Joel Beeke - A Godly Work Ethic

  • Опубліковано 18 бер 2024
  • Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.
    Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the Bible
    In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Pastor and Professor Joel Beeke to discuss A Godly Work Ethic.
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    For more information on Jonny Ardavanis and Dial In


  • @matodzidavhana
    @matodzidavhana 3 місяці тому +10

    For the glory of God. 🙏🏾

  • @basics1007
    @basics1007 3 місяці тому +6

    Thank you. This has really changed my perspective on work.

  • @jasonortiz8882
    @jasonortiz8882 3 місяці тому +5

    Love you Christian brothers

  • @SolaBiblia07
    @SolaBiblia07 3 місяці тому +5

    Helpful video👍God created us to work!

  • @scottearlsmithFTC
    @scottearlsmithFTC 3 місяці тому +2

    Love your channel Jonny. God bless you.

  • @Vagren
    @Vagren 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you for this. Lately I’ve been feeling so demotivated to work. I keep messing up and it feels like such a long chore to do. I like my work but I don’t necessarily love it. Thank you for this fresh, new perspective. As a Christian, I really want to show excellence in my work because I know God desires the best of us, but recently I’ve been feeling so uninspired.

  • @patrickbrowne4606
    @patrickbrowne4606 3 місяці тому +4

    That was really great. It helped me to put a Godly perspective on my job.

  • @joe18wire
    @joe18wire 3 місяці тому +4

    Lovely interview. Thank you

  • @machickman4041
    @machickman4041 3 місяці тому +5

    Awesome video!

  • @lykagonzales4152
    @lykagonzales4152 3 місяці тому +1

    Soli Deo Gloria 💞

  • @user-kf4zh5qm8z
    @user-kf4zh5qm8z 2 місяці тому

    I'm starting to look for a job to help the elderly please pray for me to be able to share the gospel and meet patients who love Jesus Christ. Thank ❤ you.

  • @JustReadTheBible
    @JustReadTheBible 3 місяці тому

    Loved this convo. I’m in the little kids season and was rolling this idea around in my mind all day today (finding joy in the mundane tasks)- your video feels like God is responding to me in encouragement. Thank you & God bless you both.

  • @rach1258
    @rach1258 3 місяці тому +5

    What I struggle is, as a Christian now, do I pursue the great comission work, namely sharing the Gospel? Or just regualar work? Which path is to be pursued is my question? Why and why not? The more I learn about this the more I am left confused, its something a deep clarity on

    • @rach1258
      @rach1258 3 місяці тому

      Also I was recently thinking, why I hate working in general. I usrd to decieve my self saying its becausr you don't enjoy this particular thingd its ony until this and that but what I reliazed very recently is I just font like labor both mentally and manually, I only like ease, why is that? Is it a heart problem, is it my heart? Or is it just work is not enjoyable in general? Whichever the answer is what is the Cure? What are the solutions to free me from the bondage of laziness? Its literally having a real nrgative consequenses in my life and having being affecting me for over ten years anf there seem to be no out and soluyion, no matter hoe much I am praying and implementing different techniques and solve it!

    • @rach1258
      @rach1258 3 місяці тому

      Another question, when I get to the root of the matter, it all comes dowm to what life is, practically? What is life? I believe life is God and its living life with him, every singile breath I breath for him and with him, and one way to live out practically for him is by spending time with him but the question comes when I have to do other activities, like for personal care, caring and rnjoying time with loved oned, and working(if the work is spritual related it doesnt feel burdonesome because that is also a direction interaction with God, even tho its a ministry, its a work, there is also active interaction with God), but when it comes to other types of Jobs which ussually take most of my time(plus this takes up my full attention and energy, whole heart and mind) and other activities I mentioned...I cant help but see life compartimentalized, and other things especially work seem to take me away from being with God my heart gets completely focused on accoupied with other things that I am left dry. So I always wonder is it that life is God and being with God and those activities are additional responsiblities that we have to do them as soon as possibile and run to God(is it maybe why I dont enjoy work and even other things doesnt satisfy as much?) or all the activities, including being with God et cetera et cetera are what make up life and I am suppose to live rach part and thats how God is glorified?! Whatz your answer yo this and how do I reconcile these two worlds? What is life in general, practical? What I am created to do? How did God intend my every micro secs to look like? What are the tgings I should seek and my heart should beat after? Whrn I finally go to heavrn and live with God do I get to enjoy him the wholr day by active intetaction all the time or there indirect way like you guys said working for the glory of God and God being in it erather I feel it or not?

