I cannot wait for the new season coming up soon this fall. I mean, there was a tidbit of them arguing and I just cannot wait to see it. I'm all Ebay all the way but still, Emmett deserves to get a good talking to.
You'll notice 112meshel - deaf people don't look at the hands when they sign, they look at each others faces. The signs and the face together tell the whole story.
Bay and Emmitt are really cute togetter I live thus show very good actors theses 2 are
I cannot wait for the new season coming up soon this fall. I mean, there was a tidbit of them arguing and I just cannot wait to see it. I'm all Ebay all the way but still, Emmett deserves to get a good talking to.
Being drunk now excuses cheating. I know he was angry drunk. But it's still an assy thing to do
Bay and Emmet remind me of my boyfriend and I. We are going on seven years together :) they will make it through.
love this videos
Your right
"My Island in this sea of divorce" ......... awwwwwwww
i cant believe emmett did that to bay i hope this isnt the end of them!!
You'll notice 112meshel - deaf people don't look at the hands when they sign, they look at each others faces. The signs and the face together tell the whole story.
i hope Bay and Emmett can move past this . come out strouger from it they are a great couple.
Can you post Emmett and Bay scenes from episodes 21 and 22?
im clearly lost what exactly did he do to bay?
He cheated …with Simone :(
Can you put up episode clips from 1x22
I'm lost. Just know what been happening from the clips--can someone please explain what's going on?
aweesomecousins lol 7 years late
@RoNfOrThEwIn Emmett was full on Drunk He would never really cheat on Bay.
ty is better than Emmet cheated on Bay
she doesn't look at his hands when he signs ... umm?
@EEEfa4815 He cheated on her with Simone. I really hate him right now. All Bay was trying to do was help and he freaks out on her and cheats. UGH!!!
He cheated on bay with Simon he had sex with a different girl