice. The pyramids are set in accordance with this. A cross.😊

  • @fatimarespress5642
    @fatimarespress5642 21 день тому +1


  • @Cold913
    @Cold913 21 день тому +2

    Uncertainty is NOT! Genisis Chapter 1 Male and Female was created to REPLINISH the earth, for instance: 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
    28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Now let's speak about the trees in Genisis Chapter 1. GOD SAID, 29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Genisis Chapter 2, Adam and Eve WASN'T told to Replinish the earth, and they couldn't just eat from every bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, but Preadamites (Prehistoric man) could.

    • @Cold913
      @Cold913 21 день тому

      Notice that the narrator's of this channel wants us to "Gloss Over" evidence that Prehistoric animals, and Prehistoric man and woman did exist millions and billions years ago. Adam And Eve according to many DIFFERENT scientists have stated that Adam and Eve Homosapians, (Modern Day Humans) has only been on earth no more then 300 thousand years. Evidence shows from skeletal remains that other species of humans, and dinosaurs existed, am I wrong? Homosapians came into this world as few dinosaurs still existed according to scientists carbon dating etc.

  • @berlindamoustafa1887
    @berlindamoustafa1887 21 день тому


  • @TheSooz2008
    @TheSooz2008 19 днів тому

    It's not complicated to know what happened. There were no other people living on the earth. All humans come from Adam and Eve. So where did Cain get his wife from? His family. She was either a sister or niece or cousin. Seems shocking? Why? The defects that come from inbreeding? But this was not an issue back then. Humans were closer to perfection than they are now. The fact that they lived for hundreds of years shows this. Today this would not be acceptable since children born from such a close aliance would bring defective children. But back then, they were closer to perfection. Adam and Eve were perfect when they were created. When they sinned and rebelled against God, that's when they became imperfect and would grow old and die. They lost their perfection and would no longer live forever. As time went on people were further away from that point of perfection and finally the marriage alliances of close relatives was stopped. Something to think on is, what would be an even closer alliance than two close relatives marrying? That would be Adam and Eve. Eve was a direct creation from Adam's body. It doesn't get any closer than that. Eve had Adam's direct DNA.
    Using outside sources of apocryphal books to find answers, is in contrast of what God intended. None of those books were used because they were not inspired by God. In fact those all have spiritistic and demonic themes and events, something condemned in the Bible.

  • @momomo-kr9wy
    @momomo-kr9wy 19 днів тому

    Adam and Eve is the first Human on earth they are creation by God not from a human

  • @MrSamBowers
    @MrSamBowers 20 днів тому

    It's all fiction.