    • @myahrios7322
      @myahrios7322 5 днів тому

      ​​@@rach1258Hi! The first key thing to understand here is that fulfilling the great commission does not equate to work full-time sharing the gospel and it's a calling for some, not all. And God will make it clear to you if that's your calling. We all fulfill the commission by sharing about God and being a living testimony to others in every environment within the circle of influence given us by God. This includes our regular jobs. First I'd ask myself if the reason why I only like working in the things of God is because it takes me lesser effort to do it than other work or if the gospel is my full-time calling and my dissatisfaction is because I'm outside my purpose. I do believe your focus needs to be to ask the Lord to teach you what your purpose is. You're looking at the meaning of life as a "one size fits all" thing but God created you for a specific purpose and wants to express that purpose through different methods, which includes the job you have, how you engage with your family, and how you prepare your body and mind to serve others effectively when engaging with them. Life is also about shaping your soul for your eternity (meaning, your experiences in life develop in you the character of Christ, namely the fruits of the Spirit, which is what the Bible calls sanctification so your soul wil become ready to receive your glorified body at Christ's coming - a body with a sinless DNA). Life is you being "thrown" down here to earth to fulfill a purpose or purposes, about finding out what you were created to serve the world with and what methods does God want you to use to accomplish that, and at what time (meaning, how can you offer up your gifts, talents, personalities and actions to enrich the souls of others and/or lead them to an eternity with the Father? God may want you to accomplish these things with various methods). How does God want you to serve the world for the benefits of their souls and God's benefit above your own? When you find that, you'll find fulfillment and motivation to do any work, heavy or not, because you'll know that your character is being worked on, that that job is a necessary step for your growth with God, to equip you to grow and to grow others in Him.

    • @myahrios7322
      @myahrios7322 5 днів тому

      I wrote a massive response and I think it didn't go through! But I'll sum it up and say that you're looking at the meaning of life from a one size fits all perspective. Before I go into details, I just wanted to say that we all fulfill the great commission when being a living testimony within any environments God puts us in. Full-time great commissioning is a ministry, a specific calling some have, which may be your calling or not but if you're neglecting time with your family, job and self over spending time with God, there's definitely something wrong there because your time with God should encourage you and bring you pleasure in dedicating yourself to these things so I'd first take a look at how you spend time with God. Are you spending intellectual time with God or actually entering his presence in solitude through prayer in which you allow God to start speak back to you even in the quiet of the moment, for example. Are you studying about God to get to know his mind and heart or to attain something from Him. Once you examine this, it can be revealing of our motivations and even of the sources of our gospel feeding (meaning the type of preachers we lend our ears to, etc). I believe the main issue stems from how you're perceiving the meaning of life. As believers, we all have the same underlying purpose, which is to glorify God with our lives (and even the wicked glorifiy God through their defeat when serving the devil) but what that looks like for each of us is totally different from one another so first, ask the Lord how YOU were created to express his glory. Second, life is a school, first a school to teach us good and evil so we can pick the side we want to be on for eternity (God's idea of good or the world's?). You experience the benefits and consequences of all options before you choose what you want to live for eternally. Your death seals your decision. If you truly chose God for the right reasons, you'll end the race of life well. You soul then starts being trained on your choice of being with God along the way throughout the years, learning to develop the character of Christ in your soul, namely the fruits of the Spirit, so your soul can match your glorified body when you receive it. It's what sanctification is all about: the training of the soul. So you welcome every situation you're put in with thanksgiving, knowing it's going to ultimately benefit your soul (and of others in the process). The biggest trait in Christ's character is to serve others in whatever capacity is needed so the same is expected of you if you want to develop the character of Christ. Once you develop pleasure in serving others above yourself, you'll become satisfied in any job you have even if you hate that type of job or the politics of it or for not being at a job that matches your skills or interests, or a job that is out of the scope of your calling (even those are meant to train our souls and impact people you come in contact with in the meantime) so ask God, "What do you need to train me on right now and where do I go for it?" "Where do I go to serve others in a way that the benefit for them will be eternal? How can I serve others in this way?" "How can serve my family? How can I serve my community, strangers, my enemies? How can I benefit their souls towards their eternity?" If you don't develop pleasure in benefiting others above yourself, then your life does not reflect Christ's

  • @Shiloh78
    @Shiloh78 2 місяці тому

    Please pray for me that I will get a true Christian job! Thank you!

  • @tintrach
    @tintrach Місяць тому

    eaten by gators,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOLLLLLLLLL. Good one Jonny.